Public Sector Executive News

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And here’s today’s news from Public Sector Executive on Tuesday the 21st of May 2024.

A new improvement and assurance framework for local government is due to be reviewed by Local Government Association members ahead of publication as a new resource for the sector. The framework has been developed by the LGA following extensive engagement with local authorities, professional bodies and other stakeholders.
The aim of the framework, which has never been written down before, is to aid understanding of how all the elements which are used to provide assurance and accountability in local government fit together, and to signpost to related support and guidance. Ultimately, the framework will support authorities to develop the effectiveness of their own assurance and to reduce the risk of failure.

Birmingham City Council unveiled an ambitious masterplan proposal for the regeneration of Druids Heath to the community yesterday at a launch event at Manningford Hall. The masterplan was developed after two years of work, talking with and listening to the community to create a plan that can meet the needs of the people who live and work in Druids Heath.
The proposed regeneration aims to make Druids Heath a more sustainable and greener place to live in the long term. New high-quality, energy-efficient homes will be built alongside excellent green spaces. The commercial and community spaces in Druids Heath will also be revitalised as part of the plan. An extensive consultation on the plans will begin in the coming months before approval will be sought next year.

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