It's Where I Am with Zandra Polard

In this engaging episode of "It's Where I Am," host Zandra Polard and special guest Mr. McKnight delve into the significance of Diabetes Awareness Month, debunking misconceptions and sharing personal experiences. From the impact of lifestyle choices on blood sugar to the importance of annual checkups, the duo provides valuable insights. The conversation then takes a lively turn as they discuss travel adventures, sharing budget-friendly tips and the transformative power of exploring new cultures. As the episode unfolds, listeners gain practical advice on maintaining wellness and embracing life's experiences.

What is It's Where I Am with Zandra Polard?

Its Where I Am focuses on the various mental health struggles that people all around the world face every day. Each episode covers a different facet of mental health with a new special guest. It's Where I Am airs on 91.5 Jazz & More every second Saturday of the month.

Unknown Speaker 0:00
You're listening to locally produced programming created in KU NBC Studios on public radio K, u and v. 91.5. You're listening to special programming brought to you by it's where I The content of this program does not reflect the views or opinions of 91.5 jobs and more University of Nevada, Las Vegas or the Board of Regents and the Nevada System of Higher Education.

Zandra Polard 0:49
Good morning Las Vegas. It's Zondra Paul lard and you know the show is it's where I am. Good morning this early 730 in the am Saturday morning. What are you doing this morning? Are you going for that nice walk. I know the air is nice, Chris. clean and cool. Today we're sitting in studio and I have one of my favorite guest. Mr. McKnight is back. Yes, go hosting with me today. i We had so much fun last time. I just man, I had to have you back.

Unknown Speaker 1:27
It's a pleasure to be here. I love being here, actually.

Zandra Polard 1:30
Oh, thank you so much. Well, I wanted you to be here because I want to talk about something really important the month of November. Before all the Thanksgiving food before all the Christmas and all that. Hey, we have to be careful about our blood sugar. So it is Diabetes Awareness Month. Yes. And please don't be fooled to think that your body weight has anything to do with it. Yes, it does. And it doesn't. Because I'm a thin body shape, style, whatever you want to call it. I'm thin I'm spelt period. And I'm pre diabetic. Yes, yes, I've been diagnosed pre diabetic for quite a few years. I started out with gestational diabetes. So that's diabetes when you're pregnant. And I had to take classes and go on this special diet. They had me counting grapes, ruler, dude, they had me counting said I could not have more than eight grapes. Great grapes, right? Nobody was so tough because you know your fruit has sugar in it as well.

Unknown Speaker 2:51
So is it more of a genetic thing when it comes to like, like, can you be sort of like more?

Zandra Polard 3:00
It could be genetics, but really is. It's kind of like what you learn to eat from your family. Right? It really has a lot to do with lifestyle. So like I was talking to my husband earlier today, and he drives truck. So he was saying, you know, I've been eating a lot of sugar and I'm just sitting in the truck. Oh, Red Alert. Boo Boo Boo. You cannot sit around and eat sugar. You got to be moving. Moderation. Yes, everything in moderation. But especially if there's diabetes in your family. Your eating a lot of carbs. You want to make sure that you're exercising. At least take a nice walk for 30 minutes. Get on the treadmill if you don't want to be outside, but get your body moving somehow, someway. Yes. So that being said, Please before we started having all the pies, you know, the peach cobbler, right? Wow, okay, I'm gonna have too little. And you

Unknown Speaker 4:06
know, I said I'm gonna die. But I said Thanksgiving is the day I'm going out. Okay, you guys split banana pudding and everything. Oh, okay.

Zandra Polard 4:15
So, what are you doing now? Oh, you know what? Before you tell us what you're doing now, Mr. McKnight. I also want to make sure that I mentioned the smoothies because I love a smoothie. But smoothies have a lot of sugar. Oh, yes. All that fruit smoothies. I never thought about it that way. So you put juice in the name. You put juice in there. The fructose from the fruit. Oh, wow. That's still all sugar and it still affects your blood sugar. So be careful with those smoothies out there. All right. So now what are you doing Mr. McKnight? What's going on in your life right now? I know you're preparing for Have a fabulous trip to Europe.

Unknown Speaker 5:02
Yeah, um, I actually went to Europe actually a few months. Well, this summer I went for two months. I was with my boyfriend. We went to Germany. We went to Brussels. We went to Paris. We went to Mykonos. Mykonos was my favorite. We went to Croatia, he's from Montenegro. So we were just traveling around Europe, but actually, we're going back. I'm going on November 29. We're going to his home country, which is Montenegro. But we're also going to Berlin as well. So it should be very fun.

Zandra Polard 5:33
Oh, nice. So I hope your job knows that you're going Oh, yeah.

Unknown Speaker 5:39
I had to tell him like, I'm gone.

Zandra Polard 5:43
Alright, so plan those trips. You know, I'm heading on a trip myself. Yes. I'm also Rio Slony. Jamaica. A lot of good pictures. Oh, yeah, definitely will. I'll post them on Instagram. So you kill me with that. That's my new thing. From the young folks. Period. So um, yeah, I was gonna say I'll post them on my social media handles which are, it's where I am l v. Is that algos act? It's where I am. Yeah, that's okay.

Unknown Speaker 6:19
You don't have to put that when they start to that but

Zandra Polard 6:21
oh, I'm old school. Fashion. Okay. Yeah, cuz I still do Facebook.

Unknown Speaker 6:25
This Facebook. Okay. I use it for family though.

Zandra Polard 6:29
For the older generation. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 6:33
Post a few pictures here now. Oh, interactive. But

Zandra Polard 6:35
you're right. It's still it's a good thing. Yeah, so vacationing so important. So this will be my first time vacationing in the winter months. Well, yeah, usually I go into summer like everybody else.

Unknown Speaker 6:49
You're right, because it's gonna be my first time actually as well.

Zandra Polard 6:53
So I get to leave the cold because it's going to be cold out here. I'm jealous. Yeah, it's gonna be like 8085 degrees where I'm at

Unknown Speaker 7:01
beach. Oh. My tie in hand.

Zandra Polard 7:06
Right now I'm gonna have a pina colada. Oh, yeah. But I gotta be careful with that sugar right now. And alcohol

Unknown Speaker 7:17
moderation, moderation. When you get back you'll be in the gym.

Zandra Polard 7:21
Exactly like I was earlier today. You know, before I come on to this radio program, I make sure I do my steps on that treadmill at least 30 minutes a day. So important.

Unknown Speaker 7:35
As you said, Why are you looking

Zandra Polard 7:37
to be like

Unknown Speaker 7:43
I need to get like

Zandra Polard 7:44
you. Yeah, so what are you what are you doing with your exercising?

Unknown Speaker 7:48
So right now, what I do is when I wake up I wake up at like 530 in the morning and mind you I gotta be at work at by seven. Now wake up at 530 in the morning and I do 60 setups go to the gym do 30 minutes on the stair stepper. I can't I can't do treadmill. I don't know why I just cannot do terminal. But I do 30 minutes on the stair stepper do some abs and I'm going

Zandra Polard 8:08
oh, I was just saying stepping on the table.

Unknown Speaker 8:11
But yeah, after that I'm gone. But it's actually been showing me great results though. Like, honestly, it has.

Zandra Polard 8:17
Well you told me about this diet that you have before which I do not recommend to anyone out there. But I will say that you basically were you were getting your protein every day with eggs,

Unknown Speaker 8:30
a lot of vitamins as well. But so I went on to like a very strict diet. I used to be very more my doctor told me I needed to lose weight. And I was around 250 pounds at this time. I was really big. So my doctor told me like you need to start you're young, you need to lose weight, get more healthy, be more active, and I took his advice. But I took I did this thing to where I only ate two boiled eggs a day. Like that's crazy. I was never at first it was so hard but my body got so used to it after a while it was just like, like nothing.

Zandra Polard 9:04
You know what when I used to wake up early in the morning, I would have a boiled egg and some oatmeal and that would hold me over for I

Unknown Speaker 9:11
do that now. Oh really? Right now. Do the Quaker Oats Oh, no, we do that. For them. Good. Okay.

Zandra Polard 9:19
Okay, so I was onto something good. But you know, every once in a while I'd have a slice of bacon with it. I ain't gonna lie. So gotta be careful with that salt and sugar guys, you know, that's really prevalent in you know, especially in our culture we love you know, the salt and salt ship. So be mindful of that diet. Make sure you're doing some exercise. Make sure you treat yourself and do that vacation. And you know what, it's so crazy because there's some people out there listening because some people go on vacation every year, which is great. But some people are like I was which was I didn't go no damn where you know a friend of mine. said, Well, why don't you just take the kids with you? It's like, take the kids with me. I'm trying to be one at right one. Why? And at that time, yeah. And to mostly because I couldn't afford it. That was the barrier. I could not afford to take my whole family. Yeah, I have four kids. You know what I mean? So it was like, six of us going somewhere. That's a lot of money. A lot of

Unknown Speaker 10:27
money. Even though one person right now it's a lot of money to travel.

Zandra Polard 10:33
And Honey, I'm doing mine with the kids go free. But I never realized that option before. You know, because I didn't know that many travelers and those who do travel that I knew didn't have kids. So I didn't realize that I could too.

Unknown Speaker 10:50
That's pretty good. I'm glad you're getting into that. No, yeah, me too. Oh, it's exciting. It is traveling I love traveling so much. It just like it's very cathartic for me. I don't know but it just brings out this difference and I'm just so happy so giddy just I'm in a whole new getting to know a new culture. Beautiful sight is so amazing. So I recommend traveling to anyone it burned me out of a depression as well so

Zandra Polard 11:14
Oh yeah, sure. Well one you got water to you got new scenery something new just so so much to discover and learn

Unknown Speaker 11:23
the most my favorite place I tell people this and they look at me crazy. But my favorite place I tell people have been is was the name of that city. Berlin not Berlin. I'm going there next month. What is the name of that place?

Zandra Polard 11:38
It's in your brain. Not my

Unknown Speaker 11:42
Brussels. No, it's not a German is Brussels. Belgium. Belgium, Belgium. I love Belgium so much. Aren't they known for chocolate? Yeah, the Belgian chocolate.

Zandra Polard 11:51
Dark chocolate. I know there was waffles.

Unknown Speaker 11:56
Because I had those there to

Zandra Polard 11:57
office were amazing girl where they take. I'm like those rascal thin ones. But like to,

Unknown Speaker 12:08
but it was great. Not sure to pitch it later.

Zandra Polard 12:10
Okay. Or you could post it on your Instagram. No, it wasn't no, yeah. What's your social media handles?

Unknown Speaker 12:16
Um, so my instagram name is King dot McKnight. And,

Zandra Polard 12:23
okay, King dot McKnight on Instagram on Instagram. So I was going to also say, what about those who cannot? Who don't have the means or the funds to travel at this time? Because I'm going to tell you, if you put your mind to it. You will.

Unknown Speaker 12:42
Thank you. Thank you. Yes, please add that again.

Zandra Polard 12:45
If you put your mind to it. You will. Okay.

Unknown Speaker 12:48
Thank you. So,

Zandra Polard 12:50
I will recommend to start with your local museum. Because when I was a kid, we used it like for fun on the weekends. We used to go to the museum, but I'm also from Los Angeles. So there are a lot of us have

Unknown Speaker 13:05
a lot of options. Exactly. In Detroit. I actually I've never been to for a field trip or something. I don't remember. I've never been to a museum in Detroit. But I've actually just started getting into into museums. My boyfriend took me to a museum. It was some art museum. And it was like how he explained it like you imagine you have on a headset and like the recorder and you're walking. But he's just next to me. And he's so intelligent. He's so knowledgeable with things and he's just telling me everything we're admiring the paintings or sculptures that was so big, so I just started going

Zandra Polard 13:44
Oh, that's awesome. Yeah, your own personal. What's it called West? Curator is a curator. I don't know I don't want to have radios.

Unknown Speaker 13:58
Yeah, it's crazy. Um, guide or like, something like that. Okay.

Zandra Polard 14:03
All right. Well, whatever. Y'all are an airway. Hit me up and let me know what the real name is. But that will be my recommendation. Start with the museum. And I know here when we lived in Las Vegas, I will take the kids to the Natural History Museum here they have on Las Vegas Boulevard. Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 14:25
I don't see one at all. It's super

Zandra Polard 14:26
small, however, and they kind of mix a whole bunch of other stuff in there because they're like you know, we got a museum that stuff at all in here. But there's some pretty cool pretty cool stuff.

Unknown Speaker 14:37
When I look at museums here I see a lot of like, like, what does immersive museums are like the ones with the 3d projectors and all that but when I tried to look for like a fine arts museum or anything, it's it's so hard to find here. So

Zandra Polard 14:48
Oh, no, you got to go to Lila. Yeah, well, yeah, but they do have artwork in like smaller, boutique type settings. So she shops. I know there's a few and Tivoli village and where are the art museums? It's where I am LV. And let me know where those art museums are out here. I don't have to search for everything you guys can let me know. Period. So what will be your suggestion? So I got museum.

Unknown Speaker 15:18
So my suggestion when it just comes for budgeting, this is my situation. When I started traveling, I really didn't have that much money. Honestly, I just had a strong determination to go somewhere. So what I did was like, after a while, like I was getting paid, of course, like going to work, paying bills, of course, but still, I will put a certain amount of money away just for things like going on a trip or just like leisure things. So when you do that, and you get into that mindset of saving for what you want, and really having strong determination on when you want to do something. No one can stop you.

Zandra Polard 15:53
Because I know when some of y'all want those shoes, you're by that money to get them Donald shoes or that purse. Yeah. So what is it that you want? Do you want something material? Or do you want to experience life time? Experience? Yeah. You know, time just absolutely flies when you are here. We have so much fun. And we've given so much information so fast. You know, but we did forget to talk about the diabetes centers we have here in Nevada. So you found one, and it is

Unknown Speaker 16:28
yeah, so a great resource for getting more information on diabetes here in Nevada, Las Vegas would be the Nevada Diabetes Center. They have a website. Actually. It's diabetes and You can find more information about that. Things there. Okay,

Zandra Polard 16:43
do they have phone number? Yeah, they also they do have a phone number. Of course, you know, some people are old fashioned. They want them they want phone number. So let's get him the phone number as well.

Unknown Speaker 16:54
So that phone number for them is going to be

Zandra Polard 16:59
as you scroll. Time to scroll. That's fine.

Unknown Speaker 17:03
Yeah. So the Nevada Diabetes Center phone number is going to be 702-388-4876. And they're located at 620. Shadow lane, Las Vegas, Nevada. 89106.

Zandra Polard 17:18
And please don't ever forget to do your yearly or annual checkup with your your what is it called? Physician? Yeah, your physician? Because you need to get your your blood work done every year. Yeah, that is so important. Your blood work tells you so much about what's going on in your mind. Yeah, so blood sugar levels are important thyroid levels, you know, thyroid. That's like one of the top cancers. Oh, wow, that they have. I don't know what number I'm sure it's one, two or three.

Unknown Speaker 17:54
But yeah, getting your bloodwork done is very important and also prevents you from like getting other stuff as well. Like they can see that they can see that off from your bluff. Oh, getting blood tests are very important.

Zandra Polard 18:03
Yes. And do that every year. Right? Yeah. All right. So I'm so glad you were here to help us give this very important information. I am looking forward to after the show. We are going to take a brisk walk straight to the bar. Just just it's morning time. We just have a little What is it called Bloody Mary. Mary get the morning going.

Unknown Speaker 18:28
No other drink called the orange with the orange. Mimosa mimosa.

Zandra Polard 18:33
Yeah, only because it's Saturday. And then afterwards, you know, we'll do a little spring moderation. Spring cleaning in the wintertime? Yeah. All right, everybody. I want to thank you so much for tuning in to 91.5. It's where I am with Zondra and my special co host Mr. McKnight. And next week, we will have Paula J. Parker, on the show from The Proud Family. And some of my favorite old movies such as Oh, I shouldn't say Oh, but some of my classic movies that I love, which are Friday. What else I had a wild Hustle and Flow inflow. So I'm looking forward to that. Oh, yeah. Paula has no filter. She's gonna lay it all out. She has a podcast that she's coming on to promote. And we're looking forward to her being here. We've been friends for a few decades. Yes. So I've said it before. I'll say it again. I did her hair nails for the movie Friday. Oh yeah. Period, I went to the premiere movie and party and oh my god, and we used to have so much fun. Oh my god. So I'm really looking forward to her coming here. We're gonna have lots of laughs and fun. And if you've missed any portion of this broadcast, you know you can always find it on your favorite social media platform. I am on Apple, Spotify, Amazon and Google. And of course, I gave you my social media handles which are, it's where I am l v. Also, you can find me on YouTube. And my website is www dot. It's where I There's resources there. Also, you can go straight to some of my favorite shows from there. And I'm here every Saturday at 7:30am. Looking forward to talking with you guys. Are you guys listening to the show next week? And thank you, I'll talk to you 7:30am Next Saturday, it's where I am. Mr. McKnight. Yeah, let's play a song and take it back. I want to hear how sweet it is to be loved by you. Since we're talking about diabetes let's talk about some sweets Okay, let's say sing and dance to some and then I'm gonna let you play one of your faves. Okay, what do you want to when you want to play?

Unknown Speaker 21:04
My favorite song right now is you and me by Jake Shelby.

Zandra Polard 21:07
All right, Jake Shelby let's check it out let's check out you and me

Unknown Speaker 21:21
yes is to be loved

Unknown Speaker 21:32
needed to shell of someone's arms

Unknown Speaker 21:37
and you

Unknown Speaker 21:41
need to understand my ups and downs right sweet

Unknown Speaker 21:55
my mobile I'm gonna stop

Unknown Speaker 21:58
and thank you and thank you

Unknown Speaker 22:25
guys eyes and wonder what would I be without you in mind

Unknown Speaker 22:33
everything was just all the things I did since I've done them before but hold with so many ways to stop and thank you Dave and thank you

Unknown Speaker 23:04
oh yes

Unknown Speaker 23:12
yes it is

Unknown Speaker 23:24
you are better to me than I've been to my husband

Unknown Speaker 23:33
stop and pain stop

Unknown Speaker 23:56
smart shooter

Unknown Speaker 24:19
see keep Andhra

Unknown Speaker 24:26
The Winter's coming back years ago and you close this snow

Unknown Speaker 24:37
the change is this

Unknown Speaker 25:00
Are you smart enough to believe hasn't been the last

Unknown Speaker 25:23
is to

Unknown Speaker 25:31
is to do this for you

Unknown Speaker 26:06
nothing can stop nothing can change

Unknown Speaker 26:22
love thinking stop thinking

Unknown Speaker 26:43

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