National Health Executive News

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And here’s today’s news from National Health Executive on Friday the 8th of March 2024
The Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital has joined an elite group of hospitals around the world after it received a coveted digital excellence award. The hospital has become the first trust in Europe to be successfully validated against the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society’s EMRAM stage 7 standards.
A rigorous on-site inspection took place of LHCH’s electronic patient record system and other data functions to evaluate how they contributed to improving patient care and clinical practice. Kate Warriner, the trust’s chief digital and information officer, said that, while the accreditation is a tremendous achievement, there is still more to do in their digital transformation journey.
A new NICE recommendation has addressed a disparity in the access for an advanced kidney cancer treatment. The combination of cabozantinib (cabo-zant-i-nib) and nivolumab (ni-voh-l-mab) has been recommended for untreated renal cell carcinoma, which is the most common form of kidney cancer.
The combination has already been approved for use in Scotland by the Scottish Medicines Consortium, with a similar approval for Northern Ireland existing too. This most recent news is expected to benefit nearly 2,300 people in England and Wales annually.
The first patient in the UK to take part in a women-only cardiac surgery research trial has undergone a life-changing heart operation at University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust. The ROMA Women study is the first ever randomised trial in cardiac surgery that will only recruit women.
The trial is investigating whether using multiple arteries for coronary artery bypass grafts is better than using multiple veins, which is the practice currently followed.
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