The Sacred Hearth Podcast: Life Coaching for Tough Times

Join me this week as I sit down with Lilliana Blackstar, professional astrologer and owner of Hestia's Muse.
We'll discuss some basics of astrology, and how it can assist you with living a more fulfilling life, as well as how to pick a great practitioner!
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Show Notes

Join me this week as I sit down with Lilliana Blackstar, professional astrologer and owner of Hestia's Muse.
We'll discuss some basics of astrology, and how it can assist you with living a more fulfilling life, as well as how to pick a great practitioner!

To learn more about Lilliana's work, visit her on Facebook at Hestia's Muse, on Instagram @hestiasmuse.astrology
You can book her services through her website Support her work on Patreon by visiting: 

Seattle Psychic's Association 

Spring Mysteries Festival
(Code HERMES10 for 10% off registration)

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Lilliana Blackstar
Lilliana Blackstar is a practitioner and student of metaphysical and esoteric topics for over 20 years and finds great joy in sharing and discussing spiritual topics with others.

What is The Sacred Hearth Podcast: Life Coaching for Tough Times?

Do you want to change your life?

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Do you hate feeling like you have to be perfect to get ahead?

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Update: Season two will come out in August.

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Hey, everyone, welcome. Thank you so much for joining me today. I am your host. Andrea Welker, host of the Sacred Hearts Podcast. Joining me today is someone I am super excited about and I'm so glad to have in the studio liliana Black Star. Liliana, for those of you who haven't gotten a chance to meet her yet, is a fabulous human being. I love her to pieces. She is a Tarot card reader. She's a Reiki master. She's someone who I adore. But the reason she's in the studio today, not because she's the most best fabulous astrologer I've ever met, 1s but it's because she's just that good. So
thank you so much. 1s You leave a lot for me to live up to. I appreciate you so much. Thank you for having me on the show. And I'm excited to hang out and talk about astrology today. I
am so glad you're here. For those of you who haven't listened to the show before, who you know, we've been planning this show for a while and we're really super excited. Not just because we get to tell you about astrology, because sometimes, as a life coach who also does spiritual coaching and who is a priest, is in my own tradition, sometimes astrology
overlaps with what I do and maybe what you do too. And if you're someone who has a casual interest in astrology, or maybe you're just someone who's really wanting to deep dive or know more, this is going to be a great episode for you because we're going to get to talk about some of the basic things and then some more advanced things as well. Because I am learning 1s through following you at Hesitant Muse because you do have a social media presence and you do post and you post amazing, great stuff. Astrology isn't just going from A to Z. It's like a full circle
process. And that is something that is not my gift, but it's absolutely yours, and I love that you have it. Would you be interested telling our readers? 1s Because we do have a lot of terror readers who are here and a lot of our listeners who. 1s Haven't met you yet, how you got into astrology and why it fascinates you.
Sure, yes. So, just to start off with, my business name is Hestias Muse, and hestia is the goddess of the hearth, the home. And 1s I consider her to be a goddess of she's, a keeper of the sacred flame. And a lot of people first encounter hashtag and they just think, oh, that's just housework and cooking. And to me, she's about self care. Like when I work with the Archetype of Pestia, it's all about self care. It's tending to the inner flame, whatever that inner flame is in your home, the inner flame is the kitchen. But in you, what is your inner flame? What's that thing that gives you a spark, that comforts you, brings you joy and drives you with passion to get up and keep going every day? Right? And so that's why I called my website and everything hestia's News. You can find me on Facebook, you can find me on Instagram, and even I think I have a couple of things on YouTube, but not much hesitatenews. Dotnet is my website. I'm also a certified reader with Seattle Psychics Association, which is an association of readers that are vetted to be ethical and reliable readers. So if you're looking for a reader, that's a good place to find one for Tarot, astrology, Reiki, all kinds of stuff. And also, if you are a reader, we provide business support and community for other readers that are wanting to make it their living to do readings for people, whether that's, like I said, Tarot, g, 1s or whatever your spiritual type of readings are. We are an association that likes to help people build that business and provide community support for them. So I'm super grateful to be a part of that community as well. 1s So I got into astrology. I started out as a Tarot reader, and I loved Tarot, and I still do love Tarot. And as I got into Tarot, I thought I was drawn to it as a tool for self understanding, self awareness. Awareness, self discovery. 2s I never really looked at it as.
tool as much as a here's the potential energy that you have. What are you going to do with it now? And so it was kind of a guide
to help me make the better choices for my future, rather than thinking that the future is set in stone. It's like I could look at the cards and get a clear picture of what energy is going on, what's influencing me? What do I need to be aware of that I wasn't aware of before? And then I could make a
better, more informed choice for myself through the study of parallel. You start to start to read some books, and you go, oh, there's astrological associations with the cards. 1s What is that about? Why is this card about Mars, and why is this card about Capricorn? And so I was curious, and I started learning about astrology because of being a Tarot reader. And then I found that astrology could also be a really powerful tool in the same way the Tarot cards were for selfdiscovery, selfawareness providing some direction, providing some just a sense of, first of all, that life is not as chaotic as it seems. There's cycles and patterns that are happening true. 1s It helps things not seem so chaotic and out of place, and it gives more of a reason to me of why things are happening the way that they're happening, which is comforting to me. 1s So that helps me have direction. It's like checking the weather before you go outside. You want to know, should I dress warm because it's cold outside? Should I bring my umbrella because it's raining? It's the same way with astrologically. I can prepare for each day a little bit more intentionally. I can align myself with the energy of the season or the moon sign and phase or whatever other stuff is going on so that I can just live my life to the fullest in alignment with the whole universe. Because I love that you said that to have the alignment with the universe, because I also believe that we are aligned with everything, and there is that energy. And some people, when they look at astrology, they may not know what it means. They may not understand it. They may not even know it exists. And when you pointing out the connection between astrology and Tarot when I first started reading Tarot, I had no idea. And I was like, what is. 2s And when we went to seminary, when we were in seminary together at Wilston Stein, one of the things that I learned was that connection. And it opened me up as a reader in a lot of ways, because it was like this layered gift of hard interpretation that I didn't have have before. And I love that. So I love that you mentioned that 1s it's almost like a spiritual duality, of all things, where it's a part 1s of that cycle for me too. And some people, 3s if you could say what astrology was to people who maybe don't know what it is at all, like, say, if they are brand new off the street, walking into a shop or making an appointment with you for the first time, what would be the best way that you would explain astrology to them and just how? 2s Special. The
relationship is to develop it within yourself because we do have our own personal 1s charts that we have.
Yeah, it's something that it's interesting to try to define astrology into just like one like sound bite.
So expansive. I mean, it's almost
impossible. Complex. It's very complex. It's very deep. There's so much to learn. There's so much more than just your sun sign which is what most people are aware of. It's just like what sign was the sun in when you were born? So astrology
and for those excuse me for interrupting and for the people who don't know the sun signs are like your basic twelve zodiac. Like what you can see behind the liliana like Taurus, Libraro, those
it would take a whole other show to do just the basics. Beginning intro to astrology so that you understand it. One way that I like to explain it to people is by the etymology of the word astrology versus astronomy. So astronomy, as we know is a science of understanding the stars and the planets. There's astronomers, and they look through their telescopes and they study the stars. So astronomy comes from the words astronomy which was to know the stars. So it's to understand the stars, to study the stars, to know the stars. And then astrology comes from astrology which is to speak to the stars. 2s And so on that side of things, yes, you study the stars first, but then on the astrology side, you interpret what the stars mean by where they are or what they're doing or how the planets are moving. You apply some kind of meaning. You apply some kind of message to the placement of the planets and the stars and the seasons and stuff like that. So astronomy is the science, and astrology is an interpretive art. So just like, you can take Tarot cards and you can put them down, you can throw bones. Some people read dice. There's so many different tools that we use for divination and for, like, applying meaning to something, right? Like, the cards are just cards until you have a reader interpret them. The dice is just dice until you have a reader interpret them. So the stars are just stars until you have an astrologer speak for them and interpret them and apply some kind of meaning to where the stars are. So we first studied the stars, and it helped us understand where we were on the planet. We could use them as a map to help us find our way around, and we could use them as a clock to understand what time of the year it was. So we understood our position not only on the planet physically, but we understood our position in the year, in the time frame of the wheel of the year. And so then astrologers take that information and we go, what kind of meaning or purpose can we apply to this position of our plate, ourselves, in this time and place right now? So astrology, the wheel is a map and a clock at the same time, and the astrologers use that as their tool to interpret meaning. Just like someone who's throwing bones uses the phones or someone reading Tarot reads the cards. I love it. That's just a very basic what is astrology?
I think that's a great way to break it down because it's this 1s almost knowing of the unknown, which is why sometimes I think it. 1s A lot of people who study the occult also study astrology and astronomy. And, you know, just like we used to navigate by the stars externally, when we would be traveling through ship or long journeys, walking or by wagon, we can navigate ourselves and our spiritual journey internally.
It I love that you brought up the occult because one of the primary concepts of magic is as above, so below, right, and as within, so without. And this is the concept that I'm a part of the universe, so what's happening to the universe is happening to me. And it's the concept of what is happening on the large scale in the macrocosm is also happening in the microcosm. So when I look at what's happening in the stars in our solar system, cause I just for astrology, we just look at our solar system, where is the planets 2s from our perspective here on Earth, what are the planets in our solar system doing? And I think of that as like a macrocosm. And then whatever is happening to the universe is also happening to me. So that I can look at my own life and say, well, what's similar in my own life that's also happening in the stars? And then I can apply meaning and gain purpose and direction on what I should do next because I see myself as part of the galaxy rather than separate from it. So as I said before, instead of life being so chaotic of like gosh, why are me and my partner having weird 1s conflicts of inner communication right now that hasn't happened before? What's
going on? I can go,
oh, like, I can see in the chart that Venus is making a harsh aspect to Saturn right now. Venus is love and relationships and Saturn is like obstacles. And I can go,
oh, that's what's happening. How can I work around that? How can we 1s bring an umbrella because it's raining? So instead of going, oh my gosh, why is it raining? We go, oh, that's because it's this time of year when 1s it's going to rain more often. And I can be prepared and I can respond accordingly to that energy. 2s Rather than just being like, why is this weird thing happening to me? I can be like, what's
happening astrologically that
reflects what's
happening to me? And how can the planets then teach me a different way of engaging with that thing that's happening to
me? I like that you say that too, because it's all about learning our place in the bigger picture of the universe, the world. And just it's almost like astrology to me is like that cosmic ego check.
It does do an ego check on you a
but at the same time, like, astrology, I don't think it's making things happen to you. I don't think
that's a good distinction to point out to. Right. I don't think the stars are making things happen to you. I don't think the planets in certain signs are making you be a certain type of person. So it's not good to use it as an excuse to just be like, well, that's just how I am. I'm just a scorpio. 2s And just using it as an excuse like that or as, like, a crutch is kind of behind beside the point, because it's not that they're making things happen to you. It's just that the planets are reflective, as I said, as above, so below, as within, so without. So what's happening inside of you, you can find the mirror of that somewhere in the bigger picture, you can find that being mirrored back to you, and then you can use that as a framework to try to step out of yourself a little bit out of your ego. And instead of being like, oh, it's just me me, it's like, oh, this is reflected and the bigger picture of the cosmos as well. So it's not just happening to me. Other people are probably feeling something similar to, and how I'm responding to it is my responsibility. 2s So knowing astrology, rather than using it as an excuse for I'm just the way I am, I think it actually gives you
more of, like, more responsibility to, like, deal with your shit and take responsibility. 1s Love yourself and your actions instead of being like, well, it's just the thing, because Mercury's retrograde, retrograde isn't making it. There are so many people in our community, no lie, we can set our watches by it, and sometimes we'll message each other. People will be like, Mercury and retrograde? Great. I better not go outside. I'm not going to move. I'm not going to start a job. I'm not going to live my life. Because they are, like, obsessed with
that whole concept of Mercury and retrograde being a bad thing, which it's not. It's not one of my favorite times of year, actually. It
can be super rewarding if you know how to engage with the energies and lean into it and learn something from it. It's trying to teach you something. And if you're resisting the lessons, that's when the not great stuff happens to you because it's like you're being tested by a teacher and the teacher is like, oh, you're obviously not paying attention, so now I have to hit you upside the head a little bit because you weren't paying attention. Whereas if you're paying attention, the pop quiz is no big deal.
Yeah, because you know what to study for 3s because a lot of people, they fear Mercury in retrograde. And it's like one of the benefits of astrology to me is it takes the fear out of the unknown and so therefore done right? Yes.
I have seen some astrologers, like, give fear based messages. I've seen professional astrologers tell people to be afraid of the retrograde, and
that's so sad. I've seen them tell people to be afraid of their Saturn return. And that's frustrating because it shouldn't be. To me, astrology is a tool of empowerment. And
if you're not getting empowerment out of it, you're not doing it right.
For real. It's like it's just like anything else. It's a tool. It's a tool for us to use to better ourselves. 2s And some people just it takes a long time in the spiritual side of life to learn that lesson, no matter who you are, what you study. And that's something that took me a long time to learn, because, you know, I like to learn the hard way, 1s which I tell my listeners all the and a lot of my listeners like to learn the hard way too. So that's another reason I was excited to do this episode, because it's like, when you look at astrology, a lot of times it's like the most basic astrology we know is our horoscope. That's, like, we grow up reading our horoscope, like, eating breakfast, and it's a whole thing. Or we have, like, a weekly horoscope or, like, funny horoscopes. There's all kinds of horoscopes, and I love them because they're so fun and they're just, like little snippets. They're little snippets of, like, the cosmic message, because somebody taps in and they're sitting at their keyboard and they get the message or they interpret the message or they science out the message in a spiritual way to deliver it to people. 2s Because sometimes. 2s Sometimes you do use math and astrology. I hate to break it to everybody.
It does have some math involved. Yes, it does. Astronomy and math are the tools, and then you're interpreting it, and that's the intuitive part. There you go. But yeah,
so, yeah, the horoscopes that everyone's familiar with, which is like, you know that you know what your sun sign is, like, what month you were born pretty much helps you determine what your sun sign is. So you go and you look at the list and it says, if you're a Taurus, this is how your week is going to go. And those are just the very basic surface level of astrology. Like, that just so surface level that sometimes it's not even accurate. No, because there's no way that someone could make accurate predictions for everyone. It's like you said, they're just giving a snippet because it's usually because a magazine or a newspaper knows that it's a popular thing to have. So they're just paying someone and they only have a certain amount of space. And there's so much more depth to astrology, though. So I know a lot of people who are like, my horoscopes, like, I just don't believe in astrology because all they've really ever interacted with was their sun sign horoscope. And that didn't click for them. It didn't make sense. The predictions were not accurate. They were like,
I don't get it. That's how I was too, for a long
time. I did
not just relate to everything I read about Capricorn. I'm a capricorn son. I didn't get it. The generalizations that I read in the horoscopes were like, I don't really relate to that. That's not me. But once I started studying more deeply and realizing, like, oh, the sun is like one fraction of the whole picture here. 2s And so if you can take your horoscope with the grain of salt, understanding that this is just a part of the picture, and there's a lot of the picture that you're not seeing, and there's no way that 1s an accurate, precise, like, prediction can be made just based off of your sun sign.
And then just read them for fun and take some guidance from them what you will. But if you really want to get the value out of astrology, you need to start looking at your whole chart and seeing that you have where the sun is. But you also have a sign that the Moon is in. You have something called your rising sign, which is the sign that was rising over the eastern horizon, like, coming up at the time of your birth based on where you were on the planet at your time of birth, which is why you need your date of birth, your time, and your location in order to cast an accurate chart. Because 08:00 in the morning on the east coast is different than that same time on the west coast. There's different things above you, there's different things on the horizon, rising or setting, depending on where you are on the planet. And so, first of all, finding your accurate chart with those three things your date of birth, time of birth, and location.
Using a website, I would recommend for a free chart software that's mostly accurate. There's a lot of free chart software out there, but it's not all made equal.
And I don't want to, like, say anything too specific. I will just say, like, is one that I trust as a professional. And the app called Astro Matrix is one that I also personally really trust and use. And it's really good to helping you learn Astrology, too. So you can get the app Astro Matrix or go to the website Both of them are free, and you can put in your birth time, location and 1s date and get a chart. And that's when you start to get into, okay, now I have my sun sign, my Moon sign, my rising sign. There's also your Venus, Mars, Jupiter. Like, all the planets could be in separate different signs, and these are like different parts of yourself. 2s What we use to archetypically represent different aspects of the personality and what time they're in is kind of how they're expressing that energy. So it's kind of like when you have Tarot, you have the major arcana, and then you have the spread that you use, right? So 1s some people just throw cards down and just interpret them without a spread. But a lot of professional but you've also heard of the concept of using a spread where each placement of the card has a different meaning. So you have a specific question for each card based on when you put it down, right? And then you also interpret them together. You blend the meaning together. The cards relate to each other back and forth. Kind of what you're doing with Astrology is you have the planets, and then you're interpreting them based on where they are, what sign they're in, and what house they're in. And then you're also interpreting them based on their relationship to other planets in the chart, which is where you get the math of determining the aspects,
because it's all degrees. It's a 360 degree wheel. And so if two planets are 90 degrees apart from each other, that's different than if two planets are 60 degrees apart from each other or 120 degrees apart from each other. 2s So that's kind of where the math part comes in. But it's not any more complicated than, like, 360 degrees divided by twelve. No. If you can eat pie, you can do your star chart.
Sick. Like geometry and sacred geometry of the angles. So this
big of a pie piece or this big of a pie piece or this big of a pie piece.
Like, do you have to share the pie or do you want the whole thing or do you want to save some for lunch tomorrow?
That's the kind of math you're doing with astrology.
Don't let us scare you because we know that
it's not super complicated. I am terrible at nuts. 3s I never even passed basic algebra in high school.
I did great with algebra and geometry, but 2s it took a while for it to click. And once it did, I was like, oh, I got this. But anything beyond that long, I'm surprised I can balance my checkbook here. I had to take, like, a special math class to get to graduate high school because I couldn't get it. I'm not good at math. But don't let the math start scare you. And additionally, some of these free websites will give you interpretations for free
astromatrix, as I said, as an app, it's really good at
breaking down parts of your chart and what they mean, as well as giving you predictive things based on where the planets are now. 2s Or you can go to a professional astrologer. And that's where I think the real fun and deep stuff
happens. That
is where the professional computer program, an algorithm, can tell you the basics.
It lacks the intuition of how those planets are interacting with other parts of your chart.
Because that's the magic,
right? It needs to have a living component of a living person applying their personal experiences and their intuition really helps break open the astrology to another level. I had studied astrology off and on for a long time. Like, I said I was doing tarot, and I was like, oh, what's this? So I read some books, and I would read articles and stuff like that, and I kind of got it. But the real, like, when I really got into astrology was after I had a one on one reading with a real astrologer, like, sitting at the table across from her. And that was like, yeah, it just broke everything open. And I was like, oh, this is way more cool and way more deep and meaningful than I ever thought it could be. And I want to learn how to do
that. I was going to say
immediately after my very first reading, it was with a woman called Sabrina Monarch. You can find her website too. It's monarch, astrology or Sabrina monarch. You can search for her. She does amazing work. And yeah, I just one reading with her, and I was like, this is awesome.
How can I learn how to do what you just did? And I took class with her, and I had more readings with her as well as with some other people. 2s He's
got to find the astrologer that's right for you, that clicks with you, that you vibe with.
That's what I was going to ask you was, we know, unfortunately, that not all readers are created equally. And I'm not going to say not only calling people out on my show, but it's really important to be able to have someone that you trust, that you can respect. So how does somebody pick a good astrologer? I know that you mentioned the Seattle Psychics Association, which is phenomenal.
I used to be a member. I need to renew my membership. But for people who don't know, it is an organization that does promote ethics within various aspects of spirituality and spiritual professionals. It's also a great place to network. So if you're looking for a qualified astrologer, definitely go there. But
yes, I'm not sure how many other astrologers we have right now. It's primarily Tarot card readers
with some reiki, and I think myself and maybe one other person 1s that's active with the organization right now does astrology. So we're looking if you are an astrology and you're interested in joining the association, come check us
out. We'll provide links for that stuff at the end. It will be in the notes for the show. Yeah. At Seattle Psychics But if you're looking for an astrologer because you want to have your chart read hi. Just kidding. Yeah.
There you go. 2s Net. But also you want to find someone who probably has a website 2s and they are actively, probably sharing themselves or stuff on social media. 1s And that way you can see what they're about. You can see what their vibe is like, because they're posting stuff on social media and they have stuff on their website. Look for someone that has reviews from other people who have done readings with them.
If they don't have any reviews, I might be a little concerned that either they're new or inexperienced or I don't know,
generally if they've been doing things.
Yeah, the best astrologers that I know have a website. They're active on social media, and they have reviews of people leaving their thoughts after they had a session with this person. I personally avoid astrologers that give definitive, like, when they say that this transit is going to make this thing happen.
like I said, I don't personally believe that astrology
is used best as a predictive tool, because I don't think that we are stuck in a destiny loop where we can't change what happens to us. And so I like terminology that says here, like,
here's the potential energy that might come up for you during this transit. 1s Rather than, this is what's going to happen to you.
Here's what could happen. Here's what might happen.
Here's what you might start experiencing. Here's what you might feel or notice going on around you.
It's like the Choose Your Own Adventure
It's like you're the person. It is going to be so different for every person. Like, right now, we're all experiencing Mars retrograde and Gemini, but how each individual is experiencing Mars retrograde and Gemini is going to totally depend on your
personal chart, your birth chart. It's going to depend on your cultural experiences as well as a lot of other factors. Some people might not even notice anything different right now.
Good for you if you don't. And some people are going, oh, my God, this is, like, so stressful right now. When is it going to end? 2s And that's valid no matter what, because as I said, there's. 1s That reflective quality of astrology. And so Mars retrograde and Gemini isn't just one thing. And so if an astrologer says it's just one thing, that's when I start to feel suss about that.
None of the planets are just one thing. None of the signs are just one thing. So 1s is this way all the time, no questions, and there's no room for flexibility within that interpretation, then I'm
that's not my preferred method of interacting with astrology. So I think that I guess for some people, that work. But I think I would ask, what are you getting out of it?
Like, follow these follow an astrologer for a while. Follow their social media if they have a podcast, if they have a YouTube, or if they're just posting on Instagram and Facebook, follow them for a while. See if you get something out of what they're sharing. And then do you like that thing that you're getting from what they're sharing? If all you're getting from it is like, oh no, I have to be afraid of this energy that's coming. 1s Oh, no, this transit has been flagged. That transit is bad. If that's all you're getting, like, is that doing something? Is that helping you in some way? 1s If it is, then okay, 1s I guess there are unfortunately, there are some people out there who are not ethical. They will prey on people. They will attempt to tell you things like 1s that. 1s They might you might go to them for, say, an astrology reading or even a Tarot or whatever, and they'll say, oh, well, you know, you might have this going on. You might be cursed. You can have this. And that's the whole thing, too? Yes. Okay,
so just like Basic Ethics 101. First of all, if they are messaging you out of the blue, red
flag. Red flag, right off the bat. If you bought an Instagram DM or a Facebook message or on someone that you don't know messaging, you saying, hey, my spirits led me to you, and I think you need a reading, or like, hey, I really was drawn to your energy, and I think you could benefit from a reading. Do you want one? Or they're offering just showing up, like, without you reaching out to them first. That's commonly the behavior of scams. Not everyone who does it is a scammer. But I would also say that those people maybe don't have the best business model that they're using. Even if they are legitimately a good reader, they're
not really following an ethical business model. So that. 2s Just saying, if you're doing that to people, stop,
please. Yeah,
you should be the one reaching out to them because you found them and you like what they were offering on their social media or you liked what you read on their website. If they're just reaching out to you, you out of the blue, then that's red flag number one. And then commonly with those people who reach out to you, first they give you something for free 1s or at a very low price. And then the hook is
that they
say, well, here's your reading. Unfortunately, my guides or my cards or the stars or whatever have just alerted me that this terrible thing is you have a curse, you have an evil entity attached to you, you have something terribly wrong. But don't worry, I can fix it, but it's going to cost you. Red flag. That's huge, huge red flag. Like, if you've made it that far with them, just stop all communication immediately. An ethical reader. Even if they predict, even if they do see something going on in your chart that's not positive, they will tell you what it is, but they will not claim that they are the only way to fix it, and they will not, like, try to pressure you into spending more money to fix the problem that they found. Like, I might see some rough things coming up ahead for you, Astrologically, and I will do my best to share that information with you in the most positive way possible, to empower you to get through it rather than scaring you. And then, yeah, I do like it if people come back to me for readings, but I'm not going to be like, oh, this really bad thing is going to happen, and you have to come back to me so that I can tell you how to get through it and it's going to cost more money. 1s That's just bad business. Whether they're a scammer or legit or not, it's business practices. And I would not want to. 2s Interact with the person who practices their readings in that way.
It's true, though, because some people, they just are just I'm not going to say they're awful people, but some people out there, you know, they're on their own journey of learning too. And they have their own things that they are their own 1s chart cycles that they're in the middle of.
Yeah, I'm not immune to
the stuff that's happening astrologically just because I'm an astrologer. I'm not immune to my own past trauma. I'm not immune to my own symptoms of mental illness. But as a reader, it's my responsibility to learn not to project that onto other people, not to make my problems other people's problems, and to recognize that people are coming to me in a vulnerable state. The majority of time, if someone coming to you as a life coach or as a Tarot card reader or as an astrologer, they're coming to you feeling vulnerable. They need guidance. They need some kind of support. They're going, what's going on? I need help. I've looked other places for some kind of answers, and they're turning to you for some kind of support. So they're coming to you from a vulnerable state. And there are people out there, unfortunately, that prey on that. They know that people who are interested in Tarot astrology are a vulnerable crowd because guess what? Especially when you first start looking into spirituality and metaphysical stuff, it's often because you're feeling rejected by or shut out from 1s the
norms of society.
And what, you want some kind
of crisis that has sent you to look for answers in the occult or in occult meaning in knowledge. So you
all your resources up in the mundane. You're like, I don't know what's happening. You have to start looking in these secret hidden places that not everyone talks about and that are kind of taboo. And in order to make that choice to go look in those secret hidden places, you're probably having some kind of crisis or moment of vulnerability. And so if you're reading responsibility to recognize that and to treat that moment with care and respect, 2s And unfortunately, the truth of the matter is there's people that are out there that are preying on vulnerable people to make
money or
for whatever reasons they have. If they get some kind of kick out of it, it's just you have to be aware when you're going into this part of the world, into this community, like, not everyone has your best interest at heart, even though they say they do. And so that's why I said to first start by checking out someone's social media and their website. How does it make you feel? Is it fear based? Is it telling you that you have to get this reading from them because there's no other way to access this information. Like, I have my patreon and I have my social media websites and I'll say, this week is going to be rough. Here's why. And I'll tell you, it's because Venus is Saturn or Saturn is Squaring Uranus. And this is kind of the energy that's bringing in. It's like a weatherman predicting the weather, right thing. Like some strong storms are coming up, you could shelter in place, bring an umbrella. And that's all I'm saying. But the reason that I tell you it's because Saturn is squaring Uranus. Is so that you can go and find Saturn Squaring uranus on your own. You can Google that information. What does that mean? Saturn squaring uranus. I'm going to look it up, and you'll find other astrologers talking about it, and so you can come to your own conclusions. So another red flag is like like, oh, here's this big thing is happening. But they don't tell you 2s why they came to that conclusion. So they don't give you the tools to research it on their own, and they present it as, here's the problem. And the only way to find out what that means or the solution to that problem is by paying me.
Yeah, and a good ethical reader won't do that,
right? They'll say, the problem here's what I suggest solution is you can come to me for guidance, but I'm not the only option for you to come to guidance. And they'll also even sometimes suggest that you go see a doctor or a therapist, or they'll say to you, like, I don't have 2s the knowledge to give you that specific answer. Sometimes what a client is looking for is outside of my school skill set. And I have to say that's not really what I do. Here's some options of different people you can look to for that type of stuff, but that's not what I do. I don't remove curses. 1s I don't generally do smell work for people. That's not what I'm into. I'll not a medical doctor. I'm not a lawyer. So I can't give you legal advice. 1s I can't give you financial advice, like, officially.
And, you know, I'm just going to say, like, people may laugh who hear this, but we legitimately have people ask us all kinds of advice, all kinds of questions. Like, I mean, it's almost like your hairdresser. Or like it's like there are just certain people in your life that you don't really have secrets from your astrologers. One of them, because they always see into what is going on with you. And it's not always like an internal gift. It's just because there's you're dialed in to it's like standing on top of a mountain and looking down into a valley. 1s People see what they see because they have a different viewpoint.
And that's also why it's helpful to go to a live astrologer rather than just getting an algorithm to interpret your chart for you is because 1s the living astrologer has like, this different viewpoint then just like something that's written down. 2s Like,
a lot of the websites even use interpretations that were written by real people. They're not just written by a computer, but that person was writing based on one, like, thing
that they had in mind.
Right. And like I said,
the astrology is never just one thing.
And some of the websites that you find especially, like, the astrologer, 2s unfortunately, because there are unethical people, they might take a reading that someone does, copy it, and paste it as their own work too, and then they might charge you for it. Yeah,
that happens too, unfortunately, which is like, I do my readings live on video chat, just like we are right now. We both go on a zoom or Microsoft teams meeting in person live on video, and we sit and have a conversation.
And it's just as easy as we're talking right now. Yeah, and it's just as easy as this. I'll ask you some questions about what's going on in your life. I'll look at your chart with you. I'll explain to you what I see. I'll ask you to respond to what I'm saying so that I can make sure I'm on the same wavelengths. Or if you have specific questions about what's going on in your life, I'll say, okay, sure, we need to look at these planets then, or, this is the part of the thing that we need to look at based on that question. And so it's very, in the moment, intuitive, but I'm
not going to just send you this written report and be like, here you go, there's your chart reading. Some readers do that, and that's
valid. That's not what
I do because I like to have the one on one connection and, like, back and forth interaction with people because I think that the chart is like, a living thing, and so it's better to have living things interacting with it. 1s And it makes sense because it's like an extension of you, and it's an extension of your it's like your energy and your charts energy, they mesh. 1s So it's nice sometimes. Like, I've had readings that were done online. I've had, like,
the virtual AI interface readings where it's like an algorithm that you click Enter and then it pops up your information. And then I've had live readings, you know? 1s And I can tell you, out of those, I have found benefits in each one. But live reading is my favorite because there's just something about that human element that you can have with someone else. 4s Had a class together. Liliana has read for me before, and it was fabulous. And that's one reason why I love her and why she's here. But it was the first time I had had that professional, like, through real astrological reading in person, and it never made me want to ever do it another way again. Right. Like I said, when I first finally had my one on one reading with Sabrina, that was my moment, that I was like, oh, astrology is, like, beautiful and awesome and way more different than I thought it was when I had just been reading things off of books and websites. And so I do know some fabulous readers who do written reports and I do know some fabulous readers who do things like the voice recording where they'll look at your chart
and they'll just do a voice recording and send it to and that can be awesome if you.
Have a weird schedule that doesn't allow you to easily schedule a session with your preferred reader, 1s or if you're like in a totally different time zone and just can't, you know, can't connect with someone live or you just work really weird hours. So there's something for everyone and you can experiment and find what works for you. And I'm not saying that readers who don't do live sessions are any less valuable than those who do the
live sessions. I just like the live sessions.
But 2s ideally, I would love to be like face to face with people, but because I want to offer readings to people
besides just the people in my town, 2s I like to do the online things too, so that you don't have to travel or leave your house
back. Before COVID we all did the festivals. A lot of us did festival circuits. And there is an energy like no other when you do festivals. So 1s that was always fun too. It's just being a reader. 1s And some people I would only see at festivals that was like they would come and they'd say, hey, we knew you'd be here. Can you do a terror reading or can you do whatever? And I would say sure. And that's how it works. And there is that element that you really do love. So with that said, I do have real quick, do we have time for some user submitted questions?
Absolutely. I can keep going for a bit longer.
Okay, I have four question. Three, because I can't count. See, I don't do math. 3s Why? So these questions were brought to me by some people. I said, hey, I'm doing an episode on astrology. Give me some questions and just ask me off the top of your head. Like, if you need questions answered. One is, why is Aquarius never in astrology memes? Because apparently when astrology, when people have, like, the joke memes out or the big group of memes that go, apparently Aquarius is the meme that's always left out.
That hasn't been my experience. And I'm in some astrology memes and like, shit posting groups that just do the dopes and stuff. Right. So either the meme pages you're following are no good, 1s find better ones.
You said. I didn't. 2s Happy of News might have some.
I don't share a lot of memes, but
get what you're saying. Like I've seen libra get left out. I've seen a list of it's supposed to be the list of twelve, but one of them is missing. I haven't noticed that it's always Aquarius left out. I just know that sometimes what that tells me is the person who made the memes is probably not super into astrology and they were just reading off of the list themselves and they missed one. 4s When it comes to memes, it's just like that's how people are just cheering collective information and 3s just find better meme pages is all I can say to that one, because I haven't experienced that to be true. I've seen a lot of Aquarius memes. 2s If you are finding that you feel like they're regularly left out, then I wonder if that's just like a way of your psyche. It's kind of like dream interpretation. What does it mean that you feel like your sign is being left out all the time?
Right? 1s Subliminal
your experience has been that the Aquarius gets left out. That's not my experience. But that's your experience, and that's valid. What does that mean to you? Are you feeling unnoticed? Are you feeling left out? Are you feeling like part of you is not seen?
They might. You never know. I
should look into why am I having this experience? Because it's definitely not a global experience that everyone leaves out. Aquarius. If you're having that experience, there's something, there's a message there for you about how you view yourself and how you think the world views you or doesn't see you or something like that.
But that's a good answer. That's very cool. That's a good one. I'll have to tell you what they tell me when they look.
I'd love to hear back.
The next question that I truly tackled when this came up was why does everyone hate Scorpios? Because, because some of the best people are Scorpios and Scorpios get such a bad rap.
Scorpios and Gemini's get a really bad rap most of the time.
And that's just modern, that's just modern astrology. That's just kind of what's present in 1s right now is just 1s every sign has positives and negatives. Every sign has 2s way that it behaves are going to be very mature and ways that it behaves that are going to be very immature and just
why we culturally have this view of Scorpio right now as a negative. I think it's because
is not comfortable energy to deal with. Because Scorpio is about shadow work. Scorpio is about looking at what's hidden beneath surface, it's about going underneath to face the things that are taboo. And so that in general is not something that most people enjoy, right? And so they find that energy abrasive or in some way uncomfortable. And so if they're encountering someone that's really
like projecting
the strong Scorpio archetypal energy they feel uncomfortable with it because it's making them look
at something that is taboo or it's making them go through some shadow work of some kind and it's uncomfortable. Scorpio season that we're in right now has to do with death
and like
the, the way that.
At least in the northern hemisphere, scorpio season is about change from, like, going from fall into winter, and the leaves are all falling off of the trees, and things are starting to rot and decompose, and days are getting shorter, some nights are getting longer, and there's more darkness, there's more cold weather. It's just an uncomfortable change, right? And so energetically people are like, I don't like scorpio energy. And then that kind of interpreted into the meme world of, like, people just making fun of scorpios as being yuck or bad. And then
without people even knowing what scorpio energy is about, all they've seen is the memes that are like, scorpios are the worst, and they don't understand 1s where that came from because it's not the scorpios are the worst. It's just that scorpio a part of scorpio energy is hard for people to deal with. But that's the one part that they're focusing on, with that meme. It doesn't mean that it's true all the time. It just means that that's what, culturally, we're looking at right now. There's a lot of modern astrology that I find very,
like, cringe and not helpful because it's reductive and it's definitive. It's like the list of. 2s Here's the worst thing about every sign or it's like the Twitter post that's, like, so brief, and it's like, scorpios are like this, and it's reductive blanket statements that are definitive. And that's meme
culture because it's
meant to, like, just take an idea and spread it quickly. But people forget that there's more than just that one thing. Like, when we're saying 1s Scorpios are like vindictive, I'm not saying that all Scorpios are 100% vindictive all the time. I'm saying that the energy of scorpio holds within it the archetype of, like, vindictiveness. It's there. Whether you access that part of your personality of the Scorpio or not is still up to you.
Yeah, I love that you say that, because someone will have, like, one bad interaction with one person of one zodiac sign, and for the rest of their life, they hate that zodiac. 2s And it's unfortunate. That's
the unfortunate way of, like, you know,
ancients, like over 2000 years ago studied astrology in depth and they philosophized about it and they 1s created this very intense mystical system of the stars and the planets and the signs and there's so much in it. And then we've reduced it to 1s scorpios.
Are vindictive 1s or like I dated a Gemini once and he was the worst. Therefore, all Gemini's are the worst. 2s Stuff like that. And on one hand, it's fun to play with the Archetypal energies in that way because I can learn a lot about astrology through joking around playfully with the Archetypes and being like oh, panthers are all crybabies as long as I know that.
joke. And that's a way of playing with the archetype. And it's not about the people, it's about the archetype. Right. So when people say, like, Scorpio is the worst, if you can take it in the perspective of they're not talking about me, Scorpio son, they're talking about the archetype of Scorpio, which I might, as a Scorpio son, have the tendencies to display that archetype if I choose to or if I choose not to. Right. So it could be about me if I'm displaying that archetypal energy, or it could not be. It doesn't mean that they think that you're a bad person because you're a Scorpio. It means Scorpio energy is hard to deal with. Are you expressing that hard to deal with Scorpio energy, or are you expressing Scorpio energy in a way that's a little easier for people to digest, to have that capability? 1s Because like I said before, like, astrology is not making you be this way. It's not forcing you to be the type of person that you are. It's kind of like, here's the ingredients that went in. But how you put those ingredients together is still up to you. Yeah,
it's just like baking a cake. We can have the same recipe, and it might taste totally different when it comes out. Right. And people ask that one thing people ask about is twins. How can twins be born on the same day? And they have the same charts, but they're different, so I say it's like a recipe. Have you ever seen Iron Chefs
where the different cooks have all the same ingredients, but they make wildly different meals with them?
So that's such ingredients, good ingredients. It's like a good 1s example. Yeah, because I can have bacon, eggs, cheese and bread. And you have bacon, eggs, cheese and bread. And I go, okay, I'm going to make an egg and cheese sandwich with bacon on it. I'm going to put it all in a sandwich. And you go, I'm going to make a cheese omelet with a side of bacon and a side of coast.
We used the same ingredients. We put these two plates next to each other. They look totally different. You're going to have a totally different, like, experience when you eat one than when you eat the other one. But they were made out of the same ingredients, and that's like twins or people who were born with the same chart. It's like you have the same ingredients, but how you put them together and express them is different. And so, yes, you're a Scorpio, and people are like, Scorpios are vindicated. It's like, yeah, you have that ingredient
in you.
It could be something that just in the back of the fridge and never get used to
it's there. We all have that one container of stuff.
We all have that one container in the back of the fridge that we don't use. So when you read something about astrology, that doesn't sound like me,
It's just part of the archetype that they're describing and whether you
are actively displaying that part of the archetype in your life at this time or not. And again, it's way more complicated than just your son. It's the combination of your son with the moon and the rising and everything else in your chart. So it's not as simple as just saying Scorpio suns are this way because everyone with the Scorpio sun has a different chart. The only thing they have in common for sure is the sun in Scorpio, right? So
it's a generalization. And the generalizations are good for learning the archetypes, but they're really bad to apply broadly to specific people.
I love that. And, you know, 2s that is a great way to just sum up how important it is to have a professional astrologer. 2s We all have had the grace and joy of having Liliana Black Star with us today. She is a professional astrologer and practitioner, a student of metaphysics for over 20 years, and she loves talking about spirituality with others. She's an astrologer, a Tarot card reader, a Reiki master, and she loves helping people. And that's what I love, and that's one of the things we have in common. And she teaches astrology workshops, she offers mentorship on her website, which is hefty asmuse net as well as a way to you can book ratings with her through that as well. She is a graduate of Wolfe and Theological Seminary and she has a bachelor's degree in Wiccan ministry. She's a first degree priestess of the Wise tradition of Wika and is with the Evergreen Hearth yes.
In Centralia Washington. Thank you. I'm sorry, 1s because we want to make sure we give them a proper shout out. She is a member of the Seattle Psychics Association and with the Aquarium Tabernacle Church in the Pacific Northwest. Liliana, real quick, how can people book sessions with you or contact you in case they're interested?
So has a contact form or my email address listed on it where you can email me to set up a session. You can also find me on Facebook hestiasmuse or on Instagram hestiasmus astrology, and you can send a private message to either of those accounts. And I'm pretty responsive to that and we can try to schedule a session through that. I have a Patreon blog, so www. Patreon. Comhostiasmuse and I post regular astrological updates on that as well as it's a way for people to like, if they want to give monthly for the work that I'm doing to post on my social media accounts and stuff. They can do that through Patreon
trying to think. They can also find me at Seattle 1s And additionally, I will be at Spring Mysteries Festival in April.
So Spring Mysteries Festival is a festival put on by the Aquarium Tabernacle church. It is a psychodrama ritualized whole weekend of exploration of the myth of persephone and demeanor. And it's so much fun. You learn a lot about mythology and yourself through the rituals. And this year I am going. To be holding the role of Hermes. And I am super excited to bring you all the energy and lessons of Hermes through the mythology. And you can get off of your registration fee with the code hermes Awesome.
I think that's all the places you can find me. So, yeah, I love it. And all of this will be in our show notes. If you've had trouble catching any of the websites that we've dropped or names of people that we've mentioned or organizations, they will be listed in the show notes. One of the things that I'll do is I'm reworking my website and one of the things I'm going to do is put past guest information on the site so you can go there too and click as well when you watch the show.
If you happen to watch it through the website, you can go from the website to pestiusmus. Net 1s and contact her that way as well.
Thank you so much for having me on the show. I have enjoyed so much just talking about like, what I believe astrology is and how it works. And I would love to come back and talk to you about it more sometimes.
Yes. Oh my gosh, we have to because it is so much fun. Like, you will have no idea. We could have this one episode last like two more hours. 2s I
could keep talking for that long.
It's so fascinating. It's so much fun. And we have to hold ourselves back a little bit because if we don't, we will just keep going. 1s There will be other episodes. She will be definitely coming back. I'd love to always have you on again. And one of the things that has been fun is just how much we've enjoyed watching each other's journey and how we've seen that grow over the years. So it's always fabulous to see you. It's always great to see how well you're doing and what you're a part of and all the different projects you're going on. So thank you for being a part of my project 1s and for being here and just opening yourself up to this discussion and for helping people learn astrology more.
Thank you to everyone who's doing and listening. We're so happy that you took the time to listen and I hope you got something good out of it. Thank you so much, Andrea.
You are so welcome. I'll talk to you later. 1s Bye.