Lab Medicine Rounds

In this episode of “Lab Medicine Rounds,” Justin Kreuter, M.D., sits down with Bobbi Pritt, M.D., professor and interim chair for the Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, to discuss the modern parasitology laboratory. 

0:00 Intro
01:03 Why did you decide to pursue parasitology?
02:19 What does the modern-day parasitology lab look like?
03:02 How are conventional and molecular techniques integrated to support the clinical practice?
05:04 Is this something that is easy to train up into using and integrating, or has this been an easy lift to get people used to working in this way?
06:45 Can you elaborate a little bit about the molecular aspects of how that might be integrated? Is this also a newer aspect for parasitology? 
08:57 How has this impacted your training for clinical fellows if maybe some things might be controversial right now? How do you prepare them to navigate the future ahead?
10:23 Have you heard feedback from ordering providers about the ability to have the syndromic panel and then the laboratory can chase it, has that been positively received? Are there challenges that come up with that style of ordering?
12:04 I’m curious if you can elaborate and share, what are a couple of the hot topics in the field for parasitology in 2023?
14:10 Outro

What is Lab Medicine Rounds?

A Mayo Clinic podcast for laboratory professionals, physicians, and students, hosted by Justin Kreuter, M.D., assistant professor of laboratory medicine and pathology at Mayo Clinic, featuring educational topics and insightful takeaways to apply in your practice.

This is Lab Medicine
Rounds, a curated podcast

for physicians, laboratory
professionals and students.

I'm your host, Justin Kreuter,
the Bow Tie, bandit of Blood

a transfusion medicine
pathologist at Mayo Clinic.

Today we're rounding with Dr.

Bobby Pritt, professor and interim chair

for the Department of Laboratory Medicine

and Pathology at Mayo Clinic in Rochester

Minnesota to discuss the
modern parasitology laboratory.

Thanks for joining us today

Dr. Pritt.

Oh, it's my pleasure Dr.

Kreuter. It's always fun to be here.

So you are a frequent guest

but let's kind of kind of
remind our listeners

why did you decide to pursue parasitology?

Well, it was definitely
an interest of mine.

I always found parasites to be fascinating

but there was also a little
bit of luck thrown in there

because there happened
to be a position open to

be the director

of the parasitology lab when
I was doing my fellowship.

And so I look back

to what got me interested
in parasites to begin with,

I would say it was my love

for biology and particularly
zoology, the study of animals.

It's just that instead of
lions, tigers, and bears

these are little microscopic animals

like little protozoa and
helmets and arthropods

and they're very
fascinating little critters

with their own complex life cycles

and means of transmission.

And so it was perfect for me.

I like that trifecta


Down. So, you know, for many of us

maybe students that are
going into the field

or maybe for many of us
in practice, we probably

haven't really been around
the field of parasitology.

I know for me last time I
was really kind of up close

and personal was during my residency.

It was maybe more

of a limited aspect of the
practice for where I was.

I'm kind of curious, can
you kind of elaborate

what does the modern day
parasitology lab look like?

Well, you know, it probably
hasn't changed that much Dr.

Kreuter, but it is changing.

I will say right now though,
the modern parasitology

laboratory still is
very microscopy driven.

We spend a lot of time
looking at specimens

like stool and blood under
the microscope looking

for parasites and being
the bowtie bandit of blood,

you certainly know some of
the parasites that could end

up in blood like malaria and bia.

But we also are doing more
and more molecular testing

and then I'll just hint at
it now and explain later

but we are starting to dip our toes

into digitalization and
artificial intelligence.

Oh, that's interesting.

So how are those starting
the artificial intelligence?

Because it sounds like
as you bring that up

that that sounds like it's
almost like a blending

of some of those conventional
techniques and maybe some

of the molecular, at least
that's where my mind goes

as you talk about artificial intelligence.

Am I understanding that right?

Well, you could use
artificial intelligence

in so many different ways.

So it could have been
molecular, but we're not

really using it for molecular
testing at this point

although that's a
possibility in the future.

But instead we are digitalizing
our images, our we're

digitalizing our slides to
create whole slide scanned images

like we're doing in
other parts of pathology.

And then we're having the
computer algorithms look

at those images and pick
out the objects of interest

which in this case happen
to be parasites instead

of say tumor cells in
anatomic pathology.

Wow, okay.

So, I remember when I
was a resident in training

I found the one malaria example

on the slide in an on call situation.

I remember the next day or on Monday

the medical director kind of calling me

over and saying like,
where did you find this?

And for fortunately I was
able to locate it again

but it sounds like

so that's how we're able
to kind of increase some

of that diagnostic a
accuracy or is it workflow?

Yeah, with kind of the primary driver.

It's really all of the above.

So first of all

when we think of parasitology
in the United States

there are not that many parasites
compared to endemic areas.

So a lot of the specimens we look

at don't have parasites at
all good for the patient.

But for our technologists who
have to sit there and sort

through slide after slide,
it could be very tedious.

It could be ergonomically
challenging, it could be quite

quite frankly boring for them.

And it's easy to lose
your train of thought

and kind of zone out when you're looking

at negative after negative
and you're trying to

find that metaphorical
needle in the haystack.

Again, having a computer
be able to really identify

that quickly takes away the risk

of subjectivity, human error, fatigue

and decreases the risk
for ergonomic injuries.

And is this something that is, you know

easy to kind of train up into
using and and integrating?

Or has this been an easy
lift to get people used

to working in this way?

Well, we're just starting,
but yes, it is essential to

get your workforce to
embrace the technology.

If your techs aren't on board

you are not gonna have
successful implementation.

So our technologists, our
lead technologists that have

that specialized training have been

on board right from the start.

They evaluated the systems

and decided they thought
it was a really cool thing

and they also realized the potential

for increasing accuracy, sensitivity

the ability to detect parasites
that humans might miss.

So it really was led by the laboratory

and we plan on implementing,
implementing later this summer

first with tricone stain stool specimens

but we eventually wanna branch

out into other exams including looking

for that lone malaria plasmodium
ring in a blood slide.

Excellent. So we've been kind of going

down this pathway of talking about AI

and how this is maybe changing
very early cutting edge

in the process of changing
the parasitology lab.

Can you elaborate a little bit

about the molecular aspects of
how that might be integrated?

I think we've, we've been used

to seeing some of those kind of come

into other areas of
infectious disease testing.

Is this also kind of a

a very newer aspect for parasitology?

Yeah, you know it, I wouldn't say

that it's all that new
in a sense when you think

of molecular testing, like
molecular amplification methods

P C R and other nucleic
acid amplification tests

they've been around
now for several decades

and they really did
revolutionize the detection

of parasites in certain specimens.

If you think of trichomonas vaginalis

a sexually transmitted
protozoan parasite has a lot

of potential risks for preterm pregnancy

increased risk of
acquiring H I V infection.

So important to detect and treat.

We now know

that the nucleic acid
amplification tests are superior

to every other test we
have for detecting them.

So that's been part of the mainstream now

for several decades, at least
the past couple decades.

Toxoplasma gondii, that's another
one where we've used PCR

and there have been a number

of tests targets that
are really well studied.

And then probably most recently we've had

the syndromic panels introduced mostly

for diarrhea because we deal

with a lot of stool in the
parasitology laboratory.

And so someone that shows up
with diarrhea and the patient

the physician thinks
it might be infectious

can order a syndromic panel

for diarrhea that will detect
multiple different types

of organisms that cause
diarrhea, including parasites.

In fact, you can get, you know, 20

30 different organisms that you detect

in a single specimen sometimes
in less than an hour.

So that's really
revolutionized parasitology.

There's other ways that
molecular diagnostics has helped

but they aren't as well
embraced and widely available.

For example, you can
look at gene mutations

in plasmodium species
that cause malaria to see

if they're gonna be
resistant to different drugs.

But the only people that
are doing that are probably

the scientists at the C D
C and some research labs.

Oh, that's interesting.

That kind of makes me think
about, and makes me curious

how has this kind

of impacted your training
for clinical fellows, right?

If you know

maybe some things might
be controversial right now

but how do you prepare them
to kind of navigate the

the this future ahead?

Yeah, that's always been the challenge.

Dr. Kreuter, I think being at
a place like Mayo Clinic too

which tends to be at the cutting edge

you still have to teach
them the so-called bread

and butter organisms and
laboratory techniques.

But at the same time, you
want them to have the exposure

to the really cool cutting edge stuff.

So it's a lot of, well here are the basics

or here is an advanced
test, this is how we use it.

But then also telling them
that if they're somewhere else

that they may be using a different test

or this might be a send out test

if they happen to be in a smaller lab

and the turnaround time
would be much different.

So if we're at Mayo Clinic
and we have an advanced test

we can perform it in a few hours

that's really great for patient care.

Whereas that same test that's a send out

for a small community
care hospital might take

two days turnaround time.

So maybe that wouldn't
be your first line test.

Hmm. It kind of makes me also think some

of this integration and it, and I mean

you said that with kind of this idea

of a syndromic panel
that could be ordered right

as we have kind of more
specialized testing

and also our conventional testing on hand

and in what context is one
versus the other better.

Have you heard any kind

of feedback from ordering
providers about, you know

is the ability to have
kind of syndromic panel

and then you know, the
laboratory can chase it?

Has that kind of been a, you
know, positively received

are there any challenges that come

up with that kind of style of ordering?

There are, and so it's always important

and I'm sure you do this
in your practice too

to work with our ordering
providers right off the bat

and tell them when we have a new test

so we can then develop
ordering algorithms together.

And we did that for the
syndromic panel for diarrhea.

We did studies to show
that for the patient

in which testing is
appropriate, it's actually

more cost effective to
order a single test rather

than a whole panel of tests

some of which can take several days.

And you get your result very quickly.

Part of it is just recognizing
that not all patients

with a certain syndrome need to be tested.

If you have diarrhea

most people will get
better in a couple days.

It's usually due to a virus
and it's self-limited.

So you actually have to wait

until about seven days before
you'd consider testing.

Or if you have a patient who's very sick

or at risk for being very sick.

So I've always been a firm believer

in working with my colleagues
and trying to figure

out when we have a fancy new test

how that test should be used

and if we should even use it at all.

Sometimes I go to my colleagues

and I'll just say, we have this test

would you be interested
in me bringing it in?

Is there even any clinical utility?

Wow. You know, I think
there's a lot of these themes

on change management
that are kind of, I think

percolating through a
lot of this conversation.

And I, I hope that, you know

listeners are really kind of picking

up on these insights that Dr.

Pritt sharing with us.

You made mention to kind
of where things are going

and a couple of, you know, I'm curious

if you could elaborate and share
what are couple of the kind

of hot topics in the field
for parasitology in in 2023?

Yeah, definitely.

So first of all

the hot topics are the things
we've talked about already.

Digital parasitology is gonna
be huge as it's going to be

with any field that uses
microscopy based diagnostics.

So we're gonna be seeing
more and more of that.

Hopefully we'll start seeing
some F D A approved platforms

in the next five years or so.

Right now it's all lab developed tests

and there's only a couple
companies, a few companies

but we'll see that expand for sure.

And we're gonna see more
molecular diagnostics

and more panels.

There's actually a new panel

that syndromic panel
that was just released

that detects all of
these different pathogens

that can cause really terrible diseases

like Ebola and Marburg
and Plasmodium Falciparum

the deadliest cause of malaria is
also on that panel.

So we're gonna see more

of these panels that have
parasites on them, but I'll

I'll mention a couple
other things that are maybe

a little bit more just not so much fun.

And that's our workforce shortage.

I think every lab

across the country is facing
this clinical laboratories.

And so I think that leads

to the fact that we have to
embrace these new technologies.

We have to embrace
automation, digitalization

artificial intelligence, high

through molecular platforms.

And yes, there's gonna
be change management

and we have to do it in the right way

and we have to have our whole lab on board

but honestly we're gonna need to do it

because of the workforce shortages.

There's also a, a lack
of skilled readers to

be able to identify
parasites using a microscope.

And as we lose our more
experienced readers

and we can't train the
new ones fast enough

we need methods that are more objective

that don't rely on a, you know,
six month training program

before they're able to
be competent to read.

So some of this is gonna be driven

by the changes in the in the field.

Others are though just
really positive changes

that I'm just really excited to see

because it's gonna be
better for patient care.

That's phenomenal.

Thank you so much for rounding with us

Dr. Pritt.

My pleasure.

So thank you for joining us

and if you're interested
in learning more, Dr.

Pritt is gonna be doing a
parasitology workshop in August.

So check the show notes for
the direct link to register.

And to all of our listeners,
thank you for joining us today.

We invite you to share your thoughts

and suggestions via email.

Please direct any suggestions

to M MCL
in reference this podcast.

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Medicine Rounds podcast

please subscribe and until
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we encourage you to continue
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through insightful
conversations, just like Dr.

Pritt is showing us.