Mini Challenge CLUBSPORT Talk Show

Mini Challenge CLUBSPORT Talk Show – Episode 3
LIVE, Wednesday 25th September 2024 at 7pm
Join as we go LIVE for episode 3 of Mini Challenge Clubsport Talk Show, where we will be welcoming several different guests, have a very exciting announcement, and launch the 2025 calendar!
Host, Chris Dawes (commentator and founder of Visual PR), will be chatting with driver Freddy Hewitt hot off of his Cooper S R56 Championship victory, and Neal Clarke as he progresses from being a previous winner of the Cooper Class to Cooper S next season. We will also be speaking with business partner, Ravenol, about our ongoing partnership and a very exciting announcement for something new we will be doing with them next season! Find out how mini track days and ARDS availability could dovetail nicely into this as well…
Finally, Rob Austin and Tom Halliwell will be looking at the impressive-looking race calendar for 2025 that they have been working very hard on putting together! So get a drink at the ready, and the comments and questions flowing, as the design of these shows are that the banter is high and the engagement fully flowing – or should that be the other way round?
Don’t forget to Click “Going” or “Interested” on the Facebook event, or “Notify me” on the pending live video on YouTube and LinkedIn, to make sure you catch the live broadcast so that you can get involved (off-cam).
Each episode will be live, which means that it is not scripted or edited and has a more natural and engaging tone. This enables viewers to type questions or provide comments/input whilst watching the live broadcast on either our YouTube or social channels, which will be put up on the screen (with your profile photo and name) and responded to by the episode’s guests to make it immersive and interactive. And the name of the game is for it to be fun and sociable, so get a drink in hand and let the good times roll!
The stream can be watched live (and recorded) from any of the following locations: Facebook: 
This is a Visual PR production – Connecting the dots between PR and Marketing with authentic, credible, and engagingly natural conversational video content and resulting assets from each episode – Elevating your Brand with video and Igniting Audience Engagement! 

What is Mini Challenge CLUBSPORT Talk Show?

The idea behind the Mini Challenge CLUBSPORT championship is for MINI racers to enjoy a close competitive series whilst keeping costs low, making the series ideal for amateur drivers with a limited budget.

The idea behind this monthly talk show is to provide a fun community show where we all come together and enable the racers and business partners to gain extra exposure, with guests on the live shows rotating around the partners and drivers, and anyone else involved in the championship. The show is designed to be light and fun, and will also enable us to promote upcoming activities and discuss those that have already happened. Make sure you tune in to the live shows on YouTube and Facebook, and your comments/questions added during the live shows can even be put up on screen (along with your profile name and photo) and answered live in the interactive episodes. But this podcast also enables you to listen back to the shows whilst driving, walking, or working out!! (or in the pub...)

Five Four Three Two

Good evening.

Welcome to episode three of

the Mini Challenge Club Sport talk show.

And I can't believe it.

It's the end of the season already.

You've had your final round.

We've got champions.

And we're going to be

actually speaking to one of

those tonight.

We've got a packed show.

I'm going to bring on the

main men in a second

because we're going to be

fitting in Freddie Hewitt,

who has won R-Fifty-Six and

the Air Tech for the

combined R-Fifty-Three and R-Fifty-Six.

We've got one of our key sponsors,

business partners and the

past champion in the Coopers,

and he's changing to the

Cooper S's next year.

It'll be great to have a

chat with Neil Clarke from Norfolk Cars.

And we've got Jordan coming

on from Ravenol because

we've got a really exciting

announcement tonight that

I'm delighted to be

bringing you live and in full effect,

as they say in the clubs.

I think I'm too old for that, really,

aren't I?

But we're going to have a chat about that.

And then myself,

Tom and Rob are going to

chat after all of that and

just bring you the

provisional calendar for next year.

And a part of that Ravenol announcement,

we're going to take an

element of that a little bit further.

Before I get our first guess in,

I'm going to very quickly

bring the powers that be in

because I just want to make

sure that we chat about the

season that was.

Evening, gents.


How are you?

Yeah, very good.

You guys well?

Have you refreshed from that

trip up to Croft yet?


I think Rob's still trying to get home.

I love it I love it no no I

mean I tell you what

actually it's interesting

because you know at this

time of the year it

suddenly becomes very busy

um because you want to set

in stone everything for for

the following year so we've

been sorting calendar been

talking to the partners

talking to the drivers the

response from the drivers

for the you know at the end

of the season been great

for next year we've got other things

Nineteen or twenty coming

back already confirmed.

We've got some new drivers coming in.

Each year, Tom, it's just, you know,

the foundations get stronger, don't they?

Yeah, definitely.

And it's just been chaos, really,

since just before Kraft

trying to sort out the

calendar for next season.

new drivers wanting to join,

wanting confirmation on regulations,

which obviously we have to draft.

So there's a lot going on

and everyone thinks it's a

bit of downtime.

For us,

it's actually probably one of the

busiest times of the season,

trying to sort out even

more partners for next

season and some testing

with tyres and things like

that we need to get on with.

So, yeah, busy.

But, I mean,

what a wonderfully rewarding

situation for you guys.

I hope you take time to sort of take

delight and pride in what is building up.

The fact that you've got to

put that effort means that

it warrants it.


I think that we've got four fantastic

champions this year.

The thing is, the racing was superb.

Our clerk was really,

really complimentary about

the way the drivers behaved.

I'm really happy,

actually more so than anything,

is that we've got new champions,

we've got new drivers coming through,

we're going to new circuits,

and we've got this

camaraderie in the paddock,

which seems brilliant.

And that's one of the key things.

difficult it's difficult to

get and very difficult to

maintain agreed uh and I've

seen where it's it's been

good and it's been lost as

well so it does take that

constant effort from

everybody from both sides

the drivers and you guys on

the the organizing side of

it so I applaud you guys as

well for everything you've

done I'm allowed to say

that because I'm neutral so

it's fine I know it's your

show but I'm neutral so

well done to you guys um


we've already got David Taylor's

jumped in and said, evening,

ladies and gentlemen.

I hope everyone's good.

And he says, hi, Dorsey and the MCC guys.

Evening, David.

You can all put comments or

questions wherever you're watching,

whether it's on Facebook, YouTube,

doesn't matter.

Put your comments, put your questions in.

We can put them up on screen.

This is all about the

community that we're building,

even when you're not at the race circuit.

That's the whole idea of this.

I guess, guys,

we need to push on and get

our first guest in.

Are you going to stay on for

questions or are you going

to pepper me with things

from the private chat?

Private chat for me.

I don't mind either which way.

You decide, Chris.

We'll put you to the back

and you can do that because

you're coming on later anyway.

We'll do it that way.

I've got to go and put the spuds on,

so if you just get...


what I'm going to do is that I'm

going to get rid of these two.

They can go like up in that,

what's the Muppets up in the balcony?

You're going to be, yeah.

You two are going to be

hounding me in the

background like those two.

Once I've killed the Spuds, I'll be back.


and I'm going to bring out our

R-Fifty-Six and the

combined Airtek trophy champion.

Next up, we've got Freddie Hewitt.

Evening, Freddie.

How are we?

I am good, thank you, my friend.

I'll just quickly bring this up,

is that Paul Noloth says,

Rob looks ready for his hot chocolate.

I'm just kidding.

Yeah, he has laughed.

That's the good news.

First things first, Freddie.

Massive congratulations.

A hard-fought season.

Some great dicing with the

likes of Jamie Ringer and

all of that sort of stuff.

Congratulations, and I believe

it is kind of built up to a

lifelong dream to get those

championships under your

belt yeah thank you um for

what I've been I've been

racing for going on ten uh

thirteen years now uh in in

go-karts and then moving up

to cars and it's always

been a massive dream from

the very start to to become a champion

So to do that and have that

monkey off your back is

such an unbelievable achievement for us,

such a family-based team

and only fighting on the

scraps we have really.

And that's quite an interesting one.

You've used the phrase,

the monkey off the back,

and I hear it quite a lot,

is that whilst you're going

for it time and time again

and something happens that

just robs you of it and a bit of bad luck,

does it genuinely, I mean,

it obviously does because

you've said it yourself,

that feeling of the monkey

off the back give you a clarity,

a strength going into next year?

Yeah, in go-karts,

I actually really struggled to be

one of the quick guys um

consistently anyway um and

going into cars I felt so

much more comfortable than

at home but when you're not

winning uh or you're in

this well you're in the

wrong series for you or for

your car uh it does give

you doubts of whether a you

should be doing it and b

you're good enough to do it

and do it at a competitive

level um last year was a really good year

in the way that it gave me a

lot of confidence.

But I made a few sort of young boy errors,

which affected my season.

And the bad luck Zach had at

Snetterton in the end of the season,

if I didn't make my mistake,

I'd have liked to think I'd

have won that championship as well.

But it wasn't to be.

I made my mistakes and I

learned from them.

But such a big boost of confidence

from last year uh that we

managed to carry through to

this year so that's the

interesting uh sort of like

progress isn't it is that

frustration and and you

know really gutted that you

came so close but to then

turn it around and go yeah

but hang on I was in the

hunt that gave you the

confidence coming into this

year you've now done it

what does that mean going into next year

It means hopefully I can put

a few more people up for

some sponsorship because

it's such a sellable item.

Last year's results really

helped us get some

sponsorship for this year

and hopefully we can push

on for next year and get a

good quality sponsorship deal.

And I guess having gone

through that whole process

is that it means that

you're kind of going, no,

I feel ready to deal with the success,

the disappointment, the frustration,

the elation, all of the above.

You kind of go, yeah,

I know how to deal with all

of them a bit better now.


and I think you also sign up for most

of them when you decide to

be a racing driver.

You get the excitement, the downfall,

just all the emotions of

being a racing driver.

It is a lot, isn't it?

A couple of comments coming in already.

Alan Scoggins says, Freddie,

are you still the Rainmeister?

I was at Croft.

I was at Croft.


But not a brand because I

was on the wrong tyres at the time,

so that didn't help.

Oh, no.

That's a nightmare.

James Howard says,

a well-deserved win and a

round of applause there.


so thank you for that comment from James.

Perfect acceleration sim racing.

They say evening or hello to you.

I'm assuming that's probably

going to be Mick, uh, saying that.

So good evening to you guys.

Um, I,

my gut instinct therefore is that

this championship was the

perfect one to come in

because it's amazing cars.

serious competition having

commentated on you guys is

it's always without fail

exciting you know racing

very close very tight but

highly regulated in terms

of the driving standards

and a wonderful spirit back

in the paddock as well

which must sort of help

relieve some of that

pressure it does and the

journey our cars had it's

been within our family for

this is the tenth

anniversary of owning the

car so my sister used to race it

I think her first season was

in the original

mini-challenge open class

and to have the car through

all of them years and have

this journey with it has been very good.

You say about being in the

right championship,

obviously that

mini-challenge broke up and

not long after that I jumped in the car.

Which meant we had to go to

a more open series where

the brakes were more open.

You could have different cars.

And we ended up fighting

against sequential Renault

Cleos in a pretty not far

off standard powered Mini.

And their penalty for having

a sequential gearbox was like,

twenty kilos of weight or

something like that.

You just had no chance.

We still gave them a good race, but

you had like I say you had

no chance um so when when

the opportunity came to to

join this series it was a

really good opportunity for

us to to show what we've

got show the car still got

it uh quite an undeveloped

car now um and yeah and

we're really enjoying it

it's been great so it's so

credit to to tom and rob

for putting it together for us really


I agree with that sentiment.

Claire McKinnis says, well done, Freddie.

That's from Jason, actually, not Claire.

Unless that's just a weekend thing.

I don't know.

But James Howard says,

working alongside Freddie

and the team has been great this season.

Looking forward to next season.

Hopefully more trophies to come.

So lovely comments from James.

Yeah, absolutely.

Chris Aram says, sorry for all the emails.

I'm not sure who that's to,

whether that was to you or

whether it was to Tom and Rob.

We are well on the way with Build,

looking forward to being on

the grid next season.

So I think,

I would imagine no one's going

to complain about emails if

it's getting more of you on the grid.

I mean,

have you decided on next season yet?

The plan, the sort of,

what I would call the bog

standard plan which is all

being well uh is to be in

the series next year um

unless as I always keep my

options open unless there's

a someone out there with a

lovely pot of money pot of

gold hopefully um that

would mean I could I could

move up into a maybe a

cooper or a jcw within the

the mini challenge but

I don't see that happening currently.

So it looks like this season,

next season would be to

defend and hopefully carry

the number one for the year.


Yeah, yeah, yeah.

I love it.

Well, listen, Freddie,

massive congratulations.

Do you want to give a shout

out to him before I let you go?

Oh, so many people.

My dad sat behind me and

been really quiet.

So I'll give him a shout out first.

We're actually doing a rally

in a few weeks time together,

which he wanted me to shout out for him.

So that'll be quite fun as a co-driver.

Keep yourself busy in the winter.

Paul and Jay, PJN, my sponsor.

Obviously, Chris is watching.

So I have to look at my t-shirts,

remind myself.

James from Electrical, Hell Performance,

Jetstream, Spectra Packaging as well,

Pitlane Developments, James at HRRC.

I've probably got it wrong.

I always get it wrong.

And Meister R as well for

their support this season.


Well, a great opportunity to thank them.

Yeah, of course.

Yeah, yeah.

Mum, don't forget,

she'll be sat on the sofa shouting at me.

Hi, Mum.

No, it's lovely.


it's nice to give you that

opportunity to give them a

shout out as well.

So, Freddie, many, many congratulations.

Winner of the twenty twenty

four R-fifty six class and

the Airtek trophy for the

combined R-fifty threes and R-fifty six.

Not a bad season, mate.

Many congratulations.

Thank you.

Thank you for having me.

No, no problem at all.

So we're going to change

over now because next up

we're going to have Neil Clark.

So thanks, Freddie.

We'll speak to you soon.

Thank you.

Good evening, Neil.

Good evening.

Now you're here with two hats on, really,

because directly above your camera,

we've got your Norfolk Cars

mini specialist, but you're also

a past Cooper champion.

And in fact,

I think you came runner up

again this year.

Yes, yes, very true.

We've been on board since the beginning,

supporting the series and

had a cracking year last

year in the Coopers and

returned this year.

And whilst I didn't win this year,

it was an awesome,

awesome year of battling with

with Dan and Andy in the Coopers.

So, yeah, just great all round.

And, of course, we do congratulate.

We had Andy Langley on episode two.

Congratulations on the

Cooper class win this year, Andy.

I'll say that because I'm only joking.

You would say that as well, wouldn't you,

Neil, to be fair?

yeah I have to uh I have to

but um yeah when andy's

with us um he's uh he's

always always on the case

you know he's very thorough

with what he wants with his

uh car and you know he

deserved to to win this

year you know it's just so

such a good driver and so

difficult to pass and you know it's um

It's been brilliant trying,

managed it a few times,

but then he's equally as

good to get me back again.

So that's been brilliant.

And that's the beauty of it.

And I've got to tell you

from both a spectator and a

commentator's perspective

is that it's always so much

action going on,

the full length and breadth of the grid.

And that in reality is what you want.

You don't want to sit there

and just sort of like put

all home from lights to flag, do you?

You want to be able to have those battles.

Exactly that,

and that's prior to this

series being set up.

Um, you know, we had the Kumo, um,

BMW thing, and then before that there was,

you know, track day trophies.

And I think like Freddie was saying,

there wasn't the battles,

there wasn't the close battles.

And that's what gives me a buzz, um,

more so than, than winning sometimes,

you know,

knowing that you've had a good fight,

you've been able to defend,

you've been able to attack.

Um, and it's,

it just puts a massive smile

on your face and you can

get out at the end of the race.

can hug the other drivers

you're battling with it's

just that lovely atmosphere

in the in the um in the

park in the paddock as well

it's it's it's really good

yeah I love I do love that

even when the battling's

intense that you still

shake hands smile and

everything mark hume says

evening all evening mark to

you as well uh keep those

comments and questions coming in now

neil and before I'm going to

address your your

intentions that I've been

informed of for next year

is that I want to address

your your sort of almost

dual involvement both as a

competitor and as I said

directly above your camera

there the norfolk cars

that's your business is

that right yeah and gary

gary papworth he's he's uh

of course yeah as well yeah

the clubman clubman racer

um so yeah both of us and um

I set it up twenty-odd years

ago now and I've been doing

the minis for fifteen years

and Gary was initially helping me,

he was an AA man and he was

on the side doing jobs for

the workshop and cam belts

on the driveway in wintertime,

all that kind of stuff and

eventually I said to him, look,

just come on board and he left the AA,

come on board and not look back really.

So it's evolved from there,

from having two or three

minis on the driveway to a

brand new purpose-built

workshop that we've got now.

Where's that?

It's all in the village.

We're rural Norfolk,

Tilney All Saints near Kinslin.

And it's great because I

work here from home in my office.

It's built onto the back of our premises.

And the workshop is

literally a two-minute walk.

And some more farm buildings

that we've converted into

workshops and storage.

And, yeah,

we've got a good team there now.

It was getting stressful a

few years back because more

and more work was coming in.

We had the race cars to prep.

But we've just taken on

another technician recently.

So we've got Gary and Pete

and Andy down there who are

very competent with the

minis and are turning out some good,

reliable race cars as well.

Yeah, I was going to say that.

So the primary focus was road-going cars,

but the race cars have

obviously come along as well then.


predominantly we're an online

retailer of minis.

We don't have any passing

traffic where we're located.

It's all online.

And as that's grown and the

customers want to come back for servicing,

so that's grown.

We acquired, I wish we still had it,

an original Mini Challenge

R-五三 race car probably

about ten years ago.

And we

thought wow let's let's have

a go at racing and uh we

went in the track day

trophy for that not really

knowing what we're doing

but um absolutely loved it

and we then become involved

with a mini challenge back

in I think it's when

charlie butler henderson

was racing and and he was

in the group uh the jcw

class so we we sort of

sponsored him because I've

known him for um you know

through the motor industry and um

Then, yeah,

we got involved and we did have

a season in the mini

challenge in two thousand and twenty.

I think the COVID year and

wasn't great because it was COVID year,

no spectators, etc.

And then when Rob and Tom said.

what they're going to be

trying to achieve with this

new series straight away.

I was like, yeah, I'm behind you on this.

It's exactly what I've been

after for years.

And you nearly had it with

the Cooper M series, you know,

and the numbers were twelve,

thirteen Coopers in there.

And it's a good atmosphere.

And the boys have done an

incredible job to be where

they are right now, I think, you know,

just in two years of this series,

having the grid they've got

and the people that are in

the racing is fantastic as well.

So it's great to be associated with it.

Oh, I can imagine.

I wasn't supposed to be racing because the,

I said to him,

I'll support you with

getting it up and running.

And, um, I had, um, baby Leo and, um,

I said, I haven't got the time to race.

They said, well, look,

you may as well do one, do the first one.

So I said, I will,

which series do you want?

Cause we've got Cooper S's and Coopers.

And he said, well,

we could do with a few more

numbers in the Coopers.

So I went in the Coopers, went to Cadwell,


and won the first three races.

I thought, ooh, this is unusual.

And my wife, who's very understanding,

she said, oh,

you're going to do it again then?

I didn't even have to ask.


Little baby Leo,

he's nearly two and a half now,

he absolutely loves cars and tractors.


so he comes along whenever he can and

because we watches it on YouTube, if not,

um, it makes family life easier.

So I think there's another

up and coming racer in.

In a little while, anyway.

I love it.

I can see Tom Halliwell in

the green room below us

here and he's chuckling

away at you saying that.

I think it sounds like

they've done you up like a

kipper at the beginning to

get you in because they

knew that you wouldn't be

able to walk away.

Yeah, well, I didn't expect that.

It carried on and then the battles,

like I said, with Andy and Dan were...

were fantastic.

And it was tense,

that last race of twenty-three,

because I knew I had to

finish and not mess it up

and also score the points.

So it was really stressful,

that last race.

So this year has been a lot

more relaxing because

obviously I missed

Donington because we had a

family holiday booked.

So there was less pressure

because I kind of knew it

would be a tough ask to retain it.

Having said that,

Andy Langley won everything anyway,

didn't he?

I don't think I would have

come anywhere near.

well on that note is that I

will where did it go where

am I looking we did prepare

his car so you know we have

to take credit for that

Andy himself says thank you

Neil we had some great

battles this year so that's

a lovely comment Glenn

Copeland's stirring up

though he says are they all

of Andy's trophies behind

Neil no no they were mine

from last year just one

from this year so I'll let

Andy Langley have a few this year

Fair enough.


and also Tom in the private chat has

been winding up.

He says, you didn't have the baby,

your wife did, so it was a poor excuse.

Oh, yes, very true.

And he said he even gave you

his old engineer, Tom,

and Ollie won when you

couldn't do Donington in your car.

Andy Langley let him past, I saw.


That's Andy Longley's bogey corner,

that one at Donington.

So he always lets people

past on that corner.

But no, we've had a great team this year.

We've had Tom Ison and his brother-in-law,

James, helping us.

And I think because of that setup,

we've got the Trundley boys on board now.

It's not something we went out to get,

but it's great having them

on board because they're a

good couple of guys and

they're starting their

racing careers late,

but they're coming to the right series,

I think.

And we've got a couple of

new cars that we're now

building up for them,

ready for the next year.

So we've got quite a few cars now,


Yeah, so we might be hiring two out.

Yeah, so in other words,

there is that whole team element.

And I get the,

I've heard that you are

planning to move into the

Cooper S with an R-fifty-three next year.


I mean, I love the Coopers,

so I've got the option.

But, you know,

if someone's going to rent

one of our cars, I'll use the other car.

The other one, yeah.

So we're building an R-Fifty-Six.

We've already got an R-Fifty-Three.

The Trundley boys have got a

couple of Minis now.

So I think with the Clubman

and Andy Langley's Cooper and our Cooper,

there's eight Minis to choose from.

so we're not short on that

front and gary's busy

trying to get them all

ready for a bit of testing

before the year end um so

that we can get them get

them right for next season

so yeah a lot to do in the

workshop well it's such a

great uh insight there both

as a racing driver a

business partner of the

championship but also as a

as a team that are running

multiple drivers it's so

cool to hear that involvement

I don't know whether it's

the same comment to put to you or not,

but I would imagine it is.

Do you want to give a shout

out to anyone at the end of this season,



obviously Tom and Rob for organising

this because I have done a

cracking job and

I know it can't be easy and

people always whinge and

complain about different series,

but you know, honestly, this is,

this is one of the best,

even Gary's happy with the series,

you know,

and just get Gary happy is

something special,

but it is a great atmosphere.

So we're going to be

supporting it going forward.

And, you know, everyone on our team,

because we've got a lot of

people involved back at base, you know,

with, with mechanics, Gary and, and,

Andy and Pete and Neil who

cleans the car so they all

do well but of course the

family as well because you

know they are understanding

of it it's five weekends

away but they enjoy it and

yeah make it all feasible really well

I love the sound of all of that.

Listen, Neil,

well done on another great season.

Not quite champion this year,

but still up there,

just missing off that top

step and runner up and run in the wind,

the champ and all of that sort of stuff.

And thank you on behalf of

the championship for the

support from Norfolk Cars as well.

And I think it's safe to say

that I can use the phrase

we look forward to seeing

you in twenty twenty five then.

Yes, yes.

We'll be there.

We'll be there.


Well, thank you for joining us, Neil.

Much appreciated.

Before I remove Neil,

next up is that we're going

to bring on Jordan from Ravenol.

But before I do that,

I'm going to bring up Tom

and Rob so they know I'm

about to bring them in

because I think it's right

that we sort of almost

precursor the fact that

we're bringing Jordan on

from Ravenol so they can

lead into it and then we'll

bring Jordan on.

So, Neil, thanks, mate.

We'll see you again soon.


I thought it made sense to do it

this way because,

and I'm not sure which one

of you I should come to first,

is that we're now going to

bring out another one of

your business partners.

And I know I'll start with you, Tom,


because you have said to me in

the past just how thankful

and passionate you are

about the businesses that

you partner up with for

this championship.

Yeah, without doubt.

when we set out on this,

we probably didn't know the

kind of costs that were involved.

We came out, typical me and Rob,

came out with a load of

words that sounded great.

Everyone went for the idea.

We hadn't got a bloody clue

what we were doing.

And then it starts to unfold and, you know,

and the commitment we've had from,

from Airtec, from Garmin,

from Norfolk Mini.

And then at the start of last season,

it was quite a late sort of conversation.

I remember,

I'll be sort of back in the January,

February, wasn't it?


ravenel we're very keen to

get involved and at that

late stage we'd still put

something together that's

worked for everybody um

this next season twenty

twenty five everyone will

have to run a ravenel oil

within their engine um and

that's the kind of

commitment back but then

ravenel have also offered

substantial discounts to

the competitors so it's kind of

It works for those as well.

And also the scientific

backup they get from

Ravenel is fantastic.

So again, it's somebody else who,

like Neil, very,

very kind words from

Freddie and Neil about me and Rob,

to be honest.


but without the people like those


we wouldn't be able to go racing.

Although we may be able to,

but entry fees would be a lot, lot more.

And then would that become

another barrier to entry,

which we're trying to stop?

We want more people on the grid.

So no, absolutely crucial for

many challenge clubs thought

and rob this uh bring I'm

going to bring out jordan

in a second is that this

was not just to sort of

have a chat with one of

your business partners but

without giving it away just

yet is that this has been

deeper conversations to

find something different to

bring in new new people

yeah I think what we worked

out is that you know

because making up the story

torn I've been going

through a massive learning

curve and I think what we

we decided was that actually, you know,

there are X amount of race

drivers out there.

But through the MINI concept,

through the car and through

everything that we've built,

the opportunities to bring

new people into motorsport

is probably where we want to be.

And this is part of what

we're proposing with Ravenel.

So it's quite exciting.

I think a lot of people who

race in the minis, they love the car.

And so we decided that we

wanted to sort of, you know,

sort of try and bring some

links together with the

owners clubs and people who

perhaps are new to racing.

And that's one of the things

that we have been

discussing over the last few weeks.

No, absolutely.

And I was just suddenly

realizing for the bit that

I'm doing later,

I'm trying to multitask

because I need to be able

to show you the calendar on screen.

And I realized I hadn't put that.

Sorry about that.

I was looking down.

Well, in which case, Rob, I think and Tom,

perfect chance to get this

person out so that we can

have a chat about the

business and then look at

what this announcement is.

You happy with that?





Good evening, Jordan.

From a car park in Bruges, I believe.

Oh yeah, you know,

we live at large up at Ravenel.

This is what we do.


And I've got to try and stop Tom and Rob

cracking any kind of joke

comments about you sat in a

car in a car park,

so we'll try to keep them away from that.

I know what we're thinking here.

Good job there's not a comments section,

isn't there?

We weren't going to bring

swinging into it tonight, were we?

You just went there, didn't you?

You went there anyway.

Jordan, thank you so much for joining us.

I know you're on a busy road

trip at the moment,

so thank you so much for joining us.

But you had to come on,

even without the

announcements that we're

going to go with tonight, because Ravenol,

clearly from the

conversations I've had

previously with Tom and Rob,

are an integral part of

this championship.

For those who don't know,

let's go back to basics.

For anybody who doesn't know,

who are Ravenol?

So Ravenol is a company, a German company,

that specializes in all

manner of vehicles.

So we have incredibly

specific oils for if you've

got a Ford or you have an

M-五七 BMW engine or you've

got an M-twenty or whatever,

anything like that,

we have a specific oil for your car,

including even gearbox oil.

So ZFs, Gattrags, all of that,

everything is specific.

And that's kind of our

our USP and obviously we've

got the USVO range which

means instead of having

linear polymers they're

star chained instead so as

it cycles through as your

oil cycles through the

engine it gets chopped up

into little bits every

single time so what the

USVO stuff does is it stops

it kind of deteriorating so

there's less shear rate on

it and what you end up with

is when you finish your

racing your five forty or

whatever was in your engine

is still a five forty at

the end of that as opposed

to something that's lost its viscosity.

I mean, that just sounds incredible to me.

I'm not the type of person.

Good explanation though, Jordan.

Good explanation.

Well done.

It really is.

And super impressive.

Even for those that don't necessarily know,

and certainly I'm not mechanically minded,

but even I was there going, right,

I don't understand

everything you just said,

but I certainly know that, wow,

and there's a whole lot

more to what I put in my

car than I probably appreciated.

Oh, massively so, yeah.

I mean, you've got a gearbox always,

you've got coolants,

you've got antifreeze, engine oils,

diff fluids, everything.

In fact,

my two hundred and thirty six

thousand mile BMW has all

of it in and it runs perfectly.

So in other words,

they can go to your website

and say this is the car

that they've got and it

will basically tell them

which one they therefore need to get.

Yeah, pretty much.

You go into our oil finder,

type in your reg and it'll

tell you what oils you need

and even tell you the fill

amount you need.

So, for example, this is seven litres.


OK, that's that's really, really cool.

Incidentally, I did have.

So we've got the Ravenol

direct dash direct UK.

And we've got the the full

blown motorsport one as well,

which you can go to the

main website and and you'll

be able to click the

motorsport one as well.

Because it is both the race

car and your road car, isn't it?

Yeah, exactly.

We do two different ranges.

We do a motorsport range and

we do a normal car range.

But most of the technology

is shared across us.

In fact,

our USVO range came from

motorsport and it's now

developed into road cars.

Oh, so it's that way around.

That makes sense, actually,

because a lot of the tech goes that way,

doesn't it, to be fair?


exactly like that when everything

just trickles down.

So all of the cars in the

Mini Challenge Club Sport

Championship will be using...

the Ravenol oils next season.

But they actually, you guys,

such as the partnership

that they even get

discounts on those as well.


So all of the drivers,

if they've got their own

personal cars can have

discounts on it as well.

And then of course,

obviously they're race cars as well.

They get discounts on that.

Fair shout.


any other things that you would be

good to bring up or ask

Jordan from your perspective?

No, no, I mean,

Jordan's obviously got

heavily involved since he

started with Ravenol.

I think, you know,

during probably halfway through this year,

you started with Ravenol, didn't you?

Yeah, yeah.


Thruxton was the first time I met you


Wow, so that was a little bit later,

wasn't it?

Because that was the penultimate round,

wasn't it, Thruxton?

I think it was.

I've lost track now.

It was the third round.

Third, yeah.

Yeah, the third round.



I've lost track.

The season's gone just like

in a blur already, hasn't it?

Well, the key thing,

one of the other things is

obviously the guys wanted

an opportunity to promote

Ravenol and thank for all

the business partnership

that continues and actually

is going up a notch by the

sounds of it for next year.

Really, really exciting.

And I guess the point being

is even if people don't understand it,

aren't sure,

come and speak to you guys

because you'll be able to

advise them as well.

Yeah, exactly.

I mean, give us a call, shoot us an email,

or even message us on Instagram, Facebook,


We can help you guys out.


No, that sounds good.

But the big one is,

there is an announcement

that this is going above

and beyond just being a

business partner and just

being a supplier of the oils,

is that there is a very big

initiative in keeping us connected.

I missed all of what you

said at the end there,

but I think I looked at it.



Um, yeah.

It's going into, into computer now.

Um, yeah, obviously, uh,

talking with the guys,

talking with Rob and Tom, that,

we want to bring an

initiative to get newer

drivers into the sport,

just into racing in general.

So there's talk of having the Ravenel Cup,

so to speak, for new drivers who come in.

So whether that's most

overtakes in the season, et cetera.

But yeah,

it's going to be something exciting.

I think Rob and Tom, I think,

have got more of the

details on that than I do.

Which one of you two want to

pick that one up then, guys?

Go on, Tom.

No, go on, you.

So what we're developing is

basically we want to bring

people from the cars to the grid.

So you buy a Mini,

you join our owners club,

then you get on the grid.

And we came up with the idea

that we would have the

Ravenel Cup for the novice driver.

And Ravenel very kindly

decided that they would

sponsor that as part of our package.

We will give a cup to the

novice of the season, but with

a special deal with a Ravenol for oil,

and also some extra prizes,

which we will develop

through the year and over the off-season.

But I think that it's going

to be quite exciting.

We want to bring in someone,

male or female,

who basically have never raced before,

come in here and they've

got something to race for

rather than having to pit

themselves against some of

the more experienced guys and girls.

So it's great.

For us, it's great.

I think for drivers coming in,

It gives them something to aim for.

We've all been in that situation.

Starting out is really difficult.

And sometimes you get lost

because you're left at the

back to find your own way.

This gives people the

opportunity to show their own skills.



I've now put up on the screen

introducing the Ravenol Novice Cup.

I think

That's where it sat at the

moment as a title.

Say that again, Jordan?

Where's the confessor?

Well, sorry.

I should have, shouldn't I?

I should have had something there.

My bad.

My bad.

It's all over the floor of your car, mate.

That's where it is.

Along with empty packets of crisps.


and I probably could have done it

where we could have had a

big bit of applause music

going in the background, you know,

just suddenly, you know, play a bit of...

music or whatever, you know,

whatever it needs to be,

because it is a big deal.

There we go.

I've got a bit of music with it.

It's a bit late for that now, isn't it?

It's a bit late for that, isn't it?

I'll tell you what,

this is just so professional.

It's like a drinking club, isn't it,

for old people?

It's a community, mate.

You know about that.

It's a community.

No, I think, you know,

what Tom and I have talked about,

and when I spoke to you, Jordan,

you were quite excited.

We were talking about, you know,

introducing our own track

days and track evenings.

And part of that was

actually to get people to come along,

do an exclusive mini...

track evening with a view to

getting their odds test um

and then being able to race

and that and it's a

progression to bring people

in um you know motorsport

is it's such a difficult

thing to get into um but

actually when you're in

there it seems it seems so

easy but we want to just

make you know help bridge

that gap really don't we

tom yeah definitely um I

mean I remember I think I

don't know if you can

remember your first race

rob I can remember mine and

It takes a long time and a

lot of commitment to get on the grid.

And I think I wouldn't have

got there without a lot of

close friends of mine.

I've followed in their

footsteps of racing.

And now,

if you haven't got a direct connection,

it can be quite a big,

big wall to get over.

So we're trying to help the

people who do have minutes.

There's hundreds, if not thousands,

out there track daying now.

I think every track that

I've been to this year,

there's at least been one to two minis,

fifty sixes, fifty threes, a few coopers.

And what we want to try and

do is support those guys to

make that jump.

So we're in very early

stages of looking to run

track days at probably minimum of two,

maybe three of the tracks

that we're going to visit

in twenty twenty five.

We're also looking at those

events to be able to do

odds tests for people who

want to want to obtain

their race license.

um and then we're trying to

put them together with

people who you know if they

need support you know need

some help need some

guidance um a bit like a

mentor we're putting people

in there as well so we're

doing everything we can to

not only you know to

bolster our own grid but

also take people who aren't

on any grid um from you

know and support uk

motorsport no I think I'd

like to add to that actually

You know, I remember, you know,

having been in motorsport

for so many years now, maybe three,

four years ago,

I decided I might have a go at rallying.

And do you know what?

It was just,

I just didn't know where to go,

who to speak to, how to get into it.


I don't want that to be the

case in motorsport.

I think that, you know,

especially motor racing,

you want to be able to, you know,

have a clear path to be

able to get into it.

Because for me and for Tom,

it's just given us so many

years of enjoyment.

But sometimes you get scared

by what is involved to be able to get,

you know, directly involved with it.

And then you just walk away

and do something else.

So our job is to make it easier.

I think as well.

It's the unknowns, isn't it?

That's the challenge that

you've got to get over.

And it's given that if

they're going to track days,

that means that we know

that they've got the bug.

They're getting the

opportunity to go around

and to sort of incorporate

the getting their ARDS

license at that time.

And then you've got the

Ravenol Novice Cup that

could encourage them to come over.

Don't panic about the established people.

There is something that's

rewarding the newbies as well.

And it all joins together.



we've always tried to

promote since we started

this was that even in the

way we grid the races up that, you know,

we start with open and then

we had the S class combined.

Then we had Cooper, you know,

next year we're splitting

the fifty three and the

fifty six class because as

hard as we've tried as

previous others have as well,

we can't equalize those cars.

So we're going to let people

battle for their own race.

Now, you know, with a novice,

it gives somebody something to go for.

It gives them an achievement

at the end of the weekend and,

um rather than just sort of

having to keep you know

rather than about you know

you but when you start out

it's a case you have to

pick yourself up each

weekend and keep going it's

a real game of perseverance

to get when you get to the

front that then it's a huge

drug and you want to keep

going um but what we're

going to try and do is keep

those people interested

engaged and give them

something to go for and

also a bit of a shine of

acknowledgement at the end

of the weekend absolutely I

mean the classic example

jordan is when we spoke the

other week the other day about it and um

You know,

we said that we were looking at this and,

you know, with a view to do track days.

And your immediate reaction,

I know you've done a bit of karting, was,

yeah, I'd love to do that.

I'll come along.

And that's, you know, that's the thing,

isn't it?

You know,

to be involved with it and get in

there and become part of

the racing community is ideal.


I think it's one thing to do

track days and kind of go

at your own pace,

but then to step into a

racing environment is so

much more fun because it's just,

it's insane.

It's crazy,

but it's so rewarding at the end of it.

It's, yeah, I love it.

Like with karting, it's brilliant.

I've got a feeling you're

going to be on our grid within two years,


I might ask my mum if I can take her JCW.

Well, Paul Sawyer, obviously,

DJ Paul Sawyer is on your

grid and he says definitely

daunting when you start,

but completely addictive as

the series progresses.

And for me,

I'm almost sat there thinking

it's such a perfect thing

for Ravenol to be getting

involved with because it's about,

you know,

we were saying about not knowing

and it's getting rid of that not knowing.


your whole website and everything

else that you do is that if

you don't know what fuel,

what oils you need, sorry.

we're able to direct you so

it's kind of like it's

keeping the philosophy of

ravenol within the the you

know the trophies that are

available as well yeah

definitely I mean

information is key for

anything so it'll kind of

it all comes as a part of

it if you don't know what

oil you're using in your

car you know fine we'll

tell you what it is but if

you want to go a step

further and talk about

motorsport then you know we

can put you in the right

direction as well

everything's easy when you know how that's,

that's the thing, isn't it?


even Claire McInnes is saying that

it's certainly a hard challenge,

but I think there was a

message that was cut off,

but it was almost as if she

was saying that she can

relate to that as well.

So it resonates with people.

So well done.

And thank you to Ravenel for that.

The novice cup sounds brilliant.

Well done you guys for the, the whole,

you know,

the track day and the odds and

all of that,

and then going into the novice,

there's an obvious progress.

And as a commentator,

I pick up on championships

where they've got those

rungs of the ladder because

of someone trying to get into it.

There's so much choice that you go, well,

where do I go?

What, you know, ignore the unknowns.

You're even there going, well,

which is an obvious way to go.

I want stepping stones.

I want to know where I can go with this.


And I think, you know, as I said,

huge amount of minis out

there already doing track days, um,

And then the daunting thought of, oh, well,

I've got this car.

The natural progression is

if they want to go and race,

it's to race that car.

And that's what we'd like to

do and give them as much

assistance and help as they can, really.


let's round up this show with a big one.

I know we've already had

Liam Stapleton that said,

what are the dates for next season?

So should we have a look at that, guys?

You all right with that?

Are we allowed?


you've been working hard on

this so let's let's have a

look uh just quickly before

I go into that david tell

us it certainly is hard to

get into racing but until

you have all the parts uh

car suit safety equipment

license and all that jazz

becomes a lot easier and I

agree I'm I think I'm going

to get into racing soon as

well much to my wife's chagrin but

Let's have a look at this calendar.

Now, I will come to you, Rob,

because we were speaking

about this beforehand,

is that you wanted to go to some, like,

real, you know, blue-ribbon circuits,

but you've even got things

like Asterix against three

of them where it's having

the garages at them as well.

Well, I'm afraid that calendar's wrong.

We start at Monte Carlo in May.


Then we're straight off to, where was it?

I can't remember.

It was a spa.

That's it, yeah.


we've seriously got a fantastic calendar.

I cannot describe to you how

difficult it is to get a

calendar together,

especially with what we

need in terms of our format,

which is basically with the free practice,

qualifying, and three races.

It is so difficult.

And I think we've done a great job.

I agree.

I mean, that looks brilliant.

So you start on the Silverstone National,

the seventeenth, eighteenth of May,

and you'll be in the garages for that.

Back to Thruxton, fifth, sixth of July.

Can I just add there that

actually we've got Thruxton

for the trucks and we've

got Snetterton for the trucks.

They are twenty five

thousand people plus there.

Silverstone International,

It's a completely different

circuit to Silverstone National,

and we get to use the Grand

Prix garages there.

But the big one for us is Brands Hatch.

Brands Hatch is the mini festival.

It's the old days mini festival,

pre-'sixty-six, mini-Miglia, mini-seven,

fastest mini in the world,

and we are headlining that,

and we're in the garages,

and they're expecting

twenty-five thousand people to be there.

It is.

And I've been on the

commentary team multiple

times and hopefully I will

again next year for the mini festival.

And it is always a fabulous event.

So much atmosphere,

loads going on off track as

well as on track.

and it genuinely works.

And it's one of those ones,

sometimes you get two-day

events that you kind of go,

that could have probably

been squeezed into one.

Absolutely not.

That is a humdinger of a

two-day event at Brands Hatch.

They put on one heck of a festival.

So it's so obvious,

but really good to see you

guys there at Mini Festival.

No, I've never said this before,

but in two years,

I won all three races at

the Mini Festival.

I know, I covered it.

No, it's such a great event.

I mean, all the owners' clubs come down.

There's so much going on.

And, you know,

everyone loves Brands Hatch.

It's just great.

And I've got to say, even on the podiums,

you still pretended you

were grumpy after every win as well,

by the way.

I wouldn't have even pretended.

You can't have been.

You won, damn it.


I've got to peel some spuds in a minute.

Yeah, it's fine.

But I think that was the one

where Stuart McLaren

actually raced with no

windscreen and back window as well,

with it raining as well

after a roll coming out of Paddock Hill.

Yeah, I might have tipped him off,

but sorry about that, Stuart.


Well, Jamie Ringer, he says,

where's Rob's sunglasses?

Cop out.

You know, that was when you were copying.

I put the Dennis Taylor on this.

Martin Ringer says, well done, boys.

Glenn Copeland says, superb calendar.

Genuinely, it looks super exciting.


that's got to motivate you to want

to get out and race, hasn't it?

Yeah, I mean,

let alone the fact I love

racing and cars and everything, but,

I mean, Silverstone twice is brilliant,

and down at Brands as well.

Some absolutely cracking tracks there.

And it is, and like Rob made the key point,

Thruxton, Snetterton,

supporting the trucks,

they'll always be a big festival.

Yeah, they're insane.

I do enjoy covering that, yeah.

And he's right,

it brings out a lot of people for it,

and I enjoy covering things like that.

So, seriously, guys,

fabulous job on that calendar.

I think that that really

wraps it up nicely.

Neil Clark is still in the background.

He's just put a comment saying, well done,


Awesome calendar.

So he's pleased with that, obviously,

from Norfolk Cars.

Anything else that you want to add, Rob,

before we go?

We've got more stuff to add,

but we'll bring it in October.

I think we've got enough for

people to chew over tonight.

I just want to thank

everyone for coming on tonight.

It's been such a great show.

And, you know,

I'd like to also just

finally mention all of our champions.

You know,

we've got Ross Alexandre who won

the Opens.

Him and Steve Berry had the

most fantastic races this year.

Andy Langley obviously we

spoke to Andy last time him

and Neil just did such

great battles we haven't

mentioned Zach him and

Charlie Newton Darby oh

yeah because he went to the

fifty threes and then Jamie

Ringer our sort of

DJ boy, what do you call him?

A sort of rapper boy.

He didn't do too bad, but honestly,

Freddie just wiped his arse in the end,

didn't he?

And that is right.

I did mean to turn around and say,

Ross Alexander, Open Class champ,

Freddie Hewitt, R-Fifty-Six champ,

Zach Blackwell, R-Fifty-Three champ,

Andy Langley, Cooper Class, and of course,

Freddie Hewitt,

the combined air tech as well.

Well done to all of you.

Tom and I are looking forward to

I'll do next week when we're

celebrating the year.

Glenn Copeland is going to

be buying both of his drinks all night.

We're all witness to that as well.

So David Taylor says, wow, Silverstone,

Snetterdon and Thruxton

tracks I've never raced at.


Tom messenger says,

love seeing the club

support package with the BTRC.

That's obviously the trucks.

So well done there.

Uh, Neil Clark.

I know you've seen this Jordan,

cause you've responded.

He has said, uh, Jordan,

we'll have a car to rent if you want it,


to join in.

So there you go.

There's a rental car

available for you as well.

Absolutely wicked.

I hope this gets everyone really excited.

Thank you to everybody

that's been on for this.

I know that multiple of you,

but it was well done.

Let's keep this community growing.

It might be the winter,

but that doesn't mean we're

going to stop chatting.

We've got so many people

that we want to speak to.

let's have this fun night

where we grab a couple of drinks,

we have a giggle, we enjoy,

we mutually enjoy the

championship that these

guys are putting on.

Seriously hard work.

But I came on board

instantly because I love

the spirit that they create.

And I'm sure that goes the

same with the likes of

Ravenol and Norfolk Cars,

people like that.

The reason they get involved

is not just another championship.

It's a fun place to be.

So on that note, guys,

thank you so much for tonight.

We'll see you next time.

Good night.

Take care, guys.

Good night.