No F**ks Given: How to Make Menopause Your Superpower

In this episode of the No Fucks Given podcast, Holly Lamb explores the transformative power of the menstrual cycle and how connecting with one's inner voice can lead to profound personal growth. She emphasises the importance of honouring the menstrual cycle, understanding the phases of menstruation, and how these experiences can guide women towards their higher purpose. Holly also discusses the significance of mindset in navigating life's challenges, particularly during menstruation and menopause, and encourages women to embrace their feminine leadership and inner wisdom.

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What is No F**ks Given: How to Make Menopause Your Superpower?

Welcome to "No F**ks Given," where we redefine menopause as a superpower. Hosted by Holly Lamb, a women's health coach, who is navigating early menopause. This podcast offers empowering guidance on women's health and navigating perimenopause with confidence. From nutrition tips to fitness advice and mindfulness practices, we cover it all. But here's the twist: it's all about embracing your most authentic, unapologetic self. We're here to help you reclaim your power, say goodbye to societal norms, and live life on your own terms—no f**ks given. Welcome to the revolution!

Holly Lamb (00:00.674)
Hello and welcome to this week's episode of the No Fucks Given podcast with me, host Holly Lamb. This week, I wanted to just dive a little bit more into in a winter and how your bleed can become the most opening and blissful experience if you are truly connected to your cycle, to your being and

really step into your authentic power. Because I'm on day 26 and last night I felt, you know, the twinges in my stomach and I started to feel like tingly all over and that something greater, something deeper was happening within my body, within my soul. And I think...

This experience of my bleed is going to be so much more different to the ones before because I have been speaking directly to my inner voice, to my higher self. I read a book called I Am, I Create and it put a completely different perspective into the way that

I am able to connect with my higher self. I think a lot of us think that we can only speak to source, the divine people that have crossed over through mediums and through psychics, but realistically we all have that power within us.

And this book explains that and how you can start speaking to your inner voice, your higher self, and how that can literally change your life. And over the past few weeks, this is what I've been doing. So every morning and every evening, I sit down and I quietly listen to what she has to say. Now, I think we think that it's going to be this big,

Holly Lamb (02:17.374)
experience this big booming voice like something outside of us, but it's not, it's your own voice in your own head. But they speak in a different way. And the longer you sit there and listen, the more you do it, the longer you do it for, the more you'll realize the difference in the voices. And this is what's been happening with me over the past few weeks. And this is why I think this bleed

is going to be so different because I feel so connected to myself, my intuition. And obviously at this time, when we're in our inner winter, when we're coming up to our bleed, we are so much more connected to source anyway. So this is a really good time to start implementing this. So this is what I wanted to discuss in this podcast episode. I was going to do something different, but I just felt really called to

speak about this this week because all of your power is deeply rooted within you. This has been forgotten by many, many women over centuries because of the system that has knocked it out of you basically, because they realize how powerful you are, how powerful your womb is or your womb space is that we can literally birth physical life, metaphorical

things, ideas into this realm. We are the creators of this realm and they don't want us to know that we can create anything with our thoughts and we can do this.

Holly Lamb (04:07.108)
using the power of our inner voice and our intuition. And you can do this on a deeper level using the power of your menstrual cycle. So I've spoken about it before, but honoring the four cycles, honoring the four seasons and tapping into each one, honoring each one. And then the more you do this, the more you will learn about yourself, the more you will grow. And the more you will be able to connect to that inner voice, who will then guide you

to your highest purpose. We have all come here for a reason. We all have a blueprint, but our persona can get in the way because we are distracted by our external reality. know, the social media, there's news, there's programs, there's films. They're all there to distract us when really all we have to do is go inwards and listen to what she says. And this is what I have been doing. So,

I believe I will start bleeding either later today or tomorrow. You can feel it in my body. It's gonna be a beautiful bleed because I've had no spotting, I've had no symptoms. I feel so grounded and connected. And I truly believe this is because I've been speaking to my higher self and I've been letting her guide me to my highest path and purpose and...

I feel so calm and at peace and yes, absolutely, this is a time for deep rest and to go inwards, but I've also been really high energy. You know, by the end of the day, I definitely need to slow down and rest, but because I'm so aligned and in tune with everything that's happening at the moment, I feel like I can do anything and I can conquer the world. And that is exactly how I want you to be able to feel.

using the power of your menstrual cycle. know, feminine leadership is what I am trying to put across to women. I want them to be able to embody this feeling. I don't want to keep it for myself. I want to explain this and guide you to be able to do this so that you can find your true path and purpose. So feminine leadership is rooted in such deep love and deep service and it's

Holly Lamb (06:35.128)
guided by such a deep purpose. And this is what I have found doing this work. You know, I started off as personal trainer, then got quite a few perimenopausal clients. So deep dove into that. And then obviously with my own journey, been diagnosed at the end of 2022 with early menopause. It's just been such a expansive journey that's got me to this point.

And then completing the menstruality leadership program with the Red School has just elevated my knowledge of the menstrual cycle as your spiritual practice. That this, for me, has been the missing piece of the puzzle in connecting back to my body, understanding what's happening, and then really then being able to connect to my higher self. Because menstruation offers us the opportunity to connect with our purpose.

reminding us that we are loved and part of something so much greater. We are all one. We are all one consciousness. But what happens is we start to fall asleep to our power. And I wanna connect you back to the power of the menstrual cycle.

Holly Lamb (08:57.686)
we can use the power of our menstrual cycle and especially our bleed time to dive into deeper consciousness because I've spoken about the five chambers of menstruation before which are separation, surrender, renewal, visioning and clarity and direction. And if you listen back to a previous podcast where I discussed that, if you use those

five chambers of menstruation, you can connect to your inner voice so much deeper because you're honoring each of those phases. And menopause is very similar to the five chambers of menstruation in that it is offering you a chance to...

dive deeper into your consciousness to connect to your higher self, your intuition. And both menstruation and menopause provide access to this wisdom that is within you. You know, it's not through effort, but by honouring the process and allowing whatever comes up to reveal itself. You know, it's a gift that's only gonna be experienced.

when you're fully in it and you can't intellectually understand this. So when I talk about menopause being a great awakening and a time of profound change, it really is. You can see glimpses of this if you honor your menstrual cycle.

Holly Lamb (10:46.924)
but you won't know the power of this until you're in it. And this is what I want to be able to help and guide women to get to. So this can start with your menstrual cycle journey. We can absolutely start there, start to get you in tune so that you're not having any menstrual issues. And then once you start heading into perimenopause, you'll see that this is the next step, the next.

that you step into where you become even more liberated than you were before. You have things that will come up, yes, the symptoms will come up, but if you're in tune with your body and in tune with your cycle, then the symptoms are lesser and lesser. For me now,

It's very few and far between that I get any of these symptoms because I'm so in tune with my body and I listened to it. And for me, it was more of the mental health side of it to the point where I was like really overwhelmed and anxious. I didn't want to go out the house. And to me that was bizarre because I'd never experienced anything like that. But since doing all

well, been on this journey and discovering all these different aspects of myself, it's been a complete game changer. And I can't remember the last time I had a...

Holly Lamb (12:20.468)
overwhelming thought and anxious thought because the deep inner work has been done, the nervous system regulation work has been done. The mindset work has been done. My mindset has shifted. I'm connected to source. I know that I'm here for a higher purpose. And as long as I listen to that inner voice, I can't go wrong. I am guided on this journey. I am loved, I am protected. We are all one. I am in.

groups with women who understand this and support one another. There's no tearing of women down. Everybody supports each other and that's how it should be. It's only the media that portrays women to be in competition with another because that's lack mentality. And actually, because of the world that we live in, there's so much abundance for everybody.

as long as you are authentic and just be yourself. And it can take a long time to get there and that's the scary thing.

honoring the cycle and then heading into perimenopause is going to help you to do this. And this is what I help women do on their journey. When they work with me, we start at the very beginning, we start with the cycle, we start with the mindset and then everything else ripples out from that. Because if you do not have a rock solid mindset, everything else is fucked. It really is.


Holly Lamb (14:02.486)
anxious thoughts will come up, overwhelming thoughts will come up, comparison will come up, whereas really you just need to be concentrating on you and on your journey.

So it's short and sweet this week because I just wanted to convey how expansive and beautiful your bleed really can be if you just are willing to sit and tune in and listen and honor it. And if you need help with any of that, anything that I've discussed, menstrual cycle, perimenopause, mindset, all of it.

then I'd love to work one -to -one with you because my whole woman program is such an amalgamation of mind, body, spirit that you literally cannot fail. This is all the work that I have done and this is what I know works. And you'll also get all the lifestyle as well. You know, the nutrition, the exercise, everything like that is included as well. And that will just become easy when your mindset is rock solid.

So if you'd like more info, then just drop me a message on Instagram. All the details are below, Hormone Harmony Coach, and I'd love to work with you. But until next time, have a fabulous week, and I will see you next time.