The Lucas Skrobot Show

The Left blames the tyrannical patriarchy, "colonialism", Capitalism while the Right blames the "new world order" & draconian big government . . . but BOTH are wrong . . . there is something MUCH MORE FRIGHTENING and much more sinister to blame

Show Notes

The Left blames the tyrannical patriarchy, "colonialism", Capitalism  while  the Right blames the "new world order" & draconian big government . . . but BOTH are wrong . . . there is something MUCH MORE FRIGHTENING and much more sinister to blame

Time Stamps

  Intro  00:00
  I survived Hurricane Shaheen   00:45
   What is far more sinister to blame for all your problems?  01:41
  The real Psyop is blaming everything else for our problems instead of ourselves.  05:11
  Men and women who manned death camps were people like you and I.  05:45
  It is easier to blame others or systems than ourselves.  06:53
  Dr. James Orr - Jordan Peterson Podcast  07:50
  Who do you love to blame?  08:19
  Colonialism?  09:25
  Dr. Jordan Peterson - The enemy is within  11:17
  Afghanistan Update  14:47
  China vs. Taiwan  17:46
  Croatia goes back to normal--declares pandemic over.  19:26
  Yeah that makes sense!  21:56
  Greta Thunberg - Blah Blah Blah  22:18
  Progressivism always needs to be more progressive.  23:56
  How do people make decisions?  25:49
  New Yorker: How to blow up a pipeline?  28:52
  Eco-terrorism  32:31
  BLM used violence to push agenda . . . eco warriors should too!  34:23
  Value for Value  35:41
  Weaver and Loom  36:31
  Dr Jordan Peterson - Have to move toward an Ideal  38:55
  Pursue the highest ideal in community.  41:02
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The left blames, the tyrannical,
patriarchy, colonialism capitalism,

while the right blames, big government,
big tech and the new world order.

Well, I hate to break it to you, ladies
and gentlemen, there is something.

Much more frightening, much more sinister
that you and I ought to be aware of.

Hey, it's Lucas Skrobot, and you're
listening to the Lucas skrobot show

where we uncover purpose, pursued
truth and own the future episode 262.

I love those palindromes.

It's October 3rd, 2021, late, late in
the evening here in the middle east.

And I need to have a little, a little
pin right here that says I started.

Uh, hurricane Shaheen, a hurricane
category, one hurricane or cyclone, if

you are from this side of the pond, uh,
or typhoon, if you are in the Pacific

ocean, south Pacific, uh, rolled through
our, our city today here in Oman and, uh,

spent most of the day cleaning up water
as it leaked through all of our windows.

But everyone's, everyone's fine.

Everyone's safe.

We took a drive with the kids to the.

And stood by the shore as the crazy
waves broke and when blue, but, uh, I

survived the global warming of 20, 21,
a much more global warming news to come.

Uh, of course credit thumb bird would
be blaming the fact that I drove my SUV

with my kids down to the beach today.

You know, that's okay.

We'll, we'll get to Gretta later on
in the show, but there's something far

more sinister, as I said to blame rather
than the, the liberal, uh, activation

and militants around global warming
or not, not, it's not global warming.

Excuse me.

Global warming was done away with a long
time ago in climate change has actually

been done away with a long time ago.

If you remember, Biden's speech
to the UN president bindings.

It is climate.

It's now the war against climate.

So that's an endless war.

Praise God, finally, a humble,
there's an endless war that we

can really, you know, mobilize a
generation behind world war three.

It's not that though.

That's not the scary, more sinister thing.

It's not the, it's not, it's not
the fact that there is climate that.

That's not the scary, sinister,
frightening thing that you

and I ought to be aware of.

Th the liberal progressive ism, the doing
away with all of language, the doing away

with any semblance of reason, rationality
or truth, that the, the expunging of

any sort of biology that the denying
of science while claiming and telling

everyone to follow the science, these
things though, they are the mechanisms

that both the left and the right.

When we point to the systems of society.

When we have shows like this, talking
about geopolitical happenings around.

We're pointing to systems for pointing
to people to blame or pointing to

problems that an ideologies that
are toxic, that are dangerous, that

are being pushed out into the world.

And both sides of the aisle do this.

But as I said, I hate to break it to
you, but I love to break it to you.

At the same time, there is something
much more frightening that we

ought to be aware of, and that is.

And that is you.

And that is ourselves.

Instead of looking out into the world,
trying to blame a system, trying to

blame someone else, something else,
something that's completely outside of

our control, because if we can blame
something that is outside of our control.

Then, but the locus of responsibility,
the agency is no longer with us,

but we can point it somewhere else.

We have something to complain
about and whine about the reason

that our life is just so horrible.

It's just so bad, just terrible.

As we listen to this show, as you
watch it on your mobile device, when

you watch it on your computer, knowing
that when you open your spice, Well, th

th the contents of your spice cabinet
would have been a thing that would

be coveted and desired by the Kings
of old, just a few hundred years ago.

If only they could have a spice
cabinet, as nice as yours,

we live in the lap of luxury.

And so we want to find something else
to blame, and it's easy if it's not

blaming ourselves, but the issue is
the problem is, and we talked about.

And touched on it in the previous
episode, how, uh, we're fighting the

new world order and there's all these
PSYOPs and what the real PSYOP is that

we're all caught up in blaming all these
other systems, all these other problems,

all these other agendas, rather than
looking to the locus to ourselves.

The thing that we can have control
over because the evil benevolence

in the world, it lies within.

Knowing that we are this close away,
just a hair blind fracture away from

falling into the depths of insanity,
falling to the depths of wickedness

and evilness of benevolence, uh,
doing the unthinkable, living out the

unthinkable because the men and women
who, who are soldiers in the Nazi.

Who, who man, the death camps,
they were people just like you.

And just like, I, they
were ordinary people.

They weren't pathological crazy psychos.

There were regular people like you and
I, what are the chances that you and I

would have been there in those camps?

Not trying to save and rescue
people, but sending millions to their

death, that darkness, that darkness.

It's right below the surface, that
evil is right below the surface.

I was thinking about, I've been thinking
about this really, um, over, since the

previous episode, over the weekend, about
how we expend so much of our life energy

pointing to and blaming exterior sources
for the, the bane of our existence.

Rather than looking and blaming
ourselves, the things and the things

that we can control within our
control, because it's so much easier

to blame something on the outside.

And as, as was pondering
this, I, I turned to, uh, Dr.

Jordan Peterson and his
most recent episode.

And here's a clip with
his interview with Dr.


And, uh, Jordan Peterson and Dr.


And they're talking about the
religious systems or Christianity

in, in academia, in Oxford.

So that's kind of where the
conversation is originally framed by.

I pulled just two clips in the
beginning, and then we're going to

have a third clip later on in our
Weaver and looms section, um, from Dr.

Jordan Peterson.

But I pulled these two clips
as it really speaks to the.

Of the matter that we're going
to be discussing today in this.

As soon as we start to, uh, ex
project, a sin and culpability onto

systems and structures raw and away
from, from individual agency, um,

things start to go very, very badly.

And that's the very point that
we were making in the intro here.

And it's just something that happens
on both the left and the right as,

as the hook right there in the intro.

We often the left loves to blame
the tyrannical, patriarchy or

colonialism or whiteness or whatever.

The, the new progressive, you know,
SIS heterosis, gender, male RA

I'm pro, whatever pronoun is the,
you know, the correct one to use.

Sorry, I'm not politically correct.

They love to blame.

And us even here at the show,
what do we love to blame?

We love to talk about the
new world order and draconian

oversteps in authoritarianism.

And, uh, th these, these systems
of thought of postmodernism men

irrationality, that's just sweeping
the generation off the cliff and

the immortality of, of little mass
acts and, uh, up, uh, will Smith.

And just the craziness that people are.

Pulling into their lives and adopting.

And I'm sure that I think all of
that is just as insane as someone

on the progressive left with
think that capitalism is insane

or colonialism is insane, or the
tyrannical patriarchy is insane.

Uh, a little asterisk
right there on colonialism.

There's many different
types of colonialism.


Horse happened within colonialism, but the
word colonialism now is ex expanded and

extended far beyond what colonialism was.

And now colonialism is showing up on time.

You showed up on time.

You better decolonize your mind because
you're, you're using a form of white.

It's an internalized oppression and
that you need to free yourself up.

That's what colonialism has turned into.

It's no longer the actual colonialism.

It's just any sort of enlightenment
way of thinking, any sort of

scientific method way of thinking.

Of course, unless if you are doing
away with the science and then

saying let's follow the science,
AKA do away with the scientific.

And just follow the talking points,
the political talking points.

That's now been labeled science.

So both sides we can, we
can both be in fueled.

If that's the word, it's not a word.

We can both be enraged and
have our emotions fueled

against these systems that are.

But in this clip that Dr.

James or that just played for you when
we begin to blame those things, that's

when we begin to begin to be swept
up in these PSYOPs, that's when we

begin to be swept up in these, these
movements, these thoughts systems that

color and blind us color our vision
in blind us from the real problem

that is sitting right in front of you.

And that is your.

You do not want to be blind to
your shortcomings to yourself.

Here's Dr.

Jordan Peterson talking about just that.

One of them, the things that humanity
has to figure out is what's our enemy.

What can destroy us?


The snake that that's
natural world in predation.

It's well, what about
that in other people?

Well, yes.

What about that?

We can demonize the enemy in
your time, but if we're really

sophisticated, we think no, no, no.

The most fundamental adversary is
the one within then that also offers

the opportunity of something like
a romantic adventure, because you

can tell young people overthrow
the oppressive patriarchal title.

Or you could say, no, you should
seriously contend with evil within

that's a far more difficult endeavor
and a far more noble endeavor.

When I stepped into a clubhouse,
uh, just, just to see what, what

was happening on the app to see
if the app was even still alive.

And I stumbled into this room where
they're talking about the new world

order and going on and on about.

You know, this, the conspiracy that's
been around for hundreds and hundreds

and hundreds and hundreds of years, and
we need to stop the new world order.

I was thinking to myself, man, we spent
so much energy on these, these tropes on

these myths on these conspiracies, even
though guess in many ways, it's true.

But our will our clubhouses chatting about
the new world order, will it actually

solve anything in our life or as Dr.

Peterson said looking and working to
overcome the evil that lies within,

because that is where that is, where
we actually have some sort of agency.

We actually have some sort of control.


Oh, my goodness.

If you can't tell, we talk about
politics so much on this show, global,

global geopolitical culture wars.

We talk about the, uh, you know,
social commentary what's happening

in society and how we ought to
respond, how we ought to live, how

we often ought to think about that.

That's important.

We take those things
into our conversations.

We take them into, into the way that we
vote for policy, the way that we talk

and engage with people in daily basis.

However it all comes back to
overcoming that's within ourselves.

This is just something that's
just my intro rant that I've been

thinking about over the weekend and
feeling personally challenged in

personally challenged and insane.

I want to overcome the shortcomings,
the evils within the darkness

within, and I want to make sure that.

The work that I put my hands to.

It's not just noise.

It's just not just another, uh, you
know, great piece of entertainment.

Even though I try to be entertaining here.

I hope, I hope you are efficient,
sufficiently entertained, but

it has to touch our hearts.

It has to change our lives.

Otherwise, you know, we might
as well just start screaming and

shouting about the new world order.

And that's not what we want to do.

In other news, the new world order.



Not really, but as far as
global news Afghanistan again.

Oh my goodness.

This change of topic of Afghanistan
again, it's I feel it in the news

and the news cycle, we haven't
seen a mass genocide begin.

So people have kind of
lost sight, lost mind.

Uh, you know, the us troops are
out of there now, so it's not

important to report in the news,
but the reality is in Afghanistan,

things are beginning to intensify.

Borders are closing Afghans who
are trying to flee the country.

If they don't have papers, they are not
allowed to cross the border into Pakistan.

Hundreds of thousands of people
internally have been disciplined.

The UN is warning of a third of the
population of 38 million people.

So that would be 13, 14 million
people at risk of famine.

As winter comes, the Taliban have banned
Afghan women from the top universities and

further reports have come in have targeted
killings against religious minorities

against ethnic minorities by the.

So even though there's not a massive
news break, there's not a massive story.

There's not a massive genocide.

And I pray that we don't see that.

I pray that we don't see that.

I just want to keep that top of mind
realizing, and knowing the decisions

that were made, the decisions
that were made specifically by the

current American administration.

To pull out recklessly and curious
carelessly has destabilized a

nation destabilized, a region
and destroyed countless lives.

Hundreds of thousands of lives.

Putting people back.

There was a, there was a clip that I saw.

I did not, I did not cut it, but,
uh, I a clip that I saw this.

Where the Taliban were talking about
the, you know, the new dress codes for

women, how women are not allowed to
wear high heels, because if they do the

sound of their high heels will attract
the eyeballs of men and a haraam.

So, you know, no more high heels.

This is, this is the kind of extremely.

That the Taliban are putting in place.

And this is just, just the beginning.

It's only the beginning of what we will
end up seeing in Afghanistan because

of the decisions that were made.

And I said it before,
and I'll say it again.

It, I really do.

We'll turn into a major pinpoint hinge
point over the next 50 years that we'll

be able to look back and say because
of what happened in Afghanistan in

2021, these other ripple effects, these
other things have fallen into place.

A total shift of geopolitical power.

Speaking of shifts of geopolitical
power and China, China versus Taiwan.

We've been talking about this, even since
the, the Haitian assassin assassination

CNN reports that China sent 77 war planes
into Taiwan's defense zone over the last

two days, doing military air drills.

now is your time mock us.

You struck the deal just in time.

Come on Australia, get your, get
your military prowess on the, on the.

You better get up there?

Um, hopefully it's, hopefully it
will be in time to save Taiwan

from, uh, the never writable.

What seems to be the inevitable, uh,
uh, invasion, whether it's an invasion

or taking over Vista annex scene of it
just as he did with, uh, uh, Hong Kong.

We'll see, we'll see if, if
America continues on their

trend of, uh, backing up.

Uh, from defending their allies or if
they will continue to stand with Taiwan.

But I think that's the whole reason
that was put into place, which again

is the deal between Australia, the UK
and the U S to give Australia not just,

uh, nuclear powered submarines, but
also to expand their military footprint.

Of course, Francis still embittered about.

We'll see what happens there.

Uh, some great news though.

Great, great news.

Uh, another country has
gone back to normalicy.

They have said, you know what?

The jig is up.

We're not going to, we're not
going to be playing this, this

musical chair game anymore.

We're not going to keep on
jumping through the hoops.

We've talked about the,
the hoops of hope and.

And they said, well, we're just done.

We're going to finish playing that game.

Let's CRO CRO ration CRO wait.

Oh my goodness.


Uh, the president of Croatia, uh, came
out just a number of days ago saying,

you know what we we're done with this.

It's he's speaking in
Croatian in this clip.

So I'm going to have to do
my best to translate quickly.

As he, as he speaks.

So here is the president
of Croatia awkward.

See, I'll finish.

The goal is.

We need to know what the
goal is in this frenzy.

See if the goal is to completely eradicate
the virus, then we have the goal.


I need some tool that I have
not heard that this is the goal.

If someone tells me it's the goal,
I'll tell him he's out of his mind.

That's impossible.

Get vaccinated.

We want to eradicate.

COVID-19 that's impossible.

It's obviously impossible.

Every day I watch CNN
and those few channels.

And I wonder if I'm
normal or they're crazy.

They spread.

And they did it from the beginning.

And they're not the only ones, but
there's simply absolutely no certainty.

There's no life without risk.

Without the possibility of getting sick.

People get sick from thousands
of other more serious things.

And while that's happening, we've
been talking about COVID-19 for

the last year and a half, one year.


I understand it justify it.

It was for it since new years,
I only listen to nonsense.

The heart of Europe,
Europe is, is breaking up.

You know, I believe it was Norway and
Denmark are saying we're done with this.

Um, so there's a couple of people
that are just going against it.

They're saying, Nope, we are, we
are finished with all of this.

We're going back to normal.

We're categorizing this as the
flu as just a very bad flu.

And so I applaud Croatia for their bold
step in the face of what I'm assuming

to be enormous pressure from the E U

in a post-truth society where we've
exchanged truth for lies and reason

for postmodernity rationality.

The absurd finally made sense.

And as I promised, and I know you
were, you were just could not wait.

To hear the, the wisdom from this, uh,
superstar Gretta Thumper is back on the

show today with a speech that she made
at the youth for change conference.

And I'm going to play a minute
clip from her speech and it is.

Um, it's quite all inspiring.

Here's a credit thumb Berg.

There is no planet B.

There is no planet, blah, blah,
blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

Oh, wait.


First this maybe you've seen
this clip, this, she goes on

with the blah-blah-blah thing.

What I am most flabbergasted by.

Is the fact that there was a
round of applause after this

first, after this first bit.

Oh, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

There's no planet, blah, blah, blah.

And she gets around.

This, it only gets better folks.

This is not about some expensive
politically correct green act,

Bonnie hugging, or blah, blah, blah,
build back better, blah, blah, blah,

green economy, blah, blah, blah.

Oh, she's just totally digging into, uh,
the Biden administration and, and, uh,

most of the EU in Europe have built back.

Green new economy.

And that's a direct dig at AOC,
really feisty, really, which is, you

know, going after her own people.

I'm assuming, because in, in
progressivism you always have

to be more and more progressive.

You always have to take it one
or two or three steps further.

'cause you always have
to push to the edge.

You always have to find something racy
and radical to say net zero by 25, 20

50, blah, blah, blah, net zero by 2050
blah-blah-blah net zero blah-blah-blah

climate neutral law, blah, blah.

I mean, I kind of feel the same way it is.

It feels like it's blah, blah, blah.

So I think her and I agree, I wonder did
I do wonder, did she write the speech?

Did someone else write this speech?

Um, we got another 20
seconds of this clip.

This is all we're here from us.

So-called leaders, words, words.

That sound great.

But so far has led to no action,
our hopes and dreams, drown in

their empty words and promises.

I don't really have very
much to say after that clip.

Um, it's and the reason I don't have
much to say is, cause it's confusing.

What, what.

Is is being proposed, but action is,
is she hoping or, or the, the, the

conference hoping youth for change,
hoping what change, what, what action

are the hoping that the president
or that the global leaders take.

And this is, this is the, I dunno
if it's a problem, but this is

the reality of the situation.

People make decisions emotionally, and
then they rationalize those decisions

with data or facts or science.

So when we see Greta who is being
used in and put up on a pedestal,

Garner the attention and the empathy
of, of youth across the globe.

As a suppose, spokesperson of
youth, she doesn't need to come

with data or science or scientists.

I'm sure.

I'm sure.

At this conference they had data
and science and scientists talking.

Their agenda, but a fake figure
like her, she doesn't need

to give scientific reasoning.

She doesn't need to give solutions.

She is there to pull on the
hearts of people to Dester up

emotions in youth in the 12, 13,
8 year old kids across the world.

She's there to stir.

Anger and rage and deep emotion,
deep, uh, disconcerted unsettleness

and fear in the hearts of the youth.

So that in 10, 20 years, this movement
will have won the populace so that

this movement, this progressivism will
have the total backing of the global.

Which would then be young adults,
because if you can get their hearts

stirred with anger and fear, anger, and
fear with very little hope, mind you,

then years later, they will do whatever
you say along those prerogatives.

And that's what.

It's so great.

It's now a war against climate because
it's endless, it's an endless, endless,

endless war, which means you can, you
can enact policy after policy and strip

freedom after freedom, destroy nation
after nation, after person, after society,

time and time again, and people will go
along with it just as we've seen people go

along with it in the last year and a half.

The same things.

It's the instilling of fear and
anxiety and say, there's so much fear.

There's so much anxiety.

Look at the numbers, look at the
numbers, look how horrible it is.

We're all going to die.

And that causes people to give
over all of the rights and say,

I'm just going to stay inside.

I'm going to play it safe.

I'm going to do my best to weather this
storm and the same tactics are being used.

So you don't need.

You don't need to have
any real call to action.

You need to have any real solution.

All you have to do is stir
up the motions of the youth.

Well, what's the, what's the next step
in the, the, the war against climate?

Well, the new Yorker hosted an
extreme climate activists who wants

environmentalism to start destroying.

Property and blowing up pipelines.

This is, this is actually from a podcast
from the new Yorker, from a professor

Andreas Mol here here's Andrea's mom.

I am recommending that
the movement, uh, pardon?

I missed the title of his book.

He wrote a book titled how to
blow up a pipeline by Andreas.

On the new Yorker, talking about how,
how, what, what should we really do

since we're not doing enough for climate?

Since all of our leaders are
just talking, blah, blah, blah.

You know, it's not, but whatever they
do with the green new deal and build

back better and climate net neutral
zero, and it's not going to be enough.

So w what, what do we need to do today?

Here's a hundred.

Here's with mass action and civil
disobedience, but also opens

up for property destruction.

So I'm not saying we should stop
strikes or, or square occupations

or demonstrations of the usual kind.

I'm all in favor of that.

But I do think we need to step up
because so little has changed and

so many investments are still being
poured into new fossil fuel projects.

So I am in favor of,
of destroying machines.

Property not harming people.

That's a very, very
important distinction there.

And I think property can be destroyed
in all manner of ways, or it can be

neutralized in a very gentle fashion
as when we defeated the SUV's or in

a more spectacular fashion, as in
potentially blowing up a pipeline.

That's under construction.

That's something that people have done.

It's called terrorism by the way.

But of course, There, of course
they're going to the radical right.

Is going to label this as, as
terrorism, but it's not it.

This is actually the
definition of terrorism.

This is actually the definition of
violence is actually a blatant call

for violence, a blatant call for
terrorism to destroy property, to

blow up pipelines and notes and, and.

In this interview, the interviewer
actually brought this up, that

if you are destroying a pipeline,
the people who are going to be

impacted the most are the poor.


Because energy prices will shoot up as
energy prices shoot up, who is going

to pay for it, the poor of the world.

And it's not an inconsequential thing.

The poor of the world will turn
their lights off their kids.

Won't be able to spend as much time.

Or have a good as an edge in education.

I'm not talking just the, the,
the, the middle-class poor.

Of course they will be infected,
but I'm talking about the

absolute poorest of the world.

Who's already paying a lot for
electricity, a lot for energy, and

that energy is transforming their
lives, transforming their education,

transforming their, their work habits.


Destroying pipelines will drastically
affect those people, but he says,

well, you know, we, we might be able
to do it if it's time bright and

rubber Brier, you know, there I am.

There I am.

And Ms.

Gretta, blah, blah, blah.

If it's timed right, then we'll be
able to work well, this, this is

just nothing short than domestic eco.

And ecoterrorism has been
happening for a while, where

ecoterrorists would spike trees.

If you don't know what spiking trees
are, they take, you know, these huge iron

rods, nine inch rods and nails, and they
hammer them up into trees in the forest.

So then when loggers come through,
they cut down the trees and then

as they're running it through the
saw mill, they don't realize that

there's a piece of metal in there.

And then when the sob.

Kits that spike the band explodes,
sending shrapnel all over the place

and often killing or dismembering.

Those who were working at the
lumber mills, eco terrorism,

but it's a blatant call.

And it's saying, well,
this is actually okay.

It's okay.

It's morally right.

That we do this it's morally, right.

That we do this year is the final.

That we have for, uh, Andreas
on how to blow up a pipeline.

So how do you avoid playing
into the ecoterrorism narrative?

Where can you, yeah.


Well, I, I don't think that we
should adapt our tactics after

the enemies script, AKA it's okay.

If we are doing terrorism,
they can accuse us of that.

They're the enemies.

And so we're going to.

Do whatever we want.

Hold no bars, just going to
go full blown to the wall.

If the protestors, after the murder
of George Floyd would have done.

So they certainly would've stayed
home because of course, what Fox

told the viewers was that BLM
was a terrorist Marxist movement.

Uh, yes.

Note BLM calls themselves
a Marxist movement.

And when you're destroying property, $2
billion worth of property was destroyed in

America during the BLM protests and riots.

That is, that is terrorism.

That is creating terror in a
community to frighten and coerce

people into doing what you want.

Now that that is terrorism.

There's no other way.

To cut it, but this is, this is
where that movement is going.

It is as progressive as it gets.

And, and whether Gretta would like
to admit it or not, this is, this is

essentially the logical conclusion
of what she's calling for policy and

all these protests and everything
that our leaders are saying.

It's just not enough.

We need something more.

We need change now.

How are we going to do it?

Well, apparently Mr.

How to blow up a fine guy thinks that
we should just start bombing pipelines.

Well, speaking of bombing,
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As you listen, don't go away.

We will be right back with our
closing Weaver and loom segment.

Welcome back to Weaver.

Aluma part of the show where we
take ancient wisdom and we weave

it in with our everyday lives
so that we can own our future.

And we've our destiny.


Uh, I don't know who this
quote is actually by, but

this is our quote for today.

You are not okay.

As you are.

You are not okay.

As you are the world, the Instagrams,
the influencers, they love to tell you.

They love to pull out their phones
and be like, you're perfect.

Just as you are.

You're a queen.

You're a king don't.

And everyone's yearbook.

Don't change.

I'm I'm glad I didn't take
any of that advice change.

The whole point of life is to change.

You are not, I am not okay.

As I am.

We all know it.

We all know our shortcomings.

We all know that there is that, that
darkness that can reside within that.

It is our duty as human.

To face it, challenge it and overcome
it so that we can live up to our

highest potential, but there is a
narrative and it is largely a leftist,

progressive narrative that is out there.

Some of it is also on the right
it's in all peoples, all places

that would say you're just perfect.

You're fine.

Just as you are, you don't
need to change your, okay.


There, there is a level
of what would be grace.

There's a level of, of strength.

There's a level of, you
know, we, we are human.

We do have shortcomings.

We will make mistakes in this.

But we should not fall victim
or prey to our shortcomings or

say, well, this is just how I am.

This is, I'm just, I'm broken.

I just can't do anything about it.

I'm just stuck here.

I'm just going to give
myself over to these flaws.

Am not going to stand up against them.

I'm not going to seek to
live out the highest ideal.

And that leads us to our
final clip of the day by Dr.

Jordan Peter.

There isn't this investigation that
we're all undertaking, including us in

this conversation of what constitutes
the ideal and how we could manifest it.

If we could only understand it.

And I think that's unbelievably
compelling to people and it's,

it's, it's not only compelling.

They die without it because we can't live
with only knowledge of our limitations.

Wait, wait, we have to be moving towards.

We have to be moving towards an ideal.

We can't only live with the knowledge
of our limitations when someone says you

are okay, just as you are, they're saying
you have knowledge of your limitations.

You, you know, the things that you are
struggling with on a day to day basis from

when you wake up to, when you go to sleep,
when you go through your hard seasons, you

know, those things that pop up time and
time again, just like I know those things

that pop up time and time again, we know.

But it's not enough to know them
and just say, w we're stuck here.

We can't live that way.

We have to set our eyes on a higher ideal.

We have to look to what we could aspire
to be, who we might possibly become.

If we converted all of that
potential into actual realization of.

And so that's the quote today.

You're not okay as you are, and
it's okay that you're not okay, but

you have to do something about it.

You have to find that
ideal, that highest, ideal.

And that's one of the things really
that we, we seek out on this show

and that is the pursuit of truth.

What is the highest ideal,
how ought we to live?

Because if we can see the world around
us, if we can see what that highest

ideal is with the pitfalls in our lives
between us and the highest ideal, then we

can find a way to slowly navigate around
those pitfalls to reach the highest ideal

that you and I might be able to become.

Our lifetime.

And one of the ways you can do that is
by sharing this with your community,

by sharing it, texting it to one or
two friends, because as you talk about

it with other people, you inscribe
people on that journey with you.

And we can't do this alone, do this
with your community, and you will

find, you will find so much joy in
bringing people into your journey with.

And you journeying with other people as
together, you pursue that highest ideal.

That is all for this episode.

Go out this week, seek the
truth, uncover your purpose,

that you can own your future.