Faith & Purpose

"Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God;  and the Peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things." — Philippians 4:6-8 (NKJV)

I created this audio meditation in 2014 to help myself and others to focus on “good reports” — positive, uplifting thoughts to replace negative ones. I hope it helps someone.

The music is from the prayer of St. Francis, “Make Me a Channel of Your Peace,” by the Piano Brothers. Used with permission.

What is Faith & Purpose?

Ordinary people who have been transformed by an extraordinary God tell their stories of what happened and what their lives are like now.

Everything is brand new.

It's happened before now is history.

Is my opportunity to change my life.

And I do so breezing these affirmations.

My thinking is the cause of both.

And happiness choose a new way to.

I am grateful to be alive.

I am thankful for the roof over my head.

And the opportunities.

Go ahead of me.

I trust.

With all my heart.

I have everything I need to do with.

Awesome things in this world.

All of my so-called
limitations are meaningless.

I sleep soundly every night.

And I am healing, insightful dreams.

Every morning.

Refreshed and excited about life.

I decide what I want to think about.

In my mind.

I am grateful to have work, to do.

And I look forward to my work.

I will react to every
situation today with.

And gratitude.

I am grateful to be me just as I am.

I'm grateful to be where I am.

And for the people around me.

My problems are simply
opportunities in disguise.

People are blessings.

Not interruptions.

I take time to connect with each person.

And people smile back at.

I do not get offended
by other people's words.

More actions.

And it shows.

I have the mind of Christ.

I am forgiving.

And free of any condemnation.

I forgive myself.

And decisively.

God loves me.

The person I was yesterday is.


I am brand new.

Things that happened in the past.

Do not affect me today.

I choose to think highly
of myself and others.

I trust God to guide and protect.

When I feel fear, I
pause and breathe deeply.

I move forward.

I can do everything I need to do
through Christ who lives in me.

I am physically strong.

And mentally alert.

I am happy.

Healthy and energetic.

I crave fresh protein,
fruits, and vegetables.

Easily, avoid sugar and processed foods.

I am grateful to have
access to healthy food.

And clean water.

I do what I can to help.

Others have access to healthy food.

And clean water.

Plan healthy meals.

So that I am not tempted
to eat unhealthy foods.

My body maintains.

My energy level is high and steady.

All day long.

Of clean water every day.

If I get hungry, angry, lonely, or
tired, I stop and take care of myself.

I very rarely.

Or injured.

But when I do, I recover quickly.

Works perfectly.

I remember names easily.

When you introduced to someone new.

I repeat their name out loud.

And it sticks in my mind.

I carefully consider my
current commitments before I

say yes to any new request.

When I see, I will do something.

I do.

I have clear, achievable.

Honor God.

And bless other people.

I take action every day.

Toward accomplishing my goals.

I am enthusiastic about all the
things I get to do each day.

I try my best to arrive at appointments
at least five minutes early.

I stay focused.

And I finished my current task
before starting something new.

And just stepping stones to success.

In this present moment.

I seek to comfort others in their grief.

In the middle of the night.

I use the time to count my blessings.

I remember with gratitude.

All that God has done for me.

And my loved ones.

I experience and show the spiritual fruit.

And peace.

God is.

Really given me everything
I needed to trust him.

Because I care about other people.

I am perfectly content.

Everything is exactly as it should be.

Action to change the themes I can.

How to handle difficult
situations and people.

I sleep.

I discover solutions to problems.

I stand against evil.


In all their forms.

We take inspired action
to handle all challenges.

I react appropriately to emergencies with.

With poise and confidence.

I am the chief executive
officer of myself.

I am responsible for my
thinking and feeling.

I have close and meaningful relationships.

People like me because I am
positive and encouraging.

I am an important.

And cooperative family member.

And my family.

Wants to be with me.

I am kind.

And thoughtful.

I seek to understand other people.

To comfort others who are
experiencing the same sort of pain.

You've gone through.

I experience.

And show the spiritual fruits of
patience, kindness and goodness.

I like to laugh.

And people want to be around me.

I am constantly learning new
skills and valuable information.


Negative and foolish words.

Sights and sounds.

God gives me the resources.

I need to be of service to
the people he would have.

I do not spend time doing for others.

What they can and should
do for themselves.

I have positive.

We have my best interest at heart.

I am.

I live with others.

God loves me.

With open, forgiving arms.

And show the spiritual fruits
of faithfulness gentleness.

And self-control.

I listen to criticism openly.

Consider the source.

Then take appropriate action.

The past is over.

It has no power over me today.

I do not react.

I breathe deeply.

And pre for myself.

We know there's are angry.

I do not react.

I breathe deeply and pray for them.

God will turn even my worst
mistakes and failures into good.

I trust the Lord with all of my past.

My own perceptions of
the past are meaningless.

I trust the Lord with all of my future.

It will be far greater than
I could think or imagine.

Everyone has the right to be wrong.

I need commands quickly and
humbly ask for forgiveness.

I don't try to change other people.

But I seek to improve myself daily.

My skills and abilities
are improving every day.

I stay in the present by
simply watching God-breathed.

I love silence and silence loves me.

Before I speak.

I asked myself.

What I'm about to see is kind of true.

If not, I keep silent.

And to listen to gossip.

I never criticize or find fault in others.

Only offer my opinion.

If I asked for it.

I see opportunities to
sincerely compliment people.

Lead by example.

And by love.

I am contented.

All situations.

We got his wisdom and in me,

I enjoy being alone.

I am comfortable in a crowd.

Earn an abundant amount of
money to provide for my family.

And to help others.

Valuable to other people.

And meaningful to myself.

The price I charge for
my products and services.

I think God for my work.

I enjoy it more and more.

God is my source.

I am grateful for the people he sends
to inform, sustain and embrace me.

I am a cheerful and a generous giver.

God guides me to the
ministries and people.

God supplies for all my
needs, according to his.

I have new stress about
money because I trust.

And I don't spend.

I forgive others quickly.


Before any large purchase.

I have no psychological barriers
to earning as much as possible.

I use money as a tool to have a
positive impact in God's world.

I surround myself with godly counselors.

And I listened to their wisdom.

Prosperity is chasing me.

And I am reaching every way.

Very comfortable with financial success.

I am happy to help other
people accomplish their goals.

I see for what I want.

So that I can stay out of debt.

My body is in top condition.

All of God is everywhere.

The time, including within
every cell of my body.

I have more energy now.

Then I did, when I was younger.

I like to exercise every day.

My muscles are strong and flexible.

My heart is clean and strong.

And beats and a healthy rhythm.

My lungs are clear and strong.

Vision is getting clearer.

My hearing is improving every day.

Lose my organs and body parts working
separately is God designed them to.

My mind.

Is clear in my thoughts are
organized and purposeful.

Meet God frequently in the eternal prison.

I maintain a thankful attitude.

No matter what is going on.

I am persistent.

In pursuing my goals.

I focus on finishing the task
at hand before I begin another.

I set aside.

At least 15 minutes each
day to sit in silence.

And continuously turn my wheel in my life.

And only consumes me.

I can handle.

Any situation that comes my way today.

I thank God for my blessings.

My problems.

I bring home.

I see.

I see God everywhere.

And then everyone.

God hears all of my prayers.

What is for my highest good.

We know you feel that God is absent.

It is only because I've
become too busy or ungrateful.

Nothing is wrong.

In this present moment.

The kingdom of God is within me.

I recognize it when I
let go of my own kingdom.

I repeat only good news and kind words.

Love and peace.

My natural state of mood.

Where there is darkness.

I don't try to change other people.

But I share how God has helped me.

You've asked.

I am a good listener.

But I don't waste time
listening to fruitless talk.

I respond to negative news.

Thinking of God's goodness and provision.

I have a bright future.

Full of joy.


And prosperity.

I think.

And speak only positive uplifting.

To and about myself and others.

I am an organized.

Public speaker.

I am perfectly comfortable
speaking to one person.

I communicate clearly.

So that other people.

I understand my meaning.

To impress other people.

I am here to love and serve.

God has a brighter
future for my loved ones.

Then I could engineer or even imagine.

All expectations of other people.

I am free of anger and resentment.

Anger is a poison.

I refuse to drink.

Tolerance toward people.

I did not like.

Gratitude is my fast lane.

Fear and pain.

My thinking is clear and organized.

I decide how I will feel.

Because I choose what I think about.

Thankfulness is my default state of mind.

I am never alone.

And when I.

Out someone to encourage.

I am a channel.

Of God's peace.

Encourage others.

God encourages me.

I am a non-conformist.

My thinking does not conform to the moon.

When I make mistakes, I
forgive myself quickly.

And we finality.

My mind is being renewed.

Time is always now.

Jesus would say.

The kingdom of God is at hand.

I can change.

I have everything I need to do.

And I was sent here to do.

It is time for me to leave my body.

I do some gracefully.

Goodness and mercy.

This has been channeled of peace.

Uh, 30 minute mind training
for peace and prosperity.

Arranged by Jessie duke.

Gary did by Jamie.

Sound design by Metro voice media.

Copyright 2014 by encouraging WordPress.

The music has been.

Channel of your peace.

The new

You can see a transcript
and leave comments and

suggestions for future moving.


Thank you for listening.