A Wedding Business Podcast - Tips and tricks to, grow and sustain a amazingly successful wedding business in a way that's is fun and gives you tons of freedom.
Welcome everyone to The Wedding Pro Academy Podcast. I'm Nicole, your host. I'm an expert in the wedding industry and I've personally built 2 6 figure businesses from the ground up. I am obsessed with building businesses that make lots of money, but do so in a way that also create luxurious amounts of freedom. So if you're looking to build, grow, or scale a wedding business in a way that doesn't burn you out and you'd love some guidance from someone who has done just that, this podcast is for you.
Nicole S.:Each week, I'll cover strategies, ideas, tips, and tricks that will give you your dream wedding business too. Thanks so much for tuning in today. Let's dive in. Hi, everyone. Welcome to episode 7.
Nicole S.:It's Nicole, your host, and I am so stoked because my kids are back in school for the 1st day in, like, 3 weeks, and I finally feel like I can get back on track with my regular schedule. And if you're a mom, you know what I mean. I have not had the house to myself in 3 weeks and I've just been missing it, so anyway, today I wanted to spend a little bit of time talking to you about the energetic versus physical action when it comes to business and manifesting successes in business. And this isn't something that I would normally talk about with just anybody, but if you can really start to grasp and understand these concepts and ideas, it could help grow your business so significantly, and it's helped mine so much that I thought it would be kind of cool to just share a little bit about the stuff that I'm into because I'm a little bit woo woo crazy, like, into that kind of manifestation stuff, and I always have been, like I've been into it on a very deep level for a long time, like, basically since I was 16, and I've only learned more and more and more about it the older I've gotten and it it's so interesting and it works and it's such a cool concept to really understand.
Nicole S.:So I wanna relate this a little bit to wedding businesses and how it could help your business. But first, I wanna tell you a little story about one of my kids, my youngest one, his name's Isaac, and he plays baseball. In baseball, he is first of all, this kid is like a little slugger. He is extremely athletic and has a ball in his hands at all times of the day. He is the kind of kid that practices before practice, after practice, on non practice days, he wants his dad to play ball with him every second of the day, and then he just looks up YouTube videos and is constantly like trying to teach himself new tricks, and that's just how he is.
Nicole S.:And I don't know where he got it from, but it's just in him. He's also, like, I think, out of my 3 boys, the most naturally athletic they're all athletic, but he is just really, really good at everything he does, and he puts in the time and effort to get better and better, which is really cool. But here's the thing about Isaac, he cries at every single game, sometimes multiple times. He is the kid that you he makes any kind of little mistake, and it doesn't even have to be his fault, and he will come off the field crying. So for example, we had a tournament this weekend.
Nicole S.:It was a baseball tournament that lasted all day. We were there for 10 hours, and he played 3 games, and of course, right when he hits the ball, it gets, it doesn't quite get him to 1st base because they just made the other team made an awesome throw and, you know, just hard luck. He didn't get to 1st base. He walks off with his head down shaking his head and then immediately, I can see it in his eyes. He's about to start crying.
Nicole S.:Then there was another play where he was he made it to 1st. He was trying to get to 2nd, but the other guy on his team hit the ball straight to 2nd. And so him being on first, he had to run. He got out at 2nd, and it wasn't his fault. The, you know, the his teammate made it to 1st.
Nicole S.:He got out at 2nd, and he there was really no way around that he was gonna get out. It's part of the game, right? But he walks off again with his head down. I come over to the dugout, and I see his little eyes fill with tears. He's 8 years old.
Nicole S.:Okay? And he just starts crying. Like, he's rubbing his eyes trying not to show everybody that he's crying, but everybody knows he's crying. I see the coach look over at him, and he's like, Isaac, you gotta get it together. If you wanna play 2nd base, you gotta get it together.
Nicole S.:And I already know coach is going to pull him and put him in the outfield because he doesn't trust that his focus is on enough to put him in a position that he's going to need to be really focused in like 2nd or 1st. So what happens? He gets put in the outfield and his head's not in the game, and this is what he does. Here's his internal thought process because I've talked to him about this. He says, I suck.
Nicole S.:I I'm not good. I should have made it. I should have been better. I I never get on base. Everybody else gets on base, and that is like a 100% not true because he gets on base more than anybody else on his team, but this is what he's telling himself.
Nicole S.:And then when he goes to the outfield, he misses the ball because his head's not in it, because he's telling himself that he sucks, because he's all emotional and his brain is all over the place, and he's not focused, and this is what holds him back. It's not his skill. It's not the amount of time he practices. It's not how good he is because he's a fucking all star. He's so awesome.
Nicole S.:He's really, really good. But when he gets in his head and he tells himself that he sucks and he tells himself that the other kids are better or that he should have made it and that he's not good enough. This is what makes him not, you know, make the home run, not make the catch, not be in the game, not pull off these power plays that he should be doing because he's telling himself that he sucks. And I thought this was super interesting because when I played soccer in high school and college, I had a totally different attitude when something went wrong, when we were down by 6 points. I would go on the field and be like, I fucking got this.
Nicole S.:Let's go. Like, we can turn this around. Let's make this happen. I'm gonna make this happen. I'm gonna show the team that we can still we're still in the game.
Nicole S.:I'm gonna score. I'm gonna score. I'm gonna score. I used to tell myself this in my head over and over and over again, and I would do this in games when we were losing. I would do this in games where it was really tight.
Nicole S.:I would do this when I made a mistake. I wouldn't spend a lot of time getting down on myself telling myself I sucked. I'd be like, I'm getting this back, and it would amp me up. It would make me psyched to to really want to go in and get that next point, score that next goal. This is what I'm trying to show my son how to do, but this is the same kind of attitude that people have in their business and I see so many people with businesses that are stuck and they're not making progress and they're not you know getting more weddings under their belts they're not able to pull in more business but they're not supporting themselves in those times when it's not working Of course, it's not going to work when you're first starting a business.
Nicole S.:It's hard, like, it takes a while to get that momentum going, but if you don't have this attitude of, I'm going to make this happen. I don't care what it takes. I'm going to figure this out. I'm going to make this happen. This is going to happen.
Nicole S.:I'm going to make it happen. My name is Nicole fucking salmiragi, and I'm figuring this out. Like you have to dig your feet in the ground and know that you're gonna make it happen no matter what. You have to have that attitude. You have to have that energy.
Nicole S.:And at some point, after trudging through the mud for a good amount of time, which is what every new business goes through, you will turn it around and make it happen. But you have to support yourself and really believe in yourself during the times when it's hard. So at any point when you're feeling stuck and not sure why it's happening, like pay really close attention to what you're thinking. What thoughts are you thinking that are holding you back? Are you thinking, I don't know what I'm doing.
Nicole S.:I'm doing this for nothing. This is a waste of time. This isn't working. It's too hard. Nothing's working for me.
Nicole S.:It's working for them, but not for me. I can't figure it out. I'm not doing the right things. I'm never gonna figure it out. I'm never gonna book a wedding.
Nicole S.:This is too hard. Or are you thinking, my people are coming. I'm good at figuring things out. Things are always working out for me. I'm gonna figure it out.
Nicole S.:I'm gonna make it happen. There are bigger forces at play here and I can't see them right now, but I know that it's all working out for me because things are always working out for me and it doesn't matter how long it takes. I'm gonna make this happen, I'm gonna figure it out. I'm good at figuring things out. My people are coming.
Nicole S.:That is the kind of attitude that is gonna draw couples to you. That is the kind of attitude and energy that comes out in your social posts when you're posting. It comes out when you're writing your copy for your website. You need to have that energy flow through your words to your couples and reach them and they're going to connect with you and then they're going to want to work with you. That's how it works.
Nicole S.:So keep in mind there is a 5050 of energetic and physical action that needs to happen in order for the wedding to book you. And here's what I mean by that. And this is like sort of a big boo boo topic that probably not a lot of people are talking about, but I'm going to explain it to you really quickly here and I hope that it helps on some level. But the energetic side is how your energy is, how you're feeling, what your thoughts are. And then the physical side is what you're doing.
Nicole S.:You need to put an equal amount of effort into both in order to get the results that you're wanting. So say you want to book 30 weddings this year, you need to put an equal amount of energetic and physical effort into that result in order for it to actually come to life and to happen in order for those couples to book you. And if you can do that, then you can manifest or create anything you want. You can make as much money as you want. You can book as many weddings as you want.
Nicole S.:So let me give you an example of the energetic side. The energetic action would be paying attention to how you're feeling, like the thoughts that I mentioned. Are you thinking thoughts that are holding you back or are you thinking thoughts that are moving you forward? Are you putting an effort into making sure that you're believing in yourself no matter what? Are you paying attention to what you're thinking, to how you're showing up?
Nicole S.:Are you supporting yourself when it's hard? Are you praising and encouraging encouraging yourself when it's scary? Are you telling yourself it's okay, I'm gonna figure it out, I'm good at this, you're good at figuring things out? Or are you telling yourself you're never gonna figure this out, you're not good at it? You need to be doing the first one, you need to be encouraging yourself.
Nicole S.:Are you practicing feeling successful now? That's something I like to do. I like to feel successful now. How am I successful now? What things are working?
Nicole S.:Let me think about all the things that are working for me. And it might be as simple as, I got a website up. I set up my email address. I have done my taxes for the first time. I'm learning bookkeeping and I'm getting better at that.
Nicole S.:I might not have booked a wedding, but I'm so close to it because I got all these other parts in play. Here's another part of the energetic side that you could start doing that I do is visualization. You can visualize the consults going well ahead of time, visualize new couples coming your way, what they're going to look like, what they're going to say to you, how they're going to find you. You visualize your bank account going up. You can visualize like looking at it and seeing those numbers and being like, 'yeah, look at how much money is in my bank account.' You can also practice gratitude, thanking God or source or whatever you believe in ahead of time for sending you these perfect couples, for sending you new weddings, for sending you these perfect vendors that you're about to connect with, for sending you the 30 weddings that are coming your way at any moment and at the perfect time.
Nicole S.:So that's like the energetic side of stuff you should be working on that's going to help your business. And then there's also the physical side and the physical actions, which is the part everybody talks about, but if it's not balanced with the energetic side then that's why the results aren't happening. So some examples of physical actions would be creating that Google ad, posting on socials, doing those reels, telling people about what you do, joining the local wedding association, setting coffee dates with other vendors so you can build connections, working on your SEO, cleaning up your messaging in your marketing, trying new things out with your packaging, like redoing your packages so that they are more appealing to couples. And, you know, the list could go on and on. There's like a gazillion things that you need to work on.
Nicole S.:And the tricky thing is that you're never going to know which of these things is going to work. So what you do is you just keep trying one new thing and then another new thing and another new thing until something starts working, until you find your flow. And you have to be willing to fail over and over and over again until you figure out what those right ingredients are. But try to remember that it's both, it's the physical action and the energetic side, the believing in yourself, the supporting yourself, the paying attention to what you're thinking before you do the physical action. And just so you know, there are ups and downs and ebbs and flows to every business, including wedding businesses.
Nicole S.:There are even well established wedding businesses like myself has ebb and flow to their business. Like right now, and this is like a real life example, my wedding business went through a slow season this last, I don't know, half of the year, last half of twenty twenty four. So normally, I get anywhere from, like, 5 to 10 new inquiries a day from couples, but in this last quarter of 2024, I wasn't getting any, and it started freaking me out a little bit. And so I put Google Ads up, and I started doing a little bit more advertising. I hadn't been paying attention to that, and I needed to.
Nicole S.:But here's the trick, is I didn't let that mean that I was a failure. I didn't think that my couples weren't coming. I didn't think that I suck at this. I just thought and I made a conscious effort to think this also. My people are coming.
Nicole S.:They always come. I know they're on their way. They always show up. I'm gonna figure this out. I'm good at figuring this out.
Nicole S.:I can't wait to see how this turns for me. I'm so excited for when things start to shift again. I know it's gonna happen. And that's what I was thinking this whole time, like, last November December when I wasn't getting any inquiries. And I had that little feeling in the you know, in my skin that was like, ah, what if they don't come?
Nicole S.:But I kept telling myself over and over, nope. Not not going with that. Like, the my people come. This is always working for me. And then, you know, what do you know?
Nicole S.:And then last 2 weeks, I get 10 inquiries all at once. I book 1 couple. I'm about to book 2 more, and it was easy. They just came. They were just the right people.
Nicole S.:They were just the right fit. They're just so easy, like, the perfect couple for me. I didn't have to convince them. I didn't have to sway them or, like, you know, I they just wanted to work with me. I didn't have even have to do a phone consult.
Nicole S.:They I booked them totally over email. And so that kind of shift can happen, but you need to align both the physical action and the energetic action as well. And so I hope that wasn't too over your head and that was helpful for you because that is the way that I have built and grown my businesses, and it's been significantly helpful for me just learning more and more about how I've always got to have my back no matter what, even when it gets hard and it feels like you're trucking through the mud and it feels like things aren't working. They always are working for you, and it's just that little shift in belief and energy that can get you there. And all you do is just keep trying one thing after another.
Nicole S.:Keep trucking along. I'm gonna try this, and I'm gonna try that, and I'm gonna try that. And then, eventually, one of those things is going to work. It has to. It has to work, and but you gotta believe it too.
Nicole S.:So if you've got a wedding business and you're feeling stuck, try and work on these things because this is how you get the momentum going. This is how you book the weddings. This is how you get the couples to feel compelled to reach out to you, to connect with you. This is how you make it happen, and this is how you build success within your wedding business. It's worked for me really, really well and I hope it works for you too.
Nicole S.:So that's all I've got for you today and I hope you have a wonderful weekend. Until next week, bye for now.