The Dark Parade

On a new (finally!) episode of Heart of Horror, your hosts Kate and Bo examine the workplace serial killer film, The Voices. We discuss the good and bad of workplace romance, get our spirit on with a look at more haunted romance, and examine some dating app disasters-in-the-making with another round of “Tinder is the Flesh.” Join us, won’t you?

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Show Notes

On a new (finally!) episode of Heart of Horror, your hosts Kate and Bo examine the workplace serial killer film, The Voices. We discuss the good and bad of workplace romance, get our spirit on with a look at more haunted romance, and examine some dating app disasters-in-the-making with another round of “Tinder is the Flesh.” Join us, won’t you?

We’d love to hear from you! If you have a relationship story, reach out to us and let us know whether to include your name or not.

You can subscribe to the podcast on iTunes hereSpotifyAmazon Music and AudibleiHeartRadio, and anywhere fine podcasts are found!

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What is The Dark Parade?

The writer of Lost After Dark and podcast host with the most brings The Dark Parade to your town - a horror podcast with many attractions. The show starts when the sun goes down...

Speaker 1: Welcome back everyone to another Heart of

Speaker 1: Horror.

Speaker 1: I'm Bo.

Speaker 1: Yeah, I was.

Speaker 1: You know what.

Speaker 1: I didn't introduce you properly because

Speaker 1: it's been too long.

Speaker 1: No, no, no, but we can fix this in post,

Speaker 1: and by post I mean right now.

Speaker 1: But with me, as ever, the Baroque, the

Speaker 1: beautiful, Baroque and Baroque, the Baroque

Speaker 1: and the Baroque and the beautiful, as

Speaker 1: always, Kate, is here to help me figure out

Speaker 1: how to do this show again, because it's

Speaker 1: been forever.

Speaker 1: Yeah, yeah, yeah, I mean, that's the right.

Speaker 1: That's the problem with you know, life and

Speaker 1: jobs and whatnot is occasionally that

Speaker 1: becomes a thing that you have to

Speaker 1: concentrate on and that's bullshit.

Speaker 1: You shouldn't have to.

Speaker 1: Yeah, I, you know, but we're like here in

Speaker 1: the States, we're coming off of the

Speaker 1: Thanksgiving break, which was Thanksgiving,

Speaker 1: was great, I got, you know like it's eating

Speaker 1: with the family and everybody cooks a lot

Speaker 1: of food and whatnot, so that all that's

Speaker 1: great.

Speaker 1: And, no, I did not watch any games.

Speaker 1: Okay, what else you got?

Speaker 1: There were yams.

Speaker 2: Yes, Uh huh.

Speaker 1: Yeah, yep, perfect.

Speaker 2: Uh huh.

Speaker 1: Yes, we didn't have pumpkin pie, but there

Speaker 1: were pies.

Speaker 1: There was like a cherry pie and, um well,

Speaker 1: unfortunately not there was no coffee,

Speaker 1: which was a real big problem.

Speaker 1: I yeah, uh yeah, badly arranged.

Speaker 1: But there was a chocolate pie, the cherry

Speaker 1: pie.

Speaker 1: I think that those were the two pies in

Speaker 1: question.

Speaker 1: I find pumpkin pies to be a little bland is

Speaker 1: really my problem is that the the taste of

Speaker 1: pumpkin does not have a an assertive enough

Speaker 1: profile.

Speaker 1: Does that sound very foodie, a discretion?

Speaker 1: But if you dump some shit on top of a

Speaker 1: pumpkin pie, like some whipped cream, now,

Speaker 1: now we're in business.

Speaker 1: But that's just cause I like whipped cream,

Speaker 1: not because I like pumpkin pie.

Speaker 1: I mean anything and anyone.

Speaker 1: Uh huh, the first of many whipped cream on

Speaker 1: nipple references that you'll get this

Speaker 1: episode, um, speaking of uh, with, with

Speaker 1: whipped cream and white and ghostly, do we

Speaker 1: have a haunted dating story?

Speaker 1: I mean, look, I, I'm a professional, I take

Speaker 1: this right down down.

Speaker 1: I know that may I mean not the worst segue

Speaker 1: I've ever done, but it's top 20 of the

Speaker 1: shitty ones.

Speaker 2: Mm, hmm, oh.

Speaker 1: Oh, there was no way.

Speaker 1: That's a real name.

Speaker 1: I thought you were going to say it's Peyt

Speaker 1: Kallik from Bristol.

Speaker 2: Yep, yeah, not you achu uku Mm-hmm.

Speaker 2: Okay, oh.

Speaker 1: All right, keep going, we'll, we'll come

Speaker 1: back to this you.

Speaker 2: You, you.

Speaker 1: Right, right that.

Speaker 1: Yeah, it's.

Speaker 1: Once you go specter, you'll always know who.

Speaker 1: Rector.

Speaker 1: Yeah, it's not great.

Speaker 1: Oh Wow, that is like the the throwing shit

Speaker 1: on the lawn of the spirit world.

Speaker 2: Mm-hmm, I Change you.

Speaker 1: I mean I know he was 2700 years old.

Speaker 1: I thought I could fix him.

Speaker 1: I don't know what accent that is, but yeah.

Speaker 1: I know it was.

Speaker 1: Yes, it was right next door to the chimchim

Speaker 1: tree.

Speaker 1: But he reorg but Uh-huh.

Speaker 1: Oh, he's probably off with his other ghost

Speaker 1: buddies.

Speaker 1: He's not even checking Right, not even

Speaker 1: looking at his messages or anything.

Speaker 1: Alright, all of this, top to bottom, pure

Speaker 1: nonsense.

Speaker 1: Another part of this, though, is the my

Speaker 1: sister, or the sister of my ghost fiance,

Speaker 1: is gonna be at the wedding, and you know

Speaker 1: that she asked this woman.

Speaker 1: Oh.

Speaker 1: But, but you know it had to be a real like

Speaker 1: will you be the maid of honor at my ghost

Speaker 1: wedding?

Speaker 1: And they're just like, uh, yeah, sure, you

Speaker 1: just tell me when the date is.

Speaker 1: It would just be one of those churches

Speaker 1: where, like fully half of it's filled with

Speaker 1: you know people who buy a lot of crystals

Speaker 1: and then the other half is totally empty.

Speaker 1: The other side.

Speaker 1: So a grifter by nature?

Speaker 1: Yeah, right it.

Speaker 1: Yeah, I mean, as soon as someone says, oh,

Speaker 1: I'm a spiritual counselor, then the first

Speaker 1: thing I think is like oh, so a scam artist

Speaker 1: or a cult leader, one of the two Speaking

Speaker 1: of?

Speaker 1: Alright, do we have more about the ghost

Speaker 1: lady dating here?

Speaker 1: Yeah, the only reason I'm trying to bail on

Speaker 1: this quickly is I mentioned cult leader and

Speaker 1: there is something that we have to discuss.

Speaker 1: Alright, have you seen the Twin Flames

Speaker 1: documentaries?

Speaker 1: I didn't know it was gonna come up.

Speaker 1: This was like completely organic.

Speaker 1: But I know I'm sorry, I didn't realize this

Speaker 1: was gonna happen, but I should have thought

Speaker 1: about it because it is perfect for us.

Speaker 1: It is a cult of people who are trying to

Speaker 1: fall in love and it is fucking bananas.

Speaker 1: There are two of them.

Speaker 1: They're dueling documentaries of the way

Speaker 1: that happened with the fire festival.

Speaker 1: One of them is on Amazon, the other is on

Speaker 1: Netflix.

Speaker 1: We certainly could I've watched both and I

Speaker 1: didn't mean to, but that's just how life

Speaker 1: happened Watch it and then we'll decide,

Speaker 1: because I don't want you to agree to that

Speaker 1: and then watch Right, watch the documentary.

Speaker 1: I don't want to be a part of this, but it

Speaker 1: is.

Speaker 1: I would recommend watching the Amazon one

Speaker 1: first and then watch the Netflix one,

Speaker 1: because I think the Amazon one is actually

Speaker 1: the better of the two in that it gives you

Speaker 1: more backstory on the craziness, and that's

Speaker 1: what you want out of this.

Speaker 1: You want here is the crazy shit that the

Speaker 1: cult leader made the people in the cult do,

Speaker 1: and fortunately, as of right now, there are

Speaker 1: no fatalities Like this is not a Manson

Speaker 1: style cult, right as far as true crime shit

Speaker 1: goes.

Speaker 1: There are certainly victims, as are

Speaker 1: presented in the documentaries, but

Speaker 1: nobody's dead.

Speaker 1: They're just people who are deep in on the

Speaker 1: cult.

Speaker 1: Well, but I mean that's so.

Speaker 1: Here's the thing is that the people who get

Speaker 1: involved in this it's totally

Speaker 1: understandable while they do so, but all

Speaker 1: the people that you're talking to in both

Speaker 1: of the documentaries are people who have

Speaker 1: gotten out of it, with very few exceptions,

Speaker 1: I think.

Speaker 1: So the thing that's fascinating about it is

Speaker 1: it's people who were deep in explaining,

Speaker 1: like here's how it caught me.

Speaker 1: This is what happened, like you know

Speaker 1: whether it's you know, my husband died, I

Speaker 1: got a divorce.

Speaker 1: I've never really been in love, any of that

Speaker 1: stuff and here is a couple on YouTube

Speaker 1: telling you hey, if you do these things,

Speaker 1: you will absolutely meet your soulmate For

Speaker 1: sure.

Speaker 1: But it gets Right.

Speaker 1: Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah and anyway, as you get

Speaker 1: into it, you'll just have to message me as

Speaker 1: you're watching this thing, because it's,

Speaker 1: but it's super good it is.

Speaker 1: Both of them are worth watching.

Speaker 1: Amazon, like I said, I think is better if

Speaker 1: you're only going to watch one, but I

Speaker 1: highly recommend it as a.

Speaker 1: Oh my goodness, there is a cult in our

Speaker 1: midst and nobody has been reporting on this

Speaker 1: and all of a sudden now you can get a lot

Speaker 1: of information about this.

Speaker 1: Watch the Amazon one first and then follow

Speaker 1: up with an no, because it's different

Speaker 1: people that are being interviewed and you

Speaker 1: get a totally different spin on it, and one

Speaker 1: of them goes harder.

Speaker 1: The Netflix one goes a little harder on the

Speaker 1: gender stuff, but I don't want to say

Speaker 1: anymore about that, because you need to get,

Speaker 1: yeah, like, watch the Amazon one, and if

Speaker 1: you feel like you need more information or

Speaker 1: just want to watch more of these weirdos,

Speaker 1: the Jeff and Shalia are the names of the

Speaker 1: two at the center.

Speaker 1: Okay, you've got a death name?

Speaker 1: Maybe so, but this is a J E F F.

Speaker 1: Jeff, oh no, but I feel that way about

Speaker 1: every name.

Speaker 1: Amethyst realm is definitely not on the

Speaker 1: birth certificate, but yes, so there are

Speaker 1: cults in our midst and that's always

Speaker 1: exciting to know.

Speaker 1: Oh man, I love a good cult, especially if

Speaker 1: I'm not involved in it, most especially if

Speaker 1: I'm leading it.

Speaker 1: Yeah, I don't know what my premise is.

Speaker 1: I think it would.

Speaker 1: I think it would have to be built around

Speaker 1: Twin Peaks and that, like hey, I have.

Speaker 1: I have heard messages from the great beyond

Speaker 1: telling me that this is the touchstone of

Speaker 1: all spirituality.

Speaker 1: I don't know, I don't.

Speaker 1: Yeah.

Speaker 1: I mean at this point like you know, we're

Speaker 1: hiring in all roles at this point, so I

Speaker 1: don't know, pick your job, what do you?

Speaker 1: What do you feel like doing?

Speaker 1: You want to be in charge of indoctrination?

Speaker 1: Be in charge of indoctrination.

Speaker 1: You want to keep everybody awake all the

Speaker 1: time you know, so that they start to really

Speaker 1: mentally break down.

Speaker 1: I mean, take that job.

Speaker 1: Whatever you want to do, however, you want

Speaker 1: to torture these people.

Speaker 2: Mm, hmm.

Speaker 1: Yeah, I mean yeah, if you want to do just

Speaker 1: pure indoctrination, that's awesome.

Speaker 2: Uh, huh, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1: Look, I mean, they're going to be cleaning

Speaker 1: the place up and doing all the work.

Speaker 1: It's going to be great, and then all we've

Speaker 1: got to do is occasionally just sit down,

Speaker 1: you know, on the floor, cross legged in

Speaker 1: front of a fireplace, and talk to them

Speaker 1: about how they're disappointing us.

Speaker 1: I like, hey, if you were, if you were truly

Speaker 1: part of this movement, you would give more.

Speaker 1: Yeah, absolutely.

Speaker 2: Yeah.

Speaker 1: Good, good, because I'm more of a big

Speaker 1: picture cult leader, Like I'm.

Speaker 1: You know, I'm not the one that's telling

Speaker 1: you how to get to the Polanski house.

Speaker 1: I'm just telling you hey, wouldn't it be a

Speaker 1: good idea if we just went Helter Skelter on

Speaker 1: a Hollywood couple?

Speaker 1: Yeah right, no, I just.

Speaker 1: You know we're talking about things, but

Speaker 1: I'm not going to tell you to go do it.

Speaker 2: But if it happened.

Speaker 1: I mean, how great would that be.

Speaker 1: Look, everybody needs their squeaky from,

Speaker 1: all, right, anyway.

Speaker 1: So we are talking this time, yeah, speaking

Speaker 1: of cults.

Speaker 1: We're talking about work and workplace

Speaker 1: relationships, and if there is, look, every,

Speaker 1: every workplace is basically just one group

Speaker 1: of gossipy bitches traded for another.

Speaker 1: It doesn't matter where you go or what

Speaker 1: you're doing, you are working with a bunch

Speaker 1: of gossipy bitches.

Speaker 1: You are probably a gossipy bitch and I, oh

Speaker 1: yeah, I love a good mess at work,

Speaker 1: especially if it doesn't touch me

Speaker 1: personally, but I get to witness it and

Speaker 1: judge it.

Speaker 2: Mm, hmm.

Speaker 1: Yeah, that is the place to be.

Speaker 1: You know, you have to know where to stand

Speaker 1: and Right, and so we're talking about that

Speaker 1: along alongside the movie the Voices, yeah,

Speaker 1: which is, of course, the Ryan Reynolds, you

Speaker 1: know, I mean, I I hesitate to call it a

Speaker 1: pure horror movie, although he, yeah, yeah,

Speaker 1: it's.

Speaker 2: Oh, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1: The one thing I was most surprised with

Speaker 1: this movie is how gruesome it truly gets

Speaker 1: and it's such a weird movie I mean both.

Speaker 1: Well, we'll get back to the workplace stuff

Speaker 1: in a second, but, like it is, the tone of

Speaker 1: this movie is really strange Because it's

Speaker 1: almost fantastical.

Speaker 1: Yeah, yeah, for sure.

Speaker 1: But I guess that is part of the delusion

Speaker 1: you know that you're seeing, because you're

Speaker 1: seeing this movie through Ryan Reynolds's

Speaker 1: eyes and he's, you know, only schizophrenic

Speaker 1: break because he has stopped taking his

Speaker 1: medication, and that's one of the things

Speaker 1: that's really interesting about it.

Speaker 1: It's why it seems so tonally crazy, is,

Speaker 1: yeah, but so the the premise of the movie.

Speaker 1: We meet Ryan Reynolds, who is working at a

Speaker 1: factory, yeah, and he's kind of a quiet,

Speaker 1: keeps to himself, kind of guy.

Speaker 1: Right, like neighbors yeah, no complaints

Speaker 1: for many of them.

Speaker 1: And then there is a woman at work that he's

Speaker 1: really into, play by Jim Arderton.

Speaker 2: I mean, look, I've been.

Speaker 1: Uh-huh, it's Jim Arderton and Carla Cugino

Speaker 1: occupying, occupied, the same kind of space

Speaker 1: in my mind and I mean I'm obsessed with

Speaker 1: both of them.

Speaker 1: I think they're both beautiful, yeah yeah,

Speaker 1: and kind of kind of spicy, you think so,

Speaker 1: carla Cugino?

Speaker 2: Hmm.

Speaker 1: Yes, yes, absolutely.

Speaker 1: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, very kind of an

Speaker 1: almost retro vibe, but you know that

Speaker 1: they're also like, really confident and

Speaker 1: like like the fact that they dress in a

Speaker 1: more restrained fashion almost makes them

Speaker 1: sexier.

Speaker 1: Right, you have to work for Sure, right,

Speaker 1: we're right, I'm not, I'm not advertising

Speaker 1: it, because once this dress comes off, it's

Speaker 1: going to be your mind's going to be blown.

Speaker 1: Yeah, I have not.

Speaker 1: Oh, no, no, no, I'm sorry.

Speaker 1: No, I was thinking Babylon, that movie from

Speaker 1: last year.

Speaker 1: No, I've definitely seen Byzantium.

Speaker 1: Yeah, yeah, yeah, oh yeah.

Speaker 1: Like Jim Arderton, from what?

Speaker 1: The disappearance of Alice Creed?

Speaker 1: Is that what's called?

Speaker 1: Oh, it's so fucking good, yeah, and but

Speaker 1: she's great in it was one of her early

Speaker 1: roles, I think.

Speaker 1: Yeah, but from the first time I saw her on

Speaker 1: screen, I was like she is gorgeous.

Speaker 1: And how, how do I make her my, my own, my

Speaker 1: wife, right, I mean, that doesn't seem

Speaker 1: hardly fair.

Speaker 1: I can't compete with that.

Speaker 1: Well, but he's accomplished and that's what

Speaker 1: he's got going, and isn't she with James

Speaker 1: Bond now?

Speaker 1: Oh boy, I'd say there you go.

Speaker 1: Jim Arderton, rachel, vice, carlo Gagino,

Speaker 1: all three of it.

Speaker 2: Yeah.

Speaker 1: Maybe, yeah, maybe that's my fetish and I

Speaker 1: didn't realize it.

Speaker 1: I don't know who is Rory Keenan.

Speaker 2: Oh.

Speaker 1: Oh, somebody's looking for some money.

Speaker 1: Oh, I could see that she probably likes a

Speaker 1: reps galleon.

Speaker 1: Oh, why did we go?

Speaker 1: Billy Joel, I guess, but.

Speaker 1: But so point being Ryan Reynolds

Speaker 1: justifiably obsessed with Jim Arderton, but

Speaker 1: if they had been there, probably equally

Speaker 1: obsessed with either Rachel vice or Carla

Speaker 1: Gagino, but yeah.

Speaker 1: So he ends up taking her home one night

Speaker 1: after her car stalls and sort of it is kind

Speaker 1: of our first hit other than his pets

Speaker 1: talking to him.

Speaker 1: By the way, the whole premise of this movie

Speaker 1: is that he's got a cat that, in a Scottish

Speaker 1: Brogue, is constantly telling him to do the

Speaker 1: worst possible shit, and a dog, an old

Speaker 1: hound, absolutely.

Speaker 1: And the old dog is you know, oh, brad

Speaker 1: Reynolds, you shouldn't do that, right?

Speaker 1: Yeah, it's really fun.

Speaker 1: It's funny Hear him kind of cutting loose,

Speaker 1: especially with the cat, which is very

Speaker 1: funny, yeah, and and so, yeah for sure.

Speaker 1: And so he's, he's taking her home and at

Speaker 1: first she's a little withdrawn, but then

Speaker 1: she starts to come around and worth saying

Speaker 1: she's kind of mean, she's kind of a mean

Speaker 1: lady, what doesn't, oh for sure.

Speaker 1: And it seems to be not thrilled about being

Speaker 1: placed at this particular location, like

Speaker 1: she's from out of town and kind of sees

Speaker 1: everyone and everything as a little bit

Speaker 1: beneath her.

Speaker 1: Yeah, absolutely.

Speaker 1: And.

Speaker 1: But so you know, as fate would have it,

Speaker 1: they're together in the Cabo Vistrock and

Speaker 1: it's it was at a deer, yeah, right, and so

Speaker 1: he has to kill this deer to put it out of

Speaker 1: its misery.

Speaker 1: And Jimmy order, right, yes, and Jim are

Speaker 1: ardent and, rightfully, is kind of freaked

Speaker 1: out by this and starts to kind of walk away

Speaker 1: and then he chases her down and kills her.

Speaker 1: Well, but that's alright.

Speaker 1: So that's one of the questions of the movie.

Speaker 1: Right Is like is it accidental?

Speaker 1: I mean, because the cat is kind of asking

Speaker 1: him the cat sort of the evil part of his

Speaker 1: personality.

Speaker 1: But even the cat is like well, I mean, why

Speaker 1: did you have the knife in hand like that

Speaker 1: and why were you holding it like that if

Speaker 1: you did not plan killing her?

Speaker 1: Yeah, and you're right, because he's trying

Speaker 1: to be a good guy.

Speaker 1: He thinks he's a good guy and that's the

Speaker 1: irony of all of this is that he's trying to

Speaker 1: play himself off as like just a lovable guy

Speaker 1: next door.

Speaker 1: But we see with his relationship with his

Speaker 1: therapist that she's like hey, you got to

Speaker 1: keep taking the pills, because when you

Speaker 1: don't take the pills, then the voices come

Speaker 1: back or you hear in the voices Not really,

Speaker 1: okay, good, right, and he keeps the trophy

Speaker 1: though Percerial killer tradition.

Speaker 1: He, yeah it and kind of in that same sort

Speaker 1: of emotionally pathetic way and you can see

Speaker 1: through the flashbacks of you know his

Speaker 1: earlier life that things were not great and

Speaker 1: you know he's like, yeah, I mean, it's a

Speaker 1: very killers are made, not born, sort of

Speaker 1: thing that maybe you know the eternal

Speaker 1: question, right Of like, are you born bad

Speaker 1: or can you be born violent and crazy?

Speaker 1: And yeah, and I think you can be, but I

Speaker 1: think more often than not, that's just like

Speaker 1: whether or not you have that killer

Speaker 1: gunpowder inside you.

Speaker 1: Then something has to light up for you,

Speaker 1: right, and that's oh no, we're both talking

Speaker 1: out our ass to some degree, but it's based

Speaker 1: largely on documentaries, we both saying

Speaker 1: Right.

Speaker 2: Look, yes, oh.

Speaker 1: We, we should be detectives, we should go

Speaker 1: around and solve mysteries, yeah, yeah, but

Speaker 1: most of mine would be based on casting like

Speaker 1: See, my problem, though, is I would be like,

Speaker 1: well, it's clearly this guy.

Speaker 1: And they're like, why?

Speaker 1: Well, because it's, you know, jeremy Sisto,

Speaker 1: and he's too big.

Speaker 1: He's too big to be doing a guest spot

Speaker 1: without having a bigger role, so he's got

Speaker 1: to be the killer.

Speaker 1: Yeah, but yes, I would love to.

Speaker 1: In my mind at least.

Speaker 1: There is a whole life I've led where I get

Speaker 1: to wear like trench coats more, and I've

Speaker 1: got a battered hat that I take with me

Speaker 1: everywhere, and people give me shit about

Speaker 1: it, but I keep wearing it anyway.

Speaker 1: And yeah, yeah, I promise that I'll never

Speaker 1: buy another pack of cigarettes, but I'm

Speaker 1: constantly bumming them off of other people

Speaker 1: and they're like why don't you just buy

Speaker 1: your own cigarettes?

Speaker 1: Because I quit and that's my gimmick.

Speaker 2: Yeah.

Speaker 1: This sounds good, and then Right.

Speaker 1: So in that situation are we full partners

Speaker 1: in this?

Speaker 1: Sure Right right places I could never get

Speaker 1: into.

Speaker 1: It's like show them a little leg, Show them

Speaker 1: a little tits, and then yeah, and then

Speaker 1: we're off to the records room.

Speaker 1: Yeah, I like oh, I like all of this.

Speaker 2: Mm, hmm.

Speaker 1: Yeah, oh yeah.

Speaker 1: So he ends up taking her head back home,

Speaker 1: and which talks to him also, and now he can

Speaker 1: imagine her being like, really friendly and

Speaker 1: supportive.

Speaker 1: Yeah, yeah and yeah, there is talk of

Speaker 1: crumpets.

Speaker 2: Hey.

Speaker 1: So Right Right.

Speaker 2: Hmm I don't know.

Speaker 1: I've seen a lot of movies, but I like that

Speaker 1: because all of the movie is filtered

Speaker 1: through Ryan Reynolds brain, that when you

Speaker 1: get the glimpses of what his apartment

Speaker 1: really looks like, right, it's just this

Speaker 1: nasty hoarder mess, yes, but when he, when

Speaker 1: you're seeing it purely through his eyes,

Speaker 1: you know, because there's that one point

Speaker 1: where he stops taking the medication or

Speaker 1: starts taking it rather, and then every and

Speaker 1: everything is fucked and he's like why

Speaker 1: would I want to live like this?

Speaker 1: Why wouldn't I take this medicine that

Speaker 1: makes everything okay again.

Speaker 2: Right, right, right Right.

Speaker 1: But yeah so, but yeah so, that dichotomy of

Speaker 1: what his life is really like, and you kind

Speaker 1: of know that, like once, you see it every

Speaker 1: time you see this kind of glowing.

Speaker 2: Yeah.

Speaker 1: Yeah, it's one of the things I love so much

Speaker 1: about it is, yeah, like in your mind's eye

Speaker 1: it's like oh, that head is grotesque.

Speaker 2: Right.

Speaker 1: Yeah, mm-hmm, that's right, because you

Speaker 1: know you wanted to do this in an orderly

Speaker 1: fashion.

Speaker 1: Yeah, right, exactly, and so, yeah, it's

Speaker 1: all of that stuff I find really, really

Speaker 1: interesting.

Speaker 1: And then, added to all of this is Anna

Speaker 1: Kendrick, who sweet, sweet summer child.

Speaker 1: Anna Kendrick, who is this incredibly sweet

Speaker 1: girl who very much so very, very Middle

Speaker 1: America, very small town.

Speaker 2: Mm-hmm.

Speaker 1: And all she wants is, you know, to get to

Speaker 1: know Ryan Reynolds.

Speaker 1: She thinks he's, you know, a cute guy and

Speaker 1: mm-hmm.

Speaker 1: That's the thing is when you realize like,

Speaker 1: oh, he actually has a genuine connection

Speaker 1: with her.

Speaker 1: That goes beyond this fantasy world that he

Speaker 1: had with Jim Arter, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1: The scene where he says he's locked out of

Speaker 1: his house and she's like, oh, I can do this

Speaker 1: because you know I'm right, and she just

Speaker 1: starts, yeah, and while he's like trying to

Speaker 1: get in through a skylight or whatever a

Speaker 1: window, she's just like, oh, I'm going to

Speaker 1: open the door and go inside, and it's just

Speaker 1: a house of horrors.

Speaker 2: Mm-hmm, mm-hmm yeah.

Speaker 1: Mm-hmm.

Speaker 1: Yes, yes, yes, yes.

Speaker 2: Mm-hmm.

Speaker 1: Mm-hmm, oh, and just shit and piss

Speaker 1: everywhere, and Mm-hmm, I yep.

Speaker 1: Good night, ladies and gentlemen, I hope

Speaker 1: you have it.

Speaker 1: I that's fantastic, and it made it its way

Speaker 1: to Facebook as well, so it's preserved

Speaker 1: forever.

Speaker 1: You know I was just thinking I have, even

Speaker 1: though I'm a cat owner.

Speaker 1: If I walk into a date's house and there is

Speaker 1: a distinct like cat litter aroma, that is

Speaker 1: the fucking worst.

Speaker 1: That's where I'm like oh, we, we cannot go

Speaker 1: on.

Speaker 1: Right it like it's got to be a real like.

Speaker 1: Oh, I'm surprised that you have cats on

Speaker 1: account of there being a lack of poop spell.

Speaker 1: But there are those things that if I walk

Speaker 1: into somebody's house and I see certain

Speaker 1: things like that's one thing where I'm like

Speaker 1: oh, this is a, this is a big red flag.

Speaker 1: And but that's a different thing.

Speaker 1: There is, there is a difference between hey,

Speaker 1: it's, yeah, like some of it is just like oh,

Speaker 1: it's, it smells like your cat just took a

Speaker 1: shit, versus your entire place smells like

Speaker 1: your cat taking a shit.

Speaker 1: You know what I mean.

Speaker 1: Like it's just in the carpet and drapes and

Speaker 1: yeah, like I.

Speaker 1: I.

Speaker 1: I say this from experience, because I dated

Speaker 1: somebody that had that kind of situation

Speaker 1: and I was like, can you not smell this?

Speaker 1: And right where she was like it just

Speaker 1: doesn't bother me, I guess, and I'm like it

Speaker 1: should.

Speaker 1: This is awful.

Speaker 1: I mean, right, this isn't about like hey,

Speaker 1: I'm trying to shame you as a pet owner or

Speaker 1: anything like that.

Speaker 1: But it right, it's just off, putting you

Speaker 1: know.

Speaker 1: And but there, there, there are a handful

Speaker 1: of things like that, like that kind of odor.

Speaker 1: If you see somebody, that's just to your

Speaker 1: point, like you knew I was coming over and

Speaker 1: your place looks like this.

Speaker 2: Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1: Yeah, and it doesn't have to be perfect or

Speaker 1: anything, but it right.

Speaker 1: I mean knowing that somebody is just like

Speaker 1: capable of a clean environment.

Speaker 1: That's all I need, right?

Speaker 1: Or I'm just obsessive enough that when I

Speaker 1: see something that's really messy, I'm like

Speaker 1: I can help you clean this.

Speaker 1: You know, like let's put these books back

Speaker 1: on a shelf, or?

Speaker 1: The exception, obviously, is the nightstand,

Speaker 1: but one of the two places Mm, hmm.

Speaker 1: Yeah, yeah, you know I got real upset.

Speaker 1: What the other day?

Speaker 1: One of the kids in class just had a book

Speaker 1: open, was just tearing a page out of the

Speaker 1: back of it.

Speaker 1: Yeah, and I was like what are you doing?

Speaker 1: I don't think we're allowed to cane.

Speaker 1: But I definitely stopped in my tracks what

Speaker 1: I was doing and asked that question like

Speaker 1: what is this about?

Speaker 1: And they're just like I don't know.

Speaker 1: I'm like just it's.

Speaker 1: You know, if you don't want to read the

Speaker 1: book, that's fine.

Speaker 1: If you're bored in class, that's fine.

Speaker 1: Please do not destroy a book in this class,

Speaker 1: right?

Speaker 1: The book didn't do anything to you.

Speaker 1: Yeah, yeah, yeah, oh yeah.

Speaker 1: It stopped me in my tracks.

Speaker 1: We're not allowed to hit them.

Speaker 2: Strangely enough, yeah, it was.

Speaker 1: Yeah right, it doesn't take that much work

Speaker 1: to treat a book with respect.

Speaker 1: Just don't destroy it, that's all.

Speaker 1: Yeah, it was terribly frustrating.

Speaker 1: I got you know, as we're recording this,

Speaker 1: I'm going back tomorrow after a five day

Speaker 1: break and I'm like I don't want to see any

Speaker 1: of them.

Speaker 1: That's not true.

Speaker 1: There are some of them that are super fun.

Speaker 1: But, man, it's getting to be the end of the

Speaker 1: year and a lot are, you know, the semester,

Speaker 1: and a lot of them are starting to realize

Speaker 1: like, oh shit, I'm going to fail, and so I

Speaker 1: like going back beans.

Speaker 1: I've just got a deluge of kids that are

Speaker 1: like, well, what if I do this?

Speaker 1: Well, can I pass?

Speaker 1: Then I'm like well, how about you turn in

Speaker 1: the work that you haven't turned in?

Speaker 1: That's 99% of every problem I have with

Speaker 1: kids.

Speaker 1: Is that, like my grades, terrible?

Speaker 1: Well, you didn't turn anything in.

Speaker 1: What do you want me to do?

Speaker 1: Did you communicate any of this to your

Speaker 1: professor?

Speaker 1: Okay, yeah, that's all you need.

Speaker 1: Oh well, that's still fine.

Speaker 2: Uh huh, okay, uh huh.

Speaker 1: Oh, that's all right.

Speaker 1: Oh, okay, well, that's helpful.

Speaker 2: Uh huh.

Speaker 1: Oh, that is, I mean very responsible and

Speaker 1: honestly, if, if, if, I mean if this was a

Speaker 1: situation where one of the kids was like,

Speaker 1: hey, I've been out for a week and I need a

Speaker 1: couple of extra days to make up these

Speaker 1: assignments, that's not a big deal, but

Speaker 1: these are just kids like you've been here

Speaker 1: every single day.

Speaker 1: You just don't do shit, and yeah.

Speaker 1: So that's why I threw chalk at your head,

Speaker 1: Because I want you to at least, you know,

Speaker 1: get some physical exertion in.

Speaker 1: No, no, I did.

Speaker 1: Now, if I were really going to hurl things

Speaker 1: at the kids, I would just take a you know a

Speaker 1: sock full of AA batteries and like leave

Speaker 1: some marks, you know right, Something that

Speaker 1: like, yeah, when they're in their mid

Speaker 1: twenties and you know having that romantic

Speaker 1: moment where a partner is touching their

Speaker 1: forehead, studying their face, and it's

Speaker 1: like, hey, where did you get this little

Speaker 1: scar from?

Speaker 1: Oh, that's when I was a dipshit in my

Speaker 1: English teacher's class.

Speaker 1: Oh, really, Did you?

Speaker 1: Did you deserve it?

Speaker 1: Were you asking for it?

Speaker 1: Since that day, I don't recall exactly what

Speaker 1: I did wrong and I can't see the color

Speaker 1: purple.

Speaker 2: Hmm, hmm.

Speaker 1: Oh, what is this?

Speaker 1: A repressed memory coming back.

Speaker 2: Hmm, yeah.

Speaker 1: Oh so, uh, yeah, anna Kendrick discovers

Speaker 1: what's afoot and, of course, at that point

Speaker 1: Ryan Reynolds feels the need to to kill her

Speaker 1: to cover up the crime.

Speaker 1: And also, we've got you know sort of the

Speaker 1: cops slowly but surely closing in on Ryan

Speaker 1: Reynolds for the disappearance of Gemma

Speaker 1: Arderton, as well as another woman who

Speaker 1: comes by to check on things.

Speaker 1: And yeah, right, so she, she's had number

Speaker 1: two, right, okay, so two is Anna Kendrick.

Speaker 1: And then yeah, so right, and I mean he's

Speaker 1: just got a chorus of them now, and, and the

Speaker 1: thing that's real fucked up is when he's

Speaker 1: talking to these severed heads.

Speaker 1: They're like I am so happy now, I'm so glad

Speaker 1: we get to be together.

Speaker 1: You know it's, it's Right, right, right,

Speaker 1: right.

Speaker 2: Mm, hmm.

Speaker 1: Yeah, it's very much a.

Speaker 1: I thought you were a good person and now I

Speaker 1: don't know anymore.

Speaker 2: Yeah.

Speaker 1: Oh sure.

Speaker 2: Mm, hmm.

Speaker 1: Yeah and oh, it's a hold on.

Speaker 1: I've got it right here, jackie Weaver, and

Speaker 1: she is great in this, and when he kidnaps

Speaker 1: her, which happens pretty quickly, it's no

Speaker 1: shit, right, yeah, exactly If you're going

Speaker 1: to work with dangerous people.

Speaker 1: But yeah, you know, I mean he kind of lets

Speaker 1: her know like hey, I've been off the pills

Speaker 1: for a while now, which is a real problem.

Speaker 1: We're on a live them.

Speaker 1: Yes, and it's, it's a great moment because

Speaker 1: she understands that her life is sort of in

Speaker 1: her own hands, where, if she takes the

Speaker 1: wrong step, things are going to go bad.

Speaker 1: Right, so she's, she's got to sort of play

Speaker 1: the part of I'm your therapist, I'm too

Speaker 1: invaluable and also I won't ever betray you,

Speaker 1: because that's the thing is now like to

Speaker 1: protect himself.

Speaker 1: She knows what's up and sort of implies

Speaker 1: well, you're just going to be the next head

Speaker 1: in my fridge, you know and takes her back

Speaker 1: to his place, where we get some really

Speaker 1: disgusting shots of this is what his place

Speaker 1: looks like now.

Speaker 1: Yes, and the police are closing in, and so

Speaker 1: it's, you know, the therapist getting away,

Speaker 1: the the place kind of going up in flames,

Speaker 1: and and Ryan Reynolds is Jerry, and so

Speaker 1: we're kind of making the decision I'm going

Speaker 1: to stay in this building, this you know old

Speaker 1: bowling alley that is now his apartment

Speaker 1: that he lives above, and we see the cat and

Speaker 1: the dog get away, though, which is nice,

Speaker 1: and yeah, and then the whole thing goes up

Speaker 1: in flame.

Speaker 1: Brown Reynolds dies with it, and then we're

Speaker 1: treated to this like crazy dream sequence.

Speaker 1: I do, and I actually I do like this a lot

Speaker 1: because it's it's sort of implying that his

Speaker 1: mind is now free to kind of live in that

Speaker 1: world.

Speaker 2: Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1: Right, Right right.

Speaker 2: Yeah, yeah, you yeah.

Speaker 1: Yeah, that's one of the things I really

Speaker 1: liked about it too is that one.

Speaker 1: It gives you a chance to sort of appreciate

Speaker 1: that Ryan Reynolds actually is a pretty

Speaker 1: good actor and the fact that, as you said,

Speaker 1: he makes this horrible person kind of

Speaker 1: sympathetic and relatable and knows how

Speaker 1: what that tone ought to be.

Speaker 1: And, yeah, I mean you do want sort of a

Speaker 1: happy ending for him, because you do feel

Speaker 1: like he is a victim in as much as he never

Speaker 1: stood a chance to avoid this compulsion he

Speaker 1: has, and, as a result, though, people are

Speaker 1: dying and you're like I know that he killed

Speaker 1: people, but also, what if we just got him

Speaker 1: some help?

Speaker 1: And, yeah, you know, let me ask you

Speaker 1: something speaking of workplace romance,

Speaker 1: since, all right, when you are involved

Speaker 1: with someone and they talk about a work

Speaker 1: wife or a work husband, do you find that to

Speaker 1: be a problem?

Speaker 2: What do you do, mm?

Speaker 2: Hmm?

Speaker 1: Ernie bored here, to be honest.

Speaker 1: Yeah, and an X on Absent.

Speaker 1: Oh my goodness, I think it's weird, you

Speaker 1: know, I think it.

Speaker 1: I think it implies a closeness that, if

Speaker 1: that's how your partner is describing it, I

Speaker 1: think that's a problem, you know.

Speaker 1: But I had.

Speaker 1: I was dating somebody at one point and they

Speaker 1: talked about the teacher across the hall

Speaker 1: from me that I'm close with or closer with

Speaker 1: her than anybody else that I work with, and

Speaker 1: but she's also right across the hall, like

Speaker 1: I see her all the time, we talk all the

Speaker 1: time, that kind of thing.

Speaker 1: And so the person I'm with is like so is

Speaker 1: that your work wife?

Speaker 1: And I'm like no, that's not how I would

Speaker 1: characterize that relationship, but like

Speaker 1: we're friends and I think that like that's

Speaker 1: your work spouse situation I think is real.

Speaker 1: There's something about it that implies a,

Speaker 1: a like you're cheating on the person.

Speaker 1: You know what I mean.

Speaker 2: I think it's weird.

Speaker 2: I think it's weird.

Speaker 1: Yeah, I just, you know, it's to say like

Speaker 1: your work friends, that's totally fine, you

Speaker 1: know.

Speaker 1: But when you're, when you start like

Speaker 1: putting it in that right as like oh, I have

Speaker 1: this, we're not just friends, this is a

Speaker 1: special relationship, it's like, well, is

Speaker 1: it?

Speaker 1: Because that seems like you are courting

Speaker 1: danger, my friend?

Speaker 2: Yeah, I.

Speaker 1: I just keep thinking of the old expression

Speaker 1: and I don't remember where I first heard

Speaker 1: this.

Speaker 1: It was probably my dad, because this sounds

Speaker 1: like something terribly uncouth he would

Speaker 1: say but when it comes to dating people at

Speaker 1: work, he would always say don't shit where

Speaker 1: you eat and that is something that has

Speaker 1: haunted me ever since of like, if you're

Speaker 1: going to date somebody, just make sure you

Speaker 1: don't work with them too.

Speaker 1: You're kind of shit.

Speaker 2: Yeah, mm, hmm, mm, hmm, mm, hmm, mm, hmm,

Speaker 2: mm, hmm, mm, hmm.

Speaker 1: Mm, hmm, mm, hmm, yeah, for sure what I

Speaker 1: mean.

Speaker 1: Just because he's gotten older or like, did

Speaker 1: he fall, have some kind of industrial

Speaker 1: accident?

Speaker 1: Yeah, well, got him while he was good.

Speaker 1: I guess you know.

Speaker 1: I mean that.

Speaker 1: That's how you get away with being a dick,

Speaker 1: right, that's.

Speaker 1: That's big dick.

Speaker 1: Energy, right there is.

Speaker 1: Yeah, mm, hmm, yeah, that's really, oh yeah,

Speaker 1: I guess we all did at some point.

Speaker 1: I'm just thinking of it in modern terms of

Speaker 1: like having a plate of food while I'm yeah,

Speaker 1: which I've no people who did that.

Speaker 1: Yeah, yeah, it's yeah, no, that seems crazy.

Speaker 2: Mm, hmm.

Speaker 1: I know a workplace related date was my

Speaker 1: worst date ever.

Speaker 1: Well, all right, I take that back now that

Speaker 1: I think now that I say it out loud, that is

Speaker 1: not the case, but it was a really bad date.

Speaker 1: So it was.

Speaker 1: I may have told this story before, maybe

Speaker 1: not on the show, though.

Speaker 1: So, um, I was working at a computer place

Speaker 1: at the time and there was a young woman

Speaker 1: that I worked with and we flirted back and

Speaker 1: forth and things seem to be going well, and

Speaker 1: I had two tickets to see George Carlin,

Speaker 1: back when he was all like yeah, and so I

Speaker 1: said hey, would you like to go see George

Speaker 1: Carlin with me?

Speaker 1: And she said I would love to.

Speaker 1: And I was like, cool, that means a couple

Speaker 1: of things.

Speaker 1: Right, like she likes George Carlin, that's

Speaker 1: a good, good sign, right, and, and now

Speaker 1: we're, you know, going out.

Speaker 1: So all of this is coming up, oh, and we go

Speaker 1: to dinner Pretty decent sushi place ahead

Speaker 1: of the show and in the course of that

Speaker 1: conversation I realize, to paraphrase her,

Speaker 1: I think I know who George Carlin is.

Speaker 1: Oh, this could go bad.

Speaker 1: So we went to see the show and there's no

Speaker 1: opening act, as I recall.

Speaker 1: Instead, just when it's time for the show

Speaker 1: to start, the announcer says hey, we just

Speaker 1: want to let you know about some merch that

Speaker 1: you're able to buy from the show tonight.

Speaker 1: There, I can't remember what the first

Speaker 1: thing was, but the second thing was a T

Speaker 1: shirt.

Speaker 1: Oh, the first thing I do remember it was a

Speaker 1: T shirt that had a thousand profane words

Speaker 1: or phrases on it, and the other the other

Speaker 1: one was a shirt that on the front says

Speaker 1: Simon says, and on the back it says go fuck

Speaker 1: yourself.

Speaker 1: Yeah, so I'm.

Speaker 1: So I'm kind of laughing at that.

Speaker 1: I look over at my date and like she is as

Speaker 1: tight lipped and disappointed as a person

Speaker 1: can possibly be Right.

Speaker 1: And Carlin comes out on stage.

Speaker 1: The first thing he says is you know what

Speaker 1: people never talk about anymore Pussyfarts.

Speaker 1: And so I look at my date and I'm like, hey,

Speaker 1: how did?

Speaker 1: How did that hit you, cause I don't think

Speaker 1: it's going to get any any better or worse

Speaker 1: than that.

Speaker 1: And she is beside herself.

Speaker 1: She just no, no, no, is not having a good

Speaker 1: time at all, and right, and so then it was

Speaker 1: like all right.

Speaker 1: Well, do I pretend that I am also offended

Speaker 1: the person who bought these tickets and

Speaker 1: invited her or do I just take her home

Speaker 1: because she's not having a good time?

Speaker 1: Or do I do the sensible thing and actually

Speaker 1: sit back and just enjoy seeing George

Speaker 1: Carlin in person?

Speaker 1: That's what I did.

Speaker 1: So it was just like, ah, fuck it, we're

Speaker 1: just going to enjoy the show.

Speaker 1: And it was very funny, it was a great show.

Speaker 1: But on my way taking her back home, it was

Speaker 1: just the most uncomfortable car trip where,

Speaker 1: like, she was just frigid and, yes, she was

Speaker 1: not pleased.

Speaker 2: Uh huh, uh huh, obviously Uh huh.

Speaker 1: Oh no.

Speaker 2: Uh huh.

Speaker 1: Right, right, great aunt Gertrude.

Speaker 2: Uh huh, uh huh.

Speaker 1: Uh huh, I worked in restaurants for a

Speaker 1: little while when I was going to college

Speaker 1: and, like you said, you're just kind of you

Speaker 1: know fucking everybody.

Speaker 1: Yeah, it was like yeah, I was like one of

Speaker 1: the one of the worst dating situations I'd

Speaker 1: ever had was there where I was.

Speaker 1: I was going out with a girl that was just

Speaker 1: like fooling around with everybody and I

Speaker 1: like misread that as being a little too

Speaker 1: like exclusive and realize like I was

Speaker 1: talking to a guy that I worked with.

Speaker 1: He was like oh yeah, yeah, I fucked her

Speaker 1: Tuesday night.

Speaker 1: I was like I fucked her Monday night.

Speaker 1: Wait a second.

Speaker 2: Yeah, uh huh, uh huh, uh huh, uh huh.

Speaker 1: Yeah, that was the part she wasn't doing.

Speaker 2: Mm-hmm.

Speaker 1: Yes, please.

Speaker 2: Uh-huh, yeah, yeah, mm-hmm, mm-hmm Right.

Speaker 1: Oh yeah, of course.

Speaker 2: Mm-hmm.

Speaker 1: Well, just having the opportunity to say

Speaker 1: like hey, before you make the dive, like we

Speaker 1: ought to get in there and clean things up,

Speaker 1: because, sure, yeah, absolutely yeah,

Speaker 1: absolutely yeah, I know, I know, I know,

Speaker 1: mm-hmm, yeah, at least you're sick with the

Speaker 1: theme.

Speaker 2: Mm-hmm, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, are you talking

Speaker 1: about the butterfly one?

Speaker 2: Yeah, mm-hmm.

Speaker 1: Right, yeah, that's just a conversation you

Speaker 1: just don't want to have.

Speaker 2: Mm-hmm.

Speaker 1: Yeah, it's just different, right, Like if

Speaker 1: you're.

Speaker 1: I think it's gender specific.

Speaker 1: There are some things that boys can only

Speaker 1: talk to fathers about and feel comfortable

Speaker 1: doing it with daughters and mothers.

Speaker 2: Yeah.

Speaker 1: Certainly more liberal and more accepting

Speaker 1: of.

Speaker 2: Yeah.

Speaker 1: Well, I think, if we are talking about, you

Speaker 1: know, little girls and daddies, do we have

Speaker 1: a tender as the flesh prepared?

Speaker 1: Oh well, let's bring this particular

Speaker 1: episode, let's punch the clock Uh-huh and

Speaker 1: prepare for some overtime with.

Speaker 1: I just left and right.

Speaker 1: Okay, are we doing the standard three?

Speaker 1: Is it three?

Speaker 1: Okay, just making sure, all right, good,

Speaker 1: good good yes.

Speaker 1: Okay.

Speaker 2: That's a little bit Okay.

Speaker 1: Okay, I mean, I get it.

Speaker 1: I love my dog.

Speaker 1: Yeah, yeah, it's like you.

Speaker 1: You mentioned the dog and you can.

Speaker 1: You can't devote more than 10% of your

Speaker 1: profile to your pets.

Speaker 2: Hmm.

Speaker 1: Yeah, not just random dogs.

Speaker 1: Yeah, all right, not great, I mean, I'm not

Speaker 1: very into his pets, right, but it's also a

Speaker 1: little weird.

Speaker 1: Yeah, I mean, I admittedly have an

Speaker 1: unhealthy relationship with my dog, and you

Speaker 1: know, I think that goes both ways.

Speaker 1: I think he has an unhealthy fixation with

Speaker 1: me.

Speaker 1: I think this is really good.

Speaker 1: Yes, we love them.

Speaker 1: Yeah, and we both like maps, that's for

Speaker 1: sure.

Speaker 1: We do love food, he, we both like to pull

Speaker 1: apart stuffed animals and get the squeaker

Speaker 1: out.

Speaker 1: That's something that we've done a part and

Speaker 1: together, but it's something that we can

Speaker 1: really find common ground about.

Speaker 1: So, right, I learned it from you dad, it's,

Speaker 1: but but I do, I like I, I very much have

Speaker 1: that kind of relationship where, um, and

Speaker 1: it's cause I live alone, but it's like when

Speaker 1: I walk in the door, the first thing I see

Speaker 1: is my dog and he's excited to see me.

Speaker 1: And then we, we have pets and I take them

Speaker 1: for a walk and so, like a lot of my

Speaker 1: schedule revolves around the dog.

Speaker 1: Like when I wake up, like oh, I got to take

Speaker 1: the dog out before I get ready myself, and

Speaker 1: that kind of that kind of thing.

Speaker 1: So it's like I have a very dog heavy life.

Speaker 1: But yeah, if somebody else lived here then

Speaker 1: I could give them some of the

Speaker 1: responsibility of the dog, which would be

Speaker 1: great if I wasn't the only person.

Speaker 1: Sure, that's fine, but just having somebody

Speaker 1: just take the dog out half the time would

Speaker 1: be yeah, um, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1: But yeah, all right.

Speaker 1: But, but so far Michael, yeah, not, not

Speaker 1: terrible, Michael's okay.

Speaker 2: Okay.

Speaker 1: Hmm, I don't like the name.

Speaker 2: Hmm, hmm, okay.

Speaker 1: Wow, all right.

Speaker 2: Hmm.

Speaker 1: Oh, wow, that took a turn.

Speaker 1: Um, okay, so uh, I, I know I, yeah, I know

Speaker 1: I I can relate to being a man with the

Speaker 1: hungers, but I, yeah, all right, let's I

Speaker 1: hate to take a step back.

Speaker 1: Let's go back to the profile of number two

Speaker 1: again, real quick.

Speaker 2: Uh-huh, yeah, yeah, yeah yeah.

Speaker 1: Okay, boy, all right.

Speaker 1: The first one started so benign and these

Speaker 1: last two have gotten gradually more

Speaker 1: disturbing and I think the last is the

Speaker 1: worst I've at most.

Speaker 1: But it sounds like he's just really into

Speaker 1: his pet and that's just going to be a thing

Speaker 1: where he's got, you know, bumper stickers

Speaker 1: like my other.

Speaker 1: My other car is a Pomeranian and Well,

Speaker 1: again, I don't think the guy's fucking his

Speaker 1: dog, I think he just has an unhealthy

Speaker 1: relationship with the dog.

Speaker 1: Yeah, all right.

Speaker 1: So Biality, okay, all right, fair enough,

Speaker 1: all right, but but that is still tame

Speaker 1: compared to oh, let's talk about fucking on

Speaker 1: camera.

Speaker 1: Yeah, is that food?

Speaker 1: Is that a raffle?

Speaker 1: Can I have revels with caramel or pokers

Speaker 1: and billows and whatnot?

Speaker 1: Isn't that what it's called the ones you

Speaker 1: squeeze?

Speaker 1: Isn't that a billow?

Speaker 1: Oh, well.

Speaker 1: Kindling yeah, he's got kindling for that

Speaker 1: ass.

Speaker 1: Yeah, not as bad as the Australian route,

Speaker 1: yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, do you fancy a

Speaker 1: route is?

Speaker 1: My understanding, at least, is that is an

Speaker 1: Australian proposition.

Speaker 2: Yeah.

Speaker 1: Oh yeah, that's no good.

Speaker 1: Oh no, no, no.

Speaker 2: Yeah, I do.

Speaker 1: Yeah, no, I'm yeah, no, it's upsetting.

Speaker 1: Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2: I.

Speaker 1: I prefer tickling the tiny man in the boat.

Speaker 1: All right, but so again back to our ranking

Speaker 1: of weirdos.

Speaker 1: So it's really in order.

Speaker 1: Like the guy who has crazy hungers that he

Speaker 1: doesn't define but just lets you know that

Speaker 1: he has hungers.

Speaker 1: That's upsetting.

Speaker 1: There is something going on there.

Speaker 1: And then you have in the same profile

Speaker 1: something about where did people over?

Speaker 1: Like this guy yeah, this is like a Mr

Speaker 1: Mercedes waiting to happen.

Speaker 1: So he is.

Speaker 1: Yeah, you don't want any part of this guy.

Speaker 1: I mean, this is somebody that has.

Speaker 1: He's probably from Eastern Europe and his

Speaker 1: his, his last job was definitely working in

Speaker 1: one of those Eli Roth style hostels.

Speaker 1: Yeah, is he in a milking facility?

Speaker 1: I am in with hunker driving.

Speaker 1: I know where I'm going and this new man

Speaker 1: nowadays are weak and I'm going to run them

Speaker 1: all over.

Speaker 1: Yeah, yeah, that's.

Speaker 1: There are so much creepy there.

Speaker 1: But the guy talking about like if you want

Speaker 1: to, if you want to, frig on camera or frig

Speaker 1: watching me on camera as I talk about my

Speaker 1: website, he is not worse, but is just a

Speaker 1: different kind of bad.

Speaker 1: So that like dog guy, I think, is like

Speaker 1: you're going to have to talk him off the

Speaker 1: ledge with the dog.

Speaker 1: You're just going to have to, like, tell

Speaker 1: him, like it's weird that you're into your

Speaker 1: dog this much, and you're right, like, yeah,

Speaker 1: I'm not 100% there, but I understand that

Speaker 1: there are a lot of signs that if it did

Speaker 1: turn out that he was into bishiality, it

Speaker 1: would be like, oh, yeah, okay, well, I,

Speaker 1: yeah that there were.

Speaker 1: There were two ways to read it and I did it.

Speaker 1: I read it the way that I hoped it was true.

Speaker 1: Yes, yeah, yeah, yeah, and but that's why

Speaker 1: our detective business is going to work so

Speaker 1: well.

Speaker 1: That's right, all right, I feel like that

Speaker 1: is the show.

Speaker 1: We have come to the end and we've done.

Speaker 1: We've done ghostly dating.

Speaker 1: We talked about dating at work some, and in

Speaker 1: rem jobs, more importantly, and then, right,

Speaker 1: wait, well, but look perfect, right, this

Speaker 1: is all good news.

Speaker 1: So, yeah, and the listening audience.

Speaker 1: But hey, so the plan is to be back on track

Speaker 1: so that we'll do another one of these next

Speaker 1: month for January, and January will have to.

Speaker 1: We'll have to do something winter related.

Speaker 1: Yeah, something you know makes you want to

Speaker 1: cozy up with your loved one and get into

Speaker 1: some ferocious making out.

Speaker 1: It wasn't a very sexy episode because we

Speaker 1: were talking about serial killers.

Speaker 1: Yeah, yeah, I think.

Speaker 1: Yeah, next time, let's, let's we, yeah,

Speaker 1: we'll go harder on the sexy and yeah, next

Speaker 1: time it'll be, you know, asses up tits out.

Speaker 1: Yeah, no, perfect, all of this is exactly

Speaker 1: right.

Speaker 1: So, out of curiosity, should people want to

Speaker 1: listen to more rim job stories Not

Speaker 1: necessarily yours, like I don't want to

Speaker 1: make it too exclusive.

Speaker 2: Mm, hmm, oh.

Speaker 1: Oh, that's nice.

Speaker 1: Yeah, no, no.

Speaker 1: No, I wasn't complaining like having a

Speaker 1: little bit of a buzz for this show is kind

Speaker 1: of the right way to experience it.

Speaker 2: Yeah, Yet Edism yes.

Speaker 1: Like like exciting guests and whatnot.

Speaker 1: That's good.

Speaker 2: Mm, hmm.

Speaker 1: All right, I like gory films.

Speaker 1: Oh okay, I know what we're talking about.

Speaker 1: All right, oh, that's exciting.

Speaker 2: Well, well, well, yeah, yeah, Mm, hmm.

Speaker 1: Oh, very nice, oh right.

Speaker 2: Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1: Yeah, I'm down, please, yeah, yeah, yeah,

Speaker 1: no, I'm just excited that you got to hang

Speaker 1: out with cool people and whatnot.

Speaker 1: That's great, great, I mean, but that's

Speaker 1: yeah, that's awesome though.

Speaker 2: Mm, hmm.

Speaker 1: Yeah, that's so cool.

Speaker 1: Yeah, yeah, yeah, no, that's awesome.

Speaker 1: I mean, you know they seem cool to begin

Speaker 1: with and to know that you know everyone I

Speaker 1: know who has come into contact with them

Speaker 1: has never had anything but kind words to

Speaker 1: say, yeah, fuck them up, all right, well,

Speaker 1: you've heard it here first.

Speaker 1: Kate is threatening all of you.

Speaker 1: Yeah, more than some.

Speaker 1: But yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1: So next next episode we'll be doing

Speaker 1: something wintry and sexy.

Speaker 1: We'll figure out what that looks like.

Speaker 1: But, mm, hmm, I've been.

Speaker 1: Yeah, I, oh, my god, we had to put the

Speaker 1: kibosh on that show for a little while, but

Speaker 1: that's fine.

Speaker 1: You know, sunrise and sunset and all, yeah,

Speaker 1: yeah, yeah, well, it's yeah.

Speaker 1: But you know, the thing is obviously I

Speaker 1: can't just stop doing podcast stuff.

Speaker 1: So it's like, oh well, if that eight hours

Speaker 1: of week is not being spent doing podcast

Speaker 1: work.

Speaker 1: What I should probably do more podcast work,

Speaker 1: just in a different way, and and that's

Speaker 1: kind of where we are is like, oh okay, I

Speaker 1: actually have have some free time that I

Speaker 1: can devote to dark parade pursuits in a way

Speaker 1: that I haven't been able to.

Speaker 1: So that's really exciting, and I do want to

Speaker 1: get into some interviews and stuff.

Speaker 1: That was something I wanted to do a while

Speaker 1: back, and then just you know time and

Speaker 1: circumstance and all, but I'm so excited

Speaker 1: for you guys.

Speaker 1: I can't wait to listen to that.

Speaker 2: Yeah.

Speaker 1: All right.

Speaker 1: Well, folks, we will be back in a month to

Speaker 1: talk about more romance and murder and and

Speaker 1: dog and cat talking, and I promise, all

Speaker 1: right, see you next time, everybody.