No F**ks Given: How to Make Menopause Your Superpower

Elle Taylor, a self-mastery activator, shares her inspirational journey from a challenging childhood to prison to building successful businesses. She emphasises the power of self-mastery and the law of attraction in creating the life you desire. Elle's story highlights the importance of adapting to different situations, finding opportunities in adversity, and staying focused on personal growth.

Elle shares her personal journey of transformation and manifestation, starting from a low point in her life to creating a successful coaching business and living her dream life in Zanzibar. She talks about recognising the power of the subconscious mind and programming, and how she used it to change her life. Elle shares how she set clear intentions, created vision boards, and took inspired action to manifest her desires. She emphasises the importance of self-mastery and overcoming fear and self-doubt.

Elle also highlights the power of community and surrounding oneself with like-minded individuals who support and uplift each other. In this final part of the conversation, Elle discusses the importance of having a supportive tribe and how every experience in her life has led her to this point. She shares her journey of personal growth and self-mastery, including her time as a personal trainer in prison. Elle emphasises the need to embrace all versions of ourselves, even the ones that may not be favourable, and to find positive traits in each version. She also talks about the discomfort that comes with up levelling and the importance of shifting our perception to create the reality we desire.

To connect with Elle click here to learn about how to join the Lokyā Club or to take the final spot on her Soul Tribe Reunion retreat.

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What is No F**ks Given: How to Make Menopause Your Superpower?

Welcome to "No F**ks Given," where we redefine menopause as a superpower. Hosted by Holly Lamb, a women's health coach, who is navigating early menopause. This podcast offers empowering guidance on women's health and navigating perimenopause with confidence. From nutrition tips to fitness advice and mindfulness practices, we cover it all. But here's the twist: it's all about embracing your most authentic, unapologetic self. We're here to help you reclaim your power, say goodbye to societal norms, and live life on your own terms—no f**ks given. Welcome to the revolution!

Holly Lamb (00:01.186)
Hello and welcome to this week's episode of the No Fucks Given podcast with me, host Holly Lamb. This week I'm joined by the powerhouse that is Elle Taylor. Now Elle left me to introduce her. So this is my version of her. So she is a self mastery activator. She will activate you in ways you didn't think were possible in order to create the life you desire.

Elle - Be The Change (00:07.255)
Thank you.

Holly Lamb (00:28.822)
She empowers each and every woman she comes into contact with as well as raising three children under two. She has a gift of bringing like -minded women together in spaces where you feel like you have finally found your tribe. And these are places where women actually celebrate and support one another. And there's absolutely no competition whatsoever. And her and Agusha's program, The Journey, has literally changed my life and so many women's lives in just a short space of time.

And that's why I'm really excited to have Elle on the podcast today.

Elle - Be The Change (01:04.535)
Thanks Holly. That was quite an intro. I like, need to take some notes. I'm going watch that back and steal some of your phrases there because they're better than what I say myself. Thank you. That's amazing.

Holly Lamb (01:13.198)
You're so welcome, you're so welcome. Well, it's true because we've worked, obviously we've worked together before and then you launched the journey program and I think that's just what's transforming so many women's lives as well as obviously your Empress membership as well and that's full of another group of amazing women and some are kind of interchangeable. But I just really love to go back to

Elle - Be The Change (01:21.611)
Yeah, we.

Holly Lamb (01:39.65)
the start and how you kind of got to where you are now and kind of where you've come from, because it really is an inspirational story.

Elle - Be The Change (01:49.355)
Amazing. mean, okay. So, well, first of all,

Where do we start? OK, let me just gather my thoughts. OK, let's start. Well, let's just skim through. So because my, yeah, I've had kind of quite a fruitful life, shall we say. And it's been a real roller coaster of ebbs and flows, shall we call it. So I'll just start off like, OK, so when I was a child, due to my parents' jobs, we lived abroad. So I grew up in developing countries. And so being Sudan in Africa and Bangladesh and also Pakistan,

And then we came back to the UK. I went to American international schools, so I had a very different upbringing. And then my parents separated. My dad stayed in Pakistan. And we came back to the UK eventually, because we did go back to Bangladesh for a little bit, to finish my American schooling. And when I got to the UK, it was a huge culture shock for me. I was literally like, what is this? What actually is this? It's like gray pavement, gray schoolyard, gray.

wire around the tennis courts, know, grey skies, grey buildings. And I was just like, I really felt a bit out of sorts actually. And I didn't really fit in to school, needless to say. I stuck out like a sore thumb. And you know, when I came into that school and they're like, and then the teacher, I just wanted to like, kind of just melt into everything. And the teacher's like, and this is Elle, you know, with Eleanor and she's, you know, been living abroad, you know, I was like, no, don't just don't tell them anything. Because I just know that this is not gonna.

served me well, you know, and then it was like, you know, I got quite a few like, racist kind of lines thrown at me like, are you, you used live in mud hats? Did you used to, I've just like stuff throughout the years that I was at school. anyway, I was just like, who are these people? And then, and also it was the first time I'd ever experienced being called out for like race and being called out for what you're wearing. So that was the first time that had ever entered my consciousness and it didn't sit well with me. And I just,

Holly Lamb (03:36.643)

Holly Lamb (03:49.805)

Elle - Be The Change (03:51.713)
From that point on, I didn't really fit in and, you know, and also my mum left my dad and she was now with her best friend. And so it was quite uncomfortable for me as a child, not because of that. It's just, I didn't know how to handle that. And in those times it wasn't so, you know, it was in the late nineties. It wasn't so openly kind of.

Holly Lamb (04:10.371)

Elle - Be The Change (04:14.409)
accepted, I guess. just was, again, nothing that had never entered into my consciousness. So I just felt a bit out of sorts and been dumped back in the UK. Well, not dumped, literally, but you know what I mean. And I went to these amazing schools as well. So that kind of set off the trajectory of me not really fitting in. And then I couldn't wait to finish school. was just like, can't be fucking arse. I just want to get out in the world. I just want to make something of myself and just get some money. can set up my own business. And I just knew that.

Holly Lamb (04:23.032)

Elle - Be The Change (04:39.703)
whatever, I didn't know what it was going to be, but I just wanted to be independent. I had that thought from those times. And I was really a bit naughty at school and, you know, came to a few close shaves of just, I think them having enough of me. But at the same time, you're so bright. Why do you do it in such a way? So I was like, because I just, this doesn't make sense to me. Anyway, then as a young adult, so I was 19. After school, I did a hairdressing apprenticeship. I did start at A levels, but that is not for me. And I just wasn't showing up. So they kicked me out and did a hairdressing apprenticeship.

Holly Lamb (04:54.05)

Elle - Be The Change (05:08.753)
and got that all off the ground, you know, and I qualified very quickly. And then I went, well, actually, I didn't because I never did my final test, because they were trying to put me on the shop floor, but not kind of upgrade me, you know, not not pass me because you're on this three year contract. So I was just like, well, if I'm already doing clients, and I already know I'm doing I've already got two years in my day, I'm just gonna go fuck it. I don't need a piece of paper. I've always been very like that. So and I did and I've had an amazing career in hairdressing with no piece of paper. And then

Yeah, it got to 19 and I was kind of yearning for something more and more excitement in my life and unfortunately kind of went down the wrong road, the shadow of excitement, should I say, and got kind of caught up in, you know, smoking. Well, smoking weed is not the issue. Anyone who thinks there's a link there just because you smoke weed doesn't really mean that you're going to do anything else. But I started getting involved, like getting the odd gram for people here and there and all that kind of stuff for cocaine. And then before I knew it, I was in Australia and

Holly Lamb (05:47.886)

Elle - Be The Change (06:08.351)
Yeah, I ended up going to prison. And that was, yeah, a little bit of a spanner in the works. But I just got caught up. I met one wrong person in London, and it just kind of spiralled from there. And then I was just kind of like, well, you know, if I just did a little bit of this, then I could have a lump of cash. And then that's it. So I kind of was going, you know, for the easy way out, even though there is no easy way out. You take the easy road, your life ends up being harder. You take the hard road, your life ends up being easier. That's what I've learned. So anyway, that happened.

Holly Lamb (06:10.744)

Holly Lamb (06:26.06)

Elle - Be The Change (06:38.103)
And I was 19 years old and I was in Australia. So was now in an international prison and obviously hit the news and everyone knew about it and it was quite humiliating.

It was just, it wasn't really humiliating to me in that way. was just like more that everyone was talking about me. And also my family didn't know that I was actually there. So it was a bit of a shock to them. And I couldn't, I was quite estranged from my family at that point, because I just didn't fit in. That was the feeling that I always, I just don't fit in here and I don't feel I can be myself at school. I can't be myself here. It was just kind of a running theme. Probably, you know, a little bit of being in my head. But that's just how I felt at that time. And so I couldn't even

Holly Lamb (07:00.346)

Holly Lamb (07:20.12)

Elle - Be The Change (07:21.845)
got the phone to my mum and tell her what had happened. I was so mortified to tell her, so I just got my solicitor, which I had literally just met that day. I was like, you're going have to call my mum. And my dad, here's their numbers. Good luck with that. He was just like, fucking hell mate. And I mean, was just a, I can make a joke out of it now. It was quite humorous, you know, like, so I got charged with drug trafficking in the end, because you can't do that and possession.

And so I think we can all figure out what happened there. But it was a bit of a scary thing as well, know, because leading up to that, I had been in scenarios where, you know, lots of drugs going on, lots of arms, know, quite heavy hitters. And I've kind of found myself in the middle of this and I was kind of like, this isn't quite the Mickey Mouse's that I was dealing with in South London, you know.

So I was way over my head and I will be licensing my story one day and making a film out of it because it really is a film. But do know what? I actually had a really good time leading up to that apart from that point. And then, you know, I'm somebody that I adapt very well to situations because of like living abroad. And so I just adapted well and I got on with it basically. And but it was a real headspin for me about reality because I was like, okay, so I'm in here. This is like a box. I'm in a box. It's in a box.

And even society's out there, but I'm in this box. It's just like, really blew my mind. It started kind of got me questioning like, what is this all about? You know? And then that was kind of layering on top of, you know, living abroad and then coming back to the UK and that question, what is this all about? Like all these people just, you know, I started to see that I couldn't articulate at that time, the kind of formation that happens, you know, in society and the systems, you know, the systems were becoming very obvious to me. And anyway.

So I spent three years in there, so half of a six year sentence. And I had actually a great time because that's what I do. I adapt and I turn things to my advantage and I just accept, well, this is what it is. So I might as well get the most out of it. So I literally did like a personal training course. did, I learned to play the guitar. I did a songwriting workshop and then they were going around the prisons doing this like arts kind of a CD, you so it was like all of the best songs then from this project. Cause it was like a project that was funded.

Elle - Be The Change (09:43.553)
would then go into this competition and then get played on ABC radio and guess who won?

Holly Lamb (09:50.35)

Elle - Be The Change (09:52.055)
Of course. then, and so because I love singing and I love music and everything and, and we had a karaoke machine and it only kind of came out once a month or like once for, you know, for events or whatever. And I said to the recreation office, I was like, can I, if, if we, if I do it, can we do karaoke every other week? I'll be responsible for it, but come on, like we got to lighten up this place a bit. And so we did, we started doing karaoke literally every fortnight and, it was just fucking hilarious. I mean, that's a whole scene out of my movie to itself because.

I mean, some of it was just the competition. So there's this one girl that thought she was like literally Mary J. Blige, but completely out of tune. was like one of those X Factor moments. But she got up there, give it her all. And then we had this competition. So how I even got into this was the first. I think the second weekend I was there, was a competition, like a karaoke competition for Easter. That was it.

Holly Lamb (10:30.382)

Elle - Be The Change (10:44.683)
And I sat there and this girl that was in the cell next to me had heard me singing and she, I'd kind of made friends with her a little bit and she was bit older than me and she went and put my name in and I was like, no, I'm not fucking doing that. She's like, go on. And I was like, fuck it, what have I got to lose? And I got up and I absolutely smashed the song. did, Fuji's, strumming my pain with his fingers and, can't remember the rest of it. Can't remember the title and I fucking won it. So I won this gigantic Easter egg and I was like,

Yes, mate. And then this girl that was the very J. Blige, that was like the feud was set up then because she thought she was the pop star of the prison. I mean, you couldn't write it, honestly. Orange is the New Black. I mean, it's got nothing on it.

Holly Lamb (11:16.106)

I mean just a new block I was going to say yeah.

Elle - Be The Change (11:25.553)
And anyway, so that's just like a little snippet out of that time. I mean, was highs and lows, don't get me wrong. Both of my grandparents, my mum's parents actually died when I was in there. So that was a real low moment. But I did have and obviously the relationship with my family and, you know, my brother was really angry at me and because obviously he was dealing with my mum's grief back at home. And, you know, it was a lot. It was a fucking lot. I'm not going to lie. But I am somebody that

Holly Lamb (11:29.39)

Elle - Be The Change (11:53.855)
turn shit into gold. I just, cause I'm like, well, we're here anyway. So we can do this drag in our feet or we can get something positive out of this. And I know I really did, you know, but I did feel very claustrophobic there as well. And just like some days I was like, I just got to get out of here. Like it was very, very weird, but such an experience. And actually this is where I first was introduced to this whole concept of law of attraction.

Holly Lamb (12:10.339)

Holly Lamb (12:19.555)

Elle - Be The Change (12:20.725)
And so now in hindsight, and I'm getting goosebumps as I'm saying it, it's part of my path, you know? But I am someone that believes that all paths lead to your destination. If you're on the track, you're gonna get there no matter which way you decide to go. So I first came across it, so was one night, and we used to have this DVD channel, and they just put different DVDs on, and at the weekend you could replay the ones from that week. Anyway, it was like a Wednesday night or something, and I was in a cell with actually this other girl from England, and we'd...

Holly Lamb (12:34.84)

Elle - Be The Change (12:49.077)
made like with sticker sleeves, we were really good friends. And so I got, it was like the secret and I was like, I love like stuff like that, you know, like maps and you know, I used to love making those at school, know, like the minty leaves and ancient stuff and like my family in Ireland, I've got all these treasures, know, antique treasures up in the loft, like death cards and all this stuff. And I was fascinated with all of it. So it really caught my attention. was the secret. So I was like, what's this all about? And it was,

Holly Lamb (13:01.939)

Elle - Be The Change (13:13.867)
can't remember his name, but he says something about electricity. like electricity can cook, but it can also cook the man, you know, and it's something that we can't see, but you still believe it to be true. And then I was like, okay, so that kind of landed. The next minute I'm like, I need to get a fucking notepad out. And so I'm like grabbing my notepad and my thing. And I was like, literally glued to this thing. And then Bob Proctor was on it. Obviously the secret is quite a, you know, layman's terms and a lot of people go, it's new age and it leads you this way. Yeah, whatever. But it was my step in and,

Holly Lamb (13:23.576)

Holly Lamb (13:32.622)

Elle - Be The Change (13:42.007)
and I basically wrote down everyone's name that was in it. I rewatched it at the weekend and then I was like, when I get out, I'm gonna research all these people. And that's what started my journey. So when I got out, was Bob Proctor, the first one that I went for, and I know you're a fan of his. And I was literally just, it just took me. It was like, everything makes sense now. It was really a pivotal point in my life. But what was happening to me is that as I was learning this, I was kind of doing it as in when, not applying it to my life.

Holly Lamb (13:48.91)
Mm -hmm. Yeah.

Holly Lamb (13:56.045)

Holly Lamb (13:59.754)

Holly Lamb (14:05.645)

Elle - Be The Change (14:11.831)
And so I'd been actually on before we set up the program, which is now a private members club. when we set up, know, that was like 14 years under my belt of kind of mastering this. And I'm still mastering it because nobody well, I'm not perfect. know, like it's a nobody's finished with your evolution. You know, it's a continuous journey that we go on throughout our lives. But that was my foot in. And then, you know, I took it very seriously, like in 2012.

Holly Lamb (14:12.241)

Holly Lamb (14:23.747)

Elle - Be The Change (14:40.183)
And I started deliberately trying to create my reality and shit just started coming in. And I was like, okay, well, can't deny this now, can I? And so I was like, and so I was still on that journey. But then at that time, I got to this toxic relationship and, you know, was going out all the time and having a good time living my life, you know, and I don't regret any of that, but I wasn't applying it day by day. And so fast forward to.

Holly Lamb (14:43.502)

Holly Lamb (14:50.027)

Elle - Be The Change (15:06.549)
Well, I manifested three and a half grand, but I actually did three thousand four hundred and eighty. And so that was a deliberate thing. I wrote down this is what I need because I was working as an estate agent by this point. I've literally done everything. And I was like, I can't stand this city job shit anymore. I've tried it, but it's not me. So I got this. I was like, what do I want? Get clear on what you want. So I wrote down I want to go back to hairdressing. I don't want to work in the city. I've made all these requirements. and I also want three and a half grand to pay off my debt. And literally that was in the October. By April, that money had come in.

like basically 20 quid short of that. And I'd got this job in this perfect salon. And I worked there for quite a few years, actually. was like the best place I've ever worked. And I just made really great friends. And it was one of my clients I made friends with and I ended up moving in with them. So I'd gone from that to literally living the high life. I was living with the interior designer of the Mayfair Hotel in London. And living with him and his boyfriend and his best friend, Jan, who's just like one of my best friends. She's like in her seventies now.

Holly Lamb (15:56.195)

Holly Lamb (16:06.124)

Elle - Be The Change (16:06.135)
Yeah, I've known them since 2016 and it took me a while but I moved in. But then that was real my party days, know, and but really mixing with very interesting people and all age groups, know, very just London, you know, and it really opened my eyes. I just I think for the best time there. But the shadow side of that is that I did start getting into, well, not getting into just using drugs too much and having a good time too much and recovering from hangovers.

Holly Lamb (16:17.666)

Holly Lamb (16:21.699)

Elle - Be The Change (16:32.747)
But in that time, I'd also start up my handbag brand, which was an idea that I created in my mind. And then I got it out through, well, I met the right clients. They were in my chair. And that's how I made all of my content, but actually my clients that were in the chair. And so I made this complete, extraordinary network of clients. Then I ended up dropping days in the salon and going more part time there so that I could focus on the handbag stuff. And then I would do other clients.

Holly Lamb (16:46.711)

Elle - Be The Change (17:01.695)
in between. And then once I did that and kind of word got out, I just, was word of mouth. My whole hairdressing business was completely word of mouth. Never advertised. And again, I was applying, you know, law of attraction rules to this. And

I literally never had to advertise, never did social media. I was fully booked, you know, six weeks, 12 weeks, sometimes in advance. And that was that. And then got the hangbag brand off the ground to the point where, and again, using self -master, well, I wasn't quite the master of self there, but I was becoming the master of being able to dip into the law of vibration when I wanted to. There's all this toxic shit going on over here with my relationship.

Holly Lamb (17:27.074)

Elle - Be The Change (17:46.357)
all of this was still kind of coming in for me. And I was like, and even then I was like, wow, even though this is going on, I'm still doing all of this. Like, imagine if this wasn't going on anymore, you know, but it took me a little while to let go of that. But so the brand, I literally got paired up with like a proper designer and everything. Anyway, that all went a bit south. She ended up trying to overcharge, you know, like putting on too much on my bill and stuff like that. But I got the got the brand done. So we got it into production, did a small run.

Holly Lamb (17:55.608)

Elle - Be The Change (18:15.111)
And I, through Michael then, I and Jan, I had a meet, well, I didn't have a meeting. I wrote a letter to the owner who's a billionaire of the Mayfair Hotel and got my whole launch party for free.

Holly Lamb (18:27.438)
Of course!

Elle - Be The Change (18:30.359)
So, and I just, well, I wanted to contribute something. So I was like, I've got a three grand budget. And then they were basically like, well, you can put that to the bar. You so you put that behind the bar and for the lighting and for the DJ equipment, and then people buy their own drinks after that. And so I had a 200 person event. There's actually more people that turned up and my friend who works in PR, she's like, only 30 % of people turn up. Well, no, every motherfucking turned up.

Holly Lamb (18:55.48)

Elle - Be The Change (18:55.585)
because obviously it's the Mayfair Hotel, you know, and we didn't actually have enough seats and I basically put on this whole catwalk, catwalk dancing. It was amazing. My friend's a dancer. He's just, he did a whole vogue. he's fucking incredible. And it was just like, I was like, wow, what is actually happening right now? Like I fucking pulled this off. It was a huge event and I did it all on my own. I had Gypsy Shrine that are now called Shrine. That was my friend's friend, which is now like a global brand.

Holly Lamb (19:03.384)

Elle - Be The Change (19:25.207)
They came, had makeup artists there. We had Henna, we had photo booths, DJ. It was rocking to the point where even the staff were coming in and then we got told we have to the music down. And then Jan got me a suite for free. So we were literally in one of the Ebony suite, which was like two and a half grand a night. We had a party, after party in there. I mean, all sorts of shenanigans. Yeah, anyway, so you get the picture.

Holly Lamb (19:44.418)

Elle - Be The Change (19:48.361)
And then that was really getting off the ground. And then I got another pop up shop. had another meeting with a billionaire that bought out the Brixton market. So I got in with him through a friend, had a meeting with them and got a pop up shop for free from him. And I basically said, I will you give me the shop and I will put on an event because there was a bar that was empty in there as well. So was like, give me the bar and I'll do an event that basically brings the real Brixton.

Holly Lamb (20:03.662)

Holly Lamb (20:14.443)

Elle - Be The Change (20:14.551)
here because right now you're you've got the gentrified Brixton going on here. It's not authentic Brixton and he was he's from Texas so he didn't have a fucking clue and they basically agreed to it so I got that for free as well and put on this amazing night of like rapping, rappers, musician like just musician it was fucking amazing and again it was like over maybe 130 people there so I was really on this roll and then that was 2019 in comes 2020 and

Holly Lamb (20:42.818)

Elle - Be The Change (20:43.723)
The whole carpet got pulled from beneath my feet. And I was like, holy fucking shit bags, because, you know, I've got a lot of money in this thing now and I'm, I was just going for investment. And so I was like reaching, I was reaching out to the guys who own pretty little thing and boohoo .com because they were, they were buying like kind of more Lux brands. So that's who I was going for. And I made this whole like Instagram page was my sales pitch and I managed to even speak.

Holly Lamb (20:46.616)

Holly Lamb (21:02.702)

Holly Lamb (21:10.572)

Elle - Be The Change (21:11.657)
social media person, like I was like this fucking close and then Corona happened. And I was up shit creek without a paddle because my job couldn't work. My furlough was shite because I obviously was, you know, putting money into the business. So I didn't put it through the books and all that. And so my furlough was shite. I couldn't afford to live. I'd already given up the house, the Mayfair, the Mayfair designer house, because I needed to create cash flow. So all of my stuff was in a storage container.

Holly Lamb (21:16.341)
and one.

Holly Lamb (21:21.506)

Elle - Be The Change (21:40.427)
and I turned into a studio. So all my clothes were there, but it was also my work studio. So I'd go there to work. And I was basically sofa surfing, living at a friend's house. has all happened. She's a lawyer working from home. She has a small flat. It just didn't work. So I ended up going back to the Champagne Socialite house in Brixton. And they let me sofa surf there. And I got back into doing drinking and doing drugs. You know, just, yeah, let's have a party. We're on furlough. And then it suddenly hit me one day.

Holly Lamb (21:43.203)

Holly Lamb (22:06.392)

Elle - Be The Change (22:08.939)
What the fuck are you doing, babe? This is an opportunity just like you had when you're in prison. This is time out of your life. This is a break from your life to sort your fucking shit out. And all the debt and everything. was like, literally, there must be hundreds of thousands of people in the same situation. Nobody's going to be chasing my tail. I'm just going to leave. I'm not calling any of them. I'm just leaving all of it. I'm not even bothering with that. I'm not wasting my energy right now. I need to get fit. I need to get healthy. I need to lose fucking weight. I need to get an alignment because I knew something was off.

Holly Lamb (22:30.935)

Elle - Be The Change (22:37.975)
from the get -go because I'd just been studying for years before about the subconscious mind and programming. And so I recognised it straight away. Something didn't sit right with me. And I've also been in emergency situations. When we lived in Pakistan, the second day that we got there, the embassy next door was suicide bombed and we were caught up in all of that. So I know, my body knows what a real emergency feels like. And that didn't feel like one to me, but let's not get into that right now. But that was basically the catalyst.

Holly Lamb (22:38.178)

Holly Lamb (22:56.75)

Holly Lamb (23:01.688)

Yeah, that's a rabbit hole.

Elle - Be The Change (23:07.081)
Yeah, that rabbit hell. But that was the point is that it was the catalyst that got the rocket up my ass. And, and I was like, well, Elle, if you were the master of self, you don't need to leave this house. You don't need them to change. They can carry on partying. What you're going to do, babe, is you're going to stop drinking, you're going to give up the cocaine free nights week, you're going to give up smoking. And you're going to get your ass out this fucking door because you are actually a qualified personal trainer. And you're gonna get on with it.

and your trainers are going to be by your bed. And this is not a should, this is a fucking must. This is your opportunity to change your life now, because this is a fucking hole that was stuck in here. And I needed 30 grand to basically ease the burden of everything that had gone on. And I made this vision board and specifically 30 grand was on there and I made it on the 28th of April. I recorded all of it so nobody could tell me it was bullshit. And I was like, this is an opportunity.

Holly Lamb (23:42.495)

Elle - Be The Change (24:00.853)
that so when I left the house and I go out running, I took the dog with me, they'd all be still downstairs sniffing coke at 7am and I'm off out the door and I just was gone for hours, know, hours and hours just walking the dog, headphones in, Bob Proctor and there's like this confirmation of different speakers that were together and I just listened to it over and over and over again as I walk around Brockwell Park and I was like, I'm not budging until I make it because I know that I've just got to program my subconscious mind so I'm not budging until this is done and at the same time I'm doing my exercise.

Holly Lamb (24:28.398)

Elle - Be The Change (24:30.391)
And a matter of weeks later, I mean, I was in a dire strait situation, let's put it like that. know, my Mercedes Benz has got to go back, know, like everything's going, the ego's been completely stripped. And my vision board came in. And you don't need a vision board. you know, that's what I was visioning. was like, I need 30 grand to wipe off. My friend called me up. She's like, I just got 30 grand from a government loan. I was like, what?

Holly Lamb (24:45.816)

Elle - Be The Change (24:55.863)
I was like, what? I need 30 grand, what? And then it was about the furlough scheme, whatever it was, the fucking thingy. But who cares what the source was? The point was, is that is exactly 30 grand. And I went for it and I got it. And so then all of my problems had literally gone away just like that. And I had deliberately created that. And so I was like, Elle, are you like getting this now? Like, come on, you have to live this now as a way of life. And that's when I started living it as a way of life. And then by 2021, all of the weight had come off of me.

Holly Lamb (25:01.154)

Holly Lamb (25:18.254)


Elle - Be The Change (25:23.595)
I was completely different person, like literally in a different gear now. And I started going to some of the freedom rallies, meeting new people, just mixing with real amazing people. And I was like, wow, this is my fucking path. But I still didn't know exactly what the path was. And then I was like, I'm supposed to be teaching this to other people. That's what I'm supposed to be doing. And then I started listening to people like Florence Shovelshin, who's like from the Victorian era. And she called herself like a, well, as a metaphysical teacher. And I was like, if this

Holly Lamb (25:35.47)

Holly Lamb (25:44.332)

Holly Lamb (25:49.122)

Elle - Be The Change (25:52.597)
woman can do this in that time. She hasn't got a piece of paper saying I'm a fucking coach or whatever. Do you know what I mean? I was just like, I'm just gonna do it. I'm just gonna claim it. I'm just gonna say that's what I am. And I started just doing like Miracle Mornings free from Instagram. And then that picked up real momentum. But that was kind of like my apprenticeship, if you like. And then I started helping a friends and that started working. And then like I needed a flat. But obviously my credit rating was shot to pieces.

And then this friend of my friends went to Dubai, decided she wasn't coming back and was like, do you want to rent my flat? So there was the flat that I didn't need the credit score for or anything like that. Like literally everything was just dropping in, in this time of fucking chaos when everyone else is in chaos. And I was like, I'm getting the hang of this. I am actually getting the hang of this now. And I just ran with it. And so I did my big vision vision board, which was to be somewhere like Zanzibar. And here I am today.

Holly Lamb (26:31.448)

Elle - Be The Change (26:48.759)
I didn't know that it was this place. I just knew what it looked like and what it felt like to me. And I had it on my vision board. Again, you don't need a vision board. It's just a tool. But I did one and every morning I'm there and I basically did this challenge for myself where for 30 days, I'm going to hold the frequency basically. And I'm not, I'm to make this dedication that I'm not going to let anyone or anything fuck with that because this is the true master of self. And I did that and...

Holly Lamb (26:56.494)

Elle - Be The Change (27:15.669)
That was in the January I'd made the vision board. Then I moved into the flat by the beginning of March, which was on there. And then I was offered, not me looking for it. And then I had Tanzania in my head and then I was offered to come to Zanzibar. Didn't even know that it was part of Tanzania. Didn't even know. I just thought, well, that sounds exotic. You know, looked on the pictures and I was like, my God, there's my fucking vision board looking right back at me. And I knew.

really that the thing that I was going for this person's business idea, because I can't work for other people, I kind of knew that it, my body was telling me it's not the thing. And then I was like, but I've got to go. So was like, even though I kind of can accept that it may not be the thing, maybe it will be, but maybe it won't. I'm not attached to it, but this is the catalyst to get me moving. And it did. And by the September 17th, I arrived in Zanspar. So I got offered to do that at the beginning of July. And before I got offered to do that,

Holly Lamb (27:51.598)

Holly Lamb (27:56.513)


Elle - Be The Change (28:06.677)
I whipped around the flat because just one night I was like, I'm getting this kind of feeling like, what am I doing here? What am I doing? Like, is it a go, go, go feeling? I don't know. I've never had it really before because I'm so in tune with my systems now. And I was just like, I'm getting a calling to basically go around this flat and pack. If I'm going tomorrow to this place, what am I actually taking with me? And I packed a bag and I put the bottom of the wardrobe. Four days later, I got the proposition to come to Tanzania or to come to Sansa. And so I said, yes, I worked my ass off for two months.

Holly Lamb (28:26.786)

Elle - Be The Change (28:36.087)
wrote down what I would need to leave, sold my car literally, do we buy any car, whatever, even though I bought it on a credit card, let everything fucking spin. And that was it, I was off. And by September the 17th, so exactly eight months later, because I made the vision board on January the 17th, I got here. And then when I got here, I started seeing 17 everywhere. The local bus number is 117. My partner, yeah, the kid's dad, he, the end of his phone number was 17, his Instagram was 17. Like just all this mad shit, all the synchronicities started coming in.

And then I started saying like, I need to really get this business off the ground now, because this is what I need to be able to stay here or go anywhere else is a passive income and to be working online. I've never done it before. Never. Couldn't even use a fucking computer. Three years ago, I could not use a computer. I'm talking basic bitch at computer skills. And the whole thing overwhelmed me. But I started telling myself a different story that I'm a tech wizard. And it just so pleasantly surprised by how easily and effortlessly I just work it out.

Holly Lamb (29:15.426)

Holly Lamb (29:28.67)

Elle - Be The Change (29:34.577)
and I told myself that different story and now I'm building out website sale pages. I haven't had any training. I haven't been on any courses. I'm just doing it and it's just incredible. That's kind of like a side note and I said to the source, I was like, right, if I'm going to start teaching it, I've still got this like pulling thing. Like, am I good enough? Am I far ahead? You know, or do I need to wait until these things? But obviously we know you don't wait. You do now. You become it now.

Holly Lamb (29:43.064)

Holly Lamb (29:58.221)
Mm -hmm.

Elle - Be The Change (29:59.233)
And so I said, right, you show me something then that is undeniable that I fucking created this. And I swear to you, I will start teaching this to the world and this is what I'm going to be doing. I will give back like that. And what happened was the screensaver that I'd had on my phone as part of my vision board from January that I'd randomly got off the internet from a blog called My Tanzania had that on my screensaver. When I arrived here and I saw the sun beds, like how they're made.

Holly Lamb (30:20.312)

Elle - Be The Change (30:25.431)
I was like, my God, imagine if this picture is actually Zanzibar. And I took a screenshot of it with the date of the 17th, 2021, 17th September. You know, just had this intuition, take a screenshot of today's date with the screensaver. Anyway, that we were in Nungwe, which is the north of the island, when he arrived, the guy that started this startup, which is no longer around, but.

We ended up going to Curengwa where I live now. Now we got there because someone that he knows from Dubai knows somebody that owns a hotel here. So that's where we went to that hotel. And it was two weeks later, I met my ex -partner on the beach. And it was that place then that other people that were like -minded started coming here. So was like a mainstream journalist that couldn't get anything published. She was here. There was a guy that...

Holly Lamb (30:55.342)

Elle - Be The Change (31:11.583)
sells luxury yachts and fucking Abu Dhabi. He was here, this whole kind of group and there was a real buzz of like, wow, you know, this is cool. This is really cool. And we had a meeting at this hotel called Shooting Star and I'd actually been there before and we were all like in the pool and the journalist, my friend Sally started talking to her. Where are you from? From London. Me too. Where are from? I'm from Herne Hill. What? Me too. What?

She's from the other side of the tracks to Hearn Hill. And when she decided to come here permanently, she went back to the UK, went into Oxfam Bookshop. So she'd go into Zanzibar. Then the woman in there was like, I know Elle. He's out there. And she was like, so do I. Like, fucking mad shit. And anyway, that day, so then everyone had already taken on my phrase of everything's working out perfectly. That was like basically the motto of the gang. And I was sat there on this sunbed.

Holly Lamb (31:58.99)

Elle - Be The Change (32:04.833)
Here's the pool, it's this beautiful infinity pool looking over the Indian Ocean. There's literally not a fucking thing in your sight, you know, because there's no land for miles and miles and miles till you get to the safe shells. And then I took a picture of one of my friends and I looked at it. I said, cute picture, turn it around. I was like, my God.

what the actual fuck is going on here? And I mean the exact frame, the exact amount of palm tree, the exact corner of the pool, the exact amount of bushes over here, the exact amount of ocean. He was just stood in this little corner of the pool where the steps go in. And it was a screensaver that I had put on my phone in January. And I was, I'm getting goosebumps now. And I was just like, what?

Holly Lamb (32:42.484)
See you now.

Holly Lamb (32:47.662)

Elle - Be The Change (32:50.421)
the actual and I was just like, what, what? And I was comparing it and then because the pool had slightly changed, like the trim around it. So I was on Google trying to find it, like see if I could find the old pictures to make sure it's definitely this place, even though I already knew it was, but I was like, this can't be, you know, like, and then found it and I was like, it is. And then I ran over to everyone. was like, you are never going to fucking believe this. I was literally, and I was like, so buzzing because I was like, there is no doubt in my freaking mind now.

How can that be? How? How can that fucking be? And I specifically asked to be shown.

Holly Lamb (33:19.938)

Holly Lamb (33:26.744)

Elle - Be The Change (33:30.327)
And from that moment on, yeah, so that was the October and well, the end of October. So, and then I was like, right, I've got to launch this business. And I was procrastinating and procrastinating, procrastinating. And then it got to the end of December because I was having a great time, you know, but it got to the end of December. And I was like, I cannot go into 2022 without starting this fucking business because I said I was going to fucking do it. I had to have a good word with myself. And then I,

Holly Lamb (33:30.382)
That's crazy.

Elle - Be The Change (33:59.319)
I was like, I don't know how to do any of this stuff. And I literally got a, you know, a big cartel. It like a shopping platform. I got that platform because you can get it for free. And what I did is I just made three packages, but I uploaded them like as a product. And then there's no, no automation. was just like, buy the product. And then I'd organize everything over email myself. And that's how I started. And I put out this story about the vision board and about the 30 grand, and I just put it out on an Instagram reel. And the next morning I had 26 clients.

Holly Lamb (34:05.842)

Holly Lamb (34:27.626)

Elle - Be The Change (34:31.393)
the next morning and I was like, errrr, okay, erm, I can't wait to clear my diary!

Holly Lamb (34:39.116)
Wow. That, yeah.

Elle - Be The Change (34:39.827)
And so that was kind of like my junior thing, you know, like once you're an apprentice and then it's like you're a junior stylist in hairdressing, you are anyway. So that was a kind of like my junior days of like, right, putting this to practice and actually then getting results for people. And some of the people that are in the club now were my first clients, like Kerry, Rosie, who else? Lots of people and started getting different people results. But initially it was just people that were kind of aware of what was going on in the world and they just felt so down.

So initially it wasn't like massive manifestations. It was actually just getting people out of victim consciousness, which is super empowering. Anyway, so that was that. And then again, I kind of like was procrastinating about taking it to the next level. I don't know what I'm doing. Don't know how to do these things. Don't know how to do a presentation. And then again, the money was starting to get down because my savings had like gone now. And I was like, you've got to move into action now because this is what you're supposed to be doing and this is supposed to be your income. So let's go. And I was like, right, I'm going to do a masterclass. And I designed it.

Holly Lamb (35:13.261)

Holly Lamb (35:36.93)

Elle - Be The Change (35:37.707)
first thing I'd ever done on slides, put it out there. And I did two days and literally made two grand in those two days. So people that came on the masterclass, but also then people that were like, I want to do one -on -one with you. And then, you know, I wasn't charging a lot then either. And I was like, okay, I've just done it again. And then from that point onwards, it's just been building out my game, building out my game. And then I found out I was pregnant. So I had that to deal with.

Holly Lamb (35:51.096)

Holly Lamb (36:02.028)

Elle - Be The Change (36:05.971)
and then I ended up coming back to the UK. But Agush, I'd already met her at this point, and I met Agush, who is my co -creator of the Journey programme, but it's now inside a private members club called Lockyer, which means in Sanskrit, attainment of a better world. And she was actually one of my clients. So she came to the masterclass, she was working in a café.

And she'd left her company because of COVID split mindsets. And so she just let it spin. But she really thought that that was it. She tried other businesses before, and she was really a bit down about it all. And she only had enough money for three sessions through a three -session package. And I agreed to it. And I like, what do you want? She's like, well, I want to get into DNI, but from my perspective. And I was like, So let's make this happen.

And so I said, we've got to make it happen within three sessions. And you know, you are my real experiment now, because we're going for, I was like, what do you want to earn? She's like six figures. I was like, okay. All right, well, I've never done this before, but the same rules apply. So it was a real check in for me. And I think it was within two weeks. Yeah, she had a drop offer for 103, I think it was in the end. So just over the six figure mark, she wanted 100 grand, she got 103. And then I was like, right, okay, come on, babe.

Holly Lamb (37:02.624)


Elle - Be The Change (37:21.227)
let's face up to facts here, you know? And when she got that job, and then I'd come back to the UK to have the twins. And she said, you know, I want to just hire you as my coach. want to see you weekly. And I want to give back to you because you helped me get this job. And we did. And then she said that, you know, I built this program out of my last company and I still want to do it. But it was about going through the hero's journey, Taro. And it was from that concept that we built out the journey. And it took us a year.

And so I came back to Zanzibar then in the January and my twins were like four months old. We're coming here and the place, the startup company that I'd worked for, yeah, by the way, because I'd manifested getting my rent paid for a whole year when I first came here. So that all went tits up. So we didn't have that flat anymore. you know, so everything's like on my shoulders a little bit. My partner, he was working for someone else, but hadn't got his business off the ground and is a bit sort of hand to mouth. You know, we're both kind of starting out in our things and it was a bit of a bit of a stressful time, to be honest.

Holly Lamb (38:00.622)

Elle - Be The Change (38:19.543)
But this way of life is what got me through it because even though it was tough, just kept applying it, kept applying it, kept overcoming it. Because I've reached this level of self mastery now, it's just the next level. And I've actually skipped a few levels and I just viewed it through that perspective. And we built it out. And then we were like, 2023 cannot end with us not having launched this fucking thing. Because we were getting so scared, we've never done this before. And we decided then, okay, it was going to be January and we did it.

Holly Lamb (38:30.574)

Holly Lamb (38:41.213)

Elle - Be The Change (38:48.513)
And we did it and we hit our first 10K month. So I was actually going through a breakup because I mean, me and the kids dad were great, but we're just not compatible romantically. But you know, we went and that was a bit of a tough time and that was all going on. And I was also pregnant with Khalila at this point. So it's like January, I'm seven months pregnant, splitting up with him, dealing with all the rage, you know, and all the emotions that you've got to move through with that, launching this fucking program. And I was just like,

got two children that are twins and low income because I was drawing back on my one -on -one so that I would have time to build the program out. So I'm living off a very low income and no car, hoofing it around everywhere with a double buggy and seven months pregnant going up this big fucking hill every day to the down back from the beach. And I fucking did it. And again, I was like, wow, you just done that with all of this shit going on. And so now I'm in the era. Then I had free birth to Khalilah. And that was again.

Holly Lamb (39:27.245)

Holly Lamb (39:43.384)

Elle - Be The Change (39:46.869)
vision. And I did it at home, no medical assistance on my own, we're just a few friends here. My friend Elisa, who's a who's a trainee doula. This was her first live birth. She was due to come to Zanzibar, she had a ticket that she had to use up. And she was just trying to get it maybe because she came for three weeks, possibly, you know, for my due date. But then my due date was calculated for later in March. Anyway, we were we just let it spin. And we had no idea that it would actually happen. And it was like four days before she left, I went into labor. So our manifestation came through.

Holly Lamb (39:56.396)

Elle - Be The Change (40:16.119)
She was my doula. It was her first live birth. We did it here in this house. yeah, then I manifested my house because I literally said to the universe, I want to fucking move before I give birth. If it's meant to be for the best interest of all, show me this house within the next 48 hours. And it was the next day. And this is high season. It's fucking unheard of to get a house in high season. The next day, a Facebook ad. And I'd seen the house before, but it was $100 cheaper.

And I literally moved in within a week. They actually gave me a week for free. I don't know if they realized that they did that, but I just kept my mouth shut. I was here because I can't stand things not matching. So I was here painting a dove grey shade on top of this horrible red floor when I'm being eight months pregnant and I literally gave birth a week later. It was probably the floor painting that made it happen. And, you know, it's just been one thing after another. And now we're really up levelling this program into this private members club.

And that's basically how I got here. Then we launched the round two and again, then all the fear comes in. Are we going to do it again? And we're like, how many people do we want? I want 12 people. We've got the 12. You know, it's just literally one thing after another. And every time it's always an up level. So you always go through that fear and am I going to do it? But it just keeps happening. And it's got to because I've got to do it in order to teach other people it. And so it has to happen.

And so that's where I am now. And we've just changed the name. So we've upleveled now to instead of just making a program, because we couldn't fit inside that fucking box because it's not a book. What we're doing has not been done before. And it was part of our vision to do this club. And we're like, why are we not doing it now? And a lot of it to do is having people like you, Natalie, like kind of the round two group. Because we have upleveled our frequency, we attracted the people that we want, which are people that are actively in business.

Holly Lamb (41:50.392)

Holly Lamb (41:56.972)

Elle - Be The Change (42:03.999)
already that need expanding. And so that's where we are now. So it's Lockyer Private Members Club for awake entrepreneurial women. And we're here to be the new build new world builders. We're literally here to build the new world, to build the new paradigm. You know, we've got to move that into action. And I think we've just really getting there now in terms of the vibe and we've changed platforms now. And so it's just onwards and upwards from here.

Holly Lamb (42:12.557)

Elle - Be The Change (42:28.981)
I'm doing my first retreat in October. And again, I've done literally three stories and one post and I sold out.

Holly Lamb (42:31.902)
Yeah. I know. Yeah. I've only seen a few things and you're like, yeah, I've got one space left. It's like, boom.

Elle - Be The Change (42:36.554)
and then.

Elle - Be The Change (42:40.118)

Holly Lamb (42:43.0)
It's just amazing. if that story doesn't inspire anybody to just join, then I don't know what will.

Elle - Be The Change (42:43.529)
And so what that's a bit is.

Elle - Be The Change (42:51.137)
Do know what, think this is the first time I've actually laid that story out from start to finish, to be honest. So thank you. It's actually helped me and listening to it. You know, when I have my days where I'm a bit like, you know, you go into your mind and go into your head, but actually just saying that out loud, I'm like, what the fuck, babe? Like, come on, come on, let's keep going. You know, but every level has another ego to break. has another comfort zone to break. So even though I've done all of that, I still...

Holly Lamb (42:56.152)
Yeah, you're welcome.

Holly Lamb (43:07.608)
Yeah. Yeah.

Elle - Be The Change (43:18.047)
have to deal with the procrastination, with the sabotage, with the voice coming in, you know, it's just I get better at dealing with it. It's not that it doesn't happen. It's just that you know what it is and you can deal with it and move past it.

Holly Lamb (43:24.28)

Holly Lamb (43:29.452)
Yeah, it's the space. The space is amazing. Like obviously there's all the journey program, there's all the like intellectual things and understanding all about how to do this work. But it's when you start to embody it and feel it. And that's what it was for me. So for me, it was, get it, but why isn't it happening? Cause it wasn't landing in my body. And now I understand that.

then you can articulate it better. So then I can weave that into my coaching with my ladies. And then you guys are just going to the next level, next level, next level. And the women, like you said, that are coming into this space are next level and are all supporting each other. Like I'm doing a free workshop in a few weeks and they're like, I'm coming, I'm coming. Like some are coming from like an hour away to support me at a free event because that's the kind of women.

Elle - Be The Change (43:57.813)

Elle - Be The Change (44:18.219)
But literally, honestly, it just brings so much joy and that, you know, in the rise of the Empress Group, you're all meeting up and this is why I'm doing it. And, you know, I actually sometimes feel a bit like, I don't get to do it because I live here. But, you know, I've actually even though I have got people that are in my wave here, they're in a different stage of life. So all my friends here are in there. You know, they're just they've already had their kids. They're, you know, already done their careers and they're kind of doing the winding down stuff. And what can we do to kind of move away from that? Whereas I'm

Holly Lamb (44:30.733)

Holly Lamb (44:44.429)

Elle - Be The Change (44:46.839)
you know, got a young family and all of that. So I love all of them to bits, but I haven't got my tribe around me. And that's really the next stage. And that's why I've just gone for it with the retreat, because I know how to do events. I've done those, you know. So it's like every piece of the path of my life suddenly makes sense. Every hardship that I've been through, stuff from the handbag days, stuff from the hairdressing days, stuff from the estate agent days. It's just like stuff from the personal training days. You know, it's just, even though I've never actually done it.

Holly Lamb (44:56.278)

Yeah, clearly.

Holly Lamb (45:03.054)

Elle - Be The Change (45:14.903)
and only in prison was I a personal trainer. I started an exercise class for the girls. was like, girl, women in prison get fat, not fit. Whereas men get fit, women get fat. Because it's all the emotional eating. So I was like, come on, you lot. And there was like, I remember like the girls in my class, they're like smoking fags. I was like, right, get them out. Now you've got to do fucking 20 burpees. Now can you actually do it? No, because you're smoking a fucking fag. You know, like, but I was doing it to like,

Holly Lamb (45:26.67)

Holly Lamb (45:38.648)
Why stemming this?

Elle - Be The Change (45:40.607)
Yeah, no, but they always used to laugh at me because I was like this mad English girl, you know, and they're like, all right, sis, calm down, calm down.

Holly Lamb (45:46.957)

Elle - Be The Change (45:51.041)
But you know, it's just like realizing that actually, even though some of our past has not been maybe favorable, maybe they weren't the most favorable versions of us, in every version of us, there's a shadow and a light. And so what I've done is actually revisited the versions of me that I'm, know, because some of you can run away from these versions. It's like, no, there's actually very positive traits from each of those versions. So what I've done, and we do this in the program, is that we go back and look at that timeline.

of what we've actually been doing and then like, what can we invite in from those versions and bring them with us as well as embodying the new character. But what I was realizing is that I got to a point where I was taking things too seriously because I'd kind of, I attached that kind of humor to, no, that was the version of me that was taking drugs all the time and the hostess with the mostess. And it's like, yeah, that's a great attribute, baby. That's not something that you want to dead out. You just want to not be sniffing copious amounts of cocaine and drinking liters of vodka with it.

Holly Lamb (46:47.027)

Elle - Be The Change (46:47.457)
But it's a good aspect, you because I think we can very much stamp things out of us when it's attached to like a negative story. But anyway, so, yeah, it's just onwards and upwards from here, really. And I know that I'm going to be doing this. I still have wobbles, though, because and again, know, like, sources gone, you know, well, yeah, you are a master, you are a master. So here's three children under the age of two. Hold that one. You know, and, you know, it's.

Holly Lamb (46:54.328)

Holly Lamb (47:12.132)

Elle - Be The Change (47:15.839)
It's a whole other level of mastery and I'm still working at it because what comes up is a whole other level of programming. And this could be with physical children or it could be your baby that's a business, you know, like, or it could even be like a puppy, you know, whatever, like a new thing that comes into your life that you haven't dealt with before. And it brings a whole nother level of requirement of self mastery. But it seems I'm doing I'm like an all or nothing person. So I'm doing the business, I'm doing the kids. just all happening at the same time.

And but I know that I've always got the path that is kind of maybe quite a difficult one because I'm meant to clear it to show other people what's possible. And that's the perspective that I come with, you know, and even the other night I was getting a bit teary and just like, going into bit of the victim, like, it's all on my shoulders. And when's when's this going to give, you know, I've had enough of this. And I was like, it's just like. What I've kind of figured out is like, it's not ungratefulness, because I am grateful what it is.

Holly Lamb (48:05.282)

Elle - Be The Change (48:14.111)
is that I'm so uncomfortable now in my current reality, even though there's nothing wrong with that. I've got a nice house and everything, but in terms of what I'm going for, because it is so far from the vision that I'm going for, and I have upleveled my inner state so much, it's uncomfortable because it's like my true authentic self. My higher self is like, babe, what you've just been making do, babe. Like, nice house, you've done all right, but these rules apply, whether it's a two bedroom house or a villa that you're going for.

Holly Lamb (48:23.31)

Holly Lamb (48:43.074)
Mm -hmm. Mm -hmm.

Elle - Be The Change (48:43.819)
you know, the same universal laws apply. It's why you, know this all works. Why are you playing small?

Holly Lamb (48:50.604)
Yeah, yeah, completely.

Elle - Be The Change (48:51.691)
And that's why I'm so uncomfortable at the moment. But then it comes out as irritation. Then you've got kind of, I just stopped dummies last week. I went for it, but it has been an intense week. But again, so it's like this whole, I just kind of mastered the tantrums and how to respond. And then again, a whole other level comes in. But when the hardship comes in, it's time to go, wow, I must be at this level now because there's a whole other level that I'm being asked to break has come in. So it's perceiving it as a great thing. And once you break that level, it's like, that's another.

Holly Lamb (49:11.928)

Elle - Be The Change (49:20.355)
The higher up the mountain you go, the wider the view becomes, the more perspective you have, the more beautiful the view comes, and the more wisdom you have as you climb that mountain, the more you know, like, wow, if I don't cling onto that bit or that bit's a bit rubbly and da -da -da. And sometimes you can kind of slide down the rubble a bit as you're climbing that mountain. But I'm just like, I'm all or nothing now, and I made the declaration, I'm just prepared to do whatever it fucking takes.

Holly Lamb (49:26.702)
Thank you.

Holly Lamb (49:45.142)
Yeah, I feel like that when I've got to this level where I feel uncomfortable now, where in certain places where I am and I'm like, that's because what I can envision is coming and it's and this is it's giving me like a check in not a test, a check in to see, okay, do you really, really want that? And yes, I do. So you just have to keep pushing through it. Let me just pop the light on because it's really dark.

Elle - Be The Change (50:07.755)
Yeah. It gets dark here at the same time every night, so we don't have that thing of in the UK, which I do love, you know, the UK summers. I think I'll be back next summer to do some in -person stuff because, it's like I'm just craving for that. And I did a session with Maria on her Healy machine and the stuff that came up, because I wanted to do homeopathy reading, and the stuff that came up was so spot on for my

Holly Lamb (50:17.742)


Holly Lamb (50:32.653)

Elle - Be The Change (50:37.899)
situation right now. And one of them was like craving, craving companionship. You know, and it's not necessarily romantic, although that does, you know, cross my mind. But you know, I'm just we've just got our relationship for a really great place. Me and the kids down like tonight, he's just done a whole surprise to me on the beach with a birthday cake. And, you he does all these beach party decoration things, you know, for us and the kids and party hats, you know, and he did all the videos and everything. You know, so we're in because I was like, I refuse to have a toxic relationship.

Holly Lamb (50:43.935)

Holly Lamb (50:55.971)

Elle - Be The Change (51:06.123)
with him because I don't actually not like him. We're just not compatible because we're just on different trajectories. He's going after his thing. I'm going after my thing, but it's just not jelling together. But I was like, to be the master of self is to be able, we've got children together, is to be able to alchemize this rage, to be able to alchemize this shadow that's coming up because it's old versions of me. It's old self -worth. And so again, it's an opportunity for me to up -level my perception of myself and my self -worth.

Holly Lamb (51:06.349)
Mm -hmm.

Holly Lamb (51:10.328)

Holly Lamb (51:21.996)
Mm -hmm. Yeah.

Elle - Be The Change (51:35.287)
and being able to alchemize that and get this into this position, it means that I no longer have any energy leaking out towards those thoughts of lack or unworthiness. So a liberation of energy comes back to you when you overcome these things, that you're no longer spending your energy on them. And so when you stop spending and you plug that energy leak, you've got liberation of energy. And because people always ask me, well, you've got three kids. I mean, even now, it's like 10 to 11 at night.

Holly Lamb (51:42.435)
Mm -hmm.


Holly Lamb (51:50.957)

Elle - Be The Change (52:03.841)
fine, I'm gonna do a workout after this, do know what I mean? I'm buzzing because I know how to control my step and I know, you know, and this is the beautiful thing about this is that because many people perceive I don't have the time, I don't have the energy, you do. It's just you're spending it in the wrong direction. And I think, you know, you been an absolute, sorry, I just wanna finish with praising you. Take it, take it. It's, know, like having,

Holly Lamb (52:05.442)
Love it.

Yeah. Yeah.

Holly Lamb (52:23.565)
Yeah, and that's

Holly Lamb (52:27.596)
No go on, no go on.

Elle - Be The Change (52:33.399)
someone like you like when you said that you're interested I like I agree she's got to get Holly on because I know I know that she is going to show up for herself and I know that she's this fucking close and you know because obviously our success is only through your success so we're invested in your success and we want that and I just knew that you were going to do it and yeah the fact that you just came on and you know it was a bit you know the membership and all may come and everything but

Holly Lamb (52:44.44)

Holly Lamb (52:59.971)

Elle - Be The Change (53:02.475)
the way that you have just excelled, you it has been such a reflection for us because you are basically reflecting our growth. To have someone like you in our program, we could only attract you if we were in vibrational resonance. So, you know, to have that, shows us that we are up -leveling our game. So thank you so much. I'm just so proud of you for everything. And I'm just literally in awe of you. And you are the real deal. You are the real deal. Because a lot of people...

Holly Lamb (53:10.094)
Mm -hmm.

Mm Yeah.

Holly Lamb (53:27.886)
Thank you. Thank you.

Elle - Be The Change (53:31.243)
Say, they don't walk the walk, they don't talk the talk. You do both of those, but you also follow through with the action. And that is what most people are missing. So take Leif out of Holly's book, and just watch this space. Watch this fucking space, because things are about to come in. They're already here, but they don't want come into your perception.

Holly Lamb (53:34.285)


Thank you.

Holly Lamb (53:47.072)
Yeah, it's coming. Big things are coming. I can see it. can see it. And yeah, it's true. Like there's, there's loads of coaches. There's loads of coaches that are like, tell you what to do, but then aren't doing it themselves. And it's like, well, you want to work with someone who actually does what they say they do. So everything that I give to my clients to do is what I already do. And it's the same with you and a Goosh. You guys are already doing this.

And that's why it works. And this is why you see such growth because you are embodying it. And it's so true what you said about the. Yeah. Yeah. And the thing about shifting the perception has been a big game changer for me and for my clients as well, because I think with the menopause space, the narrative is extremely negative. whereas actually we just. Yeah. Yeah. I can imagine.

Elle - Be The Change (54:17.11)

Elle - Be The Change (54:21.973)
yes and then we're doing it as a collective you know.

Elle - Be The Change (54:37.92)
yeah, it's the same with the motherhood spiked. Extremely negative.

Holly Lamb (54:43.148)
You just flip the perception and just don't come at it from that point of view. Your energy will rise because you're not giving your attention to it and you give your attention to yourself and that's when it changes. And that's kind of what I'm trying to get across to women who want to work with me that that's what makes the shift. Like, yes, the nutrition, the exercise, everything has its place. But if you don't have the right perception in place, nothing will change.

Elle - Be The Change (54:51.808)

Elle - Be The Change (55:08.501)
Yes, exactly. And that's how, like with me, for example, you that's how you then have yo -yo dieters or yo -yo fitness fanatics, you know, and you can't sustain it because it's not the shift in the mind hasn't happened. You can copy and paste an exercise class all day long. And that's obviously what makes you unique and everyone in our, we've got all different business women with different genres of business, you know, and the manifestation knowledge is out there for free in lots of places. It's not about the knowledge. That's just part

Holly Lamb (55:21.314)

Holly Lamb (55:29.524)
Mm. Yeah.

Elle - Be The Change (55:37.545)
of the modality, what we do is to help you with embodiment, you know, because that's the bit that the bridge that needs crossing and it if it hasn't landed in the body, it is only intellectualized, which is where you were at. It's about giving people that opportunity to feel in the body. And once you feel in the body, then there's no turning back. You you might forget about like with me, you know, you go, an old program comes in, the loop comes in, and you kind of get detached from it for a little bit. But it's like,

Holly Lamb (55:43.886)

Holly Lamb (55:59.352)

Elle - Be The Change (56:05.557)
getting back on that pony. I guess the thing about the club and then what you offer for your clients is having that accountability. And this is what we want is that we want this knowledge to then be filtered back through your business in your modality. And then it also gives you a unique spin on your business because you're not just a personal trainer. You're not just even a perimenopause expert. You actually change people's lives because of that knowledge, through that modality, but through the knowledge of how to change your reality.

Holly Lamb (56:11.671)

Holly Lamb (56:15.597)

Mm -hmm. Mm -hmm.

Holly Lamb (56:27.704)

Elle - Be The Change (56:35.573)
That is then the whole person approach and it's the missing piece, I think, from the old world, you know, is that people aren't teaching that. So, yeah, people can copy you doing exercise, they can listen to you all day long, but if they don't get it, they will maybe lose weight, maybe become really fit and understand their cycle, but essentially they can't sustain it. And that's why we get people that cannot stick to things because also the level of focus.

Holly Lamb (56:59.16)

Elle - Be The Change (57:00.299)
has been destroyed by the out world, technology, advertising, it's all grabbing your attention, it's overstimulation. So, you know, when you have an understanding of all of this, this is how we create the new world. And then that understanding and that those teachings go through every business. So we've got you, we've got people in fashion, we've got other coaches, other facilitators. So it's like this knowledge is getting spread then because the power of word of mouth is our power. It's no platform can own that, no...

Holly Lamb (57:04.588)
Yeah. Yeah.

Holly Lamb (57:10.915)
Mm -hmm.

Holly Lamb (57:23.683)

Elle - Be The Change (57:28.631)
Technocrat can own that, no, corporation can own that. Word of mouth. And I think, you know, that with my business and hairdressing, I've done it twice, built these huge businesses that completely sustain me just through word of mouth. So getting that information out there and then, you know, people that you train, they may have businesses where they train people and then they can take it on and it's like, this is how we do it. This is how we change it. And it's a...

Holly Lamb (57:33.047)

Elle - Be The Change (57:56.723)
It's word of mouth and that is completely autonomous to the people. Yeah, super powerful.

Holly Lamb (58:00.206)
Mm -hmm. Absolutely. Yeah. And that's how we do change the world from where it is currently to what we want it to look like and as women. And yeah. Yeah. The program, think I'm just, we'll end it there. And I just want you to tell everybody how they can join the exclusive members club, the journey and come in this amazing space or join the Empress rise of the Empress membership.

Elle - Be The Change (58:08.726)

Elle - Be The Change (58:12.779)

Holly Lamb (58:29.518)
because it's all amazing spaces.

Elle - Be The Change (58:30.295)
Yeah, so there's two ways that you can work with me. If you want like a bit of a taster, then you can join Rise of the Empress, which is hosted on a platform called School, and you can get an app version of it. I can give you the link so you maybe can put them in the show notes. that is like, so weekly calls with me and the calls get recorded, then they get put up into the classroom. There's a couple of other master classes in there, and I will be adding more stuff as we go. So that's currently priced, it won't be for much longer at $13.

per month is building dollars, it's an American company. So it's like, I don't know what that even is. It's under a tenner, think, or just about a tenner. Yeah, and so you can get access that way. And then the actual membership club, which is now called Lockyer, which as I said before, it's a Sanskrit for attainment of a better world. So it's a private members club for entrepreneurial women who are awake and want to be the new world builders.

Holly Lamb (59:05.193)
the tunnel yeah.

Elle - Be The Change (59:25.225)
And within that is the Journey program. So that's kind of like the tools. It's like a library of resources. But we're also hosting quarterly challenges. We're in the middle of a challenge right now where you basically go for a goal. So we manifest together. And then we have live calls, weekly live calls as well there. And it's also an incubator. So like me being on Holly's podcast, you're going to come on ours. And then as you say, the women in the group are supporting and rallying. So what happens is that if you're

Holly Lamb (59:46.723)

Elle - Be The Change (59:52.373)
just getting your business off the ground or you're trying to make that transition from job into business full time. And you know, you need testimonials, you need to practice on people while you do that inside the club. And we all support you and do that. So we've got like Amy, who's just starting out her PT kind of career. So some of us in her group that are doing her exercises and then she's building out her program as she goes, because she's recording the classes as she goes. And then, you know, we've got just so many, it's just so amazing. Honestly, I just

Holly Lamb (01:00:01.933)

Elle - Be The Change (01:00:21.419)
This is what I want to do. I just love bringing people together and it's that connection. So if you are interested, then please join. I'll send the links over to Holly so she can put them in the show notes. We'd love to have you there. But yeah, as I said, if you want to taste it, then join Rise of the Empress first and then you'll see what it's all about. Amazing.

Holly Lamb (01:00:35.234)
Yeah. Yeah. You'll get loads of value from Rise of the Empress anyway. Like, the Tuesday calls are amazing. Like if you want to rock it up your ass every Tuesday from hell for the rest of the week and you'll be in that high vibe, then you need to get on the Tuesday calls because it's so good. Because we have Tuesdays and then we have Wednesdays. It's great.

Elle - Be The Change (01:00:51.319)

Elle - Be The Change (01:00:55.231)
Yeah. And then if you're more like needing the embodiment, so let's say you were like Holly, like you understand all of this intellectually, the laws of the universe, and it's just important to note that the law of attraction is a bit of a new age gimmick. Like some of it is getting steered down that way. So you've got people that are like crystals and feathers and like, yeah, you can just sit here and imagine it and it's going to turn up. It's like, no, that's not how it works. So if it's the embodiment piece that you are really being called to, then that would be Lockyer Club with the journey program inside of it that you would need to do.

But either way, we're happy to see you at both. And obviously, you'll see Holly in there as well. And we've got an amazing group of women in both clubs.

Holly Lamb (01:01:33.048)
Yeah, lovely. Thanks so much, Elle. Thank you for joining. It's been amazing.

Elle - Be The Change (01:01:37.116)
thank you. Sorry I was late, obviously. I'm just so keeping my cool. Yeah, I've got a sticker chart now, so I got a sticker for today. And what I'm doing in the Lionsgate challenge is I'm like, can I be the master of self throughout this? And trust me, there has been some tough times, but it's just like, no, I'm gonna do this. I'm gonna do this. Anyway, thank you so much, Holly. Have a beautiful evening and we'll, I'll see you next week anyway.

Holly Lamb (01:01:42.23)
It's fine, you've got some kids.

Holly Lamb (01:01:56.376)
can imagine.

Holly Lamb (01:02:02.976)
Thank you. Thanks guys. We'll see you next week.

Elle - Be The Change (01:02:06.337)