Let's Talk UNLV

Let's Talk UNLV Trailer Bonus Episode 106 Season 1

Let's Talk: Mental Health Unplugged

Let's Talk: Mental Health UnpluggedLet's Talk: Mental Health Unplugged

In this empowering episode of "Let's Talk UNLV," hosts Dr. Tanya Crabb and Ailisha Vaughn engage in a candid conversation about mental health, trauma, and the journey to self-discovery. Dr. Tanya shares her compelling origin story, from a Jamaican immigrant and Persian Gulf Desert Storm veteran to a comic book-loving clinical psychologist. Ailisha unveils her resilience, growing up amidst trauma, abuse, and health challenges. Together, they discuss the importance of mental health in the aftermath of campus tragedies and societal norms surrounding self-care. The episode provides valuable insights, normalizes seeking help, and inspires listeners to reset, renew, and rebuild their lives with self-love at the forefront. Join the hosts on a journey towards healing and empowerment.

What is Let's Talk UNLV?

Rebels, tune in to 'Let's Talk UNLV' with Dr. Sammie Scales. Your express pass to everything UNLV — campus highlights, programs, and the latest buzz. Join us weekly as we chat with student leaders, administrators, and faculty, diving into the core of what makes us Rebels.

The program brings guests from different areas of UNLV every week to discuss campus highlights, programs and services, research interests that are essential to being a Rebel. Let’s Talk UNLV places its emphasis on connecting with student leaders who represent the voice of students on our campus. Guests also include administrators, faculty and staff responsible for upholding the mission of the university, which is teaching, research and scholarship.

Short, sweet, and Rebel strong – subscribe now for the inside scoop!