Clydesdale Media Podcast

Will there be a 2025 CrossFit Games or will it look completely different. Has the TYR Cup shown us ways to make the Team Division better? Masters Fitness Championship happened this weekend.  A New episode of All Access will launch Monday 9/30 at 12:30pm EST.  Roderick Lopez has done a behind the scenes of the adaptive CrossFit Games and it is really good.

What is Clydesdale Media Podcast?

We cover the sport of CrossFit from all angles. We talk with athletes, coaches and celebrities that compete and surround in the sport of CrossFit at all levels. We also bring you Breaking News, Human Interest Stories and report on the Methodology of CrossFit. We also use the methodology to make ourselves the fittest we can be.

What is going on, everybody?

Welcome to the Sunday Night CrossFit Talk.

Um, I still love that or theme song.

I cannot get enough of that theme song.

And it's so funny because I

get it from royalty free

music so that we don't get

dinged by anything.

And as I'm making the behind

the scenes for the masters,

like I'm using different things.

And as I'm editing,

I have to listen to the

same song over and over again.

Then I'll be like walking

through the house,

singing this royalty free

song that nobody in the world knows, but,

but like the few people that use it.

um but I I have always loved

our theme song on here and

so glad that uh we found

that and I think I heard it

on one of proven's video oh

yeah oh they started using

it I was like yeah that's

our I was like that's the

song that we play yep

everybody wants to be like

the original right kenneth

Well, so glad you could join us tonight.

It's Sunday night.

We're back at our normal time slot,

normal night.

Wild day, wild weekend.

Both of my college team and

my pro team won this weekend,

so I'm in a much better

mood this week than I am in most weeks.

But, yeah.

Penn State was a little

frustrating last night, but...

msu the game and could not

score they could not score

somehow um but ended up

winning the game in the end

so and the bears actually

look kind of good today

that's good we'll see how

the lions do coming up

shortly are they tomorrow

yeah they're yeah they're

tomorrow eight yeah monday

night football football yep

niners I think we're doing

well right like real well

I didn't look, um,

I haven't even looked at

many of the scores from today.

I've had a busy day,

so I have to catch up on that.


Corey Leonard says on the Russ headed

home from beach brawl.

I'm assuming that's a bus.



He's on the road.

On the road.


I am shocked that beach brawl went on.

I was very curious on that myself.

I know that Pensacola got

kind of missed by the hurricane,

but everything around it

would have been affected to

get there because it

actually affected the

Masters Fitness

Championship in Fort Wayne, Indiana.

So I am shocked that they were able to go.

Were people not able to travel there?


So we can jump.

Well, first, like, subscribe,

hit that notifier.

So, you know, when we're going live,

we are so appreciative of

all you people that come in

and listen to us every week.

We love you all.


I decided I was going to drive up

to MFC and see my people.

I've become so ingrained in

the Masters community now

that they are my people.

I like hanging out with them,

and I have such a good time.

So we drove up,

and this year they did it different.

They did all the RX and

teams in the morning and

all the elites in the

afternoon and evening.

I did not know that,

or I would have left later in the day

And then stayed later into

the evening knowing that

that was kind of the way it was.

But we ended up getting

there like in time to see a

couple RX heats and then a

big long break.

And so we sat there for the break,

but got to see a bunch of

people and then stayed for

one full event of the elite

and part of another event.

But it was reported to me by

many people there that Friday,

there were five judges that

could not get in and

fifteen judges who were

first responders who were

told they were not allowed to leave.

So that's total judges that

could not make it to MFC

and Friday night went really late.


Because it slowed everything down, uh,

for the competition just

because of lack of judges.

Um, but they, they got through it all and,

and then started back, uh, on Saturday,

recruited some judges from somewhere.

I know like Peter Brown's

wife wasn't volunteering

this year and did and jumped into judge.

And she is,

she's been a judge several places.

So they got some quality

people to jump into.

And then Saturday,

they're pretty much right

on time throughout the day.

I like the split up.

I just wish I would have

known for my schedule to be

able to get there at a time

where I could have spent more time.

But I got to see Jim.

I got to see Terry.

I got to see Ronica.

I got to see Lauren.

And Lauren, I joked with her.

She did an event that had double-unders,

and she caught the Carolins.

Oh, no.

And she goes...

I need help.

Like it, they just went and she couldn't,

she just couldn't find the rhythm.

And then all of a sudden,

like on the last two rounds,

they came back.

That was a chest to bar and skier workout.

I saw that one of hers.

And I was like, Oh, I feel your pain.

Cause Lex had sent me the video.

She was like,

Lauren's about to go right

now and go watch her.

So I put it on and I was like, Oh no.

in there in there many times

yeah she really struggled

on that double under and

then ronica went total boss

move and went unbroken

double under on the last

round to catch a bunch of

people and then what got

across the finish line in

total cramp calf leg wince

face um and I'm like that's

the face you make when you

see me for the first time

Um, but yeah, it was,

it was really fun to watch.


I just wish there was a way in the

masters community that we

didn't have to watch the

same event for four and a half hours.


I wish there was a way that

you could break it up better,

but I know logistically

like moving equipment and all that stuff,

like what else are you going to do?

But it just takes away from

the excitement of the events.

So you have that event, which was long.

That was a twelve to

fourteen minute workout and

it's got skier.

It's got fifty wall balls in

the middle of it.

A bunch of double unders,

not so you're not seeing a

lot of movement on the

floor where you can even see the race.

I didn't think many of the workouts had

Movement on the floor.

I was pretty frustrated with that.

I mean,

you had the one camera that for the

main floor that had commentary.

So you could kind of hear

what was going on,

but the other floor was

just the static camera.

I mean, thankful they had it at all,

but you could not tell what was going on.

They needed placards.

They need, or like they need to,

they need to tell the story on the floor.

So people watching can see

where people are at and a

finish line still didn't,

So I just got on my phone.

We were speaking before this

about Patrick Mahomes

taking out his own number

one wide receiver.

Rasheed Rice is feared to

have suffered a torn ACL.

Additional testing to be done.

He better give him some of

that contract that he has.


Oh, my gosh.

So I think that we talk

about that with a lot of events.

that when you get away from

the games or high-level, like, Rogue,


the story just doesn't get told as well.

That ten-round event with Sandbag,

Handstand Walk, Deadlift,

nothing changes.

And it's just this redundant...

people lift the sandbag I

don't even know how many

reps like six or seven

times and then you do a

handstand walk down it has

to be unbroken for some not

for others and then you

deadlift five times and

then you hand stand walk

back down and you and it's

ten rounds of that like my

goodness you couldn't even

tell what round they were

in right it just gets to be

a mash-up so no visual like um

nothing changed on the floor

no pylon no yeah like

placard or pylon or

something so that like you

can track the story like I

they've got to figure

something out yeah someone

flipping one of those like

score you know the athletes

I'm sure and veronica

saying I couldn't even tell

I'm sure the athletes

couldn't tell what place

they were in right

And that's on the smaller floor.

Then you go to the bigger floor.

It's so wide.

And the seating was bizarre.

Katie Calliore was in like lane nineteen.

Danny Oliveri's in like lane eight.

Lauren's in like lane thirteen.

How do they see each other

when they're like they

ended up being all in the

top four at the end of the

weekend and they're split miles apart.

So Corey,

they did not for every event they

did for the first event I was there for.


I think there was one,

I guess technically the

last event for elite, the run, um,

clean and jerk,

I guess technically you

could say they finished on the mat.


That one was weird because

of a stagger start.

So some people ran to their

bar to finish and some

people stopped on their number mat.

But I mean,

that one you could kind of tell anyway,

because you were coming in

on a foot race.

So you could see as people came in,

but the ones on the floor,

like that deadlift

handstand walk one or the pick six,

the overhead squat row,

they just put the barbell

down after the back squat and we're done.

Like you didn't even know if they were,

you were like, wait,

are they doing burpee

penalty or are they done?

No idea.

Andrew Sten says,

that's why I hate twenty lane floors,

but both MFC and Legends

will do it due to the number of athletes.

And I do kind of understand

you've got to get... It's

either that or we watch

eight hours of the same event.

It makes sense to do it.

But somehow tell the story

differently that you can tell.

I don't care that there's

twenty on the... You're right.

It was wide.

It was hard for...

maybe a camera to fit

everyone on on tv but that

doesn't mean that it can't

still be a thirty foot long

floor they had the room

there at mfc that does like

they can still run a proper

event that has a start and

a finish and has a placard

and I I mean it could be

equipment money a little

bit I don't I don't know

like what's keeping them

from doing that but

you can tell a story on the

floor with a little bit of

better planning for these workouts.

They had that event on

Friday where it was max

bought burpee box overs after the buy-in.

They did have a placard for that.

And that was good.

So leave that out there.

Why wasn't that out there

for the deadlift dancing

walk so that we could see the lane,

the rounds.


You had enough for that one.

So why not move it over to

the other floor for a ten round event?

so yeah but overall like I

thought it was a great

event like there were a lot

of people in the stands um

probably even more than

last year um with less big

names yeah I think what

this has become is the

stepping stone into the masters world

Yeah, which I sort of feel like the legend,

the December legends needs to be that.

And MFC needs to... On one hand,

I didn't get to go.

I had a wedding this weekend,

so I didn't even get to go

and support Ron and Jim and Terry.

A little frustrating.

But I've said this.

I think MFC could be one of

the top Masters competitions.

The venue is wonderful.

They typically have...

like we usually have eight

or nine events with a

swimming event and I get it.

We're in this period where

we need to figure out if

we're going to have swimming or not.

But I didn't like that there

was only six events and no

swimming this year.

I don't feel like there was enough,

enough events or enough

broad time domains.

Like the one,

the deadlift one was like a

twenty minute cap.

But I mean, some people took eleven,

like potentially the

longest some people were on

the floor was like twelve minutes.

It's still kind of like the games.

And I like in the past, we've had like.

Twenty minute AMRAPs.

Like you,

you have to work out for twenty minutes.

And I think you need to have

that long event.

I think you need to.

I think you need like the

last events today.

Both of them were two fifty point events.

And I don't know, like,

you're just I think you're

getting goofy with the

program and trying to just

throw in more scores.

It's not necessarily the

best way to spread those points around.

I don't disagree.

like that there's two

masters competitions

outside the games um but I

think because of timing

alone the mfc has become

like and I'm this is not a

dig on them it's because of

timing people have just

finished the games water

palooza socal just happened

with the masters division

now you have this it's become like the jv

for people to see where they stand.

It's the only,

it's the only competition I

know of with a thirty to

thirty four year old

division where people can

like see where they stack

up against people their own

age and not have to go

against twenty year olds

for the first time.

Like that's where you have

your Katie Cagliore's and

Danny Oliveri's and Lauren

Olsen's who have never got

to do that before and got

to see where they stand.

And they all did well.

They all finished in the top four.



I mean, two years ago,

it was like the last week in October,

like the twenty second, twenty third,

like that type of weekend.

And it was that way for like

three or four years, always,

always the weekend after my birthday.

And then last year they

changed it to the like the twenty nine,

twenty eighth of September,

which means like so last

year I had to compete in

thirty nine again.

Like all from the year before, I was like,

oh, good.

The next year I'll be able to do forty.

And then, no, they changed it.

And I don't think it was a

great idea to move it up

like three weeks.

I think keeping it further

from the games would have

brought in some of those

people to maybe still do MFC.

What about if it was like late June?

As a warm-up for the games.

That was a big gap between

semis and the games for the Masters.

Because everything's online until then,

so it's a chance to get

your feet wet prior to the

games in person.

I think that's where that

one should get placed,

and then the games can be

in that August area.

I really like that.

You get that a couple months before.

You need an in-person comp.

A lot of Masters,

everything's online until

you get to the big show.


you could do drug testing there for

the games as well.

I really liked that idea

because I know that when

they were late October,

they couldn't get judges

because they were all at rogue.

Ah, right.


So you're running into different,

it's not just the athletes,

it's the judges and the

volunteers and like you

need that whole crew to kind of happen.

And so, yeah.


And Andrew Sten says it does

depend on when the Masters games happen.

If it's where it is this year,

that Carolyn's idea makes perfect sense.

A tune-up live competition

before the games,

I think people would jump

at that opportunity.


Cause it's like the semis

are normally now we don't

even know what the season

will look like next year.

We can talk about that later,

but like the semis are

normally end of may middle

or beginning middle of June.

So it would be,

and it's not like there's that many, uh,

masters athletes that will compete there.

There are a few,

but those athletes are

getting their in-person competition.

It'd be for the rest of them, um,

to get their feet wet before.

So that's why I think end of June is a,

you know, mid end of June would be good.

Yeah, I really,

and I think they get way

more participation.

Yeah, I like that.

I like that.

So overall, I thought it was great.

Like Jamie said,

and we've said this a billion times,

their facility is awesome.

Tons and tons of parking.

It's a huge facility.

The ushers that are hired

from the facility are super

nice guys and ladies.

They're very accommodating.

And there's just tons of spot to camp out.


And hotels are super reasonable,

super reasonable, plenty.

And they had an extra set of

stands this year.


last year it was just on the far end of

the one of the big floor

this year that I'm all the

way up the front and down the side.

I do have to thank a special angel,


Julie was sitting in the

stands in the fourth row.

I've talked about on this show,

she needs knee replacements.

She lost her balance coming

down the stairs of the stands,

and a guy grabbed her by the arm.

And another lady saw it and

pushed her on the opposite shoulder.

And it swung her enough that

her balance pivoted from

forward to sideways.

And she was able to catch

herself and not go face

first down the stairs.

Oh, my gosh.

And whoever that person was, thank you,

thank you, thank you.

Because that was scary.

Scary as hell to me.

And then Dan Church,

who is an avid listener of

us and one of the best guys

in the space and is a

trauma nurse in his real life,

helped her down the stairs

the rest of the way.

So it was cool that this

little community gathered

around her in a very

emergency situation and

made sure she didn't.

All I could keep picturing

is her face first into that

cement at the bottom of the stairs.

And the guy that caught her was strong.

He got her with one arm and

then pulled her.

And then the other lady kind

of gave her her balance and big breath.

Corey Leonard, Dan Church is a saint.

Pretty close.

I think he's up for it in

the next couple of years.

he did elite this year he

did awesome how'd it go um

he was in thirteenth out of

twenty when I got there um

he the next event who I

watched him was the sandbag

handstand walk he started

slow and then started

catching people because his

handstands never faltered

for a big dude like that

guy can go inverted forever

and he just started clipping people off

um and I think he was in

like second or third um

when it came to the end of

that one so I don't know

how he finished overall

because I instagram they

only put up the top five

yeah so he did not make it

to the top five but um but

yeah always rooting for

that guy super super nice

guy um so there's that

We'll move on to tomorrow.

Episode four of all access

behind the scenes of the

twenty twenty four Masters

CrossFit Games comes out at

twelve thirty p.m.

Eastern Time.

That is nine thirty a.m.

Pacific Time.

And yeah,

this one is only a twenty minute episode.

This is the last episode of day one.

And then it kind of shifts.

We talked about that a

little bit where we're

Next week, we lose some access,

but everybody starts to know who we are,

and so the conversations become longer.

So we have more content to

sift through moving forward

after this one.

But I have a clip here I'm

just going to show you.

It's not a trailer.

It's just I took the clip

right out of this episode,

and it's just so you can

get a little taste.

So here we go.

So you just finished event three?

The overhead squats and lunges?

How'd that go for you?

It was good.

I think I was second in my heat.

And I think I was faster

than the first heat, so it was good.

Is that in your wheelhouse?

I mean, everything's in my wheelhouse,

I guess, right?

Like, I mean, it's hard for me to say,

like, wheelhouse.

Like, I'm just, like,

I just got a lot of things I'm good at,

you know, and I just, yeah.

I mean,

I don't really consider anything my

wheelhouse this weekend.

It's just,

I think that I just don't want to have,

like, those expectations, right?

Because then if you're like, yes,

this is my wheelhouse,

I should do good at this, then it, like,

puts a lot of pressure.

So I'm just trying to been, like,

everything's just, like, even keel, like,

it is what it is.

There we go.

Jamie's main competition.


How does it feel when you

hear your competition say

stuff like everything's in

our wheelhouse?

How does that feel when you hear that?

She is definitely confident.

Good for her.

I don't feel that way.

You think maybe you should?

I don't know.

I guess you guys are such

similar athletes.

We are similar.

I get a second of each other

on everything.

And I guess I can see what she's saying.

Like in the, there was a,

there was a decent amount

of CrossFit and I think

we're both good at CrossFit.

Um, so yeah, you're both smaller.



I would not say that that was what was

wheelhouse for me,

like squatting my squat speed.

I, I just have really long legs.

Like I may be a shorter athlete,

but I have, but I have no torso really.

And I have very long legs.

So I might as well be

squatting next to somebody who's five,


Um, and my, and because of my back, I,

like, especially if it gets heavier,

I'm just slower at squatting.

Um, I'm great at lunging.

So like, it was like a weird,

I needed more lunging in that workout.

So Carolyn,

as an athlete and you hear that

and you know, Jamie,

what are your thoughts?

Jamie has some wheelhouse for sure.

Like I think it was you in two,

two events or top two and a couple,

two or three.



I think I had two, two seconds in a first.

You have a lot of things

that you're really good at.

You just have one hole with the strength.

Didn't you get two wins?

Yeah, I think I got two wins.

The run and the echo bike.

No, Carleen won the echo bike.

She finished and I was... Yeah,

so I got second on that.


you guys were very similar because I

remember even the strength,

Carleen went down as well.

And then you guys were close

on a lot of the workouts.



Yeah, we were very close.

I think you might just be more, like,


Like, you're always very, like,

you know your strengths and weaknesses.

You know where you are

within the field and how to

stay within your own lane

if something's not, you know,

your strength.

But then sometimes, I mean,

you surprised us on some of

the events that you were

saying you weren't going to do as well,

and then all of a sudden

you're crushing it.

So sometimes I think you

sell yourself short.

Yeah, that's probably.

Possibly true.

The reason I picked that

clip is she caught me totally off guard.

I was not expecting her to

be that confident.


Like right after.

And she was totally unabashed about that.

And I thought it was awesome

to get that raw kind of thing.

And that's why this has been

the most fun project I have

ever worked on.

And I can't wait to keep going.

And I'm really excited to

get to like episode five

because I think that's

where it's even going to

pick up some more because

people knew who we were

more by Friday after we

were around for two days.

So yeah, super excited about that.

But I do want to say Roderick Lopez,

he's known as meme for time on Instagram,

did a behind the scenes of

the adaptive CrossFit games.

It's really good.

I watched episode one and if

you want to know about the

adaptive CrossFit games,

I was educated so much.

The athletes are so open

about what they've been through,

whether it's like through

accident or through birth

or through disease or through whatever.

They're very open and honest

to talk about why they're

in this position and why

CrossFit has kind of saved

them and given them an opportunity.

And he does a really good

job with the athletes to be

able to tell those stories.

So if you have not checked it out,

it's really, really good.

That's awesome.

And I'm glad that someone

did it for the adaptive division as well.

Cause they, like all these athletes,

every athlete has should

have the ability to tell their story.

So, um, so yeah, super, super fun there.

Um, and that's on Roderick's YouTube page.

It's probably mean for time I'm guessing.

Uh, but I found it pretty fast.

So then we're going to talk about Roman.

So Roman posted a story.

I'm going to share that real quick.

That Dallin clipped, Dallin Pepper.

And here is what Roman

posted on his story.

There are rumors that if you

gather all the strongest

athletes from around the world,

North America won't stand a chance.

Dallin posted, Roman,

running your mouth doesn't

count as exercise.

Hang in there.

You might get another shot next year.

Maybe you'll even take it.

Yeah, that was my question.

Was Roman hurt or just declined or what?

I don't think we'll ever know,

but I've heard that it's,

it was through injury.

He did have an injury at the games.

So I know he was still recovering.

It was a little bit too close.

And then he wanted to focus on rogue.

And Ricky, we know,

was hurt as well at the games.


So that's two big hitters

that they didn't have.

But we were talking before

we went on the air,

like being healthy at the

end of the season is part

of the competition.


And you got to go with the

people that you have.

We talked about Patrick

Mahomes running into his

number one wide receiver,

and now they're fearing ACL.

Now he's got to play the

rest of the year without

his number one receiver.

They're not giving up on the season.

They're just going to keep going.

If Roman and Ricky couldn't

play because they were hurt,

then the world has to go on without them.

But I was really surprised

at how much this blew up.

Pat Vellner gets into it.

Justin Medeiros throws the meme up.

Dylan Lowen, Emily Rolfe,

and she goes back and forth.

There's nineteen replies to her post.

I could I've known Emily for three years.

I've never known her to be like this.

Like she Danielle Brandon, Ariel Lowen,

and it goes on and on and on.

And it goes like I could not believe it.

It's so good.

I think the athletes have

every right to jump in here

and say whatever they want.


What drives me crazy is the

people that weren't playing

or even considered for this

jumping in and giving their opinion.


You haven't earned the right

to jump in the sandbox.

But I just,

I think this is great for the sport.

I think that water Palooza

may have found a really cool event and it,

and now there's next year,

there's more people who want to see this,


They do.

There's definitely going to

be a call for trying to get

those top world athletes

and actually see where they stack up.

And how much did,

how much did loud and live

have to pay for that marketing?



zero dollars any thoughts

carolyn I like it it's just

I couldn't tell like with

some of the comments

whether it's like there's a

lot of sarc like not

sarcasm but kind of um it's

it's entertaining I like it

I mean I think roman has a

good point like not all

their top athletes were

there um like you could add

gabby laura ricky roman jay

crouch like there's a lot of them

But like we talked about

before coming on the air,

there was Guy that had some

specialist-type workouts for him.

I mean,

Tia dominated every event that she

took part in.

To get Roman and Ricky on,

Guy probably doesn't make it.



So you lose the heavy lift

and you lose the gymnast.

So what does that mean for the overall,

you know, so it is going to be,

it would be interesting to

see how it all played out.



but then we talked to that Emma Lawson

really should have been on

the North America team and

probably Emily would not.


And then,

so then you lose your long distance.


Endurance person on North America and you,

but you gain like a handstand phenom and.

Great athlete.

I think Emily is one of the

most perfect athletes for

an event like this.

I don't think that's

somebody you want to lose.

Lawson would be too close, I think,

to some of the other ones,

like Raptus and Dingell and stuff.

And Emily brings something

different to the table in

terms of the specialization that she has,

especially in the running workouts.




It's just, it's,

it's interesting to think about.

Um, but with all that,

what are your thoughts about, um,

using this?

Do you think what they did

with the tier cup could

help the team division T E

a M team division?

Yeah, I mean,

I do feel like you could

maybe take some of these

event ideas and make team

events have these, like,

pick your best female,

pick your best male,

and they're going to go on

the floor and they're going

to... I don't want to say that that would,

like, encourage specialization,

because I don't think we

ever really want to

necessarily see that and push for that.

But I do think...

I just think the races on

the floor could be more fun

and more interesting to watch.

I like the format that you

can have different people

go in and have events.

I think you should have no more.

I think four people or four guys,

four girls is a little bit too much.

I like the three.

And then I would say that

you need a minimum amount

of events that you have to take part in.

So like,

let's say you have to take part in four.

So while you might have a

specialist in there,

there still needs to be,

they got to be thrown out

there a certain amount of

times in the weekend.

That part's just hard

because if someone were to get injured,

what do you do if they

didn't meet that minimum

work requirement?


I think we have to play around with

the rules,

but I still think that you should have,

you should force people to

play a certain amount of times.

I think if,

so many times we've seen a

team show up and get

injured and not be able to play.

I think if you had a six

person team and for any event,

the max number on the floor was four,

then you can avoid that.

And if they get hurt,

then you're just down one

person and have to go the

whole week with just the five or four.


but then you have to make sure people

aren't gaming it.


Because people would be like, ooh,

I'm hurt.

Ooh, I can't.

I can't.

Because they know their specialty is done.


Like, oh, I'm done my lift now.

I'm hurt.


So, but I do think it would add something.

And just because you would

add some specialization,

we shouldn't shy away from it.

Add enough stuff that, like,

they have to work as a team.

You could add four more

events that are classic

CrossFit Games events, right?

That all four have to work

together or all six have to

work together.

And you can't hide anybody

in those events.


And still add some of the

specialization that will attract crowds.


Just my thoughts.

I think we've stumbled onto

something here that might be good.

You can do substitutions in

team events without it

being grid with funky

movements and utter craziness, right?



grid's like in and out in

the same workout.

This is not like in the same workout.

This is you,

you do the workout and then

you can switch out the next workout,

which is different.


Could be a challenge for the

sponsors for the kit.

I mean, that team has already,

I'm sure hard to fulfill

all those challenges.

because they like those team

athletes are getting their

own personal name on their

jerseys I almost think

you'd have to be like

here's your team name kit

and you guys gotta you guys

gotta split it up well it

if you if you finish

semifinals with your six

people that you're bringing

you bring those six and

then you can sub in and out the four

I know,

but now you're going from making

clothing for four people

amongst thirty teams to six people.

Money's no object.

Money's no object.

We're bringing people to the stands now.

It's going to be more exciting.


Just thinking through my

master's brain of how we've been treated.


Where it says teens instead of masters.



Um, before we get to the last subject, uh,

I want to real quick, just share this.

Um, I need to do a huge shout.

I should have done it last week,

but I'm going to do it this week.

And our photographer, uh,

from water Palooza, SoCal,

and he's done some other events for us.

Uh, he's my captures.

Uh, you follow this guy.

He's awesome.

Um, how am I not following him?


anyway so he is our

photographer he's really

become like our west coast

um content guy um and he is

so great to work with it's

so phenomenal um and this

is a picture of him a huge

shout out to him he did the

west semi-finals for us he

did water palooza socal

he's going to continue to

do events for us it's been

such a great relationship

um and it's so cool uh

getting to work with him

but huge shout out

everything we posted the

thumbnail for tonight came

from his pictures um he is

the one that put the reels

up for us um it's been

awesome and awesome and the

other piece of this was

that um we gained two

hundred followers from

brazil because of his gi

reels oh that's awesome

on instagram so that was

that was great love it so

huge shout out to him so

the last thing I have is

what we're going to finish

the night with and I'll

admit coming up to this

point this week I thought

without question we would

have a twenty twenty five crossfit games

And after kind of reading

through Instagram,

I don't know how I started

scrolling on this with

different athletes and

looking at different things.

I'm not sure anymore.

And so I wanted to pose it up to you guys.

Do you think we will have a

twenty twenty five CrossFit Games?

I mean,

I think if you're looking at it

from the perspective of

athletes saying they might

sit out and whatnot,

and that that's going to

shut down the games, I would say no.


I think the sport is bigger than our ten,

twenty well-known athletes.


Um, I think,

I think it's going to depend on, you know,

still stuff to come with

the Lazar situation and, and where we,

where that shakes out.

Um, and from the, from HQ side,

more than athlete side,

there's always going to be

another fit person that probably would do,


Of course not as well as Tia.

But quite honestly, if Tia were to sit out,


We'll get a new set of names

to watch and view.

We've talked about it, Scott,

and maybe we are in the minority,

but I love watching the fourth heat.

I love watching somebody

that we don't really know

win an event out of heat one.

Um, and I would, I, you know what,

like if you want to sit out the season,

sit out the season,

we're going to get some new

names who are going to show

us some things that we

maybe didn't expect.

And I I'd love to see new

blood in the water.

I just think it's going to look different.

I don't know what it's going to look like,

but I have a feeling that

there's going to be a lot

of changes once again.

And if the company of

CrossFit wants to focus

more on the health and the affiliates,

I think there's going to be

slowly a separation from

the sports side of things

and for liability and stuff

purposes maybe as well.

But I just think it's going

to look different.

Not sure what that's going to be,

but I think there's going

to be some changes in the new year.

I think there are athletes,

like I've seen it said in

comments and stuff,

that they will not come

back to the games unless

there is significant change.

And I was surprised at the

athletes that said that.

I was too.

There was some that surprised me,

but it is what it is.

Make your stance and that's fine.

I don't, I don't know that they're like,

there's other comps that

that will continue just fine.


Like a lot of clues is going

to continue just fine and

rogues going to continue just fine.

And I'm sure there'll,

those athletes will be

willing to go to that.

Um, and if they, if, like I said,

if new blood comes in

through the CrossFit space, um,

through the open and whatnot, then, um,

Maybe they've done

themselves a disservice and

somebody else catches fire.

Here's my biggest fear.

And I've got a list of

things that like just thoughts, right?

First biggest fear is the

one thing the CrossFit

Games were is that one

championship of the year

that was for the fittest on earth, right?

And while we may complain

that they're leaning heavier,

they're leaning bigger, they're not rogue,

thank God, right?


right so at least there was

still a shot for like the

fittest and people to

compete like you and like

christy and like carolyn

and the people that could

still play in the game I I

think I do think it's going

to happen I do think it's

going to look different

what that means I have no idea

My other fear is that if

something happens to the games,

what happens to the adaptive, the masters,

the teens, the teams, right?

We're all focused on the

elites and all that they're saying.

Those people don't even have a voice.

Now, I think adaptive,

Wheel Watt has always been

their championship,

and I think they'll continue to move on.

Maybe legend steps up,

maybe the pit steps up and,

and at least those two have

a championship, but like,

I'm worried about that.


I worry about that too.

I mean,

we like legends is going to have to

step up.

hugely to even give it, make it look,

you're going to turn into

like MFC and like people there,

the top are not going to go

to that for a pair of shoes.

They just aren't like people

are not going to those

events unless you get a

real cash purse prize.

That makes sense.


And I think you lose all that.

If you don't have an open

that is supported by fifty

percent Masters athletes and

you don't have the the cash

flow to do to do what you

need to do right and so I I

that is my fear that is my fear

The other fear I have.

If there's no open,

then legends can do their

own online qualifier.

And now all the masters that

would have done the open

maybe signs up for legends

or masters qualifier there.

Sorry, my washer is going on.

So I've been muting.

So you guys don't hear the

spin cycle right now.

I that that's an option, but it's,

it's not the same community

event as the open that you have at your,

I think the reason so many

people sign up for the open

is because gyms encourage it.

It's a community event.

Like that's,

there's so many ties to

different things that if the,

if the main hub goes,

do we lose all those little

things around it?

And I don't think we're

going to lose the main hub.

I just think it's going to look really,

really different because,

And I think athletes should

have a say and they should

have representation.

I just wish the PFAA would

tell us why more so that we

understood what was behind this.


When I'm looking at these comments,

people are really pissed off.

And what I'm being told

isn't really elevated to a

level of being that pissed off.

I'm missing.

There's something missing from this.


that, and I just don't understand it.

And I don't want the sport

that I love and I follow

and the methodology that saved my life to,

to go away.

And I'm always going to have

a place to work out, right?

Like I know that's not going away,

but I love following this

sport and I don't want it taken away.

And I do want the athletes to have

The reason I'm hard on them

is I want them to do it in

a way that makes sense and

everybody has a voice.

That's all.

Because if you guys lose this,

Masters athletes lose their thing.

Adaptives lose their thing.

There needs to be a voice from them too.



I don't know.

I just think that there's

still going to be other

opportunities to compete.

There's so many comps that

don't have the CrossFit

name and they've continued

to be successful.

But like you said,

if you take away the CrossFit part,

does it start slowly

affecting those over the long run?

Probably over the next few years,

but immediately they'll be

fine in the next year, but it'll be

three, four years from now,

what's going to be happening.

And maybe someone will take

over the sports side and

it's going to be something

completely different again.


I hope like that's, that's the thing.

Like if you don't have an

ultimate championship at the end,

are people going to watch?

Are people going to continue

coming to Waterpalooza or coming?

Does Waterpalooza become a local comp now?


And this is why like I

always tell like the young

athletes to like not, you know,

go all in and cross it and

not have any plan B and not, you know, um,

not play any other sports.

Like there's no scholarships

in CrossFit there.

The sport constantly changes.


you just don't have that stability

within our sport.

That's, um, that's in other sports.

So, um, yeah, like keep your options open,

keep, keep, uh,

keep playing sports and being active.

And the methodology is just

always going to be there to me.

it works yeah I don't

disagree with that at all

but I do think that yeah I

think that because of the

way the pfaa is formed the

voices are from the top

tier who have who have a

very different view of what

life is like than

the eleventh-placed person

at semifinals that just missed out,

or the fifteenth person who

is on their way up that

might make it next year, right?

And they have no voice as to

the future when they

probably are the future.

I mean,

have they considered bringing

Masters voices on, or teens, or...

I mean,

I know that it sounds like they let

Angelo in on the last meeting.

So like maybe they're

bringing some team athletes in,

but maybe they should hear

some opinions from some

masters athletes or get them on this,

have a few, few of them on the board.


because the money that's raised by

that huge number of Masters

athletes that pay in the Open,

they pay quarterfinals,

and they have way more

semifinalists than you do.


And they're all paying that semifinal fee.

That's a huge chunk of money

that's paying for the sport.


And yet they have zero voice.

There's something

fundamentally wrong with that.

And that's all I've been

trying to say for months is

that I want representation.

I just want it to look the

right way so that we can

come to some resolution.

Craig says,

I'm really enjoying the Masters

behind the scenes episodes.

I'm glad because I'm really

enjoying making them.

I never,

never thought I'd have this much fun.

I usually hate editing, but I really,

this is actually fun editing.

Um, I don't even know what to, we,

we have some wild Twitch comments.

Um, YouTube listeners can't see.


killing me discount tom

hardy so uh and I and

because we're in a

third-party software I

can't even like block or

stop right now um but thank

goodness it's not going to

our youtube channel it's

just on twitch which I

don't think we have a ton

of listeners over there so anyway um

I guess that's all.

I just, I really, you know,

Lex has said that like

Bethany Flores has

announced her next

competition is High Rocks.

Listening to that,

my hope was she knows that

Rogue doesn't fit her.

And the only thing that's

going to do is possibly hurt her back.

So why not go do high rocks

and maybe do something

really great instead of

blow your back out going to do rogue.

And she's a great runner and

she's great on the machines.

Like high rocks can be great for her.


But she says throughout that interview,

like I still love CrossFit.

I love the methodology.

I love the, you know, so,

Hopefully it's just a temporary move over,

but who knows?

I mean,

she might fall in love with high rocks.

She may,

it may be less wear and tear on her.

You know,

we talked to Dave Hardy all the time,


Judge former games athlete, uh,

in the masters division who

his shoulders just got to a

point where he couldn't

take it anymore and CrossFit.

So he went over to high

rocks and he's killing it.


I don't want to age him.

He's like, he's sixty plus.

I don't know.

But yeah.

Amazing stuff.


I guess that's the crash workouts are out.

Have you guys taken?


And I forgot crash workouts.

I'll pull that up.

I know you didn't want dubs.

Do you like that it's a drag rope?

I like any type of dubs that

are not regular because the

gap between me and double

unders when it's a regular is huge.

The more different, the better.

I figured.

It's only forty,

so that's also better for

me because it's not like a

set of over a hundred.

I am pulling those up now.

Carolyn will be doing these next week.

uh is it next week all right

two weeks two weeks from

now two weeks from now two

weeks from now this week

this weekend I'm actually

doing a high rocks all

right not individual is

this it yeah if you just go

to the arrow you can just

go right to the workout

yeah all right there we go

Event one, dumb standard.

Three rounds for time,

ten dumbbell clean and jerks,

ten ring muscle-ups,

ten dumbbell snatches.

One hundred and seventy on the dumbbell.

Rest exactly one minute between rounds.

Score is cumulative time.


I'm going to go to you to analyze

because Carolyn's doing them.

What's your thought on this one?

I don't know.

A seven pound dumbbell is just disgusting.

I think the dumbbell plays a

bigger role to me than the ring muscle up,

but maybe it's cause I'm

good at ring muscle ups.


and someone who's like very proficient

with the dumbbells, I think can, um,

afford to break up the ring

muscle ups and be very good still.

Cause they can make up a lot

of time just with their movement.

Yeah, I mean, if you're somebody,

if you're like a lighter

gymnast who's good at ring muscle-ups,

as good as you are,

if that dumbbell is wrecking you,

those ring muscle-ups

aren't going to be perfect

by round three.

Like, you're not doing ten unbroken.

That minute break comes up fast, too.

Especially, like, in the third round.

There's a minute break every round?


So you finish the ten dumbbell snatch,

then you get a minute rest, right?

Oh, I don't know if I like that.

It makes you push the pace more.

Like you're not pushing the pace anyway.

You're freaking racing with

all the other athletes.

Just make it three rounds per time.


I think it breaks up the two dumbbell

snatch movements so you

wouldn't have to do twenty on the spot.

I think that that's also a

good way to do it.

Because then you'd be stuck

continuing to just be on

the dumbbell for so long.

And your back would get fired up way more.

So one of the things I

always said about dumbbell

clean and jerks is they

become like a curl with a press.


With this weight,

does that prevent that from

happening where it's going

to have to be cleaned more?

Like you basically like

catch it in a power

position and then jerk it.

Right, but can you, like,

seven-pound curls,

your biceps hurting quick.



Like, you need to get underneath it.

Yeah, you're doing more of a high pull and,

like, getting underneath.

You're not really bringing

it out away from you.

Because I know, like,

a fifty-pound dumbbell, like, honestly,

like, in a gym workout,

I'm just curling and pressing.

Almost muscle.

But seventy, no.

Or, yeah.

And, yeah, even for a dude.


So, okay.

And then, is it this way?

Other way.

Other way.

Go back.

Event two.

Click zero.

Midline sadness.

Six rounds for time.

Twelve nines calorie skier.

Twelve meter handstand walk.

Twelve medicine ball GHD sit-ups.

Twelve meter handstand walk.

Handstand walks must be unbroken.

That's like forty feet.

That's like forty feet.

So it's like eighty feet around.

That's a lot.

I don't practice med ball GHDs like ever.

I find they pinch my lower back sometimes,

but I tested this workout

this week and I was sore in

the abs for a few days, a few days,

just because it's like a

speed movement because it's

only twelve on the spot,

like you're moving that fast.

And if it's a movement that

you're not used to,

it definitely gets you for sure.

Yeah, I mean,

it's like a handstand walk

speed event for me.

But I just feel like the

really fast handstand

walkers are going to win this.

I mean,

it's not enough calories on the ski

to really make a difference.

Twelve GHDs,

you're not sitting around waiting there.

I don't know, like by round six,

I personally would struggle.

I feel like on like the last

handstand walk,

I'd probably have to rest.

Twenty seconds going into

that to make sure it was unbroken.

It's a good workout.

I like it.

Event three.



So this is like a small

little like worm looking sandbag.



I love this one.

Fifty pill thrusters.

Fifty chest of our pull-ups.

Fifty meter pill lunge.


Fifty chest of our pull-ups.

Fifty pill thrusters.

Will the pull-ups be on the

trapeze or the.

Yeah, the.

I think this would be

regular with the volume

that would be there.

I think it'll be regular.

I think it'll be regular too.

I love this workout.

I like these longer,

dense sets that JR programs.

This will be a good one.

Is the pill,

it looks more like a tube and

it has the straps?

No straps.

Just picture literally like a pill.

Just like a cylinder type thingy.

um it's just like a smoother

personal worm like it's

literally like you know

because I have like a like

a pill looking one but it

has straps around it like

yeah it'll be does yeah it

won't be like that it'll be

smooth all right I love it

then we go to four then

four and five are a combo

Four is lineman's fright.

Four rounds for time.

Six deficit strict handstand pushups.

Thirty meter sled drive.

And that's what is like, like alignment.

So you, it's like a, the flip slide,

but you don't flip it.

You keep it basically like

shoulder level and you like, uh,

push it down the turf as in

those football drills when

you have those dummies and

you're just pushing them.

So it's more of that type of sled.

I haven't done depth.

I haven't done depth.

And yeah,

you're holding probably like this,

but your arms are still

going to be tired from that.


I don't remember the last

time I did a strict deficit

that deep in a workout, like rogue.


we would do maybe two inches on the


We did the one year at, um,

The Invitational, maybe two years ago,

it was the Parallel

Handstand Push-Ups that were strict.

We had about two inches.

CrossFit Games, I think,

had twenty-twenty.

Online had two inches for the females.

So this one's a little bit

more with nine and five.

What was the time camp on that?

Eight minutes.

I feel like there's going to

be people stuck on those

handstand push-ups by round three.


I can see people's... That

is not the right video.

No, keep going.

Yeah, there you go.


No, you're missing event five.

MFN five, shoot.

I was trying to find someone.

Hannah Hardy jumped in and

said that the pill picture

is in the video.


the first slide of that of the pill

one would have shown you it.

But I'm going the wrong direction,

I think.


Okay, there we go.

There's five.

That is the Cal Bikerg and

Forty Drag Rope Double Unders.

And like,

eighteen cows versus the men's

twenty is not the same thing.


Like, at that point, like,

why not just make it, like,

that doesn't do anything.


the men's power output on the bike is,

like, twenty would be, like,

fifteen for the females.


I don't know what two cows does there.

It's nothing.

I was curious on this one as well.

I didn't,

I don't understand why it wasn't

at least sixteen.


twenty-sixteen or twenty-fifteen even.



Yeah, I mean,

because their shoulders are

just stronger anyway.

So coming off of that handstand push-up,

I think they're going to

fare better with this drag

rope double under.

This one's going to be a

power output person that

has good bike to me.


these are going to be two opposite



So it's an eight-minute cap

on the other one.

You get a two-minute rest

and then... Another eight minutes.

Another eight minute workout.

So potentially if you're

great at the other one,

you get more rest.

Yeah, that's true too.

But I don't,

I don't know how many people

are going to finish that one.

All right.

I'm going back to see the pill.


Um, cause Hannah said it's in the,

is this right?

Yeah, it is.

That's the right one.

That's the right one.


It's linesman.

Well, if you're doing the pill,

you need to go back to the thruster,

the pillatory.


Not lineman's fright.

That was handstand pushup sled.

I thought I wanted to see the sled.

You want to see the pill?



There it is.


Ooh, that's smooth.


Could get slick.

I mean, if it's super hot there.



Now we know what the pill is.

Now let's see what the sled is real quick.

Cross fat.


We already talked about the Roman thing.

So you have to go back and

watch that after you hit

like and subscribe.

Those are some excellent

strict deficit handstand pushups.

So that is a flip.

No, it is a flip.

Oh, so you got to lift it and push it.



Like this.

So like,

you're not relaxing your like

shoulders really.

Even your biceps.


And I don't know.

I've never,

I haven't flipped that sled

since water Palooza.

I think it's the same one

that we did at water

Palooza a few years ago.

So I don't know what it,

what's the weight of it empty.

I think I actually like that better.

Then hunch him down over for me.

But I'm five eleven.

I don't remember what it is empty.

I mean,

because we used it last year at

crash and.

I had looked like looked it up,

so I knew that the base weight is,

but three.

I don't know, like one hundred.

All right, this one went,

this is a new one.

Uh, this is mad moon event, six,

five rounds for time,

six hundred meter run,

fifteen burpee getovers, uh, a yoke.


So the yoke is placed at

that height and you're just,

you can put your hands on

the yoke and just like

burpee getovers basically.

Taylor did them and kill Taylor.


Uh, and then, uh, five, seven, nine,

eleven, thirteen deadlifts.

Put the weights higher.

Three sixty five to forty five.

Three sixty five is much

heavier for the guys in two

forty five to me.

Two forty five is two forty five.

That's sixty seven percent for deadlifts.

That's way too much.

Like that's really light for

the females compared to the males.

That should have been heavier to me.

Well, you just, that's your wheelhouse.

I wouldn't have wanted it any heavier.

But, sixty-seven percent,

we don't go to sixty-seven very often.

Sometimes it's appropriate.

Maybe not in a deadlift,

I don't necessarily disagree, but.

I was picturing the yoke higher.

But that's not bad.

Thirty, what,

it was thirty-four inches or something?



Better than forty inch

burpee back jump overs or

forty eight inches or whatever I did.

This is event seven thick

and thin for time six and

four legless rope climbs

twelve overhead squats six

and four thick rope climbs

two inch and then twelve

axle bar overhead squats.

Eight minute time cap.

I hate axle bars.

I haven't tried this one yet,

but I don't know.

I haven't tried the last three.

The heavier overhead squats

are with the shorty bar and

the lighter overhead squats

are with the axle bar.

Legless on the regular rope.

Regular rope climbs on the thicker rope.


One point five is regular rope.


This will be a good workout.

How do you feel about that, Carolyn?

Uh, for me,

it's a legless workout or legless work,

um, world climb workout.


It's a time it takes between the legless.

Like that's a big difference.

Like do you have huge

separation there in the females?

You will huge separation there.

Like the guys can do, um, larger sets,

like on the spot, uh,

I think most of the females

are fine with the rest of the workout.


it could have been four legless rope

climbs almost for time with

twelve overhead squats and

you would get the winner almost, I think.


Unless I haven't tried the axle over.

I mean, it would be probably awkward to.

Cross fat ass.

Does axle matter besides

getting it overhead to start?

Yeah, I think it'll tax their grip.

Well, it doesn't matter at that point,

but their grip will be taxed.

So it's going to be awkward holding that.

If you can get a good shelf,

it can just kind of rest there.

If you can get a good shelf.

But to me, it is getting it up there.

Getting it up there is going

to tax your grip in

addition to all those rope climbs.

I don't know.

It's a good workout.

What's the time cap on that?



It could be quick.

I don't know.

Is that the last workout?

Yeah, that's the last one.

The seventh one.

It's a nice little finale.

Is it like two, three, two?

Do you know the... I'm going

to assume... Three, two, two?

Two, three, two?

I'm going to assume that.

But I'm not sure.

I haven't looked at the,

I don't think we got a schedule yet.

Well, that's a fun finale one.

Cause if you blow up on the

legless and let's say you

miss your fourth rep, there can be your,

like your finale,

like your podium or big changes in the,

in the leaderboard,

you could do all the way up

and you'd have a huge hole

with legless or something.


So, um,

He definitely makes sure

that you have to have your

strict deficit handstand pushups.

You have to have your leg lifts on.

It's not a big amount,

but just having the four on

the spot is a huge separator.

You have your ring muscle-ups.

So you do have some good

pieces of gymnastics that

you have to be proficient with.

You still got to be able to

move the heavy dumbbell deadlift.

no max lift, but I prefer that.


Especially in, in, in a,

in a weekend with like

seven events versus if you have like,

you know, eight to nine,

I'd say around like eight to nine,

you can start having a max lift,

but seven still not quite

enough that I think it

skews a little bit.

So I think it's great programming.

It's balanced.

It's got some cool stuff.

I'm looking forward to it.

There's a lot of great

athletes going there.


I like it better than last

year's programming.

Yeah, it should be good.


they've filled up the men a little bit.

I guess I can share that real quick.

We shared the women, I think, last week.

so uh we have taylor self

announced sam stewart

justin rhodes matthias

porter jacob marlow uh

drake lewis tristan

harrison uh nick matthew

colton mertens and chris

ibarra nice yeah there's a

good good group of men good

group of women um the

compass you know people are

wanting to compete there yeah

Chris, that bar is a nice surprise.

Well, training partner is also there.

Oh, my gosh.

Olivia, course setter.

Oh, okay.

I think we went through all the women.

This I don't know.

I have no clue.

Because that P score or Z

score or whatever.

It was P. P score.


I think they are doing a

different scoring system.

I heard, um, Pedro Tyler, Tyler,

Tyler talking about it on a

barbell spin that he had

doing P score again, or he's changed.

He did not say what they were doing,

but that he was like

responsible for scoring.

So that means you're doing one of these,


Yeah, Z or P for sure,

unless they came up with a

new scoring system that we

don't know about.

I did not like Z score.

I didn't like P score.

I don't even know which one I like better.

Having negative points makes

no sense to me.

That was P score.

That was Z. That was last year.

No, we did P last year.

I'm confused.

We did,

we did P scoring last year and

there was the zero points

for a lot of people.

It did not make sense.

Last year was, I did not care.

It was P scoring and it

didn't matter if you were,

if you're in like the

bottom four of an event,

you may have beat somebody

by twenty reps and you

still got zero points.

Same as them.

Like you didn't get rewarded

for your work that you did.


It was P score.

It was ugly.

I didn't like it.


And especially in the

master's division where

there was only like eight athletes.

You needed the scoring.


You needed like forty people

or thirty people to spread

it out enough where it made sense.

They should have just put us

in the main scoreboard so

that it made sense and then

pulled us out.

Like with our points afterwards.

CrossFit says Pez scoring.

Which I was still waiting for that.

Tyler had said he was going

to put together the whole scoreboard,

put the Masters in there,

and I never got that.

But, I mean,

it's a place to experiment if

you're going to do it.

And as long as the athletes

know going in that this is the scoring.

Sounds like they don't know.

Well, it wasn't an email that we got.


we received an email detailing the

flow of the events and the

standards and stuff like

that that JR sent out.

I don't recall anything on the scoring,



You're getting quite the fans tonight.


Something did spark me.

She's a married woman.

Thanks, Carolyn.

So on a different subject altogether,

I ended up watching the

Hiller video about the

woman who admitted she used

performance-enhancing drugs.

Oh, yes.

And him going through that and like...

I know so little about

performance enhancing drugs

compared to what these people know.

It was really fascinating to me,

this story of her and how

it stays in a woman's

system much longer than it

does a man's because they

don't need the testosterone.

So it was just fascinating.

But Hiller's always said

there's kind of like two

key signs if someone's using or not.

And that is the rounded

shoulder and the immediate up to the trap,

like in the elevated trap.

That is a key sign.

Can I tell you at MFC, I'm going, yep.





Just with that like little trigger thing.

I think it's hard to tell.

Cause a lot of people,

you can't even tell.

It depends what they're,

what they would be taking though.

I was just using the thick, the key.

He said,

that's like his first cue that he

looks for.

And I'm not saying I'm right or wrong,

but I'm saying just using that cue,

like I would say, like I would say,

like I would say, like I would say,

like I would say, like I would say,

like I would say, like I would say,

like I would say, like I would say,

like I would say, like I would say,

like I would say, like I would say,

like I would say, like I would say,

like I would say, like I would say,

like I would say, like I would say,

like I would say, like I would say,

like I would say, like I would say,

like I would say, like I would say,

like I would say, like I would say,

like I would say, like I would say,

like I would say, like I would say,

like I would say, like I would say,

like I would say, like I would say,

But again, MFC,

there were very few games athletes.

These are people just kind

of getting their feet wet

and all that kind of stuff.

So anyway.

It was a good podcast.

Yeah, he did a good video on that.

I just learned a lot.

And a lot of it was,

so it was both her and him

talking about it and her

being very open and about

how it affected her body,

how it stayed in her body.

That's been my biggest

complaint with this whole thing.

Like the,

some of those people that you know,

came from like power

lifting or bodybuilding.

Like she came from bodybuilding.


And you, you just can tell,

know that they were on it.


That's been my complaint with this sport.

And like,

especially the women when they

continue on and cross when they're like,

well, I'm clean now.


I feel like that's where we're at

with Pinero at this point.


I wish she would just admit that she

took things for years.


You've passed multiple job

tests the last few years.

You might be clean now,

but your ceiling for lifts

went way above what like

I'll ever be able to compete with.

And that is unfair to me.

Oh, Tom Hardy, having a night tonight.

So yeah, just,

it was just an observation I

had after watching that

sitting in a competition.

And we've said like,

if it's going to be rampant,

it's going to be rampant in

the masters because

especially on the men's

side with just testosterone

and people having low T and,

and it being allowed to a certain level,

even in testing,

like all that kind of stuff.

And so I was just,

I was just kind of making

an observation that,

But I actually thought it would be higher.

And again,

this was just one sign that I

picked up from what Hiller

said and did it.

And it was about twenty percent.

I thought it would be a little bit higher.

So anyway.


That's all I have to say about that,

I guess.

I pulled up discount Tom Hardy.

You did not.

I did.

I went to go look at it.

I was curious.

I was curious, Tom.

Roast him.

He wants to be roasted.



Nice muscles, Tom.

Nice muscles.

That's not roasting.

So, uh,

there's a good football game on tonight.

Bills and Ravens.

So I think I'm going to go

watch that as I go to bed.

All right.

Anything else you guys have to say?

It's kind of been a slow

week other than the smack

talk from Roman and everybody else.

I did talk to Emily about having her on.

She said she would come on.

I think she's still

vacationing a little bit.

But one,

I've never seen her talk smack

like that in my life.

And it was, I really enjoyed reading it.

And then like on the seventeenth one,

Kyle jumps in.

So that was fun.

But I want to talk to her just because,

you know,

winning third at the games this

year and what does that mean?


and then the tier cup and she's had a

pretty eventful off season

and where she at going into next season.

Cause she's yeah.

I'm anxious to see like what

the difference is with the

older athletes and the younger athletes.


too um so I'd like to get

some take on that and I

haven't really been doing a

lot of interviews lately so

I think it's time to kind

of ramp those back up as

things slow down and rogue

comes we'll have an excuse

to pull some people in for

that and uh and tear cup we

can talk to some people

about that but with that

don't forget to like and

subscribe we love our

audience even those twitchers who are uh

Whatever they're doing.

Trying to distract us from

our discussions.


Last thing.

CrossFit said there's...

There's some prominent

Games females who've

certainly dabbled in past lives.

Again, I don't know nothing about nothing.

I just was using one of his

tips to see kind of what I thought.

And I would never name names

because I am not

knowledgeable enough to do that.


With that being said,

we will see everybody next

week on Sunday Night CrossFit Talk.

All right.

Bye, guys.
