The Floral Hustle

In this empowering minisode of the Floral Hustle Podcast, host Jen dives into the power of positive thinking, strategic planning, and staying present as keys to flourishing in the floral industry, especially in light of the anxieties surrounding the 2024 wedding season. Jen shares insightful advice on focusing on what you can control within your business, including pricing strategies for profitability, attracting your ideal client, and nurturing a mindset for success despite external uncertainties.

Key Points Discussed:
  • Overcoming Negativity: Jen addresses the circulating negative energy about the projected downturn in weddings for 2024 and stresses the importance of not dwelling on factors beyond our control.
  • Living in the Present: The significance of focusing on the present rather than being bogged down by past regrets or future anxieties is highlighted, with practical tips on how florists can apply this mindset to their businesses.
  • Strategic Business Practices: Jen outlines actionable strategies for maintaining profitability, such as effective pricing, client attraction, and innovation in service offerings.
  • Peer Support: The value of community and peer support through platforms like the Floral CEO Mastermind is emphasized, underscoring how collaboration and mutual encouragement can bolster individual business resilience.
  • Creative Solutions: Encouragement to think creatively and offer unique proposals to clients, ensuring that your business stands out in the market without necessarily being the cheapest option.

00:33 Addressing the 2024 Wedding Season Panic
00:51 The Power of Living in the Present
02:57 Focusing on What You Can Control
04:15 2024: A Year of Opportunity and Creativity
06:12 Winning Market Share with Creativity
07:12 Join the Floral CEO Mastermind for Support
07:51 Gratitude and Closing Thoughts

Featured Resources:
  • Floral CEO Mastermind: Join a community of like-minded floral entrepreneurs seeking to elevate their business strategies. Two spots opening for April 15th! For more details and to apply, reach out via Instagram (@thefloralhustle) or email (

Call to Action:

Feeling the need for a strategic revamp or just some positive reinforcement? Interested in joining the Floral CEO Mastermind? Reach out and let's make 2024 an incredible year for your floral business together. Don't forget to follow us on Instagram @thefloralhustle for more insights and updates.

Thank You:

A special thanks to all our listeners for making this podcast a part of your journey. Your support has led us to hit a record number of downloads, and it's a testament to the vibrant community we're building together. Wishing you all a flower-filled weekend!

What is The Floral Hustle?

Are you ready to grow your floral business not only in profits but in creativity and fulfillment? Listen as Jeni Becht a wedding and event designer of over 25 years shares all the juicy details of growing and evolving her floral business into one of passion, purpose, and financial freedom. She shares all the secrets with actionable tips and strategies so you can wake up inspired and on a path to profitability while feeling lighter and more aligned in work and life. Join Jeni in building your business while ditching the overwhelm, avoiding burnout, and feeling fulfilled in work and life.


Hello, flower friends. This is Jen, and you're listening to the Floral Hustle Podcast. On this week's mini sode, we're going to talk about energy. And there has been a lot of negative energy about 2024 wedding season. I have seen people who are talking about that, you know, weddings are projected to be down and that like, there's kind of this panic.

But I. I want to just really, like, focus on one thing when it comes to feeling panic and that is when people are living in, like I say, a depression or a, or really just a bad state, they're living in the past. So if you are depressed, like you are mainly living in your past. If you have anxiety, you are mainly living in fear of your future and what is happening in your future.

I am focusing on what I have control of. not anybody else. What I have control of, and I have control of showing up in my business. I have control of making sure that I'm priced to be profitable in my business. I have control of making sure that I show up in my business in a way that attracts my ideal client, that I put out there what is going to be impactful and invite someone in, that I have a strategy and I follow that strategy.

If the sky is falling, Like I am only worried on holding my own umbrella up. So many of us in this society worry about like all these political things and they're worried about like their mother in law and she's a crazy person and like they're worried about like all these things at their kid's school and then they're worried about like their husband doing all these things and they're worried about their friends doing that.

I care deeply about so many people in my life. I do not spend time wasting it worrying because that is not going to help anybody. I have friends that know I am there. My, my mastermind girls, like in the floral CEO mastermind, if they're having a hard day or if they're struggling, they know they can go in and they have like I'm going to boxer them back and help support them, but like, I am not going to, I'm going to give them advice that I know is going to help them get back on track.

We need to, if we're feeling like anxiety or if we're feeling depressed, like we need to start living in the present and start focusing on what we can control. And often when you do inventory of focusing on what you can control, you have not been in control of many things. You're letting your mind get worried and bogged down in everybody else's issues.

I don't try and put energy or invest time in like the world as a whole because I can't, I can't honestly say that I'm going to directly impact who the next president is. I can't say honestly that I am going to directly impact other global, global warming. I can do my part and that is what I am in control of.

So, if you start focusing on what you're in control of for 2024, like 2024 in general and beyond, like you're going to make more traction because focusing on what you can control is going to help you actually consistently do the things that you can impact. Not everybody else. I'm not worried about everybody else.

I'm worried about you and you kicking butt in 2024. And I know. that it is possible. And even if revenue is down, you could focus on your profit margin like a total boss and make more money. Spend time where it's impactful. Spend time where you can make a difference and spend time where it feels good. A lot of times people will get into this spiral that like something isn't feeling good, but then they're like doing it because they're chasing dollars.

When you start chasing dollars and aren't being aligned with what feels good, you fall into like this trap of like, You're stuck doing things often that aren't revenue producing activities for the sake of you think you should be doing them. You are better than that. You deserve better than that. And start have the, have the expectations that you deserve more than what is happening and that you want to start attracting what you deserve.

And 2024 honestly can be an amazing year. Come up with more creative ideas for your clients. Like, wow them with your proposal. Wow them with you being such an expert in your area that they're like, I have to work with that person because they're excited about my vision. They came up with amazing ideas.

Like I would be excited for that energy to be there on my, at my event, at my wedding. And impactful, not, you know, Oh, well that person, like they were really like giving me their bed. And like their ideas were okay, but they're what I gave them. You can win market share in your market. You don't need to be the cheapest in town to do that.

Like, Think out of the box. Think creative. Come up with ideas that other people aren't presenting to them. Come up with like designs that are like inspiring. I can tell when I did this last workshop, this installation rock star workshop, I can tell like that totally spoke to me because I had so many people just going, oh my god, like everything, this design is just, Wow.

Like everything came together flawlessly. And that's because like passion drove that, like my creativity drove that whole thing. And I marry different pieces together. That really spoke to me. So if you want to turn this year around, if things are not looking a hundred percent great right now, You are fully in your power to do that.

Start thinking outside of the box. And if you need support, join the floral CEO mastermind. We have two spots opening, um, for April 1st and the group of women in this are just amazing. Amazing people. We like lock arms. We do training together. We do so many things, and I would love to see you there. If you're curious and want to set up a discovery call, happy to do that too.

Just reach out via Instagram at the floral hustle, or send me an email at Jenny at the floral hustle. com. And that is J E N I. Go make 2024 the best year ever. Bye. And thank you for following along flower friends. Like I just hit, um, my record day of podcast downloads and I hit my record month, and so I'm, I'm so grateful for you all.

And I hope like the abundance that I feel from you guys is translated into your business. Thank you so much for listening flower friend and you have an 📍 amazing flower filled week.