Soul Why? The Secrets Of The Soul Rich Woman Blueprint

Business Secrets of an Introvert Millionaire

I want to talk about the business secrets of an introverted millionaire. Being an introvert isn't about the lack of confidence. Being an introvert doesn't make you shy. I get totally drained by being around a lot of people. I am living proof that you don't need to change your personality to be successful in business. You need to embrace who you are and find the path of least resistance. The key is to set up your business in a way that works for your personality.

Here are some ways that you can thrive in business as an introvert.

Number 1: Choose a business model that works for you.
Number 2: Outsource strategically.
Number 3: Take all the downtime you need.
Number 4: Batch and automate.
Number 5: Don't hide away for too long.
Number 6: Get over your resistance to passive income.
Number 7: Get known quickly.
Number 8: Do business based on your money personality.

In this episode, key takeaways:

1. It's your business, your rules, pick and choose what works for you.
2. Spend money on things that make your business easier for you.   
3. Relax and just let the brain rest.   
4. Make your business keeps working.
5. It's okay to just come back in.
6. Have ways that people can buy from you or pay you.
7. Have an extrovert person with you at events like Wingman or Wingwoman.
8. Use your unique gifts to make money, and avoid money challenges and sabotages.

Key Resources:

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Free Resource: "Soul Why: Soul Rich Woman Blueprint" and "How to Delegate 80% of your to-do list" --->

Secrets of Manifesting Money Quickly Online Course --->

What is Soul Why? The Secrets Of The Soul Rich Woman Blueprint ?

Money & Me: Get anything you desire this year 5 Day Audio Program:
I believe we can change the world. But first, we’ve got to stop living in fear of being judged for who we are.
Hi I'm Genecia Alluora, Founder of the #1 Leading Female Entrepreneur Network in South East Asia supporting 1 Million women to Own & LOve The F-Word. Being fabulous, having freedom, financial independence and Family.

With a challenge to women everywhere to stop TALKING themselves out of their dreams, Soul Why? Secrets of The Soul Rich Woman Blueprint identifies the excuses to let go of, the behaviours to adopt, and the skills to acquire on the path to growth, confidence, and believing in yourself to be recognised as a leader online. Get clients online and to have more impact on the world!

Stop Believing THE Lies ABOUT Who You Are so You Can Become Who You Were Meant to Be. You're Just an "F-Word" Away from The Life You Want, The Marriage You Want... The Family That You Want, Is Going To Be Fueled By The Business & Life You Build ... Join me, become a Soul Rich Woman. Alone we are strong, Together we are unstoppable!

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Genecia Alluora:Hi, I'm Genecia, founder of Soul Rich Woman, the number one leading female entrepreneur network in Southeast Asia, supporting 1 million women to own and love the F word. Fabulous, freedom, financial independence, and happy family. Alone, you are strong. Together, we are unstoppable. So go to Grab your free five day online program, Money and Me, how to get anything you desire. Welcome to my show.

Genecia Alluora: Hello, gorgeous, and thank you so much for listening to my podcast, Soul Why. I really appreciate it. Make sure you're following me on social media as well. I'm at Genecia Alluora on Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and LinkedIn @geneciaalluora. Or find me at and share with me your stories because I love hearing your aha moments about these episodes and it's going to be super fun. So stay connected.

Genecia Alluora: In today's episode, I want to talk about business secrets of an introvert millionaire. Hey, gorgeous. I'm a massive introvert. I know I don't like one. A lot of people don't believe me when I say this because I have a very successful business and I show up all the time on social media. But by being an introvert isn't about the lack of confidence. Being an introvert doesn't make you shy. I get totally drained by being around a lot of people. And it took me so long to figure that out because back in my school days, I thought I wasn't an extrovert. Only then when I realized that I get drained every single time by being around a lot of people, that's when I knew I started off on the wrong track. And then from then on, I decided to shift the way I work on myself. So when I started out, I thought the only way I could be successful was to go out and do public speaking. I had a mentor and a coach who told me that make sure you are going to every networking breakfast all the time to get more businesses for your business.

Genecia Alluora: And the thought of it just made me sick. Hanging around people, being an introvert is like, Oh, my God. So I had to get through to the feeling in my gut. I don't like being around a lot of people, so I just didn't want to run my business like that. I am a living proof that you don't need to change your personality to be successful in business. You need to embrace who you are and find the path of least resistance. I'm so happy to be able to stay under cover, introvert in my own home, and of course, being able to create awesome businesses, but also a huge community around the world. The key is to set up your business in a way that works for your personality. Here are some ways that you can thrive in business as an introvert. Number one, choose a business model that works for you. Choose the marketing channels that suit your personality. If you don't like public speaking, you don't have to do it. If you don't like networking, you don't have to do it in the old school way. If making videos scares you, then don't do it.

Genecia Alluora: You could do podcast instead like myself. If you don't like speaking, you can write. There's no need for you to leave the house. There's no need for makeup. There's no need to even push yourself out of your comfort zone if you don't want to. If you don't like one on one work, you can do group programs or create a purely passive income based business. You know what? It's your business, your rules. It is safe for you to pick and choose what works for you. Being visible doesn't have to be draining or daunting. Number two, outsource strategically. If having a team feels overwhelming, you can strategically outsource and partner. Spend money on things that make your business easier for you. For a long time, I was the bottleneck of my business, and I had to learn how to bring people into my business to support me. For example, I hired a community manager to support me in holding a space in my Soul Rich Woman Blueprint program. Occasionally, I'll run retreats and sometimes I bring a co host or multiple speakers who has a little bit more energy than me, or put all the energies together to hold up the entire retreat.

Genecia Alluora: Number three, take all the downtime you need. Apparently, energy levels aren't the only difference between introverts and extroverts. Introvert's brains often take longer to switch between tasks, so we need a bit of buffer. When I run a program or go to a conference, I need a couple of days to relax, chill out or relax one corner. As an introvert, after conferences and workshops, you need to book in one or two days to shake off the energy. I actually did this after visiting Tony Robbins' program with an amazing group of people. I rented a hotel room for a day and after I finished the program, I had to relax and just let my brain rest. If you have a big launch conference or speaking gig coming up, block out recovery time for your calendar. Number four, batch and automate. I know I say this a lot, but it works for anyone in business. Batching and automating is such a smart way to do business. If you're doing one thing, you may as well do a million of them. I batch a lot of social media content. When I'm in mood, I will just sit and just make 20 of them instead of doing one at a time.

Genecia Alluora: Some people are really good at batching, but then they don't do anything with it. So remember to batch and automate. There are days where I do not want to do anything, or I've just got a bit of hangover from too much peopleing, or hangover from doing too many live streams. I just want to let my brain rest and just watch Netflix and let Netflix watch me. It's really tempting to only work on your business when you feel like it, but pretty soon if you don't have a business any longer, it's going to be weird. So I set up systems that allow me to automate as much as possible so I'm consistent even when I don't feel like it. The whole idea is to make your business keeps working even when you're not feeling great. That works well for both introverts and extroverts. Number five, don't hide away for too long. I've watched some entrepreneurs skip their newsletter for a couple of weeks and then they feel like they can't ever come back, or they have to make a big apology. It's okay to just come back in. Number six, get over your resistance to passive income.

Genecia Alluora: Now, this is a game-changer for everybody. You've got to get over your resistance to creating passive income. Having ways that people can buy from you or pay you that don't involve your one to one time is a business model for introverts. You do the work once and you sell it over and over again. You never have to leave your house. You don't even need to put on your bra. Now, you don't even need to interact with people beyond your customer service. It's introvert's heaven. Number seven, get known quickly. Now, I really recommend having an extrovert person with you at events like wingman or wingwoman because that's a very quick way to get known in the room very quickly. So I'm always the first person to put my hand up to ask a question, but I feel sick doing it. When a speaker asks, Anyone got question? I run to the front of the room or stand up there and go, Hi, I'm Genecia, or whatever. I ask my question and everyone looks at me. I just introduce myself to everyone in the room and then for the rest of the conference, I just chill out.

Genecia Alluora: I don't like to network, so I don't have to network. I can just have a little sleep in between breaks. Number eight do business based on your money personality. Now, when you design your business based on your money personality, you can leverage on your strengths and make more money with ease. You don't have to change your personality, but you do have to use your unique gifts to make money and avoid money challenges and sabotages that are particular to your personality type. So I love to hear from you if you're an introvert or you found one of these really useful tips I've just shared. Really useful. Remember to follow me on Social, on TikTok, LinkedIn, Instagram, at Genecia Alluora. Looking forward to hear from you soon. Bye for now.

Genecia Alluora: Hey gorgeous. I can help you to build your dreams. Now you can work with me in my Money Mindset coaching program and mastermind community, Soul Rich Woman. The more you surround yourself with inspiring, successful and supportive people, the more you'll feel safe to dream. Let's clear all the old stories, beliefs and sabotages that are stopping you, holding you back and making you go round and round in circles and not allowing you to create your soul rich life. Fabulous freedom, financial independence and a happy family. It's fun and practical that is Or simply email us at So come and join us.