Popcorn & Plot Holes

Fuck you, Kyle!

Creators & Guests

Life is like a baboon's ass: colorful and full of shit...

What is Popcorn & Plot Holes?

Movies are fun! Movies are awesome! But movies can sometimes be very, very weird... or just plain terrible. In this intersection of fun, awesome, weird and terrible is where Matt, Luciano, Chris and Spencer live and thrive. They'll be watching the latest FACTS (Fantasy, Action, Comic, Thriller, Sci-Fi) movies available on streaming services and sharing their equally awesome, fun, weird and terrible thoughts on them. Welcome to Popcorn & Plot Holes!

Matt (00:01.271)
back to popcorn and plot holes where we discuss all the facts movies you thinking about watching but probably shouldn't have. Facts one more time since we're still new at this game. Fantasy, action, comic, thriller and science fiction movies. This week, if you listened to last week's episode you know what this week is. It falls in the thriller? Question mark category. There's no comedy category, it's comics.

Luciano (00:24.563)
And com- and com- and comedy.

Luciano (00:29.567)
Now there is. I'm changing the sea.

Spencer (00:30.676)
Did you- You- Co- Com- Comic is too meaning. It's comic book and like a comic. Like a- Like a comedian.

Matt (00:32.735)
It's like you don't listen to the, when I talk.

Chris (00:34.062)
Get him.

Luciano (00:35.683)
Ha ha!

Matt (00:38.271)
Oh, I hate it here. You heard everybody who's with me on the show, but we'll go around and take some names just for posterity. I am Matt, your illustrious and only host. Spencer is the other not host. Spencer, why don't you say hi? Yeah. Wow. Foreshadowing. And we also have Chris from Toronto.

Chris (00:40.334)

Chris (00:49.758)
I'm sorry.

Spencer (00:51.854)
Hey, not host here for now.

Chris (00:55.082)
Let them fight.

Chris (01:01.678)
Toronto! The prodigal son has returned to Blacklight City!

Luciano (01:02.35)

Matt (01:09.103)
Chris used to live in Quebec, AKA. We forgot about him. We didn't actually let him on the podcast until he moved back to Toronto. You know you did.

Chris (01:11.414)
No, don't say that shit anymore. I don't, nobody's, yeah.

Luciano (01:17.761)

Chris (01:17.858)
Yo, I've been standing out here on the stoop this entire time in the cold freezing with a red scarf and everything.

Spencer (01:25.786)
Cratching at the door.

Matt (01:27.011)
should be a blue and white scarf. Yeah, for all the Toronto teams, red's for Montreal. Get outta here.

Chris (01:29.326)
Blue and white. It's.

Luciano (01:31.138)
from. Yeah. Get out of here.

Spencer (01:33.378)
Yeah, oh my god, he's still reppin' them.

Chris (01:34.194)
Listen, listen, fuck the Montreal Canadiens, fuck them!

Matt (01:36.619)
You get, go on get. That's right.

Luciano (01:37.972)

Spencer (01:40.076)
You get you get now

Chris (01:42.33)
The opening is 1992 Blue Jays. Devon White!

Matt (01:46.319)
You can also do 1993 if you want to. We're not gonna talk about the Blue Jays because they're under trash this year. Luciano, you're here as well.

Chris (01:51.011)

Luciano (01:53.323)
Yes, and I am Dracula.

Chris (01:55.663)

Matt (01:56.311)
Well, it's a better accent than Nakei's used in the movie Renfield. That's what they call a segue in the biz. I'm very professional.

Luciano (02:02.262)
Hey, you're welcome.

Chris (02:02.82)

Spencer (02:04.919)
But when you point them out, it's less. You know what? He's right, he's right.

Matt (02:06.807)
Listen, you're not the host, so I don't really care what you think.

Chris (02:09.579)
Let them fight! Let them fight!

Matt (02:13.295)
We watched Renfield, which was only an hour and 30 minutes long and probably should have been our first warning at the quality of this movie. But I am not here to specifically tell you all how you think. Um, let's go around the room in a random order. Chris, since you are back from Parts Untold, did you... did you like this movie?

Luciano (02:19.892)

Chris (02:31.571)
Untold and unknown.

Chris (02:38.37)
Why must you drag it out so pregnantly? Why? Yes, I did. I really did enjoy this movie. I had a good time and I was pleasantly surprised. And you know, like the biggest point for me that was the most pleasant was this trifecta of cast members that really bring the entertainment.

Luciano (02:40.873)

Spencer (02:41.474)

Matt (02:42.136)
Huh. Yeah.

Chris (03:04.302)
to the level it should be. I had no expectations going in, but when you have Awkwafina, good comedic writing, you've got, fuck you, Kyle, you've got Ben Schwartz. Ben Schwartz is the fucking goat. Motherfucker can carry an entire thing himself, and he already did. Himself, himself.

Spencer (03:24.232)
Him Shwellf.

Matt (03:24.483)
Sorry, sorry, I gotta stop you here. What movie did he carry himself? Because it ain't this one.

Luciano (03:25.386)
Himsh, Himshelf, yeah.

Chris (03:32.714)
It was Sonic and Sonic 2. Yes, he has. And he himself, bitch, what? And then, and I'm not gonna, honestly, if someone else played Nick, if someone played, someone else played Nick, if someone else, that would be a really good movie. If someone else played Dracula, it would be fine because the combined powers of the rest of this ensemble cast was magnificent.

Spencer (03:32.866)
I don't think he's ever carried a movie. Oh, okay. He carried it in Shwell. Ben Schwartz.

Matt (03:35.741)
Okay, yeah.

Luciano (03:41.87)
in the movie Shonic.

Luciano (03:49.386)
Someone else played New Cage? Ha ha ha! Yeah.

Spencer (03:52.482)

Chris (04:01.502)
And when you have a good script, it's really, really awesome. And when you get, yes, go ahead.

Luciano (04:03.842)
So can you point me to the movie you watched? Because it wasn't the same one I watched. Yeah, where is the trifecta of comedy? Like what the fuck?

Chris (04:08.47)
Yes. What were, well.

Matt (04:10.807)
Where is this good script you speak of?

Spencer (04:14.167)
Is it... is it... is it in the room with us right now?

Chris (04:19.318)
It is. It lingers.

Matt (04:20.811)
Where? Show me where on the doll the script touched you.

Chris (04:26.042)
The script didn't touch me. It touched, actually it touched my heart. My funny bone.

Luciano (04:26.13)
Yeah, maybe it should have.

Spencer (04:30.447)
touched us all.

Matt (04:32.739)
Good work. Disgusting.

Luciano (04:33.63)

Chris (04:36.337)
Ha! Silence! My good natured positivity outshines your whatever.

Luciano (04:39.39)
No, it doesn't.

Matt (04:41.222)
I have many things to say to your nonsense, but no, I let the other people in this room speak. This void that we talk a podcast in. Spencer.

Chris (04:44.026)
I would love to hear them.

Luciano (04:50.408)

Chris (04:52.715)

Spencer (04:53.51)
Speaking to the void. Hello, void. I think you're gonna be shocked to hear, I actually, even though I jumped on Chris because I just liked you, I actually agree with Chris. I was just insulting him for the laughs. I thought this movie was fun. I think if you didn't like this movie, it's your fault. Because you took it too seriously. Yeah. Listen.

Chris (04:55.982)
Listen to this! Listen to this! Listen to this!

Chris (05:07.959)

Chris (05:12.858)

Luciano (05:18.366)
Wow, victim blaming, this early in the episode.

Chris (05:20.602)
Victory is ours!

Matt (05:21.931)
Wow, you learned nothing from this movie about victim flaming.

Spencer (05:24.436)
Hey, let me finish. Let me finish. You're the ones who have been abusing me, OK? Ah, no.

Chris (05:24.663)

Luciano (05:26.857)

Chris (05:27.15)
Get him! Get him, Spaniard!

Chris (05:32.238)
See, see, for the people who can't see what's going on in the podcast, Spencer's defense has created the perfect offense and Matt got up and walked away from the microphone. You can't take it, you can't take it.

Spencer (05:37.946)
Billing my-

Spencer (05:43.314)
He can't take it. Can't take the heat. I'm always, yeah, I am strong, I am powerful. I am worth loving. I forget what he says on the movie. Listen, anyway, but for real, I thought this movie was fun. I thought this movie had a lot of good moments and good, pretty, some interesting film.

Matt (05:46.647)
I'm always in the void, so I'm always here.

Luciano (05:56.983)
This is not Mark's group thingy.

Matt (05:58.156)

Spencer (06:09.454)
making was just like there's a couple cool like shots that were pretty unique and pretty cool. I mean, it's not a great movie, but it's like a fun movie. And I like Nicolas Cage, Hammond and up to the tops like he was he like great in it. No, but he was fucking entertaining and fun. It was Nicolas Cage Hammond up as Dracula. What don't you what's not to love? And I really like the opening when it was black and white and he was like the Bella Lugosi Dracula. I thought that was all really cool.

Matt (06:28.439)
He was Nicolas Cage. Yeah.

Matt (06:37.751)
That was well done.

Spencer (06:39.174)

Luciano (06:39.378)
And it was a great homage. Like if you ever watched the Bill Lugosi one, he did even though the exactly was great. That was probably one of my favorite parts of the movie. Yeah.

Spencer (06:41.75)
Yeah, he. It's like, yeah, shot for shot, like done the same. So, yeah, I was almost like wishing there was like a whole flashback scene with like more of that. Yeah. But all in all, I liked it. I thought it was funny and I was like, uh, I was, I laughed. I cried. No, I didn't cry. I like, I like, I like the unnecessary gore, like right from the beginning, the

Chris (06:49.226)

Luciano (06:52.028)

Luciano (07:03.167)

Chris (07:03.746)
Tears of laughter?

See you later.

Spencer (07:07.686)
that he goes into the Pope's body and just absolutely explodes him from the inside. And I was like, OK, I'm here for this. I get it. We're going all the way in. And yeah, I thought it was a fun movie. Fuck you. Not you, Chris. You're perfect.

Luciano (07:11.543)

Chris (07:12.555)

Matt (07:21.724)
Um, all right.

Chris (07:23.606)
Yay! Vindication!

Luciano (07:24.747)
Ha ha ha!

Matt (07:26.323)
I've no not yet. Luciano. Why don't you tell them why they're wrong?

Luciano (07:28.653)

Spencer (07:30.81)
Come on Luciano, Luciano join us. Right now we've got him two to one.

Chris (07:31.791)

Chris (07:36.258)
We have blood. We have blood, Luciano.

Luciano (07:37.506)
So I'm gonna say this, it was fun to watch this movie to some extent, but most of it was Nicolas Cage. Was Nicolas Cage just hamming it up and all that? But he shows up in like what, like a quarter of the run of this movie, if that? Like a third? Something like that. I don't know.

Spencer (07:44.927)
Uh huh... Er... Yes?

Spencer (07:56.594)
Yeah, I'd say it's probably like 28%.

Matt (08:02.913)
Okay, I'll allow it.

Spencer (08:03.062)
It was slightly above a quarter.

Luciano (08:05.574)
I was there for like the super cheesy like Evil Dead levels of gore. I'm here for that. And I like I have fun. It's not a good movie, though. It's not fun. It's not a good movie, though. It's like the goes nowhere. The end. The ending. So.

Spencer (08:12.602)
So he loved it.

Chris (08:16.258)
You liked that, you had fun loving it.

Spencer (08:18.403)

Spencer (08:21.69)
Uh oh, we're losing him. Oh no.

Chris (08:25.467)
Power of Villiola compels you!

Luciano (08:29.09)
I was fine with this movie up until almost the end when everything went to shit. Well, no, that's not true. We're going to talk about this later. But once the police gets into the business, like I just I was out fucking out. But we'll talk about it later. But like, I don't know, it was there was nothing there. The movie didn't know for me, like it tried to be funny, but it also tried to try to be like, I don't know, edgy or like terror or whatever. And it didn't know what it where we wanted to land. I don't know. It's

There was some really funny moments. I loved Nicolas Cage hamming it up like it's, I disagree with Chris completely. If it wasn't for Nick Cage being Dracula in this, this would have been almost unwatchable for me, honestly.

Chris (09:16.378)
So you loved it.

Spencer (09:17.198)
So yeah, well, you know what? I agree. Lucy, I know you're, I'm glad you liked it like we did. So Matt's wrong.

Luciano (09:19.394)
Jesus Christ. Nah, nah. It's...

Chris (09:21.526)
You know, it's, you're outnumbered, Matt. Three to one.

Matt (09:24.387)
This movie is what happens when you try to make what we do in the shadows and get every part of it wrong.

Spencer (09:25.239)

Luciano (09:31.526)
Yeah, that's a good way of putting it. I like it. Yeah.

Matt (09:34.563)
There are individual pieces where it's really funny. Awkward Bean has some funny lines. You know, Nick Cage, Hand Me Up, Always a Good Time. John Raffio, AKA Tedward Lobo, does a great job being John Raffio from Parks and Rec. And he's entertaining, especially when he just runs from a car with bricks of cocaine, throwing with the cops. But then for every part of that you have, you have the reverse of

Luciano (09:50.217)

Luciano (09:57.59)

Spencer (09:58.068)
Yeah, that was great.

Matt (10:04.523)
like the whole cop thing not making sense. It was shoehorned in there to give a story, but it feels forced. And you know, we're gonna dive into that in the plot hole section, but it just, it throws the whole movie off. We just needed a whole different main story. And I'm sure this would have been a fun movie.

Luciano (10:11.351)
Oh yeah.

Spencer (10:22.574)
Yeah, you can't. I don't think you can look that closely. It's like it's like one of those pictures where you when you squint your eyes, it looks really nice. But like when you start to bring it closer to your face or put your glasses on, then all of a sudden you start to see that it was made by a child.

Luciano (10:26.602)

Matt (10:36.387)
So it's like watching porn in SD versus porn in HD.

Spencer (10:41.57)
You know what? Your analogy was way more poetic. And apt. Thank you. No, no, no. Thank you.

Chris (10:41.839)

Matt (10:45.479)
Yeah, you're welcome. Yeah. So that's the podcast. Yeah.

Luciano (10:45.994)

Chris (10:53.102)
So you, so you, you left it there.

Matt (10:55.887)

Spencer (10:57.118)
He loved it as much as he loves SD-Born. That's pretty high praise! Put that up put that on the box. Yeah, put it on the box. It's like SD-Born!

Luciano (10:59.618)

Chris (11:01.332)
Wow. Put that on the IMDb. There you go. Put it there. It says Matt.

Matt (11:01.392)
I'm confused.

Luciano (11:05.031)

Matt (11:07.732)
I'm aroused. I'm aroused and confused just like porn.

Luciano (11:10.51)
Yeah, that's also, yeah, I was gonna say, that's exactly what SD porn does to you. Ha ha ha.

Chris (11:11.438)
Put that on the box tube.

Matt (11:15.3)

Spencer (11:16.68)
that should be on the poster to just it was on the poster it's like a steve horn

Chris (11:20.233)
No, no, no.

Matt (11:21.603)
It's like you know so the one thing I'll say about this movie is it did it did a really strong cast You know I didn't yeah, obviously you know Nicholas Holton and Nick cage are in this movie But you know I didn't really know that Aquafina was in it didn't know that Ben Schwartz was in it I didn't know that and I'm reading this so if I butcher it, please forgive me Show her show her a ag dash Lou

Luciano (11:22.849)
It's the tagline. It's the tagline of the movie.

Spencer (11:36.282)
Neither did I.

Luciano (11:37.442)

Luciano (11:41.003)
Oh, let's go. Let's go.

Chris (11:41.23)
Can I do it? Can I do it? You wanna do it?

Luciano (11:47.011)
That's pretty good. Like 80% there. That was pretty good.

Spencer (11:48.271)
Sure, I'll react to that.

Matt (11:51.775)
Yeah, and she flips that by being Bella Francesca Lobo for reasons that I don't understand.

Luciano (11:57.273)

Spencer (11:57.78)
She's a Bella Francesco if I ever known one.

Matt (12:00.363)
Listen, they did a good job getting an Iranian woman to play an Italian woman to sire a Jewish man.

Luciano (12:05.874)
with a... yeah... all of them... all of them with a Spanish last name

Spencer (12:08.287)
They nailed that.

Yes, absolutely perfect.

Matt (12:12.303)
Nailed it. That is this movie in a nutshell, I think, for me. But you know, good actors, you know, having talents, and there were some fun parts in the movie. But it was just, the fun parts for me were kind of tripped up by all the weirdness that happened. And like, you know, some of the jokes are funny, I guess scoffing's kind of funny, I don't know, like they hit it a bit too much, but.

Luciano (12:17.003)

Spencer (12:19.534)
Perfect? Hahaha.

Matt (12:41.431)
That's fine. The weird hitman guy who's like a super villain character.

Luciano (12:46.435)
Apache Joe you mean? You show some respect to Apache Joe hahahaha

Matt (12:48.227)
I'm sorry.

Spencer (12:48.747)
Yeah. Yeah, that was funny. He was like, he cuts people's tongues out. Like you try and tell him to chip. That's what he says though, in the movie. He's like, he cuts people's tongues out. You tell him he's racist. I'm like, that was a good line.

Matt (12:51.059)
Apache Joe? That's so racist.

Luciano (12:53.27)
That's his... Yeah, they call it! They even call it... It's like... You... Yeah, yeah, yeah... That was exactly... So I think that's the thing. There are very many small moments in this movie that are really funny, but they just don't gel together as a movie.

Matt (12:57.871)
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

Matt (13:03.871)
Yeah, it was. It's true.

Matt (13:08.667)
All right.

Spencer (13:09.93)
Yeah, I agree. That I disagree. See, I felt the weirdness too, but I took it as like endearing. It was like it was like it was like, oh, I like that. This movie is like, yeah, it's like being it's being.

Chris (13:17.834)
Mm. Aware. Self-aware.

Luciano (13:23.134)
It wasn't self-aware, that was the problem. At least for me.

Chris (13:26.682)

Spencer (13:26.766)
I just felt like the writers were like having fun and like also not like playing to the crowd. You know, it's like they're just doing their own thing.

Matt (13:33.975)
Well, I think that's the problem with it for me is there, I just keep, I don't wanna like, we're gonna get to it, how bad the police thing is, but it felt shoehorned into a story that could have just been about Renfield and Dracula being in New Orleans, meeting a cast of characters. You didn't need the police to be chasing, you know, a crime family. You could have had it just people existing in New Orleans doing life.

Spencer (13:43.285)

Spencer (13:53.57)
A gang war? Yeah.

Luciano (13:56.862)
Well, to be fair, they weren't really chasing anybody. Like that police wasn't chasing anybody. So, but like, but like one thing that bothered me a little bit, but it was like silly, like every one of the Lobos cars had like neon underneath it. And no, that's but that's the that's the.

Matt (14:02.581)
Don't don't you're ruining the first plot hole

Spencer (14:04.206)
We'll wait, we'll get there.

Matt (14:18.391)
What, you know, it's good enough for Fast and Furious 1, good enough for this movie like 20 years later. Yeah.

Chris (14:18.511)
And one of the reasons-

Spencer (14:25.719)
So you're telling me they were cool as fuck, okay?

Luciano (14:26.166)
That's the thing. I was like, but why? And I was like, okay, when I saw that the first time, I was like, okay, this movie is a movie that's gonna not take itself seriously in any way whatsoever. But then there were situations where they tried to, and then that just threw me off. The whole police thing again. Yeah.

Chris (14:26.17)


Spencer (14:32.347)
Cuz they're fucking dope bud

Chris (14:36.967)

Spencer (14:38.534)

Matt (14:39.027)
I'm sorry.

Spencer (14:47.938)
I don't, when did it try and take it? I didn't think it took itself seriously at all. Was that serious? I didn't think it was serious. No, there was no like emotional moment.

Chris (14:52.866)
Really? I think you were, I don't know, tried to make it serious?

Luciano (14:54.55)
They tried, they tried. They tried to give like a, oh, you're dead. I don't wanna get into the police thing. We can get into police things later. But I don't know. It didn't gel for me.

Chris (15:03.282)
Maybe we'll go, I don't see it, but okay.

Spencer (15:05.046)
I thought the whole thing was done pretty tongue in cheek.

Matt (15:09.323)
Well, okay, huh if you didn't like the police the police chief thing was being tongue-in-cheek How about Renfield's weird wife and kid that showed up? In the third act right before they're going to take Dracula down

Luciano (15:18.35)

Spencer (15:23.366)
Can you imagine if that should have been played for jokes? Where he just mentions like three quarters of the movie, he's like, oh, my wife and kids would have loved this. He's like, oh, you have a wife and kid? He's like, pulls out a picture and it's like this like ugly ass kid. And he's like, I was never a big fan of Rufus. He just throws it away and like, that's it? Yeah, it's just.

Chris (15:23.534)
That was awkward.

Matt (15:38.936)

Chris (15:41.931)
I'm sorry.

Luciano (15:46.014)
And then Alcofino goes, well, I can see why you chose Dracula. See, that would have been funny, yeah.

Chris (15:46.699)
Ha ha!

Matt (15:50.14)
Yeah, much better.

Luciano (15:53.836)

Spencer (15:53.838)
But yeah, that was a weird like heart. He's like, oh yeah, Dracula says to him, he's like, oh, when you left your wife and kid? And I'm like, wife and kid? What the? When did that come up? Yeah, that was.

Chris (16:04.696)

Luciano (16:06.879)
Now, to me, the thing with like Aquafina and her dad and the sister and all of that was pretty too straight for me. And I don't think Aquafina has the dramatic chops to carry it off. It didn't convince me at all.

Chris (16:12.751)

Spencer (16:17.906)
Oh my God, that was the one part of the movie where it took me right out. Aquafina was like telling jokes. She's fine. That's her. That's her shtick. But when she's like at the end of the movie, when she's like, you can save my sister if I join you for the greater good. I'm like, she just she's like literally monotone reading. I was like that. Yeah, that took me like right out of the movie. I was like, oh, this is this is bad, bad. Like this.

Luciano (16:26.231)

Luciano (16:36.218)
reading yeah reading from a someone holding a script up to her

Luciano (16:46.678)

Chris (16:47.655)
I was in the moment, but I guess not you guys weren't, okay.

Spencer (16:49.379)
Uh-oh. Now that was like the one part because the rest of it she's kind of like jokey. If you're supposed to take her seriously at all you don't.

Chris (16:55.224)

Luciano (16:58.83)
There are several situations like the first time when she goes in to try and get Teddy and the police chief gives her the So so played off your father was the best cop I've ever worked with And like and she's like, oh you you're supposed to protect you and she's like, oh Yeah, she does It's like I don't

Spencer (17:11.275)

Spencer (17:15.362)

Chris (17:21.691)
Who keeps reading that Bella? Ken Constance, right?

Luciano (17:27.126)

Chris (17:27.258)

Luciano (17:29.874)
So yeah, exactly. So even that would have been better than what you did, which was again, super monotone and she's trying to emote and she can't see there you go. That's the part that works anyway.

Chris (17:36.154)
Fuck you, Kyle!

Spencer (17:37.575)
Yeah, that she said well.

Spencer (17:43.71)
Yeah, he's like, he's just for missing like, God damn it, give me a badge and you're gonna you're off the force. You know, like the cliche like, you're hot chat, you're hot headed.

Chris (17:49.931)

Matt (17:54.531)
That would have been better than the weird chief they had where he was hard on the cops, but also hard on the take and was a rollover, and then ran out of the room, spoilers, he got killed. He just, he kinda just like, he didn't, he was just set dressing. No, he was nice, I like that. He was just set dressing. He was just there to be run over, or in this case,

Luciano (18:02.466)
The take? Yeah.

Chris (18:02.759)
You gotta...watch your phrasing!

Spencer (18:10.798)
and then his head rolled over.

Chris (18:17.035)
in over his head.


Luciano (18:23.296)

Matt (18:24.067)
have his head chopped off at a later date. And it's like, so like the whole, that whole storyline just seemed like bolted in to give a point to.

Chris (18:35.226)
her incorruptibility.

Matt (18:36.907)
I don't even know what it was doing. I have no fucking idea.

Luciano (18:37.09)
No, it's, it was trying to bring it. It was trying to bring some unnecessary gravitas to the whole story. It didn't need it.

Chris (18:39.13)
To me, that's what, well, not the chief, but that was the layers with Rebecca's storyline.

Matt (18:48.215)
Yeah, they're trying to they're trying to show Renfield has regrets about, you know, being Draco's servant. And they're trying to show him go through all the stages of dealing with the narcissist and dealing with codependency. By the way, I, it's nice to use those words, but like that is a traumatic relationship where like he is an abusive partner, but they didn't ever use the correct terminology for it. We only need to get into that because that'd make a sad movie. Right. And so we have all that.

Luciano (18:53.615)

Spencer (18:54.138)
Murder Slave.

Luciano (19:10.478)
Yeah, that you would, it would be very depressing actually. Yeah.

Spencer (19:15.33)
would have been, if they did that and made it serious, it would have been an interesting, different movie.

Matt (19:20.039)
Sure, but we have Awkwafina's like trying to get revenge for her dad being killed by the Lobos, which they just like casually drip drop things through the movie. They make no sense when they show up. Just so Ben Schwartz can later on be like, oh, you want to see what it's like? Will your dad dead? Would it kill them or blah, blah? And she's like, ah, you didn't do it, you pussy, or and all that nonsense in the restaurant. I'm just like, I don't care. Who are these people? Why do they matter to me?

Luciano (19:45.814)
And again, her trying to not be funny, her trying to be serious is like, I don't believe it. So anyway.

Spencer (19:46.792)
Where's Dracula?

Chris (19:48.776)

Matt (19:49.677)

Chris (19:54.746)
That's interesting.

Spencer (19:54.818)
Yeah, yeah, like I didn't think her like her life felt like her life was on the line at all, like the tension that's supposed to be there. But it's because she's just not good at being like badass if she made jokes.

Matt (20:05.647)
It's like they weren't willing to go all the way, right? Like, like Tedward Lobo, he was kind of the idiot son. Listen, I'm not making that name out, that is his name in the script and on IMDB. He was supposed to be the idiot son, but they didn't want to go full idiot, which is the new saying we're gonna use. We can't use Tropic Thunder anymore. You don't want to go full idiot for some reason. Go full Teddy, nice. You don't want to go full Teddy, but.

Luciano (20:13.935)

Chris (20:14.01)


Chris (20:25.167)

Luciano (20:25.17)
Okay, yeah. You don't wanna go full teddy, yeah.

Chris (20:30.61)
Hey nice.

Matt (20:34.635)
by not going full Teddy, you do the character disservice in the story. Because now he's trying to be everything. He's trying to be the hard, upstart, second in command for the family. Yeah, but they should have had another person in the family, right? Because he's like, I want to know, because mom was like, I want to know who should be leading the family. And it's like, we only got one son. I haven't seen any other suitors anywhere.

Luciano (20:38.182)
deserves 100%.

Chris (20:45.911)
Up start.

Luciano (20:47.106)
The hard, oh, and the hard edged gangster too, which he just can't pull off, yeah.

Chris (20:55.414)
Mmm, it's a playoff.

Chris (21:00.366)
Who else? Yeah.

Luciano (21:03.064)

Spencer (21:03.938)
What about Apache Joe? Oh yeah, he got his head punched off.

Luciano (21:06.462)
He lost his head, okay?

Matt (21:08.883)
He's also.

Chris (21:10.506)
In over his head. Hmm.

Spencer (21:13.002)
Yeah, I mean, it's fair. Those are fair criticisms. But did you see that pope explode? That was cool. There was a there was a lot of fun action set pieces in this. Yeah.

Chris (21:24.066)
We're the last ones of our line!

Matt (21:27.183)
Do you think the not-pope guy was mad he didn't get pope exploded? I didn't get a cool death.

Luciano (21:31.755)

Spencer (21:32.199)
Hehehehe, yeah. Yeah.

Chris (21:36.22)
He was rotisserie to death. Barbecued.

Matt (21:38.075)
Yeah, it's not. It's an astro like was Zamo. It's fun to be exploded.

Luciano (21:38.103)
That's true.

Spencer (21:39.138)
Not as cool.

Chris (21:43.906)

Luciano (21:44.964)
literally going out with a bang.

Spencer (21:45.39)
That's fair. That was probably one of my favorite deaths. The gore in this movie was pretty fantastic, I will say so. No, sorry, I take that back, not fantastic. CGI blood sucks almost always, and at some point in this, it was comically bad. However, there's a point when he had the two arms and he's swinging, and it's like blood is like pouring out of them like a Tarantino move, and you look at the walls and there's no blood going anywhere.

Chris (21:52.462)

Matt (21:57.194)

Chris (21:58.298)

Matt (21:59.797)
It's red water.

Luciano (22:04.864)

Chris (22:04.959)

Luciano (22:07.778)

Chris (22:12.121)
Ha ha

Luciano (22:12.563)
Oh, yeah, I didn't know you were right. Yeah.

Chris (22:14.65)

Matt (22:14.923)
This movie, Spencer, this movie was really bad on those things, like at the very end, when he has that bucket of Dracula blood, and he apparently used it all to revive everybody in his self-help group, it was at the same level it was when he had it, when he took it off, and I was just like, come on guys, you're not even trying. Ha ha ha.

Spencer (22:15.507)
All clean.

Luciano (22:21.737)

Luciano (22:27.558)
Yeah, when he took it off, yes.

Spencer (22:32.976)
This is a bare minimum here. We just played at that level.

Chris (22:36.654)
Three drops is all it takes.

Luciano (22:37.623)
Yeah. Also, there were no blood on them. Like, Renfield doesn't have a drop of blood on him when he was punching people and impaling them with that. That was my favorite scene. You're talking about your favorite scene. It was him ripping the guy's arms off and then impaling two people with the arms. Yeah. So...

Matt (22:40.864)

Chris (22:51.522)
Like mayo, like two Maces.

Spencer (22:53.666)
after he ate the ants.

Chris (22:55.574)
Yeah. You're a bad man, Mr. Redfield!

Spencer (22:57.863)
Yeah, see that was funny. I thought that was funny too.

Matt (22:59.192)
Yeah, that's the problem. Don't look outside kid

Spencer (23:03.406)
Yeah, exactly. That's the traumatizing moment. Remember when that man ate my ants and murdered 45 police officers in front of our door? He ate my ants! My precious ants! My ants! My precious ants!

Luciano (23:05.012)

Chris (23:06.347)
Mama, what is he doing?

Luciano (23:08.886)
There is some... It... Input in cold blood. Yeah. Why? Wait. Why? Why would those two from the south all of a sudden?

Chris (23:12.398)

Matt (23:14.124)
Ha ha!

But my, but my ass!

Chris (23:27.051)
New Orleans, New Orleans, NOLANDS!

Luciano (23:27.166)
It's New Orleans, it's true. So maybe they needed a Creole accent.

Matt (23:27.808)
It's New Orleans, yeah.

Spencer (23:30.318)
Welcome to New Orleans, my precious ants!

Chris (23:32.91)
Mama, mama, what about my ass? Don't worry, baby, I'll get you some buttermilk biscuits. Ha ha, aw, aw. Some chicken.

Spencer (23:39.027)
Oh and New Orleans.

Luciano (23:39.054)
Ha ha!

Luciano (23:43.808)

Matt (23:46.127)
All right, let's deal with this. We've been we've been being around the bush for a lusty for a long time. We got to talk about some plot holes in this movie, because even though this is the greatest movie that Spencer and Chris have ever seen, unless I understand we set a low bar by making the watch Morbius, so maybe it's on the rest of us.

Luciano (23:50.326)
We've been...

Spencer (23:50.583)
Deal with this movie.

Chris (23:51.63)

Luciano (23:54.263)

Chris (23:54.426)

Luciano (23:59.406)
Chris have ever seen? Yeah.

Luciano (24:05.213)

Spencer (24:06.246)
This is the greatest movie since Morbius. Put it on the poster. It's like porn and SD.

Luciano (24:09.07)

Chris (24:09.698)

Luciano (24:13.078)
Ha ha!

Chris (24:13.373)
Duh duh duh!

Luciano (24:15.438)
That's a good tagline for this movie.

Spencer (24:15.654)
Get your dick ready for this movie. Because it's gonna fuck your ass.

Matt (24:17.711)
Ha ha ha!

Chris (24:17.974)
Yeah. What?

Chris (24:24.502)
Are you ready for your dummy thick cheeks to clap this pop popcorn stopper?

Spencer (24:30.666)
Nope, nope, too far, Chris. We had a good thing there. Then we found the light and he jumped over it.

Luciano (24:32.337)

Matt (24:33.679)
Hey, there's the line.

Luciano (24:36.6)
And we found it, hey.

Chris (24:38.394)
It's what I'm here for. Zoom.

Matt (24:38.495)
All right, back to the plot holes. Don't, nope, don't. It's just a word. We're not talking about the police. We are talking about the POPO, the FBI, all of the law enforcement right across the hall from each other. What? What police? Why police? How police?

Luciano (24:41.538)

Ha ha ha!

Chris (24:50.542)

Spencer (24:55.249)
Same building. It's all the same building.

Luciano (25:04.39)
What? Just what? Just what? Hahahaha Why police? When? Yeah, when police is a good question actually. Hahahaha

Matt (25:08.463)
Who police? Where police? When police?

Spencer (25:09.448)

Spencer (25:13.122)
Listen, listen, they're dirty. They're dirty. Every police officer in the entire force, the entire city is dirty, except Aquafina. They never thought to offer. No, it's sister's FBI. She's across the hall in the FBI. I just pictured them in the office being like, hold on, I'm gonna run this down to Langley. They walk out the door and they go down another door. It says Langley. Yeah, CIA, Langley.

Chris (25:15.885)
Lay it out.

Luciano (25:19.719)
In the entire city. Yeah.

Chris (25:23.45)

Luciano (25:24.362)
Yeah, and the sister and the sister as well.

Matt (25:27.235)
She's not a cop, she's FBI. We'll talk more with them in a minute. Yeah. What?

Chris (25:27.418)
Camille, she's FBI, right? You know?

Luciano (25:30.796)
Oh, I'm sorry, you're correct, yeah.

Chris (25:35.566)
Doot doot doot.

Luciano (25:36.94)
There's a door, there's a door written Langley, yeah yeah.

Matt (25:42.219)
Now remember, you can pay off all the cops in New Orleans except for one. You cannot pay off the FBI. At all. I think. I don't know, they never covered that. But that's not, it's federal, it's way too expensive. Yeah, there's no way you can afford that. Um, yeah, that's way too far. So we can tackle this in many different ways. I asked all of the police questions.

Spencer (25:51.654)
They're federal.

Chris (25:53.304)

Spencer (25:54.49)
How are you gonna reach the top of the FBI? From New Orleans. You gotta go all the way down to their office down the hall. Oh.

Chris (25:58.266)
You gotta work through the CIA. Heh.

Luciano (26:01.485)

Matt (26:09.943)
But I guess the question I think I want to dig into first is, how can the Lobos buy off every cop in the city? What deals are they cutting here? Kyle, what's he getting? No.

Spencer (26:22.962)
That's a big venture.

Luciano (26:23.303)
And, and they say themselves, they're not the richest. They're not the right. Yeah. No.

Spencer (26:27.706)
They're not the most powerful. They say they're not the most powerful. They're just the most feared. Yeah.

Matt (26:30.745)
Also true. How are you not the most powerful if you have the entire police force in the city?

Luciano (26:32.012)

Chris (26:32.511)

Luciano (26:35.514)
Exactly, yeah. I never thought of that. Yeah, the hobos. Yeah, the hobos.

Spencer (26:37.102)
Well, there's another gang across the hall and they're way more powerful. They, yeah.

Chris (26:43.418)
The hobos. The ho- the ho- hobos.

Spencer (26:46.862)
They got all the Langley in their pocket.

Chris (26:50.378)
No. Kyle?

Luciano (26:51.338)
I hadn't thought of that, but that's true. Like if they're not the most powerful and the most like the richest who are like, who are they and like, who do they have in their pockets?

Spencer (27:01.512)
The Walt Disney Corporation. Walt Disney runs this town.

Matt (27:03.167)
I mean they answered all those questions. While Disney runs that town, Mickey's bought the feds.

Luciano (27:09.071)

Spencer (27:10.619)
Heh. Ho-ho! Heh heh. What if you can't mention him?

Chris (27:10.952)

Matt (27:12.395)
God Should we pick Donald duck or goofy with that? What what person do you need to reproduce? That's easier than? The ear splitting nonsense. That's Mickey. I Hate it here now

Chris (27:19.962)
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh

Luciano (27:20.93)
Huh huh yeah, that's not much better

Spencer (27:25.286)
Oh no, Goofy's gone killin' again. Oh, Garsh! Is this your death time, Garsh?

Luciano (27:28.334)

Chris (27:28.993)
I got... GORSH!

Luciano (27:31.782)
Oh gosh darn it, I killed another person, haha!

Spencer (27:36.494)
Not another child! Eatin' well tonight! Gawrsh! Okay, sorry.

Matt (27:38.807)
Wow. I hate it here.

Chris (27:43.111)
I have a terrible I can't do Donald. I know I can't pull that one off

Spencer (27:45.742)
Don't try.

Luciano (27:46.602)
Don't know. Yeah.

Matt (27:46.659)
No one can. Moving on to the question at hand, like how does this work? How does this actually, how can you paint me a fiction where we do the prequel to Renfield and it's just crime scene. Well, we can't call it CSI. I think that's a thing. So I'll just steal from also crime scene, scene of the crime New Orleans. We'll just steal from, forgetting Sarah Marshall.

Luciano (28:01.795)
CSI New Orleans. Okay.

Spencer (28:11.814)
CSC, Crime Scene Cops.

Luciano (28:13.826)
Law and order. Order and law.

Matt (28:16.483)

Chris (28:18.266)
I think that's a thing too. Eugh. Eh, ah, eh, ah, ah. Ha ha ha! Enter!

Matt (28:20.011)
Now that's an order in law!

Spencer (28:20.671)
No, no, order and law. And instead of dun dun, it's dun ding.

Matt (28:26.508)

Chris (28:28.09)
It's a court scene.

Spencer (28:28.666)
Bum bum bum. Whee.

Chris (28:31.638)
The door is just the case has just been adjourned and out walks. Fuck you Kyle. He's he's got a He's um, he's just been involved in a in a hmm in a Got nothing next

Luciano (28:32.052)
Pfft. Hahaha.

Spencer (28:32.966)
slightly different.

Spencer (28:49.478)

Luciano (28:49.798)
HAHAHAHAHAHA Wow! I don't think I've ever seen a joke wilt and die before my eyes. HAHAHAHAHA

Matt (28:51.821)

Matt (28:55.168)
Ha ha!

Chris (28:59.914)
You're welcome! And I have to love myself enough to allow myself to fail sometimes.

Spencer (29:02.766)
No, yeah, that's all right, we'll take it over. We'll take it over for you, okay. So they.

Matt (29:07.892)
Yes, yes, and...

Luciano (29:10.947)
How do you yes and demise? Ha ha ha.

Matt (29:14.231)
Now, pick it up from, pick it up from Kyle just left the courtroom.

Spencer (29:14.924)
You got nothing and so Kyle just left the courtroom. Another 65 dead.

Luciano (29:19.071)
Oh God.

Matt (29:20.609)

Spencer (29:25.734)
And we did it. What are we going to do as cops? We got to blame it on the Lobos. But they're not going to take the fall for this. We shouldn't have. We sh-

Luciano (29:27.491)
Ha ha!

Chris (29:27.874)

Chris (29:31.502)

Chris (29:36.442)
I respect you so much now. Something tells me this isn't gonna be a forever thing with you. You have so much testosterone, I love it. Can you stay like this?

Luciano (29:42.638)
No, I think it's Kyle. Kyle is like the hidden leader of the whole thing. That's what it is. Ha ha ha.

Spencer (29:44.87)
Are you in? Are you in or are you out?

Matt (29:52.579)
Fuck you, Kyle.

Spencer (29:52.952)
Who the fuck are these guys?

Chris (29:55.29)
You're gonna have to talk to you like that, Kyle. Oh my God. Don't you know who you're talking to? Mm-hmm.

Luciano (29:58.004)

Spencer (29:58.042)
He's what we're gonna do. We're gonna set up a meeting with the Lobos. We're gonna have them take the hit for the 65 people we killed because we were gun training. We didn't realize the dummies were people.

Luciano (30:00.866)

Chris (30:03.511)

Chris (30:09.699)

Luciano (30:11.496)
No, the dummies were you.

Spencer (30:13.41)
No, no. No, it's an honest mistake.

Chris (30:13.782)
You know, you can have a yes and! That was a perfect lie! The W's we didn't realize were B for.

Spencer (30:19.674)
The chief said the dummies could move now and talk and beg for their lives for realistic reenactment.

Luciano (30:23.854)
So much tech, so much technology in these derbies! Hahaha! I did it six, we did it sixty times! Hahaha!

Spencer (30:27.654)
It's an honest mistake any cop could make it. I'm a damn good cop.

Chris (30:32.387)
You're amazing.

Spencer (30:35.002)
We did it 60 times before we realized the brains were made of plastic!

Chris (30:36.674)
You did the, you did the training, you did the course 60 times.

Luciano (30:42.546)
Yeah, exactly.

Spencer (30:43.465)
I took the course 16 times. For some reason I got a thrill from killing the dummies.

Matt (30:45.347)

Chris (30:49.974)

Luciano (30:50.515)
Something about their screams called to me in the night.

Spencer (30:52.226)
Stop the video.

Matt (30:54.851)
The worst part is we shot that copper back at his dad like 50 times. She's not going to be happy.

Chris (30:55.268)

Luciano (31:02.338)
And we were like, why is he trying to save the dummies? Nobody knows. Ha ha ha.

Chris (31:07.79)
The AV department outdid themselves this time.

Spencer (31:10.496)
They even got a dummy version of the chief here!

Chris (31:13.143)

Luciano (31:14.765)
Yeah. I like how Kyle is clearly from Chicago, not New Orleans.

Matt (31:20.454)
Look, watch out dummy chief, we're coming to get you.

Chris (31:20.738)

Spencer (31:24.888)
He even hides in his house with his family. These dummies are crazy.

Chris (31:25.166)
I'll teach you a lesson to... This is these houses, these netbooking houses is great, is great, AAA.

Matt (31:36.803)
So anyways, the police are a problem in this movie.

Luciano (31:38.006)
Ha ha ha!

Chris (31:38.459)
That was the question!

Spencer (31:40.87)
So that's why they had to blame it. So we gotta blame it on Lobos. And in order to get them to take the fall, they're gonna have to control the entire police squad. Everybody in on it? Okay, okay, everybody's in. Are we missing anybody? Awkwafina walks back in from the bathroom. What I miss? Oh, nothing. Wink.

Chris (31:42.772)

Matt (31:44.757)
Oh my god.

Chris (31:50.521)

Matt (31:51.159)
That was the deal. Okay, thank you.

Chris (31:58.227)
Ugh, flush!

Luciano (31:58.602)
What's up guys? What's up guys? Hehehe Uh Hehehe Yeah, he's like Yeah, yeah, yeah He's like Okay, this is too much to repeat Not nothing It's fine Everything's fine, Rebecca Just, just, it's fine Hehehe Hahaha Sticker, sticker on traffic duty Hehehe

Matt (32:00.643)
Ha ha ha.

Chris (32:05.21)
Fuck you, Kyle!

Spencer (32:12.562)
She's a bad cop, she'll be fine. She didn't even hit one dummy! Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha!

Matt (32:14.993)

Chris (32:15.194)

Matt (32:19.383)
Yeah, she didn't. She missed all the dummies. The worst.

Chris (32:19.854)
Uhhh... Heheheheh She only hit the wooden one

Luciano (32:22.434)
HAHAHAHA! She missed all the terms!

Matt (32:28.135)
All right. And yeah, so that explains it. Thank you, Spencer. I think we've covered it. Chris, we did it. Thank you, Kyle. We just send that into a victory for all. Do you want to talk to the FBI? The thumbing across.

Spencer (32:32.482)
You're welcome. Don't thank me, thank Kyle.

Luciano (32:36.365)

Chris (32:37.934)
Thank you, Kyle.

Luciano (32:43.866)
You mean the neighbors across the whole neighbors?

Spencer (32:46.862)
Sorry, just to clarify, we gotta clarify this for the people watching the movie. In the movie, the main girl, Rebecca, walks out of the police department into a hallway and then literally the door next to them, her sister walks out as an FBI agent and it's like their headquarters are right beside each other. So that is why they share a building.

Chris (32:57.251)

Luciano (32:57.89)
The FBI is just there.

Chris (33:03.594)
Yep. What are the ads?

Matt (33:08.275)
The FBI has a task force to catch the Lobos. Why they're not catching the most powerful crime family in the city? Don't know. They just start with number two. It's easier. Just get a win under your belt.

Spencer (33:16.591)
No, no.

Luciano (33:18.785)

Chris (33:20.71)
Exactly start small start with them small potatoes and then you can work up to uh to the buttermilk biscuits

Spencer (33:27.202)
And this, and this task force can't get a conviction when the, the son of the family is throwing bags of cocaine at police officers, also shooting up entire restaurants unmasked.

Luciano (33:34.578)
at the police. Yeah, exactly. Yeah.

Matt (33:36.015)
That's correct.

Chris (33:36.195)

Matt (33:39.808)
I'm not in the past, that's correct.

Chris (33:40.299)
Iron clad. Iron clad. What jury would convict that?

Spencer (33:43.334)

Luciano (33:43.482)
Yeah, there's no evidence. There's no evidence. Yeah.

Matt (33:47.018)
All of them.

Spencer (33:48.226)
Like I understand like the cops being corrupt and being like, we're not going to charge this. We're going to let them go. But the FBI are right next door and they've got a goddamn task force that are supposed to be doing this and they don't.

Chris (33:49.058)
Well, yes, but not in London.

Luciano (33:58.998)
No, and it's one thing like for a precinct, like the people in one precinct to be like corrupt maybe, but like it's the entire, like they mobilize the entire police force to go after Rebecca and Renfield.

Matt (34:11.875)
Now Luciano, in their defense, there is only one police precinct in all of New Orleans.

Luciano (34:17.324)
Of course, everybody knows.

Spencer (34:17.418)
Yeah, that's just a fact. Look it up. And the SWAT team were involved in it too, because they murdered the shit out of them. So I assume they're bad.

Chris (34:22.138)
That would explain a lot.

Luciano (34:26.162)
There's only one precinct and any other police agency that comes to New Orleans has to be there with them in the same precinct. I see. It's tradition.

Matt (34:27.115)
Yeah, guilty.

Spencer (34:34.006)
Yes, and has to shoot dummies before they are instated.

Matt (34:34.093)
Let's try it.

Chris (34:38.298)
See, it's in protocol.

Matt (34:39.231)
Also correct. Okay, I'm glad we established that. So the FBI was there for shooting dummies.

Luciano (34:46.222)
shooting dummies.

Chris (34:49.53)
training practice.

Spencer (34:51.393)
Were the FBI not corrupt in the movie?

Luciano (34:54.367)

Chris (34:54.458)
I don't think.

Matt (34:55.155)
It never specifically came up, but it seemed like there were only two or three FBI agents. If I'm not mistaken, it was her sister. Her sister and like one or two other people in that room, the one time she came in to give her the pen that apparently could connect Renfield to every missing murder case in the last 2000 years.

Luciano (35:01.814)
Well, we only saw the one, right? The sister.

Luciano (35:12.578)
since the 1800s. Yeah.

Spencer (35:15.718)
I just ran this DNA. And do you know that over 50,000 people are missing this year? It's gotta be connected. So like, there's no reason to tie that murder to everyone. Yeah.

Matt (35:25.815)
That's how police work works, obviously.

Chris (35:28.482)
Tell forensics. Forensics.

Matt (35:30.795)
Yeah, she ran it. Don't ask where she ran it. She was literally in just a fucking cardboard box of a room.

Luciano (35:33.654)
Yeah, this is like, this is, yeah. Oh, a plane crashed on the cemetery. They found 20,000 bodies. That's kind of the same level of stupidity of that. Like, how did they, and like, they had blood from Apache, no, they had blood from Teddy, no, on the pen, right? Oh, it was Apache, yeah. So Apache Joe.

Spencer (35:35.574)
You should write it down to Langley.

Chris (35:54.434)
It was Apache, yeah, the pen was used to stab Apache, what's his name, Apache something. Okay, there we go.

Luciano (36:01.588)
Let's not name him too much anymore because it's bad.

Spencer (36:04.238)
Wait, so wasn't the blood Renfield's blood?

Chris (36:04.418)
I was trying to.

Matt (36:05.388)
That's the name the movie picked, we can say that. Well, I think it was... The argument could be made his blood was in there because Apache Joe sliced him open, right?

Luciano (36:07.075)
I know. No.

Chris (36:10.034)
No, he stabbed him. But, fingerprints.

Spencer (36:16.866)
Yeah, cause all those missing people were supposedly tied to Renville, not to Apache Joe.

Luciano (36:17.786)

Matt (36:20.243)
Yeah. So I, so I, yeah, but, but I think that, so his blood was in the mix just cause he got cut open and he tried to like, that's fine. I'll give him, I'll give it to Renfield's blood there. I just don't know how they connected all these cases. If they had blood evidence for all these cases, I don't know how they didn't track this man down earlier.

Luciano (36:20.306)
Yeah, that's the thing. It's weird.

Luciano (36:32.012)
Yeah, well.

Spencer (36:37.494)
Yeah, a hundred percent. He would be known as the most prolific murderer. No, but then they wouldn't have been able to time all these crimes if he never left DNA before. Yeah, exactly. That's the whole fucking plaudible.

Luciano (36:37.57)
Oh well. He never left any DNA before.

Matt (36:42.263)
That's fine, I still don't know who it is.

Luciano (36:47.699)
No, that's what I'm saying. Never let, oh, that's true. Ha ha ha!

Matt (36:50.379)
Right there.

Chris (36:51.462)
Yeah, how is Renfield the most tied to all these scenes? Yeah, it's a little perplexing. Every single one. He's a terrible familiar. He's leaving traces.

Matt (36:57.451)
Because you left blood at every fucking crime scene apparently.

Luciano (37:03.187)
But they only caught it now.

Spencer (37:05.178)
But they only realize now, there's been 995 cases of this blood. I don't think it's connected, but this one ties it all together. God damn it, Kyle, you're a genius. Wait, Kyle say that to himself. That's the Kyle voice. He's talking to the mirror. God damn it, Kyle, you did it. This case gonna break you wide open.

Matt (37:06.915)
Well, no. Yeah.

Luciano (37:12.518)

Luciano (37:16.726)

Matt (37:17.729)

Chris (37:24.41)

Chris (37:28.186)
You finally gonna get a That's right, that's right because Kyle cuz Kyle had one extra part he got a good parking space now he's gonna get

Matt (37:28.213)
It's, yeah.

Luciano (37:28.386)
This case is gonna break you wide open?

Matt (37:31.264)

Spencer (37:32.54)

Spencer (37:38.454)
Yeah, they're not gonna say fuck you, Kyle anymore. They're gonna say fuck me, Kyle. And scene.

Luciano (37:38.498)

Chris (37:40.682)

Luciano (37:42.69)
Fuck me, Kyle. Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha!

Matt (37:44.303)

Chris (37:44.366)

Luciano (37:48.69)
Yeah. We also, and scene, yeah. Yeah.

Matt (37:49.611)
For the record For the record I believe that after Kyle says that Then he brings up like the envelope from clue and pulls out the cards To be like it was professor plum with the candlestick in the library. It's like fuck Didn't get it. God damn it Kyle. Fuck you

Luciano (37:55.414)

Spencer (37:56.56)

Spencer (38:03.933)
I'm sorry.

Chris (38:09.068)
I'm sorry.

Luciano (38:09.43)
Fuck you, Kyle, in the mirror, yeah.

Spencer (38:09.491)
the fuck you got yeah they're right about you they're all right about you was never the professor in the bucket library god damn it is

Luciano (38:17.137)

Luciano (38:20.686)

Chris (38:20.994)
You ate shit. Kyle, you ate shit. Your mama was right about you. Your father was right about you.

Matt (38:25.987)
Kyle you smoke PCP Angel of dust

Spencer (38:30.38)
You like to get wet? When he's asking himself?

Chris (38:33.134)
sugar. Kyle, when's the last time you got into that booger sugar?

Spencer (38:39.604)
And... See ya! Hehehehe

Luciano (38:42.559)
All of those scenes in 240p. As is the want. Yeah.

Chris (38:45.09)
You know?

Spencer (38:46.474)
Yeah, of course, of course.

Matt (38:47.736)

Chris (38:47.758)
Cuz we cuz we like our Pino blurry

Matt (38:50.623)
You gotta be confused and aroused at all times to work on this podcast. Next plot hole. How does I'll call them Renfield powers, but obviously they extended to all of Dracula's familiars, how do those powers work? Because he eats any bug he wants. And he then gets to, I don't know how to describe that. No, cabinet America didn't report too many arms.

Luciano (38:52.334)

Spencer (38:52.678)

Chris (38:55.214)
Said the VHS. Cha-chao.

Spencer (39:14.794)
Become Captain America.

Chris (39:16.829)

Spencer (39:19.726)
But he could. No, he's definitely not as strong as the Hulk. I'd say he's as strong as Captain America, but Captain America doesn't kill people by choice. If Captain America wanted to, he could rip out your arms and beat you with them. Right?

Chris (39:19.97)

Matt (39:20.152)
We're like the Hulk.

Luciano (39:21.515)

Chris (39:29.216)

Chris (39:33.59)

Spencer (39:36.534)
Yeah, 100%. If Captain America grabbed your wrists and kicked you in the chest as hard as he could, your arms would come out of your sockets and then he would beat other people with them easily.

Luciano (39:39.127)

Chris (39:41.218)

Chris (39:47.566)
Separation fully.

Spencer (39:50.348)

Luciano (39:51.208)
I don't think so, but okay.

Chris (39:52.995)
I know so.

Spencer (39:53.173)
You don't think Captain America can do that?

Luciano (39:55.291)
No, not like that.

Matt (39:56.151)
Okay, can you give, here's the thing though, can you give me a reference of someone who would do that? Cause I get, Captain America saying he could do that, it doesn't really tie the picture together, right?

Chris (39:56.942)
What do you mean not like that? You think he needs a scalpel?

Chris (40:06.818)
Wolverine Omega Red Sabertooth

Matt (40:09.987)
Sabertooth I'll accept, because I think Sabertooth would chuck someone's limbs through their body.

Luciano (40:11.186)
Yeah. Gleefully, he would gleefully beat someone to death with their own arm for sure.

Spencer (40:12.936)
You think Sabertooth is stronger than Captain America?

Matt (40:17.587)
I just want someone who is capable and willing, like Renfield seems to be. Right?

Spencer (40:19.874)
Oh, oh. Capable and willing.

Chris (40:20.439)

Sabertooth comic book venom. I mean movie venom might do it too carnage

Spencer (40:26.158)
You know what, I'm just gonna...

Luciano (40:28.238)
And arguably the utmost example, arm fall off boy.

Matt (40:28.515)
Carnage. Yeah.

Chris (40:32.758)

Spencer (40:33.355)

Matt (40:33.607)
I don't know if you can actually throw them through people, they just, you know, do the first part.

Spencer (40:36.386)
What about the- what about Killmonger?

Luciano (40:36.394)
But he can do that with himself. He can do that with himself, at least.

Matt (40:40.333)

Chris (40:40.762)
Killmonger on the on the herb on the heart shaped herb could do it What could and would?

Spencer (40:41.226)
Killmonger? Yeah, I think so. Could and would.

Matt (40:47.859)
Yeah. Okay, that's fair. But so then these powers get transferred to all of the familiars, correct? We see john raffio aka Ted word get the powers because he's do you think that snorting up the biggest insect will give you more powers?

Luciano (40:48.706)

Chris (40:56.494)
Seems like it.

Luciano (41:01.938)

Spencer (41:02.819)

Spencer (41:06.382)
Ha ha ha.

Chris (41:08.334)
Directly to the cerebellum? You see, like he... The answer is yes! Because he overpowered Renfield for a while.

Matt (41:10.006)

Luciano (41:11.054)

Matt (41:15.715)
But then it seemed like Renfield didn't have bug power going and he had to eat a new bug and then the power came back. Which makes me ask, how did he not throw Renfield's arms through his body?

Luciano (41:18.33)
Yeah, it would be... Yeah. How long?

Spencer (41:25.698)
I think Ren, from what I... Yeah, I think there's a point of diminishing return. So I think he started with the powers, because right away he chokeslap two people and fucked up a bunch of guys. And then I think his powers were starting to diminish. And then Tedward did a line of the biggest fucking centipede you've ever seen. Where the hell did he even get that thing?

Luciano (41:25.806)
And how long does it last after you eat the bug? How long does the power last?

Chris (41:25.818)

Chris (41:29.306)
That's a great question.

Chris (41:47.03)

Matt (41:47.527)
Yeah. You're about.

Spencer (41:50.562)
Yep. Well, that's a good place to look. And, um, and the, yeah, I don't know where I was going with this. It, he, they fought. Oh, and then the, oh, no, but by that point, his bugs were wearing off. And then he re and then he re upped his, his bug intake and then kicked his blood out his ass.

Matt (41:52.941)

Chris (41:53.69)
Oh my God.

Chris (41:59.769)
I got you.

Chris (42:03.48)

Chris (42:10.722)
Yes, but we should rewind.

Matt (42:11.339)
So I'm willing to allow all of that, but in the spot where his bug powers wear off and Ted's bug powers are so strong, wouldn't he have easily ripped his limbs off his body or kicked his chest away from the rest of his body as part of course of the combat based on the evidence he's been presented earlier?

Luciano (42:26.766)

Spencer (42:32.034)
No, because I think that I think he was still durable enough from the after effects of his initial bug intake.

Luciano (42:32.278)
He should have.

Matt (42:40.117)
That's a bunch of bullshit.

Chris (42:40.378)
There might be quantum Renfield powers. Yes. Renfield's stamina, if you will, quantum Renfield stamina, diminishing, but I think due to prolonged hundreds of years or maybe not hundreds, he was like 70, 80 years old? Hundreds, thank you. Yeah, due to all that prolonged exposure and intake, right?

Spencer (42:44.046)
Quad, quad pentagon.

Spencer (42:49.27)
There we go.

Luciano (43:01.198)
100, 100 years at least, yeah.

Matt (43:03.032)

Chris (43:08.658)
I'm thinking that would probably have an effect on his overall density. One. Two, when Tedward initially snorted that Lobo, sorry, when Tedward snorted the Lobo, sexually, when he snorted the, snorted, snorted the snattered, when he took in and ate the centipede, right, he was still fresh. He wasn't fighting.

Spencer (43:13.606)

Spencer (43:19.182)
He snorted his last name.

Matt (43:19.695)

Luciano (43:22.813)
That's a different movie. Also in SD.

Spencer (43:24.399)

Chris (43:37.994)
at that time and I think that's why it was a lot more potent and why he was wrecking Renfield for so long. And so I think it's an interesting dynamic between a lot of stamina, not stamina, density versus higher potency with like Ted word.

Luciano (43:46.987)
I think.

Luciano (43:54.014)
I think the only thing that really explains it is if like being a familiar for longer makes you stronger overall, because even when he like he was he had just consumed some bugs and then he fought like what four or five other familiars, like it was nothing basically before he went to find Tedward. So maybe because he was like a familiar for a long time he's just stronger overall that makes sense I guess.

Spencer (44:10.552)

Spencer (44:13.815)
Those other guys suck.

Chris (44:21.226)
and battle experience, like, those are the guys did it. Yeah, yeah, he's a better, what do you mean, what?

Luciano (44:23.526)
No, no, nobody there. It was just no, the fight was just even all around in terms of mood.

Matt (44:26.844)

Chris (44:31.862)
I'm not talking, no, no.

Spencer (44:31.906)
No, no, no. He's got more experience with powers.

Matt (44:36.303)
Sure, but I don't think his combat abilities are better because the impression I get is he didn't fight that many people that often up until this one week in New Orleans where he fought everybody.

Luciano (44:36.4)
Okay, fair enough, fair enough.

Chris (44:37.506)
He's a better fighter. Why?

Luciano (44:47.777)

Spencer (44:48.514)
You don't know, no, you can't assume that. They were attacked often, regularly and often by people trying to hunt Dracula.

Chris (44:49.09)
Are you sure about that?

Matt (44:51.792)

Matt (44:55.483)
And, right, and he rarely interceded. Dracula did all the work.

Chris (44:57.122)
Vampire Hunters.

but that's what you saw in this movie.

Spencer (45:01.314)
No, that's... no, you don't know that.

Matt (45:03.607)
You- but yes, that's what we watch in this movie.

Luciano (45:05.87)
Yeah, yeah, it's just, no, Matt, you don't understand, Matt, what you don't understand is the prequel to this movie is a three-hour long kung fu training session for Renfield. That's what they're saying, right? Yeah. So.

Spencer (45:06.527)
Did you see how easily he fucking sliced all those guys' arms off with the fucking dinner plate? That's not the first time.

Chris (45:12.249)

Chris (45:19.341)

Spencer (45:20.926)
Yeah, that's where you see Kyle accidentally kill 60 people. It's all in the prequel.

Chris (45:25.37)
five finger depth touch, you know? Like all that experience doesn't come from nowhere. Renfield is a longer.

Matt (45:27.183)

Luciano (45:33.244)
But that's the point, how do you know? What exp- like you don't... You don't see it!

Matt (45:34.731)
What experience? You can't just make up things.

Chris (45:36.634)
Hundreds of years of fighting! Hundreds of years of serving and disarming! Well, where does it come from? Well, they did a very good job of setting up his battle experience to me.

Spencer (45:38.095)
He's been a e-

Spencer (45:41.75)
Listen. Oh no.

Matt (45:41.751)
They never showed it. That's how movies work. You have to show us things or at least, at least say it. You have to say it.

Luciano (45:43.034)
Then yeah, no. Yeah.

Spencer (45:49.774)
Hold on, hold on, you do not have to say it. If you see a character in a movie and he walks out and he's like, wha, and he's like topless and he's fucking ripped and then he does some crazy ass martial arts, you're not gonna be like, how is he so good? They didn't show him learn that. Like Renfield was clearly good at fighting, even in his first fight in that club where he cut that guy's arms off with a dinner plate.

Chris (45:51.605)

Matt (46:10.531)
Yes, fair, but it doesn't make him better than the higher goons. That's all I'm saying. But that's that but that's lazy. That's what I'm saying. This movie is just lazy about it. Because they didn't need to give powers to the goons. It was pointless. It did not. Tedward, yes, giving it to the four other guys was just pointless.

Luciano (46:14.88)

Spencer (46:15.638)
Yeah, maybe... but it did!

Chris (46:15.918)
But it did! Because he won! How-

Spencer (46:22.886)
I don't know about that.

Luciano (46:23.487)
It's not earned.


Spencer (46:28.014)
They should have only given powers to Tedward. Yes, I completely agree with that.

Luciano (46:30.262)
Tedward. Yeah, for sure. And then make it a really hard fight.

Chris (46:36.27)
So you wanna rewatch what you're telling us and all of our listeners is that you guys wanna rewatch Morbius again.

Spencer (46:43.218)
Oh, fuck you. Never, never again. Fuck, fuck you.

Luciano (46:44.362)
Well, no, but...

Matt (46:45.304)

Chris (46:47.574)
That's what they're, that's the road we're going down towards. They want, not to death, there's a safe word and the safe word is pickles. Fuck you, Kyle.

Spencer (46:50.662)
fuck you to death. Um... Heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh

Luciano (46:50.842)
No, because Morbius has the same problem.

Matt (46:51.064)
I don't.

Matt (46:57.7)
I need you to, Chris, I need you to explain to me how we're walking down the road or rewatching Morbius because I don't understand. Yep.

Spencer (47:02.679)
No, no he does not.

Chris (47:03.346)
You said, you said, or rather Luciano went down that path, you said, or both of you said, that you would prefer less goons and more one-v-one longer fight. That's what we got at the end of Morbius.

Luciano (47:15.427)
Oh, yeah, exactly. Morbius is the only movie where that happens, Chris. The only- I'm sorry, it's the only one.

Matt (47:18.371)
Correct. Never happened anywhere else. Didn't have any adventures end game. Definitely didn't see that there.

Spencer (47:18.79)

Chris (47:21.514)
That's what you want. You're saying it. You! You laid down the protection circle of cocaine and you want us all to SNIFF IT!

Spencer (47:25.264)
No, no.

Luciano (47:27.978)
Yeah, no, there isn't.

There isn't like an entire genre of movie where people fight one-on-one for a long time.

Spencer (47:36.503)
I got a sign with Chris here. When you say that two people fought one on one, the immediate assumption is you're talking about Morbius. That is just worldwide assumption.

Chris (47:41.818)
Do you see?

Luciano (47:44.511)
No, that's just your PTSD talking.

Spencer (47:47.627)
I have another caveat to this by the way. Maybe Renfield knew which bugs had the best effects. Maybe the selection of bugs.

Luciano (47:57.266)
I didn't, he didn't, he didn't seem like he was very discerning. I keep fucking, he, he fucking downed an entire ant hill to fight at one point. Like.

Chris (47:57.871)
spectrum like a college

Spencer (48:00.782)
Maybe bugs are like drugs where each bug has a different effect.

Spencer (48:08.083)
Yeah, but that's like when he just used what he had, but maybe for that.

Matt (48:08.599)
True. And he killed like 60 cops, so they might be under something.

Chris (48:09.966)

Spencer (48:13.218)
Maybe ants are like the fuckin' like a PCP of bug drugs. We did a guess.

Chris (48:13.71)

Luciano (48:17.49)
I mean, wait. But, oh no. But like-

Matt (48:18.342)
We should call him Ant-Man.

Chris (48:20.483)


Luciano (48:25.206)
The thing is like Aquafina, Rebecca also killed a bunch of people because not only are the police people just like the most corrupt police people, they also all went to the Stormtroopers Marksmanship Academy. Like they couldn't they couldn't hit anything.

Spencer (48:25.663)

Chris (48:39.022)
They did.

Spencer (48:42.37)
I mean, they have no dummies to shoot. They can't practice.

Matt (48:42.703)
That's right. That's action movies. I can't even be mad because that's action movies. You know, that is every action movie where stormtroopers exist.

Chris (48:45.95)

Luciano (48:51.136)
Like one of the scenes where I was like that the most was I had to actually rewind to see it when they were fighting in the restaurant and Aquafina is against a pillar and there's a guy behind her with two guns and he shoots like he shoots and misses completely. She turns around, shoots him once in the shoulder and he dies. I was like, what? What can happen?

Spencer (49:10.84)
I mean...

Chris (49:10.994)
Oh, shoulder. That's where the heart, that's where the vital organs live, in the shoulder, in the, in the pauldron area.

Matt (49:16.922)
My favorite.

Spencer (49:18.271)
I'm no doctor, but I'm pretty sure the shoulder holds your correct me if I'm wrong your liver and your spleen Well the soul No, but the soul is inside the it is in the shoulder, but it's inside the left

Luciano (49:21.738)
The soul, no, it holds your soul. It holds your soul.

Matt (49:24.428)
and your penis.

Chris (49:26.371)
Dr. C?

Matt (49:32.183)
penis. Yeah.

Luciano (49:33.07)
The penis, the penis.

Chris (49:33.086)
of the shoulder, upper deltoid, rear deltoid, and when that bullet pierced through the front deltoid and through the medius and then to the rear deltoid, then it's a dick shot. Well, it was the shoulder. There's the front, mid, and rear, but he died.

Spencer (49:35.278)
You're- uh- yeah, you're-

Luciano (49:38.853)
Where the penises?

Spencer (49:40.61)

Luciano (49:44.19)
Where the penis is?

Matt (49:47.802)

Spencer (49:47.979)
Why is everything a deltoid?

Matt (49:53.175)
What so but okay realistically in this movie the other thing that really annoyed me about this is in the restaurant fight where they shot the table that with a shotgun many times from Mr. Shinkan and Renfield is behind it after they shot a hole in it then they continued to peer through to see if he's all right or not instead of maybe just continuing to shoot to make sure he's dead.

Luciano (50:10.006)

Chris (50:13.754)
I missed that, but that's something else. Wow.

Spencer (50:15.022)
Ammo's not cheap, man.

Luciano (50:15.351)

Matt (50:17.195)
I mean it actually is based on based on how easy it is to walk into police station and steal all the ammo and guns It's very cheap

Spencer (50:18.158)
Don't you know?

Luciano (50:22.898)
Yep. The the evidence locker. The evidence locker is just in the break room at this point. Like they just walked in, picked up a burrito and the keys to the car and just laughed.

Spencer (50:24.831)
That's a very good point.

Chris (50:26.49)
They don't make tables like they used to.

Chris (50:32.89)

Spencer (50:37.902)
That did happen. That's probably the honestly, that's probably the biggest plot hole of the whole movie is that they're on the run. The most wanted people, they just murdered sick, like, like at least 40. Yeah. It was like a hundred cops. Not even just, they've murdered a hundred cops. And then they're, they're like, we need guns. Let's go to the police station and load up.

Chris (50:39.162)
It's true in these streets.

Luciano (50:39.394)

Luciano (50:43.145)

Chris (50:44.506)

Luciano (50:49.18)
120. Yeah.

Chris (50:52.538)
Yeah, exactly. That's the exact number Yeah


Luciano (51:00.799)

Matt (51:00.823)
You know what? It's actually genius because there are no more cops there to stop them.

Spencer (51:02.874)
That's the... Yeah, exactly! Who's gonna stop us?

Luciano (51:04.782)
Yeah, where do you hide from cops? Where do you know?

Chris (51:06.906)
Well, plus one, like of course that's genius to your thinking because everyone's on the take. You strollin'. Hey, what's up, what's up, who gazing? What's up, what's up, Leland? And they're like, we don't know you, Officer Leland, we don't know you. What are you guys doing here? Going, we're going to the evidence locker. We got some things to take. Oh, you should have said that sooner. Say hi to your mother for me.

Spencer (51:20.457)

Luciano (51:33.098)
No, you're giving them way too much credit. I think there just literally was nobody in that building. They were all after Rebecca and Renfield and they just left the building empty and open. Yeah. They were like, they would never come here. They're running away from us. So we can leave the place empty, it's fine.

Spencer (51:33.985)
We got evidence to tamper with.

Spencer (51:44.738)
It's the last place they'd look.

Chris (51:47.034)

Chris (51:52.026)
They don't work here. They're not doing real work. They don't work here.

Luciano (51:56.855)

Spencer (51:58.173)
Should we lock it up, Chief? Nah, no one's coming in here.

Luciano (52:00.762)
Nah. Yeah. The- The bad- The bad guys are on our side anyway. Who's gonna steal our shit? Heheheheh.

Chris (52:02.458)
Ain't nobody looking for us.

Let's just go to the Dis-Gentlemen League Club and look for some wings and strepas.

Spencer (52:14.65)
Who'd steal from the police? We just arrest them!

Chris (52:17.338)
Everybody! Everybody. And why not? Like, you know, take from everybody and let everybody take it back.

Luciano (52:18.689)
It's b-bunkers! Yeah.

Spencer (52:20.689)
That'd be crazy!

Matt (52:28.563)
Okay, this was the conversation. I'm gonna move us on towards, so Renville explains to Rebecca that he works for Dracula. Teddy Lobo meets Dracula. Teddy Lobo takes Dracula home to his mom. His mom meets Dracula. Yep, his mom meets Dracula.

Luciano (52:40.621)

Chris (52:41.914)
of darkness.

Chris (52:48.602)

Luciano (52:50.856)

Chris (52:56.026)

Matt (52:59.119)
Why is everybody so cool with Dracula? Because even in the world where you understand the concept of Dracula, because it's been fiction and stuff, Dracula is never a cool dude. Remember a fun guy to hang out with. But everyone's just like, hey, come on in. Come on into my house. It'll be fine.

Luciano (53:01.087)
Hahaha! Yeah.

Luciano (53:13.047)

Chris (53:19.354)

Matt (53:22.091)
It was not fine for the people in the gym, I can tell you that much.

Spencer (53:24.964)
I mean it was in the end but...

Luciano (53:26.54)
Yeah, that's a whole that's a whole other can of worms we can talk about it later.

Matt (53:26.912)
That's a whole other thing.

Chris (53:26.97)

Spencer (53:31.734)
Yeah, it seems that everyone's very chill about meeting this mythical creature of legend. Like it's like they it's almost like they'd like to want to be like starstruck. They're like, Oh, it's Dragon. What's up, man? What's up? Nice to meet you.

Luciano (53:35.214)

Luciano (53:45.262)
Man. Ha ha ha. Like playing you cool.

Chris (53:45.85)
Can I? Maybe later I can get an autograph and a selfie. Yeah.

Spencer (53:49.302)
Yeah, yeah, it's like, oh, Dracula. It's like meeting Paul McCartney. You're not going to be like, oh my God, you're a beeler. You're going to be like, is it Paul? Paul. Oh, nice to meet you. I'm Spencer. Nice to meet you. McCart McCartney. Is that French?

Luciano (54:01.19)
And like inside you're fucking losing your mind.

Spencer (54:04.438)
Yeah, exactly. You're just like, you know, trying to play, trying to think, Oh yeah, music. Cool. I'm not a music guy.

Chris (54:11.13)

Luciano (54:11.163)
The... yeah. I'm more of a Rolling Stones person, really, if I'm honest. Heh heh.

Matt (54:14.443)
What are you famous for? Oh, really? The B-atles?

Spencer (54:15.734)
Yeah. Oh. Yeah. He's like, I didn't spell it out for you. I said Beatles. The Beatles?

Luciano (54:18.783)
You're an insect?

Luciano (54:25.961)

Chris (54:26.362)

Matt (54:26.584)
haha yeah never heard of them I'm sorry

Chris (54:29.466)
You're a fumigator? Yeah.

Luciano (54:29.63)

Spencer (54:31.983)

Chris (54:33.594)
Okay, interesting brand.

Spencer (54:34.718)
Yeah, so that's how I imagine them all meeting him. Like this, he even says he's like to his mom, he's like, this is the real fucking Dracula. It's fucking for real. And she's like, oh, hello, nice to meet you.

Luciano (54:37.245)

Chris (54:42.01)
Nothing Dracula!

Luciano (54:45.098)
And she goes, no, and she goes like, oh, yeah, exactly. She goes like, hmm.

Chris (54:46.81)
Enchanté. We have much to discuss and she's like, ooh.

Matt (54:51.309)
I gotta be honest with you, I just thought they were gonna fuck it.

Luciano (54:54.59)
Yeah, same, same. In front, no, no. In front of Teddy.

Spencer (54:54.926)
Who's to say they didn't? In standard definition, they show it all. Heh, heh, yeah. Small screen.

Chris (54:55.162)
Yeah, that was...

Luciano (55:01.014)

Matt (55:01.902)
No, he just like it goes from being high definition is dead. Little blurry.

Luciano (55:04.47)
To just being blurry? Yeah, yeah.

Chris (55:05.018)
Wait, why are we? It's no longer widescreen? What? What? Now it's full? Oh no, we've lost the bars! What's happening?

Spencer (55:09.562)

Matt (55:10.482)

Luciano (55:13.958)
and like compression artifacts in the video.

Matt (55:14.319)
If we could do the, yeah, if we can do the throwback to the Bela Lugosi era, we can definitely throw back to like slowly downloading the porn and like just filling in bit by bit.

Spencer (55:16.784)

Spencer (55:20.902)
Yeah, exactly. And for... Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Luciano (55:24.571)


Matt (55:29.443)

Luciano (55:30.334)
And you get like you downloaded and it's like, it didn't download properly. It's only half the image. The rest is fucked. Yeah, yeah. Just Dracula moving, just his head moving back and forth. Yeah. I was, I thought they were gonna fully get it on at least like kiss or something like sloppily or whatever. Yeah.

Chris (55:34.97)
Oh no, oh no, I need more, I need more seeds! Kazama!

Matt (55:35.987)
Yeah, it's just, it's just Dracula's dick. That's, that's all you get.

Spencer (55:44.385)
Oh god, I've seen too much!

Matt (55:44.572)

Chris (55:44.698)

Matt (55:53.516)

Spencer (55:55.182)
I thought he just-

Chris (55:55.29)
Well, they said everything they needed to say, new one.

Spencer (55:59.098)
Do we think that he was going to just kill her? Ever?

Luciano (56:02.738)
Nah. Why? Yeah.

Matt (56:05.29)

Chris (56:05.434)
Resources. I think he wanted her and respected her for her resources. Like HR.

Spencer (56:09.541)
Why not?

Luciano (56:09.79)
I don't think he respected her at all. He didn't know. Yeah. No.

Matt (56:10.543)
Wow. Yeah, don't use the word respect when they're

Chris (56:13.946)
I don't know.

Spencer (56:14.362)
When it's fucking Dracula. Why not make her familiar?

Matt (56:17.765)
Who said she didn't?

Luciano (56:18.694)
Yeah, she disappears. Remember when, when Rebecca walks in and she's there and she turns around, she disappears. Yeah.

Spencer (56:19.962)
That's true.

Matt (56:25.951)
Yeah, she opens the door so into the torture chamber. S M S M boudoir. So yeah, so Dracula can go back there and get up from the sun. And that's the last time we see her.

Luciano (56:32.343)
The BDSM dungeon.

Luciano (56:38.081)

Spencer (56:38.242)
No, well they arrest her at the end.

Matt (56:39.944)
Oh sure there, Esther. Yeah, but whatever.

Chris (56:40.026)
toe in the sun so she didn't get well no actually it's fine you're right it's fine it's fine and she seemed very fine with it too

Spencer (56:42.366)
But no, but familiars can be in the sun. That's a sequel. That's a sequel bait.

Matt (56:45.931)

Luciano (56:48.279)
Yeah. So it's either them playing it cool like that or it's like... Like with other things that were not shown in this movie, maybe supernatural creatures are just a thing that exists. Maybe everybody has a cousin that's a werewolf or something. Yeah, it's like, oh yeah, yeah.

Chris (57:03.194)

Spencer (57:05.378)
You're back from college? Are you?

Luciano (57:09.677)
Yeah, maybe that's what it is.

Matt (57:11.755)
I still remember that high school game where you kicked the shit out of the other team as a wolf.

Luciano (57:15.174)
HAHAHAHAHAHA And then you travel back in time! HAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHA

Spencer (57:16.431)
I'll never forget the one game on a full moon. They were, you were in for a big surprise. Remember when you were fourth and 10 and you ate six players on the other team? Didn't see that play coming.

Luciano (57:29.144)

Matt (57:31.56)
Best call of coaches life.

Chris (57:32.058)
Benny, you son of a bitch Benny, you're my hero.

Spencer (57:32.646)
Yeah, exactly. That fucking one is the finals. Yeah, maybe, uh, like they just have, uh, you know, all sorts of mythical creatures in this universe. And like Dracula's like, oh, Dracula, cool. You know?

Matt (57:43.747)
True, they did have, they had monster hunters, right? Like, you know, the priest and the other dude, they ate up like, you know. Van Helsing got the job done.

Chris (57:48.346)

Spencer (57:50.454)
Yeah, maybe that was Van Helsing.

Luciano (57:50.804)

Chris (57:51.994)
Hunter. Yeah. A terrible housing. Twice removed. That was a Wren. That was a Wren.

Luciano (58:00.643)
Von Helsing. He's the Dutch. He's the Dutch cousin. Von Helsing.

Matt (58:03.76)

Spencer (58:04.443)

Chris (58:04.538)
Yeah. Vaughn? Nah, it was Vaughn Helsing. He was ranch. He was ranch dressing.

Matt (58:06.765)

Spencer (58:09.526)

Luciano (58:12.09)
Yeah. Walking, doing monster hunting and clogs. That's what the problem was. Yeah.

Chris (58:14.842)
You must spin!

Spencer (58:23.3)

Luciano (58:24.041)
Does that answer your question?

Matt (58:26.187)
Yeah, no, I actually just want to know, I've seen the Van Helsing movie, but I want to know what the Van Helsing movie is like.

Spencer (58:33.823)
We make chocolate?

Chris (58:35.226)

Luciano (58:35.409)
It's it's head in Amsterdam and everybody's just high all the time

Chris (58:39.93)

Luciano (58:42.87)
Nobody gets anything done. They're just chilling, having fun with their homies.

Matt (58:43.075)
That makes all the sense.

No, that's good. I like that.

Chris (58:47.098)
I'm so happy to see you.

Spencer (58:48.358)
And the Dutch Dracula is also just super chill. He's like, bro, why suck blood when I can suck these mushrooms down, bro?

Matt (58:51.447)

Luciano (58:59.769)

Spencer (59:01.198)

Chris (59:02.362)
He sounds like he's from the OC. Hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe

Spencer (59:04.114)
Yeah, I don't know why he's supposed to be Dutch.

Luciano (59:04.21)
Yeah, exactly. Yeah. I mean, if this Dracula, if this Dracula can have a Midwestern accent, why why? Like Von Dracula can't have

Spencer (59:13.434)
Bro, you're arching my buzz, man. I lose my accent when I get high and I sound like I'm from Cali.

Luciano (59:18.69)

Chris (59:22.138)
So you're not gonna kill me, Von Dracula?

Spencer (59:24.87)
I'm gonna kill you, I'm gonna kill these Fritos brother!

Luciano (59:28.054)

Chris (59:29.178)
You're the best! Where do you get your supply?

Spencer (59:32.134)

Luciano (59:36.994)

Luciano (59:41.858)
Oh yeah. Ha ha ha. Ha ha.

Matt (59:44.639)
I've gone too far. I got some other questions we need to answer. A little more off the cuff, just. Nope. Nope, we're not talking about Kyle. Yep. Where, what do you think, Dracula talked about his plan for world domination and we just got a quick snapshot. All I could catch really, I remember seeing, is like the White House was one of the pictures in the thing for world domination.

Luciano (59:47.79)

Chris (59:51.162)
Fuck you, Kyle!

Spencer (59:56.698)
Kyle had his time.

Spencer (01:00:03.866)

Luciano (01:00:06.478)

Spencer (01:00:08.585)
Did you see that? I didn't see the way. I just saw world domination written on the board and that was it.

Matt (01:00:12.435)
Yeah, like one of the pictures. Oh yeah. He spent all the time writing the script and none of the time.

Luciano (01:00:13.976)
In very fancy script.

Spencer (01:00:17.346)
And then, oh no, and then it said by D and then right below it said, and, uh, Renfield and like a post-it note.

Luciano (01:00:20.767)

Renf, yeah.

Matt (01:00:24.455)
Yeah, if I was in doubt. So what do you think the plan was?

Luciano (01:00:28.95)

Spencer (01:00:29.934)
Was this before he knew about the gangsters? I think so, right? So originally, so let's just assume that he's not going down the, making an army of cocaine dealers. Because he hadn't had that plan yet.

Luciano (01:00:34.75)
Yeah, yeah.

Chris (01:00:34.778)

Luciano (01:00:43.134)
Yeah. I think what he would have done is he would have made a lot of money first, like selling his blood to heal things and so on. And then...

Spencer (01:00:58.103)
Immediately cause a crit cell to cure for death? That is a good business model.

Luciano (01:01:02.627)
And then he would select at random one social media platform to buy. Let's just say for the sake of argument, Twitter.

Matt (01:01:03.096)
Not bad.

Chris (01:01:13.21)

Spencer (01:01:13.366)
You mean X? Okay.

Luciano (01:01:14.79)
And then he would rename it to something else. And then he would start from there. Yes, exactly. Yeah. And he would call himself the chief tweet at first. And then he would start basically debasing the entire user base. There's a lot of base.

Spencer (01:01:20.79)
Like, he'd rename it to just Cross, or Upside Down Cross.

Chris (01:01:30.682)

Spencer (01:01:41.038)
You're describing how to become a rich, entitled asshole, not rule the world.

Luciano (01:01:48.546)
Ah, okay. It's already there. That's the first step. And then he buys, yes, he buys the, he talks, one earth please. Yeah, can I get a discount? Like an early bird discount.

Spencer (01:01:50.406)
Where does the world come into domination? Then he buys the earth.

Chris (01:01:57.306)

Spencer (01:01:58.05)
I'll take one earth please keep the change the outfit we don't want to we don't want to give him the ruling of the earth but the offers too good to say no

Luciano (01:02:13.138)
Yeah, it's 44 billion.

Spencer (01:02:15.601)
That's a steal! That's a steal of a deal!

Chris (01:02:18.586)

Luciano (01:02:20.664)

Matt (01:02:20.707)
So, there's a random number you came up with there.

Luciano (01:02:23.086)
Yeah, totally off the top of my head.

Spencer (01:02:23.538)
Yeah, and way too low, way too low for the Earth. Yeah, you've got to get it before it's all downhill right now. It's depreciating. It's depreciating by the day. I mean, I would think that Dracula's, I mean, logistic. This will be what I think he thinks he would be doing.

Matt (01:02:26.635)
I think you've overvalued it by a huge amount, but we'll see how this plays out.

Luciano (01:02:31.065)
I know, yeah.


Chris (01:02:34.458)
Not even, not even in the trillions.

Luciano (01:02:39.447)

Chris (01:02:39.482)
Everyone knows what you're driving off the line, it depreciates.

Matt (01:02:42.831)
True. Not.

Chris (01:02:44.058)
for reals.

Spencer (01:02:52.174)
Just based on the fact that Matt had told me he had a picture of the White House. I think he'd wait till nighttime, turn into smoke, go into the White House, make the president a familiar. Can you forcibly make someone a familiar? That wasn't clear. I guess not. Well, Renfield chooses not to be at the end. So.

Luciano (01:03:07.799)

Luciano (01:03:11.915)
They don't say it doesn't seem like it. But it's still kind of... Well, yeah, okay.

Chris (01:03:16.794)

Spencer (01:03:19.214)
Fine, eats the president.

Chris (01:03:22.874)
Nice pivot.

Spencer (01:03:23.926)
right? And then releases a statement.

Luciano (01:03:25.693)

Luciano (01:03:30.294)
The statement says, I want to suck your blood. No? Okay.

Spencer (01:03:33.118)
No, you don't know. The statement in my mind is written in political language. It's like, hello. That's like super checked perfect speech. Hello, I am Dracula and I am taking over the globe and I have started by killing the president and I'll proceed to kill every leader of every country until I am instated as the leader of the entire world. And then he proceeds to go

Chris (01:03:35.194)
Your life-

Chris (01:03:41.114)
Mike, oh, Mike Pence.

Chris (01:03:58.138)
The sun comes up.

Spencer (01:04:02.014)
turn to smoke, kill every leader, every replacement leader they hire until nobody wants to take the job. I think that's probably the easiest way to do it.

Luciano (01:04:12.759)

Spencer (01:04:13.03)
What do you think? Does that work?

Matt (01:04:14.391)
I mean, yeah, but then after he's done, is it like success failure? How does he feel?

Spencer (01:04:22.658)
I mean, I guess he'd be the leader of the world in name only at that point. Like I felt like he's like running like the education systems or like transportation.

Matt (01:04:35.915)
That's fine. That's how the US takes over the world.

Luciano (01:04:37.025)
Looking at like school curriculums. Ha ha ha!

Spencer (01:04:39.3)
Yeah, yeah, like I don't think he's like, I don't think he's really looked into it. I don't think he even really wants to rule the world in that sense, right?

Luciano (01:04:47.762)
Yeah, he wants to be like, yeah, midway through. Yeah, fuck this. I agree. I think he gives that vibe that he's like, he's had enough. He's like, ah, fuck this shit. I agree.

Matt (01:04:48.055)
I think he gets tired, like he kills like five or six leaders and he's like, ah, this isn't worth the time.

Spencer (01:04:54.658)
I think at that point he'd be like, yeah.

Chris (01:04:55.098)
You're not innocent enough.

Chris (01:05:01.594)
You're feeding me trash!

Spencer (01:05:03.051)
I think you'd get to a point where he's like, listen, we'll make a deal. I'll stop murdering you guys. Bring me a virgin every day and I'll just stay out of your hair. And then he settles for that. But he says it like Nick Cage's Dracula. So it's like, oh, what a virgin. Every day.

Luciano (01:05:25.31)
He went straight cast or trod there.

Spencer (01:05:27.371)
Yeah, I could eat virgin for hours.

Luciano (01:05:32.202)
like virgins and peaches.

Spencer (01:05:35.281)
And peaches, especially peaches. And that's it, that's how we take over the world.

Luciano (01:05:36.462)
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

Luciano (01:05:41.786)
Okay. Oh, uh, oh, oh.

Matt (01:05:41.807)
Okay, so hear me out. Halfway through his taking over the world, we find, let's go to the werewolf since we're in this world. And that werewolf is determined to capture him. So determined that he's going to steal his face and go undercover to convince Renfield to give him up. I mean, it could be, I don't know. If you're just throwing out names, throw them out.

Chris (01:05:52.026)

Spencer (01:05:52.549)

Luciano (01:05:52.844)

Chris (01:05:57.146)
That's rough.

Luciano (01:06:03.678)
Is this is this werewolf played by John Travolta?

Spencer (01:06:10.993)
I'm in.

Luciano (01:06:12.42)
I'd watch that movie.

Matt (01:06:14.199)
That's how we're going to stop the world domination plot.

Spencer (01:06:15.082)
I just picture like a giant Beauty and the Beast style werewolf with the face of John Travolta or of Nefnik the Skechie stapled on top of it. I'm Dracula guys!

Luciano (01:06:22.814)
No. Yeah, like, fully, fully hairy, like, like a wolf face and just the face stapled on.

Matt (01:06:25.143)

Matt (01:06:28.915)
Yeah. Oh yeah, it's not, it's not elegantly done. It's just like staples.

Spencer (01:06:33.633)
There's like hair coming out of the eye holes and the mouth. And he's like, It's the perfect plan.

Chris (01:06:37.53)

Luciano (01:06:41.965)
Ryan Druckerloh!

Matt (01:06:42.302)
Yeah, yeah, that's nailed it. I'm really excited for that. Ah, next question.

Luciano (01:06:48.735)
I'd watch that movie.

Matt (01:06:51.283)
So Dracula and the end, Renfield and Rebecca, put him in the cocaine protection circle, circle of protection. I do have questions around how they were able to murder him without, you know, breaking the circle, but that's not important. So they chop him up and they put him into little cement cubes essentially, and spread his body out across the world. We got a...

Luciano (01:06:59.352)

Chris (01:07:00.698)

Luciano (01:07:06.146)
Breaking the circle. Yeah, yeah. I thought of that too.

Chris (01:07:07.098)
That was interesting. Yeah.

Matt (01:07:18.583)
We gotta make a sequel to this, cause some people will love this movie for whatever reason. How is Dracula?

Luciano (01:07:22.766)

Spencer (01:07:22.806)
No, you gotta say it the way you always say it, man. The studio is dead set on a sequel to Renfield. Okay.

Chris (01:07:26.746)

Matt (01:07:26.835)
Oh, how? Oh, that's right. The studio is dead set on a sequel to Renfield. How are we getting Dracula back together again?

Chris (01:07:29.658)

It's true.

Spencer (01:07:38.37)
Well, let me just say they made a fatal mistake in putting all the cubes in the same place. I mean, how stupid. Like you go through all the work of separating them into little bits and you put all the bits together.

Luciano (01:07:38.772)
I mean...

Luciano (01:07:44.508)
I agree.

Chris (01:07:44.73)

Luciano (01:07:47.35)
Yeah. And you're.

Luciano (01:07:52.05)
Yeah, you know he's gonna T1000 that shit like he's just gonna melt and like reform like T1000 does Doesn't matter doesn't matter

Chris (01:07:52.154)

Chris (01:07:58.554)
But it's not, it's, well, melt, but it's concrete. It was concrete. Okay, well, yeah.

Spencer (01:08:03.662)
But also, he can turn to smoke. Couldn't he just turn all his little bits to smoke and they just like immediately like come back together?

Luciano (01:08:08.967)
Yeah, that's true.

Luciano (01:08:13.11)
Does he turn to smoke? He turns to bats in this.

Chris (01:08:13.114)

Spencer (01:08:15.118)
No, he turns to smoke. He goes to the poop, the pope nails him.

Matt (01:08:15.839)
No, he turns his... he smokes into the priest and explodes him.

Chris (01:08:16.026)
He did smoke, remember?

Luciano (01:08:18.914)
True. And it explodes the poop that's true.

Chris (01:08:22.425)
But maybe it takes power to use those abilities. So since he's been in the circle and then reduced to mush, maybe it's harder for him to do that.

Matt (01:08:22.871)

Luciano (01:08:31.55)
Okay, so hear me out. So hear me out. Yeah, so hear me out. Bella Lugosi Francesco Lobo was arrested, right? So somebody is gonna make use of that dungeon there. And I think the beginning of the movie is just, we see that place being used to torture people and the blood, the drips.

Spencer (01:08:32.858)
Can smoke go through concrete? That's the real question.

Chris (01:08:36.058)
But you need energy to like do, I'm just guessing. It feels like.

Chris (01:08:46.074)

Spencer (01:08:57.606)

Luciano (01:09:00.014)
onto the drain drips onto the Dracula bits and that yeah, something like that. Yeah, something like that.

Chris (01:09:02.65)
Yeah. Was it a sewer that they poured him in though? So did the bits stay, maybe they, it would work cause like if they're cocaine, sorry, concrete, sorry, cocaine concrete bits, then they sunk to the bottom so they're still there, they didn't travel down the water. Okay, so then the blood. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Luciano (01:09:10.79)

Spencer (01:09:13.294)
They're cocaine cubes.

Luciano (01:09:19.946)
Yeah, that's what I'm thinking. Yeah, I'm trying to build the hook for this sequel. I think like the blood just drips there and slowly he gets his power back and then he can turn to smoke and leave. That's how it starts. What is your question?

Chris (01:09:27.386)

Spencer (01:09:33.062)
That didn't answer my question. Can smoke go through concrete?

Chris (01:09:35.418)
What was the question?

Luciano (01:09:38.764)

Spencer (01:09:41.03)
Is that a fact?

Chris (01:09:41.081)

Matt (01:09:42.675)
I'm going to say yes because concrete is not solid at a small enough like Adam state. The smoke could go through a little cracks in the concrete.

Luciano (01:09:50.894)
Okay, okay. Okay. I mean, if you really want to push it, sure.

Spencer (01:09:57.074)
Okay, hold on. So if we put a if we put smoke in a box of concrete

Matt (01:09:57.275)
Okay, what part of this movie is realistic and we shouldn't push it

Luciano (01:10:01.513)
This is a tour business. It stays there.

Matt (01:10:06.595)
Yep. No, it would, I think there'd be a little bit of impure. Cause these are professional concrete mixers and pourers. These are a bunch of clowns too. I think it was a poor job. Yeah.

Chris (01:10:13.082)
You're right, it was right. Renfield and Rebecca.

Spencer (01:10:16.026)
Like I feel like their particles would get, you'd smell it. You know? Then it's escaping. Also, what temperature do steel beams melt?

Matt (01:10:19.605)

Chris (01:10:20.762)
And if you can smell it, then it can escape.

Luciano (01:10:20.807)

Fair enough.

Matt (01:10:24.727)
Yeah, if you smell it, that is.

Luciano (01:10:27.058)
Listen, listen, listen. With the way they portrayed the police in this thing, this one little thing, if it's not true, it's fine. The sequel can have... Ha ha ha.

Chris (01:10:32.154)

Spencer (01:10:35.934)
This is the biggest plot hole of the movie.

Chris (01:10:40.954)
They didn't use the correct cement mixing tools. You know what I'm saying?

Luciano (01:10:43.73)
Yeah, that's why.

Spencer (01:10:44.579)
You can't... those damp concrete's gonna stick right to the ice tray. Oh my god.

Matt (01:10:45.239)
They use the wrong kind of cement.

Chris (01:10:51.354)
Tell them what it is, Jeremy.

Spencer (01:10:53.847)
Hey, this isn't fucking Ice Cube.

Luciano (01:10:55.315)

Chris (01:10:56.602)
That's right. See? Yeah, this, you, what, you, what, uh, what the fuck do you want? Call Kyle?

Spencer (01:10:58.062)
It's an ice tray, not a concrete tray!

Luciano (01:11:01.223)
All right.

Spencer (01:11:03.846)
But seriously, can you imagine putting all those cubes in the same place after all that?

Chris (01:11:08.218)

Luciano (01:11:09.75)
Well how unbelievably stupid it is, yes.

Spencer (01:11:11.254)
Yeah, like I'd be like, I'm gonna I'm gonna send one to fucking the moon. And the other one's going up my.

Chris (01:11:12.666)
You gotta...

Chris (01:11:16.89)

Luciano (01:11:17.514)

Luciano (01:11:21.11)
Just cause I want to.

Chris (01:11:22.778)
But you're like, you're tempting fate because like you're that's like you're gonna hurt yourself and that's gonna be instant access to blood That's nasty well you should do it just like just like when you tear you put your like, you know You're sensitive documents through the shredder You separate in like two different garbage bags and you withhold one bag and send out one on garbage day And then you let the other one go out the other garbage day. We put it in different garbage bin disposals anyway

Spencer (01:11:29.722)
Yeah, but it's worth the risk.

Matt (01:11:32.971)
I don't-

Spencer (01:11:49.943)
Why do two bags? Do fucking 50 bags and put one cube in each?

Chris (01:11:52.986)
however fucking many you want, what the fuck do you want?

Matt (01:11:53.219)
No, it's fine. Hey, you're getting more New Jersey by the second. Just slow down.

Spencer (01:11:57.543)
Yeah, never go full Jersey.

Luciano (01:11:58.439)

Chris (01:11:59.994)
Fuck yeah!

Matt (01:12:01.379)
Um, no, I like this idea. I think what we're saying is that the sequel is actually, uh, a Nathan Drake movie where he puts the Dracula puzzle. He goes across the world collecting all the pieces of Dracula, puts the cement Dracula back together and then like, you know, Dan Lee's Dracula. Yeah.

Chris (01:12:10.586)

Luciano (01:12:12.262)

Luciano (01:12:16.433)
He thinks it's a treasure. He thinks it's a treasure, but it's a curse.

Chris (01:12:18.17)
Who is it? Who's doing it though? I'll tell you, cocaine officer, no, D, what is it? Dishonored cocaine officer, Chris.

Matt (01:12:21.091)

Matt (01:12:29.828)

Chris (01:12:30.874)
Exactly! Rebecca's partner! Pshh! Ah! Cocaine to its... G-CHAIN!

Luciano (01:12:31.451)
Oh, Rebecca's partner.

Luciano (01:12:36.238)

Spencer (01:12:36.911)
I like your idea, Matt, of a Nathan Drake style. I like the idea of him having all the pieces and thinking to make some sort of like old relic, and then you find out it fits in an ice tray.

Matt (01:12:37.157)

Luciano (01:12:40.317)
Yeah, I like it too.

Luciano (01:12:44.553)


Spencer (01:12:47.81)
Like that's like the big reveal. Like what?

Chris (01:12:51.578)
They're all symmetrical! Perfectly symmetrical, but why?

Spencer (01:12:55.294)
He drops one in his drink and he's like, oh, that's like the revelation scene.

Luciano (01:12:55.842)

Chris (01:12:59.994)
Someone's like mixing a drink. He's like he's stewing. He's like I'll have another one barkeep and then it's like are you sure You know what you think you're getting? He's like, I'll tell you what I've had enough Cutie music and then he runs away from the bar and puts it together

Spencer (01:13:11.807)

Matt (01:13:12.227)
Next question. How does Dracula's blood work? We know that if Renfield gets it on his body or in his mouth, it heals him as he is a familiar. They established that. Then Renfield takes away a picture of Dracula's blood at the end of the movie and brings back all of his friends from the gym self-help group.

Luciano (01:13:14.173)

Spencer (01:13:34.83)
the grave.

Matt (01:13:35.768)

Luciano (01:13:36.61)
From the, not that it doesn't, it's not healing. Exactly, exactly. Shredded to pieces.

Chris (01:13:37.178)

Matt (01:13:39.411)
Multiple days dead. Yeah, it's a good point. Yeah, filleted

Spencer (01:13:44.326)
Two shreds you say?

Luciano (01:13:47.61)
Yeah. How does it work?

Spencer (01:13:49.35)

So his blood is like that magic blood from Star Trek into darkness.

Chris (01:13:58.298)
Oh, so it's Sunyun? What is it?

Luciano (01:13:58.807)
Oh shit.

Matt (01:13:59.69)
It's cons blood.

Spencer (01:14:00.138)
It's like Khan's blood. Khan Nunean sing.

Luciano (01:14:02.922)

Matt (01:14:03.575)

Chris (01:14:04.506)
Thank you.

Spencer (01:14:07.21)
So because it's fucking con. Yeah, but we remember the Ricardo Montabon con, fool.

Luciano (01:14:07.258)
Why do you remember that so well? That movie... I erased that movie from my head.

Matt (01:14:11.991)
But, but... the good one. Yeah.

Luciano (01:14:13.882)
Yeah, that's true. I've watched that a long time ago. A long time. No, we don't talk about the Benedict one.

Chris (01:14:17.018)
and Benedict.

Spencer (01:14:17.965)
Now do we-

Matt (01:14:18.911)
We don't know. We don't remember Benedict. There's only one good part of that movie, and it's not that.

Luciano (01:14:25.502)
Yeah. Ha ha!

Spencer (01:14:25.87)
Well now I'm curious. Oh, is it then is it? Is it a sexy part?

Chris (01:14:26.074)
Which was what?

Matt (01:14:28.539)
I'm not going to answer this question.

Luciano (01:14:29.262)
Yeah. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

Chris (01:14:29.722)
Oh, I know which one you're talking about, Nathan. The one where, the one, well yeah, when they were drinking and then they made pineapple juice.

Matt (01:14:38.527)
You don't have you not watched any Star Trek movie ever?

Chris (01:14:41.882)
Listen, someone's gotta think of the children.

Matt (01:14:45.163)
Moving on.

Spencer (01:14:45.77)
Um, yeah, sorry. The blood is like that, like cons blood in the sense that it cures death and therefore creates so many problems for the future of any society. Um,

Chris (01:14:55.802)

Luciano (01:14:57.314)
Yeah, yeah. Also, that picture is always full if you guys notice that.

Chris (01:15:05.85)
the mindset you need to have.

Matt (01:15:08.703)
Well, it's half full, but always half full. So is it like a little eye drop? Yeah.

Luciano (01:15:10.99)
Yeah. Like, is it like a drop? Yeah. I think that that's what it was. He's, he's rationing it now, now that he's.

Matt (01:15:18.647)
How old, like, so how old can you bring back people from the dead, like how long? Like if I, if we were to like, let's, you know, we want to dig up like Lincoln, can we dig up Lincoln and do a little eye drop for our blood and he's good to go?

Spencer (01:15:29.518)
You're goddamn right, you are. For a score, we got Abe Lincoln back. And you know what he's doing? Starting quarterback for the Packers. Number 42, Abe Lincoln! Ha!

Chris (01:15:31.386)
We gotta start, we gotta start there.

Luciano (01:15:33.546)
Nice. Yeah. Ha ha ha.

Luciano (01:15:43.914)
Apparently has a really he had a he had a really a really

Chris (01:15:44.25)
Lincoln Lincoln!

Matt (01:15:44.849)
That's a linebacker's number, you son of a bitch.

Spencer (01:15:46.907)
What? Alright. Number seven.

Chris (01:15:50.106)
Any player can have any number.

Matt (01:15:51.849)
No, that is incorrect.

Luciano (01:15:53.33)
Apparently he had a really high pitched voice. Lincoln did. Yeah, that's yeah, exactly. Well, I don't know. I don't know. I don't know if it was Mickey, but yeah

Chris (01:15:53.53)

Matt (01:15:56.871)
Yeah, Link it does. Hey, you guys, I'm back to play quarterback!

Spencer (01:16:00.32)
4th score 20 years ago!

Chris (01:16:04.57)
You gotta bring back Lincoln, you gotta bring back Gandhi, you gotta bring back Cleopatra, you gotta bring back JFK.

Spencer (01:16:10.818)
I picture all of them except for JFK being horribly racist people.

Luciano (01:16:16.574)
Yes. JFK2.

Chris (01:16:16.762)
But the thing is, is that when you try to bring them back, are they the... Yeah, yeah. I, your, would like her a party planner.

Matt (01:16:17.808)
But even JFK.

Spencer (01:16:19.251)
Sorry, NJFK!

Spencer (01:16:25.318)
You don't like the equality in this nation?

Luciano (01:16:28.438)

Chris (01:16:29.114)
Hahahaha SAY WHAT!

Matt (01:16:29.607)
It's Shout Down Nation!

Luciano (01:16:35.791)
Yeah, so I...

Spencer (01:16:36.218)
Could they put it on those aliens that Mexico released today? This is very topical.

Luciano (01:16:41.789)

Spencer (01:16:42.978)
That's the real question.

Matt (01:16:43.655)
Okay. Yes, but shock, unshockingly nothing happens because they are paper mache.

Spencer (01:16:46.086)

Chris (01:16:49.562)

Luciano (01:16:50.67)

Spencer (01:16:53.534)
Why is the magic blood working? They like breaking candy comes out of them.

Matt (01:16:56.838)
These are definitely real.

Chris (01:17:02.458)

Luciano (01:17:05.468)
I don't think it would work on somebody like husband that a really long time.

Spencer (01:17:09.635)
Why not?

Chris (01:17:10.33)
But, I did.

Matt (01:17:10.979)
How old? Like a week?

Luciano (01:17:12.254)
Yeah, something like before the composition starts like really in earnest.

Chris (01:17:14.17)
Decomposition? Is that one?

Spencer (01:17:16.61)
Well, if we if we infer that the blood essentially gives Dracula's paddle, sorry, I don't know what I might be saying any word like paddle. It, it, hold on, let me finish. Dracula, we assume that the blood of Dracula gives the dead people, the healing capabilities of Dracula.

Chris (01:17:19.674)

You wins.

Luciano (01:17:25.834)
Petal? Hahaha!

Matt (01:17:26.179)

Chris (01:17:28.026)
That's a paddling.

Matt (01:17:30.819)
the fact that

Luciano (01:17:31.74)
Dracula's pedal is Spencer's favorite sex position.

Chris (01:17:41.754)
You wings.

Spencer (01:17:46.434)
Like if he's giving them his power, he can come back from being a charred corpse. So that means it can re, it can regrow flesh. And so by that logic, all you need would be like a skeleton.

Luciano (01:17:52.876)

Matt (01:17:53.472)
Oh, he does.

Luciano (01:17:57.04)
Oh, I see where you're going with that, okay.

Luciano (01:18:01.907)
Yeah, any DNA basically.

Matt (01:18:02.871)
Rip it. So wait, sorry, I hate to carry you off, Luciano, so you're saying that those people are undead, right? All the people he brought back in his group. They're not alive, they're undead.

Luciano (01:18:10.796)
Ooh, I like that.

Spencer (01:18:11.171)
Oh, are they? That's the sequel.

Chris (01:18:12.826)
Huh. Mm.

Luciano (01:18:14.898)
Yeah, I like that.

Matt (01:18:15.787)
They all start to go the zombie way and start eating flesh and brains.

Luciano (01:18:19.446)
Yeah, instead of instead of World War Z, we call it World War V. And there's the sickle.

Spencer (01:18:24.986)
We just made a billion dollars guys. World War V. Vampires instead of... Hold on. Brrrring! Yes, hello Disney! Oh, you heard about our news franchise. Uh huh. Uh huh.

Chris (01:18:25.722)
I like it.

Luciano (01:18:27.358)
Yeah, again, again.

Matt (01:18:32.431)

Luciano (01:18:33.653)

Chris (01:18:36.186)
Yes. We did. So we... What's the number?

Luciano (01:18:40.992)
You're gonna sue all of us? Okay, again? Hahahaha!

Spencer (01:18:43.795)
Uh huh. Yup. Okay. You too. Love you. Say it back. Oh, they didn't like that, Matt. Oh no, no. He didn't mean it. No, no, he's pro, uh, paying people poorly. Yeah. Okay. We're back. We're back guys. We're back. They want to buy World War V. Okay. It's going to be PG.

Matt (01:18:48.227)
Shouldn't you be trying to solve the strike thing instead of calling us?

Luciano (01:18:53.57)
All right, we're not gonna break the picket line.

Matt (01:18:54.467)
You there?

Luciano (01:19:01.122)

Matt (01:19:01.707)

Chris (01:19:05.85)
Mmm. Oh shoot. Uh huh.

Matt (01:19:11.543)
That's fine. Yep.

Spencer (01:19:12.018)
animated Starring What year is it no they don't want john stamos

Chris (01:19:12.602)
Starring...starring... John Stamos?

Luciano (01:19:18.514)
Yeah, yeah, why are you is this? No, no, they don't. Yeah. Starring Tom, Tom Holland as the Dracula.

Chris (01:19:21.338)
He's a national treasure.

Spencer (01:19:23.982)
Tom, Tom Holland as no Dracula is a female and Tom Holland is her love. It's a romance.

Chris (01:19:25.658)

Luciano (01:19:27.842)
Drap. Oh.

Matt (01:19:33.323)
Yeah, it's Tom Holland is reprising Mark.

Luciano (01:19:33.557)

Spencer (01:19:36.466)
reprising yes and he turns her away from you know yeah it's terrible now we just lost a billion dollars they own the rights and they're not gonna make the movie and I told him for ten dollars I'm a terrible business man

Luciano (01:19:36.858)
Oh, Mark, I thought it was going to be Renfield.

Chris (01:19:37.402)
Oh, oh, ah!

Matt (01:19:41.487)
Bruce, quiet.

Luciano (01:19:46.43)
Yeah, we did.

Chris (01:19:47.45)
Ha ha ha!

Luciano (01:19:54.09)

Matt (01:19:54.831)

Luciano (01:19:56.994)
Ha ha!

Chris (01:19:57.018)
We trusted you! You had your job, it was a simple time.

Spencer (01:20:01.674)
I just wanted to feel like a big shot so I just kept saying yes.

Luciano (01:20:03.05)
No, I like the idea. I like the idea of them coming back undead instead of alive.

Chris (01:20:05.786)
What are we gonna do with this script?

Spencer (01:20:10.286)
But that actually solves our other problem of how Dracula got back out from being in cubes. He actually now controls the people who've taken his blood and they go down, dig up the cubes, put them back together in the ice tray. And then he's Dracula in ice tray form. That's his new form.

Luciano (01:20:13.218)

Luciano (01:20:18.901)

Chris (01:20:20.378)

Luciano (01:20:22.794)
and put them back together. Yeah. Ha ha ha. Ha ha ha. And just like that, we just show it, whenever they show him speaking, it's just the eye straight with like 12 necagious faces speaking at the same time. Ha ha ha. Yeah. Ha ha ha.

Spencer (01:20:38.182)
Truly horrifying. It's like a God from the biblical times.

Chris (01:20:41.37)

Matt (01:20:42.707)
What I want to know is what happened to Renfield's abandoned family?

Spencer (01:20:47.818)
Oh, you mean Rufus?

Matt (01:20:51.691)
Rufus and Penelope, yes.

Spencer (01:20:53.684)
Never, never, he was never a fan. I like to imagine that it's like he...

Luciano (01:20:53.962)

Luciano (01:21:01.167)
He forgot about them for all of these years, basically. He just, he forgot them.

Spencer (01:21:03.046)
Yeah, like, yeah, like he, he goes there to like, make that deal and then he becomes a familiar and it's like 75 years later, he's like, oh shit. And like that, that's the moment when he realizes That's all.

Luciano (01:21:15.202)

It's like...

Chris (01:21:18.106)
I knew I forgot something on the stove.

Luciano (01:21:20.854)
It's like the worst I left to buy cigarettes story in the history of space and time.

Spencer (01:21:26.707)
He's just like, what? I feel like I'm forgetting something. No, no, I got my, I got my eggs this morning. Oh, Rufus! That ugly, ugly boy!

Luciano (01:21:32.587)

Luciano (01:21:40.345)
What is like, oh shit, what's what was his name? Rufus something like that. Rufus Montague Renfield.

Chris (01:21:41.626)
I'm out.

Spencer (01:21:45.934)
Rufus Renfield. What was I smoking?

Chris (01:21:51.738)
Yes, Junior.

Spencer (01:21:53.742)
not junior they have different names well no but he had yet it that was a second son his first son was but

Luciano (01:21:54.818)
Junior? Yeah. What? Oh, he put, he put Junior on purpose. No, he just put Junior because he thought he was cool.

Chris (01:21:57.594)
Well, the R.

Chris (01:22:04.378)
Yeah, well, I've got to build some kind of.

Spencer (01:22:05.966)
People can call you Ruju!

Luciano (01:22:09.198)
I was like, my name is, my name is Renfield. This is my wife Penelope, and this is my son Rufus Renfield Penelope Montague.

Matt (01:22:10.091)
Ha ha.

Spencer (01:22:17.614)
Junior. Ruju for short.

Chris (01:22:18.33)

Matt (01:22:18.719)
Yes, rude you for short, as Spencer said.

Luciano (01:22:20.325)

Chris (01:22:23.802)

Spencer (01:22:25.67)

Luciano (01:22:27.37)
Oh no! Hahaha! Ah!

Matt (01:22:30.556)
I like to believe that he has no photos of them and he went to To one of those old timey photo places and got a random woman a kid to dress up and he just pretends That's his family

Spencer (01:22:36.93)
Yeah, yeah.

Chris (01:22:38.01)
Yeah. This will do.

Luciano (01:22:39.589)
I know he stole, no, he bought, he bought a frame and he came with the frame and it was just like, Oh, Penelope and Rufus.

Chris (01:22:44.57)
Yes. Ah.

Matt (01:22:45.613)

Spencer (01:22:49.114)
He's like, looks at them, he's like, eh, didn't get the idea. He was, he was much uglier, but...

Chris (01:22:49.21)
More or less.

Luciano (01:22:51.506)
Yeah, close enough. Yeah.

Matt (01:22:53.667)
Close enough, sympathy points. Yeah.

Chris (01:22:56.794)
It's the intent that counts.

Spencer (01:22:57.958)

Luciano (01:22:59.697)
This kid doesn't have the head girth of my kid, but it's okay.

Chris (01:23:02.938)
Oh my God. Ruju, Ruju took the cake.

Spencer (01:23:05.828)

Luciano (01:23:08.014)
R-Rujul was a big-handed boy. Hehehehe. Ah, Jesus. Hehehehehe.

Chris (01:23:10.938)
Ruju was a mistake. Hahahaha!

Spencer (01:23:17.835)
He says that longingly while looking at the photo. Ruju was uh... He...

Matt (01:23:20.232)
Yeah, sure.

Chris (01:23:20.89)
And as the music swells up and we're expecting him to like, wistfully, I don't know, confess something or remark, I was like, Rue was missed.

Luciano (01:23:22.502)
My little mistake.

Spencer (01:23:32.174)
Ruju... Ruju was a mistake.

Luciano (01:23:34.199)
He just looks lovingly at the picture and then slowly starts staring at it. He starts staring at it and just leaves the wife.

Chris (01:23:36.41)
I need

Spencer (01:23:38.787)
Heh heh.


Chris (01:23:41.882)
Yeah, I was gonna go with like covering over Ruju to just like switch move his hand over or just like folding it back It's just like Penelope Why did we do what why did we bring this monstrosity into the world?

Luciano (01:23:49.642)
Yeah, but you just pulled it to the back.

But no, he's like Penelope, why did we never have kids? I could have loved, I would have loved.

Chris (01:24:01.242)
We had a good thing going, Penelope.

Matt (01:24:04.561)
I just think he takes a finale picture and heads off to the bathroom.

Luciano (01:24:07.875)
I see.

Spencer (01:24:07.982)
Now this is SD.

Chris (01:24:11.642)
Hahaha! B-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b

Spencer (01:24:12.113)
The original!

Matt (01:24:14.191)
Right. I have one more question. What government agency is sent to resolve the 600, 700 murdered cops and bystanders in New Orleans?

Luciano (01:24:28.714)
What, you, do you mean the FBI can't handle it? Ha ha ha!

Matt (01:24:32.299)
Well, they seem like they haven't gotten the job done so far. But maybe, I don't know.

Spencer (01:24:35.048)
the FBI can't handle it. They get close a case when there's like 65 eyewitnesses and he shot up a restaurant on camera.

Luciano (01:24:37.038)
I'm out.

Chris (01:24:43.098)
Yeah, clearly it's...

Luciano (01:24:44.789)
What are you saying Matt? They can't do it?

Spencer (01:24:46.682)

Chris (01:24:48.57)
They're beyond their depth. It's, you've gotta, you've gotta, you've gotta bring in the big guns. You need to call the honkeys from the CIA.

Spencer (01:24:54.523)
You gotta call the big guns.

Luciano (01:24:56.526)
What? Why just the honkeys? Can you just bring the whole force? Okay. Alright, show your work.

Chris (01:24:59.034)
Just the honkies from the CIA. It's a, yes, because in the, the honkies from the CIA from New Orleans.

Luciano (01:25:09.309)
What? Oh no.

Chris (01:25:13.146)
Because I've got nothing. Yeah. Ha ha.

Spencer (01:25:15.846)
God damn it Chris, stop taking us down these roads. Got him again.

Matt (01:25:19.267)
Fuck, you're better than this, Chris.

Chris (01:25:20.794)
I know I know yeah, it's fine. Yeah, y'all walked into it. It was great actually so yeah, yeah I think they would be a little more by the book when it comes to this this level of investigation We looked at what three FBI eight quote-unquote agents were capable of one literally got themselves killed After running a pen and then allow themselves to get sucked into a blood-sucking

Luciano (01:25:20.91)
This, this man.

Spencer (01:25:49.254)
Are you saying they should have had four agents?

Chris (01:25:52.506)
See? That's the kind of thinking the CIA would encourage. And well, listen, the CIA has got to do something. Otherwise they're just pushing pencils and folding paper. But, close guard?

Spencer (01:25:56.418)
We just don't have the budget for that.

Spencer (01:26:02.95)
or bring it in the Coast Guard.

Luciano (01:26:03.338)
No, but the problem is that as we have established, every police force that goes to New Orleans has to stay in that same building. So there is a space problem too. That's why they only had three agents there.

Chris (01:26:15.258)
So then, is...

Spencer (01:26:15.47)
But here's the thing also about the CIA is you don't know this, but they're also all of the CIA are in the Lolo's pocket. It goes, it goes so much bigger than just New Orleans.

Chris (01:26:23.674)
Uh oh.

Luciano (01:26:24.101)

I see.

Chris (01:26:27.77)
If it's, are you sure it's bigger than New Orleans? What if New Orleans is cursed?

Spencer (01:26:31.322)
Maybe we should ask for help from President Lobos. Oh God. Oh no. This goes all the way to the top.

Luciano (01:26:41.256)
President Tedward Roosevelt Lobos.

Spencer (01:26:43.574)
And Tedward Roosevelt Lobos. Mr. President.

Chris (01:26:46.49)
phones ringing, your honor.

Luciano (01:26:50.43)
Yeah, what's up?

Chris (01:26:56.442)
You're so street smart, Mr. President. You sound like you see a thing or two in your life.

Luciano (01:26:59.21)
Yes, it's, you'll find out it's Teddy's dad. Ha ha ha.

Spencer (01:27:00.104)
Yeah, what's up?

Chris (01:27:04.25)

Spencer (01:27:05.21)
This is Mr. Tedward Roosevelt Lobos.

Luciano (01:27:09.74)
Yeah, what's up?

Spencer (01:27:12.752)
Is this the right vote number? This is the presidential line!

Chris (01:27:16.954)
You know what you fucking dialed? Spin it the fuck out or get the fuck out of my phone.

Luciano (01:27:18.599)
Oh god.

Spencer (01:27:22.997)
There's president, there's 400 police officers dead in the small town of New Orleans. What should we do?

Luciano (01:27:31.134)
Who gives a fuck? Click.

Chris (01:27:34.202)

Spencer (01:27:35.259)
There goes the greatest present of my generation. Yes sir. Call the CIA. Tell them to do nothing. And stat.

Chris (01:27:38.842)
I'm sorry.

Luciano (01:27:40.554)
Yes sir!

Luciano (01:27:45.902)
He called the CIA, he told them nothing. Oh and we're back to the SD movie again.

Chris (01:27:50.65)
Tell them the pullout. Nothing can be done.

Spencer (01:27:56.086)
Yes. I mean, yeah, I think in terms of organizations, is there a, what's that organization that Hellboy is a part of?

Chris (01:27:56.762)
Oh well, yeah else.

Chris (01:28:07.386)
BPRD? No. Wait. Oh, I think that's wrong. That's wrong.

Spencer (01:28:09.074)
I don't remember. Who handle, what organization handles...

Luciano (01:28:09.838)
What? Is that what it is?

Chris (01:28:18.17)
The occult and stuff?

Luciano (01:28:18.402)
Super supernatural stuff?

Spencer (01:28:18.471)
the occult and supernatural stuff. Who's the best people for the job? If we had access to any organization.

Luciano (01:28:23.655)
It is, I like...

Oh, I see. I see where you're going with that. Oh, nice.

Matt (01:28:28.503)
The Ghostbusters.

Spencer (01:28:28.998)
I mean Ghostbusters?

Matt (01:28:32.641)
The VP idea is to bureau for paranormal research and defense, which is the hellboy.

Chris (01:28:33.786)
Oh, I was right. Yay.

Luciano (01:28:35.85)
So then that'd be a good one.

Spencer (01:28:36.858)
So they're probably more qualified than the Ghostbusters, sorry to say.

Luciano (01:28:40.798)
Is this the start of the vampiric Marvel universe?

Spencer (01:28:46.069)
Hello Disney.

Matt (01:28:49.514)
We're back!

Spencer (01:28:49.558)
Oh, oh, okay. So they own World War V and therefore own the cinematic universe and we are all being sued.

Luciano (01:28:50.719)
We're back in business baby!

Luciano (01:29:01.015)
Damn it again!

Spencer (01:29:03.054)
And they also own President Lobo. He's got the best president of my generation. I voted for him in two terms. I feel like we're missing one, a big one. No, no, not a real one. Not a fucking Zach Baggins.

Matt (01:29:03.215)
Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait

Luciano (01:29:06.254)

Luciano (01:29:19.397)
Oh god.

Matt (01:29:22.967)
like a real one.

Luciano (01:29:23.019)
Which one?

The real ones, the real ones are all in the Lobos' pockets, Matt. There's nothing we can do.

Matt (01:29:27.192)
My bad.

Spencer (01:29:30.574)
Yeah, like MIB? Aliens

Chris (01:29:34.65)

Luciano (01:29:36.019)

Spencer (01:29:37.09)
I feel like there's another organization that deals with the extra, like, the paranormal stuff. Those fucking parents from The Conjuring? Ah, of course.

Luciano (01:29:41.21)
The weird, yeah, yeah.

Matt (01:29:45.111)
It's no, it's the League of extraordinary gentlemen.

Luciano (01:29:48.366)

Spencer (01:29:51.31)
Let's not bring them into this. This movie's bad enough. No, I actually like this movie. I don't know why I'm saying that.

Matt (01:29:53.796)
Why not?

Luciano (01:29:56.596)

Matt (01:29:58.223)
It's okay. First of all, we all know what the answer is. It's the Vaughn Helsing's for fuck's sakes Yeah, you called

Spencer (01:30:02.115)
Oh, yeah?

Luciano (01:30:03.639)
Ah true true, yeah Wait, they're swedish now

Chris (01:30:03.799)

Spencer (01:30:08.333)
Mr. Bond's Mr. Bond Helsing we need you 75 police officers are dead

Luciano (01:30:15.814)
Oh, oh, yeah.

Matt (01:30:15.816)
Yeah, that sounds like a problem.

Chris (01:30:18.49)

Spencer (01:30:18.974)
How soon can you be here?

Luciano (01:30:20.265)
Oh, oh, yeah, very much good!

Matt (01:30:23.243)
Yeah, but, uh, 20 Deutschmarks?

Chris (01:30:26.51)
Haha Hehehehe

Spencer (01:30:26.556)
20 Dutch? That's a unit of time in Dallen?

Luciano (01:30:26.69)
DEUTSCHMARKS! HAHAHAHAHAHA! Mr. Vohelsing, Mr. Vohelsing, which country are you from? Europe? HAHAHAHA!

Matt (01:30:32.299)
Yeah, it's...

Spencer (01:30:35.945)
Hehehe... Yeah!

Matt (01:30:36.967)
Yeah, yeah, it's general Europe, we don't like to specify.

Spencer (01:30:41.062)

Luciano (01:30:43.445)
I'm out.

Matt (01:30:45.503)
Sweet, sweet Finland-em.

Spencer (01:30:46.51)
Heheheheh... ..Gland.

Luciano (01:30:52.901)
The Vaughan hell things, yeah. The clog wear.

Chris (01:30:55.61)

Spencer (01:30:55.674)
There goes the best damn housing I've ever seen! Best, best housing of my generation!

Luciano (01:30:59.766)
The clog-wearing vampire hunters.

Matt (01:31:03.491)
Ha ha ha!

Luciano (01:31:06.785)

Matt (01:31:08.067)
All right. Uh, at this point in the podcast, we'd like to give an actual review of this podcast. Yeah.

Luciano (01:31:11.17)
Does any... I just have one quick question. I have... Does anybody else think of the Von Trapp family when you say Von Helsing?

Spencer (01:31:12.426)
Oh yes. Review this podcast. Five stars.

Chris (01:31:18.12)
Please do review it. Give it 5 stars.

Spencer (01:31:20.654)
Hold on. Hold on, Matt just asked us to rate our podcast. Can I write the tagline? Get your dicks ready, because it's gonna fuck you in the ass. It's like porn in standard definition. Ha ha ha.

Chris (01:31:22.858)

Matt (01:31:26.867)

Luciano (01:31:26.934)
Review the fuck. Five out of five stars would listen every time.

Matt (01:31:30.88)
Yeah, please.

Matt (01:31:36.503)
4.5, we've done better. But not much. Oh, five out of five now. Upgrade. Let's review this movie. We use a letter grading system. You're probably familiar with the standard ranking tiers you see on any social media platform that may have been often bought for $44 billion. Random. Spencer.

Luciano (01:31:43.214)
Oh god.

Chris (01:31:58.846)

Luciano (01:31:58.983)
Oh, what a random number, Matt.

Spencer (01:32:02.03)
the value of the Earth.

Matt (01:32:03.939)
Hit us with your letter grade. The range is from S to F.

Spencer (01:32:07.447)

Fuck you. I like this movie. This movie was fun and good. It's the best movie of my generation. That's my movie. No, this movie was a good time. I mean, I opened it in the beginning, Nicholas Cage is good. I like gore and fun in action. Although Awkwafina kind of.

Luciano (01:32:12.48)

Matt (01:32:14.602)

Luciano (01:32:21.451)

Chris (01:32:22.574)

Chris (01:32:25.91)
You speak from the heart. You speak your truth!

Spencer (01:32:38.978)
does take a lot of the fun out of the way from it. It is still enjoyable. Now, that being said, this is not a good movie. Although there's some good shots, I will say, there's some interesting, cool camera work. Let me finish, this is my one time talk. Shut up!

Matt (01:32:52.931)
Shit or get off the pod, bro.

Luciano (01:32:57.65)
Oh yeah, because you were so quiet throughout.

Chris (01:33:02.81)

Spencer (01:33:04.757)
I give this movie a C.

I was gonna say a B, but you guys kind of convinced me. I feel like you tainted me. I feel like you tainted my opinion So I'm not gonna lie

Matt (01:33:12.887)
Controversial, but brave.

Good. We did a good job. Let's go for the negative side. Luciano.

Spencer (01:33:23.714)
We don't know that.

Luciano (01:33:24.878)
Wow, what a surprise that that's what you did. So I will agree that the movie is fun at points, but it's not like good in any way. The only, like I said before, the only thing for me that really saves this movie is Nick Cage.

Chris (01:33:27.003)
Don't you don't you bias him let him speak your thrall so not sway

Spencer (01:33:39.79)
Haters gonna hate.

Luciano (01:33:51.242)
living his best life. But like the attempt at trying to make that whole central bit of the plot work just completely threw me off. And I like, I kind of like Aquafina as a comedic actress, but I didn't think it was a good pick for this part, especially if they wanted her to be the more serious side. And like, yeah, I like gore. I like the gore and I like to fight scenes that were stupidly fun, but.

Spencer (01:34:12.322)
Hater it.

Chris (01:34:14.33)
You had dimensions.

Luciano (01:34:21.062)
It doesn't save this movie. This is a D for me. I would not watch it again

Spencer (01:34:24.351)
or call an ambulance.

Matt (01:34:26.735)

Chris (01:34:28.142)
Mmm. Woo-hoo! Wee-oh!

Matt (01:34:32.919)
That's some high class podcasting we did there. Chris, let's get your rating.

Luciano (01:34:36.1)

Chris (01:34:37.742)
Shazam. Yeah, let's not beat around the bush. So he was a goddamn a for me bitches It was an a it was don't you shut the fuck up. You had your time This is my time now bitch the spotlight is mine motherfucker furthermore No Silence all two of you Anyways, the further the point my point is I enjoyed I enjoyed this movie a lot and I didn't know that I was gonna enjoy it

Spencer (01:34:43.087)

Luciano (01:34:44.934)
No fucking way. No fuck no f- No fucking way.

Matt (01:34:46.317)

Spencer (01:34:47.95)
That's he it's he's right.

Matt (01:34:51.67)
Your scale's a tragedy.

Spencer (01:34:57.15)
Yeah, let the man speak.

Luciano (01:34:57.698)
This is travesty.

Chris (01:35:07.134)
as much as I did and I was happy about that. And cast and the great cast, fun ride, watch this movie, watch it and remember that Spencer and I told you the goddamn truth. The next time you hear us talking about a movie that we enjoyed, don't you make that face, Matt. You just because the listeners can't see the face he's making, well, fuck that emotion. My emotion is legit and valid. I am worthy, I am enough.

And god damn it, read. I got nothing.

Spencer (01:35:40.114)
You know what, Chris? I'm bumming mine up to a B. You sold me. Passion. It's the best damn speaker of my generation.

Chris (01:35:44.317)

Luciano (01:35:50.358)

Chris (01:35:52.045)
That's how you circle back to callback humor. What are you gonna say, Luc?

Luciano (01:35:53.95)
It's not, I have to say I'm not surprised given, you know, your both of your ratings that we know for Batman versus Superman, so.

Chris (01:36:05.014)
and your ratings were inflated for Dungeons and Dragons, you don't tell me to shut up because you're fired.

Luciano (01:36:07.63)
Shut up! It's Matt's turn now, okay?

Spencer (01:36:13.815)
Oh, you're dropping the Trump, you're fired.

Matt (01:36:15.906)
I'm just gonna edit out most of this when I edit the podcast.

Chris (01:36:18.758)
You say that every time you say every time that you leave it sir. You always leave it sir. You're too good-hearted Your your heart is too pure Speak your truth next

Luciano (01:36:19.374)
This, but this, this.

Matt (01:36:24.259)
There's going to be a five minute space of silence.

Luciano (01:36:31.159)
This podcast is gonna be 25 minutes long.

Matt (01:36:31.607)
People are gonna think this podcast died when there's a fucking five, 25 minute blank of silence. And then it's gonna come back.

Chris (01:36:39.494)
That was the best god damn semi-quasi threat to cut and edit I ever heard in my lifetime.

Matt (01:36:46.679)
This movie is a D. The reasons are easy. It is a fun movie with good comedic timing at points, fun action at points, and the filler to that sandwich is poisoned rancid mayonnaise. Or shit. They try to do so many things without ever connecting the dots. There are pieces that are floating in the void, much like Dracula's little

Luciano (01:37:02.446)

Matt (01:37:15.423)
cement cubes and they can't put them together to make a full Dracula. It's fun. You have a good time. Expect nothing. But it's you're going to be mad at how the story is disjointed and doesn't make sense. How do you shoot a an electrical plant post, electrical outlet that sparks enough for you to run and jump in a car and drive away without the 60,000 cops surrounding you with guns pointing them at you, firing one fucking bullet and hitting you.

Spencer (01:37:21.696)

Matt (01:37:45.919)
Riddle me that.

Luciano (01:37:47.233)
Yeah, well, there are more riddles than that, but yeah, that's a good one.

Matt (01:37:52.019)
I'm just saying like it's just there's things they do it's just like I do drugs do drugs and watch this movie great time The best damn drugs of my generation

Spencer (01:37:58.442)
Two drugs, that's your advice.

Luciano (01:38:00.078)
Hahaha Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah

Chris (01:38:00.182)
It'll be even better.

Drugs and this movie will be an instant S

Spencer (01:38:06.214)
But what about when Carol said, my life is like a fun house of mirrors and I'm all the clowns? And then they, and then he walks in and she goes, oh, well, fuck you, Carol, I guess. Then she goes, I get it, I hate her too. It's like her one line. This is so good. Yeah, just nails it. See it for Carol.

Chris (01:38:11.168)

Luciano (01:38:12.907)

Matt (01:38:13.128)
I mean that was... Carol wins the movie clearly.

Luciano (01:38:15.89)

Luciano (01:38:22.179)

Matt (01:38:22.199)

Chris (01:38:25.466)
See? Nice comeback before the podcast ends, Spencer.

Luciano (01:38:30.635)
She shows up twice in this movie and she's the best thing. Yeah.

Chris (01:38:34.382)
See? Leverage the recency effect! Leverage the recency effect!

Matt (01:38:35.223)
Just hitting home runs. Hunt percent.

Spencer (01:38:39.726)
And we're done! And we're out!

Matt (01:38:43.215)
All right, next week we are continuing our thriller theme. I didn't say this off the top. I might fix it in post, who knows? We are doing an October thriller month. Renfield is the, what? Ha ha ha.

Spencer (01:38:54.138)

Luciano (01:38:56.938)
Jackathon! Hahaha! In SD!

Spencer (01:38:57.106)
It's the Thriller Jack-o-Fone!

Chris (01:38:57.946)
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

Matt (01:39:03.919)
We are doing our SD Jackathon for the month of October. We start with Ron Field. Next movie we are going to watch for the Jackathon is Megan. The 2021 Little Robot Doll thriller murder thing. No, it's 2022 at least.

Spencer (01:39:05.943)

Luciano (01:39:05.997)


Spencer (01:39:15.695)

Chris (01:39:17.358)
He said it!

Spencer (01:39:24.73)

Luciano (01:39:24.93)
2023 you mean.

Luciano (01:39:29.148)
2023, January.

Spencer (01:39:29.222)
Could you?

Matt (01:39:31.375)
Oh, man, there you go. It came out real recently, I guess. Watch it, come back. Yeah, Megan. Yeah.

Luciano (01:39:34.274)

Chris (01:39:35.993)

Luciano (01:39:39.362)
Did you say the name of the movie? Okay.

Spencer (01:39:41.359)

Chris (01:39:41.378)
Megan, he said Megan. Do we tell, should we tell them all or just one by one, whatever? Cool. I don't know, okay. Just a second. Just ask. Eh.

Luciano (01:39:45.689)
No, no, they would they yeah spoilers.

Matt (01:39:46.495)
Spoilers No one at a time. You gotta fucking listen to us to get the rest of them We're gonna finish we are I will give you this we are going to finish the month of October the last one We're gonna watch is a classic Movie it's a classic jack-of-the-moment

Spencer (01:39:57.262)
oooooh, little taste

Chris (01:39:58.382)

Luciano (01:40:01.298)
Ooh, it's going to lead our jacket onto completion.

Spencer (01:40:04.438)

Matt (01:40:06.146)
You didn't have to, but you did.

Chris (01:40:07.586)
Way to splurge! Way to splurge! Way to splurge on that.

Matt (01:40:09.511)

Spencer (01:40:11.002)
This could list the jackathon will lead to a climax of epic proportions. The official name is the Halloween Jackathon.

Luciano (01:40:12.787)

Matt (01:40:15.051)
Oh my god, we have to go now. No one else might talk. The Halloween Jack-O'-Lantern is happening and we're leaving, goodbye.

Luciano (01:40:15.698)

Spencer (01:40:25.52)