The Conscious Collaboration

What do caffeine, Mercury in retrograde, and the I Ching have in common? Join us for Episode 129 of "The Conscious Collaboration" as Lisa and Emily dive into these topics and more! We kick things off with some lighthearted banter before shifting to a heartfelt discussion on the impact of recent natural disasters. How do we process collective grief and maintain joy amidst chaos? Our hosts explore this, drawing from personal experiences and the pandemic era.

With an insightful I Ching reading, we delve into themes of patience and youthful folly, encouraging a playful approach to life's hurdles. Emily shares wellness tips from her yoga expertise, emphasizing foundational health practices. Plus, discover how creation often springs from destruction, and the power of community support.

Don't miss out on joining our Conscious Collaboration Collective on Facebook, where you can share your wins and find support within our community Tune in for humor, introspection, and practical wisdom.  

Talk to you in 5!
Emily and Lisa

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What is The Conscious Collaboration?

The Conscious Collaboration Podcast brings together entrepreneurs, changemakers, and thought leaders. We aim to highlight the people who embody the idea of aligned mind, body, and business. Each week, we share, discuss, and learn from the various experiences and ideas of our guest experts. Through our discovery, we find a path to aligned mind, body, and business.


The conscious collaboration brings together entrepreneurs, change makers, and thought leaders. We aim to highlight the people that embody the idea of aligned mind, body, and business. Each week, we share, discuss, and learn from the various experiences and ideas of our guest experts. Through our discovery, we find a path to an aligned mind, body, and business.


What up y'all? I'm Emily.


And I'm Lisa, and we are the conscious collaboration.


Woo. The barely conscious collaboration.


Welcome to the party.


Caffeine? Is my blood type right now.


Oh, I know. You have a lot going on.


And caffeine and hot. Sauce.


I had a client yesterday tell me too that we're in the shadows of Mercury in retrograde. I don't know how how


soon It's been a little while out of the shadows.


Are we always in the shadows?


I think it's time for another one yet,


is it? I'm goofing. No. I mean, I


think we just had 2 major natural disasters on top of each other. And and, you know, life is glitchy right now.


Yes. Life is very, very glitchy. I don't know what day it is. I think I've missed, like, 2 friend birthdays and, everything.


We missed our, my business birthday.


Oh, happy birthday. We're so Oh, what is what is it? Still October. Yeah.


Yeah. We're we're early October, I guess, a Libra.


Oh, your business is a Libra. Okay. So, yeah, we're


Well, I don't know. I formed my LLC in April, so I don't know. The brick and mortar opened in October. So


Yeah. I go by my LLC anniversary, but I'm half a brick and mortar. So It's different. Well, happy anniversary. Hey.


Thanks. Yeah. So the next Mercury in retrograde isn't until November 25th, so around the US Thanksgiving time. So I think We're like


So I have in the


shade maybe. So I have really no excuse for all the tech issues other than, you know, just glitchy glitches in life. To that point, you and I thought we would just do a quick and dirty energy upgrade and see what everybody is facing. Most of the people that are our listeners well, actually, everybody, even internationally, people have been watching, natural disasters everywhere, and we were in the midst of 2. So everybody's in the soup, and, hopefully, we're on the other side and in here for a while.


But let's see. And I


heard from a couple of people, one just today, who are not located here. You know, they have some connection to here, but, who expressed that, like, you know, I know we're not in it like y'all, but, you know, they expressed that they had really been feeling the the heaviness, the collective kinda grief and even hysteria, as one person put it.


Aw. That's so sad. Yeah.


Scoop of things.


Yeah. It reminds me of those, those, like one of those Russian dolls that they collapse on each other, and there's, like, a tiny one in the middle of it, and they're all stacked up. He reminds me of that effect because I was you know, I think people outside of me, my family up in Maryland, and the International Feng Shui Guild, they see me as majorly affected and impacted by hurricane Helene and Milton. And really, I did very well. I mean, I still have a tree that's resting on my house and, you know, some things to repair, but I'm pretty well fine.


I mean, aside from being disconnected from society and not having a lot of resources for a little while. But, so I feel great in a hole, but to them, it was stressful witnessing




in the situation. And then I'm looking at friends and clients that have completely lost their houses and bare bones, and they have no place to go. And and then further down, they're looking at someone more destroyed than that. So it's like it just


Yeah. Well, I mean, it does there's a, of course, a spectrum, and, we can and should be, immensely grateful to be on a lesser, you know, damaged end of the spectrum for sure. But we all were affected. Right? Especially if we live if we do live here,




know, everything, every aspect of our collective emotional health, physical health, and our economical health has all been affected. So, you know, it's okay, I think, to feel any kind of survivor's guilt that may come up, but it's also okay to feel sad and angry


and and


very upset and disoriented even if we didn't, you know, lose anything physical because it it is. It's heavy. It's heavy for all of us. Mhmm.


And we're just constantly reminded. Driving up streets, we're reminded. It's in social media. On.


Yeah. Life life in a in a post disaster zone is not, normal.


Yeah. It's lingering for sure. So let's check-in with the itching and do a quick reading, continue, just seeing how we are, shaping up energetically. Last week, the theme was standing still. That was in everybody's session last week, but the same energy kept coming up.


It was in our our session that we had last week too. So the energy around everyone right now is patient.


More more storm looking.


I know. Those are tornado looking. Yeah. They do look like tornadoes. Mhmm.


They do also look like sperm, which could talk about, like, the creation that comes out of




You know that you know AI is gonna make that the title of our podcast.


Hey, who doesn't need a good laugh right now?


Oh, yeah. That's a great great movie idea. Talk about a


clickbait y title. Let's let's go for it. Let's do it.


Water above and sky below. Let's take a look at what the energy is moving forward to see how we can operate. From above.


Oh, the egg above or eggs below. It's a weed there. Yes.


Oh, gosh.


Remember the 2 stocking where the sperm was the had it


had it I was having that I was having that imagery of that. Oh, gosh. There's so much I could say around that. Oh, I'm gonna come back to it. The energy moving forward to put us in our best, light to be the most productive and effective in the next one to 3 weeks as youthful folly.


So I think we're doing that. So I I mean, I'm not severe look. Okay. You started this


to be fair, but, my my brain is already there.


Okay. Do it.


And I mean, that's a sperm like energy moving forward with youthful folly.


Yeah. Just like


I mean, the sperm the little sperm is the fool. Like, I'm taking my leap of faith. Here I go to start this little journey.


Nobody can see, our video right now. That was my sperm impersonations. It was


the way they What was the, what was the song? They had they had all the, like, the 4 season songs on, on, Look Who's Talking.


That's good.


No. That's not it.


No? That's beautiful. It's a little bit like Fergie and a little bit. I was freaking


of a Sherry baby song. It I know it's a 4 season song that I'm trying to come up with, but it wasn't Sherry baby. But it was big girl's dog.


It was


I don't know. That's and that maybe that was Look Who's Talking Too with the girl.


Okay. Let's see. What was that movie called? Look Who's Talking?




Taking a little pause to Google.


I say another quote from there all the time. I think I've even dropped it on the podcast before that that few people really ever get the reference. But, it's so there's a part where Kirsty Alley is kind of, like, daydreaming what her life would be like if she


if she


married John Travolta. And, they're, like, kinda like this, like, I don't know, white trash kind of thing going on. And and and he he brings out this busted can for dinner with no label on it, and he just goes, could be lunch meat, could be peaches. I don't know. And every like, he kinda starts laughing, and she's just in this nightmare.


I I dropped it all off.


Say that, Emily.


Lunch for you, it could be peaches. And everybody's like, what the fuck are you talking about?


I just want you to know, Emily. I did a a Google on this trying to find the soundtrack, and it came up with a whole Reddit thread of people interesting. It's a


classic soundtrack.


It is. And people love it. So there's I Get Around, The Beach Boys.


Yeah. I Get Around. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.


Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Mhmm.


Yeah. Youthful folly. So embody that, everybody, moving forward. But, what does youthful folly


These toys are totally youthful folly.


What does that look like to you? Can you see that?


Where the sperm is going, essentially.


Why is this


what it looks like.


Why is this? This is sex ed.


It it definitely is.


Major creation vibe.


Getting around that.


But you get around. Anyway I get it. It's it's really creepy though, but sperm has some sort of, like, you know, like, like, the baseball follipides and, like, the jester kind of thing. And they're making, like, a little bit of rugby because they're fighting each other to get to, like, a ball.




But they actually have their own little kind of Mhmm. Which is creepy. I am. I don't know. There's a whole I don't wanna talk about it anymore, but yes.


It's too late. We're we're in the gutter. We are in the gutter. Let's commit. And then, you know, with the I Ching gave us full blown permission with those


pickups. It did. Right? It did. So the caution from the I Ching is a fisherman can cast the line, but still can only wait for their fish to bite.


Mhmm. The fish to bite. Similar. Similar. Similar.


It's a fickle fish. Fickle fish? Oh, gosh. Yeah. That's


that's what she said.


Welcome. Welcome to Spermido. Anyway, this is the energy of patience. Proceed cautiously but resolutely with whatever you are doing. This situation calls for consistency and perseverance.


Waiting is an essential skill. Patience is a powerful force. Time and his time is an ally for those with inner strength. So, yeah, there's everybody right now, their current energy is patience. So whether you're here with us in the Tampa Bay area or if you are wherever you are around the world, we have a lot of listeners in Africa, by the way.


FYI, I checked our stats. What's up, guys? Yeah. I love accents. I would like some guests from South Africa to please call.


Anyway, everybody's in this holding pattern where we're really learning the importance of patience. So I feel like


I'm insurance claims and FEMA


and such And you know what? Matters. I've just embraced the the dead tree that's resting on my romantic partnership area. It's just a part of my life, and now I'm just gonna decorate it for Halloween. It's gonna be there for a while.


Yeah. So can,


I bet, find little sperm ornaments?


Perfect. Little witch hats or something. Perfect. Perfect for the energy of romance and partnerships.


Isn't it? I think Gulfport would embrace that.


Oh, heck yeah.


I don't think they would be a fickle fish.


No. No. No. No. No.


But, you know what, Gulfport is patiently waiting for people to come and assist and help with teen solves. Well, not in a scary way, but the job tree. We've been having parties and concerts, and it's been a lot of fun here. And it's beautiful weather, so it's easy to be patient when we live in


a blessing.


Yes. Yeah. So you're in a place where, you know, it's not a place to be forcing results or rushing anything. Hold your integrity, and believe it or not, this is a divine lesson in this I Ching reading. Oh, listen.


Check this out. You may be falling into an abyss. This is a time of difficulty. I like how we're I like how we're looking at it with you for Volley. It's best to yield gracefully, so accept that you're falling into the abyss.


Remain cautious and alert. Help will be arriving from unknown corners. Keep an open mind, and you will find your way out of the current challenges, and you can learn from the lessons in this situation. If a remedy does not present itself soon, remember, every trial that you survive makes you stronger. Good fortune awaits you.


I don't like my luck. It's true. I I I


feel that. I I really do, and it's very aligned with the conversation I was just having before we started this recording. And that is that, like, you know, I mean, it is so massively out of our control, like, everything that happened, that if you if you if you start to try to control elements that you you cannot, it's it's gonna be so overwhelming. It's gonna feel so overwhelming that you you will. You will go into some kind of hysteria or or otherwise.


And so you kinda just have to, like, the only option to move forward is, yes, to keep showing up, but to just be open to, okay, like, I see that we're not going to continue forward in the same way that we were doing. So I'm open to whatever this is. Like, I'm here. I am present. I am ready to, you know, work or, you know, whatever the thing is, serve.


You know? God, world, universe, you're just gonna have to show me the way. Like, I'm here. Like, what's up?


What do you, you know?


Like, you know, looking at it like you're talking about with curiosity and levity. The itching also says coming out of this, it says when the storm hits, it can behoove you to enjoy a glass of wine.


Yeah. You do. You really do. And, you know, I mean, taking any sort of moments to, fill your own cup, whether it be in in that way, just sort of letting loose. And also, you know, the things like we were talking about yesterday, the the the self care type of things, which on occasion, yeah, just sitting back and enjoying a glass of wine is is self care.


If you're not, you know, drifting into self medication.


Right. Consistently. If it's replacing, you're


like Yeah. So, I mean yeah. And I think that's important. And and I know Olivia and I took advantage of the moments that we could just kind of pretend like we were on vacation, you know, when when we were relaxing. Because it's like, we're gonna need this.


We're gonna need all of this, like, good and joyful energy that we can muster when we go back to, you know, whatever we're going back to. And I think that's still true. Like, shit is heavy. And so just like, you know, when I was working in the ICU, you have to maintain a sense of humor and joy even in the darkest of situations, or you will just crumble.


Yeah. You will


fall into the abyss instead of, you know, be lifted and carried and and shown the the path forward.


When you were talking, it was reminding me of Alice in wonder man when she falls into, like, a hole, a rabbit hole. Mhmm.


The rabbit hole. Mhmm.


Right. And just so so many themes in that too with time, and play and, beautiful folly and trickery. So the I Ching talks a lot about, in personal matters, remember that everything cannot be done at once. If you do not take time for recreation and relaxation today, will will tomorrow be any better? So that pretty much just sums up everything you said.


Wise Oracle, Emily.


Shit. Add that to your resume. The spermicul.


Yeah. So you might feel stuck as in in mud, and your enemies may be feeling encouraged. You are in an exposed position. Be cautious and considerate in relationships and be on guard. Be alert to shifting alliances.


Such awareness can prevent harm. I mean, that's kind of, like, also when you're on the top of a, you know, a mountain or you've you've got you've reached a place of lot of success and you're very visible to a lot of people. In this instance, you could just be in a place where you're stuck, and and there may be people that are just watching that and evaluating. So just a little bit of caution there. Nothing's coming particular.


Which I'm glad. So, yeah, so it is still pretty, pretty tricky in terms of the energy, but, you know, building off of standstill and into patience. It's like it's like phases coming out of, grief. Let go of anxious thinking, meditate, remain open, alert, and prepared.




Do not try to alter the path that has been set for you at this time. Rest assured that you are headed in the right direction. Don't become impatient. So, everybody, good job being patient. It's hard to be patient.


I don't like it when Yi Ching advises me to be patient because I like things to just flow and and materialize and be surprising, and patience is just something we all work on all the time. But I love moving forward, just to really embody youthful folly in a healthy way. So in moderation, really observing how you deal with mistakes of your own and of others. So remember, youthful folly, you wanna keep it in a healthy vein and not in a place of ignorance.




It's that children vibe, who is being the teacher, my child or me. And just have your wits about you. You've been through or you've witnessed the the worst and the hardest and, as we were talking about those at abyss vibes, but look for the opportunities to delight in learning and all this help like, healthy children like vibes. Delighting and and joy and wisdom and all. And, I think it's actually an opportune time, this time of the year.


You know, in the US, we're coming up on Halloween, and there's lots of fun events and playing, and it's good weather for us here in Florida, so we get to be outside. And yeah. So there's a lot of looking within yourself, not looking outside of yourself necessarily. Give up trying to convince others that you are right. It's both exhausting and counterproductive.


Allow others to proceed, into whatever they're doing. It may be the only way they can learn, and without learning, no one can achieve success. Care without forcing attention, trying to take care of someone who is unwilling can actually be harmful. Live and let learn. So the healthy and the unhealthy sides of you.


Yeah. Yeah. Don't get reckless. Be intentional with it. But, yeah, allow allow yourself some positive emotions.


It's okay. Even if, you know, even though, not if, even though there's so much sadness and anger and grief and destruction around. And, you know, by by allowing it, for yourself, you give other people around you permission to do the same. Mhmm. Yeah.


Instead of just thinking they need to keep it in because others have it worse. You know? I mean, and that's a noble, like, that's a noble thought or sentiment, but it's it's not helpful to deny our own, pain or experience because someone else had a worse experience. Right. Exactly.


Yeah. Are our cells all experience trauma in the same way, whether it's capital t or little t or, you know, it's really not useful our individual body to try to like rank who whose trauma was worse kind of thing. You know, it it it just doesn't do anybody any good. So so, allowing allowing yourself to acknowledge whatever, you know, feelings that come up for you regardless of what you lost or didn't lose, I think is is super important for everybody.


Everybody's learning so much in this as Yijing talked about and as we've been talking about. You know, very similar to pandemic vibes, there was a lot of going within, and there's a lot of creation that comes out of destruction. Physically and transcendentally. People are, in a mode of creation, hopefully imagination. And, in the vein of youthful folly, hopefully looking at a way to do things that is that brings more joy, like you said, more intentional and can withstand, any future well, withstand better any any future storms, whether it be a hurricane or obstacles.


Yeah. Well,


there's a saying. Right? Like, essentially, innovation comes the best innovation comes from necessity.


Mhmm. I don't


I don't think that's the the exact phrase, but that's that's the gist of it, you know. And I mean, we saw this with, the pandemic and obviously, you know, I don't I don't think there's anybody who would say that that happening was it was a positive thing. But, I mean, so many of us can look back and and find things that we were able to harness, for a positive future that came from the necessities of having to re you know, reevaluate and re rework everything.


I think the whole concept of similar. Yeah. The, like, collaboration concept gets stronger and stronger. You know, we saw it really take off during the pandemic, and now coming out of these natural disasters, and now that we're definitely international, well connected collective, there's so much collaboration that's coming and so many more opportunities. So I think, you know, in terms of moving better in that direction of youthful folly in a healthy way, to help us transcend.


There's there's a lot of hope that we can trust that things are in a creative mode out of distraction.


Yeah. Allow it. Allow it. It's okay. And I wanna put back on my trainer and yoga instructor hat for a second and, remind people, implore people.


Yeah. Like, not only to take on this energy of youthful folly, but acknowledge, be aware that now, right, is the time when we tend to, want to shove aside our our self care type and not even just self care, like, because that almost has an implication of, like, extra things. But I'm talking the foundations of of health. Right? And and we get in this, you know, kind of depressed state, even if that that's a very general term, but to describe a lot of different feelings.


But being in that depressed state makes us want to do you know what I mean? We don't we don't wanna drink water. We don't wanna, you know, take the time out to do a few minutes of of a breathing exercise or a little bit of, you know, gentle movement for our body. And now is the time when we need it most or, you know, we wanna go into it just a processed food coma or, you know, whatever whatever the thing is. We're we're kind of searching for those dopamine hits.


I think that's when we can get in trouble looking for too much of the youthful folly. So, it's it's just really easy to, fall out of habits that are are, you know, caring for yourself and for your body and your physical and mental energy and easy to fall into habits that are taking it exactly in the opposite direction. And it just has a a snowball effect either way, to where you're gonna feel worse and worse and worse, or you're gonna feel better and better and better. So all that is to say just, you know, be aware that you're not gonna feel like doing it. You're not.


But that is your cue that you need to do it the most. Start small. Start with the water. You know what I mean? Start by drinking some water and, and go from there.


Yeah. That's good advice. Mhmm. Yes. I I agree.


And that's that's something that everybody needs. So, and I I love that you're getting that message out there here locally and inviting people to come in and making sure that people have a place to do yoga, to get connected with the community. And I've seen a lot of that, a lot of that just spread throughout. So, I think a lot of of, good support is out there, and people remain connected. And and so that's why I feel a little more hopeful for the area.


I don't feel that, you know, it doesn't doesn't feel people are getting stuck in that loop as much.


Yeah. Well, we we are a, we are a yoga rich area for sure, and, that is, proving to be, definitely to our advantage right now just as a collective because, yeah, you know, that's a great opportunity to just collaborate energetically, you know, be in a room with other people who just who understand what's happening right now and and, you know, a place where you can, you know, move and treat your body in a healthy way, but not under judgment or scrutiny. And, you know, just to be where where exactly where you are in in that moment.


I love that. Yeah. And, you know, to that point, Emily, it's been a while, but we should drop a link inside of the Conscious Collaboration Collective of your class, your restorative class on Sunday. And, you know, for people that aren't living at a yoga rich community that don't have that access, you can join Emily live.


I could go live I could go live, tomorrow at 12:30.


Yeah. That'd be awesome. That'd be good. Mhmm. I like it.


Let's do it. Yay. Alright. Well, I I feel like we're headed in the right direction. That was fun and a good youthful Folly exercise, Emily, showing up today.


So I hope that the listeners, I hope you out there enjoyed Youth Will Folly with us. Tornado. And, oh, you just said it 4 times. It's definitely gonna be our title. So Beetlejuice.


Beetlejuice. Hell find us now on your favorite podcast directory, and you can sync up with us.


This turns out to be our most popular episode.


Yeah. You're welcome. Wouldn't that just be us? It would be. Yeah.


It's perfect. Alright, guys. Well, thanks for showing up today, and we look forward to hearing from you, and I hope to have you inside of the Conscious Collaboration Collective closed and private Facebook group, and we will talk to you in 5.


Talk to you on 5. Bye.


Thank you all so much for listening to our podcast. If you haven't yet, please be sure to subscribe, rate, review, and share with all your friends so they can join our circle of collaboration on this journey. You can find us on Instagram at conscious collaboration podcast on Spotify, iTunes, and Audible to name a few. Please join us next time for another deep dive into how you can live life in more alignment, mind, body, and business. Send us your questions and comments in our DMs or email us at conscious collaboration podcast


See you in 5 minutes.