Church Nerds United


Welcome to this week's sermon titled "God Mode." Have you ever wondered, "Could life get any worse?"—especially after facing a major life event or a time of trouble? Join us as we explore the concept of "cheats" in gaming like CoD, Battlefield, the Konami Code, and Cheat Engine, and relate it to our everyday struggles and faith journey.

In this sermon, we'll delve into the truth that God never promised an easy life after the expulsion from Eden. The scriptures remind us that life involves pain and hard work. We'll discuss how anyone promising an easy life is a false prophet or a scammer. Just like becoming good at gaming requires a learning curve, life demands patience, effort, and perseverance.

Instead of praying for an easy life, Proverbs 24:10 encourages us to build our strength in adversity. We'll also look at the pitfalls of instant wealth, as Proverbs 13:11 warns us that wealth gained hastily will dwindle. But how can we make life easier?
  1. Give Your Problems to God and Jesus: Together, you can handle the burdens of life. (Mt 11:28-30)
  2. Expect Trouble and Stay Humble: Humble yourselves under God's mighty hand, and cast all your anxieties on Him. (1 Pe 5:6-7)
  3. Pray Persistently: The parable of the persistent widow teaches us to always pray and not lose heart. (Lk 18:1)
We'll also share a humorous story from Rust where a developer uses a polar bear with bombs to deal with cheaters, illustrating how cheats may seem appealing but rob us of the real experience and growth.

Imagine life with "God Mode"—it would be boring, just like a rollercoaster without fear, playing Dark Souls with cheats, or creating perfect cosplay outfits without effort. Instead, let's embrace the adventures and challenges life brings, being humble and sharing our burdens with God and Jesus.

Tune in to our live stream for an engaging and inspiring message. Don't forget to read Luke 18:1-8 for further insight!

Creators & Guests

Pastor Brandon Holm

What is Church Nerds United?

Welcome to Church Nerds United, the ultimate podcast where the sacred and the geeky collide! Dive deep into the Holy Scriptures with us as we explore sermons sprinkled with your favorite gaming quests, cosplay characters, and anime adventures. Whether you're a Paladin of Prayer, a Cosplay Crusader, or an Otaku of the Old Testament, this is your sanctuary.

Join our fellowship as we level up our faith through the lens of epic battles, legendary heroes, and fantastical worlds. From the wisdom of the Proverbs to the valor of the Apostles, we'll draw parallels between biblical narratives and the beloved realms of gaming, cosplay, and anime.

Tune in for:

Sermon Side Quests: Discover the deeper meaning behind Scripture with analogies from your favorite games and anime.
Cosplay Character Spotlight: Unveil the biblical virtues embodied by iconic characters and how they inspire our spiritual journey.
Anime Apologetics: Engage in lively discussions that bridge the gap between faith and fandom, unraveling the spiritual themes in popular series.

So, grab your controller, don your cosplay armor, and get ready to embark on an epic quest of faith and fandom. Church Nerds United is here to guide you on a heroic journey, one episode at a time. May the faith be with you!

Greater Guild Announcer:

Hey there, fellow church nerds. Welcome to another episode of Church Nerds United, the podcast where faith meets fandom and sermons are the new superhero stories. That's right. Today, we've got a sermon that's more epic than the Battle of Helm's Deep and more inspiring than Captain America's pep talks. But before we dive into this week's divine download, don't forget to hit that like button, subscribe, and ring the bell so you never miss an episode.

Greater Guild Announcer:

And, hey, if you love what we do and want to support the show, consider donating. Every little bit helps us keep the nerdy goodness coming your way. You can find the donation link in the show notes or head over to our website at greaterguilddot org. Join the ranks of our Greater Guild Army and help us spread the geeky gospel far and wide. Now, without further ado, let's jump into this week's sermon.

Greater Guild Announcer:

Grab your Bibles, light up your lightsabers, and get ready to dive deep into the word of God.

Guildmater Brandon:

Well, hello, everybody. It is so good to see you all again, but it's even better because we are now in our 5th season. Man, time does fly for us. I wanna thank you all for coming to the Greater Guild. Yes.

Guildmater Brandon:

I am Brandon, pastor, and your guild master for today. And, you know, it's kinda exciting. You know, 5 years of doing

Guildmater Brandon:

this and, it's just helping a lot

Guildmater Brandon:

of people and people are going, you know, you know, gamers this and, you know, geeks don't you know, it's like, I've met a lot of geeks in my life from all walks of life. They have different takes on things. They have different ideas of things, and it's it it it it's really, fascinating. Just run into a lot of people. I go to Comic Con, and they go, what do you some people go, what do you do?

Guildmater Brandon:

This is what I do. And they're like, oh, well, I'm maybe I should it's like,

Guildmater Brandon:

you know what? I don't care. And that's the crux of of

Guildmater Brandon:

what we do here at the get Greater Gail is we've run into a lot of

Guildmater Brandon:

people both on on, you

Guildmater Brandon:

know, x and Facebook where they're telling us, you know, hey. Your religion is faulty. You know, this is like we don't teach religion here. We teach faith, which is wholly different because with religion, you have all these denominations, you have all, and, yeah, you know, we practice on the Pentecostal because I find Pentecostal gets a little bit more into depth with, the Bible and stuff like that. So without further ado, let's get into.

Guildmater Brandon:

So what we're talking about is god mode. And everybody knows in gaming, you know, as geeks, we all know god mode. It's like putting the codes. You know? You know, people, you know, use cheat engine or if they're on, like, god or Battlefield or whatever, and they're, you know, even death you know, with Destiny 2, you know, they're looking for the greatest advantages.

Guildmater Brandon:

And there are some people out there who are just big ass jerks, and I'm gonna say it like that because they are. And they take away the fun. They take away all the thing by using cheats, you know, wall hacks, ESPs, you know, that whole thing. Or if you really wanna age me, go back all the way to the NES with, contra, you know, the Konami code. Up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, b a.

Guildmater Brandon:

And then if you had a friend, you need to select and then start, and both of you get 30 lives. Funny thing about that one that I always liked is if you run out of your 30 lives and your friend has some, he could steal his. But that's the thing. You know, people want that edge, but, you know, funny thing is is that that's not always the best case, and that's how God laid it out for us. You know, we all ask ourselves, could life get any worse?

Guildmater Brandon:

And usually people do it saying, oh, man, you know, major life event. For me, death in the family. My stepdad passed away at the beginning of July and helping my with my own. And that's one thing that she kept constantly saying is, you know, you know, could this get any worse? Could this get any harder?

Guildmater Brandon:

And she'd always turn to me and said, you know, you're you you have an act direct access to God. And I was looking at her and going, no. I read my Bible. I understand what's going on, but I can comfort you with scripture, but I'm gonna comfort you the way I know how how how to comfort you in a time of sadness, and I'm just being your son at this stage. So while I did pray during the whole time, and I made sure my mom prayed, that's the whole thing.

Guildmater Brandon:

I'm not gonna tell you how

Guildmater Brandon:

to live your life and all that, but and we're

Guildmater Brandon:

gonna get into this later on, this this season is we're gonna talk about, you know, the biblical Jesus. We talked about our modern day Jesus last season. If you haven't seen that, go over to YouTube, Rumble, whatever. We have it up there. But we're gonna talk about biblical biblical Jesus for this season, and the reason is there's a really sharp contract.

Guildmater Brandon:

So to start everything off, I'm gonna say this, and I tell my mom this. You know, when when things just go rough, every time she goes, yo, can God help me? I was like, well, pray and, you know, he'll he'll get you into the right direction. But in reality, what happened is is God really never promised us an easy life, and this is especially true after we were expelled from Eden.

Guildmater Brandon:

I mean, Adam and Eve ate from the fruit.

Guildmater Brandon:

Now I'm gonna say it, like, right now. Everybody goes, well, we blame Eve for everything. Dude, you're forgetting about the guy, you know, the big elephant in the room. The guy actually took part in it. You know, Adam took part in the eating of the fruit.

Guildmater Brandon:

So you just can't blame the woman for everything on that as much as certain misogynistic men do. And I love my wife, but I will tease her emphatically in saying that, you know, this wouldn't you know, your attitude wouldn't happen if if Eve hadn't bitten from the apple. Of course, I love her. She goes right back and says, well, if if Adam didn't do anything, we wouldn't have this problem. Now would we?

Guildmater Brandon:

I'm like, okay, dear. Like I said, God never promised an easy life, and it really happens in the book of Genesis in chapter 3. You know, chapter 3 is usually classified as the fall chapter where, you know, we come out of Eden, and this is in the fur in the and what God says is really very direct. I mean, he basically says, you know, to the woman, he said, I will surely multiply your pain in childbearing. In pain, you shall bring forth children.

Guildmater Brandon:

Your desire shall be contrary to your husband's, but he shall rule over you. I wanna stipulate that that a lot of people really interpret as, let me know this over break. What if you look at it and and, unfortunately, my notes are really jumbled on this, and it's not because I I wrote jumbled those. It's just the system didn't save it, when it should. But the the word rule here is not about, you know, command and all that.

Guildmater Brandon:

It really is guidance and protection, the the root word used here. And it's not about, you know, like a king and a servant. It's more of in a marriage type deal. It is basically, I'm here to protect you. Keep the house.

Guildmater Brandon:

You know, you keep the house, and I'll take care of, you know, what whatever you need from me to help you with the house. I will take care of that portion. It's really one of those give and take, and that's the root word there. So when people read the he shall rule over you, don't take it that way as the literal, as a literal meaning. It really does mean that it is the man is going to protect you and take care of you, make sure you're taken care

Guildmater Brandon:

of, but you have to give up some

Guildmater Brandon:

of that. You're you're not gonna be out, you know, like, you know, like, right sewing or anything, but that's how it turned out to be. And he will make a lot of the tough decisions for the entire family. That's really where it comes into. It's but that doesn't mean that you as a female can't.

Guildmater Brandon:

It just means, you know, he makes the final decision on that. And the reason is because he's got he can take his emotion out of it, and here's where you'd see the desire to be contrary to your the woman's emotions come in. It's not a bad thing. It's just that's how it is. You know?

Guildmater Brandon:

But that doesn't absolve Adam from anything. In fact, Adam gets a little bit better when he you know, not better, but, you know, worse when he says, and to Adam, he said, because you have listened to the voice of your wife and have eaten of the tree of which I commanded you, you shall not eat it. Cursed is the ground because of you. In pain, you shall eat of it all the days of your life. Thorns and thistles, it shall bring forth for you, and you shall eat the plants of the field.

Guildmater Brandon:

By the sweat of your face, you shall eat bread until you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken, for you are dust, and to dust you shall return. K. I know. Pretty pretty strong meat there.

Guildmater Brandon:

Now this means that anyone offering an easy money for life or, you know, just for

Guildmater Brandon:

a little money or no money is a false prophet and a scammer. You know, it it doesn't work out that way. God basically said it and took it right. It's in the first freaking book, guys.

Guildmater Brandon:

We're not gonna have an easy life. So what do we

Guildmater Brandon:

do about it? How can we make our, you know, our our current life a little bit better? You know? And that's the thing. We all ask for the for god mode, but if we ever got god mode, in fact, recently, there was a, paper finally came out.

Guildmater Brandon:

It was a,

Guildmater Brandon:

I think, a 5 4 or 5 year study on use universal, universal income. And

Guildmater Brandon:

they took a group, and it's it's a huge thing, and it recently came out. But the thing is is that this group gave people, a certain amount of money to boost up. And what they're finding actually is is that universal income doesn't work because what happened is is that instead of making more money, people who were on the universal income group compared to the control group found that they were losing money instead of gaining money. They worked less. They didn't produce more.

Guildmater Brandon:

And they just and some of them who lost their job just didn't care about going and getting another job. And, you know, if you want you know, in the chat, if you want me to post it, find the findings and post it, on our website, hey. That's fine. I can do that, and I'd be happy to do that. But, you know, asking for godhood, that's where this is why we're at where we at.

Guildmater Brandon:

You know? We didn't have, you you know, Garden of Eden, we didn't have to toil. We didn't have to work. We didn't have to do anything at all. We were just pick the fruit from the tree.

Guildmater Brandon:

God took care of the tending. Oh, you know, the animal well, the animal, we don't know what happened, but, oh, you got me? Oh, there you go. You know, we had the best thing, and we just almost like, in Frank Herbert's tune.

Guildmater Brandon:

You know? The people lived in we lived in a state of apathy. We really don't. You know? Didn't care.

Guildmater Brandon:

We just did our own thing and went out on its way. So when we

Guildmater Brandon:

look at it having god mode, it really doesn't help us at all. In fact, being good at gaming, cosplay, you know, light you know, and all that stuff, your talent, you know, it does require a learning curve. You know, we do need a tutorial. You know, we have the main story, and there are side quests built into our lives, but it's built in at our level. See?

Guildmater Brandon:

You know, gaming and God works together like that, and that's the thing. Life is the same way. You know, when when God told us, you know, this is not gonna be an easy life like you had in the past. That's the end of it. You know?

Guildmater Brandon:

Now we have our you know, in our childhood years, you know, we have our parents in school. That's our tutorial. And, unfortunately, depending on your parents and how they raise you or anything

Guildmater Brandon:

like that, you know, you can have a really tough go later on in life, or you can have it

Guildmater Brandon:

a little bit easier. It it varies. And, again, it's just because humans are unique individuals based on how they were brought up, and those get transferred in. But your school and your and and and the parent is is your tutorial for when you are you very young. Some pairing, and like I say, some pairing is very good.

Guildmater Brandon:

Some, it's kind of poor. So so what do we do? So what do a lot of people do? Well, we pray for an easy life. You know?

Guildmater Brandon:

Oh, God. Please help us. You know? I I want this whole easy life. Well, funny enough, Like I said, God doesn't work like that.

Guildmater Brandon:

And to reinforce that not just because of Genesis, but in Proverbs 24:10, this praying for easy life basically doesn't happen. In fact, what you'll see is, you know, if you faint in the day of adversity, your strength is small. And, basically, if you stop when life gets too hard, you know, you're just not gonna be equipped you're not gonna be equipped to go further. You're not gonna learn the experiences of that. I've had so many times in my life where I decided to just quit life altogether.

Guildmater Brandon:

And it funny enough, it it it took people with with faith in God to tell me, you know, God does not make garbage. Jesus does not protect garbage. He really doesn't,

Guildmater Brandon:

but he loves people. God loves people. Jesus will sacrifice himself for people.

Guildmater Brandon:

K? So if you look at it, you know, we gotta keep going because these are also learning steps. God's the best father to have. He's not gonna just hold your hand and let you go through it, like some people do. And we know those people are become entitled.

Guildmater Brandon:

They don't understand how to do things. They don't understand how to interact with the real world. They become almost basically NPCs, and that's not good either because then it's like, what are you producing? What are you doing? And how are you gonna get through life?

Guildmater Brandon:

It's gonna be more difficult for that. And then there's people that say, oh, you know, money will solve all my problems. Money will take care of everything. Well, that's great. But if you ever looked at the history of lottery winners and or or people who really inherited large sums, really, they lose that wealth within the 1st 20 years or not or or or if not sooner.

Guildmater Brandon:

But rarely do you see a lottery winner win again, which it has actually happened once, but the the second time the guy won a lottery, you know, a really huge multimillion dollar prize, he actually learned from his previous experience, and the man's set for life. Okay? And you just can't pray, oh, I just wish I had a $1,000,000 stopping the lap. That really also isn't very good too. Like I said, you're gonna spend it all.

Guildmater Brandon:

And in the Bible, again, we have Proverbs 13 1311. That basically says it says it right there. Wealth gained hastily will dwindle, but whoever gathers little by little will increase it. Okay? You have to toil, and you have to now does that mean you stick with a 9 to 5 job?

Guildmater Brandon:

If that's the case, yeah. Some people, it's like, oh, I get I'm getting promoted. I'm getting my variances, and I'm staying a little here. I'm staying a little here. And by the time they do that, you know, back in the day, that really was happening.

Guildmater Brandon:

I mean, back in the nineties, if you remember married with children, you know, Al Bundy on a shoe, shoe salesman budget can afford a house with 2 kids and a wife. Can't say that nowadays, can you? And I use that as as a reference because, seriously, you know, we see that this has happened. We're we're pushing out a lot of people, and we can blame every generation. Oh, this generation is lazy, or this generation set us up.

Guildmater Brandon:

The thing is is that for my generation, generation x, we saw the beginnings of that decline. And for a long time, our generation was basically, woe is me. Sorry for this. And we're gonna give our kids everything they want. Not my kids, but that was the general thought process.

Guildmater Brandon:

Like, give the kids what they want, you know, so they not know what want is. But the problem is is that thanks to thanks with my at least with bioprogging, I knew what want was. I knew that I had to fight, and I had to work for everything that I needed to

Guildmater Brandon:

do. So that gives

Guildmater Brandon:

you an idea of of of how god mode really shouldn't be an implement in our daily lives. So as I said, wealth and an ease of life, basically not easy, but how do we make it tolerable, or how do we get through these things? K. Well, first thing is that I always tell people, and for some stupid reason, and I'm I'm I'm really saying like it for some stupid reason, and this actually works because anytime I have a problem or a burden or something, I just go, okay, God, Jesus, I'm gonna give this all to you. Here's this.

Guildmater Brandon:

Now, yes, I'm gonna,

Guildmater Brandon:

you know, work on this, but can

Guildmater Brandon:

you just give me some encouragement, or can you give me something out out of there that just will help me out of this? Funny enough, it does work. And, again, this is you know, like I said, this is a sermon. We're going to have Bible verses, so here's the Bible verse that gives it to you. In Matthew chapter 11 verses 28 to 30, it basically says, come to me, all who labor are heavy are are and are heavy laden.

Guildmater Brandon:

I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me. Right gentle and lonely and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls, for my yoke is easy and my burden is light. Okay? That's not to say that, you know, your burdens are gonna stop with Jesus, which a lot of people believe, especially, new believers.

Guildmater Brandon:

They believe, oh, I can know Jesus. I, you know, give it all

Guildmater Brandon:

to him, and it's just gonna go away. No.

Guildmater Brandon:

But here's what it is. You give your problems to God, you give your problems to Jesus, you can lighten the load. It doesn't become a persistent, you know, issue for you. Yes. It's still gonna be there.

Guildmater Brandon:

Yes. You're gonna think about it every so often, but every so often, all of a sudden, you just stop thinking about it and, you know, let life go through. Oh, it comes back and props up. Okay. And then for some stupid reason, it just feels easier to work with.

Guildmater Brandon:

People get burdened and bogged down and look at the whole big picture when really when we say, god and Jesus take, you know, take some of my burden, what we're saying is take a portion of it. You know, take the portion that I don't need to worry about right now. I will handle this portion. You take it. It's all yours.

Guildmater Brandon:

And that's pretty ease you know, that pretty much makes it a little easier, makes life a little bit easier. Again, like I said, strange as it sounds, it works.

Guildmater Brandon:

I mean, I it happens to me. It happens to a lot of people I know. It just works.

Guildmater Brandon:

You know? I can't explain it. That's a god thing, which is you don't have to understand. You just have to under you know, know that he is there. So what do we do?

Guildmater Brandon:

Well, second and, also, second, you know, don't demand or expect an easy life. Expect trouble from all directions. You know, like when you're, you know, playing cod or you're playing, you know, playing battlefield. You know, all the battles going on around you, you gotta make sure that you, you know, you have spatial awareness. You know, things are gonna go happen.

Guildmater Brandon:

Know, you have people who are gonna shoot at you. You have buddies that help you out. Okay. You gotta be aware of your surroundings constantly. I know.

Guildmater Brandon:

Overwhelming when you're in the middle of the screen going, okay. I got this. I got this. I get it. You know?

Guildmater Brandon:

But you can't be so focused, but you gotta be a rep where it's around. Don't inspect it. And when you when I say don't demand expecting, he's like, you can have your team and say, hey. I need help here. If they're able to get you, they're gonna be able to get you.

Guildmater Brandon:

If not, hey. You're on your own. That does happen. But don't fret about it, and always remain humble in all aspects. Okay.

Guildmater Brandon:

So you get shot playing, you know, playing on on pot,

Guildmater Brandon:

and you get killed. Okay. You go to back lobby. You come back. Okay?

Guildmater Brandon:

You reset yourself. And why

Guildmater Brandon:

I say humble is because I've watched videos of people rage clipping for some of the stupid stuff. I mean, some really stupid stuff, and it's like, you know, if you just calm it down, focus back, and just be you know what? Maybe I wasn't too good about it. Or look at yourself looking at yourself saying, you know, I didn't play that too well. You know, what did I do?

Guildmater Brandon:

That's really a good way to humble yourself, and the Bible gives us that in first Peter when it says, you know, humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time, he may exalt you, casting all your anxieties on him because he cares for you. And we're talking about God. You know, Jesus in the biblical sense isn't the one who is just, you know, the one to take the burden. God's the foremost person to take your burdens. But when you humble yourself saying, you know, I didn't do too well, and I think that's on me.

Guildmater Brandon:

It's not the lag. It's not this. It's not that. It's me. Therefore, you can go on and say, okay, God.

Guildmater Brandon:

What do I need to learn out of this? Sometimes God's gonna answer you, and sometimes God's gonna go you figure out for yourself, bud.

Guildmater Brandon:

You know? You know what? I watched your gameplay. Now figure it out yourself.

Guildmater Brandon:

But when you go into the next low, don't be so anxious. Like, I'm gonna do this again. You know? Let it go. That was that one game.

Guildmater Brandon:

Let it go. Get on to the next one. And then finally, we have the best way to do things. It's just pray, pray, pray.

Guildmater Brandon:

Okay? I know. I'm gonna say this. Every single sermon is gonna have some form of you have to pray. Okay?

Guildmater Brandon:

But this is what what it is. You have to pray, and it takes, you know, take 5 minutes driving on

Guildmater Brandon:

the road. Don't close your eyes, please. But when you're on the road, just

Guildmater Brandon:

say, hey, God. You know? I haven't talked to you in a while, or if you have, you have. It's like, you know, hey. You know?

Guildmater Brandon:

This is how I'm feeling. This is what's going on. And sometimes, even for me, you know, I go see a therapist, but even sometimes I just am in the car going, oh gosh. You know, god, this is really getting upset. And people think I'm losing my mind, but when reality, I'm having a conversation with God, and that's what prayer really is.

Guildmater Brandon:

Prayer is just having a major conversation with God, telling him what's going on, telling now he already knows that, but he wants to hear it from you. The reason is because it when you put it in a perspective for you, he knows what to really what you're expecting even though he already does, but then you figure out, oh, this is what I really expect. And the biggest thing is is that if you if you wanna go really in-depth of, you know, why prayer is so powerful, You know, Jesus says it you know, says it in

Guildmater Brandon:

the parable of the, persistent widow. He starts out,

Guildmater Brandon:

you know well, the author of Luke, you know, starts out when Jesus starts this parable really by saying and he told them a parable to the fact that they ought to always pray and not lose heart. And I say that one because he said, you know, and he told them a parable to the effect that they ought to always pray and not lose heart. Well, that's kind of encouraging because Jesus then recites it tells about the parable of the persistent widow. And if you really wanna get into it and I and how prayer really can help out just for a humble person like the widow, I do encourage you to read, you know, in the your Bible, you know, Luke chapter 18 verses 1 through 8. So getting back to, you know, you know, god god moding is just it's deplorableness.

Guildmater Brandon:

You know? Seriously. No. You look at people who use Cheez at MMO. And what happens is there's gonna be a dev out there that's gonna go, oh, I've got a I've got a good way to deal with this.

Guildmater Brandon:

And if you look at I think it's, the one of the Rust devs. He had he's a moderator and and a dev. He goes out and sends polar bears with with sticky bombs attached to the bear to anyone who's cheating, and the bear comes up. Boom. You know?

Guildmater Brandon:

The guy is gone, and you hear and every so often, you just hear the whining of the of the person because, oh, you got caught cheating. And that's the other thing. God doesn't want cheaters. He he wants you to be honest. That's the other part about being humble.

Guildmater Brandon:

He doesn't want you to cheat people. He doesn't want you to go out and and and and take advantage of people. And I know many of you out there are listening and just rolling your eyes because, oh my gosh. You know, I've heard about pastors doing this, and I've okay. That's a minority.

Guildmater Brandon:

It's like are all, you know, it's like all all white people racist or all black people criminals? No. They're not. It's very a minor few, but that's how a lot of people generally think that way. It's like the the minor group

Guildmater Brandon:

accounts for the whole, and that's really not what it is.

Guildmater Brandon:

You know? And I expect you know, I can't remember the guy's name, but I do say go to YouTube and find out real you know? And and look up Rust

Guildmater Brandon:

and, and moderator, and you'll find it. It it's absolutely hilarious. But

Guildmater Brandon:

I understand using cheat codes because sometimes, you know, we wanna find that optimal idea of or that optimal way of doing something, make life a little bit more efficient, a little bit better. Yeah. And I get it. Those are really our cheat codes, but, you know, a lot of people use cheat codes when they're in a really tough spot, and they just can't get through it, but they wanna get through the game to see how it goes. You know?

Guildmater Brandon:

Or I've beta tested games in the past, and, basically, I have used their cheat codes as they'll send them out to every soft just so that I can break the game. That's fun too. Watching the Grain go and fail, it's like, okay. This is what happened. You write it out, and it's really it's really awesome.

Guildmater Brandon:

But when used just like the universal, income study, We don't get the feel or the sense of the game.

Guildmater Brandon:

You know? It's not like you know?

Guildmater Brandon:

Or or for cosplay, I've I've I've heard cosplay who used to just buy their their cosplay costumes, you know, ready made, and it's like, okay. That's great, but then when when they made it, they felt a whole lot

Guildmater Brandon:

better, and that's great. I you know, that's always cool. But, again, you just don't get a sense of feeling

Guildmater Brandon:

for it, you know, if it was already bought for you, if

Guildmater Brandon:

it's already made for you. But then

Guildmater Brandon:

when you you'll make it yourself as a cosplayer, oh my gosh. That's really cool. You know, you get that sense of feeling of pride, and and that's the other thing. God, once you have that sense of pride of self motivation, of self feeling that you're ready to tackle on the next challenge. So, yes, god mode definitely would make life easy, but where's the adventure in that?

Guildmater Brandon:

And when we and and and so you're gonna see that

Guildmater Brandon:

coming up here later in the stream, where

Guildmater Brandon:

I'm gonna use GodMode for the entire length of the game just to show you how boring and just awful it is. And this is a game that I actually, did early access with. It was really cool, and I didn't use any cheats on it. And it was it's it's it's a good game, and it's it's, the planet crafter. Great game.

Guildmater Brandon:

Love it, but we're gonna use cheese on it to show you just how bad it can get and just why it's just not worth having god mode when we can have a sensitive adventure. You know, we never know what's going around the bend, but if we did, really, would it be worth it? Yeah. A lot of people ask that question. So, yeah, life would be boring.

Guildmater Brandon:

So so if we had god mode, you know, we go on a roller coaster, and, okay, we go type no fear, and, okay, the

Guildmater Brandon:

little roller coaster loses its thrill. Whoopi. I don't have

Guildmater Brandon:

that sense of dread. How about playing dark souls and cheating? You're not gonna learn anything. You're gonna go in and, oh, he can't kill me. Okay.

Guildmater Brandon:

You know, and beat the whole game. And then all of a sudden, somebody goes, oh, you played Dark Souls? Yeah. And you're not gonna show them the sheet. All of a sudden, you you really do suck because you're going in being pre programmed to just go in and beat up and you won't have the strategy, the understanding of how to tackle the different, various creatures within those games.

Guildmater Brandon:

Create a you know, how about let's let's say god mode, and all of a sudden we created cosplay outfit and type perfect costume. Now everybody's perfect,

Guildmater Brandon:

and you're the same. It really is.

Guildmater Brandon:

You know, everybody does same same, different, but still the same. You know, everyone's costume will be perfect. Everybody's costume will be gorgeous. Contests will not be available anymore. You can't win the great prizes for if they have them.

Guildmater Brandon:

So what's the point? I mean, does it make the normies out there go, oh, that's nice, but then

Guildmater Brandon:

it gets boring because everybody's cost paying the

Guildmater Brandon:

you know, their version of the character, and it's a perfect costume. Most people appreciate the individuality of someone who who

Guildmater Brandon:

hand creates it. Excuse me. So that's all great. And and, again, every anime and manga would have their own perfect ending. There'd be no twist, no excitement.

Guildmater Brandon:

You'd know what's going on ahead of time. Doesn't make sense now. So

Guildmater Brandon:

in the end, you know, how about instead of having cheats, how about we just start being a humble person? You know, give anxiety, give our burdens to God and Jesus, and allow them to be part of your burden. Them be, you know, involved in your life. And if you do, I'm not gonna promise you it gets easier. It really does.

Guildmater Brandon:

In fact, in many aspects, even online with some of our, posts on on x, you know, we get a lot of people saying, oh, your your religion's bad. Your religion's this. You know? And if you see that, please do not go and attack them. It's not worth it.

Guildmater Brandon:

They're just, you know, they're just speaking their mind, and let them have at it. You know what's true and what's not. You you're an adult, or you're you're you're getting close

Guildmater Brandon:

to being an adult, but you understand it. You get it. And that's the whole thing is we're not looking for people to be, you know, these superpower cool people because then also, you know, look at,

Guildmater Brandon:

what if we all were Steve Rogers and Captain America or Iron Man? All the other super characters. You know, as I like Syndrome saying from the first Incredibles, you know, when it's everybody's super, nobody is. And then this is like, why bother? So as I close this up, I just wanna thank all

Guildmater Brandon:

of you again just

Guildmater Brandon:

for joining us for this portion. We're gonna go to the next portion, and let me close this out with a prayer because you guys just need it because something tells me somebody needs it out there that they just need to know that people are looking out for them just like they're you know, a lot of people are looking out for me. So, heavenly father, this has just been a great day for a lot of people. It is our 1st, 1st season doing it this way. 5 years of of preaching has been really exciting, and I'm glad we don't have god mode.

Guildmater Brandon:

It's not what not worth it, and you know it, and we're gonna be so blessed as they said regarding Donald Trump. You're gonna be so blessed. And, again, not being political, but I just wanna give the people out there to understand that they just be humble, not just in spirit, but in life. Make sure that they can get through life just a little bit easier that when they come to you and ask for your their burdens be that you just help lighten the load, make sure the load is just taken care of in a way that they can manage it, and it doesn't feel overwhelming. And in this way, we can make sure that we don't have we don't have the self terminations that we've been having recently, you know, against, you know, people who are just trying to get through life, trying to

Guildmater Brandon:

make it through life, and just be there for you.

Guildmater Brandon:

In your heavenly father's name, I pray. Amen. Alright. So as you can see up in that corner I have to remember myself. In that corner, there is a QR code.

Guildmater Brandon:

That is our giving code. Please do give to the greater guild. We would be appreciative of it. There's a lot of things we would like to do, but right now, you know, it's all based on how much, income I make, is how how well we can do things. And there's a lot of things we wanna do.

Guildmater Brandon:

We definitely want to go out and get, games or games for families in need because while food and and, you know, and food and clothing is phenomenal and there's a lot of groups about that, The one thing that keeps family units together is interaction and community, and that's why we do, usually about starting October up until about November, we're gonna start doing our our our games for for the community drive where we're gonna just, you know, gather up as much, money and money as we can so that we can buy, board games, family, sell board games, and give it to needy families, not just in our area. We would like to expand it outside the Phoenix area, but we're starting in Phoenix, just because that's how it starts. We're gonna have, churches help distribute games for us. So it would be a really good blessing if you could just donate a little bit. We will have that, direct transaction available, on our giving page,

Guildmater Brandon:

within the next couple of weeks. But until then,

Guildmater Brandon:

please stick around. We are gonna be playing Planet Crafters, and I said we are playing Planet Crafters with the cheese. So watch out for it, I guess. So give me a few minutes.

Guild Announcer:

Wow. That was powerful. Pastor Brandon never fails to deliver a sermon that's both thought provoking and nerd tastic. We hope you all enjoyed it as much as we did. Don't forget to like, subscribe, and donate if you want to keep the sermons and geeky discussions coming.

Guild Announcer:

And remember, you can always connect with us on social media. Just search for the Greater Guild on all your favorite platforms. We'd love to hear your thoughts and geek out with you. Thanks for tuning in, Guild Nerds. Until next time, keep the faith and stay nerdy.