We talk about saving money on auto insurance, homeowners insurance, and - yes - we talk about life insurance!

Speaker 1 0:00
You're listening to locally produced programming created in KU NBC Studios on public radio K, u and v. 91.5.

Speaker 2 0:11
The following is a paid program sponsored by your insurance connection. Please be advised that the voices and opinions you hear do not necessarily represent the views of K, u and v. Las Vegas, the University of Nevada, Las Vegas or the Board of Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education.

Speaker 3 0:31
Good morning, this is your insurance connection. I'm your host. Donnell Marquez, on your insurance connection. We talk about saving money on auto insurance, homeowners insurance. Yes. And we talk about life insurance. Welcome to the show.

Speaker 3 0:52
Good morning, everybody. My name is Donald Marquez, and this is your insurance connection. Broadcasting, right, he had k u and v 91.5. Jazz and more Sunday morning from 8am to 830. So buckle up, get your favorite brevets. And listen to what I have to say, Turn me up. Because you know, insurance is my you know what I'm talking about won't get you in big. You know, I hope everyone had a safe Fourth of July and no claim to make as far as your house and burn up were partially damaged. Because it was a lot of fires a lot of claims coming in. And you know, because people was a little careless. Hope it didn't happen to you, our listeners at ke u and v 91.5. And, you know, if you do have to file a claim, do it immediately. If your neighbor cause damage to your house, listen. So if your neighbor caused damage to your home, you could file a claim against your neighbors policy. The only thing you would need, of course, your neighbors information on what what insurance company they have, don't file a claim on your own homeowner's insurance, homeowners insurance. If you know for a fact your neighbor was, you know, had illegal fireworks or fireworks in general, and they caused damage to your house, you could file a claim against your neighbor's home. You know, you just ask your neighbor, who's your homeowners insurance, I'm gonna file a claim against your policy. And they should give it to you because they're at fault. Now, if you have to go to small claims court, you could do that too, as well make sure you take pictures of everything, all the damages, and you know, file a claim against damages. However, you know, your neighbor should be corporate enough to say hey, I'm sorry, that happened. Here's my insurance information. You know, that's always good to I mean, when people cooperate with one another, I remember an incident years ago, my wife took my our dog out for a walk. And I told her to take our dog with you. And she said no, no, I'm good. I'm good on radar slows me down. His name was radar, big golden retriever. And she said, Well, you know, I'm gonna walk by myself and, and walk in our neighborhood around a couple of blocks from us. He was cutting grass, and his dog got out to sag gate and bid my wife on the forum pretty, pretty significant bike, you know, and we had to file a claim against his homeowner's policy. He was very cooperative, he understood he was very apologetic, he was kind of nervous, because, you know, dog bites are very expensive, and they can be. So if you do have a dog, make sure if you you're walking your animal, or your dog, please have your dog on the leash. Because if your dog gets away, and bite someone, or even give someone dog right, they can file a claim against your homeowners insurance policy. And you know what happens when you file claims, your insurance goes up?

Speaker 3 3:35
If he was away, you know, I've been with my company for all these years. And I had one claim, I had one claim and my rates went up. That's insurance that happens all the time, that sometimes, you know, agents, we can't do anything about it. We try to fight for you as much as we can. I had a gentleman call me on the day after the fourth. And he said, he said he was in a car accident. You know, lady brought bras wiped him. You know, I don't know if she was impaired or not. But he sent me pictures of the damage to his rear end of his vehicle and it was paid off. reliable transportation. And you know, I don't know where here she comes speeding, and she rear ended him, you know, not paying attention. Maybe she was texting and driving. Please don't text and drive. A lot of car accidents are created by texting and driving. Now he called me because he wanted instructions on what to do. I want to thank him and on all of this news that listened to this program, because it informs them what to do. In case of a claim you have to file a claim. He thought he had to file a claim against his own insurance policy. So I told him no, don't do that. When auto insurance claim, file a claim against her policy he did. He listened to the program here at K u and v 91. Five he took pictures by listening to me he's the man I listened to your show. Took pictures I have pictures of her driver's license. I have picture of her insurance ID He card and he also took pictures of the accident damages to his vehicle and also the damages to her vehicle. Fortunately, no one was injured in the car accident. You know, when you do have a car accident, get checked out, you know you hyperextend you know your body is the shockwave that goes through your body as we age and you know what I'm talking about. You know we get a little stubborn we don't want to go to the doctor but you should go to the doctor because that pain is not fun. You know, you might take I just take a hot bath and Epsom salt. How many times have I heard that? I'll just take a bath and hot Epsom salt. Well, you know that may work for most, but not work for all. I would recommend you go get checked out get some X rays get X rays because you never know what type of internal damages you can have. My name is Don Marquez, this is your insurance connection. For more information you can contact me at 702-236-2624 702-236-2624 My office is located in the heart of a beautiful city right on the corner of Sahara and Rancho on the corner sad. I mean it's right people go up to Rainbow look for me. I don't get I say Sahara Rancho. And sometimes they go all the way up to Rainbow. I don't get it. But I'm on the Sahara Rancho, across the street from the palace station Hotel and Casino. And I'm on the eighth floor in the US Bank building is it was one of the tallest buildings on the corner. You cannot miss it. I am one block west of the i 15. US Bank building. Eighth floor 702-236-2624. I work by appointment. My business hours are Monday through Friday from nine let's give them at 10am to 5pm. I mean for you on a Saturday, I will work on some Saturdays. Just contact me again at 702-236-2624. And now if you're looking for an attorney because maybe you've been in the car accident, or team member, Christine Barnard is available to help you you know with an attorney. She can help you I don't I don't have any attorneys that I can recommend. But she is our legal. You know, she has everything legal. With your insurance connection. Christine Banagher everything legal, her contact number is 702-857-4040 1-702-857-4401. She can help you with bargain grant deeds, sales. And also she can help you with notary services. She is a traveling notary. She can help you with a resume if you look trying to find a new career, Power of Attorney medical and financial power power of attorney and also last wills testaments trust promissory notes, she can help you with all that type of information. If you have a loved one is getting ready to go into a nursing home, you really need to contact Christine Bodnar because when to my understanding when individuals go into a nursing home, you know, if they have a life insurance policy or whatever assets they have, they may have to turn it over to the nurse you know, Christine Banagher team member of your insurance connection again, our phone number is 702-857-4401. Now if you do have a loved one is going into a nursing home, there are things you could do to prevent the nursing home to take care of taking all of their assets, more than likely it will take their retirement and you know, they're you know, and it's again, it's kind of a you know, one of those situations, if you still have a living spouse, and you have an elderly person in the household is one of them have to go into a nursing home, you know, you really need to consult you know, legally I would highly recommend you have legal advice to know what your options are. So you want to transfer all your wealth over to the nursing home to take care of your loved one. I know it costs money to take care of loved ones. But what if there's is a surviving spouse? What are you gonna do? You know, the surviving spouse may want to still live in the home you know, may have to give up half the income or grade a portion of the income it's always good to have a legal consultation I'm gonna I'm gonna insurance it and I'm not I'm not anything legal or nothing illegal that I do for for advice. I just common sense to me. Good old fashioned common sense. You know, make sure you know you you you know, make sure you do the right thing before you put your loved one into a nursing home if you have to do so. My name is Dan Marquez, this is your insurance connection. I offer auto insurance, homeowners insurance, renter's insurance and yes life insurance. That's my favorite subject. Now for you, we're gonna get to the life insurance in a little bit. You know the cause of car insurances is really expensive in Vegas. I just talked about a car accident and this is one of the reasons why we have a high car insurance rates. The bars are open 20 four hours a day, seven days a week, I don't care what community you live in, you know, people drink, drink and drive. And they cause, you know, all of us to pay more car insurance, a lot of rear end car collisions. And we started to see a more frequency. And older adults, you know, our senior citizens drive in and age the 70s and 80s. But there haven't been a lot more rear end collisions, you know, when I first got into this business back in, you know, late 90s, like 97, right, and insurance for Allstate Insurance Company, you know, the senior citizens had low car insurance rates, but over the years, you know, we've noticed, and seniors expecially have a frequency of more car accidents. And now the insurance company is asked to rate for that, you know, they have to rate for, you know, the damage is done. And, you know, make sure that everything is taken care of when that when that accident happens, but we find more seniors are having more car accidents, now I know they're coming out with cars that can drive themselves. And, you know, a lot of us not ready for that yet. I took an Uber to the airport. And, and he said, let me show you something, he had electric car, the Uber driver, and he just took his hands and he hit a couple of buttons, he said, watch this. And the car drove itself, it went around the curve. And it drove us up almost all the way to the airport, you know, so, and he took control of it, you know, right before we got to the airport, but he was a nice distance, he showed me how it works, it's very interesting. Now maybe in the future, for our seniors, they get a use of the technology, they don't have to worry about breaking, I just hit a button and the car will take you wherever you want to go. That's not here at 100% yet, but maybe, you know, 20 years from now, it'll be common for cars to drive themselves. And you know, it's gonna be a lot less car accidents on the road when that happens, because computer computers can control the flow of traffic, especially on your interstate highways, you know, on your freeways, your highways, you know, they will be able to control the traffic. So to prevent car accidents, and in the future, you know, insurance rates could go down or you know, a lot lower than we currently are paying now, a much lower, because they're going to be less car accidents, less injuries. So that's something to look forward to in the future. I'm keeping my eye on AI AI technology in this but it is coming. And it's gonna be at a point maybe even, you know, 3040 years from now, you know, you you program your car to take you where you want to go, you tell it where you want to go. And you just sit back and relax. And it does all the work for you. And people like I don't know how to drive I just sit now.

Speaker 3 12:45
You don't even have to take driving lessons, you just sit back and let the car you know, do his thing. But you know, the future is not here yet. And we're you know, to save money on car insurance. I like to combine the home and auto together. That home and auto together gives you the bundle. It's called a multi policy discount, or the bundle as we call it today. We call it the bundle to give you the home and auto discount the home discounts Auto, and auto discounts at home, that's the biggest discount you're gonna receive, along with if you're married. And you have separate car insurance. There are married couples out there, I've encountered in my many years of offering insurance. They like to have everything separate. But you're going to pay more for auto insurance when you do that you're going to pay more, a lot more for your auto insurance because now you have separate car insurance policies. I would like to combine those policies together. And you know, you know, we could figure out who pays for what you know, that's that's on you and your wife's budget, or you and your partner's budget. Right? You figure that part out, but why not save money in the process? Why not save money in the process? 70223626 to four. So grab a pan, this is the number right now. 702-236-2624 Donald Marquez and you know, I'm a native of Las Vegas born and raised. I love my city. And I was I like I said just recently I was on my way to the airport. I took a trip down to Arkansas. Oh my god. You know, I know it's hot now. And you know, we had a nice June but go go to Arkansas or you know, one of these southern states where the humidity is as ridiculous and the bugs everywhere. It gives you a greater appreciation of Vegas. You know because you know you walked through a mist of humidity because it's very green everywhere is beautiful. But it's human. Vegas coming over Vegas. When I got off the plane of Vegas. I was like I welcomed the dry heat. And I got back in Vegas. It was late at night. You know we're almost 12 o'clock my daughter picked me up from the airport. And it was like oh, this is so nice but no book As you know, when you're in the Midwest or the, you know, the South, you can hear those buzz is buzzing in the trees. They call them as caterers. And they were just having a fun day. They were loud. But you know, Vegas, you know, I appreciate our hot city at this time of the year. You know, we get through July, August, September, you know, cooled down in October. Now, we go down a little bit in September, but, you know, we got through June, June was very nice. It was very kind us. And hopefully, you know, maybe in September start getting a little cooler. But, you know, it is what it is, Vegas is hot this time of the year, enjoy the heat, you know, stay hydrated. But, you know, the Vegas nights are nothing like the Vegas nights. You know, Vegas, nighttime life is great, no bugs, no mosquitoes very, you know, I mean, it's a wonderful place to be at night. And right here in Las Vegas, Nevada. And I say that because I do have appreciation about city. And I do have appreciation for the people that have contacted me listening to this program on K, u and v 91.5. Jazz and more came in and purchase home Auto, and life insurance. Now, if you do not have a customer in mind, you can still contact me, if you have concerns about your insurance, you pay a lot of money for insurance. And life insurance has a lot of moving parts. You know, I'm someone you can call, whether you my customer or not, you can contact me at 70223626247022362624 offices located on the corner of Sahara, and Rancho in the US bank center located on the eighth floor, I love to talk to you let's let's have a conversation. You know, let's review all your insurances, you know, what the life insurance policy is, should be reviewed at least one once every three to five years, should I have a review on your life insurance policy, because things do change along if you have a will or trust, you should have those review too, as well, because things do change. You know, with a life insurance policy, you could have lost your beneficiary, or you know, you could be upset with your beneficiary, and you don't want that person to be a beneficiary anymore. You know, I mean, things do change, honestly, you retired, but your life insurance is a little blip and more costly for you. You know, there are other things you can look at, before reducing your life insurance or eliminating life insurance. You know, do you need all the all the show times the HBOs, all all these different channels on your television, you know, in buying all these different apps on your phone, that you need all of that, I mean, because you're paying extra money for all of that. You really are. When you when you add it all up, you know, they've created television to be a utility. I remember television used to be free. But now it's a utility and you pay it every month to watch certain programs. Same thing with your phone. Phone never never been this way when I was growing up. I was watching this, you know, commercials on television one day and this young girl she was with her dad. And she said to the test is she they were looking at it. There was no Museum looking at a phone booth in the museum. She said she said Dad, how do you get you know, how do you get the internet on the phone, but he just looked at it. He's smile. But it was so simple back then you put a dime and a machine and a phone and you made your phone calls. And if you needed to put some more money in and make a long distance call, you got to change and that's what you did. But it's all it's all it's sophisticated. Now it's all high tech. And we rely on these phones for everything. They do a lot more than ever in our history of humans on the face of the earth that I you know, I mean, it's amazing what they do, I depend on my phone every single day. And I carry but when you're driving on the phone talking, you know, you might get a car accident as a result of using your phone. But also you could use your phone. And you could purchase life insurance home and auto. But you know, again, even if you use your phone to for these resources, you know you put in a lot of your personal information out there. And you're going to receive a lot of phone calls. Regardless of whether there's home auto or life insurance. I do not share your personal information with other companies, other lead resources when you put your name and all that information on online. You know you're going to receive phone calls, you know, you're going to receive phone calls for a very long time. Now when you contact me, we sit down and talk about your personal needs. I personalize whatever you know whatever company we decide to go with. They're the only company that has your personal information. That company is the only company is going to receive you're going to receive a phone call from or even you may receive a phone call from me. But you know a lot of people go online to put all their personal information online and what you're doing you you given these lead resources opportunities to sell your lead If, and they sell your lead to other insurance agents, other mortgage brokers, you know, I mean, mortgage companies, I mean, the realtors, they sell your information to everybody, to everybody. And now you wonder, why am I receiving all these calls, because you use, you know, the services available to you, your phone, your computer, and you put your personal information online because you were shopping for insurance. You know, insurance companies have insurance agents for a reason. So we can personalize the experience of being with an insurance agent to purchase your insurance products. Now, if they didn't need us, we would not be here. It's like going to you know, your doctor, you you know, going to your accountant, you know, you gotta come the insurance agent come to me 702-236-2624 My name is Don Marquez, this is your insurance connection, 702-236-2624, I would love to meet you, I love to meet you listen out and have a conversation, a real conversation about having life insurance in your life. Having life insurance and your life. You know, due to inflation, the average cost of funerals has gone up here, you know, you know, there is ways you can achieve peace of mind by having a life insurance policy. When these funerals today cost $20,000, on average, you know, $20,000, on average, that's a lot of money to come up with at one time. You know, inflation has gone up. I mean, I don't blame it on one person. I mean, I think these companies, these corporations are getting a little greedy, because they're in control of the prices. They blame it on other factors. But, you know, I look at where it really is coming from and corporate America, just, you know, they just got their hands out for more money all the time. But you know, you can pre plan, you can make arrangements now to have the peace of mind when that day comes. And it comes for each and every one of us. And we need to stop saying if something happened to me. I don't know where they came from. I really don't.

Speaker 3 22:11
But I know for for many years in this business, and I've delivered these death benefits to families I've taught, I've brought them a check. So here's I'm sorry to hear that you lost your loved one. But here's a check from my insurance company that I represent. You know, it really helps the family financially. You know, you know, it just does because you can leave family members behind. And you know, the bills don't stop coming in, you know, the bills don't stop coming in. So if you if you're looking to, you know, reduce the cost of life insurance. Now, if you bought your life insurance policy 20 years ago, you need an insurance review. If you bought your life insurance policy 10 years ago, you need a life insurance review, you really do. Because as you age, that license, that life insurance policy can change, if you have term insurance is only good for the term. Now, when the term ends is over, or their company may offer you an extended term policy, and that policy will go up on you every single year. Now I know when you purchase a policy, it says to age 95. So I challenge you to go look at your index page on your life insurance policy, and just see how much your insurance is going to cost. After your term is over with term insurance lasts 20 years. Well let me back up term insurance lasts 10 years. 1520 years 30 years. I'm gonna say that again. Term insurance 10 years 1520 years or 15 or 20 years, what 30 year term policy. Now in order to get a 30 year term policy, which is the maximum years the term insurance policy will offer you have to be a nonsmoker at 58 years old male you know female 58 nonsmoker to get 30 years now if you 59 you cannot get 30 years now, although it may say days 95 But you know, it's going to change now they'll write you know we could write a 20 year term policy if you'd 59. Now if you're a smoker, you know you can get at 58 a 30 year term. You just can't. You just can't you're probably I'd think is wrong about 50s 56 is that cut off at 56 you can get probably get 30 years as a smoker. Now my smokers out there you know, I see many clients and I have not seen many smokers every now and then I receive a smoker in my office and they honest with me say I smoke if there's no tests involved with it, because I do have insurance policies where there is no physical. There is no physical evolve at all. And you know if you have underlying health conditions if you have underlying health conditions you You know, don't just say it, you know, I won't qualify for life insurance don't make that determination. Let me make that determination, I can be reached at 702-236-2624. You know, people that have diabetes, whether type one type two diabetes, you know, if you've been turned down for life insurance, I can help you. If you have lupus, a family member with lupus, or you have lupus, I can get you a life insurance policy. All right, 702-236-2624, don't give up 702-236-2624 You know, a family member with dementia, Alzheimer's, we can get them a life insurance policy. And if you stage one, stage two cancer, with more than 12 months to live, I can get you a life insurance policy, we make the payments very easily affordable, monthly drafts coming directly out of your checking account, you can select from the first or to the 28th of each month, a payment that you can afford. But this protection you should have you must have this protection. You don't want to leave your family members, you know $20,000 in debt on top of the debt they already have. If they're already $40,000 in debt for an example, then all of a sudden you pass away and you put more debt, a funeral loan may cost you 20,000. Now you put them in $60,000 in debt, they may have cars, mortgages, you know, look at all that debt you're leaving behind for your loved one. Let's not keep the cycle of generational debt, continuing lists, rest flip it and create generational wealth. Let's create generational wealth. By getting a life insurance policy is a simple easy way to guarantee to your family members that you're going to leave them not in debt, you can leave some money behind so they can take care of your final expenses and take care of your expenses your bills because you're no longer here. Your bills are still gonna come in and if you leave a spouse behind, they your spouse is going to need additional income to survive 702 to three 620-620-4702 to 362624 My name is Donnell Marquez, I'm a licensed insurance broker. love to meet you. You know we're gonna do this again next week. We have broadcast right here okay you have V 91.5. Jazz and Marma my engineering Mr. West nice as this time almost ago. Almost ready to get out of here. But I want everybody to have a safe Sunday is warm outside make sure you hydrate Drink plenty of water and you know and early in the morning take a walk around the neighborhood or late in the evening. I go late in the evening now because it's just too hot in the morning. Take a walk around neighborhood you know get little exercise. It's a next week everyone just keep it crispy. Thank you for listening

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