The AP Strange Show

The AP Strange Show Trailer Bonus Episode 22 Season 1

Teaching Zombies to Behave with Bryan White (3xtC)

Teaching Zombies to Behave with Bryan White (3xtC)Teaching Zombies to Behave with Bryan White (3xtC)

This week's episode is a Third Time's the Charm (3xtC) offering featuring zombies!

Bryan White drops into AP's underground bunker to talk about Day of the Dead, the third installment of the George Romero zombie flicks that began with Night of the Living Dead and more or less kicked off the whole genre of zombie movies. Bryan co-hosts the horror movie podcast Bring Me the Axe! with his brother Dave, and the two of them also host the shows 99c Rental and an X-Files rewatch podcast called Do You Think I'm Spooky? In addition, Bryan also has a music program called Radio Free Haddonfield- he's a busy man!
This conversation includes an examination of the brutal special effects, the over-acting, and the not-quite-met goals of the movie. Discussed also: Bub the Zombie, the Return of the Living Dead franchise, how ratings systems affected movie distribution in the 80s, video rental store memories, and important questions like how getting one's head pulled off affects the pitch of one's scream.
It was a really fun chat!
Check out Bring Me the Axe! here:

What is The AP Strange Show?

A show about Weird Stuff, hosted by AP Strange. AP interviews cool weirdos about their work, and invites friends on to discuss second sequels in franchises in a series called "Third Time's the Charm". Other fun surprises await...