The Estherpreneur

Have you ever felt like your worth is completely tied to the success of your business? Like every high feels like validation, and every low leaves you questioning yourself? I’ve been there. In this episode, I’m sharing one of the biggest "A-Ha Moments" in my business journey—realizing that my identity isn’t defined by my business, but by something far more lasting.

I’ll take you behind the scenes of a time when everything in my business felt like it was falling apart. I was overwhelmed, burnt out, and feeling like a failure. But in the middle of that storm, God gave me a profound revelation that changed how I see my work—and more importantly, how I see myself. It’s a story of letting go, trusting Him, and reclaiming my true identity in Christ.

If you’ve been chasing success but still feel empty, or if you’re constantly riding the emotional rollercoaster of business highs and lows, this episode is for you. Let’s dive into what it means to find your value in who you are, not in what you do, and discover the peace and freedom that comes with it.

You are more than your business—and this could be the breakthrough you’ve been waiting for.

If this episode resonated with you and you’re ready to dive deeper into finding your true identity beyond your business, I’d love to connect. Let’s continue the conversation! 

Visit this link to connect with me today. Don’t go through this journey alone—reach out, and let’s discover how you can build a life and business rooted in purpose, peace, and God's wisdom. Let’s grow together!

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Join me, Edna Harding, on a journey through spiritual growth, personal development, and entrepreneurial insight, where Timeless Wisdom meets Timely Methods in every episode. 

What is The Estherpreneur?

The Estherpreneur is a weekly chat about doing business and life God’s way. Join your host, Edna Harding as she offers biblical strategies and practical applications to improve your mind, business, spirit, relationships, and finances. Listen along as she talks with guests on how to thrive in all areas of life. Edna is a Wife, Mother, Growth Strategist, Author, Minister, Certified Maxwell Business Consultant and Executive Coach, an accredited Master Mindset Coach, and Speaker whose message of hope, truth, and wisdom reaches people all around the world.

Edna Harding [00:00:03]:
Welcome to Estrepreneur, a podcast for entrepreneurs and leaders doing business and life God's way. Each week, we discuss biblical and to improve your mind, business, spirit, relationships, and finances. Listen along as I speak with special guests on how to thrive in all aspects of life. Hi, I'm Edna. Like many of you, I wear many hats. I'm a military wife, mother, author, certified John Maxwell business and executive coach, trainer and founder of Favor and Wealth who we help the good guys win. So tune in as we bring on the light. Well, hello, everyone.

Edna Harding [00:00:48]:
Good morning. Good afternoon. Good evening. Thank you for tuning in for another episode of the Essentrepreneur Podcast. My name is Edna Harding, and I'm your host. And I'm so excited that if you're new here or we are just a returning listener, today's episode, I think, is going to hopefully bring some encouragement, bring some lovable correction, but also give you some inspiration, as far as a different perspective to look at your business. And so I wanted to say that if you're new here, this podcast is where we integrate biblical wisdom and practical insights to help you navigate through your business and personal, life by doing things God's way. And today, we're gonna be discussing one of the biggest revelations I've had in my business journey, which was the moment that transformed the way I viewed my work and, most importantly, myself.

Edna Harding [00:01:58]:
So this lesson is one that every business owner, entrepreneur, and leader needs to hear. And so, without further ado, let's begin. So, by the way, guys, if you are new here and, would like to connect with me, feel free to message me on the s website, or you can, message me on my favor and Alright. So let's go ahead and get started. Your identity is not your business. Let me just go ahead and say it. Your identity is not your business.

Edna Harding [00:02:35]:
Now I know many of you guys are saying, yeah. I get that. My identity, my profession, my career is not me. But how many of us can honestly say that that is our identity? The value of our self worth is based on the external things that we've accomplished. And this is common for most successful entrepreneurs that I've worked with and most of the, individuals that are struggling even with their self confidence because they're tying their identity to their outward fruits. And so today, as I share a little bit about my story and some practical tips, I pray that the Lord will, you know, use this message to maybe give you some insight and revelation to, you know, what he wants you to accomplish during this time, which is more knowledge and more self awareness of who you are. And and when I say self awareness, I'm not trying to be wishy washy like most of my peers who likes to, you know, use, you know, the whole I am the earth, you know, like, the self affirmation type of things. I mean, what does the Bible say who you are? Okay? And so I wanted to say first that, you know, out of all the things that I see as a common problem and challenge that I hear people, say all the time has a lot to do with their identity and their self worth.

Edna Harding [00:04:21]:
And it's easier to say the Christianese term and be like, yeah. This is who I am. I am the daughter of God. I am royalty. I reign in Christ. But talk is cheap. Right? Actions speak louder than words, and we really have to take a really good look at ourselves and our lives and see, has our identity been rooted in the wrong things? You know, the Bible has a lot to say about where our identity truly comes from. You know, one of the scriptures that spoke to me during this season was Colossians 33, where it says, for if for you died and your life is now hidden with Christ in God.

Edna Harding [00:05:04]:
This verse made it very clear that who I am is found in Christ alone, not in my business, not in my achievements, and not in how well my company performs. And I know that's like, well, that's what losers say. Right? Those are the things that, losers say to make themselves feel better. But in reality, yeah, it is what you I guess, from a world standpoint, you would say, yeah. That's because, you know, you suck. That's the reason why you have to you know? They always say that a lot of people, a lot of believers use religion as an excuse to not produce. But in reality, I look at the persecution to help mold the character that you are or who you are as an a person on the inside so that you can handle the fruits of the acceleration or the increase in your life. And so, one of the things I think that a lot of people don't really talk about is, you know, the condition of the soul.

Edna Harding [00:06:20]:
And when I say soul, I'm not just talking about, emotions. I'm talking about your mindset. I'm talking about your imagination. I'm talking about your, your inner man, your spirit man. I'm talking about every aspect that concerns you because you're more to your your your body and your your accomplishment is just one part. I believe that the inner man plays a bigger component in our lives than our outward man. Meaning, when I say outward man and I'm not trying to, you know, sound so, religious, but, basically, it's your body and how you look on the outside and how you handle things on the outside can be faked. It can be acted out.

Edna Harding [00:07:15]:
You could pretend to be something that you're not. And it's so easy for people to fake it nowadays with social media, all the AI softwares that make you look skinnier than you are or make you sound smarter than you are using, like, chat gbt, for example. You know, the real struggle comes from internal, and the real struggle is to have that realistic view of who you are through the eyes of the father, which doesn't look at outward appearances, but looks at the condition of your heart. And so, I wanted to say that that you know, I wanted to start with that line that your identity is not your business. Okay? So I wanted to take you guys back to where I experienced that, you know, that shift in my life as a business owner. You know, I was a point at a point where everything I did revolved around my business. I was making decisions, building strategies, managing operations, and trying to meet every single goal. I poured all of myself into the business.

Edna Harding [00:08:26]:
It was my baby. Like, it literally was my baby. I I woke up thinking business. I slept thinking business. I was working out thinking business. Like, everything was about my business. And over time, I started to notice something unsettling. You know, my emotional state was riding on the highs and lows of my business.

Edna Harding [00:08:50]:
So when things were going great, I felt validated. But when things, came, you know, like, down, like, when setbacks came, I felt lost and defeated. And it was during one of those moments where nothing seemed to be going right that I had an epiphany, a god given moment. And I remember this is the time when everything I worked hard for was gone because, again, for those of you guys who don't know my testimony, I get scammed really bad in commercial real estate. I wired them over $500, and these were my pastors and his friends. And, basically, it was a a a false commercial real estate because they never invested in commercial. They they just took the money and did whatever with it. But I didn't find out until 2 years later.

Edna Harding [00:09:40]:
And so all this time, not only did I wire them 500 grand, but I was giving them $8,000 a month towards something that never existed. Now imagine everything that was coming in from my business was going out from my business. And so when I when I went through what I would call the real wilderness season where I was talking with so many lawyers, find out how bad it was, how scammed I was, and how I I lost everything. And I had to file bankruptcy and start over and close my bank accounts because of, you know, that was the only way for, you know, the bankruptcy to take place. And I had I had all these checks to deposit, and I had no bank business bank account that I could deposit it to. It was just a stressful stressful time and then dealing with the IRS situation because I thought I was part of, you know, this money money laundering thing dealing with the pastors, and it was the hardest season of my life. And I remember I broke out in hives, and I was so stressed out. I lost so much weight, and I literally looked at the mirror, and I said, you're done.

Edna Harding [00:10:50]:
Like, it's over. Your life is over. And I remember the holy spirit was very, very clear with me, and he said and I said I said something. I lost everything. He said, no. You did not. I was like, I did. I lost everything, Lord.

Edna Harding [00:11:06]:
He's like, no. You did not. And I was like, I lost everything, Lord. And he told me that you lost the fruits, but the seeds are still there. What they took was the external fruits, but the seeds that were plant that I used to plant to bear those fruits were still there. And at that point, because I was really fighting depression, I was fighting fear. I didn't trust anyone because I thought everyone was out to get me because I got burned by the people that I supposedly could trust the most, which is my pastors and his friends and, most importantly, Christians. I realized that I had unknowingly allowed my business to define who I was.

Edna Harding [00:11:55]:
And it was no longer a source of income or even an avenue to serve others. It had become my identity. Because my business, quote, unquote, failed in a sense because of the the scam and the and the, you know, the bleeding money because of these, you know, wolves in sheep's clothing. I let that affect my joy, and I let that weaken my spirit. And that's when god led me to a truth, like, a real truth that radically changed my life. You know, there's a difference between knowledge, like, knowing of something and actually knowing something. Like, you could know like, for example, you could know of a person. Like, I think she's a good person.

Edna Harding [00:12:43]:
Like, I think she's great. She has a good reputation versus your husband who you really, really know. And I knew that I knew that I knew at that point that I could not tie my identity to my business or to my bank account or to my reputation because I lost everything. But I had to really hone into the fact that my identity was rooted in the lord Jesus Christ. And it's easier said than done because, again, you start questioning your sanity. I'm like, am I delusional? Am I delusional to think that none of this stuff really matters? At the end of the day, it's all gonna go to waste because you can't take any of that to heaven or hell. Right? So why are you stressing over things that you can't take with you in the afterlife anyway? And you might as well make the most of every opportunity. So I had this inner conversation with myself on the daily.

Edna Harding [00:13:36]:
I was constantly dealing with, you know, trying to choose God's promises over the constant reality check that, oh my gosh, you're broke. Like, you went from having multisix figure income to none. Like, you are broke. Like, everything you worked hard for are gone in an instant. And so I really had to spend time with the Lord and really seek God when it came to knowledge about my identity and revelation and really ask the Lord to work in my life in ways that I couldn't and other people couldn't. I have the best advisors, the best coaches, the best, you know, support system, but none of them could make me get feel better. None of that stuff worked. It was only through the presence of God, through my, intimacy with the Lord that allowed me to shift from knowing of my identity in Christ versus knowing that my identity is in Christ.

Edna Harding [00:14:38]:
Does that make sense? And so I wanted to share that, in the in Ephesians chapter 2 10, it says, god's handiwork created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which god prepared in advance for us to do. Notice that the good works or business success are a result of our identity in Christ. Because it says, god's handiwork created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. It's not the foundation of it. So, again, I'm gonna repeat that again because I feel like this could fly over your head. The good works or what you would call the business success are a result of our identity in Christ. It's not the foundation of it. You know, we are valuable simply because we are his, not because of the success or failure of our ventures.

Edna Harding [00:15:34]:
And we often think that as business owners, our worth is tied to how well our business performs. Right? So if the business is thriving, we feel successful, confident, and validated. But what happens when things don't go as planned? Does that make us failures? No. Your business can rise and fall, but your identity remains steady and secure in Christ. Because, again, the external factors does not affect who you are on the inside. It shouldn't, at least. But the reason why it's affecting who you are on the inside, meaning the way you view yourself, is because your identity is rooted in the wrong place. And so once I understood this, my mindset shifted from I am what my business is to I am who God says I am regardless of what happens in my business.

Edna Harding [00:16:26]:
And so when I made that shift, that's when business started trickling in again. I didn't happen to have it overnight. It was a lot of hard work. It was a lot of toiling and perseverance and a lot of, like, crucifying my flesh and really taming my mind to look things from the eyes of the spirit versus the eyes of the natural. But over time, you know, I started reaping the fruits of my labor, maybe not as intense or as quickly as I, you know, I thought it would be because of the many challenges that I faced even after that situation, which I don't have time to go over because it's been a tumultuous and challenging 10 years From 2014 to 2024, it has and actually starting in 2012, for the past 12 years, I mean, it was a relentless cycle of battle after battle in my personal life, in my health, in my business, in relationships, just in life situation. Right? And so I had to really, like, endure and be relentless and stand firm on his promises no matter what I saw, regardless of the circumstances that I was facing. But I wanted to share with you guys 3 steps that helped me make this shift. Okay? Number 1, you need to separate your role from my your identity.

Edna Harding [00:17:58]:
Okay? So separate your role from your identity. You're not your title, whether you're a CEO, founder, entrepreneur, or consultant. These are roles you play, not who you are. Remember, you are a child of God first. The moment you start to identify yourself solely by your role, you start placing your worth on external achievements instead of your inherent worth in Christ. This is why I always say I'm a managing partner. I don't say I'm the CEO or the founder. Sometimes I'll say founder dependent because you have to say it, but that is the title.

Edna Harding [00:18:32]:
But I tell people I'm the managing partner. I am the person who you see. I'm the salesperson of the company, but the CEO is God. The CEO is Jesus Christ. I'm just the salesperson. I'm the face. I'm the person meeting with you. But at the end of the day, I'm not the person who is in charge.

Edna Harding [00:18:50]:
It's God. It's Jesus. This is the favor and wealth belongs to Jesus, not me. I don't own it. I am just the manager of it. K? Number 2, embrace failure as growth, not a reflection of your worth. You know, business and for those of you guys who hear all these, lofty promises, business is full of ups and downs, and you'll face setbacks and challenges and unexpected changes, more often than the good stuff. And I hate to say this more often than the good stuff.

Edna Harding [00:19:24]:
But remember, these do not define you. Right? It's in James chapter 1 verse 2 to 3. It tells us to consider pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Your worth, listen to me, guys, doesn't decrease because of a failed project or a missed goal. These moments are opportunities for growth and not verdicts of your own value. Okay? You win some, you lose some, just move on. Right? I love John Maxwell. He has this, you know, you know, for those of you who don't know, I'm part of the John Maxwell team or the certified Maxwell leadership team.

Edna Harding [00:20:05]:
And he I one thing that one takeaway that I got from one of his teachings was that he only celebrates for 24 hours, and he only grew allows himself 24 hours to grieve. And he doesn't, like, celebrate the wins or, you know, grieve about the losses for more than 24 hours because seasons change. And you don't want to make, you know, something last longer than it ought to. So, yeah, celebrate your successes. You know you know, be sad about your losses, but at the end of the day, keep moving forward. Don't get stuck in something that happened yesterday because every day is a new day. Right? And so when you embrace failure as this part of the day, like, you won't be so caught up in depression zone. Like, you will learn to embrace life for all that it gives you regardless whether if it's good and bad and still choose joy because the joy of the lord is your strength.

Edna Harding [00:21:05]:
Alright? And number 3, anchor yourself in God's vision for your life. Remember that your business is a tool that God has given you to make an impact, but it's not the ultimate goal. K? Your business is a tool that God has given you to make an impact, but it's not the ultimate goal. Matthew 633 says, but seek his first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given unto you as well. When you prioritize god's vision for your life over the success of your business, you'll find that everything else falls into place. Okay? God's vision trumps your business. K? So your peace, your confidence, and identity will be anchored in something that's unshakable, and that it will not affect your feelings or your emotions. And, again, it's it's not something that is easier said than done because until this day, I struggle with it from time to time and have to make a conscious decision to be like, nope.

Edna Harding [00:22:05]:
This is just a little setback. I'm not gonna let it affect the way I treat my girls. I'm not gonna let it affect the way I treat my husband. I'm not gonna snap at my mom, you know, when she calls me. And it's easier said than done because I don't have it all, like, you know, perfected. Like, some I have my good days and I have my bad days, but thank god I have the grace of god every single day. And I have the blood of Jesus that's crying out on behalf of my sins in front of the father that no matter how many mistakes I make, God is still there and he's still loving me unconditionally, and he's helping me become who he called me to be. So, you know, I want I wanna say that why does this matter? Okay? Because I've seen countless business owners burnt out.

Edna Harding [00:22:52]:
They're discouraged, and they're feeling inadequate because their identity is tied to the success of their business. You know, they have all these strategies that a lot of people are sharing, you know you know, in my in the personal development space, in the business success space. But I wanna share with you guys, you know, what the word of God says. You know? And and it's important that we get our advice from the word of God. Don't even take my word for it. I want you to look at the Bible and see what God says about your identity. Right? This is just a little teaser. I want you to look out for yourself.

Edna Harding [00:23:32]:
Check it out yourself and find out what is our identity supposed to be tied to. Right? Because when you have the right alignment in your brain that your brain aligns with god's word versus what the world says success is and identity is, then guess what? You're not gonna be as discouraged. You're not gonna be as burnt out, and you're not gonna feel inadequate. Right? You know, it's easy to let that happen when your identity is tied to the success of your business, especially when we're passionate about what we do. But when you know that your true worth is in Christ, you don't have to ride that emotional roller coaster of business highs and lows. You can stand firm and at peace because your value is already secured. K? So my moment, to sum it up, was when I realized that I'm a beloved daughter of god first and everything else comes second. My business is is important.

Edna Harding [00:24:36]:
Yes. But it's not the source of my worth or identity. Alright? So if you're listening to this and you've been feeling like your identity is tied too closely to your business, I want to encourage you today to release that burden. Your business is a tool for God's kingdom, but it's not who you are. You are his. K? You are loved. You are chosen, and you are secure in Christ. Let's go ahead and pray.

Edna Harding [00:25:04]:
Father, thank you for reminding us that identity is in you and not in the success or failure of our business. Help us to anchor our worth in your love and truth. Teach us to separate our roles from my identity and give us the grace to navigate the ups and downs of business without losing sight of who we are in you. Father, we surrender our business to you, trusting that as we seek first your kingdom, all else will fall into place in Jesus' mighty name. Amen. Alright, guys. Well, thank you for tuning in today. Remember, your worth isn't determined by your bottom line or by what you do or what you accomplish.

Edna Harding [00:25:45]:
It is determined by who you belong to. Be encouraged, and I'll see you guys again next time. Blessings, my friends, and have a great week. Thanks for joining us this week on Estapreneur. Make sure to visit our website,, for more information on our services. While you're at it, if you found value in this show, we'd appreciate a rating on iTunes. Or if you simply tell a friend about the show, that would help me out too. Also, check out my book, The Old New Side of Sales, available on Amazon, where I share 7 of my secrets on how to win and grow business the right way.

Edna Harding [00:26:26]:
Until next time, keep shining.