News from EWTN Norway

News in the Church | Morning News 26.06.2024

By Pål Johannes Nes
This is a summary of the evening news stories in the Church from EWTN Norway. We bring you key updates and insights to keep you informed about important events and developments.

Sources for Today's News:
  1. EWTN Norway - Pope Francis Meets with Leaders of Institute of Christ the King, a Latin Mass Group
  2. EWTN Norway - Former Anglican Priest Ordained a Catholic Bishop
  3. EWTN Norway - Pope Francis Meets with Russian Ambassador to the Vatican
  4. EWTN Norway - EU Bishop Elections Show Citizens Concerned About Ukraine War
  5. Vatican News - Patriarch Pizzaballa Discusses Holy Land Challenges in Interview
  6. National Catholic Register - Chinese Communist Party Erasing Religion with Village Renaming Effort
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The renaming occurs within the context of the greater persecution of all religious expression within China. (photo: Maxx Studio / Shutterstock)

Creators & Guests

Pål Johannes Nes
Editor in Cheif EWTN Norway

What is News from EWTN Norway?

"News from EWTN Norway" is a podcast featuring the latest Catholic news, produced with AI narration. Episodes cover significant events and updates from the Vatican, stories of sainthood, and other relevant Catholic news. Content is sourced from reputable outlets like the Catholic News Agency and The National Catholic Register. Regular updates ensure listeners stay informed on important developments in the Catholic community.

### News in the Church | Morning News 26.06.2024

**By Pål Johannes Nes**

Good morning, and welcome to the Church News on EWTN Norway. Here are today’s top stories.

**Pope Francis Meets with Leaders of Institute of Christ the King, a Latin Mass Group**
Pope Francis recently held a meeting with leaders of the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest, a group known for its dedication to the Latin Mass. This meeting underscores the Pope's commitment to dialogue and unity within the diverse expressions of Catholic liturgical practice. The discussions focused on the role of the Latin Mass in the contemporary Church and the importance of maintaining liturgical traditions while fostering inclusivity and unity. For the full story, visit EWTN Norway.

**Former Anglican Priest Ordained a Catholic Bishop**
In a significant event, a former Anglican priest has been ordained as a Catholic bishop. This ordination marks a notable moment of ecumenical progress and highlights the ongoing journey of many former Anglican clergy into the Catholic Church. The new bishop's journey and ordination are seen as a testament to the unity of Christian faith and the welcoming nature of the Catholic Church. For the full story, visit EWTN Norway.

**Pope Francis Meets with Russian Ambassador to the Vatican**
Pope Francis has met with the Russian Ambassador to the Vatican, signaling ongoing diplomatic efforts between the Holy See and Russia. The meeting focused on various global issues, including peace efforts and humanitarian concerns. This interaction highlights the Vatican's role in international diplomacy and its commitment to fostering dialogue and understanding among nations. For the full story, visit EWTN Norway.

**EU Bishop Elections Show Citizens Concerned About Ukraine War**
Recent elections among European Union bishops have revealed significant concern among citizens regarding the ongoing war in Ukraine. The elections, which reflect the priorities and concerns of the Catholic faithful in Europe, underscore the Church's role in advocating for peace and supporting those affected by the conflict. The bishops' stance on Ukraine and related issues will likely influence the Church's actions and policies in the region. For the full story, visit EWTN Norway.

**Patriarch Pizzaballa Discusses Holy Land Challenges in Interview**
Patriarch Pierbattista Pizzaballa, the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, has given an insightful interview discussing the various challenges facing the Holy Land, including tensions in Jerusalem, Gaza, and Lebanon. He emphasized the importance of peace and reconciliation efforts and highlighted the Church's role in supporting local communities amidst ongoing conflicts. The Patriarch's perspectives provide a deeper understanding of the complex issues in this region. For the full story, visit Vatican News.

**Chinese Communist Party Erasing Religion with Village Renaming Effort**
In a concerning development, the Chinese Communist Party has initiated a campaign to erase religious presence by renaming villages. This effort is part of a broader strategy to diminish the influence of religion in Chinese society. The move has raised alarms about religious freedom and human rights in China, as it significantly impacts various religious communities, including Catholics. For the full story, visit National Catholic Register.

Stay tuned for more updates and insights from the Church as we continue to share important news and stories from around the world.