Padel Smash Academy

 Welcome back to Padel Smash Academy - your one-stop hub for all things Padel! Today, we're bringing you a side-by-side comparison and comprehensive review of two prominent grip enhancers in the Padel market - the 4ON and the Gamma Tacky Towel. Enhancing grip is vital in the game of Padel, and choosing the right product could significantly influence your performance.

Our team has extensively tested both these products under various conditions, and in this video, we'll share our insights and experiences with you. We'll be breaking down each product's features, application process, performance, and overall effectiveness to help you determine which one suits your needs the best.Before you buy a grip enhancer, make sure you check out this detailed review! We're here to guide you in making the best decision to upgrade your game.

Before you buy a grip enhancer, make sure you check out this detailed review! We're here to guide you in making the best decision to upgrade your game.

Join us at Padel Smash Academy, where we're committed to elevating your game, one grip at a time.

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Hey Padel enthusiasts welcome to Padel Smash Academy, I am Cesc and I am here with Julian and we're all about Padel! Whether you're new to the sport or an experienced player, you've come to the right place. Our goal is to provide you with the best tips & tricks, news, and weekly lessons to help you improve your game and take your Padel to the next level. So grab your Padel Racket and let's get started with all things Padel on Padel Smash Academy.

Today we're gonna talk
about keeping your grip dry.

Welcome to Paddle Smash Academy.

Oh, and we are old things paddle,
and that's the biggest issue

we have down here in, in Miami.

And anywhere where it's really hot and
sunny, I mean, you're playing right.

The worst thing is now you're
getting, you're sweating.

Your hand is sweating, and now your
grip is all wet and every time you

go hit Avol or, or any type of shot.

Uh, other where there's big impact,
your, your paddle is turning on you.

Um, so how do you deal with that?

Um, you know, you're in the first second
set and now you just, you're getting

a towel there, you're trying to clean
it, but right afterwards it's getting

wet again, you're losing the grip.

So we have a few different
products here, um, that we can use.

Um, we have to test it.


Why don't you talk about the four on,
I think this is the one that, that you

tested there on the, on, on the court.


I have tested, tested the four on, uh, I,
I, my son, I'm gonna be totally honest.

After I applied the, the, the product,
the, the stickiness felt great.

But, uh, I played with it and, and
the rocket as it was not even moving.

I mean, that rocket really, you,
you get that, make a stickiness

on the, uh, on, on the grip.

But I think I put a little bit too much,
and my hand was with that stickiness.

Even though after an hour of stop playing,
I, I have to wash my hands at least

seven times because I couldn't get rid
of that, that stickiness on my hand.



And one of the mistakes that I
did is that when I, I I, I put the

sprayed, um, pass me the paddle.


Um, I went a little bit higher, so
I, I spread it all the way out here.

So my paddle was sticky all over here,
so every time I grabbed the paddle

with two hands, I, I will feel the
stickiness on my, on my right hand.

So, uh, for me it was a
little bit too sticky.

Uh, and, and the feeling of having your
hands, uh, Super sticky right after.

Um, I didn't like it that much, but
it was a good feeling when playing.

So I think part of that
is user error, right?


So when you wanna spray, maybe
spray down this way on your grip.


Um, and maybe not too much, right?


And maybe turn it while you do it.

I, I think I used too much, honestly.

Um, but other than that, how was it?


Did you have any issues,
uh, with sweat or anything?

No, not at all.

I mean, that thing doesn't move.


You know, when you, when you put it out,
things, things to remember too, when

and if it's really sticky there and if
you're going to be changing your grip to

Eastern or Western Continental, it may
be a little more difficult to do that.

If you're constantly gonna be using
Continental Grip, then I think

that's gonna work out great for you.



Um, and just be aware that, you
know, this thing is about $35.

So there's a little pricey.

Um, and then afterward, you said your
hand was sticky through most of the day.


So how did you get off?

Just soaking water or soaking
water, but like seven, eight times.

I mean, it took me forever, honestly,
I couldn't get rid of that thing.


One, one thing here, you know, especially
about plane paddling in, in South

Florida, it's, it's, it's very humid.

It's very hot.


One thing that I tell all my
students is, you know, when you are.

Everybody use an over grip.

So when, when your over grip start losing
that, you know, tackiness feeling, it's

time to, for you to change the grip.

Sometimes I see players that they
use a grape for weeks and months

and that grip is so saturated with
sweat that it doesn't work anymore.


So, If you sweat a lot, you might have to
change it every, every day that you play.

You know what I mean?


Before, I wish I can change every set.


Sometimes it's so hot.


It's humidity.

You're sweating like you wouldn't believe.

You know?

And there is no worst feeling
that every time you hit that,

that ball, the rack moves.

The rack moves, and you have
to be readjusting the grip.

So just change the grip, make sure
that you, you buy quite a few grips.


Especially the ones that you like.

And same thing with grips.

We're gonna do a review on grips.


Uh, every grip has a different feeling.

And, and for me, I'm very peculiar with
what grips I use because I like it, you

know, some very specific grips, but,
uh, uh, you gotta try 'em all and see

which one fits better for you as well.


And remember you can buy
this, uh, Casa Paddle.


Um, yeah.

Online or, uh, at their stores in the
Dolphin Mall or, uh, over in Open Paddle.


You know?

Um, okay.


This is one, uh, this is another option
here, and this is what, uh, I, I, I use.

Um, it's by Gamma Gamma Gut, and
this is, uh, just a towel as you

can see, but it's a tacky towel.

It's really tacky.

And so what I, what I do
is I put this in my pocket.

Um, and then I just put in my pocket.

I, I grab it and I come
out and it's tacky.

Uh, it works really well.

Um, I tend to always use this, but
remember you keep it in your pocket.

Your whole pocket's gonna be
tacky, but it isn't as bad as this.

Um, when it comes to afterwards,
cuz it kind of wears out,

uh, more quicker than this.

Yeah, I mean, cuz you constantly have
to be putting your hand in your pocket.

Did you have the same feeling with this?

That I think this is a lot more stickier.


So if you are a con, you use a continental
grip all the time and you just don't want

it to move and you don't mind washing
your hands, this is the way to go.

If, if you know you, you change your
grip a little bit here and there, so you

want be able still to move it a little
bit, but you still want that grip,

uh, this is probably the way to go.

Uh, but remember, you're gonna have
to be using this a couple times during

each set by putting your hand in your,
in your pocket, touching it, and then.

Or, or, or when you go through
breaks, put it in your bag and you

go, you know, hold onto it, and then
now you have a little bit more grip.

It works really, really well.

Um, this, um, you can get anywhere.

Um, it's, it's, it's, it's,
it's really reasonably priced.


You know, I think it's like five or eight
bucks, but it's not as sticky as this.



So I tend to lean towards this,
um, just because I like to.

To, you know, move my grip a little
bit, depending on, on each shot.

All right.

So what did you think, Julian,
about the, uh, gamma Gut?

Uh, honestly, um, I seen this product,
uh, I was playing maybe a few months back.

Uh, one of my opponents was
using and I asked him to what it,

what it was, and, and I used it
a little bit and I was really,

really impressed with this product.

I mean, it's that, that you get that
stickiness on that, on that, uh,

on that grip, and it's easy to use.

Uh, you can use it numerous times.

I don't know honestly what they put
on the what materially or what is made

of, but honestly, it really works.

I mean, I'm, I'm, I was very,
very impressed with the quality of

this, uh, grip, you know, the tacky
towel and, and how, how it works.

So I, I really highly
recommend this product.

If you tend to sweat a lot, uh,
Seth puts it on, on his pocket.

Uh, I have usage.

Just keep it on my bag every time
I switch size, every other games,

uh, just put it on my paddle and
it, it really makes a difference.


Every time you hit a shot, you have
that feeling of you're holding the,

the, you know, the racket well.

Uh, thanks to, to, to this script.

So I really highly recommend this.

And this is, uh, you know, uh, a
known brand in the tennis community.


They've been doing strings and, and,
and products for tennis for a long time.

So I, I, I believe this is originally
for tennis product, but this can

easily be used for, for paddle.


Product, for sure.


Let's give, uh, these two, uh,
products are rating, you know.

Um, so what do you think, Julian?

One to 10 on the, on the, uh,
forum because of the after.

Forever tackiness, uh, you know,
uh, I will give it, um, you

know, maybe seven point, 7.53.


I'm getting really technical there,
you know, specific and 7.7 0.53.


Yeah, it's good.

But that extra, after I play having
that, that really, you know, tacky

feeling afterwards, tacky feeling
didn't, didn't like it that well.


I will give, I will give this.

Uh, 9.2.


Yeah, this one, I really liked it.

All right, so I, I, this here,
I'm gonna give probably a, for me,

a six and for a couple reasons.

Number one, it is pricey.


Um, number two, it is a little too
tacky for me, and, and that's just me

because I, I, I move my, my grip around.

So if you're somebody who doesn't,
then you know, you might like this.

So I'll give it, I'll give it about that.

A six.

This one.

Um, I give it.

A, a, a nine for sure.

Um, just because I use it all the time.

Uh, it, it's, it's grippy.

Um, why I won't give it a 10 is because
I've kept to constantly be using it every,

like two, three times through the set.

Um, but I guess, you know,
if, if it was stronger then.

Maybe I would afterwards have that
grip and I'll have to wash it off.

So I'm not sure.

So that's the only reason
why I give you a knife.

But I think these, both of these
products will be really great.


Uh, depending on how you, uh,
play on what your needs are.


You know?


So let's talk about techniques of
how to keep the sweat off your hand.

And I'm gonna show you guys what I do.

Um, so I use obviously a sweatband
here and I put the sweat in

like so, and when I use my.


I put it right over this, and what
seems to happen is when you sweat

your sweat's coming down here or even
down your arm, it goes down and for

some reason it it's best to hit here.

Or if the sweat comes
down here, it's going to.

Absorb into, into the sweatband.

If you didn't have the sweatband.

I think what happens is like,
pretend we didn't have this.

When you, when you put your arm down,
all the sweat comes down to here and

hits this, this cord here, and in the
cord, it comes down here and actually

goes to your hand when, vice versa.

So by having a here and just having the.

Cord over here.

This helps eliminate a lot of excess
sweat getting in into your hands.

And, and, uh, that's what I also do.

How about yourself?

How do you avoid sweat
in, in, in your hand?

Uh, I mean, that's why
reasons are all about four.

And what Seth was doing, uh, was
saying it was exactly the same thing.

H how do we get the sweaty hands?

Main reason is water, sweat
dripping down your arm.

It goes down to on, onto your wrist.

You know, you're always down here.

So the tendency is for
the sweat to go down.

Shirt and arms and all that, that
sweat will end up in the grip.

So that's why the wristband stops
the sweat going onto your hand.

That's option number one.

Then using all these different products
and the grips and changing the grip

quite often helps you to maintain the
sweat away, but it's something that.

Uh, you can get rid of it.

You have to learn how to deal with it and
use the right equipment for you to have

the best experience while applying paddle.

Now, if you have unlimited uh, funds, you
can always have like six straight paddles

there, and you could just choose each.

Use each one.

As soon as it gets sweaty,
just grab the other one.

If you see the professional paddle
players like Sanjo and all these

guys, San now is sponsored by this.

They, they use this.

But they will switch, change grips,
uh, every time they switch size.

So every every two games,
they're changing the grip.

They're changing the grip.


Especially in, in sweaty conditions
because for them, you know, missing

one or two shots because your grip
is sweaty, can cost you the match.


The worst thing is when you go
take a shot and, and you hit it.

Maybe not in a perfect sweet
spot, maybe a little above.

And then your whole racket moves.


And the ball does not
go where you want to go.


It's the worst thing.

And the ball goes out and
you're like, oh my gosh.


That's, it's the worst feeling ever.

But anyways, you can get all
these products over Casa Paddle,

uh, remember to use our coupon,
um, what's our coupon's name?

Paddle Smash 10 to get
10% off right there.

Use that.

You get 10% off all these products,
or you can just go, uh, online.

Uh, casa uh, casa


Or you can go visit them at Open Paddle.

They have a spot there.

Or over at the Dolphin Mall.

They have a kiosk there.

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sure that you hit that subscribe

button and turn on your notifications.

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It doesn't cost you anything
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Thanks for tuning into
Paddles Smash Academy.

We hope you'll find our videos
informative, helpful in improving your

game and learning old things paddle.

So until next time, keep
improving your game.

And remember, learn, play, and share.