The State News sports reporters discuss all MSU sports.
Welcome, guys, into a why did I say welcome, guys? I don't know what that is. Anyway, we're keeping it. Welcome into the Sports Roundtable podcast. This is a brilliant, final episode of the semester.
Brad:We are back, and we have trivia on the board. That is what we are doing. We have nothing else to talk about today other than testing your knowledge into the wide world of MSU and some other sports. Thank you, PJ. PJ wanted me to add more questions that are more general knowledge because apparently he didn't feel like he would win if, it was just MSU stuff.
Brad:So that That's exactly right. Yeah. That is ex and he will own up to it.
Madi:Get that one right
Brad:on top of the head. So, on tap, we have a gift card from Detroit Wing Company. That is, that is what's at stake. It is $15, or, in Luke's case, it could go towards a new car. So, how you guys feeling about we we I promised him a car.
Brad:That's the joke. So he gets it. Nobody else will. I promised him a car. I haven't given him a car yet.
Brad:But also, cars are expensive, and I don't know if you wanna pay for the insurance. So Well, you've offered the car. No. I did. That he is he is being fair.
Brad:But anyway, so, so how are you guys feeling about your chances today?
Luke:I'm winning.
Brad:You're winning. Okay. I'm winning. We know that. We know that PJ is just like, he's just giving up.
PJ:Not super confident, I'll admit. On a scale
Brad:of 1 to 10, probably a 3. Oh, Luke, to be fair, Luke I think Luke does have the advantage. He is the only one, in on in this room who has gotten a question right this this, this season.
Madi:I almost had one right.
Brad:You almost had one right. You are correct, but you didn't. Almost doesn't
Madi:Jimmy Howard.
Brad:Yeah. And
Madi:then you spelled Jimmy wrong.
Brad:So I'm actually bringing that up. That's true. Oh, wow. Wow. That's true.
Brad:That is roast right here. You heard it first.
Madi:J I m m I e.
Brad:So Deshaun did also get one right, but he couldn't be here. So we had PJ take his spot. And so PJ is already kind of in. He is our backup. He is our backup today.
Luke:I'm here, guys.
Brad:So this is a train wreck. So, here we go. So are you guys ready?
PJ:Real quick. Question.
Brad:Yeah. What's up? How many questions is it? It's probably between, like, 610.
PJ:Oh my god. I thought you were gonna say, like, 40.
Brad:5.9. No. I'm not doing that many.
PJ:A lot
Brad:of questions.
PJ:That many. That is
Brad:gonna be, like, at least 40. You're gonna see me I haven't
PJ:been in the quarter for
Brad:a while. Yeah. Gonna have to compose myself. I haven't actually counted them, to be fair, but it's, like, only, like, 3 pages on my Google, like, docs. Only?
Brad:Yeah. Yeah. But, like, I I explained, like, a lot of the questions. Okay. So it's, like, all multiple choice.
Brad:They're all, like, lines. It's, like, size 11 font, you know. Alright. And the font is Arial. So Hold on.
Luke:We're only at Times New Roman.
Brad:So Let's
PJ:get into it.
Brad:Okay. Let's actually get into it. Though. And then there is an overtime segment. There is an overtime segment.
Brad:Sudden death. Double double points. Double points. Oh. So okay.
Brad:You guys ready?
Madi:Is it anyway? The points don't matter.
Brad:Alright. How many these are multiple choice. How many NCAA division 1 national championships has Michigan State won across all sports? Is it a 12, b 21, c 27, or d 30. 12.
PJ:A. Shania? I'm gonna say, 21.
Luke:I am also gonna say 21. Damn.
Brad:You guys are bad at this. Oh. C 27. Wow. Across all sports.
PJ:You know what's crazy, actually? When you said the question, the first number I thought of was 12.
Brad:Really? So you were thinking, like, low? I was talking about it. Yeah. Yeah.
Madi:It was losing a lowball.
PJ:The first number though.
Brad:It's it is kinda crazy because most of these most of these happened before, like, 1980. Like, most of them. Like, the the last 3 that Michigan State have won is a, 2014 women's cross country title.
Brad:Hockey in 2007. And then in 2000, we obviously have men's basketball. Mhmm. So those were the last 3. And then before that, the last one before that was, like, 1968, and that was, like, men's soccer.
Brad:So not Okay. Not very not, you know, not very long ago. Okay. 2nd question. So we got so we're tied at 0.
Brad:Yes. 2nd question.
PJ:Wait. Use this for score. Perfect.
Brad:I will I will use this for score.
PJ:But I want Sponsored.
Brad:Sponsored. Perfect. Sponsored
Madi:by Boogie Board.
Brad:Yes. We are going to type Luke when we're writing.
Madi:Or you could just write our initials.
Brad:I could, but that takes too much time.
Luke:More time than writing their full names?
Brad:Yeah. Okay. Exactly. Okay. So alright.
Brad:How many bowl wins did Nick Saban have at Michigan State? He coached at Michigan State from 1995 to 1999. I'll give you that. And it's between 0 and 3.
Luke:Pretty sure it's 1.
PJ:I'm gonna say 3.
Brad:2. Damn it. Man, you guys Is it 0?
PJ:Is it actually 0?
Brad:It is 0. It is actually 0. Okay. Does that count
Madi:then? I said
Brad:0. Did what? No. You did not?
Madi:Just now, I said, is it 0? And you said, yeah. So, technically, I guessed 0 before any of you guys did.
PJ:From question 1?
Brad:Yeah. Of course. Yeah. So Nick Saban, you know, as we said, is was the head coach from 1995 to 1999. MSU did win the 2000 Citrus Bowl, but he left 6 days before that.
Brad:Oh, good. Oh my god. So yeah. Sorry.
Brad:Was that when Dantonio took over? No. That was the coach in between, what's his name? I
PJ:don't know if
Brad:Whoever can get his name right now gets an extra point.
Luke:I can't. I can't.
Brad:Sorry. Forgetable. Never mind then. Steven. This is not Steven.
Brad:Phil? Do you even know him? No. I don't. That's why I'm asking.
Brad:That's that's a spontaneous
Madi:So how did you
Brad:know it wasn't Steven then?
Luke:Or Phil.
Brad:Because I've looked it up.
Madi:And you don't know it off the top of your head?
Brad:No. I get it.
Luke:Such a lie.
Madi:Well, maybe it is Steven then.
Brad:Don't harass the host.
Madi:Who's Steven Izzo.
Brad:Do not harass those. Izzo. This junior college quarterback chose Oregon over Michigan this isn't that hard. This junior college quarterback chose Oregon over Michigan State in 1998. Oh.
Brad:And then defeated MSU 48 to 14 that same year in his 1st year. Who is he? A I was like, what? That's it? No.
Brad:No. A, Brooks Ballinger. B, Randy Fassani. C, Achilles Smith. Or d, Drew Brees.
Luke:He went to Oregon. Mhmm.
Madi:I don't even know where Drew Brees went
PJ:to college.
Luke:He went to Purdue. Okay.
Brad:So it's not in his
Madi:process of elimination.
Luke:Yeah. I'm gonna say who was who
Brad:was, b? So b was Randy Fassani, a was Brooks Bollinger, and c was Achilles Smith.
Luke:I'm gonna go with, I'm gonna go with Achilles Smith.
PJ:I'm gonna say the same thing.
Brad:I'm gonna say something different.
PJ:Can we
Luke:get a timer?
Brad:Can we? B. The answer was c, Achilles Smith. Okay. Here we go.
Brad:Here we go. Here we go. We're on
PJ:the skateboard. Yeah. Yeah.
Brad:He what's that isn't there that, he kinda used the, the what's that thing that we're, like, you know, the the goat is behind the door? You know what I'm talking about? Where's the goat? No. No.
Brad:No. No. There's a there's a theory where if, like, there's a host and you're on a game show and you wanna guess what's behind a door, you don't want the goat or something. And then, like, if you guess something and then they reveal one of the doors and then you he asks you if you wanna change your answer, you always want to change your answer because you have a higher chance of getting it right if you do.
Luke:Uh-huh. I know what you're talking about.
Brad:You know what I'm talking about? Anyway, it's the same concept.
PJ:Yeah. So supposed to be your you don't wanna change?
Brad:I can't remember.
PJ:You talked about this in my psychology class.
Brad:It's supposed to be it's actually, like, it's actually, like, pretty common. But, yeah, you either don't or you do. I don't actually know. Somebody can correct me in the comments, and they they probably will. How many this one okay.
Brad:As we mentioned before, we have added questions. We have added questions that do pertain some of a lot of them are Detroit sports related, but we have added questions in here. The this is the first one that's not MSU related. How many times have the Detroit Red Wings won the Stanley Cup? The answer is a with 8.
Brad:This is these are the options. Sorry. The options are a 8, b 11, c 15, or d 17. B.
PJ:Can you say the numbers again?
Brad:A 8, b 11, c 15, or d 17. I'm gonna say 11.
Luke:I'm gonna say 11. It's 11. Thanks, Maddie.
Brad:You're welcome. You know, if you know, Maddie, maybe next time, if you know the answer, maybe don't go first. Sorry. You know what? Cut your camera.
Brad:I mean It's reading the question.
PJ:I mean, I was gonna
Luke:say whatever Maddie was gonna say because I don't know anything about hockey. I I
PJ:don't know anything about Detroit sports.
Brad:This guy. This guy. This guy. I'm from
PJ:here. Yeah. He's from California. Yeah.
Brad:Crazy. Crazy.
Madi:Go San Jose.
Brad:Okay. So here's here's a question. Where is Tom Izzo from? A, Battle Creek, b, Iron Mountain. C, Houghton Lake.
Brad:Or d, Gaylord.
Luke:It's gonna be really embarrassing if I get this wrong. I'm gonna say, I'm gonna say b.
PJ:I'm gonna say a Battle Creek.
Brad:It is b. Iron Mountain.
Luke:I did know he's from the UP. I just don't know anything about the UP. Whatsoever.
Madi:I was I'm sorry. From Michigan.
Luke:I'm sorry for anybody who is, I don't know anything about.
Brad:I was just trying to because I've Googled him before.
PJ:So I was trying to, like, rethink about where it said he was from.
Madi:I almost went to Northern, so
PJ:Mhmm. Just a
Brad:little bit. There you go. Which team did Stevenizzo score his first points against? A, Ohio State, b, High Point, c, Northwestern, or d, Rutgers? Should I go?
Brad:Are are we Sure. Why not?
Luke:D Rutgers. Are we talking about his first made basket or first actual point? Because I know his Like, yeah.
PJ:The one where he did the crossover and they got the n one? Or
Luke:was it like a free throw?
Madi:That was a that was an exhibition game.
Brad:What? When he announced
Madi:the Anne one.
Brad:No. No. I'm pretty sure he
Luke:had one.
PJ:That was, like, 3 quarters of
Brad:the way through the season. That was
PJ:I they who are it was they were up by 20 points against whoever they were playing against because I don't wanna spoil the answer. And then he got the and one. There was, like, a minute left in the game. That that was, like, 3 quarters of the
Brad:way through the season or something. It was his first career points.
Madi:Didn't he get career points his freshman year?
Luke:He I thought he did.
Brad:Yeah. I'm I have an article right here that says
PJ:When did that come out? When did that article come out? I don't
Brad:know if I wanna tell you that.
PJ:Okay. What year?
Brad:What year? I do. Yeah. It came out this year. Okay.
PJ:Yeah. I'm gonna say d Rutgers.
Luke:It's gonna be Rutgers.
Brad:Oh, okay.
Madi:I thought it was Northwestern. It was senior night. Oh, no. No. It wasn't senior night.
Madi:Oh, maybe it was Rutgers. Okay. I'm gonna go with Rutgers.
Brad:Should I give it to her? Yeah. I should give it to her. Yeah. Sure.
Brad:You guys all got that right. You guys all got that right. We were a little confused. My bad. I thought he scored against Northwestern for some reason.
PJ:Never mind.
Madi:He dunked on boots.
Brad:You guys you guys are doing Yeah. I'm not sure. By the way, you guys are doing a great job, just so you know.
Madi:Thank you.
Brad:Currently, the score is Luke, 4, and Maddie and PJ have 3. So we're still in it. We're good. Clawing our way back. Clawing our way back.
Madi:We're in this.
Brad:How many jersey numbers have the Detroit Pistons retired? The answers are a, 5, b, 8, c, 11, or d, 15.
Luke:There's no way it's 15. And there's no way it's allowed.
PJ:Yeah. That sounds stupid.
Luke:What was, a and b? 5,
Brad:8 5. 11, or 15? I'm not going because
Madi:I know you
PJ:need to work.
Brad:Oh, you do?
Madi:Last time
Brad:I was at LCA, I counted because I was
Madi:I'll explain it in a second.
Luke:I'm gonna guess a. B.
PJ:I'm gonna say b a. Yeah. A.
Brad:I was actually thinking about I'm I'm
PJ:not just copying. I swear. I was actually
Brad:The answer I have is c 11.
Madi:There's no way they have 11 jerseys retired. Because I counted last time we went, and the red wings had, like, 11 or 12 retired. And the Pistons had, like, literally 4 or 5 on their side.
Brad:Let me just double check.
Madi:Because the Red Wings the Red Wings have 8 jerseys retired, 8 or 9. And the Pistons had half of that. There's no way they have 11 jerseys in the rafters.
Brad:I'm seeing, I think sorry. One sec. I'm seeing 10 in the GM. I believe, if I'm correct.
Madi:They have not sent that many jerseys to the rafters. There's no way.
Brad:Let me see. Yeah. I think it's actually it's actually crazy because I think they're lenient. I think they're more lenient. Yeah.
Brad:They have 11. They have number 1, 2, 3, 4, 10, 11, 15, 16, 21, 32, and 40. Wow. Wow.
Madi:I don't believe it. I don't believe this.
Brad:Yeah. I might have to look
Luke:this up too. Well, so it's not that we don't trust you. It's just, like, you know
Madi:It's that I don't trust you.
Brad:Yeah. Yeah. It's on it's on the, what do you call it? The, the Pistons Wikipedia page. At least that's where I sourced
PJ:it from.
Brad:Looking on a Wikipedia. Wow.
PJ:Wow. Wow.
Madi:Just No.
Luke:He's right. Yeah. He's right. It is 11.
Brad:Isn't that crazy? Because you know what? But the reason that the stat jumped out at me is because I remember going to the LCA, and I saw the contrast. I was like, why do the Pistons have as many retired numbers as the the Red Wings have championships?
Luke:Yeah. It, as
Brad:There's no
Luke:way to see it. Yeah. It's a
PJ:lot of
Madi:I literally counted last time I went, and I swear there was only, like, 4 or 5 that were actually in the rafters.
Brad:Interesting. Yeah. It's
Madi:because then I was looking, and I was like, damn. The red wings look
Luke:so much cooler than the Pistons. There's a there's a couple that I would probably say maybe don't deserve.
Brad:That's the that's the thing. It's like it's like it's up to the team.
Luke:Yeah. And like Like I can understand why.
Brad:Like the Red Wings are a lot more strict with who they retire. That's true. You know what I mean? And it's not like the Yankees were, like, everybody on
Madi:the Yankees just set with my retired.
Luke:Yeah. Yeah.
Brad:So yeah. I mean, basically, like, I'm pretty sure the Yankees, you can't even have a single digit anymore.
Madi:No one likes the Yankees.
Brad:Like, you every number has to be in the double digits because everybody, like, 0 through 9 is retired. That's ridiculous. That's so ridiculous. Yeah. Because Jeter was the last one Yeah.
Brad:And he was number 2. Mhmm. So, yeah. So, anyway, I'm glad we that we sorted that out. Yeah.
Brad:And then I was still correct. And you guys got nothing out of that. So Wow. I know. Crazy.
Brad:Okay. Cool. Okay.
Madi:Alright. That's the Sports Roundtable podcast. Bye.
Brad:That's the
PJ:whole thing.
Brad:That's the whole thing. Okay. So the next one, who is the only Michigan State football player to be selected number 1 overall in the NFL draft? Some of these options might be, like, this might be easy because this might be easy to weed out, just to let you know. So don't laugh when I say something.
PJ:Oh, I will.
Brad:Still laugh. I won't. A. Kirk Cousins. Okay.
Brad:He Oh. Right? He's so evil, Chris.
PJ:I love
Brad:him. B, Bubba Smith c, Vern Hoffman or d, Chuck Bednarik?
Luke:Betty, you're going first.
Brad:Bubba Smith? I'm gonna say Verne. I was gonna go with Bubba Smith. It's Bubba Smith. This this question is my time.
Brad:So I would I will give 3 points to anybody who gets this correct.
PJ:Okay? Is it f 1?
Brad:It is f 1. Yep. It is f 1. Three points to anybody who gets this right. Charles Leclair.
Luke:the worst.
Brad:Okay. Not even It's a numbers option. Oh. My by the I'm not gonna actually get into it. It's it's a lot.
Brad:That's a long tangent.
PJ:No. Okay.
Brad:This is the first time that this week this week is the first time that Formula 1 has raced in China since 2019. Currently, Max Verstappen has 57 wins and has won every race but 2 in the last 2 years since the beginning of last year. Okay. How many wins did he have the last time that they raced in China in 2019? A, 5.
Brad:B, 15. C, 25. Or d, 35.
PJ:I'm gonna say a 5.
Luke:I'm gonna go with 35.
Brad:The answer is a 5. Yes.
PJ:Here we go.
Brad:There you go. Wow. Let him cook.
PJ:Oh my god. Three points.
Brad:That's I told you. Oh my god. Yeah. I told you. I told you.
Brad:I told you. You guys are gonna have you guys are gonna have some chances.
Madi:This is madness.
Brad:You guys are gonna have some chances. Alright.
Madi:Dominate him.
Brad:Alright. The NFL draft is coming up.
Madi:It is.
Brad:Who is the last MSU player to be taken in the 1st round of the NFL draft? A, Jack Conklin. B, Kenneth Walker the third. C, Trey Waynes. Or d, Connor Hayward.
Madi:Like, process of elimination.
Luke:I'm pretty sure it's Jack Conklin. I believe it's Jacqueline.
PJ:I'm gonna say Trey would be.
Madi:I was gonna go with Conklin too.
Brad:It's Conklin. Okay.
Madi:Because I know Kenneth Walker wouldn't have gone in the 1st run because running backs don't go that
Luke:high. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Connor Hayward was, like, a 6 round pick.
Luke:I don't even think he was like a top 10 tight end.
Brad:No. I, you know
Luke:And then I know Trey Waynes was the 1st quarterback taken in the 2015 draft, I wanna say. I think that was the year, like, with, the year right before Jalen Ramsey. So but
Brad:I know.
PJ:I can tell you.
Brad:Okay. So here's the deal. So, I so the next two questions, I didn't organize this properly. The next two questions are both hockey related, But I don't know that they'll be as as easy as Maddie thinks they are. Oh, good.
Brad:So let's let's do this.
Madi:Doubting mine now.
Brad:One of them one of them is one of them, could theoretically, be. But we're not gonna do double points for any of them. However, they should it should be we got Luke and PJ tied at 6, and Maddie has 5. So we're get we're getting there. So you guys have the edge.
Brad:Okay? Well, watch out. Right? So the NHL draft is also coming up this summer. Mhmm.
Brad:Right? As as it does every summer. And freshman for Michigan State, Artem Levshnav, is projected to be a top 5 draft pick. Who was the last assigned Michigan State player to be taken in the 1st round? A, AJ Thelen.
Brad:B, Trey Augustine. C, Brett Perlini, or d, Isaac Howard.
Luke:I'm gonna go with, c.
PJ:Can you say those again?
Brad:AJ Thelen, Trey Augustine, Brett Perlini, or Isaac Howard.
PJ:I'm gonna say a.
Brad:A, AJ Thelen.
Madi:Oh, is it AJ Thelen? Because I was gonna say Isaac technically didn't start at Michigan
Brad:City. No. He was with the NTP.
Luke:He was at
Madi:the NTP when he was drafted.
Brad:Yeah. Yeah. And that was by the way, that was in first round pick.
Madi:He was 31st overall.
Brad:That was in 2004, by the way. That was in 2004. Howard was drafted number 31 by Tampa Bay, but he was an NTDP pick. Trey Augustine was drafted in the 2nd round. NTDP pick.
Brad:NTDP. NTDP pick. And then, yeah. And then Perlini was an MSU draft selection, but was taken in the 7th round in 2,010. K.
Luke:Yeah. I'm okay.
Brad:I completely got lucky. That's okay. So that is okay. So PJ has jumped out to the lead. Yeah.
PJ:Yeah. I mean, I think yeah.
Brad:Cool. We good with that? Alright. So this is
Luke:not good with that because we wanna be in the lead.
Madi:We're really not okay with that, actually. Yeah.
Brad:Take those points. So here's the deal. Wipe them off the board. So, here's the deal. So we have a potential for a tie.
Brad:So I'm gonna have to figure out how to do a tie breaker if Luke gets this right.
Madi:Rock, paper, scissors.
Brad:That's right. So we will figure that out. But, anyway, actually, I know what I I think I know what I'm gonna ask, actually.
Brad:So we'll we'll get there. We'll get there. We'll get there. Alright. Michigan State head coach Adam Nightingale is an MSU alum where he played for the Spartans during his junior and season junior and senior seasons.
Brad:Where did he transfer from? Is it a, Michigan Tech, b, Lake Superior State, c, Wayne State, or d, Miami of Ohio?
Madi:Oh, God.
Luke:I have
PJ:an idea, but
Madi:Say him again?
Brad:It, Michigan Tech, Lake Superior State, Wayne State, or Miami of Ohio. Oh,
PJ:Oh, man. I'm going between 2 right now.
Madi:I am 2.
PJ:Okay. I'll go first. I'm gonna say Miami.
Luke:I'm gonna say Wayne State.
Madi:I was gonna say Miami too, but I'm also kinda going I'm gonna go Lake Superior State.
Madi:Is it Lake Superior State?
Brad:Yeah. It is. Wow.
Madi:I was gonna say Miami too. I was going back and forth between that and Lake Superior State. I didn't realize that he transferred from a Michigan school. Mhmm.
Brad:Yeah. Crazy.
Madi:A Michigan fella.
Brad:So I am actually going to look up a have any of you guys watched my podcast episode with Deshaun?
PJ:Mm-mm. Uh-uh. No. Okay. No.
Brad:Great. Well, no. I'm asking you because if you did, then I can't ask
PJ:this question. Real quick, is the game over?
Brad:Like It could be. Yeah. It actually is. PJ wins. But can I ask can I ask one more question?
Brad:Yep. Can I ask one more question? Can I seriously ask one more question? I plan on asking this anyway. Which I thought he was gonna lose.
Brad:So this this question will be worth 2 points. Because you get
Madi:a stupid
Brad:3 questions.
Luke:Actually, actually,
Brad:can I do you guys want it to be worth 2 or 3 points? 3. 3 points?
Luke:Yep. Well, I mean, just make it 2. Yeah. It could be 2. Me and Maddie are both tied.
Brad:You guys are are are tied. Okay.
Luke:It'll be just
Brad:You guys good with that? You guys good with
PJ:that? Sure. Yeah.
Brad:Is that is that okay?
Brad:I wanna ask one more question. Alright. So there's one more question. PJ, I you got this. You got this.
Brad:It's a tough question. Okay. But it's not it's not related to MSU. It's actually related to women's basketball.
Madi:K. Oh, well, Luke's gonna win this.
Brad:You think so?
PJ:I think
Brad:I don't think so.
PJ:Oh. I
Brad:don't know. Alright. So let's do it. Okay. So, where is the thing?
Brad:We gotta play some music or something, don't we? Is it Final Jeopardy? It basically is.
Madi:I love Jeopardy. While we're looking for this, I am such a Jeopardy fan.
Brad:It's not even funny. Yeah.
Madi:I like the teen tournament. Personal favorite of mine. I literally used to look up Jeopardy on YouTube and watch full episodes. I
Brad:still do that.
PJ:No. Genuinely.
Brad:I used to do it
Madi:in Acres. When I lived in Acres last year and there was the 4 of us in the same room together, I would go out in the living room and I'd look it up on my computer, and then all of a sudden all my roommates would, like, flock around
Brad:me and we'd watch Jeopardy together.
PJ:No. Yeah. It's amazing. I love it.
Madi:It's fun.
PJ:I like Ken Jennings as the host, I will say.
Madi:I do too. I like him.
PJ:The, you know, so the woman from The Big Bang Theory, I forgot her name. Maya. Mayim Baylick. Mayim. Mayim Baylick.
Madi:Mayim. Mayim. Mayim.
Brad:Yeah. No.
PJ:Mayim. Yeah. That's her first name. Yeah. Okay.
PJ:Yeah. Mayim. Okay. Mayim. Whatever.
PJ:So she was the host for a little bit. Her and Ken Jennings were doing it together whatever. What separated them 2 was Ken Jennings like since he's the winningest person, right? He just knew what the correct answer was. But Mayim, she would have to be like, oh, have to look at the note card.
PJ:Oh, this is the correct answer. When Ken Jennings was like, nope. Nope. It's this, you know?
Madi:Yeah. And the way that they all have just the stupidest knowledge memorized, like
PJ:I know right.
Madi:Who knows how many feet there are between the moon and us?
Brad:I do. 700,694. No way.
PJ:Like, who knows that? I was like, what?
Madi:You just pulled that out of thin air.
Brad:Yeah. That's that's so much more.
Madi:That's somebody would be like,
Brad:get it right. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Okay.
Brad:So you guys ready? Okay. So this one is not
PJ:multiple choice. Okay.
Brad:But this one is not multiple choice. Oh, good. Okay. But you guys are going to so there's 2 players you can guess. Okay?
Madi:Okay. Caitlin Clark.
Brad:You if you guess both of them this related. If you guess both of them, you get 3 points. If you guess 1 of them, you get 2.
Madi:Deal. K.
Brad:K? Sound good? Sure. By the way, this is a question that Deshaun got correct.
Brad:Okay. So just to give you reference point. Okay? The most points that Caitlyn Clark has scored in her collegiate career was against Michigan on February 15, 2024. She put up 49 points.
Brad:Okay? That put her 3rd on the all time list for most points in a single game. Men's and women's or just women's? Just I'm pretty sure just women's. Okay.
Brad:This is a fully just women's question. Okay? Who are the top two players? If you can name like I said, if you can name both of them Wait, wait. Can you repeat the question?
PJ:I'm so sorry to
Brad:hear. No, that's fine. So Caitlyn Clark's It's just women's. Caitlyn Clark's, 49 points against Michigan on February 15th put her 3rd on the all time list for most points in a single game. So she's the she scored the most or 3rd most points of anybody in a single game
Brad:With 49. Name any of the top two players.
Luke:Okay. I hope
Madi:you guys like Detroit Wing Company because I cap out.
Luke:I think I got it.
Brad:Alright. Yeah.
Luke:PJ, I wanna hear your
PJ:answers though. I'm still thinking.
Luke:Okay. Take your time.
Brad:I have one.
Madi:I don't have any. I haven't paid attention
Luke:Well, you need to.
Madi:Okay. I'm sorry.
Brad:And do you just wanna go first?
Luke:No. Because I know you're just gonna take my answer.
PJ:I mean Yeah. But, like, Okay.
Brad:I'll buy it. No. I'm joking. I'm joking.
PJ:Okay. I'm gonna say I'm gonna say Kelsey Plum,
Brad:and I'm gonna say, I'll say Sue Bird.
Luke:My answer was, Diana Taurasi and Asia Wilson. No.
Brad:No to any Wow. Album.
Brad:Yeah. Yeah. Crazy. So, do you guys want one more shot?
PJ:No. No.
Madi:Not really.
Brad:We'll tap out. We'll tap out. We'll tap out. I I like, part of me really wants you guys to get this. So okay.
Brad:So the so, the
PJ:first one, number 1 thinking Diana, by the way, but I was like, honestly, super
Brad:Number 1 is Aoka Lee or Aoka Lee. She put up 61 points for k state against Oklahoma in 2022. 61. Wait.
Luke:Oh my god. I'm very sorry. Can I get can I guess 1? Can I is the other one, Juju Watkins? No.
Brad:Because I remember Negative points.
Luke:I remember she scored 50 this year.
Brad:Okay. I'm done. That's okay. Lori Bauman scored 50 with Drake against Maryland in 1982. Oh, wow.
Brad:So she held the record for a while. And that is, that is that is the end. Wow. So, PJ, I believe this is yours. It is.
Brad:Thank you
PJ:so much.
Brad:For you.
Luke:Wow. The real underdog here.
PJ:Mommy, this is the
Brad:last for me. This guy you know what? You guys should be you guys should be asking him for favors. He had just hustled y'all. Yeah.
Brad:Hey, PJ, you wanna go get food after this? Yeah.
Madi:I hear you got a new gift card.
PJ:Oh my god. Do I?
Brad:Yeah. I do. I didn't even realize. Yeah. Well, how was your experience?
Brad:Rate me on a scale of 1 to 5.
Madi:3. 2.
Brad:2. 1. 0. Damn. Says the losers.
Brad:Yeah. Right? As the winner,
PJ:I'll, have an honest review. I this is actually very fun. I'd give it 4.5 2 5 stars.
Brad:Damn. Just like my other professors, never gonna give me a full grade.
Luke:Yeah. Never gonna complete
PJ:the grade.
Luke:You're getting dropped a bunch of points because you kept second guessing yourself on the Detroit Pistons question.
Brad:Listen. You guys are challenging it. If you guys wanna challenge it, maybe next time I'll give you negative points.
Luke:Supposed to know the answer. Don't second guess yourself.
PJ:You're Ken Jennings.
Brad:Damn. Exactly. Yeah. I'm not I am no Ken Jennings. Sorry.
Brad:No Ken Jennings. Well, this has been one semester of the sports round table. Thank you to my thank you to my guests and everybody. Thank you so much for listening along and watching along. And we from everyone at the State News, we'll see you guys again next semester.
Luke:Bye. Bye.