Twist My Arm Podcast

Welcome back to Quest Me! The podcast that takes you on a quest through the latest Star Wars project!

For the next 7 weeks we will be discussing and breaking down The Acolyte episode by episode!

On this weeks episode Josh, Justin, and Phil are joined by Jessi from the Crusher Convo podcast to talk about episode 5 of The Acolyte! Was the reveal surprising? Did the series redeem itself with the fans and who would win in a fight, Qimir or Darth Maul?

A Bar Far Away Recipe
Stun Blaster
1.5 dry gin
1.5 dry vermouth
.25 green creme de menthe
.25 absinthe
Please Drink Responsibly

Links for Jessi and Crusher Convo
Crusher Convo Website
Follow Jessi on Twitter!
Subscribe to Crusher Convo on YouTube
Follow Crusher Convo on Instagram

Follow Justin on Instagram HERE
Follow Phil on
Twitter HERE
Take a peek at Phils Blog,
"The Swords of the Ancients" HERE

Be sure to follow Quest Me(TMA) at the links below!

Opening music
Arrival in utopia by soundbay

Closing Music
Mysterious Sci Fi

The opinions expressed in this podcast are just that, opinions. Copyright TMA Studios. All Rights Reserved

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What is Twist My Arm Podcast?

Welcome to the Twist My Arm Podcast! We're here to twist your arm into something new!

Hello, everyone,

and welcome to another

episode of Quest Me.

My name is Josh, and of course,

I am your host.

And I'm coughing all over the place,

and I am excited to talk

about The Acolyte, Episode 5,

also known as Night.

Like I said, Twist My Arm.

Well, this is Quest Me,

brought to you by Twist My Arm.

I gotta say that every episode now,

because I'm trying to be

all under one roof at this point, so...

quest me is brought to you

by twist my arm podcast you

can find us anywhere just

by searching twist my arm

podcast now before we go

any farther I have to

introduce all the people

that are here with me so

I'm going to do it in one

fell swoop here we go we

got justin we got phil and

we got our lovely guest

jesse from the crusher

convo podcast thank you all

for joining me tonight

let's go around the room

justin how are you doing today

I am wonderful.

Been hiking and been hanging

out with the family,

and now I get the podcast.

All right.

Phil, how are you, sir?

I am doing really well.

I am just off of work for the night,

had some dinner,

and made drinks for y'all.


But we'll get there in a minute.

Of course, and we will, always.

And Jesse,

thank you so much for coming and

hanging out and for

adjusting your schedule

because originally we had

planned on doing this tomorrow,

but now we're doing it tonight.

Only for you, Josh.

How have you been?

It's been a couple months now, I think,


Yeah, something like that.

I mean, yeah, just been busy.

It's kind of like with Phil.

I was at work all day and

then came rushing home and

now I'm crossing the streams.

So on the dark side today.


By crossing the streams, of course,

Jessie means that she is a

full-blown Trekkie, Trekker,

Star Trekkian.


I'm a Trekkie.

I like to go by Trekkie,

but some people do go Trekker,

so that's fine.

Whatever floats their boat.

A Trekkie is a Star Trek fan.

A Trekker is someone who

insists that you call them a Trekkie.

There we go.

That's fair.

And, of course, thanks, everyone,

that's in the chat and

watching the stream right now.

We are on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram,

and TikTok.

So I'm trying to pay attention to everyone,

but there's a lot going on.

So thanks to Leslie and D-Man and,

of course,

Ro from Scarab Scuttlebutt

Podcast for joining us.

and a shout out to my

twitter friend leslie who

because I'm streaming this

on my twitter account right

now so she says hello hello

yeah it's good to see

everyone um it's good to be

back talking about star

wars and oh my god what an

episode we have to discuss

I had a gut feeling

remember I went with my gut yeah

i was just going with my gut

because last time when I

did the mandalorian with

you I picked up episode

three and I was like okay

which one should I go three

again should I do something

different and five five

felt good so I'm glad it

worked out but three was

good too so I would have

won either way yeah I would

say five is probably the

best one so far that's

right in the middle so you get the climax


I think that was her plan all along.


Before we get too far into it,

we always have a special

first segment and we like

to go to a place called...

It's a bar far away where

our lovely bartender, Phil,

likes to talk about the amazing,


and also tasty drinks that

he's got going on.

So what are you mixing up over there today,



because we were on a quick

turnaround time this week,

I found a recipe last night

for something called a knockout martini,

which is gin, dry vermouth, absinthe,

and creme de menthe.

And I thought, you know what?

I can make something like

that for a Star Wars

setting that's actually

appropriate to this episode.

So I present to you the stun blaster.

Oh, that's a perfect name.



So this is an ounce and a half of dry gin.

In this case, I used Lee Spirits dry gin.

They were a local distillery

and are unfortunately no

longer in operation.

So I actually just cracked

open my last bottle of

their plain dry gin for

this cocktail especially.

So ounce and a half of dry gin,

ounce and a half of dry vermouth,

in this case, Noily Pratt,

a quarter of an ounce of absinthe.

And I went with a quarter of

an ounce of green creme de

menthe versus the white

creme de menthe to actually

add to the spectacular

green color that you get from this.

Between the absinthe and the

creme de menthe, it is just...

stunningly green.

It's very green, yes.

And the knockout martini is

traditionally garnished with a bit,

like a star anise pod.

So the...

herb that gives the flavor

profile that licorice

profile flavor to absinthe

and similar liqueurs but I

opted just for a cocktail

cherry because it's a

pretty just gorgeous

contrast to the green and

it tastes really good so

yeah this is a stun blaster

remember to always drink responsibly

And, of course,

that recipe will be in the

show notes if you would

like to try it out at home.

Good Lord.

They're always just so intricate.

There's going to be a time

where I have ingredients

that I can actually have.

I'm just saying.

It's art.

I was a bartender for two

and a half years.

It is art.

I'm just a hobbyist.

I've never actually worked behind a bar.

It's so much fun.

The only time I've actually

ever been behind the bar is

during the couple of

competitions I've done.


it's a lot of fun yeah that

was like the best time I

ever had I mean and cutting

I mean cutting people off

was not fun but you know

but uh the rest of it you

know yeah but yeah it is it

is quite tasty it is very

much a uh jelly bean uh

like a black jelly bean kind of flavor so

Of course,

thank you for bringing that again.

One of these days, I swear,

I am going to start making these drinks,

and I'm going to have to go

back seasons and check some old,

old drinks.

I have.

I still have the backlog.

I still have the backlog of

recipes for the Gorian's

Blog from Mandalorian.

Yeah, exactly.

So many ingredients, though.

Yeah, I know.

But I guess it's that thing,

once you have it, you have it.


And the home bar setup I

have is a process to

acquire the various ingredients.

Well, I just got that Tatooine dream.

The Tatooine dream.

The Tatooine dream.

Add the blue dolphin.

Ice water.


it's good though it worked

out so all right now that

we've gone to the bar far

away let's move on to

acolyte episode five

because holy cow there's a

lot a lot so um as per

usual I did write my own

synopsis because I like to

do that even though they

just get progressively worse and worse um

This episode, I called it,

Are You Not Entertained?

Because... Are you not entertained?

Man, the amount of people backtracking now,

like, Oh, sorry,

this episode was actually kind of cool.

The acolyte might be

actually kind of good.

Maybe I should just wait until it ends.


It's been fun to watch.

So in this action-packed

episode 5 of The Acolyte,

all of our favorite

characters are just taken away from us.

We haven't seen this type of

Jedi carnage since episode 3 and Order 66,

but I am here for it.

We have some questions answered,

but we also ask a few new

ones by the end of the episode.

Like, are we in Westeros right now?

um this episode was directed

by alex garcia lopez uh

written by core odonna

cameron squires and of

course leslie headland it

stars amanda stenberg long

lead jung jay and charlie

barnett um I haven't done

that yet so I figured I

should do that now I think

I'll through all the

writers and the directors and stuff um

But this episode, just right into it.

Just straight into the action.

Osho wakes up on the ground

and is just kind of looking

around and seeing everyone get destroyed.

This whole episode was just a fight.

This was just one giant fight scene.

And if it was in a movie,

like we've talked about

this whole season...

If this was just a movie,

then this would be the Act 2 climax,

basically, where we get the sweet action.

It's like the pod racing in Episode 1.

Or any big piece of action

in the middle of any movie.

This would be that piece.

So now we're going to get...

the finale right the last

three episodes are going to

be the third act where we

get to see you know all of

our questions answered and

from what I understand this

is only a one season series

so I'm assuming they're

going to wrap it all up

into hopefully a nice kind

of half bow or something

I'm sure they hope so

they're losing cast members

left and right here yeah um

so let's just get right

into it like rogue one

where everyone just dies

and that's it that's it

And then we get a prequel to it.

Honestly, that could be what happens.


you know they brought ki

kiari mundi in and so he

thinks the sith have been

extinct for for a

millennium so if everyone

just dies then it still

holds true yeah exactly but

let's start with you jesse

what have been your

thoughts of the acolytes so

far and then how did you

feel after this episode

So it's been hit and miss for me.

I feel like like episode one,

I was actually kind of bored.

But then episode two, I got more excited.

I really enjoyed episode

three and that I dropped

episode four until the last five minutes.

And then we get into this episode.

So I've just been on a

roller coaster of like, like it.

I don't know.

Here we go.

The thing about this episode,

like you said, it was just action.

It was just a full-on fight.

And it was, like,

now I see where the budget went to.

It went to the choreography

and the special effects.

Everything was just perfect

with this fight scene.

I enjoyed it up until May and Osha.

And we can discuss that a

little bit later.

But everything else, like you were saying,

the surprises with Jackie and is it Yord?



What about Pip?

Because she's like, I love you.


So there was just so much going on.

And I was very suss about that guy.

I can't remember his name.

We were just calling him Dark.




But I was like, he's suss.

I don't know if he's one,

but there's something with him.

And so but the actor, hell of a good job,

because this is a complete

opposite of what he's been

playing these last, you know,

those four episodes.


I think overall,

this was a really good climax to it.

And now I have no idea where

we're going with this.

We had so many theories at this point.

It's anyone's game.

We heard Kylo Ren's music

when he was there.

And there was... So there's

different theories about that.

There's the question about

him being a Sith.

I was thinking of like, was it...

Palpatine's master.

I can't remember his name.

I was like, is he going to show up?


I was all like, there's so many things.

I'm still thinking though

that the witches are still involved.

Oh yeah.

We need that episode.


I think for sure.

And we can talk more about

that in a minute, but yeah, it's just,

there's now there's just more,

more questions.

So did any of you watch the

good place episode?

I was just going to bring that up.

No, no.

Yeah, no,

because Manny Jacinto is just an

absolutely phenomenal actor.

And he is getting to show so

many different strengths,

especially like just in

this episode alone.


Oh, yeah.


I agree.

I went live earlier.

I did a little fun TikTok

live for the show prep thing.

And that was one big topic

was that he had such a wide

range in this episode

compared to... I mean,

from what I understand, in The Good Place,

he was more of a comedic actor.

Oh, very much so.

He wasn't very serious or

anything like that.


having him be that bumbling

fool and then turning

around and being this just

ridiculous martial artist

yeah it was it was really

fun to see and it yeah and

it really was reminiscent

of you know yoda or

palpatine where they you

know yoda and empire

strikes back shows up like

he's like he's you know an

idiot and then ends up

being grandmaster yoda and

same with palpatine you know he's

the Chancellor and kind of

dopes around a little bit

and then ends up being you know,

the Sith Lord,

so I think he did a really

good job of playing both

parts and by the end of this episode,

I fully believed that he

was a dark side user like

he he didn't necessarily say

he is sith he said the jedi

might refer to me as sith

so he didn't necessarily

say come out and say I'm

sith he like basically is

like I this is this is the

word that has been applied

to people like me in the past


And it's it's more like he's

using his power for his own way.

Like he had a big speech about, you know,

I just want to be left

alone to use this power the way I want.

And, you know,

his his way of doing it is

killing 20 Jedi in a matter

of five minutes.

He's the force using version.

He's the force wielding

version of a libertarian.

Yeah, there you go.

It was a fascinating character, though,

to see.

Especially his whole, what,

you didn't guess?


Did no one guess?

A lot of people did.

I just felt like I was the

only one on the show to be like, oh yeah,

I knew this was going to happen.

I knew that was going to happen.

I didn't want it to happen, but I saw it.

I didn't want it to be him.

I'm glad it is now that I've

seen the reveal.

Come on.

There's two classically

trained mixed martial artists there.

I knew it was going to be him.

And that's fair.

Just looking at his background.

it, it tracks.

So, no, no, no judgment.

Were you like,

we did discuss this last

week on the episode.

Um, we talked about, you know,

one of my biggest notes was,

so come here's the, the master, right?

Like that was,

I think we all pretty much

came to the conclusion that

it was either going to be

one of the witches or kind of him.


um were you guys I mean his

line when he says you know

you're surprised or

whatever I feel like that

was directed at the

audience oh very much very

much like because everyone

last week you know was and

now and now people are

upset about that they're

mad it was too obvious and it's like


You can't even... Come on.


nobody hates Star Wars like Star

Wars fans.

I know.

And yeah, it was pretty obvious,

but I think you go back to

the prequels and it was

pretty obvious that Darth

Sidious was Palpatine.


Again, it's Star Wars.

It's what it is,

and it's what it always has been.

I was pretty happy with it,

and I was really excited to

see him in action,

even though he did wipe out

the entire crew.

He did it in a crazy fashion.



I mean,

this whole episode was basically an

extended fight sequence.

oh yeah it was stellar but

it would it hop around to

hand-to-hand combat to

multiple people on one to

solo battles it was such a

dynamic fight though

exactly and it showcased so

many of the different

actors strengths throughout

just between the the saber

combat and the um

hand-to-hand fighting the

actual like uh martial art

aspect of things versus

just the sword play they

they were killing it it was

amazing I liked even uh

learning how to break dance

with his neck oh dang too

soon man too soon that one

hurt it did all of them

hurt and we'll get into that um

the one thing that I really

wanted to talk about because yeah,

the fight scene was cool.

Every, you know, all the, all the,

all the fun stuff,

but his cuffs and his helmet.

Do you guys know what the,

what that was made out of?

Have you guys heard of this yet?

Phil, I'm sure you already know,

but Justin or Jesse, do you,

do you guys know what it is?

someone had mentioned it in

a chat it was like

something or I can't

remember what they had

mentioned um it's it's a

it's a metal called uh

cortosis and what it does

is it absorbs energy it can

uh like it'll absorb blaster fire

right so it so like when

osha shot the stun gun at

him he uh absorbed it

basically and that's that's

what that does yep and then

when he hits the

lightsabers it basically

sends the lightsaber back

to the crystal and then

shorts it out for a small

period of time yeah I was

wondering about that I was

all like what is going on

with the yeah why are

everybody's why are

everybody's lightsabers

suddenly shorting out I

just thought they were fragile

Like, oh, you're disabled.

No, that was the thing.

It was really fun to see.

It was really,

really fun to see it in action.

And it's something from the Old Republic.

It's a really old Legends

thing that they brought in.

Like you?

Yeah, it's from the Old Republic,

from the Legends EU.

Yeah, old EU.

But, I mean,

these guys don't know what

they're doing when they're

writing this show, clearly.

They're just pulling from, like,

crazy spots.

But they don't know what they're doing.

I thought that was a really

interesting tidbit, though.

And to see the lightsabers get, like,

sent back into the hilts.

And then every Jedi just going,

what the fuck?

You know, they're looking at it.

That was there.

They were just they were so confused.

And it plays into the whole

thing where the Jedi just

think that they're so

powerful that nothing can touch them.


And then they frazzle out.


Because they just don't know what to do.

They just think I'm fine.

Even Yord said it about Jackie saying, oh,

well, she's a Jedi.

She could take care of herself.

And she could.

Until she couldn't.

They did not know who they

were going up against.

That was a hell of a trick, too,

by the way.

Which trick?

There was a lot of tricks in this episode.

The end of the portion of

the fight against Jackie.

Oh, yeah.

Oh, where he pulled out.


That's wow.

I'm trying really hard to.

Yeah, we'll save that.

We'll save that for segments.

I know.

I gotcha.

That's why.

And people that have seen

the episode know exactly

what we're talking about.


But on the topic of tricks,

this dude had all the tricks in the book.

Just the lightsaber toss alone.

The tree cut scene was so good.

When the director said she

was bringing back the

lightsaber fighting from the prequels,

oh yeah, she definitely did.

Nailed it.

Man, some of those tricks, dude.

What else?

The double-bladed lightsaber

thing was very interesting.

I guess it's not double-bladed,

but he split it up.

Does this lightsaber have

two crystals in it?

Is that what was going on?

I have no idea.

I would assume it has to

because it's akin to Maul's

lightsaber in episode one,

but just condensed into the

smaller handle.

And it basically let him

achieve the Daisho.


Am I losing my mind?


Yeah, Daisho.


Like a Katana and a Katana-Wakizashi pair.



Ghost of Tsushima kind of stuff.


Just the standard samurai side blade.

The short sword.

It's Kitana Wakazashi Tanto,

which is like a dagger.


Different lengths of samurai swords.


It was a cloak and dagger situation, too,

just because, again,

the Jedi were not expecting

this to be coming.

He tricked them in every way possible.

because they just didn't

think it was possible.

And I love that you I love

that you use that phrase because I mean,

that's basically exactly

what he used as his weapons

at different points in the fight, too.

He literally threw his cloak

at Master Saul.

That's true.

And pulled the the

lightsaber dagger out on Jack on Jackie.


he used every trick in the book for him.

I'm wondering if he's got

anything else up his sleeve.

I think the last thing that

maybe we will get revealed

is that he's not the master.

That he's the... We should

talk about that part.

I have a theory.

All these two there are.


And maybe that's why he's

trying to recruit because he did say,

you know, I want an acolyte.

I want someone to train.


You got to think that

there'd be some someone

else behind the scenes.


you said you have a theory about that.

So, like I said earlier,

I really think that the

coven had something to do with it.

Like one of the mothers.

I think the,

I'm so bad with all these names.

Corill and Onasea.

So Corill was the redhead

one that carried the twins?


And then Onasea.

Mother Corill and Mother Onasea.


so I think it's kind of like an eye

for an eye situation.

I think... Chimere?

Is that how you say his name?


Chimere, okay.

I think he's somehow related to Sol.


And with the coven, like...

like, uh, like her,

she would be like an eye

for an eye situation.

Like you took OSHA from me.

So I'm going to take

something precious from you

and turn them into the dark side,

because it seems like this

is a whole revenge thing.

And so it was like,

there's something familiar about you.

And he's all like, yes, there is.

Have you not guessed this?

And we're thinking it's because, you know,


you should have guessed it was the

bumbling idiot who was helping me.

But in reality, um,

It's more than that.

It's more personal.

And of course he made the idea of,

you know,

what did you do with your darks darkness?

So that's where I'm on board.

I'm on board for that.

I love it.

I like that.

I like this a lot.

That also furthers that theory,

and this just kind of proves your point,


I like to find different translations.

The translation for Anasea

was... What was that?

Do you remember?

I don't remember at this point.

Now I'd have to bring it over my notes.

But it had something to do

with the relation of...

her and someone else.

So chimer,

if you actually say if come

kamar in Arabic stands for moon,

soul stands for sun, sun.


there's another connection there

between two people.

You got, you know, Osha and Mei.

They're kind of the yin and the yang.

You got the light and the dark in them.

You have Sol and Chimera.

You got the sun and the moon in them.

And then you had... Anasea

was Greek for resurrection.

That's what it was.

Anasea was Greek for resurrection.



And so I think that that's

not a coincidence.

You know, that's not on accident.

Star Wars is big about their names.

And I think it was after OSHA.


With all the references,

why wouldn't they have them be related,


And it comes back to the

whole concept of duality

that we've been dealing

with this entire series.

With the twins, with the day-night,

with the various other

episode titles that are

featuring elements of duality.

That is our overarching

theme of this entire thing.


And they clearly want OSHA.

Like he was more he was

disappointed in me.


And he was upset that she

wasn't the the right acolyte for him.

But he was more, I want to say,

sensitive or caring to OSHA

when she was on the floor.

So I always just felt like

they were using me just to get OSHA.

He was really the main character.

So that's what I was trying to clock.

And it just seemed like Sol

knew something about him

that he just couldn't grasp, right?

What was the big thing with

Rey and Kylo and their dyad?

What made the dyad so special?

was it that they were

connected and like could

take down the emperor like

I don't I don't remember

the point of the dyad just

that they could talk to

each other through space

basically they were two

linked through the force so

like one school or

something like the yin and

yang type situation

That's what I kind of think

Osha and Mei are.

Of course, dyad.

The dyad that was seen

generations prior to Kylo and Rey.

And there's got to be

something there with that.

But again, all these different references,

it would make sense for Sol

to be related or somehow

connected with Chimera.

Which could be why they were

playing Kylo's theme with Chimera.

People were mentioning about

the Knights of Ren.

Then, of course,

they mentioned about the Sith.

There's so many different

options about how this could play.

I still think that Green

Lady Jedi person also is

somewhere in the mix of

this because that's just

how it all started.

They were good people in the

midst of pretending to be

to bring them down.

That was the whole point.

They were, what's it called?

Like, um, uh,

Oh, my mind is blanking out.

It was a long work day.

But they were just like

sneaking in and pretending

to be the good guys when in

reality they weren't.


Like a double agent.


So, you know, I've seen this in Star Trek,

you know,

so it's just like they pretend

to be the good and they

were really the bad guy.


And I just feel like there's

just they're infiltrating, like you said,

to to bring them down.


that kind of leads me back to what if

Carrie Ann Moss is not dead

and she's part of this as well?



I don't see it being possible.

That there was something

from the inside that

they're getting broken up

from the inside.

You know what I mean?

They're trying to take them

out from the inside.

It was basically they're

trying to do what Palpatine did,

but you're going to see

them fail in their mission.

I don't know.

I feel like there's a lot of

different theories that we

could talk about,

and it could go either way.

I also like the theory that, you know,

Chimera is out there looking for someone,

but gets found by someone, i.e.

Plagueis or Palpatine or

something like that.

where he's you know

wandering and all of a

sudden Plagueis comes in

and he's like oh what's up

question for you guys do

you think they would

actually throw in Snoke

somehow into this because

you know I know Snoke was

brought up but we never

knew much about him so I

wasn't sure if they were gonna


I think the Bad Batch was the answer

to Snoke,

or was the Bad Batch was kind

of... An attempt.

What they were doing to, yeah,

to kind of explain that away, because...

Various iterations at cloning Palpatine.

Got it.


Trying to have four sensitive clones.

Was it Mando 3 or Ahsoka?

I mean Mando 1, 2, and 3.

Moff Gideon most recently

Dr. Pershing was the one

that was getting into

cloning and trying to it

was called Operation Necromancer

Operation Necromancer is

what they called it.

And that is the Snoke origin, I think.

It had to do a little bit

with the Bad Batch,

and then they bring

Necromancer back when the

Shadow Council is around and stuff.

I think this, though,

it might be a little more

for Knights of Ren.


I'm showing a little bit of that.

This is an entire setup for

the whole force and implanting pregnancy.

This is an entire setup for that.

It could be both.

It absolutely could.

I mean,

Chimera's helmet is very

reminiscent of the kind of

garb that we see the

Knights of Ren wearing.




The whole toothy smile thing.

What if Chimera's last name is Ren?

Chimera Ren.

I just think of the worst

shit that fans would go...

What could piss them off the most?

Let's do this.

Last week we were talking

about if Coral ended up being Plagueis,

she comes out and she's like,

my name is now Plagueis.


the fanboys would burn Disney World

to the ground.

There is such thing as too many answers.

yeah uh but anyway let's

let's move on from from

that whole thing because

there's a few other things

to talk about in this

including pip and the way

that he was used to kind of

pull a what was it who got

pulled sacrificed I don't

think he's I don't think

he's gone he's a murderer

no no as you could see in

my name basil and pip are

on the hunt like yeah

It was a heroic sacrifice.

It was a heroic sacrifice.

Hold on.

It wasn't a heroic sacrifice.

Well, he was sacrificed,

but it was my choice.

He's like, whoa, wait, what the hell?

He had no choice in it.

He didn't even have to argue with her.

That was brilliant, though.

The whole thing with the

moths was so good.

Talking about last episode

and me wanting to see the moths,

I'm glad that I got to.

I didn't think about they were nocturnal.


we got to befriend one of them and

we'll name it Moth Gideon.

That's awesome.

train it um but so on with

with this scene it was one

of the cooler I mean yard

yard yard yard yard but

this whole episode he was

just so excited to get out

of there they're like get

the civilian out he's like get

civilian now let's go like

he was ready to go and it

took you know who who

screamed uh jackie screams

and that's when that's when

osha is that's when we got

back yeah and so finally

he's like she's a jedi she

could take care of herself

and then they were still

right and then she's like

no we got to go back

they're gonna all die and

that's where he was like

okay like I'll listen you know

But the idea to take all those bugs back,

I didn't think those bugs

were going to come back.

I thought it was kind of a

one-off sort of thing.

And then here we are.

I would take a figure of one of those.

I would take a toy of one of those.

Those are the scariest things.

Definitely a better payoff.

Definitely a better payoff

than I had anticipated

after Sol took down the one.

It was a lot scarier in the

previous episode, I thought.

Because suddenly it is

actually nighttime in the

middle of this alien jungle.


And you have bugs that are

the size of your torso.

Yeah, I was... In episode four,

that one scene with the bugs, I was like,

that was useless.

But it was because it was

playing out for the next episode.

I'm just enjoying watching

Justin get twitchy about

the giant bugs right now.

It's funny, I catch bugs and I study bugs,


giant ones no thank you

those things are disgusting

um but they definitely

served a good purpose and

they got they did what they

needed to do although pip

kind of suffered from it I

do like the thought of

basil and pip going on

their own adventure I would

watch that show yeah yeah absolutely

They're stuck on the planet.

And you know what?

He knows that Yord got

killed and he's all like,

now I'm avenging his death, right?

He's like, I'm going after him.

And again, Basil, as far as we can tell,

is not force sensitive in any way,

shape or form.

he's just he's a tracker he

smells well I'm not saying

he smells good I'm not

saying he smells good

because he probably doesn't

but he smells well

oh he picked up may real

quick yeah yeah um so let's

on the topic of your dying

everybody fucking died in

this episode everyone

everyone except for we have

what four people left soul

may osha chimer that's it

and I guess if you count

basil yeah sure so that's a

little diet on the planet let's be honest

Those are the only

characters that are left

aside from the Jedi and at

the at the council.


What do you what was your

like biggest oh shit moment

of this episode?

Because there was a lot and

most of them came at the deaths.

Justin, let's start with you.

biggest oh shit moment um

how about the opening scene

when she wakes up to the

ground and sees a dead face

right next to her that

literally set the precedent

of the entire episode for

me and that just was I was

like oh yes here here's the

what I want and need yeah

phil what about you uh

um just because she's the

padawan uh jackie yeah

because it was so it was

incredibly sudden and

incredibly brutal yeah it's

just done the three hole punch yeah wow

she did I I'm sitting here

sitting here with the

triforce over my head and

just like one two three two

I mean it was phenomenal

jesse what was your biggest moment

Well, Phil took my answer,

but I will add a second one.

It's fine.

It's, you know, even though I'm the guest,

I should have gone.

I'm just kidding.

But you know what?

But no, Jackie and Yord.


Because yeah,

Lord went back listening to OSHA.

And then when he was like, it's you.

And then it happened.

So I don't mean to use a snap,

but it happened so quickly

and it was brutal.

Three snaps in legendary Z formation.

I mean, it was like quick and done.

And you're like,

I blinked and I missed it.

And then he just chucked him.

Just chucked him to the side.

Force chucked him.


And it was like, oh, oh, shit.

That was it.

That was just like,

what the hell is going on?

And at that point, you're thinking, okay,

is Sol going to die?

Because we just don't know

what's going to happen.

Where are we going to go?

Where are we going to go

with the next three episodes?


That's what I thought.

I thought Cole was going to die.

My biggest moment was the Jedi skewer.

I think the Jedi skewer was

when I realized that this

episode was completely

different than any other episode.

By the end of it,

I have to ask the question,

what's going to happen to

all those dead Jedi?

There's just, what,

ten of them laying out in a

forest dead right now?

It's a forest.

It's a jungle, man.

Are we counting Kaldaka?

Everything's hungry in the jungle.

There's a reason that I bring this up.

Because Mother Anasea is

Greek for resurrection.

Are we going to see any of

these Jedi possibly get resurrected?

We still have to see that

scene of Kaldaka fighting

Torben, right?

We do.

We did get a glimpse of

Chimera healing Osha, though,

using force to heal her.

So he has lots of powers

unknown and is not scared

to use the dark side.

I'm very curious.

They were using the force to

enhance their powers, right?

And so that's why it just

feels all connected.


everything right

everything's good

everything's good

everything's good

everything's good

everything's good

everything's good

everything's good everything's good

I would love to see a bunch

of zombie Jedi backing up Chimera.

You know what I mean?

I'm thinking of Lord of the

Rings when Aragorn had all

those ghosts come and help.

The army of the dead.

Jedi ghosts coming to help.

Or the Game of Thrones guy.

The Ice King.


did you not get enough stormtrooper

zombie action in Ahsoka?


No, I mean, I did.

I just think it would be

kind of cool to see some of

these... See what happens

to all these dead Jedi.

They're really just going to

leave them out in the

forest to be eaten by the bugs?

Chimera's going to come back

and take care of it, implied.

It's going to take care of it.

What if it brings back Jackie?

They resurrect Jackie and

she is going against Sol.

That would suck.

What if it turns out she has

a connection to her Marvel

Universe character as the

Wolverine healing factor?


You never know.

Osha could have those kind

of connections too.

Osha could have some sort of witch powers.

But the last point,

that was just a fun little,

I don't really think that

any Jedi are going to get resurrected,

by the way.

Everyone out there, TikTok, calm down.

I honestly think any of the

fight that we see with

Kilnock and Torben is still

in the flashbacks.

Oh, yeah, for sure.

For sure.

The very last thing that I

really wanted to bring up

before we get into segments

is we're really going to believe,

we're going to sit here and

believe that Sol doesn't

know that that's Mei.



I can explain this from a

medical point of view go on

but Star Wars doesn't go by

sci-fi rules or physics so

it doesn't matter

PTSD is your acute judgment

in the moment and here now.

And with his adrenaline dump

going throughout his system,

he just doesn't pay

attention to the details.

He's so focused in on,

I got to get the hell out of here.

And here's my old Padawan.

Yeah, I'm with you on this one.

There's a tattoo on her forehead.

that he's covering it

because it's his right for

bangs makeup she's just

slapping on makeup in the

middle of the floor she's

using the beetle juice bugs

bangs change your look for

sure I'm sorry if there's

like if there's one

complaint that I have I

know a lot of people have

complained about the

writing and stuff I haven't

really cared that much but

this particular thing

just chopped off her hair

and she parent trapped him

it's a whole parent trap

right Jesse there's no way

if Sol doesn't find out I

think he probably knows

it's gonna play along he's

gonna die have they left the planet yet

No, though they're on the ship.

But also,

Basil is on the ship and he's

got... He's on the hunt.

As I wrote.

He's on the hunt.

Basil's going to get killed by May.

Basil is going to get killed by May.

And then May's going to shut Pip up.

That's when Sol's going to

figure shit out.

Yeah, I don't know, man.

If Sol doesn't figure it out

within the first five

minutes of the next episode

or when we see them next,

I might be a little upset because... No,

that's understandable.

Come on.

Come on.

This is where I had my issues.


right when it got up to Osha and

Mei's part,

it just felt like they were

flip-flopping a little bit.

And I was like, okay,

I need them to kind of know

where they're going.

First, Mei is, like, bad,

and then she's going to turn herself in,

and now she's bad again.

And then I was like...

what is going on.

So that's where I kind of down.

I kind of chalk that up to

her being the cowardliest of cowards.

Just like will say and do

anything to just get out of

the situation.

Even though she's been

hunting Jedi and killing Jedi,

now she's like, well, whatever,

I'll turn myself in and

I'll be totally fine.

And now that all the Jedi are dead,

she's like, oh my god, I'm so sorry.

I messed up.

Blah, blah, blah, blah.

So she's just...

Like you said, she's a flip-flopper,

and she has no loyalty to anyone.

I would even say that

she's... Except for Osha.

I think she's very loyal to Osha,

but Osha's not loyal to her,

and that's what pisses her off.


Because Osha sees through it,

and she's like, nah, dude,

you're not just going to

keep flip-flopping over

here and then expect me to

be okay with it.

You're under arrest.


That's why she did it.


So yeah, I just... That's the...

This next episode has to be

a flashback now.

Now that we've gotten the

conclusion of this battle,

we're going to get to the

conclusion of the flashback,

and then the last two

episodes will be the finale, whatever.

So I am totally okay with this.

I'm ready to get some answers.

One of them being what

actually happened with Talbin and Kelnaka,

and the other one being how

did Chimera find Mei?

was he just chilling he was

just hanging out on that

planet after everybody died

like how did they find each

other and you know that's

fair um it's just the

reactor yeah I just don't I

don't see I don't see 10

year old may being able to

like hop into a spaceship

that you know and just go all around yeah

So I'm very curious to see

how they came to be.

And then I just want to know

what actually happened.

Just like everyone else wants to know.

The other question is, what does Sol know?

Like, what's his dark side?

What is he hiding?

Because clearly he's hiding something.

What is the overall secret

that all of these other

Jedi are already dying for?





I mean,

everything that the current Jedi do.

Here's hubris.

So other than that,

I think most of the other

things that I had to talk

about are going to be

talked about in segments.

Did you guys want to bring

anything else up?

Let's start with Jesse.

pretty much covered the

majority of how everything went down.

I mean, there's, like I said,

I have these theories,

and I'm wondering if

they're going to play out

the way that they are.

And we'll kind of see how it goes.

But yeah,

it was just it was a roller

coaster of an episode.

That's for sure.



Um, phenomenal action sequences, just

some of the most intense

fights we've seen in any Star Wars media.

I'm going to mess up this alliteration,

but this is the most Sith

shit that we've seen since Episode 3,


It was awesome.

We have seen some serious Sith shit.

I guess I do have one more

question for you guys,

and it's just a yes or no question.

We don't have to get into

any details or anything like that.

But Leslie Hedlund did say

in one of her interviews

that the big lightsaber

duel in this will rival the

episode one lightsaber duel

and might even be better.

than the duel of the fates

so with a yes or no answer

justin do you think the

battle of uh kofar was

better than the duel of the

fates uh no because if

she's standing up no we've

seen anything yet phil yes

or no better fight not as

good of music jesse yes or no

I'm gonna say yes.

Oh, wow.


I'm going to say yes.

I'm going to say yes too.

And just because it was

jaw-dropping and crazy,

Of course,

the satellite killer scene is

the part of the episode

where we talk about our

favorite still shot of each

episode of the Acolyte.

So like we normally do,

let's start with Jessie.

Her scene comes in at the 11

minute and 18 second mark.

Tell us about this scene.


So Jackie's fight scene was brilliant.

Like for her being a Padawan, she was just,

I hate to use this phrase,

but she was killing it.

which makes her death so

like because she was doing

so good but what I liked

about this is that because

she had both lightsabers

one was out and the moment

it kicked back on her

little smirk of like haha

her hand here and now she's

pulling some Ahsoka's right

she's pulling that whole

two blades there and just

going after him like it

didn't stop her so I loved

the moment that lightsaber

came back and her little smirk of like

I'm still here.

You haven't stopped me yet.

So that's why I wanted to

pick this scene because I was all like,

ha, I liked it when it happened.

And it's so good because, I mean,

it very briefly foreshadows her own fate.

It does.

It does.

But I think also,

Chimere also respected

Jackie in some way.

Because he had mentioned a little bit,

like, you know, May,

you should be more like her

because she's a loyal Padawan.

She's loyal.

And so I think to him,

her death was justifiable.

But, like, you know, she died in honor.

And it's such a strong setup

for the skill potential of

a Padawan who is raised

from a very young age to

the position of Padawan.


Look at what she is capable of at her age.

versus Luke,

who is too old to begin the training,

et cetera, et cetera, et cetera, that she,


that she decided to pick up Kelnaka's

lightsaber and take it with her.


Well, that she took it off of May,

because May was the one who

picked it up initially, right?

May had it.

May had it.

May had it.

Jackie took it from her when

she cuffed her.

And then she just was like, oh,

my lightsaber blade is shorted out.

This blade's blocking.

Oh, but wait.

Surprise, motherfucker.

Yeah, exactly.

Like, ha-ha.



and props to Daphne Keene for just the

way she nailed that ha-ha moment.

She did.


Yeah, that was a great pick for that.

Her grin in that scene was just perfect.

Top notch.

Good choice.

Before I go any further,

thank you guys so much for

holding it down there for a second.

I don't know what the hell just happened,

but editing is going to be a nightmare.

A nightmare.

Joshua never had a stroke.

It like really didn't even say anything.

TikTok just fucking left.

So anyway, great pick, Jesse,

with the starlight killer scene.

Let's go on to Justin's

starlight killer scene

comes in at the three

minute and 21 second mark.

The force choked into the

double Jedi skewer.

I flat out thought to myself,

this is the most Sith shit

I've ever seen.

Manipulating all those force

powers into one commutative attack.

Thank you.

That was so cool.

is awesome and then just

continued to escalate so

like this was just the the

beginning of the roller

coaster but it was the

first like dirty sith move

I've seen it's it is

something that star killer

would have been able to do

in force unleashed thank you I love it

It's such a video game move.

I feel like Cal did this in the Jedi games,


Cal, I believe, did.


It is such a video game move,

is the thing.

Regardless of what game

we're talking about,

it is a video game move to

pull the extra enemy into

your already dead opponent.

You know, against another opponent.

yeah excellent pick I love

that one for sure let's go

on to the lighting in those

scenes so good the whole

cinematography of this

episode was fantastic even

though it was dark they did

such a good job with the

shadows and the way that

they like even sometimes

the way the mask reflected

off the lightsabers did you

guys watch this episode in

a dark room though

oh yeah I watched it alone

in a dark room actually I'm

pretty sure there was a

candle lit too I my my

two-year-old was asleep on

the couch next to me but

you know otherwise it was a

dark relatively quiet room

get him young excellent um

all right well let's move

on to phil's scene which

comes in at the 25 minute

and 30 second mark tell us

about this guy oh yeah uh so it's

it's a super simple and

fairly tropey kind of thing.

It's like, Hey,

I'm going to make myself look like you.


it comes up in so many different things

when we have twins, um,

But it's a haircut scene and

that she does it with the lightsaber.

You know,

the way she leans down prior to

activating the blade makes

it look almost like she's

going to try to run it

through her own throat.

That's kind of what I thought.

And just when you realize

what she's about to do, it's like, oh,


we are going actually full on parent

trap here.

We are.

The whole twin switcheroo.

That's been all over the place.

We had it in the House of

the Dragon this weekend, too.

Can you consider this a

pseudo Deus Ex Machina move

to try to wrap up the story?

no again cowardly is just

like I'm gonna try and hide

myself away to get right

here one it gets her away

off planet away from kymere

who she doesn't know she

doesn't know if kymere's

still alive at this point

all right yeah uh away from

him it gets her close to

saul yeah it's smart as

hell she still has a tattoo

on her forehead


but she does... She at least... She at

least takes the extra step

of switching clothes.

She might as well just... Paragraph.

Like, literally just watch Paragraph.

She wore the... Dude.

Just... Whatever.

I did like the little haircut.


I just... I thought it was very clever.


unexpected use of a lightsaber.

yeah it's true I don't know

it's yeah and I mean

they're twins they look

exactly like I did it's

almost like they're played

by the same actress or

something dude and that's

something at one point I

had to just laugh because

of like the way that they

were shooting this and like

the cuts that they had

where you could never see

both of their faces at the

same time yeah ever well

you know that is a struggle

you run into when you cast

one you have one actor no I

know it's just like

Should have liked the parent trap.

Have a mirror everywhere.

Didn't they spend $180 million on this?

Couldn't they do the face thing?

Couldn't they have a

different actress there and

put her face on?

They did it all on the

freaking lightsaber scene.

So they're like,

we got to make some cuts somewhere.


Martial arts doesn't come cheap.

That's for sure.

Excellent picks, though.

I will go quickly with mine

because we did talk about it already.

It comes in at the 15-minute mark.

It is the Triforce of Jackie.

That poor girl.

I know I said earlier that

the skewer was my oh shit moment,

but this was absolutely the

most oh shit moment of the episode.

Because she's a child.


She is a Padawan.

And for him to just like, no remorse,

no mercy, strike fast, strike hard.

And that it's any one of

those would have been a killing shot.

Yeah, but he just had to make sure.

Lung, lung, heart.

Definitely overkill.

And the big was, too,

is that when Sol was like,

she was only a child, he's like,

you brought her.

You brought her here.

That's a stab in the... Because it's true.

If she wasn't here, she wouldn't have died,


Yes, she's a child,

but you brought her into a war zone.

You brought her into this.

Yeah, so...

Can't really blame me, buddy.

She held her own really well.

She did.

That's why it was so like...

Dang it.

When she died.

She's a favorite.


No matter how much this

whole star Wars fandom has, you know,

imploded over this show.


the one thing has been is just Jackie

has been pretty, pretty awesome.


And then all of a sudden she she's gone.

So it's like they're just

doing that for the dramatic

effect of like just killing

her off the way that they

did or it's going to play

in somehow later on.

So I guess we'll just see.


I think that might be the last that

we've seen of her, though, to be honest.

I don't think she'll be in

any flashbacks or anything.

The thing, though, Josh,

that really struck me about

this particular scene, and again,

I'm glad you picked it

because I wanted to talk a

little more about it.


Chimera did that backhand.


That was a backhand strike

with his left hand.

Yeah, that's true.

Secret blade.

And he did one, two,

three before she could blink.

Yeah, it was... With precision.


I mean, that's when you really, really...

understand when you

absolutely not fucking

around 100 have to kill a

jedi tonight yeah dude

let's practice that move

100 times just to get it right right then

yeah that's what I mean he

that's what you know we

talked about his dual

lightsaber there and she

had him like I mean maybe

maybe she didn't maybe this

is like a paul walker vin

diesel thing where he's

like you never had me you

never had your car but like

it seemed like she had him

right like she elbowed him

in the face got the mask

knocked off revealed who he

was you know got him pretty

good like he was on the

ground a few times and she

was about to capture him

When she knocked his helmet off,

I thought that was it.


Very quickly.

Turned that around.

And it was the same with Yord.

Jackie gets it and then Yord

pops up out of nowhere and

he just instantly gets it.

That's it.


And guess who's able to kill

a Jedi without a weapon?

What do you know?

Interesting how that worked out.

I didn't realize that.

That's a great place to

leave off there and move on

to the next segment.

Wait, I hit the wrong button.

There it is.

Ooh, it's a new segment for this season.

Not new, but we just haven't done it yet.

It's the one-chimer segment

where we pick out our

favorite line of dialogue

from each episode and we talk about it.

So let's keep the trend and

we'll start with Jesse's one-chimer.

He gets into your head and he stays there.

My mother could do that.

Get inside a Jedi's head.

I saw it once.

I have things to say, but please, please.

Chimera has to be part of this coven.

Like where would he learn that?

Like, I'm sorry.

I was just like, it's right there.

It's right in front of us.

And when she said that I was all, yeah.

So the coven has definitely

has to be a part of it

where it's multiple or it's the mothers.

I don't know.

And I mean, they're, they're,

they're framing each other.


Cause may know something

different versus what OSHA remembers.


She thinks may started the fire.

I don't think she did.

There's just this conflict.


this was all to get back at

the jedi and so but that

right there just kind of

confirmed it for me that I

was like they're part of

this so what are your

thoughts but that was just me

So that, first of all,

it was a really good red

herring because right there I was like,

oh my God, it's totally coral.

Like that was the one moment

where I thought that it was

going to be coral or mother ice.


No, it was a great bait and switch.


The more I think about it,

the more it's kind of like, well...

they related why is is soul

maybe a father maybe they

weren't conceived by the

father but coral made it

seem like they were because

she didn't want people to

know that she was you know

knocking boots with Jedi I

go that far but

Do you think,

is Chimera old enough to be

maybe an older brother of

theirs or something?

He's old enough to be a village survivor.

sure because they they

didn't have males in their

coven um but usually I mean

usually in those crazy like

in the market yes but not

in the in the coven itself

not in there I'm just

saying like it could have

been a village that lived

there or a villager that

lived there during that time

Or is it like one of those

covens that has one male?

It's like a miracle.

There it is.

See, that's what I'm saying.

Is it going to be once every

few centuries this male is

born into the coven and he

has powers to control people's minds?

Or is it more like Sol who

can read people's minds?

Sort of like Dune?

Kind of.

shari is that what they're

called right uh yeah I

didn't really I don't know

man this is where I kind of

went for the eye situation

of just you know like

chimera could be soul's

child right who was taken

so probably thinks that his

child died and they took him to who

again eye for an eye be like

you took my daughter I'm

going to take your son and

I'm going to destroy you

and he's going to destroy

all of you because of what

you did so but he had to

have learned that from them

I am very curious to see

chimer's motivation beyond

just wanting to have a uh a

student apprentice yeah uh

now justin what were you

saying about dune


I was making the funny connection to

the Ashari with the guy

from Dune being Chimer and the witch.


The whole Bene Gesserit thing.

Bene Gesserit.

Thank you.


I don't know where Ashari.

I don't know where you got it either.

That's from Critical Role.

Why are we into Dune?

Let's move on to Justin's one-chimer.

Jesus, man.

It's okay.

Was that its name?


That's all I gotta say.

That was just so cold-blooded.

Absolutely brutal.

Like an animal.

A dark side user.

I can't say Sith because

it's not confirmed,

but that is some Sith shit.


I mean... Just write her off by like, oh,

that was a piece of... As

less than even sentient...

By, you know, calling J.K.


Is that its name?


Yeah, I really.


Quite the hatred for that

man by the end of this episode.

No, he's he is playing it up as a villain.

He's he's killing it.

That was a sort of drop from

his dark personality.

He hops back into Chimera,

says that little quip, and then boom,

back into dark side mode.

Yeah, no,

he very much has that sass kind

of banter mode, basically,

that he has with May in his

earlier appearances.

He's a prick.

He is.

I love him.

I'm a dark side guy.

Danny Jacinto, absolutely killing it.

Great pick, Justin.


your one-chimer is... I've accepted

my darkness.

What have you done with yours?

And again,

with three episodes left to go

in this season...

we still have a lot of

potential to see some more

of Sol's backstory.

Sol's terrified.

Sol's terrified to tell his backstory.

Every time they bring it up, he's like, uh,



And here we see him in the

immediate aftermath of losing his Padawan,

of losing Yord,

of losing everyone else on

this task force that he published him.


Knowing that Kalnaka is dead

on top of all of that.

And Carrie.

He has, as far as,

as far as he's concerned,

he has utterly failed in everything.

You think Mr. Mundy would

have taken him one-on-one

just straight up?


I do think that if not for,

for OSHA's intervention,

he would have been,

that Chimera would have been dead though.

Yeah, probably.

I honestly do believe that.

Oh, you're talking with Sol.

No, with Sol.

If not Ferocious Intervention here,

I fully believe that Sol

would have killed Chimera.


and that's my biggest issue with the

twins is why are they even here?

Just for that?

Just to extend this series

by three episodes?


This would have been a great

six-part series where it's

this dude going, or, you know,

the Acolyte going and killing Jedi.

No twin involved, just the Acolyte.

And then they kill Chimera

at the end to cover up.

And that's it.



No fifths for a millennia.

Oh no, no plot.

Just one big lightsaber battle.

Get away from me, story.

I don't want you anywhere near here.

Excellent pick, Phil.

We're going to move on to my pick,

which I had to cut up a

little bit because it was a

little longer.

What extraordinary beings we are.

Even in the revelations

of our triumph you see the

depth of our despair yeah

he's got some shakespeare

in him for sure he does

that's that's suffering

isn't it he's just just

spitting lines up there and

yeah he that's that's him

just like just getting back

into the zone I feel like

and and he's talking about

you know the depths of his

despair like he's been

through some shit and he

clearly knows that that's

osha and he's clearly going

to use that to his

advantage oh yeah and I i

love that it's made clear

to the audience by virtue

of her tattoo uh be

invisible there on her arm

yeah oh yeah no that's

definitely osha then yeah

You know,

just I think it's also a call out

to like the whole, you know.

hate leads to suffering kind of thing.



So, and he's just like, it is what it is.

This is, this is the way of the dark side.

And he,

he throws that thought terminating

cliche in there and away he goes.

He's about to bring a truth

from to her life and then

try to turn her to the dark side.


That's what it was a premise to like,

I had the wrong twin this whole time.

It's going to be very

interesting to see what he tells her.

What is he going to say?

And can we trust him?

Is what he says to Osha

going to be the truth or is

he going to be manipulating

her by giving his side of the story?

And we have that switch

happening now with the twins.


Where with Mae,

with Mae going off with Sol

and Osha being picked up by Kymer,

I cannot wait to see where

this goes next episode.

I know we've all been

talking about seeing

flashbacks and different

perspectives that we saw

Ocean's flashback.

We'll have one.

I don't think we're going to

see a May flashback, though.

I think we're going to see a

Chimera flashback.

It's going to be more along

the lines of how he found May.


How he knows that whole thing.


because the first flashback we got

was how Sol rescued Osha.

And so this next one is

going to be how Chimera

rescues May in the whole fire and stuff.

And did he maybe have a

little bit more to do with

it because he wanted

force-using children?


Who knows?

Tune in next week on Tuesday at 8 o'clock.


I really appreciate it.

I really appreciated you

guys doing the one-chimer this week.

It's the first time we've

done it this season.

It was a lot of fun.

I feel like we had some

pretty good dialogue.

We didn't have a whole lot

of new characters or places

or anything else introduced this week.


And all of our favorite new

characters are dead anyway,

so it doesn't even matter.

Everyone dies.

Everyone dies.

All of our friends are dead.

Yeah, absolutely.

So let's get into our final

segment of the week.

Yeah, the Tusken Raider,

where we rate each episode out of 10.

And this week,

we're going to rate it out of 10...


And stabs.

Ten stabby stabs.

Out of ten lightsaber stabs.

Ten flying beetles.

Yes, or ten flying beetles.

That sounds good.


what would you rate this week's

episode of The Acolyte?

Just for the fight scene alone,

I'm going to give it a good old 8.5.

Ooh, all right, all right.


I have been just very back

and forth with Acolyte,

and it's definitely not my favorite show.

I definitely have a lot of

problems with it.

I feel like at the very end of the show,

it's going to all make sense,

but it's just been kind of

choppy here and there where I'm like,

I don't get this.

But this one definitely...

the two thirds of it that I really,

really enjoyed definitely

gave me the oh shits that

we were talking about earlier.

So I definitely will give it an 8.5.

All right.

That's what we should do it

out of 10 oh shits.

One oh shit, eight and a half oh shits.


what would you rate this episode out

of 10 oh shits?

I gotta call this one a nine.

This is some of the best

action sequences we have

seen in any Star Wars media in, again,

in the last 25 years.


Since we got the prequels.

Yeah, no, I mean,

the end of Rogue One with

Vader stomping through

everybody notwithstanding.

This is some of the most brutal.

This is some of the most

brutal action we have seen

out of a Star Wars franchise.


It was amazing.

Well choreographed.

Major emotional notes.

And fun setup for the next

three episodes to come.

Absolutely a 9 out of 10.

Justin, what would you rate this episode?

I agree with Bill.

I give it a 9.

The entire time.

It hurts them so bad.

Literally from the get-go.

Her waking up to see the

dead Jedi looking at her

just felt so like... Saving Private Ryan

all sort of.

And then like, she just witnesses the,

the double skewer and then

all the Sith bad-assness.

I'm just going to call it.

And like Phil said, it leads, it,

it setups questions to be

answered in the next three episodes.

Um, overall, I, I, I do love the battle.

I do.

It's just not my number one,

but it's still my number three.



I got nothing but good things to say.

If someone said I watch Acolyte, I'm like,


you're going to watch episode four

and then five,

and then tell me how you like Acolyte.

I originally rated this an 8.

You guys convinced me to

move it up to an 8.5.

The reason it's so low,

I just can't get over May's

tattoo on her fucking forehead.

Like I said,

it went downhill for me when

they saw each other.

I was just like, what?


I get it.

That gives us an 8.75 cumulative.

Yeah, totally.

Which is definitely the

highest rating we've had for this season.

All season.

Well done, the Acolytes.


Not that this series has

been bad by any means.

I've enjoyed it the whole time.

There's been a couple lulls

and maybe slower story-building moments,

but that's where we suffer

in the episodic 30-minute

episodes every week nature.


um I i still say like they

need to go back to just

films like just do films

again just to even

standalone movies like who

who could you could even

just do disney plus films

just release it on disney

plus but as a movie instead

of as these 20 I think this

episode was 26 minutes total

It was like 36 minutes, yeah.


but if you cut out four and a half

minutes of the credits...

Discounting the credits and

the... And the recap,

you're taking almost 10

minutes off of that.

So it was like 26 or 27

minutes for just the episode, which,

you know,

Star Trek at least is getting

hour-long episodes.

And hey,

prodding is over for a second season.

yeah even lower decks had

longer episodes

anyway thank you guys so

much for hanging out and

thanks everyone on stream

yard uh and anyone that was

on tiktok that came on over

I did want

to ask um who would who

would win in a fight darth

mauler come here

I was going to say Chimere.


even based on what we saw of Maul

in Clone Wars,

I got to say Chimere would

probably kick his ass if

both of them were at the

top of their game.

I think Chimere's got a lot of baggage,


Chimere doesn't give any fucks.

That's basically what it comes down to.

I think Chimere would take him.


I love those answers.


go ahead and tell the listeners and

people out there where they

can find you and how they

can find your podcast.

Of course.

So my podcast is Crusher Convo.

It is a Star Trek podcast

where we deep dive episodes

through the eyes of Dr. Beverly Crusher.

And you can find us on

YouTube and Instagram and

threads at at Crusher Convo.

My next episode is going to

be this Friday with Tim from FSF Popcast.

And we are going to be

discussing Gates McFadden

and now in her new role in

the Marvel Universe doing

voiceovers of like

x-men 97 and of course she

was also in he-man so we're

going to be talking about

more of that stuff so super

excited and then I also

have an interview with john

billingsley next week so

yeah so very excited



And of course,

all those links are

clickable in the show notes.

So if you just scroll on

down on your device and click,

go give them a follow and a

listen because it is a good time.

thank you guys all so much

for coming and hanging out

and talking some Star Wars.

Next week is weird.

I don't know what's actually

going to happen yet.

This week we did it on Wednesday.

Next week Friday, baby.

We'll let you know pretty

much just give us,

give us a like on any

social media and we'll let

you know what's going on

when we know what's going on.

So we're going to do a little sign off.

And yeah.

So for quest me, I have been your host.

I'm Justin.

I'm Phil.

And I'm Jesse.


And of course my name is

Josh and we're going to

talk at you next week.

May the force be with you.