Daily Dvar Halacha

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Rav Eliyahu Reingold, Rosh Kollel in the Yeshiva of Greater Washington, spent many years learning in the Telshe Yeshiva and Kollel where he was recognized as one of their foremost talmidim. He taught in the Telshe Mechina before coming to the Yeshiva of Greater Washington. He is a noted Baal Halacha and Baal Mussar, serving as a well-respected posek for the Yeshiva and community. Besides his responsibility in leading the Kollel, he delivers a high level shiur to advanced students, and provides many halacha shiurim throughout the year. His heartfelt weekly mussar shmuess in an inspiration to all.

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Dosh 40 - Schita on Clothes 5 (Klal 14 Siman 12) Hilchos Shabbos - S0402

We are continuing in siman 12, where the Chayei Adam discusses schita from cloth. We left off discussing the concept of ein disha ela b’gidulei karka, and that if the material being squeezed is made of man made materials, there will not be an issue of schita deoraysa of dosh. To clarify, this is only true in regards to schita under the umbrella of dosh. Schita also applies to melabein and has no such limitation. In other words, the possible issue of melabein is not limited to gidulei karka. Thus, for example, if one squeezes a wet sponge which is soiled, since by doing so they remove some of the dirt, they transgress the issur deoraysa of melabein, even if the material is not gidulei karka.

The Chayei Adam will return to the melacha of melabein in an upcoming klal. Until then, we will discuss the stages and situations where we grapple with schita of melabein and schita of dosh:

There is a concept that shriyaso zehu kibuso, merely soaking something in liquid is already considered cleaning it. Thus, if one pours water onto a dirty garment or soaks it, even if one does not agitate the water, merely soaking it will involve the melacha of melabein.
If the garment is clean, it is a machlokes if shriyaso zehu kibuso applies. We differentiate between three types of materials:
We do not apply shriyaso zehu kibuso to items which are hard, such as dishes or a thick plastic tablecloth. It is even muttar to rub the item in order to clean it.
Something in the middle, such as leather or a soft plastic tablecloth made to remain on the table, also does not receive the status of shriyaso zehu kibuso. Nevertheless, it will be assur to rub it. Thus, for example, although one can pour water onto a plastic tablecloth to clean it, it would be assur to rub it strongly.
Soft items, such as cloth, fall under the concept of shriyaso zehu kibuso. Thus, even just pouring water onto a cloth tablecloth will be assur on Shabbos.
Schita, squeezing, causes two things to occur: it removes dirt from the gament, and it minimizes the liquid which is there. Melabein applies here as well, as the item becomes even minimally cleaner due to the schita.
As we have learned, there will be a concern of dosh as well. If one squeezes to use the liquid, it may be an issue of dosh deoraysa; if one squeezes to discard the liquid, it will be derabanan. There may be other arugiments, depending on the material, as we have discussed.

Practically, if one wishes to clean up a spill, they may not be able to clean up the spill by pouring more liquid onto the spill. They also may not be able to squeeze out the liquid from the tablecloth. If one uses a wet cloth to clean up the spill, it will be a problem of schita. Wetting the cloth in the first place may be an issue as well. There may be an issue of tzoveya as well, which we will discuss when we learn the melacha of tzoveya.

Ein disha ela b’gidulei karka only applies to natural materials when it comes to schita of dosh. Schita as it regards melabein applies to all materials.
Shriyaso zehu kibuso certainly applies to dirty items.
We pasken that:
If the item is hard, it will not apply, and it is muttar to rub the item.
If the item is soft, it will apply.
If the item somewhere it in the middle, it will not apply, but one should not rub the item.
It is a machlokes if it applies to clean items.