Wake Up Classy 97 The Podcast

Wake Up Classy 97 with Josh & Chantel from Monday, October 7th, 2024 / Chantel’s advice is to just ignore her & that sounds like bad advice, a real live woman landed an airplane, Chantel’s closet has 15 of the same shirts in it, it was a quilt shop weekend for the girls and a home studio cleanup weekend for Josh, hey Chantel - you got any more of those scandals?, the loudest foods, why is a police officer casing our house, the scary movie game, Richard Simmons was buried in his little shorts, and a big dumb fantasy football update.

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Episode title: Wake Up Classy 97 with Josh and Chantel - Monday, October 7th

Episode summary introduction:

Chantel’s advice is to just ignore her & that sounds like bad advice, a real live woman landed an airplane, Chantel’s closet has 15 of the same shirts in it, it was a quilt shop weekend for the girls and a home studio cleanup weekend for Josh, hey Chantel - you got any more of those scandals?, the loudest foods, why is a police officer casing our house, the scary movie game, Richard Simmons was buried in his little shorts, and a big dumb fantasy football update.

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Full show transcript:

This is Wake Up Classy 97, the podcast, a replay of today's full show. It's Josh and Chantel. It's Monday, October 7th. Chantel's advice is to just ignore her, and that sounds like bad advice. It is bad advice.

Don't do that. It sounds like bad advice. Don't do that. A real live woman landed a real actual airplane. Can you believe it?

Yes. I absolutely can believe it. Me too. It's actually a pretty cool story. Chantel's closet, you open it up, there's 15 of the same shirt, and That's and they're all white with dark stripes.

That's an exaggeration. 15. 15. Dude. I'm gonna look.

I bet it's I bet it's more than 5. You had a quilt shop weekend for the girls while I stayed home and cleaned my studio all weekend. Oh, hey. You got any more of those scandals? No.

No? No. None? No. Back off.

Tell me the scandal. You need to step away. Alright. The loudest foods, why is there a police officer casing our house? Yeah.

Why is there? Don't know. The scary movie game. A doo. Richard Simmons was buried in his little shorts, and a big dumb fantasy football update.

Awesome football update. Not Yes. Not Not good. Not that great. Goal.

Thanks for listening to the show live every weekday morning from 6 to 10 and right here on the podcast. Subscribe wherever you listen and rate the show. It really helps us grow. We hope you enjoy today's show. Alrighty.

Enjoy. Bye. Monday morning, it's Josh and Chantel. Oh. You're a little you're a little perky.

Yeah. Yes. Back at it here in the studio. Bright and early. 6:0:6 AM.

606 AM. That's got a rhythm to it. 6:0:6 AM. It's the phone it's the ZIP code from, Scruff McGruff. Scruff McGruff, Chicago, Illinois 60652.

606 AM. 606 AM. Yep. That's what that is. Hey.

Today, we are celebrating one of your favorite things in the most entire world. What is it? One of your most favorite things in the whole entire world. What is it? It's national bathtub day.

I do love a good bath. You do? I do. And that makes one of us. That's okay.

Because this bathtub ain't big enough for the 2 of us. Alright. So, here's what it says. It says there's nothing quite like a relaxing, warm, bubbly oasis, A place where you can soak away stress and unwind in peace. Is that true?

Yes. That is absolutely true. And that's why I like it. And plus also it's warm. That's what a hot tub's for.

Yeah. But we don't have a hot tub. No. So I have to take what I can get. I would happily sit in a hot tub.

But then I always feel gross after a hot tub. Like, I need to take a bath afterwards. Not a bath. Yeah. I bad bath.

I really do. I have a big shower. It's world architecture day. It's inner beauty day. It is, stem cell and bone marrow awareness day.

You can register as a stem cell and bone marrow donor if you didn't know. And, you can help fight a lot of diseases including Parkinson's, which is a big deal. So stem cell? Stem cell and bone marrow awareness day. Yeah.

World Habitat Day, get involved in building houses around the, local Habitat for Humanity groups, or you can help provide much needed resources if that's how you wanna help. But it is Habitat Day. National consignment day today. You shopped at some consignment shops I did. Over the weekend?

I sure did. I like them. Matter of fact, the shirt I'm wearing right now, I got at a consignment shop over the weekend. How about that? Mine is too.

No. You have, like, 4 that look just like it, but not that one. That one you've had. You don't know. Yeah.

I do. That's the one I washed. Yeah. Yeah. That one it might have come from a consignment shop originally.

It yeah. I think so. Over the weekend. Oh, okay. Do they have a we'll talk about it later.

National propane day. Let's give it up for propane. Oh. Hey. Can have delicious grilled foods if you don't have propane.

I do like I don't like the smell of propane, but I enjoy propane. That's just an additive they add to it so you know if it's leaking. Oh, really? Mhmm. That's not what it actually smells like.

Well, that's what the additive smells like. Right. But you but it's unique to propane. Interesting. Yeah.

Well, that was smart of them. Yes. It was. Day of bullying prevention. It is child health day.

Let's give it up for the frappe. Alright. I like good frappe. Pe. Yep.

And it is, LED light day. We should get frappe on frappe day. I'm not mad about a frappe on frappe day. Good morning. Good Monday.

Hey, Chantel. Hey, Josh. What's up over there? No. Nothing.

You know Nothing much. No. You know how, it's it's like Sunday and all I ever hear is, like, I don't want anything to work. Who do you who do you hear that from? I hear it from you.

I never hear it. Every Sunday. There's a name for it. They call it the Sunday scaries. Yeah.

Everyone experiences that. Yeah. But but I hear it. You're not alone. I don't wanna Yeah.

Because it's dumb. I understand. I do. Yeah. I don't think you do.

A lot of people a lot of people get the Sunday scary. I don't get the scaries. What do you get? I don't know. I get a little hyped up.

Like, I'm excited. Yeah. You get excited? I've been doing this thing for 25 years, and it's it's exciting times. I've been working just as long.

Now that's the difference is that, like, there's there's working, and then there's, like, I'm doing what you love. Thing I love for so long. I get the opportunity to come in here and crack open a microphone and say good morning. I just wish it started at 7. Exactly.

I I'm excited about it. Or 8. Or 8? Yeah. Why or 8?

Because wouldn't it be nice if it started at 8? No. 7 would be good. I'd be I'd be real happy about 7. 7 would be better than 6.

I'm I'm with you there. Who do we talk to? I don't know. Who do we send an email to? Hey.

Hey. Got a wild idea. 6 AM is you know? Much too early. Right.

No one's listening. It's That's not true. AM. That's not true. But there certainly are more people listening at 7 than there are at 6.

But that is that is just the way it works, because more people have to be at work at 8 and 9 than there are people that have to be to work at 6. There's a good crowd of people that have to be to work at 6. Yeah. We're one of them. So good morning, anyway.

A whole bunch of people said that Sunday is harder to enjoy because of the looming workday Yes. School week. Yes. You don't enjoy your Sunday because you're all you can think about? What do I tell you?

Don't clock in. Right. Quit clocking in. It's still Sunday. Like, don't clock in.

I know, but then I be at work right now. It's 4 o'clock. I know. The whole weekend's over. Instead of just enjoying where you're at.

I do enjoy where I'm at. It's not that I'm not enjoying the Sunday, but I'm there's always a black cloud. Like That's the scariest part. Got you've got you've only got 6 more hours before you have to go to bed. Yeah.

And it's not even that. It's like you've got 6 more hours before you have to go to bed, but you only have 4 more hours before you have to start prepping for the work week. Mhmm. Did you get your lunch pack? Did you get all of your things signed for your kids at school?

Oh, remember you were gonna do that thing this weekend? Didn't do that. So you mentioned 4 o'clock. Is that when you feel like it really sets in? Yes.

That's the average time. That's the about 3:54 PM, people go 3:54. It's very specific. Yeah. It is.

But you said 4 o'clock, which is right next to that. And you you start going, but I don't wanna Because that's yeah. That's late afternoon where it goes, okay. Most of the day is gone now. Now I have to really focus on Interesting.

The work week. Yeah. That's yeah. You know when it hits me? When?

5 AM Monday morning, and I go, why? And then Tuesday, 5 AM. Why? I don't know. I do that too.

And then about Thursday morning, I'm like, a couple more days. We got this. I can handle it. Couple more days. Sorry you get the scaries.

Everyone does. I feel like me saying stop clocking in is supposed to help. It doesn't. I gathered I gathered that it's not helpful. No.

It's not. Getting you where you need to be. How could I help? Just ignore me. That'll be effective.

Do you remember when there was, we talked about this story a while ago? It's not really a story, but there was a thing on TikTok where, like, wives would ask their husbands, do you think you could land a plane if you needed to? Yes. Okay. Of the men were like, yep.

Good do. Absolutely. Yeah. If I had somebody in the headset telling me what buttons to push to land the airplane, yes. Okay.

Most of the men said that. Yeah. Go ahead. Okay. I was gonna tell you well, listen.

I was informed over the weekend by our son that there is a new flight simulator coming out that was announced. Okay. We were both very excited about it. Okay. And I think that's the difference maker.

They say new flight simulator, and you can build this thing out, into where, you have to hit all of the proper switches to, you know, engage the airplane and throttle up and all the stuff. Like, you actually have to do all of the things in a virtual world in order to take off and land and fly and everything. He said some people will actually do the simulators. Well, they're like, they'll do the transcontinental flights because they've mapped out the entire world in insane detail. Oh my.

Insane. Like, you can fly to your house. Like, it's incredible. And so, he he said people will actually sit down and do the transcontinental flights in real time as if they are the pilots of these airplanes. And that sounds awesome.

Crazy. I don't think that sounds awesome. Right. Okay. So, yes, I do think I could land an airplane.

Real life, there was a small twin engine plane that was flying from LA not LA, Las Vegas to Monterey, California on Friday when the pilot passed out. That's a problem. The only passenger on board had no choice but to land the plane herself. Let's go. She did it too, didn't she?

She did. She put on the headset Air traffic control. Tower told her what to do. She was down at an airport in Bakersfield, California. The pilot was taken to a hospital, and the woman who landed the plane was not hurt at all.

I knew it. I'm telling you. Well, she was a female. Yeah. I know.

Okay. I'm saying quit doubting yourself. You can do it too. Well, women can. Yeah.

Absolutely. And men too. Yes. Men can too. I'm not trying to play that card.

I get it. But I'm I'm super proud and excited of her. I'm like, that's great. I thought you'd be happy to hear that story because I'm like, well, holy moly. Somebody did this.

Somebody did this thing we've been talking about for months. Mhmm. She landed a plane with the help of air traffic control. Now And she had no prior piloting, anything. Not the mileage.

Is she gonna go on and get her pilot's license and and fly now? She got she got the bug? No. She's probably like, no. Thank you.

I probably won't fly again. I think she might. I think now that she knows it's not as scary as she thought, I think she might. Maybe. Ask her.

I don't know how to get in touch. Otherwise, I might. Just to just to follow-up. Hey. We need a follow-up.

Yeah. Are you gonna go to flight school now? Are you gonna learn how to fly more? And she'll say, oh, that was a one that was a one time thing, but thanks for asking. See you later.

That was a good conversation. I hope it goes exactly like that. There was a video game competition, that was held, and over 65 video game players got together at the home of the University of Iowa Hawkeyes football team to play in this tournament, where they played EA Sports College Football 25 Oh. Which it's been, 14 years since they put out this video game. Beck has it.

It's a beautiful football game. Beautiful? It is very, very fun to to look at. It's, it's EA Sports College Football 25. Oh, okay.

Very, very good game. K. Along the way, they raised nearly $60,000 for the Sted Family Children's Hospital. The Children's Hospital has a special connection with the Iowa football team. I don't know if you've seen pictures of it, but, some of its windows overlook the field at the stadium.

So, during each home game, when the clock hits 0 at the end of Q1, all the fans in attendance, which it holds over 70,000 fans, they all turn their attention to the hospital and wave at the pediatric patients and families who are watching the game from the hospital Oh. Which is really special, and they've been doing that for a long time. So for this event, the stadium opened its doors and let gamers play video game football on TV screens and make a huge impact for the kids, at the hospital by raising about $60,000 for them. That's incredible. Really cool.

Playing a a football game on a football field, pretty great. I think that's a lot of fun. I bet I'd be pretty good at a football video game. If you practice, yeah, just like anything else. You could be good at anything.

If you're consistent Yeah. And you try Yeah. You bet. You you bet. That's pretty cool.

$60,000, you said? Yep. Pretty great. That is great. Well done and, all in the name of video games.

How about that? How about it? What we discovered is that Chantel loves a white shirt with dark colored stripes. Yeah. So what of it?

How did we figure out that you love a white shirt with let's see the shirt you're wearing. It's a white shirt with, black stripes. Is it? Yeah. Where are the stripes?

Just, back up a little bit so I can see you. There they are. White white shirt, dark stripes. Yeah. And how many of these do you own now?

I I don't actually know. At least 3 or 4. 3. Somewhere in at least 3 or 4. Well, I we I've done some shopping over the weekend, and then as I'm unpacking Yeah.

I go, oh, here's a white shirt with stripe. Here's another white shirt with stripes. Mhmm. Mhmm. I'm sensing a trend.

I gotta look in my closet and see how many white shirts with stripes I have. I feel like something it's like when you when you buy that new car and then you're driving, you're like, everybody has this car. Like, I think you you bought one, and you're like, I really like how that looks on me. And so then you keep finding more of them, and you're like, this also looks good on me. This would look good on me.

I don't think it's just white with stripes. I've got a green shirt with stripes. Sure. You do like a stripe. I've got Are all your stripes horizontal?

Yes. You don't have any verticals? No. I heard verticals make you look taller. No.

I don't think I've ever seen clothes with vertical stripes. What is your face? What? Did you see who's weird? I mean, I gotta look it up.

Vertical stripe shirt. Do you have anything with vertical stripes? Oh, yeah. They're sure. Look.

There's like a it's men's pajamas. Yeah. Yeah. You're gonna look like a referee. It kinda looks like a referee.

Yeah. Depending on the one you get. Vertical stripes makes a statement. I've seen that kind of Vegas y bowling shirt look Yeah. With the big wide vertical stripe.

I've seen that before. So no. I don't have anything with the vertical stripe. They're all horizontal, and I think I'll probably keep it that way. This guy wears his open chested.

That's a that's a statement. The bowling shirt? No. Just as I scroll down into, like, the more product shopping part, there's a men's vertical stripe button down, but he wears it with, like it did, like, down. Like, he's got, like, 3 buttons done up, and that's it.

Maybe he lost some buttons, and he just doesn't know how to fix them. No. This shirt comes with all the buttons. I know, but maybe they fell off. No.

I can see him in the picture. Oh, yeah. He made a choice. I don't even necessarily know if the white shirt with vertical stripes not vertical. Horizontal stripes.

You said, oh, you at one point, you bought one and you said, this looks good on me. I can't even guarantee that it looks good on me. I know. I know. But you felt like it did.

Whether it whether it does or not, you would, at some point, said It's cute. I like how this looks. It makes me feel cute. I'll I'm gonna buy this shirt. And you know what?

I found another one, so I might just buy that one too. It's a little different. This one has a hood. Maybe that's my style. It's just white shirts with stripes.

I just for the for your sake Every top I own. You should let everyone know. You could wear them, like, sequential through the week and just say, this is a different shirt. It I know it looks the same, but it's different. This one has a hood.

It's a mess. And you're like, this one has a little thing with buttons on the shoulder. That one you're wearing right now. Yeah. Yeah.

And the stripes end right here. Right. On my arm. Full stripe. Yeah.

See how different? Yeah. So different. It makes picking out clothes really easy. Yeah.

What am I gonna wear today? White with dark stripes. You're like a cartoon character who opens the closet, and everything's just the same. Yeah. I know.

Yeah. White shirt, dark stripes. I'll pick this one. Yeah. Get some vertical stripes in there.

No way. It's a cool look. And a whistle? Vertical stripes and a whistle? Yeah.

And then you can say, you know, too many men on the field or whatever your whatever your referee call is. Foul play. Unnecessary roughness. Whatever. So you decide to leave town for the weekend.

You and our daughter and your sister, you've got an annual tradition of, quilt, shop Yep. Hoppin'? Yep. It's called shop hop. Mhmm.

I call it shoppity hoppity. Why am I not surprised that you call it shoppity hoppity? Because it's more fun. Alright. And you bring the fun.

I get it. So, this is basically where you guys, what? You go tour around different quilt shops and, different stores, across, Idaho and Utah. Southeast Idaho and Northern Utah. Okay.

Yeah. Super. And you've done this for years years? Years since 20 we were trying to determine since 2017. That's for real?

You've been doing that thing for 7 years? Yes. Holy cow. Can you even believe it? I can because it that feels right.

It feels like you've been doing it that long. And here's the thing. Sometimes I don't have a plan for, like, any kind of specific thing that I'm gonna purchase, and I just end up with a bunch of random fabric Mhmm. And projects. Not projects.

Like, maybe some different patterns and stuff when I already have a room full of fabric and patterns. This year, I said, I'm going with the plan. I've got quilt tops that I need to finish, and so I went purposely to buy backing and binding for 4 of my quilts. And I You're you're very enthusiastic as you're pounding on the table, like, getting your point across. It is time for me to be assertive and finish this project.

It wasn't fun fabric shopping, but it was necessary. Okay. But did you have fun matching the colors and and finding what you need for the quilts? Yeah. Alright.

So now you just have to get the stuff that goes in between the layers, batting. Right? And, and then your batting then, will also, go in there, and then you're gonna quilt these and make it happen? Yep. And you have 4 of them?

No. I have 7 of them. I had 3 of them. 7 tops. And yeah.

Yeah. Yeah. But over the years that you've not finished. Mhmm. Yeah.

I've made one quilt, and I went, it's enough. And I hand quilted it, and then I stepped away and went, I'm good. You did hand quilt it. I'll I'll be done with that. Good job to you.

So you you have a sewing machine to do this stuff. Yeah. And you're excited about it or what? No. I'm nervous about it.

Oh. Because I don't have a quilting machine. I just have a sewing machine. Right. But you have the quilting machine can quilt.

Right. I just haven't ever used it before, and so I'm nervous about using my sewing machine to quilt. What do we know about No. No. No.

Yeah? Yeah? No. No. Yeah?

Yeah. This is this is the the husband train coming into station. What do we know about trying something new? All you need is confidence, which I don't have. How do we let's let's work on it.

Let's workshop this. How do we get you the confidence to be able to go, yep. I'm putting the quilt in here. I'm gonna do this thing. I guess I just need to try a piece of fabric that I don't care about as much.

That sounds like a great start. That's good. What's the thing too you need? The willingness to try. Are you willing to try?

Yes. Now come on. Yes. Alright. And?

A support system. Let's go. I'm excited for you. This is gonna be cool. You're gonna have quilts done that you've been sitting on 7.

Finishing 7 of them. Because you like doing the block part. Yeah. That's the fun part. But, actually, putting it all together is the Well, I don't I don't have a quilting machine, so I've never I haven't I know people who do, but I always feel bad asking, hang on.

And if I pay ask? Hang on. Is that how you do it? Never asked anybody because I don't like asking. I see.

And to pay to have them done, it's quite pricey. Yeah. So I'm like, no. I can do this. What do you think it is price wise?

Because it's probably based on the size of the quilt. Right? It is. And the design that you want and different things. K.

How I mean, look. I have I have a couple of questions because some of these shops, it's all computerized at this point. Right? Yeah. So, like and I get the machines expensive.

So somebody who's doing this for you probably wants to charge to make their machine pay itself off eventually. Yeah. Right? But but it isn't like the old days where somebody's sitting there running that machine. No.

But it still is depending on the size of your quilt. It is, like, 100 of dollars. I know. But my point is if it's automated at this point like, you were paying a craftsman or person, whatever, to sit and and do your quilt on a big machine, and and that's a that's an art and a skill Yes. And should be And they have to not have broadband 100 of dollars.

Computerized machine. I get that. I just feel like with the automated system, they're gonna kinda set it and go do something else No. While they're making the same amount of money. No.

I don't think that's how it works. I don't know. I think it might be a lot of them still have to you still have to guide it a little bit. I think I don't know. I don't know either.

I don't have a quilting machine. I don't know. I don't know either, especially an automated one. Right. Right.

Because they are expensive. They're 1,000 of dollars. Yeah. I understand. And you have to have a lot of space, and I don't have a lot of space.

Yeah. Yeah. I don't have money or space Right. For a quilting machine. To put one in the house would be insane.

But, anyway, I just I I'm excited for you. I hope you try it, and, then you're gonna walk away from, you know, 4 finished quilts. And then what? Work on the other 3? Yeah.

Make some more tops? Yeah. Because I've got for years, or you're gonna feel, like, inspired after you do the first one? If it goes well, I might feel really inspired, and then wham bam. Quilts everywhere.

What if it what if it goes poorly? Then I'll never do it again. No. That's the wrong answer. Wrong answer.

So while you're gallivanting around, shoppity hoppity in Mhmm. Gallivanting. Shopping, hoppity in, across the region. Yep. I decided to take on the giant project that was my studio in the basement.

My home studio, which Has been a catchall Uh-huh. For junk Uh-huh. For a long time. Uh-huh. And, not only just that, but it's it's got, like, years years years of stuff in there.

Memorabilia stuff, autograph stuff, all of my my foot locker of, of a hope chest. There's just so much stuff in there. Boxes of wires. You said your foot locker of a hope chest? Yes.

So I have a foot locker Yeah. That I originally used when I was a kid. I've had that thing forever. And it was sort of like my toy box. And then over the years, it became where I stored my CD collection Mhmm.

Which I was very protective of as you remember. I do remember. And then, and now it's like, it's like a memorabilia hope chest. Okay. So it's sort of kind of evolved into like, now it's got, like, notes from you and the kids and stuff and, like, radio history stuff and newspaper corona things and things.

Yeah. It's just it's just that. Okay. And and just stuff. Like, this room is just full of random stuff, and it's sort of the space in my house.

Not that the stuff in our house isn't representative of me, but it's like, this is all my stuff. Like, my stuff I have a and then, what's it called? Ninja Turtle from when I was a kid. I have all kind like, I Star Wars collectibles. Kinds of stuff.

Yeah. Just stuff. And so it's sort of my space, but it's been so full of stuff that I've been able to get in. Right. And it's been your mission to get it worked on for a long time, and you took it upon yourself to do it this weekend.

Yeah. I'm still finishing. Like, I still have stuff out in the family room that I'm sorting through, and I'll continue to have stuff, I would imagine, over the next You found you know what's exciting? You found our old when we got married in 2005, you we gave out mixed CDs. Like, we burned some CDs of some of our favorite songs.

Yeah. Like a mixtape. We didn't have one. I found 2. And you found 2?

Yeah. I'm so excited about that. So, yeah, one for you and one for me. And I know where they are. I put them aside so they are in the room so we can listen to them.

You also sent me a text and said, do you know where the picture of me when I bought my truck is? Yeah. And I said The picture of me with my with my new truck. Uh-huh. I sure do.

And you said where? And I said, oh, just go take a look on the fridge. Well, I didn't know that's where it was. Hanging forever since you bought that truck. The only time I ever look at what's on the fridge is when I go that's that note is still on the dry erase board.

I'm pretty sure we bought eggs, but it still says eggs. Okay. Well, maybe take a look at everything else that's hanging on the fridge. Yeah. Walk by it multiple times every day.

Yeah. Yeah. Right in the center of the house, bud. So I took it from there and put it next to, the other picture of me with my other truck. So now those are on display.

Because, you know, what do you do with that? I don't know. I hang it on the wall. I hung it on the fridge. Yeah.

Which which that was like I did a a cool project. Like, I felt like I made the fridge, everybody. I just didn't know where else to put it, so I thought I'll put it here. Well, now it's in it's in my studio. Yeah.

But I got it cleaned out. I can actually get in there. I can do some work, which is really fun. I'm excited, to have that space up and running. Nice.

It looks really great. Which is really cool. So, yeah, still work to do. A lot of stuff in the closet that I gotta sort through. Still boxes and boxes of stuff.

Do you feel motivated to do more? Because I wanna do this to the whole house. I'm I'm still working on my room. When I finish my room, I'll work on some other stuff. Or you're gonna be like, oh, I can't do another room.

I'm too tired. Probably. I'll need a month in between or so. Dang it. Yeah.

But you feel free whenever you're ready. I know because I gotta do that to my craft room. Yeah. The amount of garbage that I pulled out, like, that's the that's the most horrifying part. And that's really where I got to.

It was like, I have all this stuff. Why do I have all this stuff? I have clutter. I have years of stuff that I'm just hanging on to, and I get it has sentimental value. At one point, it meant something special to me, but down the road, I'm like, why do I have this?

But how good is it if it's just sitting in a room that you never go into or look at or see or use? You know? And stuff that I'm like, maybe one day I'll do something with this. I gotta stop that mentality. Yeah.

Me too. It's just wild. It's out of control. But my room, I can get in. It's nice and clean.

Ugh. It's awesome. Thumbs up, bud. Okay. So as me and my sister and Emery are shopping this weekend, we go into the store, and we're shopping.

We're doing our thing. Somebody has already greeted us from the store and said, hey. How are you? Here's our sale that we've got going on. Great.

We're shopping. And then all of a sudden, this woman comes up to us and says, as loud as loud I mean, she was, like, a lot. She was just very energetic, and she was, like, egregarious and just, like What a word. Yeah. She was just, like, not egregarious.

Right? Okay. She was just boisterous and loud, and and she said, did you guys find everything your hearts desired? Are you did you get enough stickers? Did you get enough like, here's our pattern.

Like, she was just like and all 3 of us were kinda like, woah. Thank you. Nice to meet you. Do you work here, or are you just Yeah. And she said I'm excited about the day.

She was like, I am here. And we were like, cool. Cool. Cool. Take it down a notch.

So then, I'm shopping. I get my fabric cut, and then I go to check out. And all of a sudden, she's here at the at the counter again, and she goes, so do you have any scandal? And I go What does that mean? I I what?

Like, does she want the tea? I don't know. Spill the tea. And I don't know her. I don't know this person.

And I go, what? And she goes, scandal. Do you have any? And I went, no. Fresh out.

And she says she goes, well, why not? I mean, she's talking like this, and she's real close to me, and I like a little bit of space. Yeah. And so I'm kinda, like, backing up a little, like, honey, you're you're doing too much. You need to step off just a bit.

I don't know you. You're doing too much. Do you have any scandal? And I said, no. And she said, well, why not?

And I said, I guess my life is just kinda boring. Well, then buy my stuff and go. You're you're making me real nervous. And then were there people, were there other people in the store? Like, workers.

Yeah. But no other customers? I think there was a couple of other customers, but they seemed like they were regulars. They seemed like they knew that. So she was all caught up on their scandal.

She wanted new dirt. Even if I had scandal, I'm not gonna tell you a stranger. You could have made anything up. I could have, but I just didn't like uncle Leroy, that guy broke out of prison. Let me tell you, he's running.

No. I was afraid. I didn't care for the vibe that she was putting out. It was too much. You're doing too much.

I know that you're trying to be like That's a weird question to ask. I know. Like, you know, you go to get a drink, and they're like, what do you got going on today? How's it going? And they wanna chitchat for 15 minutes while you're like, please just give me my refreshment.

Exactly. Right? It's that. But they normally are, like, real, like, surface value questions. Not this lady.

No. She's like, hey. What's the scandal? And Dawn, my sister, and Emery, my daughter, were next to me as I was checking out. And when she said, hey.

You got any scandal? They were like my sister later said, I didn't stick around. She's like, I was I left. We're getting out of here. She said she told my daughter, we're getting out of here.

So she So they abandoned you? Left you. Abandoned. Way to go. I know.

Your older sister abandoned you. Oh, that's not the first time. I'm sure. I'm sure. I was able to buy a treat over the weekend that I haven't had in a very long time.

What'd you get? I got some ranch corn nuts. Gross. And that's exactly why I haven't been able to find them in a long time. Because they stink up the whole car.

Yeah. And, also, they are, like, top tier Loud. Loud. Like, they are one of the crunchiest foods ever. And so I never get to have them because, 1, you hate the smell of them, and 2, you have a thing about stink a lot.

Food. Yeah. So I said that I'll just leave it that. Yeah. Yeah.

Good. Correct. Get some of this snack. And did you eat it in the car? I didn't eat it in the car because my sister also has a loud food thing.

Yeah. So I said, well, I'm not gonna eat these in the car. I ate them in the hotel room. They were still pretty loud. She was still there.

I know. So you chew on gravel. It's fine. I'm a little sister, so I got to be annoying. You are.

Yeah. I also bought Pop Rocks. Gross. I'm so glad you ate the loudest foods away from me. I really don't like Pop Rocks.

I do. Again, I never get to have that little treat. You know you know that, like, popping gum thing that you like Yeah. So much Yes. When people do?

I can't stand it. Right. Pop Rocks is that magnified by a 1,000. It's the same pop as that little stupid you got this little bubble of gum in my teeth. I'm a pop pop pop pop pop.

I saw that when we were checking out at one store, and I saw the pop rocks, and I said, oh, I'm gonna grab these. And I opened them up right in the store, and I put some in my mouth, and I stood real close to my sister and just let the sound And you just She didn't know I had bought them. And so she, for a minute, didn't notice. And then she reached over and she goes, what are you eating? I'm like, Pop Rocks.

Pop Rocks. I hate those. Uh-huh. Oh, you do? Oh.

You are such a brat. And not the good brat. Not like Charlie xcxbrat. You're a bad brat. You're a little sister brat.

Sister. I have to. That's my job. It's awful. I was happy.

I'm so glad you did it when I wasn't there. You didn't bring any of that home, did you? No. Good answer. Well, I I did.

No? I ate it already. Good answer. I ate it alone in my room. Fantastic.

Well, while I was downstairs good answer. I'm all for it. Yes. So is God. Snacks are God.

Yeah. Victory. Our kids go out last night. They wanted a treat, so they left last night to go get a treat. It was maybe 7:30.

Right? Something like that, I guess. Yeah. They come back. You're talking about when they went to go get dinner?

Yeah. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Because you and I weren't hungry because we had had a late lunch. And I don't know.

They were starving to death, you'd think. They're like, oh, I'm so hungry. And I went, okay. Well, then solve your issue. You're old.

They Just figure it out. Left, come back, and they come in and go, mom, there's a cop parked outside of our house. I go, okay. Now, Beck has his old car that he had been driving before he bought his new one. Right.

And it's just being parked in front of our house, stationary, because he has a new car. Mhmm. It's parked the way that it should be. Nothing's going on. Yeah.

It's in the right direction. But he's pretty sure that the cop was there to give that car a ticket for being parked there. Yeah. I don't know what I don't know what the officer was up there. Know either, but it turned our whole house into a flurry, didn't it?

Everybody kept looking out the windows, sneaking peeks. Is he still there? What's going on? What's he doing? What is he?

We haven't done anything wrong. Were you were you, like, second guessing your life? Like, did I do something in Utah and now I'm in trouble? Were you worried like that? No.

But you do start to question, like, why are they here? What do what could they possibly want from us? You were running through a list of, like, things you felt bad about. Or, like, what did what have the kids done? Did they do something on the way home?

Like, maybe, I don't know. And then all these, you know, conspiracy theories start to pop up in your head, like, maybe they're staking out the neighbor's house. What have the neighbors done? Maybe. I we still don't have any idea what that No.

Police officer was doing outside of our house. Sitting there? Sitting there. For a while. I did see someone drove by once, and then he flashed lights, like headlights.

Oh. And then it was only a few minutes later he left. So I don't know if he was waiting to meet up with somebody. But we do live on a street where people tend to speed. Right.

And so then we were like, well, maybe that's a speed drop. But it was late on a Sunday evening. Nobody's driving by that. Close to our cars in front of our house to be able to pull out quickly and get somebody. Yeah.

So I don't know. Yeah. I don't know either. So What were you up to, buddy? Yeah.

What were you up to? What were you doing? You doing? Casing the joint? And, also, if you're casing our joint, you're doing a terrible job because we can see you.

We saw you. I saw you with my eyeballs. So you need to be better incognito. Yeah. Yeah.

What's that what's that TV game? Pyramid? Is it pyramid? Yeah. $100,000 pyramid, $500,000 pyramid, whatever.

Yeah. Give you a clue Yes. And then you try to name the thing? Yeah. Okay.

We're gonna play that. So you give me, you I have to guess the word, but you give me, like, the clues. Yeah. Like, if it was And this is gonna be a Halloween movie edition. So I'm gonna give you one word to start with.

The opposite of it, but okay. What is it? Well, we're this we're just doing our own thing. That's just not how pyramid works. I know.

It's okay. It's not pyramid. It's just a different thing. It's like pyramid. Triangle.

It's not. It's triangle. Okay. We're playing triangle. So I'll give you one word clue, and then you try to guess the Halloween movie in the one word clue.

And then if you can't, I'll give you 2 words. Alright. Okay? Let's see what happens. Alright.

I'll start I'll start easy. Suit. Suit. This is easy? Suit.

This is not that easy. Let me pick it up. You think? Suit. Alright.

Witches? Hocus Pocus. Nice. Good job. Good job.

See, now that's starting easy. Okay. Suit. Slender man. Those ones are terrible clues.

I don't know. I didn't make these clues. Alright. Alright. But I but, yeah, witch is a great one Yeah.

Or which is, which is okay. Good. Okay. Here's another one. K.

Sewer. Sewer. Mhmm. That's where Pennywise is at, so that would be it. Correct.

Good job. You're doing great. Great. 2 for 2. Horse.

Horse. I would say, this would be Sleepy Hollow Good job. Because of the Headless Horseman. You're good at this, man. That's 3.

K. Ghost. Ghost. No. Casper.

Yes. Alright. Alright. Can I keep you? K.

Next one, slime. Slime. That would probably be Ghostbusters. Dude, you're so good at this thing. I wanna know what they made that out of, that pink, oozy slime in the bathtub.

That was some special stuff. That was some special stuff. Okay. Let's see. Let me see another one.

Mask. Mask. Mhmm. I would guess Halloween because of Mike Myers, but you could also argue that that would also be, working for Friday 13th because of Jason. Okay.

Yeah. You're right. So But it was Halloween. Good job. Alright.

You're so good at this one. We're gonna go back you say suit. Well, we're going back to suit because that's the only one you haven't gotten. Suit. I don't know.

I didn't again, I didn't make these clues. But I'm trying to figure out Okay. Like, Adam's family, maybe Okay. As Gomez always wears a suit. Book.

Suit? Book? Book is also hocus pocus. I know. It's not, though.

Dead. Oh, oh, oh, Beetlejuice. There you go. Good job. There's gotta be better clues than that.

Right. I didn't make the clues. Dude, you got 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. You got 9 out of that. Suit eventually.

You did? I that's I counted that one. Oh, wow. I counted that one. Was there only 9 to give?

Well, I only gave you 9 because I don't like the other one, and I'm not gonna use it. So Alright. Well, I win. 9 out of 9. Look at that.

You win the game. I know my scary movies. You don't, though. I think I've seen all of those. Yeah.

I guess you have. Yeah. No no problem. Good job, Josh. Thanks.

Richard Simmons passed away on July 13th. Allegedly. No. I'm I'm sure. No.

That's that's sad news we talked about a couple of months ago. Right. From heart disease and complications from a recent fall, they just held a celebration of life ceremony for him in New Orleans. Oh, fun. His brother, Lenny, let the congregation and everybody in attendance know that Richard was buried in his classic workout gear.

No doubt. He said Wow. This is what his brother said. This is a quote. Just like Clark Kent, underneath his beautiful things that he was wearing, his clothing.

Richard is wearing a tank top and shorts. Why, you ask? Because we think that God has another plan for him. We want to make sure that he was going to be in his normal costume that we all know and love to help the saints and the angels get into shape. That's amazing.

Richard Simmons will forever be sweating with the holies. Alright. That's fun. And and I hope that's accurate. I I think that's yeah.

I think that's fun. I mean, that's a family member. That's, you know, it's a celebration of life. It's supposed to be fun and lighthearted and, you know, and and obviously respectful, but that's that's a good that's a good prodding by a brother. Right.

But I hope also that Richard Simmons wanted to be buried in his or her. Maybe he was like, ah, I spent the last part of my life trying to get rid of that costume. Obviously, still had it. I don't think they were like, let's run over to Zerker's and grab a Richard Simmons costume and put him in it. I think he probably now he probably still has all the shorts.

Do they put those in a museum? Like, is there a a is there a sweating to the oldies museum or a or a museum of fitness? A museum of fitness? Mhmm. Well, I wouldn't know.

I mean, come on. Yeah. I bet there is. Are you looking it up? No.

Oh. What would Monday be without a talk about football? Joyous. No. No.

No. No. No. It'd be a good Monday. You're just sad because you're losing.

I don't need the raccoon in my life I'm not. Every week. That's the deal. Like Listen. You're not out.

You still have a 1% chance of winning. Are you serious right now? Your win probability is 1%. Telling me there's a chance. There is a chance.

I'm only up by 80 some odd points. And you still have 2 players to play. Do I? So they only have to make 40 points each. Yeah.

No big deal. And Travis Kelce is one of them. So That won't happen. No? So And Kumar is the other one.

And his best game, he pulled in, I think, 66. Okay. 66 is good. It was huge. And that that's not gonna happen.

It just isn't. Well, I don't know what to tell you. Well, I don't either. Fantasy football is is my game, apparently. Listen.

What really bothers me more than anything is that, as I pull it up on my phone Yeah. On paper Yeah. I have built an incredible roster. Before the week started, Beck was looking at our matchup, and he said, I don't know who has the advantage here. Both of you have really good teams, which was it was really good.

Yeah. That was really good. Mhmm. And then projected to win at the beginning No. I know.

Maybe by And I told you projections don't mean anything because you were over here going, like, I gotta change things. I gotta have a higher projection. Now projections don't matter. No. Because you can build the best team, which I've done time and time again.

This is now the 5th week, and I am, currently 2 and 2, about to be 2 and 3 because there's no way I'm I'm pulling this off. No. You're not gonna beat me. I'm probably going to have the lowest score of the week again, and it makes no sense. And here's the other thing that happened.

Yesterday, Beck sent a a message to our family group. Mhmm. And did you look at it? No. And it said, here are the top 5 worst Fantasy players of the week.

Yet. It's And I have 3 of them. Like, what is going on? How is it that I just I I drafted amazing. I rebuild my team every week, and I get like, oh, this is gonna be the week.

The two times I've won was against Emery who doesn't really care. No. She doesn't care. Like, yeah. Okay.

Sorry. It's a joke, man. I have a really good team, and I No. We all know. We all heard.

Yeah. And, also, my Vikings, 5 in o. I know. I know. What is up?

So, hopefully, if all things are right in the world, tonight, the Chiefs lose, and, the Vikings are the only 5 Wouldn't that be amazing? That would be so cool. If all things are right in the world. But because I said it out loud, it won't happen. Also, I don't know if anybody watched the Vikings game.

It happened in London. And because they were in London, they did a parent trap, Sally. They did. Is that why they did it? Yeah.

Oh, yeah. They were in London. Yeah. I mean, it was cute. It was fun.

I didn't I didn't know London was important. I thought they just picked it because it was a fun, cute, little thing to do. I think they did it. When, who I don't even know who it was got a touchdown. They, yeah, they did the parent trap hand clap.

I loved it. But it was the new parent trap with Lindsay Lohan. Yeah. So, meh, take that for what it's worth. It was the Patty Duke parent trap I get it.

Which is A different parent trap. Yeah. One of them. It's okay. It was still a fun little celebration.

5 and o. My Vikings. Woah. They're so good. True.

And that's why I have their defense, which is one of the highest points, on my roster. A defense. Come on. What is going on? I don't know.

Sorry, buddy. No. You're not. Not really. There was a police officer in Washington.

Was he was he outside our house? No. Okay. He he was he outside our house? No.

Okay. He randomly saw a dog sitting in the middle of the road. So he stopped and said, hey, buddy. Let's, like, try and get you home. And the dog refused to get into his patrol car.

Why? The police officer tried and tried and tried, and the dog was like, nope. I'm not getting in your car. Then she eventually the dog eventually led him to a cabin where her 85 year old owner was in trouble. Oh.

The 85 year old man, the owner of the dog, had fallen and hurt his leg and had been stuck there for hours without access to his medications. No way. The 13 year old dog literally saved his life. That's really incredible. Real life Lassie situation there.

Is. I'm excited that, that the dog was like, look. We gotta do something. Like, that's that's a big deal. Yeah.

So I don't know what kind of breed this is. Her name is Gita, the dog. K. And she was 13 years old, and she yeah. I don't you know, I always wonder what goes through a dog's mind when they're like, I gotta do something.

I can't lift this human up. Right. But I But I'll go get help. Yeah. Well, that's that's a good dog.

I know. This is what that is. Girl, Gita. Yeah. And here's a 13 year old dog and an 85 year old man just grown old together.

Well yeah. But way to look out. You know? Like, way for the dog to be like, hey. You you take care of me.

I take care of you. I know. That's a good doggo. I know. Good doggo.

Indeed. Should we play a little this or that? Yes. We should. Let's do it.

Yes. We should. Would you rather be the one scaring people Yes. Or the one being scared? Hands down.

You wanna be the scarer? I have been, and it's a great time. It is a lot of fun scaring people. I like being I like going scaring. I like being the one being scared.

Do you? Yeah. Even here in the hall, just Yeah. Any time of the day when I go and you go It's pretty easy to scare me. I'm pretty jumpy.

Yeah. But, like, I did in fact get to work, in a haunted attraction, for a couple of different summers, like, a day or 2. It was a blast. I really had a good time. Yeah.

Beck did that too where he was working in the haunted attraction, and he loved it. And he was going regularly. Like, he was going, like, every day for a while, him and a friend. Yeah. And his little voice got pretty scratched and sore because he was having to be a zombie too many times.

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I I liked it, though. The the mask I wore was terrifying because it was this big head, and it had stringy gray hair off of it.

Gross. And it was like a it was like a zombie skeleton kind of thing, but it wasn't just a mask over your head. It had a full torso that came down. Ew. Yeah.

With arms and stuff. It was wild. Wore that? Mhmm. I don't remember that.

It was gross. You didn't ever go through when I was working. No. But And then I would hide behind these big barrels, and people would think they'd already seen all the scares that were coming, and then I go, and they did not, care for that. It was a good time, though.

Smacking, like, sticks on the on the side of the things, really scaring people. It was fun. I would do that again. Scaring people, tons of fun. I like being scared.

Yeah. I don't. It's awesome. But doing the behind the scenes stuff, great. I really enjoy that.

So, yeah, I'll do that. Alrighty. Well, good deal. Alrighty. Would you rather listen to that?

Well, well, well. And that's it. That's all she wrote. Is it? Yeah.

We're done for today? We're done for Monday. Monday. We're just Check. We're just ending it.

Checking off that to do list. K. Go take a nap, or what do we do now? I see. What do we do now?

A little more work to do. I have a whole day still. But what do but what do we do now? We need a good sign off. Do we?

Do we? What Yeah. What should we what should we work on? What do you think? I don't know.

You know how, like, most shows have, like, a catch line? It's like, this is our this is our regular sign off. This is our tagline. What about if, like like Jimmy Kimmel, he always says, because he has that thing with Matt Damon. Uh-huh.

And and so he always says, you know, sorry, Matt. We didn't have time for you today. Oh. Like, he does that every single show at the end. Because he's well, I wanna thank this person and person for being our guest and this musical guest and, check them all out, do their thing.

Sorry, Matt Damon. I didn't have time. That's his thing. I don't wanna steal that. I'm just saying, like, that one is there's down but in the same vein, NSYNC set to reunite.

Really? No. But that's for real, though, this time. Like, that's actually is this is a story I just pulled up because I was looking at, like, well, are we just leaving, or are we gonna talk about 7 before we go? Stuff.

Well, Chris Kirkpatrick and Lance Bass are the driving forces behind the effort to reunite. Justin Timberlake might actually be in this time because he thinks it might help him recover from the bad press he got He's got due to the DUI thing. Well, he had some bad press from Britney Spears' book, and then he had some bad press from his DUI. So he, he slipped a little bit. Yeah.

A little bit. He needs to climb back up that mountain. And he's been touring. So there's that. But then also on that night of his tour, that's when he got the DUI, like, super recently.

A a source close to Britain's Sun, which is a newspaper, says the guys have always known that a major reunion should happen, but with them all heading toward 50 yeah. That's real. Holy moly. The timing is important, especially if a performance is involved because they ain't getting any younger. There's a lot of proposals on the table, but one major idea is that they pull together a docuseries about the journey of reuniting and what it takes and all that so that they can also release a movie and make double the money.

See? Because you gotta make the money. You gotta make that moola. Which Justin doesn't have a problem with. And I and I'm sure that the other guys, Lance and Chris, and who's the other one?

Joey Fatone. That's it? I'm sure they've been doing stuff. Are there 5 like Joey Fatone. Yeah.

Chris Kirkpatrick. Lance Bass, Justin, Chris, Joey. Nick. Nick. Is that a is that real?

No. That he's from Backstreet Boys. I was just picking names. Nick. I can't yet think of the other in sync guy.

Oh, we're gonna have to pull this up. JC. Oh, JC Chaset. JC Chaset. Of course.

Everybody forgets JC Chaset. Oh, fuck JC. So Justin, JC, Lance, Joey, and Chris. Yeah. Alright.

Lance was always my favorite. Yeah. He's cool. He's a cool dude. I like his social media stuff.

Anyway, that being said, it might actually happen. Okay. Maybe. Here we go. We'll see.

They've written some musical ideas. They've been offered tracks for a new single, which could expand into a new album or expanded greatest hits with that. So we'll have to get along. Yeah. Yeah.

And with that is how we'll end the show, I guess. We'll we'll do some silly little, thing, and then we'll say, and with that or whatever, which feels like Top Gear. Top Gear used to do something like that. Yeah. Yeah.

Jeremy Clarkson would end, with a and on that something something note. But she does do it for the show. You should try to say something, and I'll try to finish your sandwich. No. Like your sentence.

No. I got it. I got it. Nope. No.

Now you're just repeating right after I say the thing. You're saying the same thing. So let's not do that. Alright. We'll we'll come up with that.

We're it was just this is a rough draft. We're just throwing ideas out there. Okay. We're spitballing here. Yeah.

Yeah. Just bouncing the ideas. You know? You know? Alright.

Check out the podcast. Everywhere podcasts are available. Subscribe and follow us on YouTube. We're on socials everywhere, classy 97 klce. Have a great Monday.

Maybe NSYNC will get back together. Maybe. Just maybe. We'll see you tomorrow morning. Alright.

K. Bye. Bye. Thanks for listening to wake up classy 97, the podcast. If you enjoy the show, please share, subscribe, and rate the podcast.

Wake up classy 97 is hosted by Josh and Chantel Tielor and is a production of Riverbend Media Group. For more information or to contact the show, visit riverbendmediagroup.com.