Wake Up Classy 97 The Podcast

Wake Up Classy 97 with Josh & Chantel from Thursday, June 20th, 2024 / We’re celebrating the first day of summer, we got our camp trailer out of storage, old timey slang words, how does a carwash work?, Josh doesn’t want to stay 200 feet under the earth in a cave, Chantel doesn’t want to blow dry her hair, ancient Marge Simpson, Josh got Chantel her own desk space, and we know the color of the summer!

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Wake up with Josh & Chantel every weekday from 6a-10a on Classy 97! Missed the show or want to revisit your favorite moments from the show, enjoy Wake Up Classy 97 - The Podcast!

It's Josh and Chantel, and this is wake up classy 97, the podcast, a replay of today's full show. It's Thursday, June 20th. On today's show, we're celebrating the 1st day of summer. Woo hoo. We got our camp trailer out of storage.

Woo hoo. Old timey slang words. Yeah. How does a car wash work? I don't wanna stay 200 feet under the earth in a cave.

Chantel doesn't wanna blow dry her hair. No way. Ancient Marge Simpson. I got Chantel her own desk space, and we now know the color of summer. Thanks for listening.

You can hear the show live weekday mornings from 6 to 10. It's Wake Up Classic 97, the podcast. Enjoy today's show. Classy 90 7. It's Josh and Chantel.

How are you? Good morning. What is it? It's, June 20th. No way.

Yes way. Okay. 1 way. It's payday. Woo hoo.

Alright. I like payday. And, also, how is it almost the end of June? Oh, that's just the days go by. Somebody should write a song called days go by about how days go by.

There's a lot of them. I know. There's a lot. Yeah. It's Thursday.

It is world tapas day. Do you like tapas? Tapas like, finger foodie type? Yes. Yeah.

Right. We used to have there used to be a tapas Place in town. Restaurant here in town. These are big in Spain. Spain really likes a tapas.

I we went on a date there once. It was delicious. Yeah. But if it's sort of like taking, girl dinner to a whole different level because it's just a whole bunch of different little, like, a deviled egg? Sure.

You want some stuff on a cracker? Why not? The restaurant that was here was better than that. I but you know you know what I'm saying? It's not like you went to your fridge.

It's a whole another level. Yeah. It's another level. Yeah. It's world productivity day.

Oh, I don't wanna have productivity today. Yeah. No more procrastination. Nip it in the bud, it says. No.

Okay. Wanna. It's yard games day. Oh, I'll play this. Yeah.

You like some yard games? You like lawn darts? Yes. Jarts? Yeah.

Which why do they call it Jarts? Why do they call it Jarts? I was just gonna ask you that. I probably came from, Jarden. Why don't they call it Yarts?

It's it's Jarden Darts with with a g. What are you talking about? Jif. Jarden. Garden.

Okay. Okay. Am I too is it too early Yes. For that? I'm moving too quick?

Yes. Alright. It is summer solstice. Today is the first day of summer. Summer.

Congratulations, everybody. It's 45 degrees out this morning. It was chilly. And it is summer solstice. First day of summer, it is international tennis day.

It's car recycling day, seashell day, world refugee day. Do you like ice cream soda, like an ice cream float or, any kind of other float? Yes. And it's also National Vanilla Milkshake Day. Oh my.

It goes on and on and on. American Eagle Day. Yeah. It's dump the pump day trying to decrease the global gas usage. There's so many things going on.

1st day of summer has got it going on. Yeah. Yep. Happy Thursday. Happy summer day.

Welcome to summer. Yes. Okay. Earlier this year, we had the Roaring Twenties prom. Yes.

And we started talking about some roaring twenties slang terms. Yeah. Like, tell it to Sweeney. Tell it to Sweeney, which is, like, basically a top of the hand. Yeah.

Don't talk to me. I'm over you. Tell it to Sweeney. What were some others? Do you remember some others?

Trying to remember some of the other things. We wrote some down. Yeah. It was there was, like, something about the clothes you were wearing being like Glad Rags. Oh, yeah.

Yeah. Good 1. So Reader's Digest did a list of old timey slang terms that we should bring back, and I'm a big fan of all of these. Alright. So giggle mug Giggle mug.

Is somebody who smiles too much or constantly has a grin on their face. Yeah. Look at that giggle mug. That giggle mug. What's he so happy about?

Saucebox? What is that? A term for your mouth. Like, I'm sick of listening to you. Shut your saucebox.

Wow. That 1 is aggressive. You could say it nicer. I have a headache. Can you please close your sauce box?

It's still that's still something. Not aggressive. Just say it nice. No. It's all in your tone.

I don't know if that 1 is. Shh. Close your sauce box. No. No.

It's not. That's not it. What else you got? A pumblechook. A Pumblechook.

This is somebody who's greedy and pompous. Okay. It is also the name of a character in Great Expectations, uncle Pumblechook. Oh, was he those things? I don't know.

K. I haven't read that book. You've been a real Pumblechook today, Josh. You're being real greedy. I don't know.

I'm I don't think I am. But alright. You don't like that 1 either? Sorry? How about gas pipes?

What's that? This is a term for somebody's legs when their pants are too tight. Yo. Look at that hipster with his stupid gas pipes. Those gas pipes.

That's how did how did these things become viral? Yeah. You're that's that's a excellent point because they didn't have social media. They didn't have TikTok. I don't know.

It's the same the same thing where I go, how did how did anyone ever learn eeny, meeny, miny, moe? Like Just passed down, I think. From where? I don't know. Good good question.

I just how do those things happen? How did they become a trend? Right? Have you know, now everybody quotes Chick Fil A sauce like it's you know, that spreads all over the Internet, and then you get a bunch of people walking around going, no Chick Fil A sauce? That video is so dumb.

I know. But you can even understand how these things go viral now. How did people go, oh, look at gold gas pipes over here? Look at old gas pipes. And then somebody's like, why did you what?

It's like 1 guy who was like, that reminds me of a car's exhaust. Look at all gas pipes, which they're not even called that. They're called exhaust pipes. See what I'm saying? I just, You're flabbergasted?

Yeah. Well, close your sauce box and think about it. Stop it with that 1. So Reddit. You know Reddit.

I've heard of it. They asked, what is, like, something that seems easy to other people, but that is difficult for you? Can you think of something? Something that Something that seems easy to other people, but it's difficult for you. Oh, learning a foreign language.

Well, that's difficult for everybody. Is it? Oh, yeah. Everybody struggles with that. Because there's a lot of people who can do it, Make it seem easy.

They just have to commit, Josh. They have the willingness to try. No. The confidence to try. A good support system.

Yeah. Yeah. You know. You know the drill. Sure.

Sure. Sure. Sure. Sure. I'm trying to think.

Okay. I'll help you out. Okay? Basic math. I don't have a problem with basic math.

I do. You don't have a problem with basic math? Yeah. I do. No.

Yeah. I do. You have a problem with Math. With counting back change sometimes if there's 85¢, how much you give back? 15.

Let's see. You're you're good. That one's easy. I know it is. It's it's so easy.

Okay. This one's gonna be easy for you too, but it's difficult for me. Basic navigation. Yeah. Alright.

I will accept that that that is difficult for some people. Yeah. It is. Because I was explaining, the other day. We were having a conversation with some friends, and I was explaining you had asked someone had asked a question about which side of the bed do you sleep on.

Uh-huh. And I was trying to explain, well, if the bed is facing to the east or the west, and I got the blankest stares from you No. In our 1 because I know No. I know my north southwest. But it was just a it was just a I don't I'm not on it.

I'm not on this directions thing. And there was a whole conversation about where are you standing to determine which side is the right side or the left side. It was a whole extra conversation. Yeah. Next.

Good story. Here's 1 that you're not so good at, and this is good for me because I can do this 1 and you can't. Rolling your r's. That's rude. I'm sorry.

Rude. I know. It's just because you're tongue tied. I know. No 1 knows that, though.

They do now. It's a secret. They know now. I was born this way. It's my it's my thing.

It's your genetic lottery. I guess. It's what makes you unique. Josh's tongue tied. What else?

Just quit saying. Hula hooping? Uh-huh. This is difficult for some people. Yeah.

I would agree. Can you hula hoop? Not so great. Not so good at it. It's, it's the hips.

Chopsticks? I got that. I can't. You did, this hand. That's your whole problem.

Thumb and, 2 fingers do not make chopsticks work when you hold them like this. How do you make chopsticks work? You there's all so many tutorials. I know. You've tried to teach me a million times, and then I always just forego the chopsticks and say, Just give me a fork.

Me a fork. Mhmm. I'd rather use my hands. If there's no forks available, I'll just eat with my hands. Thanks.

I can't do it. You can. I can't. I'd rather just have a fork. Okay.

Is that it? I don't know. You have the list. You tell me. A lot of people struggle with time management.

A lot of people struggle with I hate time management. Parallel parking. Yeah. How are you doing on that? So good.

Everyone can do that. Nobody can do that. I do it all the time. There's a few select people who can do that. Do it well.

I do it well. You do it well. I know. I'm not coming down on you, bud. Settle.

Take a breath. I'm saying there are some people who think that they can do it, and they don't do it well. Can you do it? No. You should try.

No. I don't want it. With practice. You'll get it. Stop making me do hard things.

We'll start with some not so great news or good news today. We know that the population of bees has been steadily on the decline. Yeah. It's a big deal because bees play a huge role in nature and our food supply. Right.

For a long time, we've talking about helping the bees, not mowing your lawn in May, leaving a patch of dandelions in the grass so that they have somewhere to get some stuff early in the season, things like that. Yes. Well, a group in Colorado called Great Outdoors Colorado is running a special program this summer called Generation Wild, and the program involves giving away 100, 000 free wildflower seed packets. That is more than 50, 000, 000 seeds. And the idea is to get kids and families to pick up the seed packets at the libraries and other locations across the state and plant the seeds in meadows and gardens around Colorado I love it.

The bees. I think it's awesome. I think it's a fantastic idea. Let's get more wildflowers into this world. Yep.

Love the wildflowers. More flowers, growing will lead to more food for bees so that those bees can continue to do the important work in nature that we all rely upon. And I've got a whole bunch of wildflowers plant in our backyard. I need to Let's do it. On that.

I got a bunch of weeds I gotta pull. I know. And the weeds never end. Yeah. I like this program, though.

I think that's really cool. So too. Generation Wild is what the program is called. And, get behind that. Some other states need to adopt that.

I think that's really cool. So it's good news to get you going on classy 97. I saw this video yesterday, and I can't find it now. I thought I had saved it, but I can't find it. It's video of a car wash.

I'm not sure where it was, but there was 1 car in the lead in the front of the car wash, and his tires went off the track. So then he got kinda stuck because, you know, if you're on the track, you keep it moving. So he his tires went off the track, and as he's kinda stuck there, the machine is still going, and the top, like, little rolly thing that kinda goes up your windshield just keeps, like, banging on his windshield. Then the car behind him, still on the track Right. Just keeps, like, ramming into him from behind because it's still on the track.

So it's still moving. So the car, I think it was, like, a Yukon or something. The car that went off the track Uh-huh. Is getting smacked in the windshield from the washer roller thing. I don't know the terms of any of this stuff.

You're doing great. Car from behind. Just keep smacking him Yeah. Rear ending the From behind. The the vehicle.

Now people are like, whose fault is this? Who's at fault for this? I feel like the Yukon, the front car is at fault. Why? Because the the cars don't just jump the rail.

Okay. You you get in the car wash, you put it in neutral, hands off the wheel, hands feet off the brake. Yeah. That's the rules So of the car ride. Would he have gone off the track?

You would have to turn the wheel. You would human driver in the front vehicle goofed and made the car jump the rail because the the the thing that pushes your car forward is on your back wheel. Okay. And it pushes your car forward along that. It's just a wheel thing that grabs your wheel and moves you forward.

Okay. It doesn't turn. It just goes in a straight line. The front wheels have adjustment. That there's that or the person in the front hit their brakes Oh.

Which could cause the back wheel to pop up over those little pushy wheels and cause the back wheel to jump the rail. But the person in front made a mistake. Oh, that's that's interesting. I like this viewpoint because when I was watching the video, I was like, oh, the car wash is at fault. I don't think so.

I think you're right. After hearing all the I think the driver in the front of this caused chaos, and the person who's behind them can do nothing. Right. Because they're on the conveyor belt. And, again, if they hit their brakes, it's gonna cause a whole thing.

The car wash attendant is the only 1 who can hit the red button that makes the stop. So, I mean, it happened. He probably that car from behind probably rear ended that car at least 4 times Yeah. Before you see an employee running to turn off the system. Right.

That's so what do you do? Like, what do you do? If you can't change your insurance and food insurance, then But imagine you're the person behind Yeah. That second car For sure. And you're just rear ending the car in front of you.

Nothing wrong. Do nothing. Yeah. I would have immediately have braked. So then I would have popped off the tracks too.

Probably. Because that's just Yeah. A natural reaction. Just when you go into the automatic car wash, do what they tell you. They point at the sign and give you a thumbs up for a reason.

Read the sign. Put the car in neutral, hands off the wheel, feet off the brakes. Enjoy the ride. Yeah. It's almost like you have an auto driving car for a few minutes.

Just a minute. And then you wait till the end, and the little green light comes on and says go, and then you leave. Sometimes it says fly. Some yeah. Depending on where you go.

But that's when you leave is when that happens. Okay. Until that green light comes on at the end Don't touch your car. Do anything. Just sit there and wait and then exit.

And then go. And then be like, get out the way because, like, our behind is gonna be there in a minute. The other thing that'll happen is people will hit the brakes at the end Yeah. Because they're like, I want more drier time. Oh.

Don't do that. It's designed to do what it's gotta do. I don't touch anything. I'm afraid of touching anything until it tells me to touch things. You're doing it right.

Thanks, Josh. I've got 2 stories that I kinda wanna talk about here. 1 of them is that, in an old castle in Germany, someone was digging around and found some old, like, board game pieces that were carved in antler that are, like, from the 11th or 12th century. That's so awesome. Yeah.

Really interesting. There was a 6 sided dice, a flower shaped gaming piece, and a knight chess piece. And researchers were really impressed with the knight, because they could tell the smooth upper half on this particular antler piece. It was smoothed out from fingers picking it up thousands of times to play chess with it. So cool.

I think that's really, really neat. So I I don't know where this stuff came from other than it was found under an old castle in Germany, and that's Oh, sure. Wild. Because people are just digging around in old castles. Yeah.

Well, and then you got a little more modern games. You like a Mario game? Yeah. You're big on a Mario thing. Yeah.

How did you like the Mario movie? It was good. I liked the movie. Are you ready for Mario number 2? They're making a number 2?

Of course, they are. Because the first movie brought in $1, 300, 000, 000. Of course, they are. It is actually the 3rd highest grossing animated movie of all time. Really?

Yeah. People like Mario. Frozen 2 and the lion king are what's in front of it. Frozen 2. Frozen 2.

Yeah. Look at that. The Lion King are bigger than Super Mario's. But the new Super Mario Brothers movie 2 will come out April 24, 2026. Oh, jeez.

Louise. Takes a long time to make that movie, I guess. Don't know how long it takes to be. Do you know what the premise is gonna be? What's the plot?

Well, they have to play more Luigi in this 1. Right? I don't know. I don't know what they're gonna do. I have no idea.

They could get more Yoshi in there. That'd be great. Well, that was sort of that, Easter egg thing. Right? I don't remember.

Oh, that's fine. I'm I'm I'm pretty sure Yoshi's gonna be a big deal. Okay. Good. Because Yoshi is a big deal.

Settle down. He's the fastest driver in Mario Kart. 2nd only to Donkey Kong. No. Not no.

I found our next date night. K. How do you feel about staying in the world's deepest, darkest, oldest, and quietest motel room? Where? It's in Arizona.

It's about 60 miles away from the Grand Canyon. It is 220 feet underground No. And it's 65000000 years old. That's weird. Why is that weird?

It's a cave. It's a cave. Why I don't know if I wanna stay in a cave. It's 65000000 years old. Do you wanna stay in a cave?

Kinda. Why? Because I think it's cool. Why don't you? Earthquakes?

It's in Arizona. Is it on Earth? Earthquakes. Not Arizona quakes. There's a fold down futon Oh, so comfortable.

And 2 queen beds. So So there's a queen bed there as well. It also has an RV style bathroom. Okay. A library of books.

For what? To read a kitchenette and a television. Yeah. It's only $1, 000 per night. Who's making money on this?

It's a The cave people? Yeah. The cave people. There's a whole place. If you wanna stay in this area, they do have, like, regular cabins too.

But Yeah. That's better. Aboveground. A regular aboveground cavern or a cabin. I think the cave sounds so cool.

Does it? Yes. I've done some caving. You'd have. And I the whole time I'm in a cave, all I can think about is if there's an earthquake, I'm done for.

Well, that's just your anxiety talking. I'm I'm just telling you. So you're saying you wouldn't get any sleep in there? Yeah. That's exactly what I'm saying.

The whole time How about I'm gonna be in there thinking about the cave collapsing around. You're sleeping? Right. I'm sure they've got reinforcements. Not buying it.

Plus, it's really expensive. It is very expensive. Okay. Okay. Okay.

Cheaper is the ghost walk tour of these caves of these caverns. Do you wanna do that? Where you get to learn about all the people that died in the cave you wanna sleep in. I'm not into it. That's only $39 per person.

Uh-huh. It's also 200 feet underground. Oh. 0. It's a long ways underground.

I know it is, and I think that's why it's so cool. I am a little bit afraid of earthquakes too down there, but I think it would be so cool. I don't know. I just don't know. I know you don't.

I'll find someone else to go with me. Oh. We were talking about things that we hate to do. This is last night. It like, yeah.

Yeah. Yeah. Like, I turned off the light, and you said, why'd you turn off the light? And I was like, because I'm not getting out of bed again. I've turned it off once.

That's it. But, also, I needed to blow dry my hair because I had just taken a shower. Yeah. And you had a lot to say about that. I hate blow drying my hair.

It's awful. It's the worst. Sometimes I am am pissed at your balls. Tell me more about what it's like to have hair. What what, what what do you not like about it?

It's the worst. You have to wash it. Uh-huh. You have to curl it. Yeah.

You have to blow dry it. Right. It's on a windy day. When I did have hair It's in your face. I would wash it, of course.

Well, of course. But that's it. Like I know. You have it so easy. So I get a little bit envious of you.

I had long, beautiful hair in high school. It was nice. Wow. And then I shaved it all off, and it never grew back. I hate blow drying.

I hate that chore. I also hate because after blow drying, I said, oh, I gotta pack a lunch for tomorrow. Yep. I hate doing that. 2 tasks.

That are the worst. Those are the worst tasks. Why do we spend so much of our life doing things that we hate? You don't no 1 that says, hey. You have to pack a lunch.

You can go without a lunch. I understand. And then you have to be hungry, I guess. Yeah. No 1 said you have to blow dry your hair.

That these are choices. Yeah. My hairdresser said I should blow dry my hair before I go to bed. Well, then So somebody did tell me that I have to do that. Go to bed with your wet hair to let it air dry.

Yeah. Yeah. Okay. So I have to do that. I have to because she's she's gonna know.

She's the expert on hair, isn't she? I yeah. Sure. She is. And she said, I have to do this.

She said, you have to do this. Yes. Did did it now that the task was done, did you feel okay about it? Well, I was glad it was over. That's it.

But my question is, why do we have to spend so much of our lives doing things that we don't enjoy? I don't know. Why can't we just be doing the things that we enjoy? Here, go to work for 8 hours. Do a thing that you don't like for 8 hours.

Oh, guess what? And when you come home, you have to wash your clothes and the dirty dishes and weed the flour bed. You can you can, I don't know? You can pay people to do all those other things, but but you're still gonna have to do that 8 hour thing I know. To pay the people to do the other things you don't wanna do.

But you could pay somebody to do your laundry. We gotta pay here. Somebody to do whatever you want. You can pay somebody to blow dry your hair every day if you want. But it still has to be done.

Yeah. I'll still have to sit there while it's being done. But you don't have to do it. I'm just trying to help. I mean, you know, it's just money.

Right? It is just money. How do we figure this out? I don't know. You need more of it in order to have people do those things.

I know. So I'll just keep doing the things I don't enjoy. Start working 16 hours, then you won't have time to do any of it. Some exciting news happened yesterday, and it's finally happened. It's happened.

Well, kinda. Well Well, kinda. This is the first steps to making camping happen. The trailer's been, stored all winter, So now it's finally back at the house. Back at home.

So now So now we can just hook up and go whenever we want. It's a big step. It is a big step. It's the first step. We do still need to winterize it or de winterize it.

Mhmm. And, but, boy, I'm ready to go. Boy? Boy, I'm ready to go out and camp. Now we had a plan because we didn't go do nearly enough camping last summer.

So our plan this year was, like, to get out as often as possible. Now it's already June 20th. Today's the first day of summer, though. Barely got our trailer out. Let's keep in mind, today's the first day of summer officially.

Okay. So it's okay. And it was still a little bit chilly. Yeah. It's 45 this morning when I got in the truck, it said.

You have a trailer with a heat. Yes. There's a furnace in there. And that's what I that's the other part. Like, we can camp comfortably, through the summer Yeah.

Because we got the air conditioning as well. Yes. And then into the fall, there's still good camping in the October. Yes. We've gone camping in October before.

I mean, if it's if it's in storage and it's winterized, you can't use the water system because it'll freeze, but you could still sleep in it with the furnace going. You could. So you could really camp anytime all year round if you want. Oh, I don't do I don't camp from mid October to mid May. No.

This year, it'll be mid June. Yeah. I'm ready. Let's go. I know.

Let's get out. I know. I love stocking that trailer full of food and getting out. Leaving. Yes.

Well, let's do it. What's holding us back? Work. Quit it. It's always work.

Always in my way. Would you quit with the work? Well, the trailer's, now that that much closer to being ready to camp. So later on today, I can do the de winterization. I can get it ready to go.

Let's go. Yes. But what do you think is a normal age that you could you could drop off your kid at a birthday party and have it be okay? Does 10 feel right? 10 feels right.

No younger than that? I don't I don't I mean, I don't know. I'm I'm trying to think. Like, like, if if there's if it's at a, like, a a fun center and it's an hour and, you walk in and you you pay for a wristband, and then you're like, alright. I'll be back in an hour to pick you up.

Do you That probably could be younger than 10. You naturally assume that birthday parties are a drop off and go situation? No. I wouldn't assume that unless it said that. Most invitations don't say that.

Have you ever dropped off our 1 of our children at a birthday party? I've never dropped off 1 of our children. At a birthday party? No. No.

I never have. No. I never have. No. You never have.

There was a time, Emery was just little, and there was a girl at in her preschool class, and she invited her to a birthday party. And her mom said, you can drop her off or you can stay, whichever you wanna do. Now, Emery at the time, she I mean, she was just little. She was still kind of, like Well, that's, like, 4 or 5. Younger than that.

I think it was, like, 3. Because she was learning how to potty train still. She still wasn't great at potty training. Okay. I don't think she was 2.

It shows she wasn't that young, but it was probably 3 or 4. And so she was still I still was just a little bit un just a little bit nervous about dropping her off and going, especially because we didn't know these people very well. Right. And she's 3. Right.

So I opted to stay, and it was the worst experience of my life. Really? It wasn't the worst experience of my life. It was just very uncomfortable because the family had other family members there. Uh-huh.

And Emery was, like, 1 of 2 other little girls. So there was only 3 little kids, and then the rest were, like Family. Family. So you were hanging out with, like, with their whole family. Yeah.

Like, grandma. Probably a different kind of situation than a fun activity thing. It was very uncomfortable. And the whole time, I'm just sitting there. And, of course, I wanted Emery to go play with the kids.

Right. So she was off playing with the kids, and I was just in the corner by myself while, like, the family mingled. I was like, this is awful. I shoulda just dropped off and go. But I was nervous about it.

Way too young. I think so too. Yeah. But it was awkward. It was horrible.

Like, I'm trying to think And it was at their house. Yeah. If it was at, like, a a place Right. A public place. I would have probably felt more comfortable just hanging by myself.

But because it was at their house, I was like, this is They're like, oh horrible. Do you want some potato salad while you're here? So I would think if you were, like, kindergarten age and you had a couple of pals that were, like, we're doing a birthday party. Zach's going to do the thing. It's gonna be sweet.

And you you were like, alright. And it was an hour long thing at an at an activity center or something like that. I feel like that's probably good. Okay. I don't remember having bigger birthday parties with a lot of friends until, like, 6th grade.

Yeah. I I'm with you on that. 6th grade, it was and and my parents are like, never again. I did more. But I had I got to have, like, I don't know, 5 friends spend the night in 6th grade, and we did not sleep.

Of course. Nintendo. No. Star Wars was on TV. It was it was awesome.

On Reddit, there's a this is how this question got brought up. And there was this there was a swim party, and the kids are 10 years old. And the mom brought her kid to go to the birthday party. And then as she was leaving, walking away, the mom of the birthdays kid said, oh, this isn't really a drop off party. You stay.

Expected to hang. And the mom said, I didn't realize that. I I have things that I have to do. Like, I planned things to do. I've got appointments and stuff.

And the mom said, sorry. Tough breaks. Wow. So the mom was kind of upset. Like, I How old was the kid in this situation?

10. Yeah. See? I I feel like you'd be okay at 10. But I feel like even if you want the parents to say to stay, you need to put that on your invitation Because I think it's mostly assumed that it's a drop off situation unless there's extenuating circumstances.

Like, weird house. Classy 97 with Josh and Chantel. That was aggressive. There is a new coffin that was unearthed from Egypt. What?

Oh, yeah. 1, how are they still finding me? Oh, there's so much stuff. Like, they they have just discovered I told you, they discovered that entire, city Yeah. And then they found out there's a city under that city.

Yeah. Like, this is wild. There's so much stuff out there. I wanna go find some of it. You do?

Yes. So archaeologists excavated several coffins recently from a discovered 35 100 year old cemetery in Egypt. 35100 is not as old. I mean, that's some it's old, but that's not as old as I was expecting. Okay.

It's pretty old. I mean, it look. 35100, it's 2024, so that's a negative number. We're talking BC. Oh.

100 Yeah. Years. So I wanted it's so cool. 1000. A 1000 years.

An image on 1 of the coffins looks exactly like Marge Simpson. Really? Yes. There is a drawing on 1 of the lids of the coffin, and it has a female. And she's got a body length strapless green dress similar to what Marge wears.

She also has a large blue rectangle on her head, much like Marge Simpson's blue hair. Weird. Are you looking at pictures? Yes. Yeah.

So they had photos. The New York Post, shared some photos of the coffin, the image on the coffin, and it's hilarious. There's hieroglyphics on it, and there's images around her, the main woman on the lid, of other women dressed in similar green dresses, but they don't have the green or blue hairstyle. They do. Here's yeah.

They do. No. The bottom has white hair. What? That 1 in the bottom has white hair.

Oh, she's old. Or they ran out of blue ink because they use so much on the hair up top. But but the rest of them have blue hair, but it's draped down. It's, like, long. Okay.

So what I'm wondering is if, when they when they lay this person into this coffin or whatever Uh-huh. If the hair is put up like that. Okay. Rather than laying them down on top of the hair. As I'm looking at this picture The doggos are out, and there's a wrong number of them.

I know. I know. There's 5 on 1 on the left foot and 4 on the right. Yes. Is this a 9 toed woman?

I don't know. And, also, it looks less like a dress and more like pants. It's kind of tubular. It's like a, jumpsuit. It is.

But also, there's no straps. It just is somebody's not super good at art. Marge Simpson doesn't have straps. Hers is strapless. Oh, yeah.

It is. I I'm looking at the pic there's no, red bead necklace, though. Oh, that's that that's the So it's clearly not Marge. It's not Marge all the way. And there's no Homer Simpson's pants.

This clearly is pants. Pants. Like a jumpsuit. Right? Yeah.

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Also, another interesting thing I just observed, both thumbs are pointing the same direction. Not you see what I'm saying? Yes. I do. Like, if you just put your hands up, your thumbs are in.

In this instance, left hand, thumb in, right hand, thumb out. So that's 1 of these. So, again, is this a choice by the artist, or is this how they laid this person in the Isn't it fascinating? Yeah. The artist, Egyptian artists?

I know and I could be an Egyptian artist. You could? I could do this. I could do this dry. Yeah.

9 toes and all. There was a, in Jacksonville, Florida Mhmm. There's a school there, and they put it's actually an organization that works with children with autism. Cool. And they installed a 30 foot playground structure that, was for their children to play.

They installed it, and then overnight, it was stolen. Well, that's pretty lame. It's pretty lame. Totally lame. Right?

All that was left of the playground was the studs in the ground. That's where did it go? Somebody stole it. Well, I gathered, but stole it and put it where? They checked the cameras, and the only clue that was left behind was a strip of pink tape on the surveillance cameras.

So they had a couple of surveillance cameras around the playground Oh. And all of them had just a solitary piece of pink tape, like duct tape. Like, that they had covered up the cameras with? Yep. They did determine that the cameras could see 2 figures wandering around outside near the playground around 3:30, but then the tape blocked the view of what happened next.

They took the swings. They took the slide. They took the monkey bar bars, all of it. It's all gone. Man.

30 foot play structure. That's really super lame. Isn't that the worst news ever? Yep. I don't know what to do with that.

I'm sorry to bring bad news to the area. This it was about, like, $5, 000, the playground. Wow. Gone. All gone.

How sad. Super sad. I know. Gotta gotta get that playground back. I'm sorry to bring bad news.

This is bad news to not get you going. Yeah. Bad news to hurt your Thursday morning. Mostly like a, hey, guys. Let's not stop.

Let's be better humans. Let's be better humans. Let's do it better. There was a woman in Minneapolis that was trying to get into a drive through, and the line was 20 minutes long. So she said, I'm coming in.

Alright. So she's in a car. So she saw the line. It was pretty long, and she said, I'm I'm not getting in the back. I'm cutting in.

It doesn't work that way. She tried to get in, and people were kinda honking and yelling at her. And she said, you're gonna let me in. No. And she started to threat threaten them.

They turned up their music and wouldn't allow her, and then she got really aggressive. And They so she did get in line and then tried to order, and they turned up the music? I'm confused about the music part. The people in line turned up their music, so they couldn't hear her threats. I see.

So they wouldn't let her in. Drown her out. Yeah. I see. And then she did find a space in between 2 cars where they did kinda let her in.

And then so she's in line, and an employee eventually came out and said, listen. If you want food Mhmm. You're gonna have to go to the back of the line. We are not gonna serve you with this kind of behavior. Good.

So if you want food The entitlement, man. Yeah. Get out of line. It's great like the rest of people. Yeah.

Like, you're not special. Just go get in line with everybody else. Yep. Everybody else has been doing the same thing. We've been all waiting here for minutes and minutes.

So Minutes and minutes. Minutes and minutes. If you're waiting minutes. I also just the nerve that people have. Right.

Did you ever do that? Even if you were in a hurry and you were like, guys, listen. Go somewhere else if if if it's an emergency Yeah. Just let me in. Or park and go inside.

No. Never. Use my legs? No. My legs don't go they don't walk.

Just the nerve that people have to be like, oh, people are gonna people are gonna I'm trying to figure out what is the extenuating circumstance where I would be like, this is an acceptable behavior, and there's none. There's none. I can't find I can't find a time when cutting in line is an an appropriate, thing to do. We went to, we went to the Janet Jackson show Yeah. Last weekend.

Yes. And there's this line that we're in to go through security. Yeah. And I'm and I'm seeing people go, like, walk up to their friends and be like, oh, hey. There you are.

And get in line right there with their friends. I I don't know how I feel about that. I don't care for that. Yeah. Just meet inside.

Right? Like, I went to a graduation, in town, and Yeah. And there's this line to get in. Same thing. Family members are like, I know you.

Come up here. Like, everybody's waiting in line. Like, just get in the line. And I don't like cutting in line because then I know that the people waiting in line staring at the back of your head. Hate me now.

I'm not into it. I don't like it either. I'm not a line cutter, and I don't appreciate people that are line cutters. Same. Same.

Wait your turn. Employers are trying to lure perk lure workers. Lure, LURE. Lure? Yeah.

Lure. Lure. It's why does that sound so good? To lure workers back into the Lure? Lure?

You want you got a new fish in Lure? Catch a big fish on your fishing lure? Is that what's happening? Yes. Big old catfish on your fish and learn?

Using them rapolas? Stop. What? What? Rapolas?

What is that? A type of fish and lure. You you use Panther Martins, mips, spoons? This is not even about fishing. Fish and lures.

Not crawlers. They weren't too. What's up? Stop it. What's up?

Okay. There's still people that are working remotely. Okay. And so then employers are trying to get them to come back into the offices. How are they doing that?

Some of the How are they alluring people in? Stop it. Corn? They put corn on the hood? They're trying to add some perks, like fancy coffee, offering yoga classes.

They're offering, like, team building This is all in office stuff? Yeah. Why don't they just let me do this at home? DJ parties. Well, how about I just work at home and do yoga at home?

I know. You're not gonna get me to come back if I'm at home. Get out of here. Come in and do yoga with coworkers, or I could do it at home? Employees are like, I just really want my own desk.

I want my own desks area. I want my own workspace. I want the door that shuts. I know. That's what I want.

That's not that's a whole office. They just want a desk. They're just asking for desks. I want my own desk. All it takes, I guess.

I would love to have my own office. Wouldn't that be awesome? Having a door that shuts and you can just, like, zone into your work Yeah. And just be productive Yeah. That's the best.

That is the best. I really enjoy that. I'll never have an office because my job is greeting. This room is my office. I know.

And that's So sad. This is where I stay all day. I just am in here, which is fine. I have everything I need. Yeah.

I have a door that shuts. You used to have an office, and it was cool. Yeah. Because then I wasn't just in the 1 room. I got to be in 2 rooms.

Mhmm. I took up 2 rooms. Look at you. Yeah. And then, I had so much stuff in that office.

I went, this is not healthy. No. It is healthy. It's okay to have your own space. People are sick of bouncing around their home using various surfaces as workspaces.

I get that. If you give them their own dedicated desk, it's a way to win them over and bring them back to the office again. Hey. Come back. I got you a desk.

Yeah. We got you your own desk. No. Thanks. Right.

I don't wanna do at work yoga with like, I'll do yoga with you, but it's and it's fine in here. Studio yoga is okay. Yeah. Yoga outside on the back deck, though. That sounds lovely.

Come on. Doesn't that sound nice? Yes. We could do this show from home. We we could.

We could. We absolutely could. Why couldn't we? No. I know.

Technology exists. We could. Yeah. I'm just saying good luck getting that passed. I gotta go talk to somebody.

Let me do this at home in my pajamas while I'm doing yoga Yeah. In the sunlight in the sunlight. In the set. Yeah. Maybe maybe we come into the studio in the winter months.

No. That sounds worse. Does it? Yeah. Because then you have to get out and scrape your car.

This desk space. It's nice. You're welcome. Hey. The color of the summer for 2024 has been announced.

What what are these? Well, they have, like, the Pantone of the year, and they have, like Pantone of the year. Oh, just look it up. I don't want to. Just tell me.

The the Pantone of, 2024 What is Pantone? Is, well, this was announced months ago, and it's peach fuzz is the color. It is Pantone 13 dash 1023, is the 2024 color of the year. That is the Pantone of the year. So it's just this peach color, but it's called peach fuzz.

Okay. I think we not know this? I think we talked about this last year. If peach fuzz was the color last year. This is the color of 2024.

It's announced early in the year. Now today is the first official day of summer. What is Pantone? I don't even know what Pantone is. Worry about it.

Let's just move on to the color of the summer. This is online shopping site ASOS searches, for this particular color this summer have jumped 98% over the past month. Okay. It is all over social media. Celebs like Hailey Bieber and Sabrina Carpenter have all been seen wearing this Who?

I'm too old. I don't know. Been seen wearing this soft, subtle color. Are you ready for the color of summer for 2024? Yes.

Butter yellow. Yeah. It's like a baby yellow is what it is, but then it's a little creamier. So Pantone? Nope.

Not Pantone. White did you This is just the Pantone color of the year is peach. This is not from Pantone. This is a different thing. What is Pantone?

A color. It's a color scale. Butter yellow color of the summer. And I'm not mad about it. It's a nice color.

What does it look like? Like butter. Like butter? Yeah. Butter yellow.

Butter yellow. I'm gonna look it up. Color of summer. Of summer. Yes.

You're gonna see it and be like, yeah. Okay. I see it on a dress. Yeah. It's on dresses, earrings, sweaters, pants.

Shade tends to be something that complements the weather mood and designer trends at the time. Alright. Butter yellow is happening, and it's happening now. There it is. What it says.

So if you're into it I'm not into it. The color of the summer. Butter yellow matches my skin tone very well. Have you tried it? I need to get a jam.

Or maybe you just need some butter yellow in your life. Tasty. Try it. Maybe it'll look butter yellow. No.

It's not. Chantel, are you ready for the would you rather this or that question of the day? Question is, Josh, are you ready? I guess. Would you rather lick a trash can No.

Or the bathroom floor? No. What's wrong with you? I'm going with the trash can. Why?

Because the bathroom floor? No. Gross. Neither of those. They're both awful, but the trash can is better.

No. It's not. Have you seen that thing? Yeah. The 1 that goes out to the street.

Which 1? That trash can? The 1 that goes to the street? Why are we doing that 1? Why can't we just do the inside kitchen 1?

No. That's better than the 1 that goes outside. No. Yeah. Neither 1 is good.

And then what part are you licking? You licking the lid? Are you licking the front? Not. Are you licking the inside?

Not. Which are you looking the bathroom floor now? Are you looking the doing it. Office bathroom floor? Are you looking the I'm not doing it.

Bathroom floor? No. Ew. Yeah. Ew.

What? It's first day of summer, and you pick licking floors and garbage cans. Yeah. There's so many nice things to talk about. Yeah.

Would you rather go on a bike ride or a hike or a picnic? A picnic. No. You didn't pick this. Hike.

You picked something gross. This is what happened. Yep. Are you picking? No.

It was so gross. I'm picking garbage can. Ugh. You garbage can liquor. No.

I don't I've I am, I'm not playing today. Oh, you're such a stick in the mud. Would you rather go on a bike ride, a hike, or picnic on the 1st day of summer? I'd rather go on a bike ride to the to a picnic, and then a hike carry your stuff? Oh, there's baskets and backpacks.

You don't have a basket on your mountain bike? No. But there's backpacks. A backpack picnic? Yeah.

Throw a blanket in there? Smooshed up sandwich? Charcuterie stuff? Yeah. I guess.

Yeah. That sounds okay. I know. Right? Yeah.

Bike a bike picnic? I would do that. Sounds good. You should plan a date like that. That sounds like a really good idea.

Instead, we're gonna stay home and lick disgusting things. No. That's it. Garbage cans and bath towels. Have to right now, and then we can move on.

Hey. Time for your better today than yesterday daily challenge. Oh, what is it? This is, this is something you do. What is it?

You journal. Kind of. You have an art journal? Yeah. Is that not journaling?

Well, I don't necessarily I just write I don't I don't write things about my day. It's mostly I just write nice thoughts and things that I like. Yeah. That's journaling. Okay.

No 1 no 1 there's no rules. Like, you can write whatever you want. Okay. It's just a thoughtful thing. Right?

It says simply having a journal present in your home encourages you to write down your thoughts and intentions. That's all. And it says you should buy a journal or make 1 of your own and, do some journaling today. That is the better today than yesterday daily challenge. It's pretty easy.

Just, get yourself kinda centered on some of your thoughts and intentions by journaling. I like I don't I mean, I used to I used to journal for real. Like, I would write down Dear diary. I did. You did dear diary?

I didn't do dear diary, but I would write down the day and then what I did that day. No one's ever gonna read that. I have, like, books and books of them. You do? Yes.

What what kind of stuff's in there? Like, how old were you when you were writing these diaries? High school diaries. Shantel was high school diaries. Break them.

I can read them on air. Today, I saw a cute boy. Oh, boy. A cute boy didn't see me. Yeah.

I'm so sad. Is that mostly what it is? Mostly. Oh, man. It's heartbreaking.

I know. I'm telling you, you're not they're not good. You're not gonna wanna read them. I don't even wanna read them. Well, you're better today than yesterday.

Daily challenge is to get yourself a journal going, and, and that's gonna do it for us for the rest of this Thursday, 1st day of summer. Woo hoo. Do something nice outside in the sunshine. Wear sunscreen. You know how to protect yourself.

Yes. Be smart. But, yeah, that's gonna do it for us. Have a great rest of your Thursday. You know what tomorrow is?

Friday. Oh, yes. Yeah. That's right. I love Friday.

I know. I'm surprised you forgot it was coming tomorrow. Well, I have to get through Thursday first. Thursday's done. Thursday's hanging me up.

Not entirely. Not entirely. Hey. Hey. Listen to the show on the podcast.

Yeah. Everywhere you get podcasts, you can hear us, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Pocket Cast, whatever, app you might use. You can also listen online at our new website. It's riverbendmediagroup.com, and that's gonna do it for us. Have a great day.

We'll see you tomorrow. Happy Thursday. Alright. Bye. Bye.

Thanks for listening to wake up classy 97, the podcast. If you enjoy the show, please share, subscribe, and rate the podcast. Wake up classy 97 is hosted by Josh and Chantel Tielor and is a production of Riverbend Media Group. For more information or to contact