Clydesdale Media Podcast

We recap all the news of the week and dive into what we saw at the Crash Crucible including our very own Carolyne Prevost’s performance. We look at who will be missing the Rogue Invitational this year.  What did the PFAA have to say to Talking Elite Fitness? We release the trailer for All Access Episode 6.

What is Clydesdale Media Podcast?

We cover the sport of CrossFit from all angles. We talk with athletes, coaches and celebrities that compete and surround in the sport of CrossFit at all levels. We also bring you Breaking News, Human Interest Stories and report on the Methodology of CrossFit. We also use the methodology to make ourselves the fittest we can be.

what is going on everybody

welcome to sunday sunday

sunday night crossfit talk

there we go I'm making it

bigger and badder every

single week yeah you are um

you know what's really

funny is before we went on

the air we were talking

about fondue and I as I as

you were talking I was

scrolling through instagram

just to check for any last

minute things fondue pot

fondue pot that's freaky

That is freaky.

They're always listening.

So, yes, Jody Lynn, go Bears.

What a morning to wake up

and get to watch your Bears

pummel the Jacksonville

Jaguars in London was awesome.

And your rookie quarterback

throw four touchdowns.

And then at a fifth rushing,

it was awesome.


I've never had a team that could throw

that well.

So, um,

I am just stoked with my NFL team

and my college team,

Penn state going out to USC,

starting off really,

really slow and then coming

back and winning that game

in overtime was awesome.

And so I've had a really

good football weekend.

That's good.


We had a bi-week for Michigan state.

So nothing there.

Um, lines one, but man,

I don't know if any of you

caught that Aiden Hutchinson leg snap.


Where's my girl Lana in the comments.

I'm sure she was caught it.


I, uh,

I saw on Instagram that

Chase and his wife went to

the Cowboy game,

which was the Lions game as well.

They picked a really bad

week to go watch the Cowboys.

Not great for them.

No, not go Guardians kipping.

Yeah, it was not great sports-wise for us.

Tigers are out.

I have been a Mets fan for a long time.

Pirates fan number one,

but they never do anything.

So I've always liked the

Mets because of Bobby

Bonilla when he left the

Pirates and went to the Mets.

And my Mets,

as I'm jumping on this bandwagon,

are in the National League

Division Championship.

So super stoked.

Um, but yeah, uh,

Aiden Hutchinson is a big

loss as a Bears fan.

I am not sad that we may not

have to see him this year.

I bet.

And I saw Eric Frazier say something about,

yeah, it was against the Jags.


But the Bears have never

beat the teams they were

supposed to beat.

And we've done that so far this year.

And I will take that and

building confidence along the way.

Everything is baby steps for us.

It's been a long time since

nineteen eighty five.

Let's just say.

Oh, we got Yankees.

We got Dodgers.

We got Mets.

We got guardians.


And Mets Dodgers start tonight.

In fact,

they've already started about an

hour ago.

So yeah.

I wonder if Hiller is

smiling or crying that his

boy got in the game.

Oh, Tyson got to play.

Very little.


He got the mop up,

three kneel down at the end of the game.


He has like six snaps for

minus seven yards rushing

because he takes the kneel

down and gets minus one.


Every time.

And they were giving him

crap about it after the game today.

But he's like, listen,

as long as the team keeps winning,

it's good stuff.

So Hiller's a Bears fan,

not just a Tyson fan.

So he has to like the results.

um but oh we just got a

message from carolyn yeah

carolyn uh said her

computer isn't working send

a link yep okay got it um

sure okay may just take me

a second so you have to run

the show now oh boy


we probably don't want to talk about

crash until Carolyn

actually gets on here.

Tomorrow is someone's birthday.

Tomorrow is someone's birthday.

Whose birthday is that?

Remember last year at crash,

it was my birthday.

I know.


So I went to,

that's why I went to dinner

and why we were talking about fondue.

I went to Grand Rapids.

My nephew's birthday was Wednesday.

So we're pretty, pretty close.

So we went to the melting

pot in Grand Rapids and

it's basically like you get fondue,

you get bowls in the center

on a hot plate and fondues,

like you pick your fondue, you pick your

broth to cook in or a

skillet and then you get

chocolate fondue and stuff

at the end for dessert.

It was good.

It was really nice.


So, forty-one tomorrow.

Forty-one tomorrow.

Holy smokes.


Kipping asked, did you get the filet?

We did.

So my son and I got the,

there was ten of us there.

It's like my brother-in-law, sister,

they have three kids.

My mom went,

and then my brother-in-law's

parents went.

So, yeah, Lucas and I split a two-person,

and it was like this big combo.

We basically got the, like,

max that you could get.

It had a lobster tail, filet, teriyaki,

steak, chicken, salmon, shrimp.

might have been it I don't

know yeah it was good boom

there she is and then uh

jody lynn says another cool

libra happy birthday jamie

thank you happy birthday

cool I'm sure more will

come in as well how are you

feeling carolyn

Guys, I just had to switch hotel rooms.


I found two cockroaches and

I got the heck out of there.

Oh my gosh.

So I went to the front desk

and I videoed and I was like,

can I get another room?

I'm like, I'm not staying here.

So I just got put in this other room.

So this all happened in the

last ten minutes.

I was trying to turn my

computer on and then that

wasn't working and I was like, ugh.

But yeah.

You look like you might be

where I was last year.

It's like one of the suites

that has like the kitchen,

like the fridge, cooktop, everything.


I bet you're in the same hotel I was.

There wasn't a whole lot of options.


Aaron Fraser says, welcome to the South.

So hopefully all is good now.

So like when I got in here,

turn on all the lights,

see if I could see anything.


But you were in the other

room all weekend and then

just saw them today.


I saw one this like really early morning.

And then it was kind of like

dead in the bathroom.

I felt like maybe my

athletic therapist may have

stepped on it or something

because it wasn't really moving.

And I crunched it up.

And then I went to the venue

and I was gone basically

like all day and then went back.

I was like, okay, it was just one.

Maybe it's okay.

Like, well, you know,

I got one more night.

I leave at four a.m.

Like, let's see.

And then I'm like starting

to pack up my stuff.

I look on the roof, like on the ceiling.

And I'm like, how's that thingy?

And I saw it and I was like, nope.

I packed up my stuff so fast

and went to the front desk.

Jodi Lynn says, what?

You need another hotel.

This one just already smells better.

The other one smelled like

it was like moist.

So this one smells normal.

Lynn actually says next time

you need to do an Airbnb.

But if you know Carolyn,

she does everything on the

cheap low down.

She rents the U-Haul to drive around in.

She has all the hacks for travel.


All right.


we didn't anticipate you being here

with tonight.

I won't say too long because

I have my flight at six a.m.

and I got to leave here around four.


So we'll just hit you up first.

Don't forget to like and

subscribe to the channel, first of all.

But next,

you were at Crash this weekend competing.

First of all,

just your first impressions

of the event itself.

Jamie was there last year.

Here it is.

It's, it's actually like,

it's got a lot of big names in a,

in gym competition,

not at a facility or a big

arena or anything like that.

Just in a gym.

What were your impressions

of this competition?

Big gym.

It has like everything.

So there was like a whole warm up area,

like a little part of a warm up area.

Then there was a cool down

and athlete hangout zone

that they had two ice tubs in there.

They have a sauna.

They put bikers and echo

bikes in there then.

they had a go-wod mats like

six or seven of them with

foam rollers so they were

like hang out there to

leave the warm-up area for

the ones that are actually

going um so good separation

there and the way that they

um they had their team just

organizing the floors all

weekend and moving things

very quickly like they were

so efficient and everything

was on time so while it was

like there's no like

announcers and everything

during um it was well run

and very organized yeah from

from the home like watching

it on the stream I couldn't

believe like how

professional it looked the

numbers on the floor the

squares the lines look so

professional um and

everything seemed to be on

time like at all times if

they said this event was

starting at this time and

you turned on the stream

that's what was going


like JR didn't take a heat off every

single time.

Like he'd be like two

minutes and then be like ten seconds.

And at the end of the workout,

he'd say like the time.


like he was there for every single

heat and making sure

everyone knows their jobs.

So if people didn't watch,

there were a lot of big names there.


A lot of, like, a couple games, athletes,

you and Caroline Stanley

and Olivia Kerstetter, Kyra Milligan,

and then a lot of semifinal athletes.


Fee as well.

Brittany Weiss is a champion

as well of the team division.


And a lot of semifinal athletes.


and really like what I love about crashes,

they highlight the up and

coming athletes that you

may not have heard of and

you could kind of get to

see them doing really elite programming.

So I heard you say in one of

your interviews that you

took a different approach

this weekend that you

really just wanted to push

it all and see where your fitness was.

And I told you as we were

texting yesterday,

it's the most confident I'd

seen you up to that point.

So can you walk us through

why that was your goal for this weekend?

And how did that feel?

I think Lex always wants me

to push it more.

She hates when I rest all

the time and she's like, like,

you're looking fine.


just go like you're you're able to do

these sets.

So there was a few workouts

that I felt I could attack.

Notably, like number one, number three,

number six, although number six,

I didn't.

I'll get back to that one after.

Um, but the number one, number three,

for sure.

Like those are,

those are good workouts for me,

even though the dumbbell is

pretty heavy on the first one.

Um, I wanted to go all three rounds.

I'm broken on the ring muscle ups,

but it just took for me.

Like if I'm going to get off the rings,

my rest is so long.

I would rather just push the

tent and have that same

rest and already be on the back end.

Then just to rest the exact same amount.


So I just tried to push and

see what happened.

Yeah, that one went pretty good.

It's interesting you say

that because you would come

off the rings and John and

Bill were talking about how

much rest you were taking

and you were killing

yourself by the rings, but you weren't.

That was your plan was to

instead of take your rest

in the middle of your sets of rings,

take it all on the back end.


I was trying to slow down my heart

rate on the snatches so

that like I would finish my

ten ring muscle ups,

slow down my heart rate and do singles.

Like I went singles the whole way.

And I did singles on the

dumbbells in my practice run as well.

Like there was nothing about

me at any point was like,

I think I'm going to go

touch and go on any of these.

I was like, no, no.

So I was like,

just calm down your

breathing during the

singles so that you can

attack your strength in the workout,

which is the ring muscle-ups.

I wish I hung up,

like I came down at five

for the rings on the third set,

and that was a mistake.

That's what cost me, I believe,

the win of that workout.

It took me about a minute to do the rest,

and if I had done six or

seven instead of going down at five,

I knew that was two sets.

The moment I went down at five,

it's hard to repeat five.

Like having a smaller number to do,

I can rest a little bit and

then attack that.

But because I did it in three sets instead,

like I just messed myself up there.

And that was two very,

very long breaks versus one break,

which makes a big difference.

you were in heat,

you were in the second of

the fastest heats or

whatever seated in the second heat.

So you weren't with what was

perceived to be the top heat.

Do you think that affected

you in how you did it?

Or would you have done it

the exact same way?

Or do you,

would you have needed the race

with who ended up winning that one?


No, no, no, no, no.

She caught a Caroline Stanley, then Kyra,

then me.



You took second.

I took second in the chest of our one.


Caroline Stanley won caramillion too.



Um, I mean,

it would have been nice to race

against them for sure.

It would have brought me

back to the rings.

I think more on like more in

a position that was

uncomfortable because at this,

like when I was on the rings,

like I didn't have as much of a push.

Lydia was starting to come back.

on my left side.

So then I was like, okay, you gotta go.

Um, for the most part,

I thought that even though

I was in the second to the last heat,

most of the weekend,

I always seem to have a

fast heat for like the

workouts that I was in

besides maybe that one where I was ahead.

Um, most of the time,

the heat that I was in had

specialists of that workout.

Yeah, I noticed that.

And we'll get into that in a second.

But so then the second event

was the midline sadness.

how did that one because you

fell back a little bit on

that one and then recovered

for for three but fifteenth

isn't terrible I was okay

with that one I felt like I

executed fine my heat was

so fast um we've gone to

the point now where we're

racing handstand walking

whereas like I'm good on my

hands I can do the

obstacles I can do all that

but I'm not fast on my

hands and those girls were

just faster there

And the GHDs with a med ball,

I hate that movement.

It fires up my lower back.

Like it hurts my lower back

to do it with the med ball.

Regular GHDs are fine,

but the med ball just does

something to my lower back.

Like I finished that workout

and I couldn't even do any

extension of like no cat dogs.

Like it was just like, oh boy.

But I was happy with that one.

I felt like I did

essentially what I expected up until it


So like the first two events, I was like,

okay, yeah, that's fine.

And then the,

the third event you literally

like the broadcast was in

shock at how fast you went

out and could you hold on?

That one is that that's the

most frustrating one of the

weekend for me.

I love chest of our pull-ups,

love chest of our pull-ups

and I like thrusters and I,

That was a good workout for me.

Um, yeah, I don't, I, my chest to bars,

they just felt way harder than normal.

Um, got lost in my account a little bit.

The girl kept counting, not as,

as not as my chest was touching, but as,

as on the way down.

So like the first set I did,

where I was like,

I was planning to do and then


As soon as I got to the thirty one,

I was like, hmm,

don't feel good right now.

But I tried to hold on as much as I can,

as much as I could and

recover on the lunges.

And then even even though I

was like trying to like put

a hand down and relax,

when I got to the second

set of chest of bars, I was like,

these are tough.

And I was resting so much in

between every single set.

Like I think I went fifteen, fifteen.

Eleven nine or something like that.

But with a couple no reps

and the rest that I was

taking in between was just not not good.

Like if Lex was there.

Oh, my gosh,

I would have had it like get on the bar.

Everyone was taking long rest,

like everyone barring like

three or four people was

taking exceptionally long rest.

I thought Taylor took much

longer rest than I would

have expected him to take

in that workout.


what was crazy to me is you opened up

with a bigger set than anybody else.

So even though you were

taking these long rests,

you were jumping up just as

they were catching you.

So they never really got ahead of you.


And then, you know, the bride has like,

well, she's lost it.

She's done.

And then you picked up the

pill and it was like... I

wish I went on broke in there.

Like I broke at the thirty, but...

We had a long rest before the next one.

I knew the next ones weren't

going to be great for me,

especially number five.

So I should have just tried

to push the fifty there.

Is that where you think you

could have made it to first?


By going unbroken on the last thirty.

About thirty seconds.

There and a little bit of

rest on the chest of ours.

It's an easy thirty seconds.

but still was happy with

that execution overall.

Scented and maybe a little

bit too much on the other

side of the red line, but not much.

Like it was like I blew up,

but still was in control of

where I was in the race.

And I had numbers in my head

of the previous heats and

stuff like that.


You and I were texting was

right after this event and you had,

you had gotten into first place,

but you knew the next two

events were not really your jam.

And you were just trying to

get through those two to get the Sunday.

So number four, the strict handstand one,


I rested a lot there too,

but I think that one went pretty good.

I think it was a top ten.

I probably didn't need to

break as much as I did.

I was conservative,

but it's that fine line

with those strict deficit

that sometimes it's almost

better to feel like you

could have done more

because if you push a little bit more,

then they're gone.

Did you do sets of three throughout?

What's that?

Did you do sets of three throughout?

So I went four, two, three, two, one,

three, three, four, two, I believe.

I felt like the last one I

should have done six.

The three, two, one,

maybe could have done a four,

two there as well.

The sled was a little bit

heavier than I thought, awkward.

It was fine at first.

And then the last length I

tried to catch up to Lydia

and then blew my quads and

my calves so much that like

I had to put them on the

sled for like a minute it

was I was like laying down

trying to like elevate them

and then I got up and

walked towards my biker and

I like calf was cramped uh

legs were heavy and I'm like oh

Oh no.

What did I just do?

Like, because with the P score,

you don't need to push to

the finish line to get that

because you're going to get

the same points.

Like even if she beats me by

a little bit and I'm right behind her,

like that's not losing that many points.

It was like one or two points on.

And the effort that I needed

to do that was not worth it.

Um, so then I,

I tried to cycle my legs in that rest,

like on a, like on a one,

but then it was like, it was bad.


We saw you doing that.

Did you find that the sled

was like purely legs?

Did it,

did it blow up your shoulders at

all or biceps holding, holding it?

I felt fine.

I was trying to lean more into like,

in like my chest area,

I was trying to lean that

in and I was holding, but not as much.

Like I was making sure that.

the chest was taking a lot

of it versus the arms.

I felt it more in the legs.

And then as soon as you flip it,

it just kind of spikes your heart rate.

And then trying to go upside

down right after that is

difficult when it's not

your best movement, right?

So it's just kind of like,

I would hunch over,

try to control my breathing.

And it's like, okay, now go.


just anytime you do some sort of like,

it's like, as soon as you're done,

heart rate goes up.

What I liked about that sled

push is it seemed to be the

most universal version for

everyone of any sled push I've seen.

Like there was no way of like cheating,

like going low or going

outside or because you had

to hold that top bar.

like everybody was in the

same position nobody got

like you could go to the

side as long as you held

the top bar like it does

wrap around you could but

most people chose to go

here or some people were

going um like this the like

uh like a supinated yeah I

didn't do that one but it

didn't seem to give anybody an advantage

no and like the angle I

don't know if like being

shorter helps and or

because you maybe the angle of your push

It seemed like the shorter

people had a better go at it.

I feel like the angle,

unless you like kept it down,

which I think would have

blown up your biceps more.


All people.

I mean, I,

you could notice it more in the men,

like the shorter men,

I feel like had a little smoother route.

And then Lindsay,

I feel like Lindsay pushed

it the best for the women,

but she has one there to practice.

So yeah.


It helps.


If you can get touches on

that regularly with your

classes or with training, like it's,

it's a big advantage.



So then you go into the,

what we knew was going to

be the double under workout.

So we don't have to talk about that.

We'll just move on.

It's hard because it's

paired with such a low skill movement,

like a bike.

that there's just there's no

hiding like there's no

there's no making that up

everyone can bike and

everyone in the field but

me can double under so it's

just like you're just out

there and like if it's

paired with ring muscle ups

or something that's high

skill that is my strength I

can close the gap a little bit

But one,

like two of my biggest weaknesses

for the past years,

which has prevented me from

qualifying is power output on a machine,

double unders.

And they're both there in

the same workout.

It was like, shit.

Like I got negative four points on that.

I was like, wow.

Like I could have just sat

down and just chilled.

it was so defeating to go

from like first place to

tenth place and I was like

yeah not very good it was

crazy how tight the scores

were though when I looked

this morning I was shocked

at like how tight they were

before you guys started and

then you started out with

Mad Moon so how did that go

To me, it was a running workout.

The deadlift was irrelevant.

I should have pushed the burpees more.

I have very good burpees and

I don't know why I didn't

push more knowing that the

deadlift wasn't going to do

anything for me.

I could have not done the step on,

step back,

come down and done more of like

what Fi did and push the

burpees because she's got

really good burpees.

Um, and then just do as I can on the run.


But I think it was a

different workout for the

girls as it is for the guys.

The deadlift on the guys was much,

much heavier.

And not as many guys were unbroken.

But I think the burpees

played a big factor and I

just didn't push it there enough.

I saw some comments about

that and that is a

reoccurring thing that we

continue to see and it

grinds my gears is that

people continue to say that

the stuff isn't heavy enough.

And I mean, if you look at the scores,

I don't even think it was

that much of a different workout.

Like something like twenty

people of women finished

and something like twenty men finished.

It was very, very similar.

The run most the guys will be faster.

Um, well that, that's why,

but that's why he put it lighter.


But a lot of people were

complaining and being like,

this needs to be heavier.

If it would have been heavier,

you would have had ten

girls finish and it would

have been a joke of a workout.

I just don't think there was

anything that was that

heavy on the weekend

besides a seventy pound dumbbell.

And, like, if you look at the top,

what's that?

That was freaking heavy.

Yeah, yeah, that's heavy,

the seven-pound dumbbell.

But I'm saying, like, other than that,

like, if you look at, like,

who did well in that workout, like,

they're not the strongest

people on the field.

And it's, like,

you still need to have a

little bit of a stop for some of it, like,

for those gymnasts or cardio athletes.

type athletes like there's

some strength for sure but

you could add just a little

bit it could have been a

squawk clean even or

something like that but I

guess we've already done

thrusters but um yeah so I

I didn't see the last

workout because I was

driving back from

pittsburgh um thick and thin

So it's two different types

of rope climbs.

One was legless on a thinner rope.

The other one was a regular

rope climb on a thicker rope.

Then you had two barbell movements,

one on a regular barbell,

one on a thick barbell.


Going in,

I didn't think it was going to be as bad.

I did it.

I tested this one prior and

I was like low fours.

I don't have the best legless, but...

I don't know what happened today.

I was warming up.

I did half a legless and my,

my arms were blown up.

And I was like,

looking at my athletic trainer.

I was like, Oh no.

I was like, I don't know.

I can't even feel my forms right now.

Like I was like in the warmup, you know,

sometimes you go on a rope and it's like,

you're pulling,

but you're kind of falling down.

Like, that's how I felt.

And I was like, I was slipping.

I was like,

had nothing nothing nothing

nothing um so I didn't even

warm up I was like I can't

warm up a single a single

pull because I'm already

like my I don't know my

forearms were just fatigued

I'm not sure I mean maybe

from the pulling from the

prior day with the chest of

ours the deadlifts I don't

know but I just

A strict pulling is also not

a very good strength of mine as well.

I'm good at kipping gymnastics.

So I was very, very,

very slow with those four.

The barbell was unbroken.

The thick rope was thick.

It's thick.

But I felt fine there.

I just ran out of time

because of my legless,

which was probably the

worst in the field today.

normally it's like it's okay

um yeah I just felt like I

was slipping on the rope

like I don't know I was

just working harder than I

wanted to so overall you

know you said you're trying

something new coming into

this competition let me

just go grab there's

something going on with my

battery hold on one second

give me two seconds here okay

um while she's doing that

I'm gonna talk about the

broadcast did you watch

some of it jamie yep I

watched it all uh thoughts

on the broadcast um I liked

it I maybe we got spoiled

last year and I understand

the apprehension to be on

air all day um but I feel like people are

People are hungering for

this coverage and at least

have a camera on the other

heats so that we can see what happened.

No coverage of the Masters.

Stevie Dellinger freaking crushed it.

Like had some really

incredible performances that like,

I would have liked to seen

her seeing that workout and

then seeing the first heat

of women go and see the difference there.


I wish there would have been a camera

on the screen like they do

for Kel Taylor.

That was like, if they could have,

somebody could have just

ran that and they could

have kept quiet for four of the heats.

I would have been ecstatic

just watching that.

watching the workout and seeing a time.

And then if you wanted to

talk over heat five and six, cool.


but I feel like they needed the cameras


Like they're there.

The cameras are up.

Just let it run.

So that's probably my only drawback.

I've become so attached to

these masters athletes and

there were so many good ones there.


I was bummed that I didn't get to watch





that would make sense just to have a

rolling camera with like,

you could just see everyone

with the natural noise of

whatever's happening out there.

And then you can just watch

it as a viewer.

And that would make sense.

Yeah, I didn't know that.

That's my only negative of what they did.

The quality definitely

improved from last year.

And Patrick Clark said it

very well in the chat.

They don't have a truck out

there with their own

dedicated Wi-Fi and their

own... You know what I mean?

Oh, sure.

It's not going to be...


but it was really damn good for a

couple of guys walking

around with cameras and a

couple of still cameras.

Um, for the most part,

it only got choppy at times, um,

way better than last year.

And, um, and the bill Grundler,

John young team, I have to admit,

I kind of enjoyed and it,

and it's not like,

I would not sit here and

say that if you looked at

them as like professional announcers and

like they would not be what

you consider your traditional set,

but I enjoyed the

enthusiasm that John Young

brought to the table,

the screaming at the athletes,

like pick up that bar,

like that gets you into it.

And, and we don't have to be, you know,

Bob Costas and whoever, right.

And John Smoltz or whatever,

or Ron Darling, um,

we can have fun with this.

I mean, that's what this is about.

It's an off season competition.

And I thought it was freaking awesome.

I thought the first day they,

Bill was trying to be a

little bit traditional and

like have his spots.

And John just blew by those

stop signs here and there.

And, but by day two, Bill figured it out.


and I think it came across really well.

So kudos to them.


I mean, yeah, I don't want to complain.

Like any coverage is appreciated for sure.

They can.

There most certainly was

stationary cameras.

It would have been over by

basically the scoring table.

So if you saw on the finish

where they're seeing,

that's basically where it was.

You could always tell that

sixth lane wasn't quite in

it because it was just

sitting where it was.

But again, it was enough to see the floor.

And if it just stayed there and sat there,

everyone that watched would have watched.

They had an elevated camera too,

but they used some in the first day.

I didn't see it later on in the weekend,

but it had like almost,

almost an aerial type view

down onto the floor,

which was kind of cool too.

I think it was the same

camera they had out for the deadlift run.

Cause you could, it was,

it was like the exact same floor view.


Well, day one, they had two different air.

They had one that was at an

angle and they had one that

was straight on.

But the straight-on one was higher.

So, yeah.

Well, back to Carolyn.

So you came into this

weekend with a plan to try something new.


do you feel like you learned

enough from this weekend?


I feel like I was happy with

five out of the six events

or five out of the seven events,

just not the legless and

the double unders,

everything else like I'm happy with.

I proved to myself that I

can still compete with all

of those girls that are, you know,

either up and coming

current games athletes on a

lot of the workouts, but I just have,

holes that are very big right now still.

And back then you could have

holes like that and qualify

to the games and you just can't anymore.

So I just got to get back

down to the drawing board

and try and see what I can

do to fix these power

output and strict

gymnastics and double unders holes.

Well, next year you'll be masters, right?

So you can compete in the

masters category.

That's what Lex said after the weekend.

Um, I mean,

and have you looked at where

your times would have

fallen like against Stevie?

She had some crazy performances.

I don't, I don't even know who she is.


I saw that name after day one.

I was like, who is this person?

And Mackenzie and Haley both did awesome.

And I kind of expected

Mackenzie beat Haley at the games.

Kind of how it shook out.

But man, this Stevie, holy smokes.

yeah yeah I don't know who

she is either and like I

kind of pride myself on

knowing I know like the

semi-final level masters

athletes and yeah I got to

do some research yeah she

deserves some coverage for

sure yeah uh so yeah um


just to report out on the women's side,

the podium was Brittany Weiss in first,

Fisa Goffey in second,

Lydia Fish in third.

I'm so happy for her.

On the...

male side it was honest to

god it was these three had

broke apart the bad thing

about p scoring is it just

made this not even a race

right almost after the

first four of it three or

four events like I thought

the women's field was much

much deeper than the men's

field like the men's field

was very top heavy but the

what we're thinking is

So just to name them, Colton took first,

Taylor Self took second,

Chris Ibarra took third.

Kind of what everybody picked anyway.

But what is going on with Dick Matthew?

Man, it's almost like a shoulder.

There's something going on.

Like he didn't look right in

the dumbbell snatches.

And it seemed to be all

shoulder workouts that if

you look at his scores that

are like questionable.

And the rest he did fine on.

When I talked to him,

he said that he felt very

fit going into the weekend.

So I don't think he had any injury.


it just it's shocking to me

I was happy for max krieg

um we've been following him

for a couple years in the

semi-final stuff taking

fourth was really cool in

this field um you know some

of the other names that

we've talked to uh matthias

porter drake lewis jacob

marlow tanner balazs seeing

all these guys get to

compete was cool but you're right

The women's field was way

deeper this year than last year.

Just closer.

There was a lot more up and down.

The men's field was more

like those top three were just the top.

There was not much changing

in and out there.

Like us, you'd see Olivia first, boom,


It was just like flip-flopping.

So I don't know if you heard

the broadcast or you heard from someone.

Colton did an interview recently.

where he kind of got upset

about like Chris Ibarra

saying that he wasn't

peaked or he wasn't in game

shape and he had taken time

off and Colton's response

was or in the interview he

said quit quit putting us

down because we're winning

or taking this away from us

by saying you're not in the

shape you need to be

if you show up,

then you lace up the shoes and you go,

you know, I'm like,

I'm tired of these excuses.

And after he put it in the, in those words,

I was like, he's right.

Like all it's doing is

taking away from the people

that are winning.

You're trying to take shine

away from them by saying you would be,

but you're not in this shape.

I don't know if it takes away from them,

but I think like if he did

take time off after the games,

like I think he's allowed

to still say that he's not at his peak.

If he if he decided that he

wanted to take time off to the games,

he still signed up for the competition.

And when you sign up for a competition,

you still need to be you know,

you do your best of where

you are right now in your season.

I don't think it takes away

necessarily from the other two teams.

but it's just kind of

acknowledging where he's at

in his season.

And like Colton doesn't

really take that off season.

Like he's ready to go whenever.

And that's just two different approaches.

So if Chris wants to take

time off after the games, like,

I feel like you need to

frame that differently when you say that,

whether it's like a, Hey,

I don't know what the other guys did.

I took like nine weeks off.

I don't feel a hundred percent.

I don't know if I would even

be able to stay with them if I was,

but so like props to them,

they're killing it.

I just don't feel like myself right now.


I think you need to like really think

about the way you say that

before you're just like, well,

I'm not a hundred percent so that you are,

you are essentially saying

I would be with you if I

was a hundred percent.


And the other thing we have to factor in,

and Lynn kind of says this,

but I'm going to phrase it

in a different way,

is that Colton is looking for that chip.

Oh, yeah.

Whatever chip he can find to

put up on the shoulder to

make him train harder,

to make him go faster,

he's going to put there.

And that's what motivates him,

and that's what gets him going,

and that's why he goes to

places other athletes don't go at times.

because he has a reason to

overcome whatever chip that is.

You know,

when you watch Michael Jordan in

the last dance,

Michael Jordan made up

stories in his mind to give

him like a reason to go out

and have a vendetta against a team.

And I,

and I think Colton's getting really

good at it.

but I think you also have to

control it and maybe last

year at semis he needed to

be a little more strategic

instead of just going all

in on everything if that

makes sense yeah I mean I

feel like like thing is

with colton he like

literally is the best in

the world at certain things and oh yeah

It's, it's hard to not like, I mean,

it's good for him that he

trusts himself and he knows

the things he's going to

have home runs at.

And like, he's confident,

like you need that.

Like, um, I don't know.

It's like Bill said on the broadcast,

can Colton go unbroken on this?

But yes, yes, he can.

But should he like,

there's a bigger picture to

this than just that one event, right?

And I think that was put,

Bill put that very well.


we all know Colton could pick up that

pill and do fifty unbroken thrusters.

But is that what's best for

him for the weekend?

And Colton actually said he

heard Bill say that and

broke on the thrusters.

I know.



I thought that was an interesting part

of the weekend as well.

So I love Crash.

I love that they broadcast it.

It gives us something to

watch that's exciting.

I love the intimate part of it.

The six and five person

lanes make watching

CrossFit so much nicer.

Oh, yeah.

Like it is so easy to watch.

And I hope people take note of that.


Like I like the small heats.

Um, and just like,

it was just way more intimate for a comp.


Easier for like people just to,

to watch that you're in, like,

it's not jam packed in

there where you can't see

what's going on.

Like people are moving around.

Like it's, it's not as formal, I guess,

but it's still so well organized.

Patrick Clark, great job, Carolyn.

It was a very tough competition,

and you showed your

signature grit and determination.

And my signature double-unders.

Thanks, Patrick.

You know, I'm an unapologized Bears fan.

All year,

they've been talking about Caleb

Williams being so hard on himself.

Like, he threw an interception today,

but he threw four touchdowns.

And all he's talking about

is the one interception he threw.

And you remind me of him,

like an elite athlete has like,

they forget about the four

good touchdowns and it's

just about how do they get

better at the one interception.

And for you,

I was great on all these events,

but my double under still suck.

And my light list.

So the rest is fine.


Will you go back to crash Jamie?

I don't know.

Um, it just,

I just feel like not

showcasing those athletes

that paid the money to be there.

And, um, that sucks.

Like, and maybe we got spoiled last year.

I don't know.

I just, I don't know.


the other thing for a master's athlete,

there's only one division, right?

Yeah, I don't care about – I mean,

that doesn't bother me.

Well, I'm not saying just you, but, like,

if you're a Masters athlete, like Katie,

Kat, Curry.

Curry, yeah.

Like, she's in your age group,

but yet she's competing

against thirty-five-year-olds.




That's tough as you get older and older.




I'm just saying.

And I don't.

There are anomalies to that.

I mean,

Sam Briggs didn't care how old

anybody was.

She was going to do what she did, right?


Amy didn't care for like the

whole first year I knew her.

I want to take on the twenty

three year old.


But that's not everybody.

I don't.

I don't love the P scoring.

Me neither.

Especially for the masters.

Too small of a field.


So if you're, if you want to like,

if you want to like put the master,

I almost feel like this is

how it needs to happen to

like get the masters there is like,

they need to just be in

with everybody and seated

as they like Stevie maybe

would have been in the

second to last heat.


Like, um, and, and then,

and in the leaderboard,

but then just put like

their points pulled over.

Does that make sense?

Like if,

if Stevie got points for the last

workout and Kate got points

for the last workout,

that would have moved over

to the leaderboard to their

own leaderboard.

And I don't know,

like maybe it messes up

your guys's leaderboard too much.

I don't know,

but nine women with P scoring is silly.


It's hard.


We talked about that last

year that it was just,

it throws everything off.

Like one event changes everything.


And last year was more like one hitters.

So like it literally, like,

like you were saying,

like the double under was with the bike.


like I didn't even get that last year.

Like I didn't even get a

second movement with the handstand walk.

It was just go handstand walk period.

Just go do a thruster period.

Like at least you had like

multiple movements this year.

Yeah, there was no single modality.

Was there any single one?



you had no single modalities this year.

And that probably affected P

scoring a lot as well.

I didn't mind the P scoring

as much this year in the elite division.

And I think more people understand it now.

So they're, they're playing to it in the,

in the field, the masters.

It just does not make sense.

Well, so big, so early.


And Tyler said,

and I think they've all

like realized this and

maybe this is why like it

needs to only be done at

crash or where somebody realizes,

but like the programming

definitely matters for P

scoring and you have to

have well-rounded events, right?

Especially when you have

high skill movements,

you have those specialists.


That just pull that P score

towards one side.


And there are a lot of like specialty,

like high skill stuff that

normally like JR would like the program.


Patrick's comment here is like spot on.

With P-Score, it's performance-based,

so you need to show performances.

There's no context on

performance when you just

show two heats and only

talk about Taylor Colen or whoever.

Like, exactly right.

That's what I felt like I

was missing with the broadcast.


you weren't even sure what – at the time,

you weren't sure what the

time to beat was, who had it.


Well, even if they say the time to beat,

it has no context.

Like, where did they make up their time?

Where did they –

Cause when I tuned in to

watch Carolyn do three,

Brittany and we didn't see Brittany.

We got to see,

I got to see the end of Brittany.


I got to see the end of Brittany.

So I didn't know like what

she did to get to that point.


So when Carolyn's going, I don't know,

did she go out too hot?

Is she going out hotter than Brittany?

Is she like, for me watching it,

I had no clue.

what Carolyn's performance

was against Brittany

because I didn't get to see

all of Brittany.

It's just hard to know how

much it's going to get

pulled right on one side.

And like, you think about certain workouts,

like let's call, like, let's say that one,


So you have Brittany and I

like around the ten minute

and a half high tens.

And then there's some people at eighteen,

which is like a big or like

a big difference there.

And then you get

into some of the workouts

that were very close on the time cap.

And a lot of people are

within thirty seconds to

finishing the workout.

And some people are getting

time cap and like that little part,

like you can get destroyed.

But some people can be

minutes behind on it.

Like I understand the median stuff,

but just sometimes like like.

I don't know.

So, Ernie,

the only the only thing I would

disagree with on this is

last year with less they

showed everything.


I think it,

they looked back at last year saying, man,

that was a long day because

Jr never stops.


And I get it.

Like it's not fair for bill and,

and John young to go all day comments.

There's other ways to go around,

get around that.

So we can just watch or have,

or give someone else a shot to,

to broadcast.



they do that they used to do

that back in the day with

like the games the early

heats would be called by

one set of announcers the

prime heats were called by

sean and chase or sean and

bill right um and then that

gives somebody a shot at

like showing what they can

do hone in some skills yeah

everyone like there's

people in the place in the

space that need it so like yeah

Yeah, but honestly,

just a live stream would

have been more than adequate this year,

like not asking them to put

in any extra work.

The cameras were set up, just run it.

People would've been thrilled.



but if you go back and watch last

year's like Savan was

falling asleep at the mic.

He was.

And so I think that was too

much for them last year.

And when they agreed to do

it again this year, it was,

we're not doing every heat,

but there it's, it's like with anything,

the pendulums on one side,

it swings all the way over

here on year two.

Maybe it swings back to the

middle and we get something better.


No dig on the broadcast.

It was unique,

but there are some simple

solutions to make it happen.

Wasn't a fair showing of

what crashes and what it has become.


I agree.

And I, it just, the depth there,

everything just needed to

be highlighted just to touch more.

I mean, we missed out on some,

probably some big stories,

some people getting their

name out there again.

Like we don't know who this

Stevie Dillinger is like, that's sad.

It's like, I'd like to know where,

you know,

I'd like to know something about her.

A lot of people choose to go

to a competition like crash

to get some sort of exposure.


So for the masters or for those, um,

Starting heats to not have

any of that exposure

doesn't allow them to grow

their athletic brand,

I guess you could say.


part of the reason you guys pay the

entry fee is for a shot at

exposure or a shot at prize money.


One of one of those you want

to benefit out of it or or

you're just trying to get

more competition.





So, yeah,

we just have to remember that

people if you want it to

keep growing with with the

people that are coming,

then you need to make sure

they get the exposure

they're looking for.

It was very complex.

Like I said, it was well,

like on time athletes.

The athletes are super nice as well.

Got to meet athletes that I

didn't know before and just

see them on a different,

like personal level.

Because the heats are small,

you get to talk to more

people and there's less

pressure than semifinals.

So it just was more amusing that part.



Well, Chris did a great job.

We're going to move on.

I have a couple quick

hitters to kind of do,

and then we'll go for the evening.

And if, Carolyn, you need to go,

just let us know because I

know you have an early sleep.

I just put my alarm for three fifty.

Yeah, just let us know.

Just wave, and then we'll say goodbye.

But very proud of you.

Like I said,

you look as confident as I've

seen you in a long time,

and I think that hopefully

this is just the start of

some new stuff for you,

and can't wait to see what

your season looks like next year.

So Rogue, we did get an announcement.

It was announced this year.

Barbell Spin this week.

Barbell Spin announced that

Roman Kurnikoff and Alexis, or Lexa,

oh my gosh.

Alexis Raptus.

Alexis Raptus.

I have been on the road too long today.

Alexis Raptus are

withdrawing from the Rogue Invitational.

They are being replaced by

Saxon Pancheck and Danny Spiegel.

and uh I'm a big saxon

pancheck fan as everybody

knows and so super stoked

that uh uh super stoked

that he gets an opportunity

to go to scotland yeah yeah

um patrick clark has a

question carolyn which

up-and-coming athlete were

you most impressed by a crash

I thought Sanders had a good weekend.

I thought Hannah Hardy had a

good weekend before she got injured.

But she's been around for a long time.

Wish Hart's always consistent.

There was just a lot of

really good athletes there.

I didn't get to see as much

of the earlier heats

because I was warming up.

So I'd just kind of peak a

little bit and then go.

But I mean...

I won't say I'm surprised by Lydia Fish.

I don't know if I would say

that I was impressed

because I knew she was good.

And Weiss,

I saw her last year at NorCal

when she competed.

So her and Wishart were

there last year and Wishart

was again there this year winning it.

So I've seen those two girls win NorCal.

So to see Weiss win this one,

I wasn't surprised.

With the workouts that were there as well.

And knowing like their,

their skills and certain stuff.

Like it like that.

Those are some of the names

that we called beforehand.

Ernie Garza says, Carolyn,

you really did kill it.

And considering we're the same age,

it lights a fire under me

to not let these kids have

an easy time beating me.


I mean,

I'm two months away from being a master.

Less than two months.

So on from Rogue,

I'm going to skip over the

next one for now.

It also was reported by

Barbell Spin that Jamie

McGarva tested positive.

Masters athlete in the fifty

to fifty four year old

division tested positive

for metabolites of GW five

oh one five one six.

The famous and whatever it is,

performance enhancing drug

during an in competition contest.

What's that?

Is it a SARM?

I don't think it's a SARM.

I think it's... I don't know

the differences.

I don't want to dive.

It's got a specific name, right?

It does.

Yeah, the GW one.

It's got a specific name, right?

I don't know.

it's a type of,

it's a type of performance

enhancing drug.

And I just don't remember what it is.



It's not for endurance or

something or recovery.


Um, but, uh,

I think when people called

it a SARM before Hiller called it,

said they were wrong.

When I was researching,

because the guy that we

interviewed two years ago

got busted for the same thing.

But I can't remember what

the specific lay name is

for it or the classification.

I think it is endurable.

Something like that.

So anyway,

Jamie McGarvis got a four-year

sentence of suspension.

He finished second place in

the fifty to

fifty-four-year-old division.

So with that, somewhat ironically,

Sean Romero moves up to second place,

who just came off his

four-year suspension.

And Joel Hughes,

friend of the show and

Ariel Lowen's former training partner,

moves up to third place.

He's the only one that has

popped according to.


That's the only one.


I could keep some secret.

Like if the athlete doesn't out themselves,

like in there in the appeal process,

it could take a while to hear.

Like this was announced by

Barbara Smith with someone

else who had outed themselves.

And we talked about a month prior.


But that was a test at a

different competition.


So, um, but they do test at the masters.

They test down to five.

Um, yeah,

all hockey players drink out of those,


Just easy.

You just squeeze, right?


I'll put my mouth on it now.

um so yeah so first pop of

the masters crossfit games

um but it does show that

they do test and they

tested the top five yeah so

yeah I mean I don't think

that that's all we will

should get but it seems

like there'd be more I

don't know we'll see um

Tomorrow, at twelve thirty,

we'll be releasing episode

six of the behind the

scenes of the CrossFit Games,

Masters CrossFit Games.

And I have a trailer.

It's about two minutes.

So I'm going to play that real quick.

I only coach really strong

people in CrossFit.

Like Claudia's definitely

like the strongest out here.

So she's gonna crush the fun squad today?

And the snatch.

And the snatch.

I'm just gonna crush everything.

How are you feeling today?

Pretty good actually.

Slept pretty good yesterday.

Which was nice.

How much warm up goes into

this morning just to get ready?

You just like get everything out,

get everything opened up.

And you start with the chipper?

Yeah, the little one.

How do you think that'll go for you?

I tested it out and the

second set of ball balls hurt.

I had to break them up more

than I expected I would have to,

but it was just like chip away.

How long have the two of you

been working together?

Two years.

What's it mean to have an

athlete for two years?

It's super important only

because when we started

that was like her big goal

and to finally like make it

happen and like that

process I think this is

actually like her third

season and so for it to

take three seasons for it

to happen it's like really

awesome because it shows

like her dedication like

her patience and

willingness to like

continue working and improving.


Well good to meet you.

Nice to meet you Scott.

that's trailer out tomorrow

this one's uh back up

towards thirty minutes as

an episode um conversations

get a little bit longer um

but yeah really getting

excited about the stuff

that's coming out in the

next couple episodes uh but

that's out tomorrow at twelve thirty

and I love the music that

ortega picked for the uh

workout stuff uh last week

we got a copyright zing for

that even though he paid

for the song uh so

hopefully this week we

don't have to go through

all that stuff again uh but

yeah I feel like the music

stuff has been um

Since October,

like since putting my stuff

like on YouTube,

like a lot more of it has

been blocked since early October,

like early October.

So I've been having to mute

a lot more of my YouTube stuff.

Like normally it was just like,

you couldn't hear or you

can't hear it in or watch it in Russia.

I was like, I don't care.

Like, cool.

It was like a yellow, like warning sign.

Now it's like red.

Like you gotta take, you gotta mute this.

So definitely for qualifiers

and stuff like that,

I'll have to make sure that

my video is viewable.



So I pay for royalty-free music.

I pay a subscription service

so that I can grab songs

for this project.

And Ortega does as well.

So we both pay,

and they should be covered and licensed.

And we may get dinged.

We just then have to fight with YouTube.

But while you're fighting,

your stuff isn't monetized.

That's not cool.

you're or you're sharing

monetization with the

writer of the song so

anyway um so that's out

tomorrow um uh patrick

clark had to do the same

here with german youtube

yeah it's it's the biggest

hassle probably in the

whole project is just

fighting those fights but

The last thing I want to end

with is the PFAA had a

representative talk to

talking elite fitness last week.

Their representative was Mitch Bragg.

And he just talked about a

couple of things.

And I don't know if

anybody's listened to it.


I don't know.

You know me.

I have a thing against the PFAA,


Not that I really do.

I want athletes to have representation.

I want things to be safe.

I just think they need to be

cleaner about how they go about things.

And a couple of things he

even admitted is the PFAA

got called out by NorCal.

because they put out the

demands after they did a

partnership with NorCal,

even though it was for one event.

And NorCal said, listen,

we're partnering with you

and we're advertising you as a partner.

And then you're putting out

these demands and we didn't

know they were coming.


And that puts us in a position.

And so Mitch was talking

about how they need to be

better about knowing that

that when they make these

partnerships and those

people that are involved.

I mean, that makes sense though.

It does.

Because if,

if you're putting the sticker

on your event and,

and what the PFA is posting

is not your personal opinion,

then that can be

conflicting and that can be

a weird partnership.


so I understand NorCal's concern there.



yeah this this mitch bragg

and I don't know who he is

was very open and honest

about a lot of things he

said that when um when they

did the demands they talked

to the top thirty athletes

that's a different number

than we've been told by

both brent and pat on two different

episodes uh in the podcast

world um and then they also

said that a lot of people

agree with them but they're

not willing to speak

publicly um because they're

afraid of the ramifications

that could come interesting

top thirty individual men

and top thirty individual

women he just said top

thirty athletes yeah I'd

assume both yeah I would

assume as well um

He also said that when they put out things,

they pressure test their

ideas with brands to make

sure that sponsors will not

be upset at what they do.

And I wasn't sure how I felt about it,

and I still don't know.

It's something I have to think about.

It may be smart for them to

do that and not lose sponsorships,

but I'm not sure it should be like,

shouldn't it be what you

really feel to be safe and

not what a brand feels?


also talked throughout this

whole interview about the

season has to have a

storyline and from like

that you go you build from

event one to event two to

event three he kept saying

weeks but then at the end

said I don't mean it has to

happen week one to week two

to week three but like

event one to event two to

event three and it should

build in a very linear storyline um

And then he said that they

were looking at events for

next season to give

athletes an alternative if

they chose not to do the CrossFit season.

I'm assuming that's just

like promoting certain

competitions that people are running.



The tour or the circuit,

whatever you want to call it.

I think this is actually a

very well put as well.


The PFA shouldn't be a name

partner for any event,

but rather just an entity

that is there for checks

and balances that doesn't

need to be advertised.

That would save a lot.



I believe that there should be

representation for the athletes.

I just want representation

for all athletes.

All athletes that are

affected by the safety and

competition fairness and

all those things from semifinals up.

That's all.

So that's pretty much what I

got out of that.

And then I'm just going to

finish up with a shout out

to Chad Schroeder,

who did a really awesome

recap of the teens and the

Masters games with

important numbers for all those.

And it was really

fascinating reading to find out, like,

people who have been –

to so many games and,

or so many podiums or so many, um,

it was just really a

fascinating read and it's,

he has a link from his Instagram to, uh,

the document on his LinkedIn page.


and it's really good if you want to go

check that out.

Yeah, that was excellent.

Um, so definitely do that.

And yeah,

I had one other thing and then it

just slid out of my head, but

Chad, the OG brain of CrossFit,

the most underrated analyst out there.

He is kind of becoming a friend of mine.

We chat quite a bit.

I like Chad a lot.

So, yeah.

I think that's it.

So thank you everybody for

being here tonight.


We started late next week.

Hopefully I'm going nowhere next week.

No trip to Pennsylvania for me next week.

Carolyn probably is

traveling to or something.

I'm going back home next week.


I literally have been

traveling every weekend.

It's, it's literally, it's, it's nuts.

Lucas has state tennis states.

So how, how, so they made it this week.


They didn't win regionals,

but they got second.

Jamie sent a picture to me

of the first tournament

that Lucas went to.

Beautiful stands,

easy way to see the tennis match.

Then for the qualification

match to get to States,

it was bring your own lawn chair.

Oh, yeah.

It was at our school.

We actually have a really nice facility.

That's why we get to host regionals.

There are some bleachers

where we wanted to sit to watch Lucas.

We were out on the lawn and

had our own chair.

We're going to States at Detroit Cranbrook,

which is

like a like detroit country

day and people around here

would will know it um

private a lot of money so

should be I'll send you a

picture should be very very fancy

all right well thank you

everybody for being here

tonight don't forget like

and subscribe to the

channel hit the notifier so

you're the first one to

know when new stuff comes

out and we will be back

next week for sunday sunday

sunday night crossfit talk

see you guys next time as

I'm fumbling to find