Putting It Together Again When It's All Fallen Apart: Saddleback Small Group Series

When you've just suffered loss, crisis, or disaster, how can you get your life put back together? How can you become a rebuilder when you're still reeling from the loss? Tom Holladay shares from the Bible beginning in the book of Nehemiah how to be encouraged to become a rebuilder.

  1. If you’re meeting for the first time as a group, go around the room and share your name, where you were born, and something about your life. 
  2. What picture comes to your mind when you hear the word rebuild
The God of heaven will give us success. We his servants will start rebuilding. 
Nehemiah 2:20 

Remember, it’s not vital to get to every question every week. The goal is to find just one question that prompts some good discussion and encouragement. 
  1. What is it that you would like to put together again? 
  2. How do you find yourself reacting to your problems right 
  3. now—with faith, doubt, fear, anxiety, hope, or some other 
  4. response? 
  5. Is there a place in your life where you are currently 
  6. mourning a loss? 
  7. How has prayer helped you see an opportunity for faith? 
  8. What do you do when you don’t feel full of faith as you pray? 
God’s five purposes for each of us are evangelism, discipleship, fellow- ship, ministry, and worship. In this section, we’ll look at how we can take practical steps to fulfill one of those purposes based on the truths we’ve looked at in this study.

Plan to do a one-day fast in the week ahead or to have a more extended time in prayer if you’re not able to fast. Start by focusing on who God is and then open your heart to what he wants to impress on you about who you are. 
A tip on this one: If all you’re hearing are negatives about you, listen more closely. God is love, and he has words of encouragement as well as correction for his children. 

Ask for God’s strength and blessing in those “this is what I want to put together again” areas that each group member shared. 

Creators & Guests

Tom Holladay
Tom Holladay is a teaching pastor at Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, California. Tom’s passion in ministry is to help people discover a love for the Bible and an understanding of God’s truth that changes the way they live. In addition to his pastoral leadership and weekend teaching ministries at Saddleback, he assists Rick Warren in teaching Purpose-Driven Church conferences to Christian leaders all over the world. Books he has written include The Relationship Principles of Jesus, Love Powered Parenting with his wife Chaundel and (with Kay Warren) Foundations: Core Truths to Build Your Life On. He and Chaundel have three children and five granddaughters.
Saddleback Church
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What is Putting It Together Again When It's All Fallen Apart: Saddleback Small Group Series?

Life crises can throw you into a tailspin, a lost job, a failed relationship, a struggling business, a financial mess. Where do you start? How do you pull it together? How do you begin again? Tom Holladay experienced a catastrophe first-hand when a sudden flood in California destroyed his home, his church, and the homes of many church members. Tom and his congregation had to rebuild, and they used the principles in the book of Nehemiah to get back on their feet. Now a teaching pastor at Saddleback Church, Tom will help you discover seven principles for putting it together again that will give you the direction you need to get rolling on that fresh start. Holladay will walk you through seeing every problem as an opportunity, facing the obstacles head on and taking your first step, knowing how to expect and reject opposition, build on your success, and dedicating yourself to the One who rebuilds our souls. The task of starting again can seem impossible. And sometimes you just need to rebuild your confidence and regain a sense of purpose. If you're trying to find the emotional energy, but you just don't have it in you, let Tom Holladay encourage you. He understands how difficult and rewarding the business of rebuilding is.

Download the study guide with each episode. And of course, check out the book "Putting It Together Again When It's All Fallen Apart" by Tom Holladay on Amazon or your favorite bookstore.


hi everyone I'm Tom Holliday I want to

welcome you to this series of video

studies that go along with the book

putting it together again after it's all

falling apart if you have the book you

probably noticed at the back of the book

there are seven studies that go along

with the seven chapters and these are

the videos that go along with those

studies this is week one of those if you

don't have the book yet then I encourage

you to go out and get the book because

these are based on your reading the

chapter of the book and then discussing

it together with somebody else during

the week and if you don't have a group

yet if you're watching this all by

yourself I encourage you to go out and

get a group of course you could watch it

by yourself and hopefully God will give

you some encouragement

but the greatest encouragement comes

when you're studying this with other

people so if it's just one other person

even in your family or work at your

school your neighborhood just grab one

other person in your church and walk

through this together and let God

encourage you together through this so

this is week one we're going to talk

together in this week about how you and

I can be encouraged to be rebuilders in

the book we're looking at Nehemiah as

the example of a rebuilder and walking

through the book of Nehemiah

what I want to do in these seven weeks

is actually take a look at some other

places in the Bible where you see people

who are rebuilders or principles about

rebuilding because there's principles

all through the Bible about rebuilding

and these studies give us a chance to

look at some of those the other great

book in the Old Testament about

rebuilding if you look at a whole book

is really the book of Ezra in the book

of Ezra we're told about the robbery

building the Temple in Jerusalem which

happened about a hundred years or so

before Nehemiah goes to rebuild the

walls of Jerusalem so he gets some of

the same principles of rebuilding in

Ezra as you get in Nehemiah this week

just to begin I'd like to focus on two

simple verses from Ezra and just draw

some truths out of those about what it

means to be a rebuilder first Ezra

chapter 1 verse 5 says this then God

stirred the hearts to the priests and

the Levites and the leaders of the

tribes of Judah and Benjamin to go to

Jerusalem and to rebuild the temple of

the Lord now notice that phrase God

stirred the hearts what does that feel

like when God stirs your heart what does

it feel like it's just it's this inner

motivation to do something that is good

and godly whenever you have an inner

motivation to do something good and

godly it's almost always God stirring

your heart and so you chase after what

God wants to do in your life you might

write this down

rebuilding happens when God stirs

someone's heart rebuilding happens when

God stirs someone's heart so that's why

the heart needs to be stirred you're in

this group you're watching this right

now you picked up this book because God

has stirred your heart so you're

considering what it means to rebuild one

of the questions in the group guide that

you're going to be looking at together

this week is the simple question what is

it that you want to put together again

well even as you answer that question

you're gonna be taking a look at where

has God stirred your heart where has God

spoken to your heart about the

possibility of rebuilding in your life

it starts with God stirring your heart

and then the other verse I want to take

a little bit longer look at is Ezra

chapter 3 verse 3 that verse says this

even though the people were afraid of

the local residents they rebuilt the

altar at its old site then they began to

sacrifice burnt offerings on the altar

to the Lord each morning and evening

notice even though they were afraid they

rebuilt the altar you might write this

down it's often less frightening to stay

where we are than to face the fear of

change and if you're going to rebuild

you have to change something that means

something's gonna change you rebuild

from a disaster even you're changing

you're putting it into place again but

especially if you're rebuilding in a

relationship things have to change and

that is frightening it's often less

frightening to stay where we are than to

face the fear of change so I want to

honor you I honor you for picking up

this book for watching this video for

being in this group for we've been

thinking about changing your facing the

fear of change even from the very

beginning they faced the fear but the

only way to face your fears

with faith by knowing that God's gonna

be with you knowing that you're not

alone you have to have something that's

greater than your fears and God is

greater than your fears once you'll

notice something else in this verse it

also says they rebuilt the altar before

they rebuilt the temple and began to

make sacrifices on it well the altar was

what the temple was all about it housed

an altar where they made sacrifices for

the sins of the people if you've studied

the Bible you know that those sacrifices

look forward to the sacrifice that Jesus

was someday going to make for us so the

purpose of the temple was to house the

altar to make the sacrifices so before

they even built the temple they built

the altar they began with the purpose

for which the temple was going to be

built they built the altar before they

built the temple and they also built the

temple we find out before they rebuild

the walls when you think about what

needs to be rebuilt in your life you got

to think about what is it needs to go

first what's the purpose of what God

wants to do when you think about what

God wants to do first and not what you

want to get done first then often you

get things in the right priority I often

find when I want to rebuild something I

want to get it done fast and so I

rebuild what's easiest some sometimes

not what's most purposeful not which

most what is most important but when you

start to listen to God about rebuilding

you're gonna motivate you to rebuild in

ways that you might not have otherwise

rebuild in ways they're gonna last

they're gonna have purpose not what's

fastest but what is most important not

what makes me feel the best Emotiv Lee

but what brings his purpose back their

most powerfully now when you take a look

at how God wants to rebuild in your life

we've been reading this week if you read

in the chapter about how to mourn how to

fast how to pray all of those are about

getting in connection with God if you're

going to rebuild it starts with this

connection of God if your hearts going

to be stirred it's going to come by

connecting with God and that often comes

through mourning and fasting and praying

this is why it's so important to mourn

in fast and pray it puts you in a place

where God is able to stir your heart it

gets you to a place where able to face

your fears it puts you in a place of

worship where

to put what God wants first and out what

you want first that all comes out of

worship so as you think about taking

some time to mourn and fast and pray I

know to some of you your personality is

no I got a dig right in I got to start

rebuilding right now but if you don't

take time to listen to him first you're

gonna head off in a direction where you

might get the project started but it's

never gonna get finished so take that

time to connect with him first and as

you do that you're gonna see some

powerful things happen in your life now

before we end I want to say a word to

those of you that I know are hurting

because I know when we talk about

rebuilding there's hurt you may have had

the loss of some things some building

has been lost a home has been lost you

may have had the some loss of a business

or it might be the loss of a

disappointment something that's been

lost in your life that you had hoped

would happen a dream maybe the loss in a

relationship there's pain in that and I

just want to let you know that God

understands that God cares about the

hurt that you're going through when God

motivates and directs and empowers us to

rebuild it's not out of a heart of just

saying hey I can do this and all

everything's gonna be fine no it's out

of a heart that God is hurting with you

and for you and God wants to bring his

purpose back into your life I want to

remind you if you're hurting right now

of a verse that you may have heard from

the Old Testament

Psalm 30 verse 5 says weeping may last

through the night but joy comes with the

morning the end of the story of your

life has not yet been written and the

joy of heaven is coming there's no doubt

about that for all of us but there are

also joys that God has for your life on

this earth he has a purpose for your

life there's no loss there's no mourning

there's no pain that can take away his

purpose for your life so you lean on

that right now and my prayer is that God

will use you as a group together with

each other to share the hurts in your

lives in order that you can encourage

each other in ways that you can be in to

experience God's great strength for your

lives God's hope for your lives so

that's what I want to pray for as you

start this time together would you let

me pray for you lord I pray for this

group it is my prayer that as they talk

together about what we learned from

Nehemiah what we learned here from the

book of

from other people in the Bible that God

you would bring hope into our hearts you

give us the strength to rebuild you give

us the strength to see things happen

they could only happen by your hand I

asked for miracles to happen in this

group beginning with the miracle of your

presence the miracle of knowing that

you're with us through everything and

then out of that bring every other

miracle all that you want to do so you

can show the world what you're like we

begin in this place god of quietness

before you asking you to stir our hearts

we ask it in Jesus name Amen we'll enjoy

talk in the next few minutes in your

group I always encourage groups don't

feel like you have to get to every

question that's on the list there if you

get one question that gets you talking

that's more than enough so if somebody

feels like no we got to get to every

question tell them no no no not every

question just one question that gets us

talking about what can God do in our

lives that gets us encouraging each

other about what can God do in our lives

enjoy your group time together