Well Well Well, If It Isn't The Saddleback Fantasy Football League Podcast

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What is Well Well Well, If It Isn't The Saddleback Fantasy Football League Podcast?

The greatest fantasy football league podcast in the history of Saddleback's central connections team


If you had to pick, would you rather
have a regular petting zoo come to you

or like just a bunch of puppies to pet.

I'm actually considering that right now.


the answer is the answer may surprise you.

It might surprise you, but I would go
for the barnyard animals, the farm.

The farm, a full farm.

Uh, versus just puppies.


Because deep down inside, I am a farmer.

Explain yourself.

I'm actually.

Reading a book about Cowboys right now.

I don't know how I should feel about that.

Welcome back to another week of WellWell.

Well, if it isn't the Saddleback
fantasy football league, I'm

your host, James Browning.

And I'm Hannah Browning, your other host.

It has been another fantastic
and fun-filled week let's

break down last week's scores.

Hannah, why don't you take
it beginning with your game?



I where the SCUP it's, we're playing
char, NAR, which is courtesy.

And Nerida and the scope it's one.

Let's see.

Um, yeah, I don't know if
anything's really standing out.

She put up a, they put up a really good.

Um, Fight, but in the end, I had
a couple of really exposed loads.

Those of players who had a great
game and that did it for me.

It all came down to Monday
night, which was fun.


Both of your wide receivers really
went off and that Monday night game.

Which was a little bit of a surprise
and Malique neighbors may be in the

running for rookie of the year, except
he just got a concussion last night.


So he may not remember,
won't you be my neighbor.

Have you considered
changing your team name?

I just thought of it.


And moving on to the second one St.

Clauses versus Scott's tots.

Tell us, do you believe in Santa Claus?

Well, I do believe that Natasha
got high score of the week, so,

which is rough because, uh, his
sues put up a pretty good fight.

He scored one 20, which is not nothing.


So he is gonna.

Move on at one and two.

Um, And yeah, I think
it was, um, a good game.

Thanks mom.

Yeah, everyone did great.


Don't give up.

And speaking of not giving
up country roads, take my

homes versus team Hulk smash.

What happened here?

Um, okay, let me just run down.

It looks like.

Nobody scored well, except Drake, London.

I tried to help out.

Last week with some advice,
but it wasn't enough.

she's kind of gotten unlucky as well.

Josh Jacobs while they underperformed
Devon Ahn is just a victim of tuba

being out and is going to bounce back.

Once that happens.

So she's kind of in, been a
little bit of a tough spot at

the beginning of the season.

Teamwork smash finally
pulled off his first win.

Uh, despite reminder, I Stevenson not
showing up at all, uh, projected for

15 and scoring 0.3 less than a point.

Fortunately, Justin
Jefferson saved the day.

Even overcoming CJ Stroud,
surprising deficit as well.

Why does kicker get zero?

He didn't kick any field calls.

Really is that even possible
in a game of football?

And I just wanted to point out that
grace and McKayla are rookies and.

You guys are doing great too.

I'm proud of you.

I don't give up.

And moving on yo Gabby, Gabby versus
the Phoenix suns coming in hot with

the second lowest score of the year.

So far.

Or of the, of the week, I
mean, is Serena's team Serita.

I have to be.

I have to be honest, I'm surprised.

I really expected more out of this rookie
coach, but everyone goes through bumps.

Hannah wants you to break down
what happened in this game.

Um, honestly, I have Anthony
Richardson and my other league

and he's being benched this week.

So, you know, that's what I would do going
forward, but he only scored five last

week, which was a huge disappointment.

Um, whereas Dak Prescott
surprisingly, um, did pretty well.




I think he's kind of streaky, but
looks like it was a good streak.

yo Gabby, Gabby won despite still
having Isaiah Pacheco in who.

Goes out and has been
out for quite some time.

Gabby, Gabby switch out Pacheco.

Yes, please do.

It may be up to Devante Williams to pull
off, uh, Who's this guy from Chicago.

He did great.


The DJ Maura?


This one.


Uh, Rome, I dunes.

I don't know how to say his last name.

He made his last name.

Kevin Williams had his first good game
of the year, last year of his career.

And it really showed, uh, meanwhile
being sons, honestly, I think they're

kind of a victim of all their injuries.

Jordan Love is out Pooka.


I was out Joe mix-ins out.

Dave and a joke who is out.

So plus Nick Chubb.

I mean, there's only so much
you can do when you have like an

incredibly incredible starting
team, all on injuries or.

And you can't drop any of those guys.

You just got to wait.


So, and for the final game, Germans
life guard versus dub Bradley bears.

Bradley put up a great showing,
but it wasn't great enough.

Unfortunately, thanks to Kyron
Williams, having what will probably

be his best game of the season.


Daniel's also showing out scoring
28 points and Zack coming

in off the bench to score 25.

I really kind of lucked out on that.



You offered to trade him to me.


I offered to trade Zach
Chardonnay to a lot of people.

Um, And are you having
second thoughts now?

Do you want to hold onto them after that?

Almost grown 30.

I offered him a two U
for Malique neighbors.

Who's now injured.

So now.

It's off the actually exact sharp.

And a is a backup and his
starters supposed to come back.

This week.

You might be going down.

Yeah, his value may go down.

We will see.

So, uh, if anybody wants to offer
me a trade forum, I'm open and

everyone thoughts and prayers, please.

For Mr.



All right.

That wraps it up for last week.

Why don't we dive into now a little
bit of the results of the voting.


The first thing we voted on was how
long should the trade period be?

Do you mind if I ask what you voted for?

I voted one day.

So it would be kind of
splitting the metal.

It wouldn't be instance.

So everyone's still had a chance to like,
Um, you know, put in there, or at least

be aware of it before it went through,
but it wasn't such a long wait that you

would be basically out for the weekend.


So that was my vote.

What about you?

I don't remember which one
I voted for on this one.


Oh, my two people voted for one
day, so it could have been me.

And only one person voted
for the note review period.

I'm pretty confident
that that was on decent.

She's the one who suggested it.

Well, yeah, she is very suspicious.

I think we're up to something with that.

The winner is keeping it as it
currently is two day review period.

So for those who wanted a quicker
process, like a Lindsey, sorry,

Lindsey, the people have spoken.

There's not much we can do about it.

I do think I might've voted
for one day, but, uh, we're

going to keep it as is for now.

If someone wants to revisit that,
let us know and we're happy to do so.

That was very democratic of us.


And, the votes for the league
villain is in and it's Lindsey.

So not a big surprise carrying
the crown over from last year.

What was a little bit of
surprise are both myself.


German Perez.

AKA small groups pres.

I came in second type.

He was on the ballot for,
he was on the ballot.

And honestly, I think he
was kind of hoping to win.

So everyone keep that
in mind for next year.

I think German was really kind of
looking forward to leaning into

not so much the role of villain
as the role of a instigator.


I can see him like just sowing
chaos in our league button,

pushing stirring the pot.

There's no consequence for him.

Classic small groups, Perez behavior.

And also receiving votes.

R James Key, McKayla and Serena,
which honestly McKayla and Serena, it

sounds a little bit like Infighting.

If he asked me, uh, not receiving
any votes, which was a little

surprising to me was Natasha.

Really, I don't think people
know are very well yet.

You're saying that once
people get to know her.

They'll see.

Her potential for.

To be perceived as a little edgy.

I think she's just really competitive and
she wants everyone to think twice before.

You know, Challenging her.


But that doesn't make sense.

She's not like offering
trades or she just wants that.


She got high score in the week.


All right.

So lastly, uh, we voted it in charters
team has definitely pronounced Turner

char as in Char-Broil, NAR, as in Norwich.

Isn't that like the Pokemon.

Am I going crazy.

Sure Izzard.

Charles ARD chars art.


That's how it is.

I, you might be able to tell that
neither Hannah nor I played Pokemon.

Uh, into Pokemon.

You can tell me yes.


Uh, let us know.

And speaking of letting us know, we
have a couple of updates for next week.

Before I dive into those, that though, I
want to say that those who can't do teach,

but are in our case, maybe they cheerlead.

Beginning next week.

We will have words of affirmation
from our beloved small groups,

pres friend to you and me gentle
Germans, words of affirmation.

We're a German as the Dallas
Cowboys cheerleaders of the

Saddleback fantasy football league.

We'll be saying encouraging
things for people in the league.

Like individuals, like he's going
to pick people, uh, People or teams.

Uh, whatever he wants to
get as the cheerleader.

This is how he cheerleads
them by just being nice.

Oh, actually, can I back up a little bit?


This is Lindsey, is the team villain.

Is are the Phoenix suns.

Uh, villainous team.

And this team.

Yes, no Serena only received one vote.


So as just Lindsay as the
individual and not the Phoenix suns.


Fortunately they have a solid head coach.

It's kind of like a
university of Michigan.

Who's currently embroiled
in a cheating scandal.

I herbal their head coach.

Uh, has since left and become
head coach of a professional

football team and the assistant
who is helping a guy named Connor

stallions, which is such a great name.

For a college football, cheating scandal.

Uh, actually, I think he's on
staff somewhere else now, too.

So basically this is Serena is Harbaugh
and, uh, Lindsay has Connor stallions.

Mr stallions.

Where were you?

This is like someone who watched the James
Bond movie and thought I should do that.

But for college football, yeah.



Thank you.

Now back to Germans, gentle
words of affirmation.


And I, additionally German will
also be answering your questions.

So please feel free to leave.

Uh, voice memo in the chat, or you
can call me, I'm not going to read my

number out here and leave a message.

Because someone anyway killed,
listen to this podcast, but I

go ahead and leave a voice memo
for gentle German to respond to.

And I he's going to be guiding you through
steps on how to improve your team, what

to do about trades, things like that.

And, uh, but keep in mind, German
did once lose our league so

badly that he never played again.


I don't know how that will affect
his, uh, advice, but I just want.

He was really gentle all season though.

He was like just a nice guy.

I think he got a little
pessimistic during that season.

And he's like is never gonna happen.

I'm saying is you guys never should
give up, like, don't, don't just

get discouraged every single year.

It's come down to the last week.


So I even had the worst record
in the league and still.

Like pull it out the last
couple of games, right.

All right.

That brings us to this week's scoreboard.

Uh, let's start off with St.

Clauses versus yo Gabby, Gabby.

Hannah, what are your predictions here?

Um, well, we've already passed.

Monday's game.

Wait, now that was from last week.

I'm sorry.

Start that over.

Uh, we've passed the Thursday night.

Today is Friday.

We're recording this on Friday,
some scores on the board here.

So games have been played.

Maybe this should be a vote.

This should be about, and I'll tell you
what the root of Hannah's issue here.

It all comes down to the root
of Hannah's issue is that she

believes the week starts on Monday.

And always has not Sunday.

We covered this in premarital counseling.

And still haven't come to terms with.

So we're going to vote in the
league, whether or not you believe

the li the week starts on Sunday
or Monday, like your calendar week.

Like, yes.

My week always starts on a Monday.

Sunday is the last day of the week, which
throws me off that there is a Monday game.

But it goes to the previous week and just
say, you know, this boat is not official.

Um, and the reason for that
is if it doesn't go my way,

I'm not changing my opinion.

And I'm pretty confident if it doesn't go.

Yeah, that's way.

She would not change her opinion.

We just want to know how many
insane people are in early.

Okay, so let's go down to
our match-ups for the week.

Um, I'm going to say is, wow.

They're projected for really close St.

Clauses and yoga and Gabby.

Um, I'm just going to go on
a feeling and say, I'm going

to give this money to the St.


You're going with the St clauses.


Yes, I, I, for this one I'm I'm
going to go with yo Gabby, Gabby.

I think the odds of.

Someone on the clauses, having
duds versus the odds of people

on Gabby's team, having duds.

Just feels a little bit higher,
but this one is neck and neck.

So it's real hard to real
hard to kind of put, put a.

Definitive spin on it.

And then up next dub Bradley bears vs.

Country roads.

Take my homes.

Um, well, first of all,
I think country roads.

Y'all need to switch out your,
um, flex flex who is out.

So once that I'm in right now, absolutely.

We've got, the bears
are gonna win this one.

So, um, you guys switch out your
flax, put someone in his playing.


I, in case you didn't
note tank Dell is out.

So go ahead and put in, uh, I think
Jerry, Judy would probably be a good one.

All right.

Then up.

It's versus Scott's.


Speaking of rivalries.

Um, Yeah, I would actually be
interested in doing a little

wager on this game, so, okay.


Are you in.

What are you?

What are you wagering?

I don't know why we'll have to
discuss it off the air, but, um,

and it's a little risky, cause
I'm not projected for very much.

So this is just for bragging rights and.

Whatever it is, you bet on.

I don't know if you're going to
be able to beat her, especially

because you have two people out.


Trey McBride.

And Devante Smith.

What are they doing?

Practices with Jewish?


I'll get on that.

All right.

points per.

For those two, I think of Hannah
swaps is out then a Scott's

taught to might be in trouble.

I currently Hannah is
projected to lose by 14.

I yeah, but if I put just any old tight
end in a flax, let's see what happens.


I think colonial Shakira could make a
good, uh, entrance in the flex spot.

Alan Mozart.

If you're feeling like rolling, the
dice has scored highly, uh, twice.

But very lowly.

We're playing against Denver.

And then of course,
Carson steel is a backup.

People are thinking that his
usage is going to increase now.

The starters are out.

Uh, he is filling in for basically
two different starters who are

out the question is who else?

I don't remember.


He's also a rookie.

So I think they're trying
to increase its usage.

But it's one of those.

Do you want to roll the dice on that now?

Or wait until you see something?

He also has a great football name.

Carson steel.

It was a great football name,
also long flowing blonde hair.

Like he's got that young Viking look to.

Yeah, he does.

I wonder if he's friends with Mr.


All right.

And then charter versus smash.

All right.

This one I am going to have
to personally, this is the

toughest one of the week for me.

I think they both have records that
aren't reflective of their teams.

I think smash is obviously going to have
to swap out Davante Adams who is out.


Uh, but he's got Chris good Godwin
on his bench who is one of the top

wide receivers of the year so far.

So if he's swapped him out,
Godwin's been averaging 20 points.


For that could be a game changer.


Right now.

Um, Charter's projected to win
by like 15 points or I don't

know, the math, something.

It's 25 minus one, 11.

14 points.

About 15 points.

Um, But yes, if you just swap out that one
player, it's going to be neck and neck.

Yeah, it will be neck and
neck churner has, and again,

I think she might pull it off this time.

I honestly, like I said, I've
been going back and forth.

I even have in my notes that I think
smash is going to win this one.

But I think I I'm going
on the record as charter.

And I'm gonna, I gotta write that down
because, uh, finally next week, I'm

going to go back and look at how wrong.

I was in all of these.

I never remember what I, yeah.

What I like no.


I just assume I've been a
hundred percent so far this year.

Me too.

All right.

And I challenge anyone
to prove me otherwise.

All right.

Last up, Phoenix suns versus Germans.


How are you feeling about this, James?

I was just talking about this
with China this week and.

Well, I don't feel that I've
deserved or earned my undefeated

record so far this year.

I really hate.

For it to end on.

Uh, Serena's team.

Why is that?

It just feels like.

Losing to the devil.

I thought Serena wasn't the devil
it's stallions that I'm worried about.

That's what I'm thinking is like, because
the league villain is on the son's team.

Are they going to get a bad rep now?

No, I think it'll be fine.

And I honestly.

Your feelings for this.

I'm not going to be to the real
reason that I would hate to lose

to them is because I'm losing
to basically their bench because

all their starters are injured.


So I'd rather lose to someone
who's just like, Indomitable,

like they're really good.

I understand that.

I, but I think because of all her
injuries, I'm likely to win this one.

I don't think my team is going
to do as well as last week.

But I think that I will probably
still have this one again, due

to the injuries, not because of.

Managerial decisions
or anything like that.

There's only so much you can do
when all your starters are out.

All right.

Well, good luck to everybody
this coming week ending on.

Uh, Sunday starting again.

On a Monday.

That's not true.

It ends on my day.

After Monday night football and also
keep in mind beginning next week.

We'll start having biweekly week
five is the beginning of by weeks.

So keep an eye on your players.

See who's in, who's out.

And we'll see you all next week.

Have a great day.
