Clydesdale Media Podcast

Live from Lansing Michigan we are in Quarter-Finals Weekend!  Carolyne and Jamie are both vying for a spot in the NA East Semifinal (Jamie also Master's Semi). Self vs. the World Going on this weekend.  Fee has her day in the sun.  Plus HWPO Buys Deka Comp! and Michelle Letandre becomes the Head of affiliates!  Plus all the news that is happening in the CrossFit world

What is Clydesdale Media Podcast?

We cover the sport of CrossFit from all angles. We talk with athletes, coaches and celebrities that compete and surround in the sport of CrossFit at all levels. We also bring you Breaking News, Human Interest Stories and report on the Methodology of CrossFit. We also use the methodology to make ourselves the fittest we can be.

what is going on everybody

welcome to Lansing Michigan

where we are live in Jamie

Latimer's dining room yes

we are it is quarterfinals

time so I made the trek up

here to Michigan uh to kind

of get film some of the

action to hang out with my

friends and to see what all

is happening here in

Michigan so um yeah yeah

What's going on?

So I was driving today and

you did some stuff.

I did do some stuff more than expected.

I got here and you, I said, well,

what'd you get done today?

And you're like,

you kind of meekishly said, like,

I don't know if you felt

like you were disappointing me,

but you're like, I did two of them.


I mean,

I feel like you make the track to

watch and I,

Wanted you to be able to

watch most of the workouts.

I knew you were going to miss one.



And who knows,

maybe you'll redo something

and we'll catch that or whatever.

But Corey says he's doing two tomorrow.


I think what's interesting

about this and everything

I've watched today and

listening to you and Haley today,

tonight at the gym,

like it's crucial that you

do these in the right order.

for you for sure.



because some of these are going to

wreck you.

And once that happens,

it's going to impair

whatever you redo after that.

And they were smart to put the,

I think the wall ball

burpee back jumper one is

going to be the one that

affects a lot of people and

it's due by Saturday.


if you're trying to save that,

then you have to do two earlier.



So I completely understand

why you would do two

already just to get

something in the bank and on the board.

And then,

because that one is going to do

some damage.

So I get, I checked into the hotel and,

Uh, the wife was like, Hey,

I'm just going to crash onto bed.

Uh, and you text me and say, Hey,

Haley's going to do one tonight.

You want to come over?

So I said, okay, I go over and do that.

And hopefully we're not like

giving away any secrets or anything,

but she was going to do one

of the workouts tonight.

She got into it a little bit,

realized completely wrong plan,

redlined it way too early

and just threw on the break and said,

let's save this for another day.


probably mostly my fault

because we're at the mercy

of other people for our,

our gym is 14 feet, six inches.

So when we have rope climb workouts,

we have to travel.

And then I have to

coordinate with where we're going to go,

who, when they're open,

when they have classes,

when we can not bother them.


and I kind of assumed we were going to

have to do a Saturday Sunday for that.


I don't want to.

And I was able to get a hold

of grand trunk at where we

did our team stuff and they

will accommodate us tomorrow.

So when Haley got to the gym, I was like,


we're going to go do number three


So I feel like you kind of

need to get number one in.

And she wanted to do clean

and jerks first.

It's going to be the easiest one for her.

Knock it out.

So she had a plan of coming

in to hit the clean of

jerks and I kind of threw

her for a loop and she just

kind of warmed up and

jumped into those intervals

and those intervals are spicy.



And it's funny because as soon as she like,

like she turned around to

you and was like, yeah,

I don't think this is going

to work today.

I felt so bad.

I was like, Oh no.

Oh no.

And then as we were leaving

in the parking lot,

and this is after much

deliberation and

conversation with you as a coach,

she looked at you and went,

my max heart rate went to 202.

So she definitely went to a

place that was not going to

be healthy for the rest of that workout.


She was going to have to back way off.

We would have been even

further off of the plan.

So it makes sense.

I mean, she knows how it feels.

Now we can get a new number

rep set scheme to go.

So I think it's fine.

So what was good for me is

it gave me some practice

filming to get a little more creativity.

I was figuring out how to like,

with my new camera, I got the 4K,

I got the whole nine, right?

But I could zoom in on like

the monitor on the rower.

uh so I could catch like

paces stuff like that um

while it's going on and

we're hoping to do some

creative side by sides um

after this weekend so maybe

after saturday submission

time uh putting together

some side by sides uh and

getting those up so people

can see what the

competition was like

between the athletes um

So super stoked for that.


and that got me kind of in the groove

after she stepped back,

you and her got out a

little whiteboard and you,

you re strategized this workout for her.

And I, I asked her, I said, you know,

now that you know what it feels like,

do you think you'll,

you'll be better off going

forward or does it scare you more?

And her answer was, no,

it makes me feel better

because I'm a feel girl and

I want to know what it feels like.

And I want to be ready for

it when it comes.

And she actually looked

excited about doing it again.

When I looked at her face,

when she stopped, I was like,

oh my gosh,

I don't know if she's even

going to want to do this again.

But after she talked to you

and you re-strategized,

her demeanor changed completely.

Like, yeah, let's get after this.

Now it was just trying to

find the right time.

So it doesn't affect

anything else on the board.



I think we just maybe went a

little aggressive with our

numbers because


but she's got tons of leeway in there

to play with.

So I think we'll be fine.

And I don't want to give anything away,

but you yourself were just

a tiny bit aggressive and

you felt it right.


We're not, again,

we're not going to reveal

anything until submission

time at this point,

but that's one of the

workouts you did and you did feel it.

Yeah, I did.

Um, it's something now.


So I was going to go into it

just doing around to figure

out pacing and rep scheme.

And I was like, nah, just keep going.

And then I was two rounds in

and I was like, I should stop.

But I was like, nah,

you've done two rounds.

Like you've already

accumulated some fatigue in your legs.

So just finish and gut it

out and it's fine.

It'll be fine.



She says it'll be fine.

People in her corner are

happy with the results.



I never know.

She's never happy with the results.

So I have to go with other

people to get a true

barometer as to where she sits.


But yeah,

people in her corner are happy

with the results there.

But Jamie is never satisfied.

That's true.

She can always get two more reps.

I hate missing my goal.

You know,

like if I have something on the board,

I usually underestimate and

I usually can get like the

cleaner tricks went fine for me.

I got more than my goal.

Am I still a little

disappointed in myself?


Now that I kind of know, but like this one,

I didn't even get what I wanted.

And so it's just like, Oh,

well it is what it is at this point.


So we kind of jumped into this,

like into the deep end, but

We haven't been on the air

since the workouts were announced.

When I looked at these workouts,

I don't know if I had my

bar set low going in after

seeing the team workouts or what,

but I love these workouts.

I actually, not having to do them,

I'm just looking at them as

a test to see if people are

going to move on that should move on.

And I love the design of this,

this test from start to finish.



they really test your fitness and

your capacity.

Uh, I think they're great tests.

None of them are like a pure sprint.


So you're,

you're going to have to hold on

at every one of these

workouts at something.



even watching other people

do the clean and jerk workout, which it's,

you know,

for the people that did it down

at Crash on the Savant podcast,

it was double grace, right?

So it's not like a sprint,

like single grace,

like it's double and it's heavier.

So yeah, this is all like,

can you hang on?

Yep, exactly.

And even like that heavier barbell,

moderate to heavy barbell,

you have to have fitness to

stay in the game.

Oh, yeah.


the second you redline in any of these,

you're in trouble.

So last year when we were at semis,

we kind of called that

programming like full of minefields.




And are full of landmines.

It was a minefield of a workout.

And so there were points where like,

if you went to failure, you're stuck.


And you're not moving on.

Do you feel that in this set?

Or do you think it's

something that people are

going to be fatigued at the end,

but they're going to be

able to push through?

maybe not fast,

but not completely stop

like a strict deficit

handstand pushup or a seated rope climb.

I mean, there will be some people,

not anybody in the 40 that are moving on,

but there will,

it definitely will be that

way for the ring muscle ups

of workout three, but it won't be the,

your top 40.

Right, right, right.

Yeah, because even Lindsay at Crash,

she made it through.

She finished.

She made it through, yeah.


She was doing singles at the end.


But she was able to make it through.

And really, like,

the handstand push-up and

that just seems so

insignificant after watching.

It kind of is.

You know,

so... And that's kind of a tiny

bit of shame.


I wish it meant a little

more in that workout.


But yeah, it's, it's gotten,

they can't test everything.



There are people who aren't

awesome at strict or wall

facing and there's only 10 wall facing.

So like,

you're going to sneak through that.


how much will you pay for

inefficient handstand

pushups when you get to the

muscle ups and the,

the dip coming up out of the dip?



I think that's part of what's catching

people that and the rope climb pole.

Like it's,

I guess you kind of need to know yourself.

Are you a,

are you someone who struggles

out of the dip of the ring

muscle up or are you

struggling to pull over and turn over?


So let's go through these real quick.

Workout one is the intervals

and it starts with one minute of snatches,

one minute of rowing and

one minute of box step ups weighted and

Um, initial thoughts on that.

Um, initially I was like, I like it.

I like dumbbell back step ups.


I prefer like single dumbbell

or like front rack.

Um, and I, I wouldn't, having done it now,

I wouldn't even say it was

necessarily grippy, um,

So it wasn't that I don't even know.

I just, my legs were so shot.

Um, it,

but it's a good workout and it's

one of those ones.

It's kind of like a mind game.

Like, are you pushing the row?

Are you pushing the where,

which one are you pushing?


We'll get into that later.

I'm going to hold off on that question.

Workout two is three rounds for time.

This is the crushing one.

50 wall ball shots and then 50,

we're going to just call

them burpees over the box.

Burpee back jump over, yep.



because they're not lateral because you

can do them any way you want.

Um, but they are, uh, 30 burpees,

50 burpees, um, over box jump overs.



Uh, it's so many burpee backs, jumps,

jump overs.


it's just going to be in it's 20 minutes.

like a lot of people are,

most people are going to get capped.


so you're working for 20 minutes and I

programmed this for the gym

today and spoiler alert,

like nobody showed up.


And then when Haley was done,

another class started,

they did not look like they

were having fun.


And they're getting like half the work.

Um, so yeah.


I did go to Michigan wearing a bear shirt,

and I am savage.

This is our year.

Caleb Williams is going to

crush the Lions all next season.

All right.

Corey Leonard says you kind

of have to push the row, in my opinion.

Can make a lot more reps on there.

I don't necessarily agree with you, Corey.

Yeah, that was my initial thought, too,


Yeah, watching it tonight,

I think it depends on the

athlete you are.


There's going to be big,

strong men who just crush the row.

And that makes sense.

But yeah, it depends on the athlete.

Can I just say,

I walked into the gym tonight.

I didn't realize how tall Haley was.

Oh, she's not that tall.

I think like, but compared to you,

I'm just small.

People don't think like, like it,

it was like, it took my breath away.

Like that.

She does kind of tower over

you and she's a completely

different athlete than you

completely different.


so something that I would picture you

doing in the interval workout,

I would give her different

advice all completely.

And that's why I say that Corey.

Just knowing Jamie,

being co-host for the last year,

following her career,

and then watching Haley tonight,

two completely different

strategies on that workout.


So then we go to three,

which we've talked about a lot,

and that is the handstand

push-ups with the

toes-to-bar and the rope

climbs and the muscle-ups.



so have we talked about that enough

with everything that's happened?

Yeah, I was, I mean, and it was,

I think a lot of people

probably already watched

Taylor versus the world and

fee and Lindsay.

Um, yeah, that's, that's a,

it's a good workout.

I personally think it's a

muscle up workout.

Some people could think it's

a rope climb workout.

I think it's both.


Well, yeah,

I just think it's a muscle up workout.

I think,

I think toes to bar are irrelevant.

And I think the handstand pushups,

other than what we talked about,

maybe fatiguing the press

in the muscle up,

then it comes down to how

fast you get rope climbs.

And then once you get through that, how,

how much do you have to

break up the muscle ups?


Corey says my box step ups

are going to be slow.

I have child sized legs.

Corey, you get to step to a 20 inch box.


Stop complaining.

So then we finish up with workout four.

That is the double grace for

the people that did it at crash.

But it is 10 clean jerks at one weight,

one minute rest,

10 more clean jerks at the next weight,

minute rest,

10 clean jerks at the next weight,

one minute rest,

max clean jerks in the remaining time.

Yeah, I...

Following TTT last year,

we did the simulation

workouts and you actually

played these and covered

them the week before we

started quarterfinals.

And TTT row almost an identical WOD.

It was a nine minute cap.

It went 95, 125, 145, 165,

as opposed to 85, 125, 155, 165.

So in one extra minute.


so I essentially have done this workout

and had pacing and everything,

which was nice.

So you did that today too.


and pretty much universally people are

saying that's the one that

doesn't really take much out of you.

Um, and it's the one,

if you're going to double up with one,

that's the one you're going to do it.


I know you're not happy with

it because you're never

happy with any workout,

but did you come close to

what you expected?

I did.

What I wrote on the board, I beat.

But you're still not happy,

which makes no sense.

I know.

It's fine.

I should just be happy with it.


So those are the four workouts.

I had a question and then I lost it.

Oh, well.

And it had to do with this

fourth workout in

conjunction with another one.

Oh, you chose to do four and one,

both using the legs.


in the same day do you

regret that decision

because like if you look at

the people at crash they

went a leg workout first

and an arm workout second

if I could have had a rope

at my disposal I would 100

would have done the four

three hundred percent okay

so with CrossFit making

those the last two that the deadlines,

the latest,

but yet the easiest to kind of

pair up and finish is a double.

Do you think that was

intentional on their part

or a mistake on their part?

I mean, I think it was intentional.

I just think it,

I don't think it's going to

affect anyone that matters.

So it's sort of pointless.


I mean, if I had a place to do it,

it wouldn't affect me either.

Like, I have the time to do it.

I definitely could have

gotten two in a day.

I mean, I did, but... Yeah,

I just... Just listening to

you and Haley talk, right?

She's a college student,

which gives her less

flexibility during the day than you have.

And here we are on Thursday night.

She has none completed.

And now how do you fit them

in when you don't have a

rope at your gym and you've

got to go somewhere else?


it makes it really difficult to not

kill yourself.

But again, that could be part of the plan.


The top 40 that are making

it to semi though.

aren't going to be in this boat.



Keep coming back to that.

Uh, so excuse me,

I'm doing notes on my phone this week.

Um, we we've got a,

we're on a portable system this week.

So, um,

so tomorrow the plan is for us to

go to grand trunk so you

can do workout three.


they're kindly giving you access

to their gym on a Friday.

How many athletes do they

have in quarterfinals?

I think they had like eight

or nine make it.


that's still really generous of an

affiliate to do that, uh,

during this time.


Thinking about these

workouts and the top 40,

who do you think will do

these workouts well?

Is there any standout in any

of them that you think

should be highlighted?


That's a good question.

I mean.

Let's go the easiest ones, right?

The monostructural ones.

So the barbell one.

I mean, Laura's going to crush it.


Kelsey Keel.

Gabby McGowan, maybe.

How did she do at Rogue on

the final event?

I think she did well.

Because she finished top five, right?


I think Ariel could do well.

It's moderate.



And she has, I feel like she has shorter,

smaller frame like Colton.

Like that's what, well,

Colton's super strong,

but that shorter range of motion,

just you can start to gain.


I think what's cool about this is

people like Rebecca Fusile

and yourself and you're not, and Fee,

Fee got 28 reps.

She killed it.

She is tiny.

She killed it.

Like for fitness wise, like,

and someone who's been

working on strength nonstop,

like it paid off.

Um, so I think that's cool,

but there's going to be

people crushing that 28.

Oh yeah.


But it's not going to keep

her out of the game.

I don't think so.

I think it's going to be a good score.

I'm super curious with how

well Tudor did in the open.


if his fitness and was improved enough.

Cause like he didn't do

great at rogue at that

clean and jerk one.

So I know, you know,

we just watched the event three with,

from crash with Savan and them guys.

So Hopper made a comment in

there that he's only

touching a barbell once a week.

And that he finished last in

that group of four and

finished better than

expected in the gymnastics

workout because that's all

he's doing now.



So I'm wondering with Tudor.

Will it be similar?

Will it be similar?

Like all he's doing is

working on his fitness.

Is he not even touching a barbell?

And it's not like a big

massive weight that he can

just sling up there once.

It's a moderate weight.

It it's going to be,

I'm going to be anxious to see that.

I'm super curious to see his.


And even Jack for that matter.


I know people have kind of been like,

no way that he's not going to go do good,

but I don't know.


Jack was fitter than, than Tudor by far.



Because Jack won an event

not weightlifting, right?

Or came in second.

He got second at El Palco Redux.


So, like, he has other skills.

But anyway, I find that,

I think that's going to be fascinating.

Like, the big,

and I guess same for Kelsey Keel.

Like, is her fitness going to be enough?


the weight's going to be light for her.


so then we go to the monostructural

gymnastics one.

That is a fuselage.


Emma Lawson, unless you do good,

you would think it a good one for Alexis.

Although the handstand pushup again,

aren't the crux of that workout.

It's the ring muscle.

She has good ring muscle ups

upper body pulling in the

rope climb and in the

muscle ups is going to be insane.

And that is a question on

the Heat One app.

Alexis, Alex.

I know.


Going back and watching it,

giving Alexis the nod

because of handstand

push-ups almost seems like a mistake.

Because the best person to

handstand push-ups in the

men's division is Colton.

And it didn't help.



But you're right.

Rebecca Fusile should crush this one.


And she's...

And we have her on the show

on Tuesday morning.


So there's a reschedule

after her family emergency, uh,

checked in with her, um,

a couple of days ago and all is well, um,

which is great news, uh,

that first and foremost,

but we rescheduled,

she'll be on Tuesday

morning and hopefully we

can talk about event three

and how well she did in it.


so then we move to we're

going backwards through

these the second workout

which is the wall ball

burpees that's one that

it's just someone who can

hurt right yes like who can

hurt yeah and I think I

think colton's gonna crush

this colton will crush it so will taylor

wall balls were a goat of

his that he hit extensively

and he's the best burpee

guy in the business.

So we found out, um,

other people like that, like,

I think that's like a Saxon workout.


Um, Jay crouch.


Who on the women's side?

I mean, you would,

you would have picked Emma Carey.

Um, I think Danielle will do good at it.


I think that's the workout that Tia wins.


If, if her wrist is fine.

I mean,

it sounds like the burpees weren't

great for her before.

So she was like,

I think she was like going

down on her fist or something.

She wasn't.

So you can't do that for 150.

No, no.



I've hurt my wrist back in the day and I

did the fist coming up.


not the most efficient way to do a


I think Pat will crush this one too.

Oh yeah.


And, and,

Brent will kill the wall ball,

but his burpees are not as fast as Pat's.


So, yeah,

that's just off the top of my head.

And then we go to the interval workout,

and that one just,

it's a little bit of everything,

and I just don't know.

I think Jay Crouch will do

well at that one, too.


I really had a lot on Dallin for that


The snatches would be easy for him.

The row, he can pull so hard.

And he's fairly tall.

Like, he's not hopper tall.

And then hopper's going to do well in that,


because those step-ups will be rest

for him.


20-inch step-ups, yeah.




Yeah, that's...

tutor if he's fit but but no

300s oh no no we got a note

from carolyn she'll be

honest if she gets home so

okay so that's who will do

well I gotta open my phone again um

So we talked about, are these a good test?

Watching the people at crash,

watching people do it today.

Did you learn anything today

that you were wrong about going in?

No, I can't use that.

These people for cleaning jerks.

It is what it is.


And for me, it's a muscle up workout.

So I, again,

watching them doesn't help me a ton.

I say that,

but like watching Lindsay

probably does help me a lot.

Um, maybe coming up with a pacing strategy,

even if I'm 20,

30 seconds slower than her,

if I can hold not have two fails,

hold some doubles, um,

Um, then maybe I can sneak under that.

What was she?

13 something.



If I could break 13,

I think that'd be huge.

Don't give me that look.

You better be well below 13

on that workout.

It's a ring muscle up workout.

It is not.

You're going to get,

you are going to get some

advantage on the rope climbs.

You are such a good rope climber.

sure yeah your toes to bar

you're are so efficient

hear me out can I finish

can I finish your toes to

bar efficient your

handstand push-ups are

efficient it's all about

efficiency early on so that

you're not so fatigued when

it comes to the end your

rope climbs are so efficient and so fast

And the key to your rope

climbs is your descent,

which is important on a

15-foot rope climb.

And that's where you're

going to make up some ground.

And then it's just,

can you hang on to do some muscle-ups?


If it's anything like the

open workout two years ago

with 20 at the end, it won't be good.

So let's hope I've gotten better.

You've gotten better.

All right.


Ken asks about Haley Adams.

I think she's winning anything.

I'm taking a wait and see approach.


I would say no.

I think the odds are slim to

none that she's winning a workout,

but she could have some great scores.


I just don't,

I don't think that winning

is the most important thing

for her right now.

This is not the stage to even be.


and I don't even think this season is

about winning.



this season was about finding herself

and a balance in her life

that made sense.

Very true.


And so I don't really think

that that's the number one priority.

And when it's not the number one priority,

it's hard to win.

Very true.

so that's my uh freudian

assessment of that um now I

want to talk about why the

heat one app is stupid you

want me both I am addicted

to the heat one app

I love that they have done that.

Tyler has done an amazing

job making that an option

for us to play along.

Love it.

But when you go out on a

limb and pick Colton to win

the clean and jerk workout

because you have a feeling

and Dallin to take second

and they tie and you get

zero points because of a tie break.

You should be rewarded for

going out on a limb.

I agree.

And damn, that irks me.

What was the time break?

I know Lex is sitting at

home right now with her

heat one app looking about

how far ahead she is of me.

I couldn't stand to look.

Lex, what say you?

This morning,

we had the same score and

they put her ahead of me.

We both had 45 points.

They had me in 81st and her in like 72nd.

That's not right.

How's the tiebreak work on that?

I have no idea.

But I'm cursed.

I know.

We got screwed on that one.

I don't even...

At least in horse racing, you get win,

place, or show.

Like, come on.

You're kicking my butt.

I have 921st.

I'm probably down there now.

I don't think I scored anything today.

I mean, I have 30 points.

Got to get Carolyn in there.

I got it.

Oh, you took her out.

Oh, pizza.

With pizza.

I haven't had pizza in so long.

Like months.

That's what we had.

I just haven't had enough

calories in me all day.

And I went to Booster Juice

tonight to grab a smoothie

with protein added in it.

And then there's a pizza

pizza right beside.

And I was like,

I need to have food as well.

I'm not going to eat too much pizza,

but I just need more cows.

I haven't had last.

My last meal was at,

after I coached soccer

practice at lunch at school today,

maybe 11 o'clock was my last meal.

And it's eight 37 now.

That's not good.


I was in the same boat.

I had eight at like 10.

Cause I went to the gym to

do the workout at noon or whatever.

And then I ended up doing a second.

And then.

Went back for Haley.

So yeah, I had pizza as well.

And a lot.

So to finish off the Heat One app,

I have 45 points still.

Kicking my butt.

And I'm in 870th.

We're just complaining about

the Heat One app because I

picked Colton to win the

clean and jerk workout,

but because he tied and

lost the tie break, I got zero points.

How many reps did they end up hitting?

31. 31.

Do you think the girls will

get more reps here because

the weight is lighter?

Fi got 28.

I think you're very top.

You're going to have like, I don't know,

20, 30 girls who beat the men.

But then you're going to

have hundreds of men who

smash the rest of the girls.

Because 245 normally goes with 175, right?

Yeah, the prediction online was 135.

The top woman.

I think the top woman will be high.

40 reps.

I think so too.

I think you're going to see

above 40 for some people.

Like the very strong girls

that have even if they

don't have the most engine,

if they can just move that barbell,

they're hitting a lot.

Sorry, I'm just chopping down this.

I'm almost bragging in the chat.

Good for you, Amanda.

Nice job.

We're all tied for first right now.

No, I'm in 921st.

I'm in 870th.

Oh, for the heat one?



I thought you meant for the overall


I think we all have ones.


so uh you started a

conversation that sounded

crispy and then mark also

said crispy crust is

greater than doughy crust

it's actually a gluten-free

one that I haven't to hide

before I started going

gluten-free last month or

two just because my

psoriasis has been getting

bad I just want to try it helps

It depends on my mood.

Sometimes I like crispy.

Sometimes I like doughy.

It just depends on the mood.

I like a little crispy crust.

It's good.

We had Hungry Howie's flavor crust,

which is my favorite.

Now that I know it's crispy,

I'm just not going to take

a bite for a little bit or

I'll mute myself.


So quick question while we have you here.

We're about to move off of the quarters.

anything you want to say

about the workouts?

Cause we went over it.

We both love the test.

We think that we love the

way it came out and its design.


anything you have from an 30,000 foot.

When, when they first came out, I was like,

gosh, that's a lot of vertical pressing.

You have handstand pushups,

wall balls and clean and

jerks and three out of the

four different workouts.

I noticed that because I'm

not a great presser.


So like,

you're going to notice certain things.

I'm like,


they could have done something

different or more squatting

and stuff like that.

And I was like, press.

And then the burpee with the wall ball,

I'm like, press, press.

But then when you actually

start doing them, you realize, oh,

there's some legs in there too.


the wall ball one with the burpees

has a lot of legs too.

So I think it's okay that there's no,

I mean,

that the wall ball is the only

squatting movement.

Because you do have the step-ups,

although I think that's

more grippy on the forearms.

The grip will be more of a limiting factor,

I think, on the step-ups than the legs.

I would think so.

Not for you.


I think it's grippy.

I've heard that, but no,

I did not feel like it was grippy.

Then, yeah,

I think you have a nice gymnastics one.

You have,

I was surprised to see a strictly

weightlifting one out of

like one of the four tests,

but because it's not a max,

I like that way better.

Like if you're going to have

a purely monostructural,

not monostructural.

Single modality.


Single modality movement,

like a clean and jerk.

I'm glad that it's,

it's not just about the weight,

but you also need to have

some fitness to back it up

because some people are

very good at moving, you know,

super heavy weights one time.

And then you have those

other athletes that are

able to just kind of find a

rhythm and cycle.

So you're giving a chance to

fit athletes as well to

have to make a move there.

Um, yeah,

I think the first two tests are

leg engine dominant, maybe.

And I guess grippy with the row one.

Last two have a lot of specialty, I think.


I think the last two are

specialized workouts.

If you're a good gymnast,

I think you're going to see

a big gap in that number three workout,

the gymnastics one, between workouts.

some of the top gymnasts,

males and females.


I think sub eight for the

men will be good.

Uh, I don't know.

I think the men should be

better than the females on that one,

just with the rope climbs

and just their gymnastics

capacity normally being a

little bit higher.


I don't know that we'll see

females sub eight,

just cause I don't think we

rope climb as fast.


I think it's going to be in maybe the

high eights.

I don't know for, I haven't done that one.


So they went today at crash

fee went nine 15, 14 or 15.



And Taylor went seven 59.

And I think that's actually

really impressive by fee,

but fee has one of the best gymnastics.

Like she won a quarterfinal

workout that had GHDs

pistols and rope climb a few years ago.

I think she won it.

Or top three.

Oh, the 50-40-30-20-10?

I remember her crushing that one.

I think if she's getting 8-14,

that's going to be a very,

very good score.

I would think.

I didn't see it, but 9-14.


The shock, the shock of the day.


I was thinking eight 14 and I was like,

wow, that close to, um, no.




Nine 14.

I think,

I think you'll see some sub nine for, um,

maybe like an eight 45,

something like that for

some Tia out there.


There will be somebody who goes sub nine.

Yeah, for sure.

Just so you know,

was Jason Hopper when eight 19.

And beat Colton.

So what Taylor self, Jason Hopper,

then Colton.


And Dallin.

I would expect Dallin fourth on that one.

The rest on Dallin should do well.

Not that he probably won't

do well on that one,

but I'm just saying in comparison to them,

I'm surprised Hopper beat Colton on that.

I think everybody was.

What was Colton's time on that?

Did he blow up?

It was the rope climbs.

The rope climbs got him bad.

And Kenneth actually says this.

I wasn't paying a whole lot of attention,

but to Colton say he's used

a new muscle up technique.

No, he used a new rope climb technique.

They're trying to get it.

So he only needs two pools

to get to the top of the rope.

And so he was trying it.

It looked really bad.

Like he would jump and hang

and then do a big kip.

to kind of get up the rope

and it looked really

awkward and he said it is

not comfortable for him yet

see I wouldn't be playing

around with that in the

quarters but maybe for him

he's looking past the

quarters anyways and he's

prepping for semis like

he's that type of athlete

that can do that yeah and

then he said what it forced

what happened is he had to

hang on the rope so long

that it blew up his grip yeah

So, yeah.

So he did not like 10.

Wasn't he 10?

Maybe it was nine, nine 30.

I just don't think he,

were they unbroken on the

handstand pushups?

Yes, he was.

Oh yeah.

His handstand pushups.

All the,

all the guys didn't break the handstand.

What about the girls?

No, no.

He went fives on everything.

Five, three, two on the wall facing.

I'm not very good at wall-facing.

I feel like everyone looks

so fast when they do it,

and I feel like their range

of motion is... Sorry,

I didn't turn on the lights behind me.

But they look so fast with their hands,

and it's like... And in mine,

I feel like I'm like... I

have all this space between

the floor and my head, and everyone else,

I'm like... You have this

much space between...

I'm like is that why I can

deadlift because my arms

are like I just feel like

I'm like pushing forever

and I'm like is it done yet

like I'm slow at them like

everyone I can't figure out

we just have long arms so

we are keeping everything

close to the vest um but

jamie did two of the

workouts today do you have

do you have any in I have three

You've done three workouts?

Holy cow.

I did one after work yesterday.


I did the wall ball one after work,

which I wouldn't suggest

anyone do that one first.

But my back wasn't good yet.

I hurt my back last Tuesday.

Remember I talked about that?

I didn't lift a barbell or

anything for a week.

I moved a sandbag that was

underneath a shelf.

And I think I just kind of

did something weird and I

picked it up to do like carries.

And I think I just got

compressed a little bit.

So I didn't do anything like

the full week besides,

Strict pull-ups, horizontal pull-ups,


But with my feet elevated,

I did seated strict press

and belt squats and step-ups, actually.

I did a lot of step-ups.

So I didn't do anything.

So I felt like I needed one more day.

My back feels fine now.

It feels good.

No issues.

There's going to be no excuse for that.

But I wanted one more day without a...

barbell it wasn't inflection

it was an extension that it

was hurting me so I decided

to do the wall ball one

first a little sore today

but not as bad as I thought

not as bad as I thought

because last night after I

did it I have a pool on my

condo and hot tub so I

don't have I do have a cold

tub but it's empty right

here beside me um

I just did like pool hot tub

for like 45 minutes last

night and then went in the

sauna that I still have

like downstairs on my condo.

And then I took an Advil to

try to get some

inflammation out and I

never take like any Advil

ibuprofen or anything.

So I'm like,

maybe it's just going to help

me the next day.

And I felt not as bad today,

but as the day went on,

I was getting stiffer and stiffer.



Um, so I was happy.

Like I got to coach my girl

soccer today so I could like walk around,

move and kind of do something.

And then tonight I did the

clean and jerk one.


And the real one.


So technically right now I'm done both,

both of the ones that are due Saturday.

And then it gives me an

option tomorrow to see how my body feels.

If I want to take that as a rest day.


And then Saturday morning I

could redo one of the ones

that are due Saturday.

And then I would probably in

the evening do a gymnastics one.

The or even if I if I want to,

I just on Sunday do the gymnastics one.

And then if I don't like it,

I Monday like a desperation redo.


So, yeah, I'm three down right now.

That's awesome.

It's not bad when I have worked both days.

I haven't taken a day off.

So I did two back to back tonight.

I didn't feel like the clean

and jerk one crushed me though.

Like I didn't feel like I,

like I was beat down from

the clean and jerk where I

couldn't do another one

like an hour later.

So like if I,

if I was healthier yesterday or if I like,

I just didn't want to do it.

Like I was still healthy yesterday.

I just didn't want to push

the barbells my first one.

And then I'm screwed for the rest.

i would do the clean and

jerk first then probably

the snatch one then the

wall ball one I still think

the dramatic one doesn't

need to be done now like I

i feel like I'm used to

those movements I can do

them throughout the weekend

for me anyways it's what's

funny is you you said after

the clean and jerk you felt

like you it didn't take

that much out of you and

you were good to go

I get here, talk to my friend,

and she's like,

I had to wait too long

after the clean and jerk to go.

I wanted to go while I was still warm,

and it actually,

because other people needed to do theirs,

she didn't get that opportunity.

And so it's just funny that

you guys kind of talk in a

similar way about it.

The longer I was waiting,

the stiffer I was getting.

And I didn't really do much

of a warm-up going into the snatch one,

which probably not the best idea,

but I don't normally warm up.

Very much anyways.

Maybe that's why I was on

commission last week.

But I never have any injuries,

knock on wood.

But I made sure that I was

taken care of for the week.

I mean, it was four intervals.

I figured interval one was the warm-up.

I was like, I'll feel how it is.

I'll adjust after.

So I just want to reiterate a fact.

Carolyn Prevost did three

workouts already and worked both days.

And that's why she's the

Daddy Mac and the Mac Daddy.


So all my report card comments this week,

I corrected a bunch of my

tests that they had on Monday.

I wanted to finish all of my

schoolwork before the

quarterfinal started so

that it wasn't overlapping.

So Monday and Tuesday was

like head down in the evening.


So we're going to hit a

couple of news bits.

This week, HWPO purchased DECA.

Kind of a surprise move.

And I'm sure everybody's

immediate thought is,

what does that do to Pat Vellner?

He's an HWPO athlete.

But Michelle has made a few trips to HWPO.

She's done a few of their,

like she was at their opening.

She's been,

I think she's been there like

two or three times.

So I've always thought that

that was weird.

I was like, oh,

maybe she's just good

friends from Matt and is

trying to learn from Matt

for Pat Vellner.

So then when it happens, like, oh,

that makes, it actually makes sense.

It's pretty close to Montreal.

And I feel like they

probably had a good

relationship going into it.

So I wasn't as surprised,

but I'm very glad that Pat

is staying with Michelle and is like,

just like loyal.

Cause you just don't see

that anymore in athletes.

Like everyone just switches

every year and you know,

like Pat's done well,

like they're up and down together.

And I love that.

So my first thought being a

business major myself was,

are they expanding to in

too many different directions?

Because there has been some

criticism with some of them

with the owner on a podcast

who can't even remember who's where,

who's what.

Um, if you, if you,

diversify so much are you

taking away the greatness

with the one-on-one I don't

know I think in a way

that's just a little

nitpicky of people thinking

that Matt is the head coach

and I think it's kind of

quite evident that that's not the case

Um, and, and people just want, I mean,


I think he's just focused on being a

dad and like kind of

facilitating that business, but he's,

he probably is only really

working with Katrin and that's it.

And the, like,

he's not keeping tabs on anyone else.


I mean,

he used his name and his success to,

you know, to build this program and,

you know, everything,

it happens so fast and so successful.


And I think that he's been

able to delegate different

responsibilities so that he can now be,

be a dad.

And I think that he's doing

less of the one-on-one

stuff and probably pick and

choosing a little bit more.

Cause I was probably taking

up a lot of time and things

are going to change when

you have a family and he's

like not competing anymore.

And like, I'm sure he's focused.

See rich and you want to,

you want Matt to kind of

follow in those footsteps.

And that's just not happening.

Like Rich is way more hands-on.

He could tell you.

And if Rich doesn't know the answer,

he knows who does have the answer.

Like he doesn't him haul.

He just is like, well,

you need to talk to Jake about that.

Or you need to talk about, you know, Yeah.

Rich is so involved within

the Mayhem community.

He's at the gym every day.

He's talking to people.

He's doing it.

There's a reason.

That's why people love him.

Like Matt,

you were hopeful that he could

bring that same...

They're just so, they're different.

They're just different.

They're so different.

And it is what it is.

And we keep trying to like,

wanting to compare, but they're just,

they're different.


That's it.

So now you have HWPO and you have Mayhem,

which are massive, right?

They have so many different

programs available to every

level of athlete, every kind of athlete.

Does it leave a place for,

the underdogs the ttt's the

ascends like are they do

they still have a place

sure or do you think

they're going to be gobbled

up like costco and no

people want to have different things too


not everyone wants to be in a huge

training camp where, like,

they want to have more attention.

And you're going to get more

attention being at

underdogs or brood or training think tank,

maybe, like, just a little bit smaller.

Still great coaches, right?

Or doing your own thing.

Like, there's also – oh, my God,

why am I blanking on his name?

He's growing in Europe.

He has Manon.

He has –

Oh, Andre Houdet.

Yeah, Houdet.

You're going to get

different... No shortcuts.

That's what it is.

People don't always want to

do what everyone else is doing.

He's growing pretty fast in Europe.


He's got like five more athletes.

The only thing that's nice

about training camps is...

like the productions that

they do for like their

workouts and the media

content and stuff that you get there,

like that,

that helps promote your brand

so that then you can get

sponsorships through, you know,

to help cover some costs of your season.

Like, but other than that,

I think staying within a

coach that can see you

daily and maybe not as big

as it's probably better.

This is an interesting comment.

HWPO and mayhem are the

planet fitness of CrossFit

programming accurate or not.

I think lifetime fitness is

probably more accurate.


Lifetime fitness,

lifetime fitness is awesome.

That place is.

Yeah, it does.

That's exactly it.

Like HWPO and mayhem can be awesome,

but they are doing

programming for the masses.


Doesn't mean they're not awesome.

They're just for the masses.


I think Corey says people like what

they like brute and TTT and

underdogs and the rest have

their following and it's

loyal and it's growing.

It is growing.

And like, look at brute,

like they had what five

athletes at the games last year,

five out of five.

unbelievable for, for Torres and,

and that gang, like it's awesome.


And like underdogs, like look,

look at the development of

Alex Kazan and look what

like Danielle and she was there also.


Like obviously she, um,

she'll be successful basically anywhere,

but like Gazan really grew.

with underdogs and Carrie

Pierce stayed with, um,

with Justin and like,

they were like in the New

York area and then they moved today.


it's just when you have someone that

you trust and that believes in you,

like you're going to be successful.

Well, and if you look at underdogs and I,

we just talked to Justin, what,

two weeks ago,

he's got Ricky Gerard on the men's side,

Alex Kazan on the women's side,


Yeah, Sarah now, right?


Another... I don't know if

she's from Australia.

Maybe New Zealand.

Caitlin Venzel?

She's going team, right?

Or no?

Is she doing team this year?

I think she's indie.

But she's always great in Oceania.

Like, Underdogs has some good people.


Oh, and they have Bronislaw, too.



So, yeah.

But you look at Ricky and Alex, I mean,

they're top five athletes.

To have one on each side is

pretty impressive for a smaller camp.

All right.

So there's that.

And as I've been telling people, Caroline,

I'm on my phone for notes

because I only have one screen tonight.

Did you guys see Cooper

Marsh's Boston Marathon story?

I did not.

So I've been friends with

Cooper for a while and I

know I dogged him about the

Daniel Brandon documentary,

but what happened to him at

Boston was scary.

He actually does not

remember finishing the Boston marathon.

He, I guess,

was falling over and a medic grabbed him.

They put two IVs in him to

try to get him back.

And he says, like,

walking from the medical tent to his car,

he pissed himself and shit

himself on the way because

he could not control himself.

Did he finish?

He did.

He finished.

He finished.

So this is all post.

All post.

Did he say at what point in

the race that everything

was just... He said he was

on a really good pace with

six miles to go,

and then things started getting hard.

That's about right.

The last three are terrible.

Have you done one before?


And there was a point where

he completely blacks out,

does not remember anything.

And I want to say the last three miles.



And then he remembers

vaguely getting his

finishing metal and that's

where he fell over and they caught him,

but he did not fill out his

emergency contact.

So nobody knew where he was.

Didn't they have all the, I mean,

I saw like,

I don't know if it was live

coverage or whatever of

like Matt following along Sammy, like,

weren't they all there?


It was Matt O'Keefe,

Sammy and Cooper doing

something for charity.


Um, Frazier was on the sideline.

Like I thought they had

several crew members there.


I didn't see any of that, but yeah,

I'm just glad he's okay.


That's telling the story now,

but whenever you're in a competition,

make sure you fill out the

emergency contact at least.

This makes me not want to do

a marathon even more than I

made it to a quarter marathon.

And when I finished, I was like, yep,

that's far enough.

Never need to go further than that.

I just feel like it hurts my

joints to run that long.

Like my knees just start hurting.

My hips start hurting.

I'm like, oh, ankles.

It's not like the muscles.

It's just like my like bones hurt.


So I don't know what Aaron

is referring to.

Is Gracie Walton an underdog?

No, she's... Well, she might be.

Actually... I actually think she is.

I think she might be, yeah.

I think she's with Kiefer.


Now that you said that.

And yes, you're right, Kenneth.

People pay to do marathons.

It's true.

I don't know why.


so then I saw this today on barbell

spin teams are only going

to be competing two days at semis,

as opposed to the three of

opposed to three in the past.


back in the day regionals teams did the

morning individuals afternoon,

both went three days.

Last year and the year before,

teams went Thursday, Friday, Saturday.

Individuals went Friday, Saturday, Sunday.

So each one had a day to

themselves and then the shared two days.

Now they're cutting teams down to two.

Which days are they?

I did not see that.

I saw it just as we were setting up.

So I didn't have time to like,

if they get a day where

it's just themselves,

I wonder if they would do

like three workouts that

day versus like two, two, two,

like you could do like a

three and then a two or

something like that.

Or two, then a three on the final,

whatever day is not

overlapping with the individuals.

Like they could do three.

I am going blind to see if I can.



In an email CrossFit shared with the teams,

in the email that shared with teams,

they will only be competing

two days at semis.

Teams will compete on Friday

and Saturday with the

podium ceremony Saturday night.

The news is a departure from

previous years where teams

and individuals competed

over the course of three

last year in North America and Europe.

They competed from Thursday

through Saturday, like we just said.

It is unclear if the

individual schedule will be

changed this year.


each semifinal is scheduled from

Friday through Sunday.

And you can read that on the barbell spin.


who do a great job of breaking news.


Subscribe to their Instagram.

That's even better.

You get a push notification

whenever something breaks

so you can see it right away.

I just was driving today.

They can do three workouts both days.

It's just when there's an

overlap with the individuals and

Just like, I mean, you wouldn't have to,

it's just the equipment for

the teams is so much more.

That's the headache of the

programming of the teams, right?

At the worm,

and then you got double or

quadruple of everything.

So hypothetically,

say they say individuals

are going two days, Saturday, Sunday.

There's at least five events.

There's no way there's not more than five.

They're not going to do it

in person with four events, right?

So there's either like five or six to me.

Well, yeah.

And traditionally,

there's always been six.


Do you think you can do less

than six at semis and get

the right people to the games?

The right teams?

Or if they hypothetically go

Indies that way?



I don't know.

It's possible.


you can do a five test that's



You could.

I just think more scores, like you're just,

you're allowing for people

to be a lot more balanced.

And really show capacity in

different things.


I think if you go less than six,

you can't go monostructural.




You can't do like a single

modality or like a

specialist like workout and

they need to be CrossFit style.


So our plan tomorrow is to

head to Grand Trunk where

they have a 15 foot rope

and a wall near it.


How is your gym layout?

Did you do that one or no?

Have you done the gymnastics one?

Yeah, I haven't done it.

How's your gym layout for it?

I, my rope is 14 feet, six inches.

So what do you do?

I have to travel to someone

else with them.

And do you know if the rope

is close to a wall,

which is close to a rig?

Like that, that one to me is,

is dumb to program.

I think if you're going to do a rope,

which I don't think you should do online,

because I don't think

everyone has that height of ceilings.

I really don't think it's inclusive.

You don't program a rope climb with

You program a rope climb

with a barbell where you

can place a barbell basically anywhere.

You program a rope climb with running.

Something that you don't

have to have a physical...

You could program with GHD

because you could

technically bring a GHD over.

But something like a rig,

a wall needed... People

don't have a rope next to a rig,

next to the rings.

And I hate that the transitions...

And the way that you have a

layout of your gym is going

to make a difference.

I don't think that that's right.


I don't care that you can

move your camera around or whatever.

I don't like that.

That's going to be a factor

if there's a tie,

but someone had a better

just overall set up.

It's like,

that should not be a factor of

an online competition.

And people would say, Oh,

we'll just go to another gym.

And it's like, well, don't,

not everyone has that.

Like, I don't know.


I won't have a great layout.

Like it just rings are not

really next to the wall or the rope.

And the rope is definitely

not near the wall.

And then where do you put

your camera at that point?

Now you do your rope with your,

with your handstand pushups.

Now all of a sudden you got

to put your camera way back

so that you can see the

rope and then you can see

your handstand pushups.


Remember the camera can move this.

They want you to move the camera.

no that's what they want but

like what's going like

what's going on you know

like what like that should

not be a thing like stop

programming handstand

push-ups with more than 25

feet distances whether it's

lunges handstand walks now

a rope climb you got to

tilt that camera even

higher to try to get that

roof what are you going to

see from the handstand now


You're coming,

you're going by other bar

for the close to bars and

the ring muscle ups are now far.

The workouts are great.

Just that one logistically

is not good for most gyms.

And people say, Oh, you have to get there,


The good athletes need to get there.

Cause it's a what 15 minute time cap,

regular 25% probably won't

make it to possibly even the rope.


So still though,

I don't think that that part

is well thought of.

Yes, I am riffing.

So I need to create an

overlay that whenever any

of us goes into a riff mode,

that it just says riff

alert at the bottom.

I just don't like... I think

it's a great workout.

I just don't like that

that's going to be where

you have everything as a factor.


They're not.

What the heck?

What's happening?

I might have them muted.

He's trying to do the

soundboard like anything.


It's an effect.

Oh, shoot.

Oh, here we go.

It'd only take me six hours to do this.


Yes, that one.

That one.

That's the rippler.

So Aaron is commenting on the ropes.

Crash had the same issue,

but they touched the top of the beam.

The rope was attached to get to the 15.

And I had some comments about this here.

You're muted.

Sorry, I was having a bite of my pizza.

I just think that like,

like even the difference

between having to reach and

touch a beam and then you have,

let's say the top of your

rope is thick here because

it's like attached.

Like there's a huge

difference in a rope climb

just having to touch a tape line.

Like when I go to Lex's gym in California,

it's 20 foot ceilings.

I can just go to the 15 foot.

And I don't have to worry

about a big knot or something at the top.

I can just reach like mine at my gym.

I got to go to a beam,

like basically to the roof almost.

And it's just like, there's a big,

there's a black thingy that

has like sharp little thingies.

If I want to go any higher, hurt my hand.

If I get there,

which means I got to reach

nice and high and it just changes stuff.

Like I don't, I don't like that.

That's a factor.

Like it's a,

I mean,

I guess you could say the same with

like ring muscle ups and

short ropes and long straps

or stuff like that.

But these are factors in

online competitions.


And the crowd goes,

you got me started now.


I'm, I'm with you a little bit there,


I don't, I don't like.

that the setup will probably

play a little bit of factor

in some people's scores.

Is it going to be a huge difference?

I don't know.

Like there's some,

there's maybe in that transition,

you're getting rest.


But I don't know.

Well, I think,

I think the rope and the rings,

a lot of people chalked up

pretty good during that time.

So there,

it did slow down the transition

some degree.

If you're chalking while you're walking,

I think you can probably make that up,

but it shouldn't come down to that.


No, it shouldn't.


But I do,

I personally think that the rope

at crash being hung the way

it was and having touch above,

because that's what I do.

It's harder.

And I think it affected maybe,

maybe parse partially

Colton's rope climb technique,

but I maybe think he

underestimated the way that

that rope hung as well.

He's not used to that.

Of course.


Well, some have, like, the buckle that it,

like, it'll pivot.

And just to tie it to a beam

is a completely different

way that that rope's going to react.


I kind of think it got Dalen a little



Maybe even Fi, like.

Just trying to get foot grip.

But Taylor works out there.

But, I mean,

Taylor was going to crash or

smash that workout anyways.


Taylor was going to smash it.

But, yes, he works out there.

So, he knows how to handle that.


And even, even Jason, like he works out.

Jason's there too.

They were crashed.

That's where Jason works out all the time.


I forget.




Taylor's in Charlotte, Charlotte.

Oh, so yeah.

So I got the mixed up.

Maybe home field rope.

That's fast.

I was trying to think of

what would be top scores

for guys and girls.

Like at the very top.

That's going to be hard.

That's got to be a top score for Taylor.

It's going to be.

That's going to be a top.


I don't know.

Maybe top 10.

I don't, but I don't know.

I have no idea.

I think it's going to be a top 10.

He's good.

So wait,

so who won the first one between them?

It was Dallin that won the tiebreaker.

They've done two.

They did that one in the gymnastics.

So they did the ones that

are due on Monday.




Because one was more leg,

one was more upper body.


And just thought they'd be

recovered better from those two.

So they're not doing any re-dos.

Tomorrow they're doing the

interval workout.


And then Saturday is the wall ball burpee.


Their only redo really is a

lift or gymnastics if they

really didn't like the way.

I mean,

unless they do two on the Saturday.

But I don't know what you'd

want to do after that wall ball one,

to be honest.


They're going to sell their souls there.

You need a few rounds of cold plunge in.


Because that's a tough one.

Like 150 burpee box jump overs?

I can't believe that.

Like having chunks of 50 has

always been a lot.

Having three chunks of 50s, I was like,

they hate us.

They hate us.

That's just ignorant.

that's so cruel like 75 wall

ball 25 burpee back jump

over three rounds yeah like

that 300 reps but wall ball

50 35 20 maybe you know a

little sprint at the end

but 50 my gosh member for a

year look at you go thank you so much

Anybody can join if you want

to support the show and my

trips to Michigan.

Just hit that member button or join.

I think it says join.

Yeah, but like that one,

you're not redoing that burpy one.

Heck no.

Like, I'm just surprised.


I guess if you're not going to redo it,

then I guess you could put

it to Saturday.


I think they all agreed

they're not redoing it.

That's the one they do not

want to do again.

Like the clean and jerk one.

I'm sure like you could redo

that one if you,

if you like messed up somewhere,

but I think we don't need

to redo that one.

I think,

I think the one that people can

maybe redo and really

change a strategy would be

like the gymnastics one for sure.

If you,

if you like blow up and you start

missing your handstand

pushups or your ring muscle

ups like that,

might want to do twice but

most of them are pretty

sucky so before we get out

of here just a off-the-cuff

question taylor has said

that if he makes court

semi-finals he's turning it

down he said that now

that's what he said it

today a couple times

I think he needs people to pay his trip.

Do you think that that's

truly what's going to happen?

No way.

I don't see why he wouldn't go.

Why wouldn't he go?

Knoxville to Charlotte is

like three hours.


why wouldn't he go is he

just like is it he's just

scared to underperform

there like why not go and

test yourself who cares if

you finish last who cares

if you finish 20 this is my

he's not fully recovered I

get he's not performing

maybe at a hundred percent

of what he wants to be at

but it's like who cares

Here's my psychology read.

In his mind, he's got nothing to lose.

And he's doing these

workouts because it was

never his plan to go to semifinals.

And there's no pressure on him at all.

And in his mind, he's got to keep saying,

I'm not going to semis to

let it all hang out.


Then when the realization

comes at the end and he

doesn't have any more workouts to do,

I think he'll come to his senses and say,

I've got to give it a shot.


Because he was so close to

the games prior to the knee, right?

Like he was in the last chance qualifier.

And the only reason he

didn't was because they had a max lift,


If I remember.

A four rep deadlift.

That like that four rep that

looked out of like four or

whatever workouts they had.

Like that's a huge, I mean,

that changes everything.

It still blows me away that

Christy qualified out of that.

I know.

Christy's strong.

Yeah, she is.


That burpee workout saved her butt.

She's so good.

She's a top 10 athlete every

year at the games.

Every year.

She's one of the most

well-rounded athletes that

we have in our sport.

I'm not surprised at all.

But that programming at

Granite Games was awful that year.


It wasn't well-rounded.

That's why she didn't get to

shine like she normally

does because there's no

reason that Chrissy should

ever have to go in the last

chance qualifier.

She's so good.



Kenneth makes a great point.

Taylor's about to win $1,000 minimum.

That should pay for his way to semis.

And right now he's actually winning.


He's winning the five grand

after two events.

Yeah, I saw that.

They're getting $5,000 for the win.

Only one person gets the money?


They're getting $5,211.

So at least everyone makes $1,000.

What about me and the lame girl?

That's what has me pissed off.


I bet they'll change that.

I bet they don't.


In a year where it's the

year of the women athlete, right?

It is.

It's the year of the women in sports.

The women's tournament

outrated the men's tournament.

In a sport that's always been equal,

this is how we're doing it?

It's just not right.

The thing is,

there's very few women that

would agree to do this.

Yeah, we're all secretive.

They're way too secretive.

The men would jump at this opportunity.

The women will not.

And the fact that Fee is

putting this out there, I think,

deserves... Yeah.

I think someone like Ariel

would do it 100%, though.

I do think Ariel would do it.

Ariel would have done it.

Safe to get in.


Like, Fee is safe to get in, too.

I think someone that's just

very confident that they're getting in,

like, they're not worried, like...

they're going to do this to

help their grow their brand

and stuff like that.

Like, that's great.

I think if you're an athlete

that you're dependent on the workouts,

like you're,

you might not want to expose

all of your workouts maybe and have,

have people know or have

something to chase.

I don't know.


even of the women you would think

would are a shoe in,

I think there's several

that would not agree to do this.

People have said a few names

that I don't think there's

a chance they would do this.

So let me ask you this.

Colton said it,

I think last night that

after people have seen the

success that these four are having,

not just in the sport, but as a brand,

all the stuff,

the prize money that's going up now,

more people want to do it.

And he was like, you dorks, we were doing,

we agreed to do this before

there was money.

And like you need to lay off,

but a lot of people are

going to see this.

And a lot of people are

going to see the success of this.

And more of these types of

things are going to happen.

And I'm hoping to bring

something like this,

either in a master's

division or something like that,

where I was like, I was thinking today,

wouldn't it be cool if we

did like master's legends,

Rudy burger versus Jason and,

you know, someone programmed three events,

you do it in the off season

and like these can be done on a weekend,

get some exposure for people.

They're not hard to set up.

Um, and,

but I think even women are going

to see the success of this and go,

if I want my brand to grow,

I'm going to have to do this.


I mean,

And especially if you're

like a semifinal athlete,

like why not take the chance?

I think it's a huge

opportunity for this format

to get the competitive

spirit on the floor that Fee's getting,

that the boys are getting.



Like for that,

like someone like Lindsay Lane,

like this is great exposure, right?

Like not everyone might know

her from winning Crash,

although a lot of people did watch

crash crucial and stuff like

that so but it's just

giving her more exposure

right and people are like

oh like that's the girl I

saw you know on the seven

podcast and did this and

just helping her and fees

growing her brand right now

too well and not only that

it's competition experience

live head-to-head

competition experience yeah

that you can't always get.

And especially with all the

big ones being invitation

only for a lot of it,

it's tough to go in the off

season to get a big time competition.

And what's impressive is like,

Fee and Dallin and Taylor,

let's say they're going to

someone else's gym.

Like you always want to do

your open gyms in your, in your gym.

Like that's, you know, your barbell,

you know, your rig, you know, your space.

But when you go to another gym,

you're like, Oh,

am I going to like the bar here?

Like the fact that they're doing their,

like their quarterfinal

workout in an uncomfortable,

and I'm assuming it's not

uncomfortable environment at crash,

but I'm just saying like,

it's out of their comfort zone.

Like that's, that's good experience.


because semis are going to be that way.

So why not prep for it?

Unless you have the HWP or

proven setup that is the

exact same rig and rope and

everything as you get at

semifinals when you have

all the all the rogue stuff

and perfectly prepped with

the exact lanes and everything.

It's like, oh,

that's the advantage of certain camps.



But I, you know,

kudos to Savon for putting

this on because it gives us

a chance to watch this.

It is invariably the best

programmed part of the

season and we never, ever get to see it.

And it's so cool that we get

to see this stuff.

And, you know,

that's part of the reason I

come up to Michigan.

I get to hang out at Redemption,

watch a bunch of people

from all levels do this

stuff this weekend and get

to talk to them and see how it was.

And it doesn't always just

have to be a games athlete.


I started Fallout, Ken, two episodes in.


I knew there was something I was

going to bring up for TV talk,

and now I forgot.

So I'm too into quarterfinals.

It's just all CrossFit now.

That's all we can watch.


But I did want to say to Carolyn,

I was watching Pat McAfee the other day.

And if people don't know,

Pat McAfee is one of the

reasons I even started this podcast.

Like he's a Pittsburgh boy.

And he was told no so many

times about things.

And he just started his own thing.

And now he's the biggest

name in sports media right now.

But he had Caitlin Clark on Wednesday.

I did see that.

And they swapped some jerseys.


and she agreed to come on his show

weekly moving forward.

And he was giddy to have her.

That is such a huge leap for

women's sports.


Huge, huge.

Did you also see Nike?

I know that she's with Nike.

They're going to do a

signature shoe that's

supposed to be like eight figures.


Where we've got to make a

change is her salary.

Everyone's salary in the WNBA,

but her specific.

I mean, yeah.

A lot of those, especially like...

those women's sports a lot

of times are a build off of

like experience.

And it's like,

you kind of earn your contract.

I mean,

I guess the NHL and other professionals,

they have that too for rookies.

Like look, look at Brock Purdy, right?

He's still like on his

rookie 800,000 contract.

And I mean, San Francisco,

San Francisco is not mad

about that right now.

It's just the same thing, but it's just,

it's way less like it's what?

75,000, 77,000 or something for her.

All that is true.

But the fact that the

Indiana... I don't even know.



Sold out.

Season tickets.


That alone should get her a raise.

And now they have like 36

out of like their 40 games

or something are going to

be nationally televised.

A lot of their games,

a lot of their away games,

people have changed their

venues to accommodate more seating.

I like they're going to a

bigger venue so that they can have a,

you know,

a bigger capacity to watch the games.

I did see that.


She's I hope she doesn't get

injured and she can really make a,

make the WNBA matter and relevant.

Yeah, I think it's just a matter of time.


it's growing through college and then

it's just going to expand to the WNBA.

It's a pure brand of basketball.

And, and I, and admittedly,

I didn't know that until

Caitlin Clark showed me,

but there's more than her.

Like there's so many good

ones that also entered the

draft here and like,

they're going to be fun to watch.

And then there's still some

good ones at college that

are going to be fun to

watch for the next few years.


Paige Buckets is still there and Juju.

Yeah, Juju, yeah.

I'm becoming a fan of the female.


but like it almost took a couple

years to get, you know,

last year was like you saw

Caitlin Clark last year too,

but like the Angel Reese

and other players and then

you start investing a little bit more.

Last couple years it's been growing a lot.


and you look at the Chicago Sky who

got Angel Reese and Cardona.


Cardosa, is that it?


It came close.


I think that's going to be cool to watch.

It'd be cool to be a fly on

the wall in their practices.

So how does that work?

When you're a hockey player at Wisconsin,

like you hate the Buckeyes,

you hate the Spartans, you know,

and then you go into a pro

league and now you're

playing with those people.

Do you forget about the

rivalry or is it more intense?

You do,

but then every time there's like

your school is playing itself,

you always have bets and stuff like that.

And then you realize, oh,

they're actually nice.

And you actually become like

best friends with them.

You get over it really fast.

Once you're on the same team, same goals,

like everyone's got the

same mindset to win.

So you forget about it.

It's just kind of more small bets.

Like on the pregame walks,

you might have to wear the

opposing team's jerseys if

you lost your bet.

Fun stuff like that.



So Amanda Brown says,

regardless of prize money,

Glinton things should get a

shout out for stepping up

for the ladies to have a prize at all.

A hundred percent.


Good on you.


Thanks for putting that money up.


Cause they were,

they were a last minute thing too.


Like they weren't like,

it was only supposed to be

Taylor and then they, they joined itself.

Sort of.

I mean,

or no credit up to fee a while ago.

And I see LDY commented above.

like the money was brought on.

That's not, not true at all.

Like the boys had agreed to do it.

Fiat agreed to do it.

And Sarah Cox just put up

the 5,000 the other night

during the burpee thing.

She was like,

and I want to throw 5,000 at the thing.

So this California peptides,

but fee agreed a while ago.

It's been a couple of weeks for sure.



And the shit is I've never

been to a WNBA game,

but I'm a new fan of the

female game in the college,

and I will check out the WNBA now.

I really want a team to come to Toronto.

They're, like, looking at expansion cities,

and I'm like, come on,

bring one to Toronto.

I would love that.

It's just hard for visa issues because,


you start having a league in the States,

and then you have internet.

Like, there's just some border stuff,

but bring it.

Bring it.


All right.

Well with that,

We went long tonight.

We'll probably hop on

Saturday night after scores

are submitted.


And we can then talk about

the first two because

scores will already be in.

And then we'll see if

there's any other news that

breaks over the weekend.

Things we're going to look out for,

Tia score submissions,

Brooke score submissions.

Are they healthy enough to

get through those first two?

I think so.

Those are probably the two

they could get through.

We saw Brooke the other day

post some ring muscle-ups.

They look good.

Yeah, I think she'll be fine.

And all the gymnastics that

would hurt her shoulder, I think,

are all in one workout.


You would know this more, right, Jamie?

It would be just the rings

and maybe the toaster bars of that one.


I think she's able to do

everything like this.

So to me, that's,

that's good because if it

was on multiple events,

then it's kind of affecting

you on a lot of scores,

but it's one score.

And Brooke is so fit that

she's more than capable on

the other three to smash

and still do very well.

I think looking at her ring

must have looked like she was good to go.

It looked fine.

I think she'll be fine.


She said we're fine.

So four, four is going to be fine for her.


balls and burpees are going to be

totally fine for her.

I don't see an issue with

that 85 pound snatch or boxed up up.

So I think she's fine.


I'm still going to be

looking just to make sure.

And I was also happy to see

no double unders.

I did send you a message.

I know Scott messaged me right away.

No double unders.

I was like, yes.

I was like going through a workout one.

I'm like waiting to see a

rope workout to wait to see a rope.

Like, yes.

All right, guys.


we will see you all probably Saturday


If not before,

I might pop on either an

Instagram live or something like that.

Who knows?

With that,

we'll see you all next time on

Thursday night CrossFit Talk.

Good luck to you.

Thank you.