The Lucas Skrobot Show

It took some time, but finally the world recognizes the Men make the best women and women are best when they act like men. Women have had this time in the lime light for FAR too long!

Show Notes

Time Stamps:
We don't need birthing people. 0:00
Intro  03:41
Russia and Ukraine  04:23
Facebook (Meta) is now pro hate speech.  05:53
Ukraine calling for help--rightly so.  11:41
Ukraine setting up Digital ID system for populations.  12:39
Biden speaks about the post liberal new world order.  15:01
Who is suffering from the fruits of the NWO agenda? Girls in Afghanistan.  22:42
Yeah that makes sense: Erasing woman.  24:45
South Park Prophets - Strong Woman  28:43
Moms of Daughter swimmers speak out.  33:11
Ketanji Brown Jackson - What is a woman?  42:53
Ketanji Brown Jackson - When does life begin?  45:45
Value for Value  46:37
Weaver and Loom  47:30
XY - XX = biological fact and truth.  52:32
Closing  54:26

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It took some time, but finally, the
world recognizes that men make the best

women and women are best when they act
like men, women have had their time

in the limelight for, for too long.

Pretty much like a whole quarter century,
maybe half century, but don't worry.

Post liberals enlighteners have
come down from their ivory tower

to enlightened humanity and
liberate women, enlightening them.

Just how to be woman.

You see to become the woman of the.

You need to be a man do become
the greatest women athletes.

Well, you need to be a man.

It's very simple.

What happens if you, if you say, if
you were so lucky to be born a woman,

well, first we're here to tell you
that there is no such thing as a woman.

It is a quite a, on a diet
identifiable mystery, undefined.

Unless you're a man.

Then you can become a woman if you
feel woman ish or a woman miss.

Uh, but if you were born with all
the parts of the feminine specimen

of the human race, the solution,
the only solution for your real

freedom is to become a man.

You can still become a man and have
babies as men have babies all the time.


We will successfully collectively
as the human race erase womanhood.

And that is the goal
of the new world order.

After all, to erase women, the
ruling elite has successfully begun

to establish their new dystopia
without women in Afghanistan.

Their latest project that has been
quite successful were girls still aren't

allowed to go to school after seven.

For the will only take up the
space of boys who are attending the

all girls school after all girls
is an undivided definable thing.

So why should we even
have schools for girls?

This successful operation in
Afghanistan is completely.

Uh, a great picture picture of the
destabilization of a nation, which

is one of our goals as the new world
order, the new world order, we've

had mild success in 2020 and 2021
with this spreading of multiple fear

variants to shut down global economies.

But we hope that with
the help of lad, we can.

Destabilize the global powers that be so
that from the ashes of your family, we

can raise your children as identity lists
units, but of course the need to carry

their digital biometric cards with them,
everywhere that they go at all times.

That way we can identify
them, but not by their name.

After all names are merely
constructs, social constructs of

cavemen that are meant to represent.

We repress.

And destroy.

The true freedom of being identity list
while being tracked by your every move.

After all, where we're going, we don't
need names nor do we need babies.

So please birthing people.

Stop having little units because
where we are going, we don't know.


I mean, our, uh, birthing people
welcome to the Lucas Skrobot show.

I'm Lucas Skrobot, and this
is where we uncover purpose,

pursue truth and own the future.

It is March 24th, 2022 episode 275.

If you couldn't tell from an introvert
and be talking all about the trans

agenda and how it's, it's really,
it's an assault against women.

It is an assault against women, the
ratio of women in the name of progressive

women, feminism, uh, ma many, a
few, many conversations this week.

But if you with feminists here in the
middle east that are just outrageous.

That this is happening as it's.

It really is a total
agenda to erase women.

But before we get into the, the,
the trans agenda, alphabet politics

and crazy culture wars, where to
turn to Russia and Ukraine, some of

the headlines from, from the, from
the front is just quite shocking.

40,000 have been killed,
captured, or missing in action.

The losses of the Soviet union exceed
the losses that the loss losses of Russia

right now exceed the losses of the Soviet
union in Afghanistan, uh, squadrons or

ordered to killed deserving soldiers.

Um, it is not looking good.

It is not looking good for Putin.

There is a story that.

Of a deserving soldier, a captain who
is going to go back to Russia, but who's

told if he returned to Russia, that he
would be shot and killed for going AWOL.

So what did he do?

He surrendered to the Ukrainian forces.

Instead he called them up.

He set up a meet point, point and
surrendered to Ukrainian forces.

But what is most shocking about
all of this besides the horrific.

Is that now Facebook, Facebook is
allowing you to post hate comments,

death threats, as long as it's in
alignment with their political agenda.

This, this is the thing, all
this censorship of tech and media

censorship of, of journalists.

It's not because the.

Big tech people in their ivory
towers, the ruling elite really

care about you as a person.

All they care about is their agenda.

So if something is aligned with
their agenda, they will let it go on.

They will let the hate speech, the
hate threads, all of that go on

because they are the ones after all
who define what hate speech means.

They're the ones that said.

What is hateful and what is true, even
if something is factually true, but it's

revealing the, any, the, any Odyssey of
their, their worldview and agenda that

the lack of coherency in the things
that they're doing well, that is now

defined as violent speech, hate speech,
discriminatory bigoted, but now you can.

Metta Facebook relax their policies on
hate, hate speech to permit Facebook and

Instagram, Instagram users in certain
countries to call for violence against

Russia and its military on Thursday.

As president Vladimir Putin continued
his country's offensive in Ukraine.

Now I don't agree with Putin.

I think he's a madman.

He's not a great guy.

He is not someone that you want to be.

Controlling your country.

He's not someone that you
want to be controlling.

The new world order.

Just last week we had, uh, we had
on the show half Russian, half

Ukrainian was born in the USSR.

And just days before days before
the invasion, he was in Ukraine

and he had to leave for other
reasons days before the invasion.

And he said on the show, That
Ukrainians love living in Ukraine

because they know that they can
have a dissenting view against the

government, that they have a level of
freedom of speech that doesn't exist.

And that I think is great.

I don't, I don't fully agree with
things that are happening in Ukraine.

Both sides have entered into a
sensorial ship battle because this

really is a battle of information.

It is a war of the public opinion
right now on a global scale, it

is a battle of propaganda and both
sides are engaging in both sides.

And who pays the price, who pays
the price in these instances?

Well, right now it's the Ukrainian people.

It's the Ukrainian civil.

Th the baker down the road,
the construction worker, the

delivery driver, it's these
people who are paying the price,

Facebook goes on and says, as a result
of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, we

have temporarily made allowances for
forms of political expression that would

normally violate or rules like finance
speech, such as death to the Russian.

We still won't allow credible calls
for violence against Russian civilians.

Metta spokesperson told brooders in
a statement, which is funny because

I can remember a time when a sitting
president said some mean things on

Twitter and Facebook, not calling
for violence or saying things like

death to an entire people, group death
directions, not calling for that.


I'm pretty sure the city president
got de platformed from every platform.

Just totally shut off.

That's okay.

That's okay.

To shut down speech that you
don't like, but it is not.


I guess I need to say that the other way.

It's okay.

In this.

To say speech that the platform likes
that presses their agenda, but it's not.

To say something that
goes against their agenda.

That goes against what they see is right.

And just in the world, they are
becoming the arbiters of truth.

The arbiters of communication.

They're becoming a publisher saying
we are going to control the masses and

control the publishing of information
based on what we allow people to say.

And don't allow people to do.

And therefore we can shape public
opinion because now if all you see

is someone saying one thing that is
aligned with big tech agenda and no

one saying anything that is against it,
what you might be thinking for instance,

that a man is a man and woman is a
woman and a man can not become a man

such as gender dysphoria is a mental
illness that needs to be treated, not.

Not just accepted as something that's
great and awesome, but we should

actually be helping these people.

We should be helping people with gender
dysphoria to get free from gender

dysphoria, not to further in bondage them

in this.

Well, the Ukrainian government, of
course, we're in the middle of a war.

And I, as I've said, many times.

Do you Corinthian government
has called on NATO is called on

America to help them rightly so.

They're in the middle of a war.

Zelinsky is in the middle of a war.

There's, there's some things
that I've heard about him.

Some things that I don't really
like, but he's right to call to

the west and ask people, Hey,
come and help us in this hour.

Now NATO in the United States.

And the surrounding nations are also
right to say, actually right now, this

is not in our best interest, if that's
what is ultimately decided, but that does

not mean that I agree with everything
that the Ukrainian government is doing.

Just like, I don't agree with everything
that the American government is doing.

Just like, I don't agree with everything
that conservatives are saying and doing,

even though I obviously am a conservative.

It's okay.

To have thoughts and ideas, that
conflict, that it's okay to disagree with.

Someone that you mostly agree with
all the time we'll do Ukrainian

government is, is converting all of
their systems into a digital ID system

called the DHEA, which means action.

It's also an acronym that
stands for the state and me.

Now it kind of sounds cool on the.

As it's an app that includes all of
your national ID cards, all of your

biometrics, your driver's license,
everything that you could possibly need,

registration forms, insurance policies,
tax documents, birth certificates, all

on one app, which, you know, if I was a
hacker, I would be like, this is great.

I can, you know, I'll
just assault the system.

I'll hack it and I'll get
everyone's information.

That's sitting there all in one spot.

It probably has a lot of conveniences.

So when you're dealing with government
agencies, which often have a lot of

bureaucracy everywhere in the world,
you can easily move through the system.

You can easily get things done.

So that on that note, I
bet people really enjoy it.

However, it also opens
the door for control.

It opens the door to shut someone's life.

Just like we're seeing on social media,
everyone's getting, not everyone.

People who disagree with the ruling
party of social elites can have their

mouth silenced on these social media
platforms in a click of a button

until they comply with the, the
powers agenda with big tech agenda.

And with this opens up is a
door for your life to be shut

down at a click of a button.

Not from having gone through a court
of law and be tried for a crime and

put in prison, but just, Hey, you said
something that we don't like, and we've

determined that that is a hate crime.

That that is eight speech.

And therefore we are going to limit
the amount of money that you can spend.

Therefore, we are going to
instantly limit your life.

Your cards won't work anymore.

Your ID is now.

This is a social credit scoring
system, just like we're seeing social

credit scoring systems in social
media where things are bumped up

and down in algorithms, except this
will just be done a different way.

This is already happening in China.

It is already happening in China
and it is going to increase

to continue happening across.

Other places in the globe.

Well, this whole, whole right wing.

All right.

Conspiracy theory of the new world
order, which we mentioned in our intro,

is it though, is it just an alt-right
conspiracy of the new world order?

We talked about what a new world
order is, what a world order is.

It's the way that not just
governments inside of.

Interact with each other,
but who is the ruling power?

In what way are trade routes structured?

And who does do those favor?

Those are that's the new world order.

That is a world order.

What country sits on top?

So before America, it
was the British empire.

That was the world order.

The Ottoman empire at one
point was the world order.

The Dutch had a world order.

The French at one point were on
top of the world order the Romans.

It has been a cycle through history.

So it could be conspiratorial
when we talk about the new world

order and all that, it means.

But at the same time, it's not
because they are talking to and say

they, I mean the ruling elite, I
mean the post liberal and I'm saying.

Very specifically, because when, when
you hear this clip from president

Joe Biden, he even re refers to the
fact that we have been living in a

liberal world, that the world order
we've had a liberal world order.

And now we're about to
have a new world order.

Well, if we've had a liberal world
order and that world order is going

to change, that means it's going
to be a post liberal world order.

Now, what sort of values exactly ends
up being established in that world?

Only time will tell, but I suspect
from their language around things

like green energy, carbon, zero green,
new deal, which by the way is now

totally just it's out the window.

I think everyone sees that
this thing is a total hoax.

It's it's not sustainable.

We don't have the
technology yet to see that.

And that's why these
pipelines are so important.

That's why gas prices are
going through the roof.

We are still dependent and we will
continue to be dependent for a

long time until we see a totally
revolutionary form of energy be being

developed, which we're not there,
but I digress here is the presence.

Of the United States, president
Joe Biden, who is speaking to a

business round table, I believe
in Delaware, in the United States.

I think this presents us with some
sick, significant opportunities

to make some real changes.

You know, we are at an
inflection point, I believe is.

World economy, not just the world economy
in the world that occurs every three

or four generations as one of them as
the, uh, one of the top military people

said to a secure meeting the other
day, 60, 60 million people died between

nineteen hundred and nineteen forty six.

And, uh, since then we established
a liberal world order and it

hadn't happened in a long while.

A lot of people die, but
nowhere near the chaos.

And now's the time when things are
shifted, we're going to, they're

going to be a new world order out
there and we've got to lead it.

We've got to unite the rest of
the free world and doing there.

It is.

We're going to have a new world order
out there and we've got to lead it.

We've got to be the ones who are
on top of this new world order.

And in many ways, I have to say in many
ways, I do hope that it ends up being

America that is leading a new world order.

And if not America, I hope that it
is a nation with morality, a nation

with values, a nation that does
not suppress freedom of speech or

freedom of religion, or does not
suppress real, real women's rights.

Like in Afghan.

Well, w girls are not
loud to go to school.

Young girls not allowed to go to school.

Sorry, can't go to secondary school.

Can't get an education.

So there are a lot of systems in play
or systems that are putting people in

internment camps right now because of
their ethnicity, because you're weaker.

You're ended up in an interment camp.

There is a lot of powers out there
that I do not want to see ruling.

And I hope, and I pray that as we
see new world order emerge, that it

does not become, uh, a world order
that all of us regret living in.

But as Biden president Biden said,
there is a, we, we saw a liberal

world order being established, and
now we're about to see new world

order economically, globally.

It is coming.

They know that it's.

Now America, I, I do believe has been
a great blessing to, to the world in

many, in many facets and in many ways,
however, they have also exported through

Hollywood and through really post liberal
ideology, post postmodern ideology,

very toxic ideas that are destroying.

Destroying nations and
societies across the world.

One of that, one of those
things that happened even

recently, we talked about it.

Afghanistan was America's
withdrawing from Afghanistan.

There are many, Afghanistan is
a complicated issue, but to the

Africans that I have talked with.

Many actually light the freedoms that
the enjoyed when America was there

when they set up an Afghan government.

So although it was very corrupt, people
had a level of freedom that they did not

have before the Taliban were, when the
Taliban was ruling Afghanistan in the late

nineties, it was horrendous, horrendous
treatment of children and women.

Men who disagreed executions women not
allowed to go to school, women being

flogged and executed in public places
because they weren't wearing the right

thing or they were in the wrong place.

So they're going to send
you a daughters to school.

This happened now

when America came in, there was
a lot of problems that occurred.

There's there's a lot of unjust.

More crimes that happened.

People, innocent people died.

However, a lot of people would say
that they enjoyed the liberties,

that they were able to experience
underneath American power underneath the

protection of the us military, which was
upholding the, the Afghan government.

Well, the new world.

Came in and said, this is no
longer part of our agenda.

We're just going to pull out our troops,
regardless of when I say new world order,

really, I just mean president Joe Biden
against all sound policy, decided to pull

out and who is suffering, who suffers?

Well, one of the groups that suffer is
young girls who for seven months, they

have not been allowed to attend school.

Well, just this Wednesday, a couple days
ago, the Taliban ordered secondary schools

in Afghanistan to shut just hours after
they reopened and official confirmed,

sparking confusion over the policy
reversal by the hard line Islamic groups.

So after seven months they finally said,
okay, we're going to reopen schools

so that girls can go to high school.

And then hours later, they shut it back.

The ratio of women it's happening,
it's been happening and we need

to see it stop happening because
women or mothers are the backbone of

society from marketplaces to homes.

They are the ones that raise
up that pour into that.

Disciple, our children that make
our children, boys and girls.

Into pillars of society.

They are the ones who, or the strength of
homes, and we need to see them protected.

We need to see them support it.

I've often talked about who
who's the greatest person, the

greatest person in your life.

Who's the, the greatest person
in society who, who might that.

And I always say it is a mom.

It's a mother who serves sacrificially for
years, changing diapers, raising children.

And hopefully she has a husband
who helps in the changing of

the diaper and the making of the
food who helps around the house.

But the left, the, the post, the
post liberal left want to see women

totally and completely erased.


That makes sense.

In a post-truth society where we've
exchanged truth for lies and reason

for postmodern irrationality,
the absurd finally makes sense.

Well, you probably saw on the news.

Leah Thomas who's comes from Leah.

The word Leah comes from William
William Thomas, who he know changed

his name to Leah, but he's still a man.

Leah Thomas, born with an ax in a Y.

Chromosome is a man was eight
and still is a swimmer for

four Ivy league universities.

He was okay.

You know, place.

Can you even make the, the relay team,
but he decided and felt in the deepness of

who he was, that he was really a woman and
was accepted to swim for Penn state and

swept, won all these competitions, not all
of them, but one of 200 meter freestyle,

I believe killed destroy the competition.

Uh, controversy all over the place
about this trans athlete about this

man swimming in a woman's race.

The whole, the whole reason that we
have men and women's sports is because

the biological frame of a man is
stronger than the biological frame of.

That's the reason that we have two totally
different segregated sports so that we

could make space for women to compete
so that we can make space for women

to Excel so that we can make space to
showcase women X, X, chromosome women,

but the left wants to do away with this.


They want to just do away with it.

Well, it's no longer by.

It's no longer the LGBT Q community,
for those who really want to

have your, your acronyms cracked.

It is now the LGBT Q Q I P two S I want to
make sure that we're, you know, inclusive

on this show, realizing that there
are millions and millions of different

sexual identities that you can identify.

Um, even though there's not, there's
two there's male and there's female,

you can identify as a million things.

You can identify as a bicycle and people,
these days are willing to say, you know

what, if you identify as a bike bicycle
at first, I might think you're crazy.

But if you keep saying it enough, enough
enough, I might actually believe you.

I might believe that
you're a bicycle sharp.

I'll let you identify as a bicycle.

I'll let you identify as
whatever race you want.

Why not?

Who am I to say what your truth is?

And what's your reality is who am I?

Well, we found this amazing interview
from, uh, from this race this week

that, uh, I wanted to play this
clip is a little long, but, uh, wow.

This, this is just an
amazing interview with, uh,

That's the current champion
of a strong woman competition,

strong woman, miss woman.

Do you feel ready?

Yeah, I'm ready.


There are just so many amazing
women athletes out here today.

It makes me so proud.

No, this is the first year that a
trans woman is in the competition.

How do you feel about that?


I feel honored to be a part of history.

I have a lot of incredible
trans friends who are athletes.

And so we're all inspired.

This woman's competing.


And have you actually ever met Heather?

Uh, no, I've never competed
against her before.

No, she's not exactly your
average trans athletes.

Well, what is an average trans athlete?

Honestly, I find that
kind of bigoted David.


Heather Swanson is actually
joining us now, Ms.

Swanson, how does it
feel to be competing to.

Let kit tell you how free I feel now
that I've started identifying as a woman.

Um, I'm just getting news
from my producer right now.

Oh my goodness.

This isn't an interview
from the swim meet.

This is an interview from south park.

South park is a great prophetic voice in
this generation somehow they're there.

So they're able to see into the
future with such clarity and here.

And they drew up a few years ago
of a, a strong women's competition.

But these, these lines, these lines that
this women competitor says, it's so.

It is so cliched.

Let me play this again, athlete.

Honestly, I find that
kind of bigoted David.


Well, what is an average trans athlete?

Honestly, I find that kind
of bigoted David w what is,

what is an average translate?

Like how.


How do you even measure what
an average trans athlete is?

Oh, it's a man.

Well then here on this brilliant
south park skit, here comes to man.

Heather Swanson is actually
joining us now, Ms.

Swanson, how does it feel
to be competing today?

I can't tell you how free a feel now
that I've started identifying as a woman.

No, that I can compete as female.

I'm ready to smash the other girl.

Oh, my gosh.

Finally, finally, I'm so glad that this
strong man, uh, feel so liberated because

he's finally found his true identity.

He's finally been limitated,
uh, liberated from the, the,

uh, the cords of the patriarchy.

And he can be who he's really meant to.


You just started identifying
as female two weeks ago.

I'm not here to talk about my transition.

I'm here to kick some.

Let me tell you something
Dingleberry David Perry.

I'm going to rule up the other women
here and I'm going to smoke them.

I am the strongest woman.

This state is Zimmer.

See, what, what is I think
even more ironic is that this

is really the talk track of.

Trans athlete, you know, I'm not here to,
I'm not here to talk about my transition.

I'm just here to compete and you know,
to be the, just so proud to be the

best and strongest women that is here.

Now, you, you might think that, well, this
is kind of crazy and it is, it is crazy,

but this is exactly what is happening.

This is such a lucid moment by Southwest.

Describing exactly what is
happening in absurd and crazy terms.

But this is what we're seeing.

A man can identify as a woman go
through simple hormone therapy, even

though he's been training as a man
for years in college training, as a

man decides not I'm a woman, let me
just get my estrogen levels or your

testosterone levels, a little low.

And then I'll be able to
smash all the other women.

If I was sent by someone in the
region, this interview, this week

of eight, one of the moms of the
competitors swam against Leah Thompson.

In the race.

She, she came on this show anonymously
because her daughter would face

a severe amount of backlash.

They were put on under gag orders.

The same.

You're not allowed to talk to the media.

You're not allowed to disagree with
what we have decided as the NCAA

NCAA, and as these universities.

Well, here is the mom
describing what general.

Has happened about the story
what's happened with Leah?

A little history for those unaware
prior to renaming will was a respectable

Ivy league swimmer finishing second
at conference from the distance events

of the 500,016 50 yard freestyles will
was not an NCAA championship swimmer.

In fact, will was not even fast enough to
be not, not even fast enough in the 200

free to be one of the four men on pet.

Team selected for the men's four
by 200 yard freestyle relay.

I realize that in its own, right,
didn't come close to qualifying for

NCAAs and finished fourth out of
eight teams in the Ivy league in 2019.

In other words, he is a normal swimmer.

He's not that great.

He's not placing, he's not meddling.

He can't cut it as a guy.

He can't, he he's not winning.

Middle of the road, but overnight within
to what happens, fast-forward a few

weeks to the mid season traveled, meets
where Leah posted the fastest times in

the country among women, faster than
NCA winning times from the previous

year and faster than all of our limpian
still racing in women's, collegians

swimming overnight transitions, whether
it's a couple of years or a couple of.

All of a sudden, this guy goes from
being a run of the mill male swimmer

to feeding just smashing records,
being faster than Olympian, collegiate

swimmers, actual female swimmers.

But what is most crazy?

What is most.

And it's really delusion.

This really is a delusion.

I truly believe that this is a
delusion that is being sent to America.

It is a delusion to make
people believe what is false.

It is in the spiritual realm.

It is a delusion and people are
drinking it up because they're not

thinking for themselves because
they've, they've, they've discounted.

And they're believing just
total absurdity in lies.

And so I think they're just being made,
given these delusions to fall into to see

just how absurd, how absurd there's this
view that there is no such thing as truth,

that there is no such thing as morality.

There's no such thing as good and wrong.



There's no such thing as
that is all relatively moral.

And it's just, how do you feel
if you feel good, if it makes you

feel great, then do it post liberal
control that destroys the family.

I believe that this is a delusion that
hopefully will make a lot of people wake

up and see how insane this all really is.

The, the mom continues to
speak out on this show.

She calls up the UCLA saying, Hey,
this is totally a totally unfair.

Um, I heard that this man is
swimming on my daughter's league.

Can you explain, like, explain this to me?

Like this can't happen.

This is totally unfair.

Listen to what she has to say.

I was met with the single most stunning
response I've ever received on any issue.

And this is the response from the UCLA.

She calls up the UCLA is having a
conversation saying this is happening.

Like we need to stop this.

This is what the UCLA.

The organization that stands up for
women's rights, the organization that

stands up for things that are unjust.

This is what the arbitrators of
justice immorality in America of the

post liberal worldview has to say.

On this matter, I was told that the
words, biological and genetic have

no business being in a discussion
around sex and gender biology.

And genetics have no room to be in
a conversation about sex and gender.

I mean, the foolishness, the absolute
indie Odyssey of a statement like that

mindblowing, but I get in conversations.

I get in conversations with people all
the time on social media that are, are

echoing the same thing per totally bind.

To this narrative, well, gender isn't
SAPs and sex isn't gender, and they're

separate and they're different.

Oh, she goes on.

I was told trans women are women.

They're female they're girls,
no language that minimizes

that point should be tolerated.

I was told it was an offensive question.

My language was out of date.

I was told that sex and gender are
equally important and that the ACLU

is actively removing sex from legal,
documentations, and legal language.

The ACO you is actively removing sex from
legal documentation and legal language.

They are explicitly trying to
wipe out women and womanhood.

They're trying to make the entire
society as androgynous, makeup,

blob of people and draw genus.

It means this.

You're not one sex or the other.

You're not male.

You're not female.

You're just some sort of weird
hybrid blend between the two.


Because w well, there's many
layers of why people down at

the bottom, they don't know.

They don't really know what's going on.

They're just following the talk
tracks people in middle management,

they're trying to push their
progressive agenda people up at.

I, I do believe it's because they are
looking to destroy the moral moral

fabric to try to destroy families.

And if you can destroy a family,
if you can destroy the moral fabric

of a nation, then you destabilize
the nation from within you.

Cause it, so that families aren't
able to support themselves because

not a strong family unit to provide
care for children, children.

Are confused.

They don't have a family to go to.

So they're then being
educated by the state.

And then the state
increasingly has more control.

There's a breakage of generational
wealth transfer because

marriages are falling apart.

The state has more control, and then
you can set up a new world order.

You can set up a totally
new system that looks.

She continues.

I tried to gently prod at the preposterous
arguments I was hearing, and I was

met with an absolute brick wall.

When she concluded with, let me tell
you with certainty, the ACLU will never

represent CIS women against women.

The ACO, you will never represent CIS
women against men who claim to be.

This is, this is where the world is
going and it's not just in America.

It's not just in Europe.

It is happening all across
the sub continent of Asia.

It's happening across
here in the middle east.

It's happening on a
global scale on a global.

This confusion because the diffusion
of information that's happening through

social media and that's being controlled.

Only certain narratives are allowed.

Only certain narratives are shown.

The world is falling under this delusion
of, of gender dysphoria and people even

all across this region are choosing
their pronouns and identifying different.

And are responding in the same way that
they're seeing people respond on social

media with triggers and trigger warnings.

It is being exported all across the world.

Well, I don't have a whole lot of hope.

I mean, I actually, I do.

I have, I have a whole lot of
hope, but when it comes to.

And the Supreme court pick right now.

This is, I really think this is picture
ask of what the post liberal left wants

people to believe, wants people to think.

Here is the, uh, justice
potential future justice.

Uh, who's chosen because
she is a black woman.

She's chosen by the Biden administration
to be the next person that sits on the

Supreme court, which is the highest court
in America, which is a lifelong tenure.

This person is chosen explicitly because
she is a black woman not chosen because

of the list of, for accomplished.

But Biden set out, president Biden
set out to say, I'm going to find

a black woman to sit on that bench.

And this is the agenda and
the worldview and the thought

process that this woman has.

And I believe this is what really,
they want all people in America to

think exactly like this old people
in the world to think exactly like.

Here's here's her in one
of these Senate hearings.

Uh, can you provide a
definition for the word woman?

Can I provide a definition?

Yeah, I can't.

You can't not in case
context, not a biology.

First of all, that smirk on her face.

And second of all, This woman is supposed
to sit on the highest court in America and

she can't define woman what a woman is.

And then her excuses,
like I'm not a biologist.

Oh my goodness.

Can you look at a dog and
say like, well, that's a dog.

Well, that's a house.

Well, that's a building.

Do you need to be an, an engineer
to know what a building is?

I'm not a biologist.

And the deep irony is that she is sitting
in that chair because she's a woman.

I have no problem for women
justices or black women justices.

That's great.

It's like, it makes no difference to me.

The problem.

And the issue is the ideas behind
the person, the ideas that's sitting

in, someone said, can't no way
can she define what a woman is?

Someone with an X and an X chromosome
is a woman X, X chromosome woman.

Well, she was also asked, can
you define when life begins here?

It is.

W when a does life began in your opinion?

Uh, Senator, um, I don't know.


Does it know when life begins?

Does it know what a man and a woman is?

And really this, this is what the
post liberals want people to believe,

not just in the west, but they're
exporting these ideas all across

the globe, all across the club.

Here's the final clip final clip for this
segment, from our one and only south.

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Well, don't go away.

We will be right back with our
closing Weaver and loom segment.

Welcome back to Weaver.

Aluma part of the show where we take
ancient wisdom and we weave it in with

our everyday lives so that we can own
our future and weave our destinies.

Well, today's.

Comes from Solomon
prophet, Solomon Proverbs.

He writes, do not speak in the
hearing of a fool for, he will

despise the good sense of your words.

This is absolutely true.

Absolutely true.

Do not throw your pearls before
swine don't speak around people.

Blatantly has despised good sense
who blatantly decide that they

can't define what a woman is because
they're not a byte biologist.

That is despising.

Good sense.

But I've gotten so many conversations

where there is just such a.

Of rationality and oftentimes
the argument comes well.

It's just so complicated.

It's just, you know, these
are very complicated issues.

It's just not really apparent
on what should be done here.

Well, no, it's actually, this
is actually a very simple issue.

It's actually not confusing.

It's actually not complicated.

They want to make it confusing and
complicated on things like abortion.

When does life begin?

Well, yeah, I don't know
when, like, I don't know.

Who, who am I to know when life
begins, begins at conception.

Instead right now in America,
the depravity of America in

Colorado, they're pushing a bill.

I would say that if a mother gives birth
first, it says that a baby in a room

has no rights, no rights whatsoever.

And that even after the mother gives
birth, if the mother fails to do

something, the mother gives birth and
just lets the baby sit there and die.

Well that's okay because it's
just a fetus has no rights.

The mother's not responsible.

It's not murder.

It's not a human,

the babies.


And women aren't women, they're
bursting people and soon we won't need

birthing people because we're just
going to grow everyone in test tubes.

Anyways, we're just going to
homogenize the human race and really

erase women on a global scale.

It is, it is, it is truly scary.

But they like to complicate.

They like to complicate these issues.

It's just so hard.

Just how do you know?

How can you tell it's just so complicated?

Your response should be no,
it's actually quite simple.

It's not complicated.

Like you say, a man is a man
and can not become a woman.

A woman is a woman.

It can not become a man.

You were born with an X or
Y chromosome X, X, X, Y.


There are rare cases.

Where someone is born with a third
chromosome and that's an abnormal

normality, but if you were born with
an X, X chromosome, you are a woman.

And if you like to do boyish the quote
unquote, I don't think your boys quote,

unquote boyish things, whether that's
going to carpentry or play basketball.

That doesn't mean.

It just means, Hey, you like to do these.

I don't want any to say, boy, I
don't really think they're boyish.

You want to do this certain sub
set of themes that are assigned to

something that's more masculine.

And if you're a man and you like to
cook, if you're a man and I don't know,

you feel like you're extra emotional.

That doesn't mean that you're a woman.

It just means that there's
a spectrum of humanity.

But you're still a man and
you're always be a man.

It is simple, and men should
not compete in women's sports.

Well, that's all for
this episode this week.

Thanks for being with us.

If you want to get more out of this
episode and you want to help the show,

you can do so by sharing it with people
that you love, uh, texted to them.

WhatsApp message.

By sharing the show with people, it
will help the show and help get, uh,

a culture that we want to see truth,
because it really is a man is a man

and a woman is a woman that is truth.

You don't have to, you don't
have to wonder and seek that out.

You don't have to be confused
about, is this really true or not?

It's it's.

That one is truth.

And the truth is what sets you free.

I've been in conversations this week.

Oh, well I know so many people who,
once they identified as a woman, they

feel so liberated just like in this
south park clip, literally the same,

the same thing from this outboard clip
that I feel like identified as a woman.

I feel so free, but that's not truth.

The truth is, and the truth sets you.

That there's men and women, nothing else.

And those it's so funny, those people
who are arguing that the truth has set

their friends free, that they're now
identifying as the opposite gender.

They are also the ones saying, I'm
just trying to keep these people alive.

You know, the suicides rates so
high, and they're always on the edge

of just falling apart and killing
themselves, which I hope they don't do.

I personally do hope, do
not hope that they do.

It's horrible.

It is a mental illness there.

I mean, oppressed and oppressed by this.

We're not helping people by tying
them to their bondage and saying, yep.

It's, it's totally normal that
you would want to end your life.

That's totally normal.

No, it is not.


If this was true and it was really setting
people free, then they wouldn't still

have these issues, but it's not true.

The truth is there's male and female.

And so that is something that
is worth sharing and spreading.

And that is something
that you can be sure of.

Well, that is all for this week's episode.

Thanks for being here.

Remember you are.

Truth seeker.

And now you have a piece of proof, which
you knew since you were like three.

So go out this week and
take that break down.

People's confusing conversations,
convoluted and hit them over the head with

the two by four of truth, male, female.