We talk about saving money on auto insurance, homeowners insurance, and - yes - we talk about life insurance!

Unknown Speaker 0:00
You're listening to locally produced programming created in KU NBC Studios on public radio K, u and v. 91.5.

Unknown Speaker 0:11
The following is a paid program sponsored by your insurance connection. Please be advised that the voices and opinions you hear do not necessarily represent the views of K, u and v Las Vegas, the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, or the Board of Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education.

Unknown Speaker 0:32
Good morning. This is your insurance connection. I'm your host, Donald Marquez, on your insurance connection. We talk about saving money on auto insurance, homeowners insurance. Yes. And we talk about life insurance. Welcome to the show.

Unknown Speaker 0:52
Good morning. It's Sunday morning. This is Dan Marquez, at your insurance connection radio K, u and v 91.5. Jazz and more. Welcome to my show. I've been broadcasting right here at KU in the 91. Five for about a little over two years now. And I want to thank the management and staff and my engineer Wes, for keeping the time for me. And I want to thank Dr. Ashton Ridley, thank you so much for allowing me this opportunity. And I'll everybody else Jason and everybody else that contributes to my show to keep it going on the programming. And also the listeners that listen to my show Sunday mornings from eight o'clock AM to 830. Thank you for your continued support. Coming in my office and asking questions, purchasing life insurance, auto insurance, and homeowners insurance is so good see you and I'm glad that I do have an impact and my community that I grew up in and I was raised here in Las Vegas, Nevada, born and raised in Las Vegas, Nevada. You know, I got my start in the insurance business, when back in 1996. And I've been in the business ever since I love what I do and I love to meet you. My Location was on the corner of Sahara Rancho, in the US Bank Center, located on the eighth floor. I'm a licensed insurance broker offering auto auto insurance, homeowners insurance life insurance boat, and motorcycle insurance. I love what I do I absolutely love what I do. You know, in the insurance business, you know, people come back to questions all the time. I had a question just raise just recently. Unfortunately, a young lady lost her. Her dad, he died all of a sudden, she called me and not a customer of mine. And she asked me can I find out? Can I find out whether her dad had a life insurance policy at night? And I said no, I don't have access to any systems that will tell me whether your father had life insurance. He just recently retired. And I want to share this information with you because it's really important. So he just recently died. I mean, within the last week, she needed to find a policy, she had no idea where the life insurance policy was. And she thought I could find something on my computer where he had a policy. Now again, he's not my client. And I said no. But what you can do is go to his checking account. Look at his checking account statement. In el mal fully on the statement, there's a name of an insurance company, there was this pulling money out of his of his account on a regular now, that'll tell you the name of the insurance company and you contact the life insurance company. Now only the beneficiary is allowed to, you know, ask questions, and the life insurance company will give him the information that they need to proceed to file a claim. Now, if you don't know what a policy is, you can't ask for duplicate policy. Sometimes they charge up to $25 for duplicate policy, or you can request by email an illustration of the life insurance policy. Now with this information in hand, even if you don't go as far as getting a duplicate policy, and you have lost a loved one with the information to name of the insurance company, the policy number and also the beneficiary can go to the funeral home and make arrangements now the funeral home will take out their proceeds. And then whatever's left over. The primary beneficiary or beneficiaries can file a claim to get the balance of the life insurance policy tax free. My name is Dawn Marquez for more information. My contact phone number is 702-236-2624 702-236-2624. Last weekend had a lot going on. We had Father's Day and I still want to say Happy Father's Day to all the fathers all those week later. And also celebrating Juneteenth. You know there's a lot of festivities going on and you know a lot of people celebrating and enjoying themselves over a three day weekend. Vegas is being really kind to us right now with the weather. You know being a native of Las Vegas Nevada you know this weather is pretty sweet right now. I don't know what's going on but I'll I'll take it and I know you will do we not scorching hot but you know we eventually will get there. July August and September. You know it is in Vegas. But right now we will accept this and keep it just keep it cool like this. It can stay like this for the rest of the summer. As far as I'm concerned. I don't need 120 115 degree weather. That's what it feels like. 120 degree weather. Just get into it again. I want to congratulate the Golden Knights. Again, the Stanley Cup that's a big accomplishment. We have aces lady aces professional lady basketball team, their season is firing up. Let's support them and support all our professional sports right here in Vegas. You know, girl, and I say that and all what all honestly because growing up we had no we had no professional sports teams here. UNLV was the closest closest thing as a sport, professional sport team. We had basketball. We talked about the basketball team football team. And they entertained us for a very long time. But now we have professional sports and pretty soon I hear we'll get a baseball team. And they're gonna tear down the Tropicana to put a baseball stadium there. They put all these stadiums on the strip Plaza District, you know, even like the one they just built for football, you know? The park is terrible. You know, they didn't ask me, they should have put the football stadium right across the street from from the AMA Hotel. Because then you have access to i 95. And just give me the I 15 north and north and south and then you have st rose Parkway in Las Vegas Boulevard. Right that they said that was a perfect location, do tailgating and everything. But like I said they wanted us to park at the stadium. I've been to the stadium once if you haven't been it's a beautiful stadium. They take No cash, no cash, all credit cards. Well, today, we're gonna get right into it. I am a licensed insurance agent. I represent multiple life insurance companies, auto insurance companies. You know, my final My favorite subject is life insurance. final expense life insurance. Like I was saying earlier, the young lady. She didn't know her dad's life insurance policy was she was tearing up the house looking for the policy. Again, you know, I gave her advice, go look at his checking account. And to see if there's a life insurance company withdrawing money out of his offers checking account, it'll reflect on the statement, call the company up. And now they'll give him the information that's needed. Hopefully, that's one way you can find the policy this happens far too often. Where loved ones pass away. And they didn't have that serious conversation with their family members. Where is life insurance policy? Now it should be I know no one likes to talk about death wants to talk about that, you know, we got got too many things to do. You know, I'm, I'm with that it to a point. You know, I let my family members know exactly what everything is my trust. My life insurance is right here with instructions on what to do. But you know, nobody wants to talk about it. But it's an easy conversation, I get the back end and the front end of it. Nobody wants to talk about it. But it's necessary. Because people want to know, because you know, that to bury a loved one today and you're talking about almost $20,000 to bury a loved one. You need to know what that information is. And you know on the GoFundMe is the car washes and in the big sales that just really doesn't cut it. Now if you do have a life insurance policy good for you. Do offer no obligation reviews know that I do not charge you to come into my office and have a life insurance, auto insurance, review all of your insurances to make sure you're up to date, and especially the people that tell me Well, I've been with my company for many years. And especially with the life insurance, you're the ones that need a review. Because as we age, and we all do every single day, your life insurance policy could be going up, you know, it could be going up and you don't understand why it's going up. Or if you borrowed money against your life insurance policy, and haven't paid any money back toward that borrowed money. You know that that borrowed money could double every seven years. That's called a rule of seven. This is news you could use my name is Don Marquez, this is your insurance connection. 702-236-2624 702-236-2624 is my contact phone number. You can call me on a Sunday I'll answer the phone. You know, this is a pre recorded show. I've had people call me right in the middle of the show and I'm listening to it. Eight o'clock in the morning. You know, I'm critiquing myself. You know, that is you know, so, but you know I I do have people call in and you know, they wonder where you located. I'm on the corner of Santa Barbara and Rancho, Sahara and Rancho where is that that's right across the street from the palace station Hotel and Casino Chick fil A is on the opposite side, beautiful tall brown building. It has US bank on the top, eighth floor work by appointment only 702-236-2624. And you can also text me to and I'll call you back and make an appointment arrangements. My business hours are Monday through Friday from 10am to 5pm. And every now and then I will work on a Saturday that call me at 702-236-2624. Now let's get right into the final expense life insurance policy one of my favorite subjects final expense. Now this policy is of $35,000 in whole life insurance coverage. Now,

Unknown Speaker 10:50
I've had people ask me this simple question and I get it. Well, I've been paying on my policy for many years, a whole life policy, do I continue to pay it on on it for the rest of my life. Now what you can do is what we call take a reduced paid up insurance. Now what that means is you've paid into your life insurance policy for quite some time you do have made, you may have an option to say you know what I don't need, let's say for an example, you have $20,000 in Whole Life coverage, but you can pay on your policy for the last 20 years. Now what you can do is contact the life insurance company and ask them Do they offer a paid up insurance policy. In other words, you don't want to accept the paid up face amount of the policy. You don't have to make any more insurance but monthly insurance payments or quarterly or annually, have you paid for it. But you may take a reduced amount from the $20,000, you'll take a reduced amount because you don't need as much, you'll have a reduced amount, and there'll be a benefit for the rest of your life. And you don't make any insurance payments. Or you could you know, relinquish the life insurance policy and surrender it and take the cash out of the policy, all the cash out of the policy. Now keep in mind the policy is over. Once you take all the cash out, you surrender always if you got to surrender a policy that you know, never call and cancel a life insurance policy, say I want to surrender my policy as a reason for that, when you say the word surrender, you'll want to likely get some money if you have a positive, you know, builds cash value term has no cash value asset. Not at all. Now, if you get a term policy, it's gonna sit at age 95. Because you know, if you listen to my show, and a lot of you have that policy will not take you days 95 It is going to end either 20 years, 30 years, the end is over. And sometimes even 10 years because some people take a short term policy out for 10 years. And then all of a sudden, you know, 10 years is over with the policy will, the premiums will go up every month. I mean, it's not it'll go up on the first year for the for a certain dollar amount, and it'll go up every year on its anniversary, excuse me for that. So every year on his anniversary, once you turn on policy is over with, it will go up every year, your premiums will stay the same for the first 12 months, and then the next 12 months, they'll increase. That's what term does. And also universal life or whole life may do the same thing, as if you don't get in an insurance review, to review your options with life insurance. Now if you you know, if you're in a bind, and you have to, you know, need to fix the car, make some repairs around the home, you know, you may can use your life insurance policy as a living benefit to get your car repaired, you know, you 95,000 Miles get my car repaired, you know, but I do have a life insurance policy. Why not use the money in case of an emergency. That's an emergency. But you know, while you make in your normal life insurance premium payments every month, you know, contact a life insurance company. If you take out that $5,000 You know pay a little bit back, pay a little bit by it, he knows that there's no certain dollar amount, you might have to pay back you can pay as little as $20 a month on that $5,000 Bower, but keep in mind, it's going to be a seven to 8% interest rate on the money borrowed. You know, use your life insurance policy as a living benefit. You know, again, nobody likes to talk about death. But when you pull out the life insurance policy, and as we age, I want to make sure you have the right life insurance policy because it when you put your policy out and you don't quite understand what you're looking at, you know, because there's a lot of numbers, a lot of words What does all this mean? And you know, and sometimes you find yourself with all these writers on the policy and they're accidental writers and you said what is an accidental rider or you know it but but it may not the face amount may not be as much as you thought it was when you purchase the life insurance policy. For an example, I saw a policy just the other day, a lady came in says why I have $50,000 with a life insurance. I said, Okay, master your policy. So I reviewed it, she heard my show she came in to review it. Thank you very much. She had $20,000 in real life insurance. And she had $30,000 term was she had a $30,000, writer for accidental only to make a policy look like it was valued at $50,000. He said, What does all that mean? I said, Well, if you pass away of natural causes, the policy would pay out $20,000. Now the accidental only is a $30,000 writer on your life insurance and make the poll policy look like is worth $50,000. However, the ladies Okay, well, I understand it. So if I die of an accident, will they both pay? I'll say yes, they will now the accidental portion will pay and also the whole life portion will pay. However, you know, when accidental only life insurance policy pays out that you know, there's certain reasons why you will pay out. Now maybe jumping on an airplane and air and the parachute doesn't deploy. Okay, that's an accident. Kind of extreme. But it is accidental only now maybe you one day, you know when I want to go to out to the Speedway and, and drag race as a car accident, it may pay me and not pay because there are stipulations with the exclusions with the accidental life insurance policy. If you're carrying only accidental only life insurance policy, you know, it will not and I cannot say this enough, it will not pay for natural causes. You know, I talk to the people at the funeral homes, many, many people go to the funeral homes, they don't have any means to pay for a very expensive funeral. You know, this is a way to get started, something is better than nothing. Let's start chipping away at a little bit at a time. You know, we spend money on vacations, we spend money going out to the shows and dinner, you know going into in and out these drive throughs. And you know, going in and out of the drive throughs used to be a very inexpensive trip to get something to eat. But now I mean, you can go into any enemies, you know, drive throughs. And it gets quite expensive, especially if you feed the family of three or four, oh my goodness, you might as well go to the grocery store and buy some groceries and cook it alas a lot longer. And it's a lot healthier for you too as well. But everything has gone up is everything is very expensive these days. Why not reduce your expenses, you know, Star putting I look at life insurance as an investment in you. You're the you're the greatest asset to your family, you really are you're producing an income to create a home for your family to feed your family to pay the bills. Without you what would they do. Now, this life insurance policy I'm talking about today is up to $35,000 in Whole Life coverage. Now if you have underlying health conditions, you know, maybe your weight has a condition or you know that we don't ask that question, how much do you weigh? If you want to add a child rider on a policy we can't add a child right on the policy there is absolutely no physical, no physical, just a few. So 11 health questions that I'll ask these a yes or no car? These are yes or no questions. Very simple, very easy. And most of you will qualify for the insurance day one. Now, if they're not, you are a stage one stage two cancer patient. Don't give up, I can get you a life insurance policy. My name is Don Marquez, you can contact me at 702-236-2620 470-223-6262 for you know I'm here for you. I'm a licensed insurance broker. I started this business back in 2015. And I've been doing well ever since I really enjoyed talking to a lot of you about your concerns about your life insurance and what I've been finding lately. People contact me. And they want to insure their young children. And I'm talking about young children like in their 20s. You know, and they come to me and they say, you know, I want to make sure they are protected. They don't have any life insurance, they don't have a job with life insurance. I just want to make sure they're protected. Because as a parent, you know, you would be responsible for their final expenses, if there is a premature passing. Now, you know, when my son was born, I took out a policy on him and I've been paying on it ever since because I know he is he's not going to pay out well, he probably will now because he's in his mid 30s. But you know, I knew if he was like 1718 years old, he wouldn't pay on the policy. I don't care what it costs, if it could be very little, you know, because they don't they don't think about the responsibility of having a life insurance policy. They're very young. Now, if you had a young age in your life and you have a young family, and you and your you know, late 20s, early 30s Let's sit down and get you a real life insurance policy, something that would carry your family well we I can make you a millionaire. I can make you a million and it's very affordable, probably less Then $2 a day, I can make you a millionaire, or probably even less 702-236-2624 702-236-2624. My

Unknown Speaker 20:12
name is Donald Marquez, I started, you know, like I said, I started my business in 2014. And I love what I do. Prior to 2014. You know, I was a captive agent with AAA insurance company, let's stay there long enough to retire. And prior to AAA, I worked for Allstate Insurance Company. And both companies great companies to work for if you are Allstate or triple A insurance agent, you know, I know like, you know, you can only sell their products and services. And I got a little frustrated. Because when a customer came in to see me when I was I can only sell AAA all state products and services, I can only, you know, I had to pick up the phone and call a broker and say, You know what, I have a client, I have their home and auto insurance. And that, but they need life insurance, they were turned down here for life insurance, because they had diabetes, you know, and it's no problem, send them to me, I can get them a policy. Well, I got tired of sending the business across the street. So I decided in 20 2014, to be an insurance broker. And as a broker, it allows me different companies, because everyone doesn't fit in one box. You know, again, captive being a captive agent working for one company was great. Had a great career, I learned a lot. I learned a lot. And this would make separates me from a lot of insurance agents. It is my experience. You know, I mean, I know people, they look at Facebook, they want to see how many followers you have, you know, pretty Facebook page. And then you can get all that you can have all that, no, I'm building a Facebook page as we speak. Because I see that's a sign of the times. But you can you can have a really nice Facebook, you can do all that, you know, have all that on Facebook look really nice, but no experience. So when a customer comes to you with all that really nice Facebook, and then they was attracted to your Facebook ad and all that, but you have no experience, you have no experience you don't know, okay, they're telling you what's going on with their body. We're talking about life insurance, or auto insurance, homeowners insurance, you know, you just oh, okay, but I've been in, I got a really nice Facebook page. But you only been in the business for a couple of years. So what separates me is my many years many decades of years of experience, I work hard for my customers, I really do 702 To 36262470223626 to four, located on the corner of Sahara and Rancho in the US bank center located on the eighth floor 702 to three 626 24 with the final expense life insurance policy, again, there's no physical and you get a final, you get my final wishes is a wish book, you can put all your final wishes a book, that way you can get no charge, and you write your name, you address down your place of birth, you know, everything that your family members will need at time of need, does not want you to be around for a very long time. But when it comes to that final expense, and uh, you know, and everybody passes away, and it costs a lot of money to pass away today, just imagine this. Now you already $40,000 in debt, right? You already for you have a car, your car, what you know you owe $25,000 on your car, which is not hard to do today, by the way, you owe $25,000 on your car, you have $10,000 in credit card debt, and you gotta have another bills, other loans that add up another $5,000. So you have $40,000 in debt. All of a sudden one of your family members passes away, and you quickly find out, they don't have any life insurance. Now you know what's going to happen is a close relative or maybe even a friend, I don't know. But you offset and you will inherit their debt for their farm expense. Let's say okay, a funeral costs $15,000 They have a mortgage, you have to pay off for the next three or four months before the homeless. So you have to move the furniture out of the house that costs money, you have to take time off from work fly to another city. So all of a sudden now that $40,000 pride that you are in now you're accumulated another $30,000 of their debt. Is that fair to you? Think about it. Is that fair to you? You know, when I when I talk about passing on generational wealth, that's a good thing. But when you pass on generational debt, when a person dies in your family, either you're going to receive generational wealth, breakeven which is all good. Are you going to accumulate their debt? It's gonna be one or the other. It happens every day all the time. Why would you want to pass on debt to your family members or your children, to your wife, to your husband, you know to you or your grandparents, we're passing all debt to you. You know, I mean, this could be something that's better than nothing. We can make it happen to your insurance connection. My contact phone number is 702-236-2624 702-236-2624 located on the corner of Sahara and Rancho in the US bank center, a life insurance policy can be a living benefit. Now, if you have lupus, or history or cancer, with the cancer long as you stage one, stage two, we can help you lupus, diabetes, cancer, you know, multiple sclerosis, we can help you with a policy. Don't give up now if you have a loved one Alzheimer's or dementia. I got a green syndrome als called Lou Gehrig's disease we can help you with a life insurance policy. If you have a if you have a on dialysis. If you're on dialysis, we can get you a life insurance policy, or you have COPD or emphysema we can get you a life insurance policy do not give up. Now some of you probably on blood thinners does listen to the program right now. Don't give up we can get you a life insurance policy 702-236-2624 Where are my smokers? I very rarely get smokers calling me. I guess everybody in Vegas don't smoke. But when you go to the casino smokes everywhere. Smokers call me you need a life insurance policy as well. We can set up the due date between the first and the 28th of each month a monthly draft comes directly out of your checking account, we can add a child rider on your policy, as long as they're 17 years or younger. No problem at all. And if you need that accidental policy, we can add that as a rider on your life insurance that will cover auto insurance, right auto it will also cover not auto insurance, excuse me, it will cover accidents for autos, so 702 to three six to six to four we like to pull the money directly out of your checking account. Because if we use a card, you know if that car get lost or stolen, or even if it expires, you know the insurance company don't know you got a new card. So you know we rather have the money coming directly out of your checking account. If you switch tech checking accounts, you can call your insurance company direct and then you know get you a get given the update on your new checking account. You know and we'd like to put down the medicines you're taking that you know if you if you go 20,000 And above we want to list the medications that you're taking now this whole life policy is $35,000. In Whole Life coverage now with the child there is no physical as well. We can add a child onto your life insurance policy to age 25. Once they reach age 25 they'll spin off on their own life insurance policy. This is News You Can Use. My name is Dawn Marquez 702-236-2624 702-236-2624. Real quick I was at the Department of Motor Vehicle and taking care of some business over there. And you know anytime I go to the DMV, I try to bring some information back if you receive important information from the DMV knowing now they want to know if you if you recently switched your auto insurance companies, they may send you a letter to see if you maintain continuous auto insurance coverage in the state in Nevada. You know he's put down I have maintained continuous auto insurance with a company named a policy number, your name in the vehicle identification number that's easy to fill out and just send it in or what you can do. If you receive one of these letters you can contact your auto insurance company and have them verify the information to Department of Motor Vehicle. It only takes a phone call. I know a lot of you get panicked and call the agents hey what's going on? I got Lightning, I got auto insurance. I got auto insurance and you know Did you report it? Sometimes that happens, but when you get the letter I know it's a scary letter. But don't panic. You have about 15 days to report. You can go do it yourself call your auto insurance companies I just switch companies and get reported to the DMV. They'll they'll report it and you'll be able to look because you know per vehicle is $250 When your policy lapse when your auto insurance. My name is Don Marquez 702-236-2624 702-236-2624 Everybody enjoy your beautiful Sunday right here in Las Vegas, Nevada. It's a next week. Just keep it crispy. Thank you for listening

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