Becoming Multidimensional

Sparks fly when you connect with soul family! Join us as we explore these connections that are powerful and undeniable. Relationships are often one of the biggest ways that our soul grows and evolves- and sometimes evolution can be a difficult process. We dive into karmic relationships, twin flames, soul mates, and the importance of the relationship you have with yourself whether you are in a relationship or single. The moments of recognizing a kindred soul or part of your soul family are magical moments in time.

What is Becoming Multidimensional?

Join hosts Eliza and Christine in a journey of understanding and expanding into our greater multidimensional nature. Learn why expanding into this multidimensional awareness can let the light in and free your mind and body of old programs and patterns that no longer serve you. This is a blend of esoteric, mystical and scientific conversations. Stories and guests that will delight your imagination!

Eliza Aaron Cohen (00:00)
Hi and welcome back to Becoming Multidimensional. It is Eliza here with...

Christine Stockham (00:04)

Eliza Aaron Cohen (00:07)
And today's topic is a super interesting one. Today we are looking at relationships as vehicles for soul growth and expansion.

Christine Stockham (00:18)
A great topic, I think, for all of us. And I am going to begin this by reading a little poem. It's from the book Instant Healing from Susan Shumsky, and it's called I Am Lovable. And I'm reading this prayer because all relationships, the foundation of every relationship that you're in is the relationship that you have with yourself. The way you feel about yourself is, I think,

so important in having healthy, loving, harmonious relationships with other people. So if you're not driving and you want to take a moment to close your eyes and receive these words for yourself, I'm going to invite you to do that.

Seeing yourself as lovable draws loving experiences into your life, your self -confidence and inner strength grows when you stop judging, condemning and criticizing yourself. I celebrate myself. I am love. I am loving and lovable. I am infinite beauty. I am a child of God, precious in God's eyes.

I love and cherish myself as God loves me. I like myself unconditionally. I love myself unconditionally. I accept myself unconditionally. I approve of myself unconditionally. I forgive myself unconditionally. I trust myself unconditionally. I bless myself unconditionally.

I allow myself to be myself. I am perfect, complete, and whole. I am worthy and deserving of God's good for me. I am confident. I am loved. Thank you. And so it is. And just for a moment to take a deep breath and in this moment, realize the perfection that you already are.

without needing to change one molecule of your being, without needing anything from the outside world to make you more whole and complete, without having to release something from your field to just in this moment, honor yourself as being entirely, perfectly whole and complete, exactly as you are, without anything needing to change.

And breathe that in, breathe out. And so I'm gonna let Eliza begin this conversation on relationships, relationships as vehicles for our expansion, our growth, and a big part of why we're here in our learning on planet Earth.

Eliza Aaron Cohen (03:21)
Yeah, so what I think is really interesting about relationships are that we think that we need relationships, and we do to some extent, for love, which is true. It's a human need to feel love, and I also think to give love. But one of the kind of beautiful byproducts of being in relationships, whether that's with a partner or with family members, friends, community, et cetera,

Christine Stockham (03:35)
I'm going to go ahead and start with the first question.

Eliza Aaron Cohen (03:50)
is that relationships are often mirrors. They sometimes are challenging, sometimes they're inspiring, sometimes they're giving, but all of these different energies actually help us develop and grow. And so we think we're in them for love, but we're actually in them a lot of times for growth. And I think that most of us can look back on certain relationships, especially if you've processed it or maybe your relationship has ended.

and see really how that relationship helped you develop, helped you grow, taught you things, expanded you in some way. And that's a real gift to us because a lot of the soul growth we can do ourselves, right? Especially if you're really committed to it and you're inspired by it and you set the intention for it. But sometimes having someone else come in offers us...

Christine Stockham (04:33)
So, we're going to start with the first question.

Eliza Aaron Cohen (04:45)
sort of information on our blind spots by virtue of our triggers, because a lot of relationships trigger us. And we're going to talk about all of that today. We're also going to talk about some buzzwords in the spiritual community that Christine and I love to kind of go back and forth about and have different opinions on. And I think that these, by the way, everyone can have a different opinion on

these topics. And there's not one definition, but we're going to dive into twin flames. We're going to dive into soulmates, karmic relationships, and some of these ideas that are around the spiritual community and are talked about a lot and just what our perspective of them are. Because we think that that's interesting. So Christine, do you want to start with anything? Is anything inspiring you?

Christine Stockham (05:32)
Yeah. You are inspiring me. So the conversation about, I think we should get it out of the way and start with karmic relationships, twin flame, soulmate, all of those things. Because I think a lot of people are looking for that. A lot of people have questions about that. And by the way,

A, there's no right answer, B, you can change your mind, and C, even for me right now, I have this sense and this feeling about it, but who knows, I may change my mind at some point. Eliza and I go back and forth with the soulmate conversation, and I'll start by giving some of my thoughts around soulmate, twin flame, karmic relationships, then I'll hand it over to you. So.

I actually kind of rub against the idea of a twin flame or a soulmate, a one soulmate. Like I've been married for almost 30 years. I mean, it's an amazing partner. Is he my soulmate in many ways? Yes. But I also feel like we're so much bigger than than that. The universe is so much bigger that how could you possibly just have one other aspect of a being that is your every other?

part of you, that you're, to me it feels like finding a soulmate is a needle in a haystack kind of job. And I see people come into my office all the time and they're looking for their soulmate and it can become an obsession. And so I don't love the idea of having that much pressure to put on a relationship because I think when you find someone, you're like, this is my soulmate, it adds a level of complexity and pressure that I think can,

be a little bit harmful because if you have an issue arises, and it's not just harmonious, which by the way, I think these sort of very deep soul connection relationships are often not always harmonious because exactly they're designed to help you expand. And so they are going to push you beyond your comfort zone to expand. So I think that for me, I feel like you can have these relationships that,

are for sure soul contracts that are for sure a line that you are like very much soul partners in ways, but I don't necessarily agree that there is one person who is this end all, be all person that you need to find because A, that feels like a lot of pressure and B, it feels limiting. And so I don't really like anything that feels limiting, but I can talk a little bit about.

when you know when you find these people, and we'll come back to this, I think a little bit later, like when I met my husband, sort of like you can feel the spark and you can feel this, wow, there's just this, there's something here. I 100 % align with that, but that's not even just with a romantic partner. That can be with a friend, a person that you meet. You're like, wow, we're like soul family. And I resonate more with this sense of sort of soul family, I think, than I do just a limited belief of soul mate.

but I want to hear Eliza's opinion about Soulmate.

Eliza Aaron Cohen (09:02)
Before we dive into that, I actually have a question for you, Christine, because this is, I'm genuinely like curious and it's something that fascinates me. I think our listeners know that you have three kids. Do you feel that you had contracts like with John, like you, when you met John, was it this knowing of like, this is the father of my children? Was there a kind of a preconceived contract from the spirit realm that like went into effect?

Christine Stockham (09:09)

I do.

Eliza Aaron Cohen (09:31)
Or did you feel like there was a lot of choice around that? You just met John, you fell in love with John, you decided to have a family.

Christine Stockham (09:32)

I think I knew, I think I knew. And the story of John is really interesting because he was for sure not someone who I would have ever imagined that would be my husband, right? Should I tell a little bit of the story of John?

Eliza Aaron Cohen (09:51)
Yeah, I think everyone wants to know the story.

Christine Stockham (09:54)
So I was not, because I don't want to spend too much time with it. But you know, what happened, I grew up in, you know, even though I grew up outside of San Francisco, which is a very liberal place, the town that I grew up in was fairly conservative. So kind of every, like all of my boyfriends had been like fairly conservative looking. I went to college in Santa Barbara. It was a lot of like, you know, surfer guys there, like, or conservative. And I had just graduated.

the year before from UC Santa Barbara, and I was spending this extra year in Santa Barbara. And I actually was working doing this little side job while I was working on my teaching credential. And I was working at, I guess, this was a local TV station that was featuring up and coming bands. It was this wonky little show. And...

a friend of mine from LA called and he said, Christine, you've got to come see this band. They're playing at this place called The Beach Shack. And so I said, sure, I'll meet you there. So I walk into The Beach Shack, light shows and full swing. And, you know, there was a certain kind of band that had always played and, you know, a lot of like reggae and, you know, kind of fun, you know, fun music, kind of knew what to expect. Well, I walked in and I see this like spectacle.

happening on stage. And I'm so like kind of aghast at what I'm looking at. I'm like, what is going on here? And the lead singer has like braided. And at this time, this is like 1994, 95. This is sort of before like the show Vikings came out and this look was a thing. But so he had this like French, like two French braids.

and he had this braided goatee that came out like this. And I had never seen a performance. I mean, they were really actually very good, but I just couldn't believe this person on stage. And I looked at my friend and I said, what is that guy on? He's like, he is totally sober. I'm like, no way. There is no way you could behave like that and be sober. I mean, it was fascinating. It was an amazing show, but like I had never seen anything like this. So I was.

I was intrigued, not attracted, intrigued. And I was like, I have to see what's going on with this person. I've never seen anything like this. And I did not think that I for sure did not have the download. That's going to be the dad of your three kids. Like for sure that did not drop in. And I had to walk up to this person, like this maniac that had been on stage. And...

Eliza Aaron Cohen (12:22)
So you didn't have the download, that's the father of my children.

Christine Stockham (12:41)
I thought for sure he was going to be so high. I ended up having the most incredible conversation. It was, it was, it was like, like this amazing, we talked until two in the morning. It was incredible. And at the end, he was absolutely sober and brilliant and funny and not at all the persona that he was on this stage. And at the end of the night, it was time to go. He said to me, he said,

If I could have a conversation like that for the rest of my life, I'd die a happy man. It was beautiful, right? And there was definitely this like connection, again, no attraction, but this like, wow, like what is going on here? So fast, like our past collided several other times. It turned out I was moving to LA to work at my teaching credential and he was living in LA like 10 minutes. You know how big and sprawling LA is. His apartment was 10 minutes from my house.

We ended up becoming really great friends. I really did not want to be in a relationship. I was really excited to be in LA and be single. And I ended up marrying this guy who I never would have imagined would have been the father of my children. So I didn't initially get that, but very quickly it was so clear that there was this incredible connection between us. We were just friends and we were in...

walking in to see a movie, we were at, what's that Chinese one in Hollywood? Chinese theater. There was some, we went with some other people and we were walking to our seat and I was, I had popcorn or something in my hand and I turned around to say something to him. And we almost kissed, we were just friends. We almost just kissed like it was the most natural thing in the world to do when you both stopped and looked at each other. Like that was super weird. And there's so much more to the story, but.

Eliza Aaron Cohen (14:12)
police here.

Christine Stockham (14:35)
No, I didn't initial, I did not get the download right away. But once we started dating, it was, I think I kind of knew if I started dating him, that it would be really serious and I really didn't want to be serious. I really didn't date him for a long time because I didn't want a boyfriend because I knew it would be serious. I think I had, there was some part of me that had a sense if I started dating him, like maybe that was it. And I wasn't sure I was ready for it to be it. But here we are.

Eliza Aaron Cohen (15:05)
Here you are, happy anniversary. Yay. I love that little story so much. So the moral of it is, do you believe that you had these contracts for these kids with John ahead of time or was there choice around?

Christine Stockham (15:07)
Almost tomorrow. Yeah.

Thousand percent, a thousand percent. Knowing them, knowing who they are, he had to be their dad. There is no question that we had that contract, I'm sure of it. And by the way, with Skylar, just to fast forward, he was not ready to have children when I got the download. This is a side thing, like a sole contract. This is a side note. So,

I'm obviously like very spiritual, John's very science, so, but he's accepting like you be yo. And I was start, like we had never had an argument up until this point where I, my son Skyler, like knowing him now the personality fits, was putting like the most excruciating pressure on me to get pregnant. I'm not kidding. And people, I was working in Ohais with all these, you know, psychics and mystics and all these people who I was associated with.

And they were all like, we see this little boy all over you. I'm like, I know, I know, he will not, he's relentless. He is like demanding that he come. And so I'm like, John's like, we're not ready, it's not time. And I'm like, you do not understand the pressure that I am under with this little boy. And I mean, I was even like, I had a friend in Santa Barbara who was very, very, very intuitive and he was having conversations with him and with me. And even like we were deciding on his name, I was like, I really love the name Sky. Would he like, does he like that name?

even before John agreed. He like talked, he's like, he said, he means like sky like this, like the sky in the sky. And I said, yes, he's like, he's like, he's laughing, but he says, I'll accept it. So I was having like, I was having this, the communication with Skyler and feeling this incredible pressure. And John was like, nope, nope, nope. We're not ready. We're not ready. And I obviously won that argument.

Eliza Aaron Cohen (17:08)
my God, I love that so much. And also I'm just like, totally feel like I would be the same way. Like I'm seeing the future Eliza in that story.

Christine Stockham (17:16)

Eliza Aaron Cohen (17:17)
I love that so much. So my opinion, and also I feel like my opinion is ever evolving and certain things like used to resonate with me that kind of don't as much anymore. But so this is just where I'm at now as a disclaimer. I definitely believe in soulmates. I also believe that we probably have multiple soulmates, many soulmates, actually probably more than just multiple.

but I think where I'm still kind of understanding and evolving with spirit is like this contract piece, right? Because I also believe that we make these agreements before we come into this incarnation to have children or to get married or to like do certain things. And so I feel like that factors into it. So what I mean by that is like, I feel like maybe I could meet a soulmate and then.

Christine Stockham (17:52)
Mm -hmm.


Eliza Aaron Cohen (18:12)
kind of get the download like that's not the, just for example, like parent of my child. And then the relationship maybe like doesn't work out for whatever reasons. Whereas if I didn't have these contracts, I'm not just speaking for me, I'm saying just in general, if we didn't have these contracts, maybe we would make other decisions because we do have multiple soulmates. So that's kind of where I'm unfolding with my understanding. So I do feel like we choose maybe like a partner.

Christine Stockham (18:35)

Eliza Aaron Cohen (18:41)
of time, we make a contract with this partner. It's not the only choice maybe we had, but it's the one that makes the most sense for whatever reason. And I also do believe in twin flames, but I also believe in it in a plural sense. So I don't believe we just have one twin flame. I believe that we're all trying to understand a specific energy pattern with how people describe twin flames.

Christine Stockham (19:05)

Eliza Aaron Cohen (19:09)
And so if you wanna call it twin flames, great. If you wanna call it, you know, like dragon flames, great. Like whatever you wanna call it is cool with me, but it's like to explain a certain type of energy. And I feel that that energy exists in multiple partners. The same thing with soulmates. Like I believe that there's an energy attached to what we wanna label soulmates. Same thing with like karmic partners. So I don't really care what you label it. And I believe that if you say manifest a twin flame and for whatever reason,

Christine Stockham (19:34)
I have to ask a question about that. So how would you define the difference between a soulmate and a twin flame?

Eliza Aaron Cohen (19:38)
you, the one partner doesn't want to complete the twin flame journey that you're on, fine. I think you can manifest another person to step into that place if you're meant to complete a certain, you know, growth or amount on your soul journey. So that's kind of what I'm.

Okay, so from my understanding, I feel like a soulmate just feels like very, like when I even feel into the energy, it's like warm, it's easy, it's loving, it's like coming home. Not to say that there aren't problems, like they're probably, every relationship has challenges, every relationship is there to grow you, but I feel like it's like that loving ride or die partner just feels like mushy to me.

Christine Stockham (20:21)


Eliza Aaron Cohen (20:32)
Now, twin flames to me feel like they're more, sometimes fiery, sometimes there's more complications, drama, growth. Those relationships feel like they're really meant to expand us and maybe in a less gentle way. So soulmates could still be challenging, could still be difficulties, but that feels so like warm to me and fuzzy.

Christine Stockham (20:54)
Okay, that's really interesting because I think there's a lot of people have ideas and you know, there's

Eliza Aaron Cohen (20:59)
and twin flames, I also have understood twin flames as like, they're being complications, so maybe someone doesn't live in the same place, or there's a significant age difference, or there's something that would maybe put up a barrier that you gotta work through.

Christine Stockham (21:17)
No one's wrong here, right? There's a lot of ideas. I mean, I've definitely heard the conversation of, okay, you were a whole being and you're this one being split into two. And so this other twin aspect of yourself is out there and that's a twin flame. I've heard that terminology.

I don't know that I agree or disagree. I'm undecided with sort of that piece of that.

Eliza Aaron Cohen (21:49)
I agree with that in a multi -dimensional sense. So I agree with that in the sense of, yes, it's the counterpart to you, but I also feel like it's you. It's like a mirror, but also you. But I also think that there are multiple people that fit that exact description, just as I believe that there's probably multiple versions of us running around. And Soulmate to me feels more like a...


Christine Stockham (22:20)
Okay, I'm gonna sit with that. I think that's a really interesting idea. So when I think about sort of soulmate, twin flame, all of those things, I can't help because sometimes when I channel, I do feel like I channel a collective. And so this collective energy, which is sort of like, I mean, I don't know how many beings or souls would be part of that group. It could be sort of an infinite number there. So.

It feels to me like sometimes these people who come into our life that feel like home, like I know you on the soul level, I know you, that they could be part of this sort of soul collective that where our souls are attached to. That feels for me, that feels very true. That this sort of collective energy. And that's where I think I get a little bit, I get a little bit hung up on.

having the idea of one person as being that mostly like the pressure that that may be like what if your person dies and that's it you don't have a soulmate like that doesn't feel that doesn't feel good to me or like something happens and you divorce or I know a lot of people who thought they were with their their soulmate or their twin flame and then it doesn't work out and they're devastated but I think maybe they're that soulmate for that time right and having the openness of allowing this like

Eliza Aaron Cohen (23:26)
You gotta wait till the next lifetime.

Christine Stockham (23:46)
complex, beautiful idea of beings and who's meant to be in your life in different times and expanding out into them.

Eliza Aaron Cohen (23:58)
I also think that every lifetime is different. And like you look at certain people's lifetimes and they met their partner when they were 15 years old and they were there, they were together till they're 99. I feel that in some lifetimes, like there maybe is one person for you. But if you're someone who really has chosen relationships as your form of growth, chances are you definitely are going to have multiple soulmates, multiple twin flames.

Maybe a soulmate and a twin flame and a karmic partner so that you can really get the full scope of growth. So I really feel like it depends on your lifetime. It depends on who you are, what you agreed to, what you agreed to learn, all of that fun stuff.

Christine Stockham (24:34)
Yeah, that's a good point.

Yeah, what your contracts are. So I think we should talk a little bit about karmic. Karmic relationships, because I think karmic relationships can sometimes be the most challenging, right? Sometimes you have to work something out with somebody in this life. There may be karma from another lifetime and here you're like, why am I attracting this? Why am I manifesting it? But sometimes there's some unfinished business with the soul that needs to complete in this life.

Eliza Aaron Cohen (25:09)
So a big sort of red flag for karmic partners are if you find yourself like acting completely differently than you normally would and you keep going back to someone, you can't let go of someone. A lot of times that's because there's something that you haven't worked through that you've agreed to work through. So I know people who have had a partner where they're like, they're.

miserable and they and they're like we're fighting constantly but we like we know that we can't like there's just something that we need to complete together that's usually a good indicator for a karmic partner or if you try to leave but you just have that knowing in you that you need to go back or there's something you feel still connected or there's something in there you've got to be careful because sometimes you know we just have an inability to let go but other times

Christine Stockham (25:39)

So, we're going to start with a little bit of a quick introduction to the program. So, we're going to start with a little bit of a quick introduction to the program. So, we're going to start with a little bit of a quick introduction to the program. So, we're going to start with a little bit of a quick introduction to the program. So, we're going to start with a little bit of a quick introduction to the program. So, we're going to start with a little bit of a quick introduction to the program. So, we're going to start with a little bit of a quick introduction to the program. So, we're going to start with a little bit of a quick introduction to the program. So, we're going to start with a little bit of a quick introduction to the program. So, we're going to start with a little bit of a quick introduction to the program. So, we're going to start with a little bit of a quick introduction to the program. So, we're going to start with a little bit of a quick introduction

Eliza Aaron Cohen (26:00)
there really is like a sole contract reason. And usually karmic partners bring a lot of, I would say difficulty.

Christine Stockham (26:10)
So this is really interesting about a karmic partner. I was just two days ago talking to a really close friend of mine and she had this really unbelievable relationship and I'm gonna see how I can say this without like being like, she's very open book. So I think she'd be fine with me sharing the story, but she was married to, I would say an amazing guy and two kids. And she was,

she was at this place and kind of at a party and she saw this person and there was just this unbelievable like pull and like something is there. Mind you, this guy was like not nearly as interesting as her own husband, but there was just something about this guy. So long story short, she ends up divorcing her husband and having this very turbulent, rocky,

challenging, difficult, kind of horrible relationship with this person. And for me as a friend, like what are you doing with this guy? Like, you know, no matter what I said, no matter, you know, I certainly don't have sway or influence, but I would ask questions like, is this really in your highest good? Is this really what you want? Is this, you know, as a friend, you sometimes have to ask some of those questions. And he just had this...

over her that was like nothing I've ever seen. And she just stayed and stayed and stayed. And I just realized, I mean, this is karma working itself out somehow. This is some karmic something. And she kind of had an obsession with him. Like her family couldn't stand, like it was a whole big, big, big thing. And suddenly it ended. Like it was done and we were just talking. She was like, I never even think about him. It's like, he's so erased and he had this,

I mean, she kind of really turned her life upside down and, you know, lots of people were very upset with her, but it was like something she kind of had to do and work through. And I think there was something karmically that she had to see through to the end. And now it's like, you can feel the energy is like done. She like, I'm pretty confident she won't meet up with him again in another life because they're really over, finally.

Eliza Aaron Cohen (28:30)
those karmic ones are so tough.

Christine Stockham (28:32)
Yeah, yeah. And I think we all, to some extent, I mean, that's kind of an extreme example of one of those. But I mean, I can certainly look back and pass some of my past relationships and think I can see some of the karma, you know, in one in particular, that was my most challenging relationship, right? The relationship that was the toughest for me and most challenging. I know there was a karmic sort of bleed over and it was...

part of it and I felt very trapped and confined. It didn't, like, it was not my best self at all. And I think that, I think in those relationships you can, if you're honest with yourself, you can realize that you are not, you are not living your life as your best self. You're not living your life as your true self. You're not being accepted and seen for who you are and that I think comes with one of those, some of those karmic relationships.

Eliza Aaron Cohen (29:27)
Yeah, I would. I would love to also I know we touched on soul family earlier and I have a couple fun little soul family stories. I love to share. I know that that's a little bit running away from our topic as relationships with soul growth. But these are just a fun little interlude.

Christine Stockham (29:28)
You'd agree with that.

I would love that.

Tell them I love fun stories.

Eliza Aaron Cohen (29:52)
So I have two, kind of in the same vein. The first was, so backstory, I am definitely not like a hugger. Like there's very select people that I'm very affectionate with. Christine would be one of them, but most people I'd be like, don't touch me. Like I'm not big into touching. So that's key for understanding this story. I was in Mykonos with my mom and we had never been to Greece before.

and we're walking around the town at night and we just randomly like happened into this shop and we were like looking around the shop and this woman like is descending down the staircase and she's like this very larger than life woman that I'd never seen before in my life and she's like floating down these stairs and she walks right up to me and hugs me in the like biggest hug I've ever had in my life.

Christine Stockham (30:44)

Eliza Aaron Cohen (30:51)
And I hugged her back. Like it was almost like meeting an old friend. And we just shared this like beautiful moment. And I felt this like immense peace and happiness and like love wash over me. And my mom is standing there like, what the heck is going on? My daughter has not hugged her like aunts, let alone this stranger in Greece. And do they know each other? Like what's going on here? Anyways, the woman.

Christine Stockham (31:14)
Yeah. I love that.

Eliza Aaron Cohen (31:19)
like stops hugging me, she goes back up the stairs, my mom and I leave the shop and never say a word about it. And it was like this sole recognition of I must have known this woman in a past life, but I loved her and I'll never forget that story. The other one, I was living in London and I was going to a Kesha concert with one of my friends and we were in line to get into the concert and there were two boys in front of us.

Christine Stockham (31:44)
So, I'm going to go ahead and start with the first question.

Eliza Aaron Cohen (31:49)
and they were talking and they both had what sounded like American accents. So we just kind of chatted them up and we ended up talking to them. We all ended up getting a bottle of rosé and drinking it in line, even though we had tickets, like I don't know why we were in line. And one of the guys I am speaking to and it was just this like soul recognition. And I was kind of looking at him like, and he was very clearly not into women.

Christine Stockham (32:13)
So, thank you for the time.

Eliza Aaron Cohen (32:16)
But it was also this feeling of like, I think I'm in love with this guy. Like there was this feeling of like being, but also recognizing like he's not interested in women. And I didn't say anything, but we're just talking and he was, I remember he was from Texas and yada, yada, yada. We're getting into the concert and he says to me, he goes, this might sound crazy. He goes, I'm not a spiritual person at all, but I think we were married in a past life. And he was very handsome too.

Christine Stockham (32:42)
I love that. shame. We could have been married in this life. That's too bad.

Eliza Aaron Cohen (32:47)
I was like, such a bummer, you're such a catch, but no. It was totally that random connection of a soul family member. I immediately felt like I knew him forever. I could talk to him so easily. I thought I was in love with him, but he only loved me in the past life.

Christine Stockham (33:08)
You know those, OK, I love that. Thank you for sharing those stories because we sometimes these people, the soul family, we're going to just we're going to go with the soul family thread for a minute. We're pivoting for a moment because this is true. We can find these soul family people even if it's just a moment, right? There's there's just like a touch and it's like a touchstone for a moment of this this connection that we have to these beautiful beings who could be all over the planet. So I'll share a couple of stories too because they're so fun.

Eliza Aaron Cohen (33:16)
We'll be back.

Christine Stockham (33:38)
One is not my story to share, but it reminded me, my niece was telling me, we were talking about these sort of esoteric things. And she said, Christine, I recently, she was at an airport and she was like at line to get food. And there was this older, like she's not from India, but there was like this man from India and he had like a whole like headscarf on or something. And...

She said, I stood behind him and I almost started, I heard him talk, I heard his voice and I wanted to grab him and hug him and I started like crying and she's like, I think he was my grandfather, like a beloved grand, she's not very spiritual. This is like a beloved grandfather in a past life and she had this feeling come over her and she's like, she didn't wanna move away from him. She just wanted, like she's never had that happen but she was overcome with this energy, this recognition.

for this being in front of her. And she'd heard his voice and he was speaking something in Indian and to someone else. And she's like, I know him. Like, I know him. He's like my person. And it was just like such a sweet story. And it really affected her. So that's kind of a cute little story along those lines coming from a non -spiritual person. But then, okay, so I don't think I told the story. You know the story. But when I went to Machu Picchu, I don't think I've told the shaman story, have I? No.

Eliza Aaron Cohen (35:00)
No, but I know it and I love it.

Christine Stockham (35:01)
You know it. Okay. So before this, I went to Machu Picchu, like right before I got pregnant with my son. I think we went in like 1998, we went to Machu Picchu. And before I went, I had this knowing. I was like, I am going, and by the way, there weren't shaman schools in 1998 on every corner. It was not a common thing to like see shaman stuff everywhere. And I had this knowing that I was going to find, I was to my shaman. He was going to appear for me. I just knew it. So.

We get to Cusco, the first couple of days to acclimate. I don't find my shaman. We go and hike the Incan trail. I'm like, okay, I'm gonna find him on the trail. Each day I'm looking for my shaman. He is not showing up. Like, where is my shaman? Not showing up. So now we come back down. We go to this little town called Aguas Caliente. And now I'm feeling kind of panicked because I only have a couple of days left. Like, tick tock, time is running out and I know I'm supposed to find this person. So.

I go into this sort of metaphysical bookstore and I'm like, are there any shamans here? And I'm like, now I have to stop waiting for him to find me, I have to find him. So, and like the person who's working the bookshop said, no, but there's this like store in Cusco that you could try. And so I'm like, great, what's the name of the store? So we get back to Cusco. And I walk into this, and he said the guy's name was Chosky, which in Quechua, which is the Incan language means star.

So I'm looking for this shaman named Chaski. So I go to the store that I'm directed to and this little shot, he's this little, little guy. And I said, is Chaski a key? And he looks at me with the most piercing eyes and he said, no. And he tells me to go down, he says, you can try the cafe down the street. Like kind of like says cafe, he doesn't speak English. And.

I turn and I walk away. My husband John is like being so, again, like Mr. Science. I'm like, I'm looking for my shaman. He's like, fine, let's go find your shaman. So I walk away, but I have this knowing and this feeling like that man, like these eyes just like gaze through my whole being. But I follow his directions and I walk into this cafe. I'm like, no, it's him. It's him. So I go back and I'm like, that's him. It was him.

So he just was working as a little shopkeeper, not like a shaman, no like regalia, no nothing, a very humble little shopkeeper. So I go back and he's like, go, go, go find your, go, you go do your thing. So he's talking to a man in the store and I am like, how do I, like I don't speak Spanish. How do I approach him? How do I, you know, what do I do here? So I'm sort of thinking these things and I'm looking, I'm pretending to kind of be interested in some of the trinkets in the store.

And I had, I kind of stopped and like, I'm just going to go talk to him. And the minute I made that, like I said that to myself, he walks over to me and he starts crying. I have said not a word to him. He starts crying. I start crying. He gives me the biggest hug. And we stood there crying and embracing. And he said, me familia, so grande, right? And he's like, he's crying. I'm crying. He's like, you're my family. And.

Anyhow, he gave me this beautiful wisdom. I have this picture of him. His name was Mario Alvites. And we had this like the most heartfelt moment and communicated quite a lot for us not speaking each other's languages and had this beautiful soul reunion. And he was incredible. And whether he was an actual shaman, I mean, obviously he read my mind and knew when to come over and start crying.

You know, it didn't matter. It wasn't the important part. It was the soul to soul connection of having our energy reconnect for a moment. And there's a transmission that can happen when you find these people in your soul family. It's like you receive and you broadcast an energy that can give you sort of a boost of what you need to be doing in this life, I think.

Eliza Aaron Cohen (39:07)
I love that story so much. And it inspires me to talk about, I feel like going back to the college, I have met so many people in my soul family there. And specifically, I'm so inspired by, you know, Margot, whose voice I heard on my first day. And when I first got to the college, I was going through like, such an emotional, challenging, like drama period of my life. And I really needed support.

Christine Stockham (39:24)

Mm hmm.

Eliza Aaron Cohen (39:36)
Like I really, I was so lucky and thank God for Spirit because had I not met the people along my path to amplify like the love that I needed, I couldn't even tell you where I'd be at. And I'm so lucky that I've met so many amazing people on my journey and literally Spirit has like dropped them in my path and they've all helped me grow in different ways. And I could talk about like the miracles of so many different people I've met, but Margot.

Christine Stockham (39:56)

Eliza Aaron Cohen (40:06)
I heard her voice out of the corner of my ear and immediately I had that resonance. And I went up and talked to her and she just put her arm around me. Again, I don't like to be hugged, but I loved it in this situation. I was like, family, exactly. And she just really stepped into this role of auntie, family, and just very, very wise and maternal in that way to me. And just...

kind of being around her love, transitioning back to like how it's love, but also growth, being around her love and her support and just speaking with her has really helped me grow and feel the love kind of allows us like the jumping pad to do the growth that we need because we know that that love's there to like back us up. And I obviously feel that from you, but I know your kids feel that from you too. And I feel like Christine does such an amazing job at holding that vibration of like,

anchoring this love so that her kids can go off and spread their wings and accomplish amazing things and all the people around her too, which I'm very glad to be one of them. But I love this transition into soul family.

Christine Stockham (41:12)
you're definitely my soul family.

I have to just say about Margo. I don't know if you know this. So Margo, I mean, what a beautiful being Margo is. Margo, we talked about the importance if you go to the Arthur Conley College of choosing your seat, right? So Margo missed the first night because I don't know her, we were there all meeting that first time. And so she did not make the first night. So she got in late after dinner, so she didn't have a spot.

So all of a sudden I see this woman come in and she's looking for a seat. And I was like, she's mine. And so I grabbed a chair and pulled an extra chair because all the seats were like, there was like, I don't know how I found a chair, but I was like, we just put an extra seat at our table because Margot, she comes walking in with this radiance. So I snatched her up right away and got to sit next to her the whole time. It was such a gift.

Eliza Aaron Cohen (42:09)
I can see.

Also, why was I not at that table? That would have been my best table ever.

Christine Stockham (42:17)
Well, you should have been, but you clearly needed to be giving your love. You also were there with Adam too, right? So.

Eliza Aaron Cohen (42:23)
Yeah. Who is totally soul family to me. And I want to share one more little soul family story. And also like the power of spirit, because when I got out of a relationship and I was so like, this was a while ago, I was so lost and like, you know, I had gotten so much spiritual connection through my relationship. And I was kind of looking for that. I obviously had amazing friends, but not all of them were could like speak.

my language necessarily. And spirit and I tell the story of my dear, dear friend who is so private that she would hate that I'm sharing this, but I don't care. She she'll be fine. I will not say names. I'm going to tell her and she's going to be like, I cannot believe you. You've talked about me. But I met this woman through my I was I hadn't totally built out my practice at the time. So I was still working kind of a day job.

Christine Stockham (42:52)

Don't say names, we just won't say names.

Eliza Aaron Cohen (43:19)
and she was brought in to help my old boss. And when she was brought in, initially I was like nervous because I could tell that she could see through everyone. And I was like, no, am I going to be caught for like taking yoga at 9 a and like all this other kind of shit I was doing. But we started connecting. And I remember after our first conversation, Spirit said to me that she was going to be a great out.

of mine. Little did I know that she had such a profound spiritual walk herself and we became like literal spirit sisters. And this was years ago and I still talk to her every single day. And no one has held space for more like I've never been more honest with anyone in my life. And she has helped me grow more than probably anyone. That's not true. I think that there's a lot of people that have helped me grow but she's been a very significant.

Christine Stockham (43:57)
Mm -hmm.

Mm -hmm.

Eliza Aaron Cohen (44:16)
significant, significant like stakeholder in my growth. And

Christine Stockham (44:19)
Well, maybe kind of a soulmate in a way. Right?

Eliza Aaron Cohen (44:23)
Totally. my God. I laugh because she would probably, I don't know what she would think about even the idea of soulmates. She's so interesting. But yes, to me definitely a soulmate. But yeah, it's just held space for so much of my soul growth. And what was so beautiful was I was thinking like, my God, I'm in such a deficit. Like no one's ever going to speak my spiritual language and Spirit Boom just brought.

brought her in and I really do believe that the people that are meant to be in our life to amplify the growth and the love that we're needing at that time, they show up.

Christine Stockham (45:00)
I agree and I love that you just brought that in. It's that element of trust that the people that you're supposed to meet, the people you're supposed to be with show up in divine timing and it's trusting that. And because I know a lot of people will feel very lonely and alone, am I ever gonna meet my person? And for whatever reason, it's realizing that there is something in that space that's really valuable for your soul's growth. And our partnerships,

are so valuable for learning as mirrors and ways to expand and, but it's not always easy, right? Sometimes enjoying that time that is solitary, right? Where you get to do all of the things that you want to do, that you don't have to be in constant negotiation, that having that time alone can be a really beautiful gift as well. So honoring that time.

Eliza Aaron Cohen (45:54)
Yeah, I'm yeah, it's been so invaluable. I remember when I'd gotten out of a relationship a long time ago and I felt so like in such a deficit. And it was because I hadn't really like been thrown into the deep end. I had always kind of had a buoy there. And sometimes getting thrown into the deep end and learning how to swim on your own and realizing that you're like an excellent swimmer is totally invaluable because at the end of the day,

we're walking this journey together and alone because we only, we do come in one body. We're a collective, but we're also an individual.

Christine Stockham (46:35)
Yeah, we are individual. And I want to come back to the beginning of what we talked about, your relationship beginning with yourself. Because I think it puts so much pressure on a relationship to look to your partner or whoever it is, even a friend, to give you the things that you feel like you need, to feel a sense of self -worth, self -value, self -love.

you, when you can give yourself all of those things and really honor yourself and trust yourself and love yourself, then I think you more are able to broadcast that and then give those things out. So that is more what you're going to receive. Now look, that doesn't mean if you're a very loving person and you find yourself in a somewhat abusive relationship that you're giving that out as a sort of a different topic. This is in general.

What you're, how you're feeling about yourself is what you're going to be broadcasting, what you're going to be giving to other people around you, like sort of the amount of love, the amount of light that you can shine onto them. And then typically I think you find them meeting you with that, with a similar energy. And so it's just being conscious about your self -talk, the way you're, you're communicating to your own mind, body and heart so that you're speaking from that elevated space.

and then acting from that elevated space, creating those elevated kinds of relationships, whether it's a soulmate, a twin flame, a karmic partner, a husband, whoever it is, whatever, boyfriend, girlfriend, it doesn't matter. But remembering that the relationship is ultimately all about you. You can only take responsibility for how you're showing up in that relationship.

Eliza Aaron Cohen (48:32)
I'm just nodding my head, absolutely.

Christine Stockham (48:35)
And I have to, there's one more story and I know we're kind of at the edge here, but I love, I wanted to tell the story with this story that I really love. And I think it's such a true story. So my brother -in -law gave this really beautiful toast at my husband's other brother's wedding. And it has always stayed with me. It's one of the best wedding toasts I've ever heard. So he, I'm sitting with his wife who was one of my favorite people on the planet.

and he starts giving this toast, this big wedding. And he essentially says something like this, I'm not gonna get it exact, but it's something like, one day you're going to look at your partner and wonder, why am I here? I don't wanna be here and I don't really like you. Like those weren't the words, but essentially that's the energy of what he said. And I was like, I can't believe he just said that. I looked over at my sister -in -law and she had no idea he was gonna say this. And she was like, what?

Like she can't believe he's saying this in front of hundreds of people. And she's really private. And so then he goes on and he's talking about how in every relationship and every marriage, there are these times when you really pull apart. We're always growing, shifting, evolving, changing, and coming out of alignment with your person. And if you're in a long -term relationship, you're

going, if you're honest, you're going to have a point when you think, I will hope I never see you again. Like, if anyone tells you they've never thought that about their partner, they're not telling the truth. And you're going to have that thought. And he said, but then something shifts and then something moves. And you start to remember why you love that person. And then you go through this process again of falling in love with this

new almost this new version of them. And essentially it was look allow the space to come out of alignment, allow the space to shift and to change and to become different people and have that experience of falling in love again. And he ended it with and volunteers to falling in love over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again because there's so much truth to that. If you're with a partner for a very long time, I mean,

We've talked about it before, how every seven years, every cell in your being has shifted and changed that you're an entirely physically different person. We are constantly in the state of evolution. And so there's going to be moments that you come out of alignment as your partner is changing and you are changing and everything is shifting. And then you have to recalibrate and come back into alignment. And when you do that, you have this opportunity to fall in love all over again. And so that invitation is always there to fall in love all over again.

Eliza Aaron Cohen (51:29)
and with yourself.

Christine Stockham (51:30)
and with yourself. That is probably the most important piece, falling in love. I love that. Falling in love with yourself over and over and over and over and over again. That's a great, a great reminder.

Eliza Aaron Cohen (51:45)
And with that, everyone, we will see you next time. Bye.

Christine Stockham (51:47)
We'll see you next time. Bye bye.