The ProSource Podcast

From outdoor patios to kitchens, pools, pavers for walkways, and more, trade professionals and product manufacturers have been busy, making dreams a reality and finding new ways to meet expectations. Ivonne Valencia, interior designer, owner of Ivonne Valencia Design, and ProSource member joins the show to showcase the latest styles and trends that homeowners have been craving, in constructing their dream outdoor space. Later, our friends at Daltile join the show to dive into the advancements in tile technology, the demand for outdoor tiling, and the popular styles that drive that attention.

What is The ProSource Podcast?

Creating a design concept for a kitchen or remodeling an outdated bathroom requires an understanding of the products and services available to those looking to undertake such a project. The ProSource Podcast breaks down the home remodeling industry and highlights the merchandise and experience that it requires to achieve your vision. Join ProSource Director of Digital Marketing Content Kevin Devine, as he speaks with those who facilitate the ideal project and offer valuable information for how to choose the ideal products and services that transform your ideas into reality.

Welcome back to another episode

of The ProSource Podcast.

In true summer fashion,

we have to talk about outdoor spaces.

Since 2020,

trends in outdoor

living have continued to skyrocket,

and we have worked with our trade pros

and homeowners

to ensure

they're not only getting the best bang

for their buck inside the home,

but also outside of the home in outdoor


So today we have two

very special guests on.

First, we are welcoming

one of our designer trade pro members,

Yvonne Valencia.

She is the owner of Yvonne

Valencia Design

in the LA and Orange

County area in California.

Then I will be talking to Phil Graves.

He is the Director of Sales

for Outdoor Living for Dal Tile.

So let's go ahead and dive in.


we have Yvonne Valencia on.

She is the owner of

Valencia Design and Interior

Design studio in California,

and she provides

organized design processes

that create personally curated

and functional rooms.

Yvonne, you provide a ton of services.

I was looking at your website,

your Instagram.

Everything looks great by the way.

Well, thanks.

What would you say

are the most common services

that you provide?

week to week, week to week?

we specialize in residential design,

but we do small commercial spaces

as well.

And honestly,

being here in Southern California,

I get a lot of requests

to kind of push those boundaries

out to the outdoors.

So I would say, you know,

we have specialties,

but clients will request

just about anything from us

if they feel comfortable.

And if we think that we can

handle it, we'll take it on.


And that's great

because today's episode is all

about the outdoor spaces of a home.

so we're really excited

to have you on and talk a little bit

about outdoor spaces.

I know that the pandemic really changed

how homeowners view their outdoor space.


of course, people had, you know,

beautiful decking and

and everything before then.

but with people

being forced to stay home,

it made them look at.

Okay, how can I make my home

a little bit more interesting?

So I'm not going crazy.

from your experience,

how much has that changed

since the pandemic started?

How do you think it has affected

the way that homeowners

think about remodeling? It?

Well, here in California

and Southern California,

you know, outdoor

living has always

been a part of our life.

and I know from having friends

and family in other states

where the weather's different,

it also forced them to get creative

with whatever outdoor space they had.

but since most of our business

is here

in Southern California,

I mean, we've always

been a culture of pools and barbecues

and being outside a lot.

But I think in particular,

the pandemic really forced people

to create

little personal sanctuaries

and staycations,

you know,

forced us to have a lot of staycations


really just turn our backyards, spaces

into personal resorts.

So I see more people asking for more

bells and whistles,

you know, more kitchens.

that rather than just a simple barbecue,

or water features, covered areas,

just anything

that's an extension of of their home.

and I think that a lot of that

does come back to the pandemic

and forcing us to get creative

with the spaces that we were in,

you know, with our families.


How do you tend to navigate

the needs versus

the ones of homeowners

that are looking for

the perfect outdoor space?

Do you

what do you learn about

the homeowners first

that help you inform

those needs and ones?


Well, I think

as in any design project,

we ask a lot of questions.

You know,

we sit down with the homeowner

first before we start any of the process

and the questions like,

do you have young kids?

Are you, empty nesters?

How long are you going

to live in that house?

Because that's going to really determine

how much you're going

to want to spend as well.

So, you know, what are the what are

what are their hobbies

and most importantly,

what is their budget.

So just same questions that we would

ask with any other space

for sure and try

to really get to know

the homeowner and even

and I think also what's important

and why they're contacting

a professional

is to also make recommend recommendations

about things that

maybe they didn't know they wanted,

they didn't know they needed.

So I think that's

what we bring

to the table of professionals as well.

Yeah for sure. That's great.

So while we're newer in the outdoor

space, ProSource,

we are expanding our product lines

to offer more

and more each year,

especially since 2021.

How have you seen ProSource

help you in

creating the perfect outdoor

spaces for your clients?

Well, I joke around.

I say I'm here a lot.

I'm actually here at our

at our North Orange

County store right now with our,

you know, amazing

rep, my account manager,

Pam and store manager, Rachel.

So I'm here a lot to begin with.

And the reason

why that's important

is because

I get to see when new products come in,

you know, new displays, events.

Events you're at

the store are really good place and time

to come and look around and also talk

directly to the to the

to the vendors sometimes

and ask questions.

you know, I, I recently saw a display

that they had brought out

from a company called Nature Cast,

which is an outdoor, you know, cabinet,

beautiful wood, like barbecue cabinets.

And I wouldn't have known about that

brand at all

if it wasn't here on the store.

And, you know,

they did this beautiful display

and it really.

And I happened

it happened to coincide

with a client that I was doing

the inside of this home,

and we were moving to the outside.

And before I knew it,

he was asking me to

design the outdoor space.

And he wanted,

you know, the an amazing barbecue.

And because I saw that nature cast,

you know, display here in the store,

it really got my wheels turning.

And I started asking about the product.

Tell me a little bit

more about this product.

And then they had an event here,

and I was able to talk

to the vendor directly

and say, well, I have this product,

you know,

and I,

you know, this product might be a fit.

So definitely asking your your

account manager

constantly for help and advice and,

just getting as much information

as you can about the products.

They're just able to step in and help

provide us with so many,

so many materials

and items that we can use.

For sure.

I feel like having

that extra set of eyes out there

looking at products helps

because there's so much.

Yeah, it's probably

very overwhelming to even think about

how many is out there.

but having extra sets of eyes

that can recommend

some products definitely help.

Oh yeah, and the product knowledge,

because it's impossible

as designers

to know every single product

that's coming out

and not only know that it's coming out

and that it's popular,

but what it's made of,

what the warranty is. Yeah.

And those are all things that you

you pick your account managers brain.

Honestly, I do, I know I do.

I pick her brain

and I try to get as much product

knowledge as I can.

That's awesome. Yeah.

So when building or even rebuilding

a deck,

it's more complicated

than many may realize.

Why do you think it's important

to have an experienced trade pro

who has built a deck before?

Build the deck for someone

who has experience in other areas

but hasn't necessarily built the deck.

Well, finding the

contractor with deck

experience is super important

because knowing building codes,

first of all, knowing the code. Yeah.

And for example, here in California

we have a lot of seismic requirements,

a lot of earthquake damage.

So we've got you know,

they've got to know

what's going to

what's going to stand up to that.

things like leveling up properly,

you know, railing height,

things like that,

that even as a designer,

things we might not know.

So we rely,

we rely

definitely on our experience contractors

to do things like that. Right?

Even even if you're using

a composite material,

they all have different requirements

for their spacing.

and if you just get somebody

that doesn't have the experience,

it might not.

I mean, you're investing

all this money

decks are very, very pricey.

And if they're not done right,

it's not a good investment.


They could fall

and could even create

like a safety issue too.


And even just,

you know,

not installing the sub

flooring properly,

is not going to give you the life of,

you know, the some huge investment

that you're making.

So I think it's really important

to get someone with experience and,

and know their stuff in that department.

Yeah, I couldn't agree more.

year after year, outdoor kitchens

continue to be the hot item

on everyone's outdoor

remodeling wish list.

You just talked about. cabinets.

And I think outdoor kitchens definitely

is one that skyrocketed with Covid.


why do you think they continue

to be so sought after?

What are some aspects that homeowners

should consider before choosing

to have an outdoor kitchen

put in their backyard or in their space?

Well, I think for the reason

of wanting to have it,

I think there's something

about cooking outside,

you know, when you feel like you're

you're a part of the action.

You know, kids are in the pool,

you're entertaining.

So cooking outside

is really almost like

the American way of life.

Like it's

something that we do,

that we enjoy doing.

And so just like anything else,

that area has grown so much with,

you know, better technology

and better products.

so I think that, for example,

something that people don't consider,

they don't think about

is the vent proper ventilation.

Like you need to have

people forget

if you're going to have

a very enclosed space

and you have a big outdoor kitchen,

what is your ventilation like?

If you have a lower ceiling,

are you going to put in a hood?

some homeowner homeowners

I did a large California,

what we call

California rooms here in California's

big spaces with without windows.

But really as

they're kind of extensions of the home

and like a big outdoor living area.

And we did a big kitchen

and I said to the client, well,

what about ventilation?

You're going to need a hood.

And they said, oh,

we don't really like the look of that.

You know, we're not going to

we're not going to do that.

So what was interesting

was trying to figure out

where can we place this kitchen

right next to an opening,

a big window without,

you know, without a window

that they can have proper ventilation.

So also homeowners are looking for,

for like I said before,

more bells and whistles.

They're looking for the fridge, the sink,

the cooler drawer.

I have one client

who said he wanted a beer dispenser

in his outdoor kitchen.

You know, that's great.

Yeah, yeah,

it's getting very personalized.

and and homeowners

and designers

and, you know,

professionals are getting more,

I think, creative with the outdoor


Yeah. For sure. That reminded me.

I saw

I was scrolling on TikTok the other day,

and I saw somebody put, like, a soda,

like a fountain soda

dispenser in their kitchen. Yeah.

They'll send, for their Diet Coke.

Yeah. And that just reminded me of that.


Yeah, it's definitely

people are getting way more personalized

with what they, what they want to have.

Your arms are.

And then vendors are getting really good

at offering more things.

You know, like I go

back to that nature cast

barbecue that we did,

and there were all these different bells

and whistles that you could put into it.

And, you know, there's

beautiful barbecues

that are done in metal or done.

And, you know,

sometimes on the,

you know, in with stucco on the spot

and there's just so many different things

that you can put into it now.

And with things like Pinterest, right.

Clients were realizing that,

oh, I saw this great item.

I want to put this in.

I want to incorporate this too.

Yeah, well,

there's just so many ideas

on the internet

as well to kind of

get your juices flowing.

Yeah. For sure. Definitely.


features like pools,

splash pads, outdoor showers,

they're constantly being built to provide

that relaxation to the space.

What challenges

have you seen people run into

when they're installing these type

of water features in their backyard,

and how have they have overcome them?

Oh, I'm sure contractors have.

Yeah, I'm not a contractor,

but I work with them

and I know that they've had

there's so many issues that can

that can come up with that.

we recently did a really beautiful,

outdoor shower that was like Bali style.

The client said,

I want it to feel like folly back here.

And it's this amazing backyard

that we did with a

tiki hut and,

you know, grotto in the pool.

and one of the things is, first,

with the shower area,

it was like an open.

It's an open tropical

shower surrounded in bamboo,

with stacked stone

and, like, trickling water.

It's beautiful.

But originally the client

said, oh, it's okay

if we don't do running hot water.

We'll just do cold water.

And then after it was built,

he pivoted and said, no, you know what?

I do want hot water back here.

So then it was kind of like, okay,

I guess back to the drawing board.

You know, let's put in what do we do?

We put in a small water heater back here

like a separate little system.

So there's always things

that you have to kind of pivot

and and be a problem

problem solver and water features or it's

no different, you know.


The the other thing is

statically from a design

standpoint, is really making

these water feature feel organic,

like not just like we just put this water

feature here because,

you know, they wanted a fountain.

You know, part of

it is always making it

feel organic into the space.

And how do these features,

you know, build into the landscape

and really feel like they're

part of a cohesive design?

So it starts with the planning,

the planning

and the design of these features

and then the implementation,

which has its own challenges

for sure.


What is

trending in the outdoor space

that we should keep an eye on?

Oh, you know what?

actually, here in California, again,

I didn't speak from California

is that we have a lot of,

ADUs being built, additional

dwelling units,

and I, I don't know

if that's big and,

you know, other parts of the country,

but here it's really

they're allowing people to add, you know,

extra little homes in their backyards,

in their own backyards,

and you can Airbnb them.

You can rent them out separately.

it's a big trend here.

But what I see is,

what I see is people

using these as like, pool cabanas

and making these

amazing pool cabanas

that are like

little extensions of your home

that are a separate unit

that you can enjoy year round.

Like I said, you can Airbnb them.

You can enjoy them

during your pool season.

so something like that.

Like really cool

little pool

cabanas are really hot right now.

That is amazing.

You can you can do

you can go on Pinterest

and check them out.

People have them all over the country.

So that that I've seen that's

really amazing.

That's awesome.

Yeah, that would be definitely

a nice feature to have.

And yeah, it really is. Yeah.

And you can enjoy it.

You know,

depending on what part of the country

you live.

And you can use it as a guest home or,

you know, using your own. Yeah for sure.

Budget is always at the top

of the list of importance.

how have you seen trade pros

navigate a client's

budgetary issues

when they're creating their perfect

outdoor space?

I have any of their stories?

Well, yes.

I mean,

I think clients are always surprised,

when it comes to budget, I think

especially outdoor spaces

can get very, very pricey.

And they're

they're always surprised

you know, at at what it's going to cost.

the most important thing with budget

is, is really to try to narrow down

their wants versus their needs.


Because clients will come to you

with so many wants,

but then their budget

doesn't really match that.

So I think really narrowing down,

sitting down with them

and being realistic

about their, their budget,

when it comes to the outside,

like for example,

you know, trees are very plants

and trees are very expensive

when they're mature.

So maybe

going with plants and trees

that are not as mature

can save some money

on the budget

that you can allocate somewhere else,

but definitely sitting down with them

and discussing

wants versus needs and designing.

That's why working,

I think, with the designer

and other

professionals is really important,

and not just trying to DIY it,

because you have to plan out

where everything's going

and where the budget's going,

and where maybe you can make compromise,

you know, and, and use better

material over here.

But maybe we can come up

with an alternative for this.

But and yeah,

I think that's almost every client,

you know, they start off

they start off here

and then we go here

or they start off here

and then we wind up here.

So yeah.

Yeah, it's definitely every

every client is different though.

You know,

prioritizing prioritizing and really.


And really being realistic again

about your wants versus your needs. Yeah.

You know

you may not be able

to put a Grecian temple in your backyard.

You know, we want to.


We just had built in

another client's backyard.

So. Yeah.

they just yeah.

That's goals.

Yeah, definitely.

Oh, this backyard is, is,

you know, was not a typical

is not a typical project.

We did. Yeah.

I think almost just about everything

and anything.

And the budget did go from low to high

because they had like a, like a slope

in their backyard

that we didn't really know

what to do with.

And we wound up, like,

doing stairs into the slope and adding,

you know, other little like,

terraces up there.

So yeah,

yeah, the projects sometimes grow

like right in front of you

because you start off with one thing

and then and it gets bigger.

So, yeah, really, how did this happen?

Yeah. How did this happen?

But that's because the client

had the budget for that.

Where other clients come to you

with these great ideas,

but you need to make it happen

within a realistic budget.

And I think that's where we shine.

I think that that coming up with,

you know,

having a great contractor or a designer

that can help guide you

to make things a reality

without breaking the bank,

you know, or

going to borrow more money or,

you know, that's yeah, pay for ourselves.

I think in that

in that regard,

it's definitely more realistic.

people can relate more to those projects.

I'm sure when you're trying to

maneuver around a budget

to create your space

and still make it look great and work.


And not

and not make it uncomfortable for them,

you know, in budgetary terms, yeah.

Definitely some. That's great.

so with this episode

being about the perfect

outdoor space, it's important

to say

that it might be different for everyone

and may require them to aim for good

rather than perfect.

Kind of like what

we just talked about with.

Depending on their budget,

they might have to scale back

what they initially wanted.

what do you think makes, in your opinion,

what do you think

makes the outdoor space perfect

for a particular homeowner,

regardless of space or,

budget constraints?

I think we need to really ask them

how they live in their space.

You know,

what is their work schedule like?

What is their family like?

Again, like we said it,

like I said at the beginning,

asking a lot of questions

and trying to figure out,

do you really need that or this?

Or can we recommend something that

speaks more to them?

And it might be a client

that has a huge backyard,

you know, an acre backyard,

or it might be a client

that just has a tiny patio

and really making that space perfect

for them

and fitting

as much as you

possibly can into that

space is really what

what makes it perfect for them.

You know,

just every like I said, every client

and every project is so different

and you have to try to meet

their particular needs.

And a lot of

that is just really getting

to know your client,

you know, asking the right questions

and coming up with solutions for them.

Yes. Yeah, absolutely.

And we've we've talked about it

a little bit already.

But I mean you're at a pro source

right now. You're at your passwords.

how long have you been

working with pro source

with your business?

I've been working with ProSource.

I think I'm going on maybe three years.

Okay. Awesome.

Yeah, yeah. Cool, cool.

What are some of the benefits that you

take advantage of the most

being a member at ProSource?

Oh, boy.

they help

me with my business in general with,

I would say with everything.

like I said,

I have a great account manager

shout out to Pam and Rachel

to the store manager here.


here in Southern California, they're it's

we're in the Los Angeles

Orange County area.

It's very expensive.

So one of the things

that they help me with is I no longer

have to run from showroom

to showroom to showroom.

And I think that that's one thing

that that a lot of contractors

and designers

would appreciate

is that

when we're working product for a project,

you usually have to go to 4 or 5, six

different showrooms all over town.

And just to get from A to B, right

is an hour.

Sometimes it's a different show.

But to say that I like

it is so, so the sourcing in one place,

first of all, is has been a game changer,

to be honest with you.

And then also the product knowledge

like we mentioned before,

like you hear about a new product,

but you don't have time

to learn everything about that product.


your account manager has probably if,

if Prosource carries it,

they've already gotten

some information on it,

or maybe they've used it on projects,

or maybe they can

point you to a better product.

so I think it's, it's they've become

an extension of my business, honestly.

You know,

I love walking in

for inspiration because,

you know, displays are changing.

So the inspiration, the product knowledge

and really just

saving us time, saving the time

in sourcing

from different,

a variety of different places.

And like I said beforehand, I would go

have to go to one place

for cabinets

and one place for countertops

and one place for this

and one place for that.

And the sourcing just became,

you know, so much time and energy.

So it's kind of a one

stop shop for a lot of things.

So that's why I had time

and expertise and, product knowledge.

Those are, those are the top.


So it's been it's

been a game changer for me. Honestly.

That's great. Yeah. Time is everything.

If you can save some time,

I know for me, sometimes I'm like,

I don't have enough time in the day

so you can save some.

That's awesome. Yeah, yeah.


for any new trade pros

that are listening to this, that

maybe they just

started working with Prosource

or they're not working with us yet

or partnering with us yet.

looking at specifically the

outdoor space of our business,

like I said,

at the pro source, you're out right now.

We definitely have an outdoor,

like staple.

I have an outdoor display.

Yeah, some of our showrooms don't.

So that's like evolving.

As you know, the needs are there.

what would you say

about the outdoor area pro stores?

What should trade pros

know about it and pro source?

I think what you need to know

is that there's more available

than you think.

So whether you have, nice display,

outdoor display

like they do here in North Orange County,

or you're somewhere in the country

where your pro stores

doesn't have a lot of things

on display yet.

Just know that you can ask that.

You can maybe source things

somewhere else.

You can source things online,

or you can source things

you know

through other,

other means, or get ideas online

and contact

your account manager and ask them,

because I actually do that a lot.


not only with outdoor product,

but with other products.

I'll say I'll call my account

rep and say, you know what,

I need this for this product.

Can you get it?

And she'll say, I don't know.

Let me check.

We might.

And a lot of the times they can get it.

So even if you're used to sourcing,

you know, sourcing outdoor products

somewhere else,

ask your account

manager and say,

I really use this product a lot.

Can you guys get it?

And yeah,

I would say

a lot of the times

they beat the pricing as well.

So that's big for us.

we didn't

we haven't even really skimmed.

You know,

we talked about the service

and not having to run

all over town for product,

but also the pricing.

The pricing is really great

for your clients.

Your clients are going to save money

and you're going to save time.

So ask,

I would say for new pros,

even if you don't see it in the store,

just ask because

they might be able to get it

for sure.

And that's

I would say like, oh,

a reason why some showrooms don't have

as many outdoor

displays up

is because they don't think

their trade pros are needing it.

But if a trade pro

calls their account manager,

they're having a lot of that discussion.

That's when the showrooms like, okay,

we need to really like

get all on board

with our outdoor living area.

yeah. So that's smart.

That's smart.

Because so many times we get

we start one project

for a client that might be inside,

and before you know, it,

they're asking us

if we can do the outside.

So I feel like that happens a lot

from what it does to trade pros

I've talked to.


we had a project happen where,

we actually just did, like,

a YouTube video,

like a producer video over it.


one of the clients of our trade

pro wanted to do their decking.

And while they were fixing the decking,

they noticed that the doors to

the decking

and then another set of doors

at the house was

they were just falling apart.

So then they ended up adding

that onto the project.

So I feel like,


it just is ever going sometimes like,

oh wait, we know

that's also yes, it really snowballs.


And before you know it,

you're working on something.

You know your scope.

You know we joke around and tour design

and we call it scope creep

or you know, it.

It's like, oh,

this wasn't in the scope,

but I have to go back

and talk to the client about it

because they need it.

So there's a scope creep

and and I do think that sometimes,

you know,

the backyard is really part of that

because you're working on a room

that might be adjacent to it.

And then all of a sudden

they say, you know what?

I realized?

We really want to redo our deck,

or we want some water features

or even like an outdoor shower

that I was telling you

that we recently built in the Bali

style backyard

and and it was all an original design,

you know, it was like composite

decking with pebbles

and bamboo surround

and stacked stone, shower area with,

you know, a

rain, head

rain, you know, kind of waterfall,

rain head shower.

So it just really does snowball into

I have this idea and I have that idea.

So yeah, it's a good problem to have.

It's a good problem to have.

You just

you need to feel like

you have a resources for it.


You know,

I think you shouldn't jump into anything

unless you have resources for it.

So like again,

pro sports is a good resource

because you can always go back and say,

can you get me this?

Can you get me that?

You know, it's

it's a good it's a good resource.

Well, thank you so much, Yvonne,

for hopping on today

and joining us for the episode.

we really appreciate it.

Make sure to, where can people find you?

I, I saw your Instagram, but share.

Yeah, people can find you

if they're listening.

I have a house pro account that's,

Yvonne Valencia design.

And also I do a,

you know, post a lot on Instagram

almost daily.

And it's Yvonne Valencia

underscore design

or at Yvonne Valencia underscore design.

And those are

I have a Facebook

also account with Yvonne Valencia design.

But those are the main places to find me.

And you can email me

with any questions about,

you know, potential projects

that you might have.

We do offer you design as well.

So if you're in another

part of the country,

we've worked on projects,

virtually with clients in New York

and Northern California,

and we do a lot of,

you know, can do a lot for people

just through internet,

you know, email and,

and telephone calls

and getting measurements

and specs from clients.

And we're able to plug it in

and really provide them

with a cohesive design

with our design platform.

So how do you do different ways

of getting a hold of us?

Yes. Perfect.

Thank you so much again.

And, have a great day.

Thank you.

Thank you I appreciate it.

This is this was fun. But

we're going to

go ahead and

switch things over to Phil Graves.

He is the director of sales

and outdoor living for DalTile,

which is perfect for this episode.

This episode

talking all about outdoor spaces.

I know with Covid,

I feel like that

really, jumped us into the outdoor living

area of just like improving your home.

I don't know about you,

but I've heard

I've only been

with Prosource since October,

but I've heard that when Covid happened,

the spike in outdoor living, necessity

just, like, went up.

would you agree with that 100%?

It absolutely skyrocketed.

And in some of those,

you know, manufacturers of materials

that have traditionally been used

in outdoor

living spaces,

they found themselves

16, 20 weeks in back order.

The demand was so, oh, wow.

That's that's crazy to know.

That's insane.

And would you say that's

probably still just riding

along that line of popularity,

or is it dipping a little bit?

It's going off a bit where it's not.

So everybody's so frantic

to try to get it done right away.


but that that space is still very,

very steady with work.

And it certainly hasn't dipped back down

to pre-COVID levels,

which were already quite good.

Okay, perfect.

Well let's start

with tiling for outdoors.

outdoor tiling inspires

design directly into the space.

How do you balance

the demands of creative designs,

how a tile looks

with the performance

that you need from the product?

Yeah, that's a great question Molly.

And basically

we look at two two main categories

like safety and then selection.

I would shield

what's the design of the space.

So typically we want to have frost proof

porcelain used

or an appropriate natural stone.

There should be the most

commonly selected materials

for outdoor flooring. Anyway.

and then from there

another safety aspect

is the slip and skid

resistance of the industry

wants to have

a dynamic coefficient

of friction over 0.6.

So you got to check with the manufacturer

to make sure

that that's going to be the case,

or even

especially an importer

that's bringing it in from a country

that maybe has a different

slip and skid standard.

but, from there,

you know,


very well aware of the slip

and skid requirements.

And so we don't offer

anything for outdoors

that don't meet those requirements.

And in that selection of

that basket of products,

we've got a huge variety

of different sizes,

different visuals,

different colors,

so really endless design capability.

And then finally,

something to consider

depending on

how much sun

your outdoor area is going to get,

light colors

tend to keep things

a little cooler outside,

a little cooler underfoot

for sure.

I didn't even think about that.

Would you

would you say that

a lot of people are keeping their tiles

under shade?

For the most part,

it just so there really varies depending

on what's around the backyard,

you know, the orientation

of the house, etc..

Okay, perfect.

So you touched a little bit

about performance.

Speaking of which,

what technological advancements

has that DalTile made year over year

for outdoor tiling,

and how has that informed

your indoor collection as well?

Yeah, it's great.

That's great.

well, I think

honestly, one of the biggest

not necessarily in advance,

but one of the biggest things

we did in terms of technology

is, we're very careful

about selecting our vendor partners.

And so we know that the outdoor

environment brings

different performance challenges.

So, for example, we work with my pay

and have created

warranty systems

for outdoor installations

using established ECMA, Tile Council

and North America standards

that already exist.

So, that really allows

prosource customer

at that point

to use their same labor on an indoor

and used on an outdoor install,

using established standards

and really creating

a competitive advantage

for that installer

and a more seamless experience

for the homeowner.

so that's been a big one for us

in terms of installation

partners, installation product partners.

We also started manufacturing

some of our TCM

porcelain pavers here in the States,

and then our floor tiles

that have a proprietary

technology called stepwise

that's a

very nice technological advancement

that allows you to take your floor

tile outdoors

and have slip and skid resistance.

But this one in particular

doesn't create

a lot of additional maintenance

in terms of trying to keep it clean.

So those are some of the main events.


I just

did a,

podcast episode with Corinthia Runge

from DalTile,

and We did one over our bathrooms.

and she talked about

step wise in the bathroom

and how popular that product is.

And, and it's it's great that you can

you can use it outdoors

also in your bathroom too.

Two of the most like slip,

the places you need,

you know, to worry

about slipping and falling.

Yeah, yeah, those are those places


you know, it's a great

it's a great technology

and really

a broad

variety of visuals available therein.

Okay. Cool.

So pavers

have really taken off in recent years.

How has all tile

led the pack in this

trend in outdoor spaces.


Gonna go back to some of the

like the installation systems.

But really the overall right now

the tiles

exteriors program is really by far

the most robust

in the tile industry

in terms of the products we have.


the fact that we've got our own company

manufactured pavers

from our plants in both Italy

and here in the US,

we offer complete turnkey

installation systems

for the whole spectrum

of installation options.

And we've got,

absolute expertise both on staff

and with our vendor partners

that can help train

prosource contractors and customers

that are looking to grow their business

from the indoors

to the outdoors, extend the business

and increase their profitability.

You talked a little bit

about some of our trade pros,

and the educational piece

that DalTile offers is amazing.

What feedback

have you heard from homeowners and trade

professionals that have helped shape

the outdoor collection?

Yeah, I'd say, you know, for one,

the desire for lighter

colors has been a big ask.

As we said earlier,

it helps keeping the to help

keep the flooring cooler.

indoor outdoor design

coordination has been a big one.

Two very, very hot right now.

you know, we can do that

with stepwise

or textured floor

tiles or move up to our two cm

porcelain pavers.

A lot of natural stones can accomplish

this look as well.

That blurring the line

between indoors

and out really hot in design right now.

you know, we've got,

the ability to have concrete

looks, woodland stonework,

variety of different sizes,

the ability to create patterns.



with vertical elements

is also been

a big ask from,

homeowners and contractors.

We certainly have that in spades.

And then finally, another thing

I think that's really important

is when you're outside

trim profiles like a pool coping

or a finished front long edge

on a stair tread.

So we've got, in stock profile options

as well.

Okay. Awesome.

And I know we've talked a little bit

about this already.

Is there anything else

that has made tile's outdoor tiling

stand out

near those water features

like pools, splash pads

and outdoor showers?

Yeah, sure.

Molly, just,

have have

everybody go take a look

at our exteriors website

and see just what's on it,

because there is a lot

I mean,

just a huge array of gorgeous products

for all types of features,

including water features.

So we've got above and below

the waterline tiles, right.

The tiles to do the entire tank

of the pool if you want to.

we've got glass mosaics, glass panels,

natural stone

glazed porcelain tile and panels.

really lots of different options

for those

have outdoor environments,

even in freestyle

conditions, to create

just stunning signature projects.

Even larger panoramic

porcelain tiles for walking for longer

water line, fewer

and fewer

grout lines,

you know, a more, cohesive look.

and they can also be used to create

water features, privacy walls.

and again, you know,

like we partnered

with my pay for, you know, bonding,

paving on the floor.

We also partnered

with my pay

for specific water feature

warranty systems.

And that's really important

because it's going to be constantly wet.

You're not using the appropriate products

for setting and grout material outside.

You're going to get efflorescence

running all over the place,

and it's a real eyesore,

if you use the wrong materials.


even if you just want to window

shop that website.

All of all tiles, imagery showcasing

all the products is just like

house goals. Like one,


Yes. Yeah.

So I'm like, one day maybe. Yeah.

It's like a dream outdoor living area.

okay, so let's focus on outdoor

kitchens now.

with Covid,

we talked about a little bit.

Everyone started

wanting to build their outdoor space

with the trending nature

of outdoor kitchens,

how has all tile shaped

its outdoor collection

for outdoor back splashes?


Good question. Me.

And in general

we tend to lean into frost proof products

if we're going to take them outside,

even though the kitchen might be,

you know, undercover and semi protected

and in those types of products

with that lovely thin brick,

we've got two by eight

tiles, three by nine tiles.

We've got a new series called remedy.

It's glazed porcelain.

It's really, really a gorgeous product.

And has taken off in popularity,

not only for outdoor backsplash, it's

but we can really wrap

the entire kitchen cabinetry

with a lot of different products, too.

but interestingly,

that remedy

is also taken off as a waterline.


Which sort of led to a trend where,

you know, rather

than maybe your backsplash

and your outdoor

kitchen pulling from your indoor

kitchen before

you can actually tie it,

for example, to the water

line, tile your pool

so you can come up a little bit more fun,


kind of looks for your outdoor spaces

that generally tend

to be a little bit less formal.

I know for sure I've.

I've looked at your guys's products,

even in our Saint Louis showroom

and the way that, you know,

a backsplash can be

also be used for a pool tile,

or in the pool.

There's just so many different ways

you can use it.

And so being able to repeat

maybe the same tile for your

your kitchen

backsplash also in the pool

that really like ties

everything together.


It really makes a nice cohesive,

you know, environment

for your outdoor enjoyment. Yes.

so with these outdoor kitchens comes

the need for outdoor countertops.

How does it all tile,

outdoor countertops?

How do they meet the temperature

and durability needs of homeowners?

Yeah. Great question Molly.

And you know, often

this is kind of an overlooked element

when designing the backyard space

because, you know,

historically it's either

been like a poured

concrete countertop or, you know,

hopefully a really dense

type of natural stone.


those are just sort of,

you know, the old faithful

go to for everybody.

but we've got products

in our currently our,

you know, our favorite one for an outdoor

countertop is panoramic porcelain.

So it's porcelain.

So it has all the same

performance characteristics

as the pavers

that we've been talking about, you know?


it just has a stunning array of visuals

available. They're very large slabs.

You put a safety backer on the back,

and it makes a perfect,

outdoor countertop.

But I also have a little bit

of a spoiler alert

for, for you, Molly,

and for everybody listening.

We're about to launch large slabs

of countertop

slabs of porcelain

that are two centimeters thick.

But the real magic is the veining goes

all the way through.

So if you do a cutout for,

you know, under my sink on the counter,

that exposed edge

that's been cut,

the veins are going to still be there,

just like a natural stone.

So that's instantly

going to be the best countertop

material on the market.

It's going to look great, too.

I'm doing it.

Not all edges with it,

you know, to make a really nice

or upscale outdoor environment.

Yes for sure.

Would you say just moving towards

something like that away

from what we used to see,

just like concrete

pouring for countertops.

What has inspired that trend

to really like move to the forefront?

And it's designed

I think,

just basically

when people again, Covid

was kind of a big deal about this.

But as people started moving outside,

a couple of things happened.

One, some of the more

traditional materials

were in short supply,

so people were looking for other

for other options.

but then a lot of people

that hadn't really considered outdoor

living that much in the past

maybe aren't your most outdoor

living kind of folks,

but kind of got into it.

You know, they start

they don't have some of the same biases.

So they really

people really wanted

to have very low maintenance,

indoor quality,

esthetic outdoor living spaces.

People just weren't looking.

And we've got it now for sure.

That's great.

How has that style helped

make outdoor tiling achievable

for any homeowners budget?

Well, you know, we we see it.

We just kind of

talked about a little bit.

But these like

elegant outdoor spaces, sometimes

when you see them you're like

I don't know

if I'll ever get to that point.

Like, Will I ever have enough money

for something so elegant like that?

But are there products that,

you know are a little bit

more achievable?


dull tile makes it really easy

for any

homeowner to kind of get a little taste

of that kind of elegant outdoor space,

but on a budget.

Yeah, absolutely. Molly.

I mean, we've got products

seeded in sort of your,

you know, your traditional

good better back kind of buckets.

But that good bucket is still already

very very good.

So for example

if you're looking at your outdoor floor

and you want to put some tile on it,

we've talked earlier about textured

porcelain floor tile.

We've talked about stepwise.

Those are both really,

really nice

offerings at the really competitive

price points

or an entry level price point.

Then from there, you move up,

you know,

you know, into your,

you really those kind of good and better

for texture, good stepwise better.

Then you get into TCM

and your natural stones

is your best level.

but in all honesty,

those aren't necessarily

that expensive either are made in USA.

TCM is very, very price competitive.

And if you look at other materials

that you would be comparing against,

you know, locally sourced natural stones,

a lot of concrete pavers

and things like that,

the the price point

difference is almost nonexistent

in a lot of cases.

Okay. Awesome.

That's good to know.

I'm keeping that in my mind for when I'm

I'm putting together

an outdoor space in my future.

what product innovations?

from DalTile

can take an outdoor

remodel to the next level?


Basically, just

the offering in general is so broad.


Yeah, designs

about anything that you want.

So we've got a huge range of designs

and sizes,

in just our two CM pavers, for example.


one of the most extensive offerings

in North America today.

They take our stepwise styles

and all the different sizes and formats

and those

and there's just a tremendous

amount of looks that you can achieve.

Just kind of an interesting one.

we've partnered with Oceanside Glass

on a collection of glass

mosaics, offers and the ability

to go onto our website,

customize the sheet however you want,

you know, make different colors

in different percentage, for example.

And it's got an extremely low,

minimum order quantity

of just one carton. Right.

So that's a really a cool way

to create a little customized extra pop

and kind of glitz

and glamor in your backyard

at a really accessible price point.

And then,

a lot of folks in your audience

right now

are already doing

project work

where they've got connectivity

to other trades.

Right? Like plumbers, electricians.

You need those outside, too.

So, you could partner with a plumber

and create, you know, relatively,

you know,

affordable entry level feature

like an outdoor shower, right?

It's like the ultimate entry level pool.

If a pool is not in the budget

and outdoor shower

that when really every home in America

should have an outdoor

shower and a petrol station

right next to it?


that's yeah, that's a dream scenario.

I especially like the outdoor pet station

not having to throw my dog

in the bathtub.


it seems a little bit nicer outside,

and I try to try to keep him

corralled in the bathroom until you see.

Oh, yes.

We got to make sure all the

doors are closed. We

gotta, like,

always look at him and tell him to stay.


so what specific designs or.

Sorry, what

Pacific products

in the outdoor space for a tile?

Have you seen like, sell

the most in 2024 so far?

Like what has been

number one top selling product or some of

the products?



you know, the

the two C,

porcelain pavers

are kind of the foundational product

of our exteriors line.

And so, as we said,

generally lighter colors.

But we recently came out with a new

is called virtual.

And it has two colors

and sort of a marble visual

that's taken off,

that's taken off really fast,

especially the lighter color.

And then we also have one

that's frankly a darker color.

but it has a ton of variation.

It's called Lanesboro.

And it comes in two sizes,

12 by 24 and 24 by 24,

but it replicates a full color range

Pennsylvania blue stone.

So yeah, it's really gorgeous.

Yeah. Gorgeous product.

and you know, it allows you to say

you live in Southern California.

A truckload of Pennsylvania

blue stones

can be pretty pricey to get out there,

but now you can have it a lower

price point,

you know, more,

easily, easy to install format.

And then you get the long term lasting

benefits of porcelain as a material, too.

So that one has really taken off,

quite a bit for sure.

That's great.

So Daltile has been a fantastic partner

for Prosource.

we thoroughly enjoy

working with you all.

Can you elaborate on why

DalTile continues

to be one of our partners

and sells products with us?

Yeah, absolutely.

Yeah. We're, a downtown.

We're very proud of our long legacy

relationship with CCI global

and the ProSource team.

We have always operated

with a high level of professionalism,

and we certainly enjoy

that aspect of the relationship.

And then we believe that

we offer a full complement

of products

and services that fit

well with the pro sauce model,

because we recognize

the reach of the pro

sauce has into the Pro

into the Pro installer segment.

So we're honored to be a trusted

vendor partner

to the Pro Sauce team,

working together

for a long time, for decades.

And in fact and,

we're certainly proud to continue

that relationship now.

Thanks for that awesome. Yeah. Thank you.

One last question.

Looking into 2025, where are we heading?

And outdoor tiling.

What are you

what are you thinking

that's going to happen.

Yeah I mean protection.


Sky's the limit model.

It truly is.

I mean we're seeing,

you know, strong,

strong trends

in the world of outdoor living,

both residential and commercially.

here's an interesting one to me.

I think, we see that the TNA

is investing time

and effort

into establishing

outdoor installation standards.

It'll help more tile contractors

move into the world of outdoor living,

and we're participating

in that effort as well.

And honestly,

you know,

you know, for your customers,

it's really a logical extension

of their business

and a great gateway

to improving their own profitability.

Our program collection of products

and installation

methods and contractor education, right,

so that we're ready to support

the Prosource team,

expand into the great outdoors.

And, Molly,

as we like to say

all the time here in downtown,

especially the exteriors program,

let's take it outside.

Yes, I love that.


we look forward to growing our outdoor

living area

and all of our showrooms as well.

I know it's an ongoing journey, I guess.

not every single one of our

showrooms has an outdoor living's,


where they're offering outdoor

living products, but,

I know just from hearing

from our product

merchandizing team

that that's

one of our goals

is to extend

that to all of our showrooms.

So we look forward

to growing that with you guys.

Yeah, I guess certainly we do too.

And really,

you know, those

that don't have that type of,

you know, display in their showroom

right now,

just tell them that the space is outdoors

or bigger.

The AC views on the products

tend to be higher.

And you can do

two jobs in one trip, right?

You can do that inside

left website at the same time,

same labor.

We're definitely on the way there,

so it'll be interesting

to see how it is at this time next year.

I'm sure it's going to be doubling

with the amount of like showrooms

we have that offer it.

So that's I'm looking forward to it.


thank you so much, Phil,

for being on the podcast today.

We appreciate you.

Have a great rest of your day.

All right sir.

Enjoyed it.

Thank you Molly.

And thanks everybody on the pro

sports team have a great weekend.

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on the ProSource podcast.

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