How to Retire on Time

"Money goes where money can grow" In today's episode, Mike talks value funds. What are they? Do they still provide a lot of value? Listen to Mike identify what made value funds great decades ago, and how their offer in today's market has evolved since then. 

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What is How to Retire on Time?

Welcome to How to Retire on Time, a show that answers your questions about all things retirement, including income, taxes, Social Security, healthcare, and more. This show is an extension of the book How to Retire on Time, which you can grab today on Amazon or by going to

This show is intended for those within 10 years of their target retirement date or for those are are currently retired and are concerned about their ability to stay retired.


Welcome to How to Retire on Time, a show that answers your questions about all things retirement, including income, taxes, social security, healthcare and more. This show is an extension of the book, How to Retire on Time, which you can grab today on Amazon or go to to retire on My name is Mike Decker. I'm the author of the book, How to Retire on Time, but I'm also a licensed financial advisor, a licensed insurance agent, and a tax professional. In other words, I could actually do your taxes.


And when it comes to financial topics on the show, pretty much talk about anything, and that's really important. We wanna be able to talk about anything. Now that said, please remember this is just a show. Everything you hear should be considered informational, as in not financial advice. I don't know you.


You don't know me. If you want personal financial advice, then request your wealth analysis from my team today, my team of fiduciaries. You can do that by going to www dot With me in the studio today is my esteemed colleague, mister David Frandsen. David, thanks for being here today.


Good morning.


David's job, his mission is to be the voice of the people. He's gonna be reading off your questions, and I'm gonna do my best to answer them. You can send your questions in at any time by either texting them to 913-363-1234. That's 913-363-1234. Or email them to hey mike at how to retire on


Let's begin.


Hey, Mike. What do you think about value funds?


Oh, yes. Value funds. Okay. This is a fun topic because it's one that's often not correctly categorized. So by definition, a value fund is, like a mutual fund, for example, or a fund manager.


And this could be a a financial professional that's just managing your portfolio seeking to find any stock or any position that is undervalued so that you can buy it at a discount because there was something if people just didn't realize its value, you buy it early and then when people discover its value then the the position would increase in value. Right?


Yeah. That makes sense.


That that's really it. Yeah. Back in the day, in the sixties or seventies, communication was very slow. So you may hear about in a magazine or probably not a magazine, but, like, you may hear rumblings in your local area about this new startup. It's going gangbusters.


It's very profitable. It's it's got great fundamentals, but the nation didn't really know about it. It was just kind of this region that knew about it. You could probably buy it at a good value, hold on to it, and then as it became more popular, it would then exponentially increase in value.


Probably just more like word-of-mouth.


Yeah. So I grew up in Seattle. I remember hearing about Amazon, this company that bought books, thinking, what in the world? Yeah. I mean, we all thought that.


Let's we all like to think, oh, yeah. I knew what Jeff Bezos was doing. No. He got so much crap for being an online book sales company at the beginning. Right?


But those who saw the value bought in early, and that's fine. Well, today, how easy is it to research anything? I mean, if you wanted to research some obscure species of penguins off of the I don't know. Are they on the Galapagos Islands? Or whatever.


Yeah. Think of the most obscure topic. Yeah. You can get information on that in seconds. Money goes where money can grow.


Let me say that again. Money goes where money can grow, and the amount of research that is done of looking for anything that of value, anything that could be value, is happening in milliseconds today. So the idea that a value fund can actually do what it used to do back in the day before the Internet was very powerful, I think is a tall order. I have found that value funds, and this is my opinion, that value funds have become more speculative than actually following traditional value theology. Now that's my opinion, but I have found that value funds are more volatile.


So they're more of a roller coaster than you might expect when you compare it to its actual growth performance, and that includes the dividends. Now that's just my opinion, but things have gotten a little bit simpler. Companies don't wanna pay as much of a dividend as they used to. How we invest has significantly evolved, especially when you consider the seventies, the eighties, and then what's been going on today. And it's become more of a just growth.


Companies just wanna grow. It's it's become simple. Grow. Grow. Grow.


Yeah. So the idea of value investing I'm a value investor. That there's an identity attachment often associated with value investments, the same as with dividend investors as well. I just I I I have yet to see, and I would love to be proven wrong, value funds, dividend funds over a 10 year period of time to really benefit a client more than a properly constructed growth focused portfolio blending between growth with liquidity, so there's some risk associated with it, and then growth with protection. I have yet to see a compelling case against that that that could hold water.


I I think that's my answer. What do you think, David? Yeah. Is that good for it?


Yeah. I think it does. So we like, we've talked about it previously. We talked about, technology sort of interrupting, and this is another example, I guess, where technology has made communication so quick that value


It's just harder to find. Yeah. It's harder to find. If you've got questions about your portfolio, if you've got questions about how you're investing, are you inefficient with a modern market? Are you missing out on potential gains because you're sticking to traditional ways and not how things have actually evolved over time?


Let us know. We're happy to to review that with you. We'll show you what a plan could look like, what the efficiencies could look like, and then we'll talk about portfolio options with you. Just go to to request your wealth analysis. Pretty simple, pretty straightforward.


Request your wealth analysis by going to, or you can text the keyword analysis to 913-363-1234. That's keyword analysis. To 913-363-1234. When you text the keyword, you're gonna get a link or you just go to the website. You fill out 10 questions.


It's pretty high level. We don't ask anything intrusive. And then you'll schedule a 30 minute call with me. On that call, I wanna understand what you want. I wanna understand the relationship you want.


I wanna understand the objectives, and then we'll run the analysis for you, with you, walk you through it, show you solutions, and then decide how to proceed, whether you wanna do it yourself, or do you wanna do it with us or someone else. I mean, it's really all up to you. But, yeah, go to to really discover what you don't know that could be holding you back. At the end of the day, what's the purpose of your money invested? It's to grow.


It's it's to give you more resources in the future. If you have more resources in the future, then you have more freedoms, you have more flexibility, you've got more capital to make decisions. And that's that's the idea. So go to or text keyword right now, analysis to 913-363-1234. That's all the time we've got for the show today.


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