Plenty with Kate Northrup

Hey there, beautiful! It's your host, Kate here, and I just wrapped up a fabulous conversation with the wonderful transformational coach, Bridgette Simmonds on today's episode of the Plenty Podcast.

We dove deep into Bridgette's intriguing expedition into the universe of Relaxed Money and the work we celebrate here. Bridget shared how she first stumbled upon my book "Do Less" which, in her words, struck a chord with its clear and concise way of naming things that really matter.

She opened up about the pivotal moment she set the intention to become more intentional (see what I did there?) with her resources and energy, and how it's been transforming her relationship with money and productivity.

For those of you who've been following along and perhaps finding yourselves on the cusp of making a similar leap, I hope this episode lights that spark within you. And for my Relaxed Money alumni and current listeners, I'm so excited for you to hear the echoes of your own stories in Bridgette’s experiences.

Remember that the act of doing less isn't about inactivity; it’s about aligning more with what's truly important to us. Until next time, keep leaning into that beautiful space where less effort translates into more of what lights you up.

Let’s dive into the full episode!

Resources Mentioned:
Do Less, by Kate Northrup

Are you ready to transform your relationship with money from stress and dread to calm, joy, and even pleasure? Join me for WIDE RECEIVER, a FREE 3-day workshop happening April 23rd - 25th, designed to restore your relationship with money and unlock the abundant life waiting for you.

In this transformative event, we'll deep-dive into how to rewire your nervous system for financial ease, attract more creativity, impact, and abundance, and shift from feeling overwhelmed by finances to wielding your wealth with confidence and clarity. Whether you're struggling to hold on to and grow your money, or you simply know there's a more aligned way to experience financial wellbeing, WIDE RECEIVER is for you.

Discover the surprising key to relaxed money manifestation, learn a powerful 6-step process to relaxation and pleasure around money, and bridge the gap between experiencing & creating real wealth with The Relaxed Money Blueprint. It's time to become a conduit for money and abundance, and it all starts with feeling safe and supported in your financial world.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to make 2024 the year you finally feel financially empowered and abundant. Click here to register for WIDE RECEIVER and receive the bounty that has your name on it. See you there!

What is Plenty with Kate Northrup?

What if you could get more of what you want in life? But not through pushing, forcing, or pressure.

You can.

When it comes to money, time, and energy, no one’s gonna turn away more.

And Kate Northrup, Bestselling Author of Money: A Love Story and Do Less and host of Plenty, is here to help you expand your capacity to receive all of the best.

As a Money Empowerment OG who’s been at it for nearly 2 decades, Kate’s the abundance-oriented best friend you may not even know you’ve always needed.

Pull up a chair every week with top thought leaders, luminaries, and adventurers to learn how to have more abundance with ease.

Kate Northrup:

Welcome to this episode of Plenty. When I asked you what you wanted to hear more of on the podcast, what you said unequivocally is that you wanted to hear stories from our grads, from our alumni. And so today, I have for you Bridgette Simmons who is an incredible leadership coach, keynote speaker, and mindset coach who works with people to increase their levels of success and decrease their levels of burnout. And Bridget had an incredible result in the relax money program. And she first declared that she was going to become a millionaire, and then some magical things unfolded.

Kate Northrup:

And in this episode, she's going to reveal everything. So listen in to this first relax money student feature. Welcome to Plenti. I'm your host, Kate Northrup, and together, we are going on a journey to help you have an incredible relationship with money, time, and energy, and to have abundance on every possible level. Every week, we're gonna dive in with experts and insights to help you unlock a life of hunting.

Kate Northrup:

Let's go fill our cups.

Kate Northrup:

Please note that the opinions and perspectives of the guests on the Plenty podcast are not necessarily reflective of the opinions and perspectives of Kate Northrop or anyone who works within the Kate Northrop brand.

Kate Northrup:

Hello, Bridget. Thank you for being here.

Bridgette Simmonds:

Hi, Kate. Thank you for having me here.

Kate Northrup:

Okay. So we got to meet in Miami a couple months ago, and I really loved your energy. Of course, I remembered you from the Zooms in Relax Money, because you were, like, an awesome enthusiastic student. And I always remember the people with, like, the open faces and then the enthusiasm. And I wanna start off by asking you, wait how first of all, how did you hear about this work and Relax Money?

Bridgette Simmonds:

Okay. So I have a very logical explanation and also a very spiritual explanation.

Kate Northrup:

Love it. We'll take both.

Bridgette Simmonds:

So I I was first introduced to you probably back when did Do Less come out? 2017?

Kate Northrup:

2019. Really?

Bridgette Simmonds:

Yeah. Well, you know, everything everything was what time. 2020 is a warp of what was what year, so that's interesting. I first heard of you with that book. I got the book of doulas, and it really spoke to me because I am was the queen of doing the most.

Bridgette Simmonds:

So the the the you have a way of naming things in a very crisp and clean way that lets me know this is for me, and the book was. And the introduction of being able to understand how to work according to our cycles was a gift. So that was my first introduction to who Kate Northrop was. And so I was in your world because of that. And then I got the doulas planner, I think, in 2020.

Bridgette Simmonds:

Loved being able to be guided and reflect using that tool. And then around 2020 end of 2022 coming into 2023, this is the spiritual way of how I heard about your work around money is I declared in 2022 having not been technically close to it that I was this is my million millionaire year. I will become a millionaire. And what I feel that that opened up for me, which I believe happens when we make declarations and set intentions and requests of the universe is that all things conspire to be able to provide that for you. And I think we think by making a request, kinda like a restaurant, it's just gonna come fully packaged, but there's a journey that we have to go through.

Bridgette Simmonds:

And so once I made that declaration, along with the things that would be required for that, one of which was a money team, because I started to understand that the way that I got into success in my career before I started to be an entrepreneur, and then in my business was not how how I was going to create 1,000,000 of dollars. And then I found your 3 day free seminar. And I was like, okay, this is cool. And I signed up, and then joined relaxed money, and the rest is history. So that's my journey into my entry point into the world of Kate Northrop, and then how I expanded and grew to the space of understanding money and and falling in love with it in a different way.

Kate Northrup:

That's so amazing. I love that you declared it, and then this workshop showed up.

Speaker 4:

Now It did. You are,

Kate Northrup:

you know, you are a keynote speaker. You're a coach. You have a lot going on. And so I'm curious. You know, how did you know to make the time to prioritize that workshop?

Bridgette Simmonds:

You know, I I'm a full believer in understanding what I need when I need it, and it doesn't have an explanation other than I know that I know when it's called to me. And at the time, the workshop was, what was it? It was plenty.

Kate Northrup:

Plenty. Yes.

Bridgette Simmonds:

Okay. Yes. It was plenty. And again, you have a way with words are my jam, and you have a way with naming things. And plenty just really spoke to me, and your energy spoke to me in the way that you spoke about the 3 days that we would spend together around plenty just hit me.

Bridgette Simmonds:

And I'm also in in human design. I'm a generator, and so I'm to respond to what shows up. And you showed up and I responded, so that's how I knew, really.

Kate Northrup:

Okay. I love that. So something I wanna highlight that you said is that when we make a declaration, you know, we think it like, maybe the secret taught us or, you know, more basic law of attraction, it would be that, like, it's just gonna fall in our laps like that. Right? But in most cases, what actually shows up is the education, the opportunities, perhaps even the challenges, the teachers, whatever, that are going to help us to get to that place.

Kate Northrup:

So I love that you highlighted that. I just wanted to say one

Bridgette Simmonds:

more thing. I always tell my clients we can say, you know, I'm I'm really craving a cake right now. And what we would love is for that request to be made, and then the cake to just show up. But often what we do get is the ingredients for the cake for us to be able to create it. And it's making me actually really realize why things like DoorDash are popular because with you and the rest of, my counterparts in Relax Money has helped to normalize it as I continue to experience that tug and push and pull and tug of war between old identity and new becoming.

Bridgette Simmonds:

Uh-huh. Absolutely. So when you decided to join Relax Money, were there any reservations? Were was there hesitation? And if so, what were they?

Bridgette Simmonds:

Initially, there was because I told myself not another money program. I've got books right behind me on money that are half read, finished and not started started and not finished. And what I didn't want was to purchase 1 in the hopes of changing my money story. So I I absolutely thought, okay. I'll sit through this 3 day, but I'm probably not gonna buy because it's probably another course on how to budget fabulously.

Bridgette Simmonds:

And, that's that's what I has I hesitated on was I I wasn't gonna waste another, you know, expenditure on another course about money that I hadn't conquered yet.

Kate Northrup:

Okay. And then what made you, at the end, feel like, actually, I am gonna invest in this, and I'm going to know that I'm actually also gonna engage in it and integrate so I'll make a difference? Like, what was that difference for you?

Bridgette Simmonds:

It the difference was you are you teach us the problem of money, worries, anxiety, limitations from the root. And that element of nervous system healing tools, the way that you begin from the space of what has created the angst, what has created the lack, what has created the limitations. And as a coach and an expert in mindset and creating new identities for your life, that spoke to me because then it made me realize this program is not just another way to budget snazzly program. It's actually before you even get to that point, let's discuss the being that plays within the budget. And once you have that sorted and understood and settled and settled and tools to continue to settle it when you're experiencing the push and the pull of creating something new, Now we can talk about the tools.

Bridgette Simmonds:

That changed everything for me and made it a hell yes immediately because I knew it wasn't gonna be just another course that I paid for and did the 1st class and then petered out because it just seemed overwhelming.

Kate Northrup:

Yeah. And you showed up. Maybe not every single class, but I remember you in the vast majority of them, possibly every single. I don't know. And then you also showed up at the live event.

Kate Northrup:

And so you you really were there, and you engaged, and you used your investment. And I'm curious on now knowing that this is a lifelong journey, and I don't wanna paint the false idea of, like, you know I I think that sometimes in marketing, the idea of a before and after is actually inaccurate because it's an ongoing. So let's just say this is an ongoing timeline, compared to where you were when you said yes to relax money, which is about a year ago, to now, what has transpired in your personal life, in your professional life, and in your financial life that you can look back and say, oh, no. That's a direct shift that I I had?

Bridgette Simmonds:

Absolutely. I actually made a top ten list.

Kate Northrup:

Oh, look at you.

Bridgette Simmonds:

Of the things. I wanted to reflect on my journey, and I agree with you wholeheartedly that a before and after is it's it's like fancy for the eyes, but we don't really talk about how it I'm in the process. I I and I, it's about a year that things have shifted and changed, but I am also making a new declaration that I will be back on your podcast in person as a millionaire. So it's coming Yes.

Kate Northrup:

By the end

Bridgette Simmonds:

of the day. I'm gonna make the return, and that's it. But the the things that have transpired as a result of working with you over the last year is I used to say I was gonna do a money day on the regular to take a look at my money, and I never would, Speaking of the relationship I had with money, the man, I wouldn't show up. Now I do not ignore my money dates anymore. I have it on my calendar, and in fact, it's Fridays.

Bridgette Simmonds:

I call it filthy rich Fridays, and it excites me to actually sit down and sort it out. Another thing is I've paid off 2 credit cards, and I'm working on the others with a very clear plan and not feeling you've really shifted my perspective on the the looming cloud of you got debt. You should be ashamed, and that it's just not that. And that that it's it's money what do we call it? Money for blessings already received?

Kate Northrup:

Invoices for blessings already received. Yeah.

Bridgette Simmonds:

Invoicing's already received, and that shift in perspective shifted my easeful to to pay it off and to allow it to sit while I do. Another thing that I've done is I hired a bookkeeper. I used to have I had I had one and then let them go when it wasn't really working and then just was flapping in the wind, and things were just not sorted and orderly and structured in my business. And that feels so amazing. It's so, so, so good.

Bridgette Simmonds:

And I no longer feel shame about discussing money. I realized before every time I would have the meeting, I'd had this pit in my stomach because of that old space of feeling like we don't talk about money, but we have to. That hiding from money gives it power over us, and it was giving making me feel weak. And so that's a space that's shifted. I've experienced greater growth in my business.

Bridgette Simmonds:

In fact, just this year, I, opened up a a product, and I welcomed 20 new clients, which was phenomenal. When last year I did the same thing and only had one. So just expansive abundance in that space was really, really cool to see. I've received a huge, beautiful, unexpected opportunity, in fact, last week, Monday, in which I'm gonna be paid to go to Bali, which is incredible because it came out of nowhere, and it's somewhere I wanted to go, and it's enabling me to do what I do, which is speak and coach and elevate humans in a beautiful way. And other opportunities have just been coming in in a beautiful way.

Bridgette Simmonds:

I'm more aware of my emotional impulse spending. Before, if I saw an ad, and it appealed to me without thinking, just blindly and unconsciously, I would purchase. And learning from you has caused me to really slow down and be intentional, and that has felt so empowering to me. I have started feeling confident, and I bought a class last year around trading stocks. Speaking of spending money around hopes of engaging in money differently, never did it.

Bridgette Simmonds:

I finally traded on the stock market and felt so amazingly confident about it, and also magnetize a very lovely he was a server at a restaurant. We happen to talk about socks, and now he's teaching me about it just because he loves

Kate Northrup:

to teach me about it.

Bridgette Simmonds:

So it's making me feel more comfortable. I have a strategy for my wealth, and just overall, I have more regulated emotions around money. I used to open up my bank account, and if it didn't look a certain way, it would affect my mood. And I I it still happens from time to time, but having the tools to regulate my emotions about it has really been supportive. So that's my I think top 10 just in the last year.

Bridgette Simmonds:


Kate Northrup:

Bridgette, I just wanna, like, take a moment to celebrate you and really congratulate the year ago you who said yes to her desire and showed up recognized the ingredients when they showed up, and then she stepped into the kitchen. I mean, it's really big. And I'm curious. Like, what do you notice in your body right now as we're in this conversation, having just read out loud that list of 10 things? What are you feeling inside?

Bridgette Simmonds:

I'm feeling really tingly all over. Mhmm. I it I when I wrote it, I felt proud and and accomplished. And to read it to you, it's elevated and tightened. I just feel tingly and excited all over my body.

Kate Northrup:

That's so good. There's a real aliveness here, and I wanna highlight how important it is to digest the transformation and to celebrate how far we've come because what it helps us do, and especially in community where you can be witnessed and mirrored, what it helps to happen is in your nervous system, you are currently in this moment wiring in. It is safe for me to expand. It is safe for me to be this powerful. It is safe for me to be publicly declaring my money wins.

Kate Northrup:

That's a really big deal.

Bridgette Simmonds:

Yes. Thank you. Yeah.

Speaker 4:

Thank you.

Kate Northrup:

Oh, thank you. Thank you for taking the assignment above and beyond. Okay. So you run this incredible business where you're a coach, you're a speaker, you help people elevate teamwork, you help people to heal from burnout. You help people with their mindset around success.

Kate Northrup:

And so now at this stage of the game, I'm curious. What, if anything and, you know, I totally didn't tell you I was gonna ask this question. So, has has anything shifted for you in terms of your business and how you're delivering to your clients? Or just is there anything in particular that you wanna celebrate or highlight around your work? Because it is so related to what we do here in Relax Money, and I just wanna celebrate that and talk about

Bridgette Simmonds:

it. Absolutely. I in fact, I've been getting a lot of side comments and emails and texts from clients that have been journeying with me for the last few years in my community, of of coaches that I help to grow their business is one of the elements that I also do. And I they've been commenting, I'm loving this new unapologetic on fire, Bridget. And I I feel like what as you said, everything is connected and tied, and money is energy.

Bridgette Simmonds:

It's an energetic exchange and a frequency, and I do full full heartedly believe that how we do one thing is how we do everything. And being that I previously had the posture of hiding and sticking my head in the sand around the topic of money, which is energy, it muted my energy. Though I was powerful, though I was creating success, and though I was very happy with it, that ceiling of achieving only what I was accustomed to achieving and desiring and realizing somewhere inside of me that it could be more, it could be greater, it could be more expensive, it could be wider. If I was behaving that way around the energy energy of money and that I didn't wanna look at it, I didn't wanna touch it. It made me ashamed.

Bridgette Simmonds:

I didn't I I was always fearing losing it. I wasn't sure. It was constricting my ability to actually be as expansive and as powerfully impactful as I had the ability to, especially if I desire to grow and support other people in growing. What I what I grew to with those behaviors of hiding, of shame, of money not really being sorted out, and a fear of it really was great. And because I'm still living, I was being called and being called to grow and expand even more, which made me need to engage in the energy of money completely differently so that I can engage in the energy of everything else that I'm assigned to engage in differently.

Bridgette Simmonds:

So it has elevated my ability to feel more confident in what I do, which then translates to the people that I serve and that are assigned to me in my work because they come to me to elevate themselves in their confidence. And I do believe that as I go, so goes everyone around me. And so I've been seeing pops of success even in my clients as I've been experiencing more success in me.

Kate Northrup:

Where can they go to find you?

Bridgette Simmonds:

Oh, I would love that. I'm all over the place. My website is, I'm on Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook as Bridget Simmons, and that's Simmons with a d. Sometimes we forget the silent d.

Bridgette Simmonds:

So that's my

Kate Northrup:

Amazing. And out of all the things that you're working on right now, what's the thing that you really wanna highlight or or or you're most excited about in your business?

Bridgette Simmonds:

Oh, gosh. I've got I've got one to to one that's 2 pronged. So I've got that I'm really on a rampage of making sure that people that are called to be coaches and guides and leaders in this world, I am here to elevate your confidence in the space of business. Because I found that a lot of coaches, they have a desire to do it, but then they shrink back from not feeling confident around that piece. So I have a community called the coaching collab and a challenge coming up called your next 5 clients that I invite you, if you've been called to be a coach, to join me.

Bridgette Simmonds:

And, my second thing I'm most excited about too is for even if you're not a coach, I'm hosting a one day retreat in Tampa, Florida in September called limitless experience, where we get a chance to actually tap up against the limits that we've been experiencing and really engage with the purpose of our life and why we're here. And I'm really excited about those two things.

Kate Northrup:

I love that. I love that. So we'll make sure that all your links, your website, your social is all linked in the show notes. Bridget, thank you so much for being here. Thank you so much for being part of Relaxed Money and so generously sharing your story.

Kate Northrup:

And so beautifully celebrating yourself, it really uplifted me and, like, helped me upgrade my cellular imprinting, and I know it did for everyone on INC as well. Thank you for being

Bridgette Simmonds:

here. Thank you thank you so much for the blessing of having me and for creating everything that you create. It's truly, truly a blessing that just reverberates in the planet. I appreciate

Kate Northrup:

you. And you better send me a message as as you cross that millionaire mark.

Bridgette Simmonds:

Oh, I'm gonna send you my bank screenshot, and we're gonna book the show. It is

Kate Northrup:

in process. It is in process. I love it. Thank you so much, Bridget.

Bridgette Simmonds:

Thank you, Kate. Woo

Speaker 4:

hoo. You've made it to the end of an episode of Plenty. Don't you feel expanded already? So if you liked this episode, go ahead and leave us a review. Subscribe to the podcast, text a friend and let them know they need to listen.

Speaker 4:

And that helps us spread the word so more people can experience plenty together. And if you wanna ease your path to creating wealth, I created a money breakthrough guide for you where I interviewed over 20 of my high earning women friends, and I asked them what their biggest money through guide was. And the responses were so mind blowing and helpful, I knew I needed to pass them along to you. This is the kind of thing that is often only shared behind closed doors, but now you can access it totally for free. So head over to kate northrup.comforward/breakthroughs and get the guide.

Speaker 4:

Again, that's kate northrup.comforward/break throughs. And I'll see you next time for plenty.