Flip the Script with Vic

🔮 Are you mindful of your energetic hygiene and the cords you carry in your life? Learn how to cleanse your energy, identify energetic cords, and step into your full power and potential. Take charge of your energetic hygiene and live a more empowered life. 

🌿 Key takeaways:
1. Energetic cords can form with people and situations, affecting our energy levels and well-being.
2. Regular clearing practices like the chakra meditation I share can help maintain energetic balance and sovereignty.
3. Trusting your intuition and prioritizing your energetic boundaries - especially when working with healers.

Share your fave takeaways from the episode on Instagram with me (@victoriamargauxnielsen) and tag someone who needs to hear!

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Applications are now open for the 2nd Annual Return to You Retreat from May 2-7, 2025 in El Sargento, Mexico. Apply now!

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IG: @victoriamargauxnielsen
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email: victoriamargauxnielsen@gmail.com

Cover art: @house.of.morgan

What is Flip the Script with Vic?

Welcome to Flip the Script with Vic, your weekly pep talk to expand and shift your perspective. I’m your host, Victoria Nielsen. Together, we’ll unwind all the things you thought you knew, and awaken to what’s truly possible when you flip the script on your reality and take control of your own life.

Speaker A [00:00:00]:
Hello, my loves. Welcome to another episode of Flip the script with Vic. It's Victoria, and this week we're going to be chatting about energetic hygiene and energetic cords. And this may not seem like the sexiest topic, but it's super important because your energetic sovereignty is the most important thing, especially for your healing journey and for being able to even step into your full power and potential. And as. As humans, we are always exchanging energy with everything around us, because everything is energy, right? So anytime we interact with something, whether consciously or subconsciously, we are potentially creating energetic attachments, or cords to these things. And it's not always a malicious thing, right? It just happens because you are putting your intention there, you're putting your energy there, and it is a natural connection that occurs between you and that person, you and that object, you and that energy. And it is just something that has to be cleared out every once in a while, because if you don't, then just like a drain, hair drain, um, or a.

Speaker A [00:01:18]:
Sorry, a shower drain gets clogged with hair. That's what happens to your energetic body and to the seven chakras that you have throughout your system. And so it shouldn't be a scary thing that you potentially have these attachments. It's just part of something that you do for spiritual maintenance, right? Like, you meditate or like you go for a run, or like you do any other thing to heal and cleanse and renew your energy. And so this came up because I was at a retreat recently, and I had someone pulled out of my energy, and I didn't realize how much this person's energy was affecting me until it was gone. Now I feel like I can just take off. I can have clarity around my business. I have the energy and the capacity for what feels like so much more.

Speaker A [00:02:14]:
And it's not even a tangible thing. Like, it's just something that I feel intrinsically different. And energy matters because that's what people feel, you know? Even if you are saying something that doesn't match your energy, vibes don't lie, and they are so potent and they are so powerful. And if you are not in your full energetic sovereignty, you are basically dimming yourself down, and you are not shining at your brightest, and you are not at your fullest energetic capacity, which is what everyone is here to strive for on earth. And actually, I shouldn't say strive for. I don't. I don't like that word in this context. It's everyone's purpose, right? To be the fullest, most embodied expression of themselves.

Speaker A [00:03:05]:
And that starts with being only in your own energy and nobody else's. And so we are bombarded all the time by stuff on social media, right? And we're always interacting with things. So it's super important that you take the time to cleanse out any of this energy. And more than that, it is really important that you be discerning with who you let into your energy, especially in an energetic healing capacity. So let me first talk about kind of how to check for these energetic cords and what some of them could mean. And then we'll talk more about the energetic healing space and how to make sure that you're working with someone who is of the highest integrity and who really honors your energy in your space. So for these energetic cords, the front of our chakras correlate to our conscious mind. And cords and attachments can happen, as I mentioned, not just for malicious reasons, but for happy ones as well.

Speaker A [00:04:14]:
Any that is really heightened is going to create an energetic cord. So whether it's because you're jealous of somebody or. But you could also be, like, really happy for them, and that's going to potentially create an energetic attachment because they have something in their energy that you want, right. And you're not trying to suck the energy out of them, but that's what can happen. And so these cords, they can either push energy into you or be pulling energy from you, and both of them are draining on your life force energy. And so if they're being pushed into or pulled out of the back of the chakras, that is the subconscious mind. And I will say that's where most of the energetic cords can be found, because they are coming from people that, again, don't necessarily have a malicious intent, but, like, for example, my sacral chakra, I have had an energetic cord that I had to remove. That was a deep cord to my mother that I gave to send my mom yucky energy.

Speaker A [00:05:24]:
When I was younger, I was really upset with her about something, and it caused me to attach this. This energetic cord to her, and it was pumping my energy into her, which is still dimming my life force energy. Right. And then I've also had energetic attachments. This is going to sound really insane, but from other beings. So in my third eye, I was doing this not, like, alien course, but I was really opening myself up to the quantum field and to beings on other planets. And I got a little hitchhiker. I envisioned him truly as, like, almost like the little alien in men in black, right? When they take that guy's face off and he has a little alien inside his head.

Speaker A [00:06:09]:
That's what this alien looked like. And he just was curious, like, he just wanted to see through my eyes, wanted to see what it was like to experience life on earth in an earthly body. And so he was a little bit of a parasite in a way, right? Because he's voyeuristically trying to see through me, but again, draining my life force energy because he's attached to me and he is not of my energy. And, you know, I've had energetic cords and attachments to people and situations. This recent energy that was pulled out of me was a healer that I was working with, and they were giving me an attunement. And so if you are a Reiki master, you go through a series of attunements to correlate your energy, right, to this Reiki energy. So I was super wide open when we were working together, and I don't think this person had a malicious intent, but we did have an argument and an altercation the day before, and I think there was some of that residual energy that was in their field that got put into my field, and it dug down deep in my field because of how open I was and because of the work that we were doing. So these cords can.

Speaker A [00:07:20]:
Can come from anywhere. They can be really old. They can be really fresh. Like, that cord with my mom stayed on me for, like, 30 years, and when I was able to connect with it, I saw it was, like, old and shriveled, and, honestly, was almost about to fall off on its own. But then in my mind's eye, I was able to. To wash and cleanse and remove it. And so you can do this on your own. I recommend once a month, potentially more.

Speaker A [00:07:48]:
If you're a healer that's working with a lot of people all the time, you may want to do this, like, twice a month. But as I go to sleep at night, I do a chakra clearing meditation almost every single night. But on the times that I'm checking for these cords, I go a little bit slower. So you just envision a vacuum at the top of your head, like it's sucking up all the gunk out, right, and you move slowly down the body through the chakras, starting at the crown, and really take a second to visualize the circular shape of the crown chakra and notice if it's spinning too fast. If it's spinning too slow, is it too big, is it too small? And in your mind's eye, reshape it back into a perfect circle. Reshape it into a size and speed that feel good to you, and it doesn't really matter which way it's circling. You know, some people will tell you that, oh, if your chakra is working properly, it will spin a certain direction. I have not found that to be true.

Speaker A [00:08:49]:
I think every person's chakras are individual, and so yours may spin in different directions, and that's totally okay. You will learn what feels accurate for you. So play with it. Right. Try and spin it the other way, see if that feels any better. See if that feels worse in the body. And, you know, once you are done with each chakra, go to the next and envision the color of that chakra. So, you know, for the crown, it's that indigo.

Speaker A [00:09:19]:
Um, the third eye is kind of that violet color. The throat is blue. The heart is green. The solar plexus, that area above the belly button where the stomach is, is yellow. Your belly button below, and your sex organs are orange. And then the base of your spine, at your root, is red. And so you're going through your entire system and go slowly. Right, and tune into, is it a chord on the front? Is it a chord on the back? Is it multiple cords? And then you can try and follow it out to see if it gives you any information about where it came from.

Speaker A [00:09:59]:
But where it came from doesn't matter so much as releasing it. Right. So if you're unable to visualize or tap into where it came from, don't get discouraged. Um, but tune in and see if it is something that you can lovingly release that day. Because sometimes cords don't want to be released just yet, and I advise to just be gentle with them and yourself. So if you want to envision washing them away and kind of, like, gently pulling them out of you, you can whatever visualization feels right to you. I've had clients, like, burn the cords off. I've had clients pull them off.

Speaker A [00:10:37]:
But the most important thing is that after you go through all the chakras, take time to then envision that chakra whole and complete spinning in the direction that feels good to you and full of the color of that chakra, and the cleansing your whole body, you know, with white light afterwards. And filling yourself up with love or filling yourself up with yourself is important, because you got to make sure that you are filling back in those holes that you've energetically pulled out of yourself and that you're filling them intentionally. Right, with the good vibrations, good emotions that you want so that you're not just leaving yourself open and susceptible for them to be filled with other energies. And again, just because you have these cords and attachments, it doesn't mean anything about you. Everyone has them. Everyone's going to get them. You may have more at first because you've never cleansed them, but as you get into this practice, it gets easier, and you will find that you have them less and less, um, because you're being mindful of your hygiene. And if you've listened to last week's episode where I shared that pyramid of protection, you know, if you're doing your protective exercises as well, if you are envisioning perhaps a rose circulating around you, or envisioning a bubble or any of those protective barrier things, you are less likely to create and receive these energetic attachments.

Speaker A [00:12:10]:
I think that's the most important thing, is that your best defense is a good, or, sorry, your best offense is a good defense. So the more that you are already, like, protected and mindful of your energy, the easier it's going to be for you, and then it's going to become like second nature to. To know when you're carrying energy that isn't yours. And to also know, right, that sometimes this energy is so deep rooted that it's not something that you're able to release yourself. And so that's when working with a skilled healer comes into play. And, you know, I do not take energy work lightly. When someone lets me into their space, into their energy, I hold it in the highest integrity, and I hold it in the highest amount of love and trust, like, that's someone's life force energy, and I take that very, very seriously. So I have a lot of cleansing and clearing practices that I do before I work with clients.

Speaker A [00:13:08]:
After I work with clients. Um, you know, I do not work with someone if I'm not feeling in a good energy. And I will say, that's only ever happened, like, one or two times. And the universe has helped me in that. Either that person wanted to move the time when I reached out and was like, hey, I'm not feeling the best today. Can we adjust this? And they were like, yeah, actually, I've got this and this and this or whatever. So the universe is always gonna support you if you're willing to stand up for yourself and really allow yourself to be in integrity. So the same goes for you as someone that is a participant in energy work.

Speaker A [00:13:46]:
If you have any intuitive nudges, if you feel for any reason that you are not in the right headspace to receive this energy or be in someone else's energy. Follow those nudges because I should have had the sovereignty and wherewithal to tell the person I was working with, hey, we had this argument last night, we should not do this today. And I honestly felt it. I felt really uncomfortable. I did not want to go through with it, but I did. And I should have spoken up for myself. And, you know, it doesn't matter if you've already spent money on it. It doesn't matter if you perhaps traveled to be with that person.

Speaker A [00:14:21]:
Like, your sovereignty matters so much more than any of these things. It's priceless. It's truly, truly priceless because you can get, you know, these people out of your energy. But it's, it's just not worth, it's just not worth it, as I've come to find out, because this experience with this person happened back in August and it's now what, end of May. So for that long, they were in my energy, affecting me. And I was really affected. Like the month after this happened, I really, my confidence took a hit. I was launching like a brand new program around that time.

Speaker A [00:15:00]:
I didn't feel as powerful and as in my own energy as I could have been for the launch of this new program. And it showed, like, I had some people sign up, but not as many as I was hopeful were going to, and not as many as were like, the leading indicators were showing. I had 60 people sign up for the free offer I did before I launched this program. And of course that doesnt mean that all 60 people are going to sign up, but like, there was a lot of interest and then after this happened, it was like crickets. And then now that this person is out of my energy, I've, I mean, in the last week, excuse me, as I burp and move, energy have gained like almost 70 new Instagram followers. And I know maybe that's not a lot to some people that have had more growth, but like, that's pretty significant because my Instagram growth had slowed significantly and had kind of stalled out and wasn't really moving forward. And the only shift in change I've had is having person taking out of my energy. So your energy matters.

Speaker A [00:16:03]:
And if you are going to be an empowered being, if you're going to be an embodied being, you have to have the only energy that's in your body. Right. And we carry so much in our bodies and a lot of it sometimes isn't ours. And we can be amazed that we don't have to carry this stuff anymore. We don't have to. Yeah, give and receive like this yuckiness. And the power is always in your hands to change that. So I hope this was informational and helpful.

Speaker A [00:16:36]:
If you have any other additional questions about energetic cords, clearing how to tell if you have them, I would love, love, love to hear from you on Instagram. I margo Nielsen because yeah, if you're feeling, for example, like you have scarcity mindset or lack mindset, maybe you have some energetic cords in the root chakra. If you are not feeling creative or sexual, perhaps you have some in the sacral chakra. If you are feeling unconfident. If you are feeling not fully like yourself, that could be the solar plexus, right? So there are so many ways that our feelings and emotions can be affected and tied to what's happening in these energetic wheels that are inside the body. I am gonna open the waitlist soon for my new signature group program, awakening. You guys will be the first to know when all of that launches. I love holding space for women to learn these energetic hygiene practices, so if you are looking to work one on one with anyone, please reach out to me.

Speaker A [00:17:43]:
I love teaching you all there is to know and helping you live a more embodied and empowered life so that you can be the fullest expression of yourself in this lifetime. Thanks so much for being here with me. I love you guys. Be good to one another. I'll see you next week.