Chronicles of new Eden: Unveiling the lore of Eve online with Dame du Nord

"Unveiling Minmatar's Tapestry: The Seven Tribes of Matar"
Embark on a journey through the intricate web of Minmatar society as we explore the unique dynamics of the seven tribes shaping the Minmatar Republic. From the industrious Sebiestor engineers to the resilient Brutor warriors, each tribe weaves its own story in the tapestry of this diverse and complex civilization.

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What is Chronicles of new Eden: Unveiling the lore of Eve online with Dame du Nord?

Prepare to dive on an immersive journey through the captivating lore of EVE Online in "Chronicles of New Eden." Join us as we delve deep into the vast universe of New Eden, unveiling its intricate web of stories, factions, and mysteries.
Each episode takes you on a thrilling exploration of the game's lore, from the rise and fall of empires to the enigmatic entities lurking in the cosmos. Discover the backstories of renowned characters, the conflicts that shaped the universe, and the hidden narratives woven into every corner of EVE.
Unearth the secrets, legends, and untold tales that make EVE Online a living, breathing universe. Join us for the "Chronicles of New Eden" and let the lore come to life in your ears.

Hi Canuck capsuleers, welcome to the Chronicles of new Eden I'm Dame du Nord the Co-CEO of Sorry in advance a alliance in whormhole and low sec. I'm also the co-host of the Canuck capsuleers chronicles: It's a weekly show about Eve's news every tuesday at twenny fifteen eastern time zone.

Today it's the second episode of the Minmatar Republic! We gonna delve into the captivating narrative of the Seven Tribes of Matar, each of them have a unique history, culture, and destiny. In our previous episode, we uncovered the main event that forged their history—their enslavement by the Amarr Empire. Tragically, almost one third of their brethren remain ensnared in chains. This profound narrative has sculpted the very vision of the Minmatar, leading to a cosmic schism that birthed the diversity of the tribes. Some, in the face of adversity, embraced the outlaw's mantle, while others, in an enigmatic turn, opted to collaborate with the Amarr.

Joint me as we unveil the dance of the seven tribes into this episode. Oh and keep in mind that I'm doing that podcast to get better in english so I'm sorry in advance.
The Minmatar Republic is very much based on tribal society. The Republic's justice system is handled on a tribal level. Tribes have their own courts and judgment halls.

The Minmatar people are divided into seven major tribes: Sebiestor, Krusual, Brutor, Vherokior, Nefantar, Thukker, and Starkmanir. Most of these tribes are composed of a number of different clans, in some cases many hundreds. The history of the Minmatar has resulted in very different situations for several of these tribes. The Minmatar Republic was founded by the Brutor, Krusual, Sebiestor, and Vherokior tribes. These have sometimes been called the “Republic Tribes.”

The Thukker, Starkmanir, and Nefantar have each gone their own way in the past, either by choice or by tragic fate, and their place in the new Tribal Republic remains very much in flux. Many Nefantar, Starkmanir and Thukker have returned to join with the others, reuniting the Seven Tribes of Matar.

The Sebiestor Tribe are technically and mechanically inclined, much Minmatar technology comes from them. The Sebiestors have always been a leading tribe in the Minmatar Republic, though their authority has many times been under attack from the crafty Krusual tribe, their main rivals in Republic politics.

With a culture emphasizing the virtues of patience, contemplation, and practical skill, the Sebiestor are known far and wide as engineers and inventors. The Sebiestor reputation for tinkering with any kind of technology is well deserved, and this excellence in engineering naturally propelled the Sebiestor to the fore during the period when the old Minmatar Empire pushed into space.

During the Amarr occupation, the Sebiestor did much to hold what remained of Minmatar society together with their skill at maintaining or adapting technology. The Sebiestor Tribe was one of the four founding tribes of the Minmatar Republic following the success of the Great Rebellion.

The Brutor Tribe suffered the worst under the Amarr occupation – aside from the massacre of the Starkmanir – and many are still enslaved within the Amarr Empire. This fuels their hate for the Amarrians and they are the only tribe to actively pursue a continuation of the war against the Amarrians and their underlings, the Ammatars.

The Brutor are marked by a disciplined stoicism and deeply spiritual cast of mind that combine to project a sense of nobility around the people of this tribe. While the Brutor have a traditional mindset, they suffered great loss of cultural heritage and knowledge of their history during the Amarr occupation. To the occasional annoyance of the other tribes, the Brutor consider themselves responsible for the freedom of the entire Minmatar people and make no bones about standing on this claim for political purposes when it suits them.

In particular, the Brutor are great supporters and protectors of the Starkmanir Tribe, on account of the former originating as an offshoot of the latter. The Brutor Tribe was one of the four founding tribes of the Minmatar Republic following the success of the Great Rebellion.

The Krusual Tribe is cautious and cunning, shrouding its ways in subterfuge and secrecy. It is isolationist by nature, but lately it's been becoming more and more involved with the power politics of the Republic, staking a claim for its mastery.

Pride is a common Minmatar trait, but the Krusual are wont to take it to extraordinary lengths. They rarely lose an opportunity to remind the other tribes that they alone managed to maintain strongholds in the mountainous Tronhadar region of Matar during the Amarr occupation. It is certainly remarkable that in all the long years of the occupation, the Amarr were unable to once and for all crush Krusual resistance.

Their ability to hold onto a certain amount of independence during the occupation resulted in the Krusual retaining more of their pre-conquest culture than any other tribe, and their underground bases played an important role in sheltering some Vherokior mystics. The Krusual Tribe was one of the four founding tribes of the Minmatar Republic following the success of the Great Rebellion.

The Vherokior Tribe is perhaps the least troubled of the Minmatar tribes, with little aspiration for dominance, content to live on the fringe. Most Vherokiors are shop-keepers or small scale businessmen, seldom venturing into the interstellar corporate leagues.

Vherokior are disinclined to engage in great collective efforts, and their various clans are rather loosely grouped under the tribal chief’s authority. Indeed, the clans themselves hold nominal authority in many cases, with the family being by far the most important social unit to the individual Vherokior. These families are traditionally matriarchal in structure, though the aftermath of the Amarrian occupation has disrupted this pattern somewhat, as with so many other aspects of Minmatar tribal culture.

Most Vherokior have long-abandoned the ancient nomadism of their tribe but the Vherokior mystics are the guardians of the Voluval Ritual and travel immense distances in this role. The Vherokior Tribe was one of the four founding tribes of Minmatar Republic following the success of the Great Rebellion.

The Nefantar Tribe played a notorious role during the Amarr Empire's occupation of the Minmatar home worlds as collaborators who actively assisted in the enslavement of other tribes by the Amarr. The Nefantar were so faithful to the Amarr that Emperor Damius III bestowed the name "Ammatar" upon them. When the Great Rebellion succeeded in driving the Amarr from the Minmatar Regions they were also driven out.The Amarr subsequently set up the Nefantar in a puppet state called the Ammatar Mandate. Unbeknownst to anyone else, certain Ammatar elites had hidden a large number of Starkmanir Tribe survivors from the Amarr within the Mandate.

After the discovery of the Starkmanir led to a Minmatar invasion in YC110, the Nefantar conspirators and their families led a mass defection of many Ammatar back to the Minmatar Republic, assisting in the recovery of the Starkmanir. Today, the Nefantar tribe has been restored as one of the Seven Tribes of Matar, even while many of their tribe remain loyal to the Amarr Empire back in the Mandate.

The Thukker, a nomadic tribe, are scattered throughout the world of New Eden, surviving through self-sufficiency and skill as much as possible in the wastelands of space. Their tribal bindings are very loose and many of them don't even consider themselves to be a part of a tribe any longer, having rejected many of the strongest traditions of the Minmatar. They are trained to handle unforeseen circumstances and encouraged to rely on their judgement and intuition.

The closest thing the Thukker have got to home is the Great Wildlands region, where they are very numerous, but the Thukkers like to be on the move, constantly going from one solar system to another in their huge caravans, trading and scavenging. Many frown upon the Thukkers, considering them to be nothing but scoundrels and thieves. Indeed, the Thukkers often operate on the shadier side of the law, but their resourcefulness and diligence count a lot more for their success than their criminal activities.

According to what remains of the historical records of the Minmatar, the Thukker tribe had always been a nomadic people, journeying back and forth across Matar in large caravans. The development of the old Minmatar Empire appears to have done little to inhibit the wandering of the Thukker. Indeed, the Great Caravanserai itself was constructed by the Thukker long ago to serve as a major junction in their network of routes and caravanserais. The Amarr found the Thukker intractable and many escaped to remote areas of space, forming the nucleus of the later culture of Great Caravans.

The Thukker were notable fighters in the Great Rebellion but declined to join in the founding of the Republic. The wanderering Thukker Tribe officially joined the Republic in YC111, maintaining full autonomy of their Great Wildlands region but once more uniting the Minmatar as seven tribes.

Subjected to an Amarr campaign of annihilation after a rebellion four centuries ago, with barely a handful remaining as slaves within the Amarr Empire, the Starkmanir Tribe was considered lost for centuries until the discovery in YC110 of a viable surviving population hidden by Nefantar elites on Halturzhan, the sixth planet of Jarizza in the Ammatar Mandate.

The discovery spurred a Minmatar fleet into an invasion of Amarr territories with a view to recovering the Starkmanir and as many other enslaved Minmatar as possible. The vast majority of surviving Starkmanir were successfully recovered, evacuated to the Minmatar Republic, and settled on lands set aside for them by the larger tribes.

Though few in number, the Starkmanir have full status as one of the Seven Tribes of Matar and govern their affairs through a council of clan chiefs headed by the overall chief of the Starkmanir Tribe.

This is the end of the second episode about the minmatar republic I hope you liked it and please follow me and hit the bell to be advised of my new episode. I'm not able to think about something else then the Nefantar. How they can still call themself minmatar when they betrade them during the amarr invasion. Worst they are part of the seven tribe of Matar and they are stilsl loyal to the Amarr. How the other minmatar can simply be in the same system as them? I also understand, in that episode, why players of eve saying that Minmatar ship are made in rust and duck tape. It's cause of their enslavement they didn't develop any technology for years so now they just have rust and duck tape. But at least, as we scientificly know now, the rust protect from the radiation. So that can't be a bad thing. right? I'm gonna put you the link to the science article in the description. So next episode we’re gonna talk about the political structure that's funny how I never thought about them as diplomat. We gonna learn a lot. See you soon Canucks and friends.