Wake Up Classy 97 The Podcast

Wake Up Classy 97 with Josh & Chantel from Monday, July 1st, 2024 / Uno gets a new update, Josh managed some home improvement plumbing, Chantel debunks childhood myths, we had some fishing adventures, Josh HATES listening to people at a quiet movie, Josh is a proud bald man, what is an oomf?

What is Wake Up Classy 97 The Podcast?

Wake up with Josh & Chantel every weekday from 6a-10a on Classy 97! Missed the show or want to revisit your favorite moments from the show, enjoy Wake Up Classy 97 - The Podcast!

It's Josh and Chantel, and this is Wake Up Classy 90 7, the podcast, a replay of today's full show. It is Monday, July 1st, and on today's show, UNO gets a new update. I manage some home improvement plumbing. Chantel debunks some childhood myths. We had some fishing adventures.

I do hate listening to people at the Quiet movie. I am a proud bald man, and what in the heck is oomph? Picking up heavy things. I think so. Thanks for listening.

You can hear the show live weekday mornings from 6 to 10. It's wake up Classy 90 7, the podcast. Enjoy today's show. Classy 97. It's Josh and Chantel.

Hey there. Good morning. Oh, hey. Hey, buddy. Hey.

What's up? Oh, nothing. What do you why are you sad? Because the weekend is over. I know.

It went so fast. I know. I was super busy on Friday. I was up on top of mountains and things. Been telling you over the past week or so that we were upgrading technology, got in the truck this morning, tuned in the station, and, we're on the new transmitter.

Yeah. So it's, it's growing. Things are happening. No. No.

I don't Yeah. Well, you know I was up on top of mountains with the engineer and stuff on Friday. So that's why we didn't have a show, because I had to be elsewhere, helping out. So, anyway, very exciting, and, that'll continue to improve and grow, and I'm excited about that. That's that's very cool.

Yeah. It's a hooray. Yeah. Today is July 1st. I know.

We've finished June. It's done. June's over. Wrap it up. We can't go back.

I know. It's now July 1st. We haven't even been camping once. No. But I did get to go fishing.

I'm sure we'll talk about that later because it was mostly dry. Well, anyway, we'll get into that later. Today is National Wrong Trousers Day. Oh, no. And it's supposed to be sort of the idea that you wear whimsical pants for the noble cause of supporting charity.

Whimsical pants? Yeah. Like, crazy patterns or crazy colors. I know what whimsical pants means. Whimsical pants.

Yeah. Do I have any whimsical pants? Do you have any whimsical pants? A purple pair of pants. I have an entire whimsical suit.

That's true. You do have a whimsical suit. You don't have any floral print or polka dot pants or any obnoxious colors? No. I guess I just green pants?

No. I mean, like army green pants, but those are bright? No. No. I'm not very whimsical in my attire.

Gotta work on that. Kinda sad. Yeah. Today is international reggae day. Oh.

Yeah. Bob Marley, Peter Tosh. I don't You know Bob Marley? Yeah. Yeah.

I was waiting for you. Name, Peter Tosh. Oh, you read it. Uh-huh. I was waiting.

I was like, okay. Oh, yeah. I told my reggae. Yeah. You bet.

ZIP code day, which is 208, baby. No. That's not the ZIP code. Isn't the ZIP code. Area code.

83401, baby. Yeah. What's up in the 83 2 o's? Let's see. What else is happening?

I don't know. It's early bird day. You're encouraged to wake up early. Hopefully, you're with us and you've done that. Do you know that I I actually was planning on getting up at 4:30 this morning?

You were? Mhmm. Yeah. That didn't happen. No.

But, also, you didn't tell me that, so I couldn't even have assisted. This is how I would have assisted. Yeah. You wouldn't have assisted. I kinda knew I couldn't fall asleep.

And so then I kind of had an inkling that I wouldn't be waking up before. Asleep like no problem. No. I didn't. I feel like you were out.

No. Well, I was, and then I woke up. Uh-huh. I I just remembered. Yeah.

Because you were asleep before me, but then apparently, you woke up Yeah. After I was asleep. Snoring. Yeah. Well, you're welcome.

Virgin Islands Day. It's American Zoo Day. It's postage stamp day. It's postal workers' day as well. Thanks to those folks.

Yes. For sure. It's a chicken wing day. It is second half of the year day. Ew.

And national ice cream flavors day. It's Canada day. It's Ginger Snap Day. There's a lot going on. I love Ginger Snaps.

Happy Monday, July 1st. Here we go. Here we go. We get the 4th July off, kind of. No.

Kind of. We get the show off. I mean We don't have to come in for the show. Okay. We still have to work.

There's a there's a lot to do on the 4th July. Yeah. There's there is, you know, I don't know if you've heard, but, like, River Fest and the Melaleuca Freedom Celebration, we're kind of part of that I know. In a, like, a major big So we don't have the day off No. Per se.

At all. Not per se. Just at all. We don't have to wake up early to come and do the show. That is true.

Right? Correct. Okay. Unless you want to. Most people get the day off.

A lot don't, but some do. Half of American workers think they should get the whole week off. This whole week. Like, starting today. Whole entire Monday through Friday week off.

I mean, why not? That's what I'm saying. That's what I'm saying. Is that what you're saying? That's what I'm saying.

Why do they say that? Because they know that we're not gonna get any work done this week anyway. There's not I'm working right now. There's not a lot of people are out. Like, a lot of people go camping.

A lot of people leave. You know, you're working. I get it. So am I. Well, I have, I have a lot to do.

Oh. Especially the front half of this week in preparation for Thursday. Oh, good job, buddy. What? You're well too?

Most people are saying they barely get any work done, so that's why they want the whole week off. Because they want the same thing around Thanksgiving, and they want the same thing around Christmas too. And spring break. Sure. Why even work?

No. There's plenty of work. We work plenty of days. So you're saying a week off in spring? A week off in This would be your summer week, right, here in here.

Yep. And then when do you get 1 in, I guess, then November and then another 1 in December? Yeah. Sounds great. I think that's awesome.

Let's do it. How do we make this happen? Why don't we just get a couple of days off every week, like a weekend? It's not enough. Well It's not enough.

It's it's gonna be a tough 1 to convince people to give you a whole week off. I know. I suppose you want paid that time too. Why not? Mattel is updating UNO.

What are they, to dose again? Nope. What are they doing? They're updating it so color blind people can play. No kidding.

Yeah. Not kidding. Explain. They're adding symbols to the top of each card that are associated with each color. Okay.

So, like, yellow has a diamond. Green has a triangle. Red has a circle. Blue has a square. So that if you're color blind, you're like, blue is square.

Or you just don't you have to think about color at all. You can just match symbol. So symbol or number Or that. And then you, you know, you could you could be monochromatic, and it wouldn't matter. That's cool.

Yeah. I I think that's smart. Doing this to a couple of other games. Blocus Okay. Is adding some patterns.

Apparently, they've got, I've ever played this game. It's great. Yeah. You've got little pieces, but the pieces again are in the primary colors, and so you have to, and I think they have green. They do.

But, yeah, same deal. You have to, you have to match color and stuff. So now they have patterns on their colors so so that color blind people can play. And then tumbling monkeys? I don't know tumbling monkeys.

I don't either, but they're also adding clue I mean, similar clues to that too. So color blind people can play. We have a kid who's color blind. Beck is color blind. I'm trying to remember if he's ever struggled playing UNO before.

I don't know. I he has really taught himself how to read colors Right. That other people see. Yellow. That's his that's his, colorblind.

But, yeah, that's interesting. Like, he knows what yellow is supposed to look like. Mhmm. So he's like, oh, no. This is what other people see as yellow.

It's green to me, but it's yellow to everybody else. Yeah. He learned that pretty quick. Yeah. He did.

But because that was what was hard in trying to figure it out because sometimes you get it right, and then other times you're like, I don't know, bud. He's been looking at cars, actually. He saw there was a bright Well, it's it's like a like a mustard yellow car, and he's like, that is a cool green car. And I went And we all went, nah. It's yellow, buddy.

But he's learning. That's good. So that's cool. I'm, I'm into that. I think that's great.

So color blind people can now play UNO. I'm sure they played before. They just adapted in their own way. Or didn't because they're like, I'm I don't like gonna play that game because they were struggling. So I think that's cool.

I like it. Me too. Yeah. Good job, Mattel. Way to go.

So some good news for you this morning. Let's hear it. It's about an 88 year old, lady named Emma Patterson. She's from Montgomery County, Maryland. Okay.

She's the mother of 4 and the grandmother of 10. She's been the mom to many, many more, though. She fostered 40 children over the years, as many as 9 at a time. That's incredible. That is a devotion is what that is.

Over the decade, she not only made a huge impact in the lives of all of those children, but also on the entire community. She was not only 1 of the longest serving foster parents in the country, but she took in more children long term than almost anyone else. She is officially retiring. Oh. And the county wanted to recognize her with a special award for her service.

So this is from Montgomery County Executive Mark, Elrich said, I am happy to honor miss Patterson for her dedication to our community over the years. I'm glad she's getting the kind of recognition that she has long deserved, and I hope her hope her story inspires others to help vulnerable children and families as well. Yeah. Emma says the real reward has been seeing the success of all of the kids that she's helped out. I'm she said I'm very proud of all the children because, they have just turned out to be just wonderful human beings, and I am so proud of them.

So That's incredible. Good for her. It's pretty amazing. What's her name again? Her name is Emma.

Emma. Mhmm. Emma Patterson. 88 years old. She's officially retiring from fostering kids.

She's tired. She's tired. She needs a break. She's like, I just don't think I'm up for it. Yeah.

I'm just too tired. But this is where the community now steps in and has to fill that, fill that void. So good for you, Emma. You've done great. Sure.

And, congratulations to all those kids. What wonderful, wonderful stories with a wonderful lady. It's good news to get you going on Classy 90 7. We 1 of our favorite things to do is embarrass our 14, almost 15 year old daughter. As a parent, it's something that you kinda earn the right to do, but it's not even intentional most of the time.

Most of the time, no. And it's not humiliation. It's just a little embarrassment. Right. I mean, it's just being silly goofy human beings in public is enough.

Yeah. Yeah. For example, let's go, chair shopping. Let's find some new camp chairs. You really wanted to look at the 0 gravity ones.

Yeah. I found a sale. Yes. I did. We should probably, you know, take advantage of this.

But you were pretty firm on, like, I wanna try the chair Yeah. To see if it's comfortable before I buy it. Yeah. So it was kinda wrapped up and had a little zip tie action on it. And, and so I just you know, as I do, I took it out of my pocket knife, cut the zip tie Well set up the chair.

She was she saw your pocket knife come out. She wells away. She said, dad, don't do that. Don't do that here. Don't do that in the store.

You can't cut that off. And so I did. I think she was afraid of being in trouble. And I said we're not we're not doing anything wrong. I have the intention of buying this chair.

I'm probably 95% sold on this chair already because it's a value. Yeah. So I'm gonna try the chair and see if it's comfortable. And if it is, that's the chair I'm gonna buy. So what's the big deal?

It's not. I'm not I'm not doing anything, harmful. Dad, you can't do that. You can't do that, dad. It's what she just gets to me.

Set up the chair. You tried the chair. We bought the chair. Everything's fine. We bought the chair.

You know what I loved most of all is after you had cut it and we sat in it to try it out. I said, yeah. I don't I don't want this 1 because we've cut the tag. Like, our tag is tied. Get 1 that's tied up.

Tied up, and she about lost her mind. Right. So then later on, on a separate day, we were at a different store, and she found pool noodles. And these things were massive, like, huge. And I don't know what went through your head.

It's hard to say. I don't know what you're decided I'm gonna smack her with it. Yeah. You have to. Right.

So you you're, like, gonna hit her in the legs with the pool noodle, but you missed every time. I don't think you connected once. I did. No. You hit the box that the pool noodles ran every time.

You you never even touched her. But but you were, like, whipping that thing. Like, you you had some some energy behind it and missed, and it made a giant noise, and she left the area. Yes. She's done.

Done. Done. I gotta get out of here. It's not it is not very difficult to do. No.

But it brings me so much joy. I love it. Do you? Yeah. Because I'm a complete bystander of both.

I mean, I was involved in the chair thing, but I'm just standing there watching all this. Like, what is happening right now? The fact that she runs away so quickly, half the time, I don't even think we're being embarrassing. And I look around, and I go, where did she go? She's gone.

Yeah. Guess that was embarrassing. I didn't think it was. I've I can do much more embarrassing things. Much more.

Believe me. Live a day in the life. I believe you. I do. I without question, I believe you can do embarrassing things.

You're like a champ. I am. I'm an embarrassing champ. Here I am. Big thumbs up.

You had an adventure on Friday? Mhmm. I was all over different mountains all over East Idaho. Doing some radio tower business? Yeah.

Yeah. Because, as of this morning, we're on that new well, I don't know. As of at some point over the weekend, I noticed this morning that, we are now on the new transmitter, which is very cool. Because of the work that you helped do on Friday? I'll look.

Or a culmination of be let me be clear. There was very, little work I did on Friday other than hurt my neck and get sunburned. That was Hurt your neck from looking up? Yeah. The engineer, was climbing the towers.

I had to go help him by being his spotter on the ground and making sure that he was safe and, to double check, you know, harness and stuff before he climbed and all of those kinds of things. So I was the safety guy. Yeah. I'm sure he appreciated that. Well right.

But But kudos to Gavin Yeah. Who climbs I know. Those towers. No. Thank you.

No. Thank you. And, and so I watched, like, you know, with my head up into the sky, my hand blocking the sun so I could see like this. And then I go, okay. And then I'd look down for, you know, a minute or 2, and then I'd go, oh.

It's still there. Still still climbing. It's still moving. Alright. How tall is the tower?

Well, sort of irrelevant to how high he had to climb. Okay. How high did he have to climb? So the first 1, probably a 100 feet or so. It was it was a decent height.

The second 1, 25 feet. And there's a ladder inside the tower? Well, it depends on the tower too because some of them just have pegs on the side Oh my gosh. Of a pole that you climb up, and some of them have a ladder. No.

But you got a safety harness. You got a clip, and so you always have a constant, you know, connection line. So if something happens, you're you don't fall Smart. Stuff like that. Yeah.

I mean, you gotta have all these safety things. You have to wear a helmet. It's a whole thing to climb a tower. Yeah. You have to have the right kind of shoes and I mean, it's a whole Really?

Yeah. What kind of shoes? Well, like, you can't go up there in flip flops, can you? Well, right. But Oh, like, you gotta have, like, a good boot with with good, you know, stable sole for you to stand on.

And then once you're up there, you gotta do the work. It isn't just climb up and then climb back down for fun. You have to climb up, and then there's a, like, a task. Like, I gotta hang an antenna or an antenna. How do you hang to well, with bolts and stuff.

Oh, no. Thank you. And brackets. So he's climbing with a tool belt. Well, he's got tools.

Yeah. And then a rope and all of his safety gear. And then, yeah, then I'm down there just watching. Alright. Good to go.

You have an important job too, Josh. I know. My point is I like, that was my Friday. It was my neck hurts, and the sun is hot. Okay.

He's good. He's good. And then, you know, he climbed down, and he was like, let's grab some lunch. And I went, this is the best part of my day. Let's go eat.

And then I've been working hard. Alright. You're ready to go to the next tower site? And I went, sure. How many tower sites did you go to?

We visited 2. 2 tower sites. Mhmm. Took down an antenna. Enjoyed doing that, obviously.

Well, yeah. That's what he's what he does. He's not afraid of heights? No. He he's climbed towers for a long time.

Way higher than that. Really? Way higher. And it doesn't bother him? Apparently not.

Wow, Gavin. Good job. Yeah. Bothered my neck a lot. Oh, get it.

And I got sunburned. Oh. Because I didn't think, oh, I'm going to work today. I should put on sunscreen. I didn't even think I'm gonna be standing out on top of a mountain in the, open exposed sunlight.

With my bald head. With my bald head. Yeah. So that was Friday. But, yeah, that's exciting that we're on the new transmitter, and, we're making big steps toward making classy 97 sound better than ever, and, it's very exciting.

Thank you to Gavin Yep. Who did all of the hard work. That's right. And, also, my neck hurts. Oh, Josh.

Poor thing. We went to the movie over the weekend. Emery really likes that movie, A Quiet Place Right. Where you have to be quiet. And if you make any kind of noise, the monsters will get you.

Mhmm. So she and I watched the first and second 1 on Friday to prepare. And then Did that help? Was it necessary? Yeah.

It was fun because I I didn't ask about that. I I know it was fun, and you enjoyed spending time with her and watching the movies. But was it necessary for the 3rd movie? No. I didn't feel like I needed to have seen the first 2 to go see the new 1.

No. I thought I would get more of why the monsters were there Mhmm. Their backstory, but, no, this was, like, day Day 1. 1 Mhmm. That's what it's called.

Of the monsters arriving. Right. And it is, I believe, multiple days. So Yeah. It starts at day 1, but then it's, you know, over the course of a couple of days.

We didn't get any reasoning why they were here. No. That was sort of missing from the story, but that's fine. It was a it was a very, interesting side story. It was different people.

It was, different A different director too. Because John Krasinski directed the first 2. Mhmm. He did not direct this 1. And then and Emily Blunt are not in this 1?

No. Yeah. No. So, I don't know. I enjoyed it.

It was fun. Entertaining. Yeah. It was good. Here's the thing about these movies.

Can I can I vent just for a minute? Yep. I knew you would. Because expected no less. Here's here's what I like about these movies, is that they're filmed in a way that makes it suspenseful, and there's all these, like, really quiet times Yeah.

On purpose. And then something will happen, and it's kind of a startling jump scare noise or whatever. Can I watch these movies at home exclusively for now? Are going to have to because you were not enjoying yourself at all. There was too much noise happening from the people around us.

I don't like hearing people chew. I don't like hearing people whisper. I don't like hearing people drop popcorn all over the floor. I don't like a lot of things about going to a movie that's specifically made to be, like, incredibly quiet. Even people coughing.

Like, I'm like, stop. The whole time I'm sitting there going, if this were real, everyone would die. Well, and I don't think anyone knows how to pronounce it. Lupita Nyong'o is in it. Right?

Who? Lupita Nyong'o. I don't know who that is. She's the main actress. Oh.

And at the very beginning of the movie, she's like, hey. Silence your cell phones and remember, be silent. Like, and everyone was talking over that part and missed it. That was the other thing. They don't care.

All these conversations going on during the previews and stuff, that's part of my movie watching experience. I like to I like to see the new movies that are coming out. I like to see the trailers on the big screen. So everyone around me is, like, having a meeting or whatever. I feel like a grumpy old man.

You kinda acted like a grumpy old man. You had your hood up. I did. I had to put my my, my my hoodie on. I know that you have a problem with noise, especially when it's quiet.

So I specifically was trying to eat my popcorn at the noisy parts, and then a quiet part would come on. Was the guy on the other side of me. Was he? He was yeah. Which was almost worse because just throw it in and chew your popcorn.

Like, you're gonna do it anyway, but then he would take, like, 1 little piece, and then he was, like, trying to slow bite it. And you know popcorn gets squeaky sometimes? I hear this That was a good impression, Josh. And I'm and that was worse than just eat your popcorn dinner. Was trying to do that.

I was doing that same thing. We're trying to be respectful and considerate. And then the noise part would come on, and I'd take, how are you eating? If you hate noise, watch this 1 at home. Yeah.

I just this was my fear of watching the first 1 in the movie theater. Was it's literally called A Quiet Place, and I know that it's designed to be, like, you have to be quiet. So most of the movie is going to be quiet except for big action parts, and that was the case. And I was like, I'll tolerate it. The second 1, tolerated.

This 1, I feel like was the worst when it came to the silence. You are you're just a grumpy old man, I think. I'm a grumpy old man. We tried to go fishing yesterday. Uh-huh.

I tried. Yeah? I read fishing reports and found out that where I wanted to go, the water was a little bit high. Okay. And so I said I I think I'm gonna find somewhere else to go.

I've got kind of a list of some different fishing places that I wanted to check out. So yesterday ended up being a lot of driving around trying to find these places where I thought I'd be able to fish and then found a thunderstorm, so we weren't able to fish there. It was super windy and close there. Yeah. I I wasn't be able to pass properly No.

In that wind. No. Like, I found a serious storm. And so I that was not gonna be the spot. So I said, alright.

Let's, let's try this other area, which just so happens to be 40 minutes in the other direction. Because this 1 was out in the middle of the desert nowhere. And, it it was already an hour or so away from town and then I was like, let's go a different direction, 40 minutes this way. Found somewhere I could stop and fish. Fished for a while, had to hike through some jungle to get to where I could fish.

You and Emery decided to come with because you wanted to get out of the house. I don't like you going fishing alone in the river because it makes me nervous. And so I follow as a wingman, and then Emery said, yeah. I wanna come too. And she and I packed some chairs.

We packed some water. We packed some books. She packed, some things for her to do. I packed some things for me to do. We were prepared to sit and monitor.

We were not prepared to go hiking in the jungle. We had to go, through streams. We had water crossings. Than streams. At 1 point, you were knee deep in some water Yep.

Hurtling logs Yep. To get to play this is how you get to places where I fish. Yes. But you were wearing waders Yes. We were wearing prepared We didn't know we were gonna be I know.

I know. Through jungle. Tell you wear sturdy shoes, which you did. I did. Because I was thinking I was going to that first place, which you only have to hike into, and then I could've I could've fished that whole area forever.

The water was too high, so I couldn't the fishing isn't, isn't happening right there yet. Another couple of weeks. I wore sturdy shoes. Yeah. I did not wear water crossing shoes.

Nope. But yet, you both ended up with wet socks and wet shoes. Where you first ended up was a great spot for us. There was flat land. We were nice and shaded.

We set up camp, she and I. We were ready to hang out there all day. And I could have gone and explored that area more, but you wanted to be nearby. Close enough that if you fell Yeah. I can assist somehow.

And that water was moving fast. Yeah. The the the river was fast. Do you have your life jacket? You have a vest.

Correct. I have the, self inflating life jacket, and I did not have that. No. And so then I went, great. Now I have to be right next to you because if you fall, this river's going fast.

Right. So I got off the main river. I went to, there was this great little offshoot, and I fished there for a while, which I was excited. And then some other fishermen showed up and made a whole bunch of noise, and 1 guy fell in the water Yes. And all of his friends laughed at him.

Him. And I don't know that they knew you guys were hiding in the trees We did. Because you guys were tucked away We were. When you saw the whole thing. Yeah.

And I don't think like, if you would've stood up and started clapping when that guy fell, they would have lost lost their mind. I think they would have too. The 3 guys alone laughing was 1 thing, but an audience, they and I was down around the bend. I saw the whole thing, and I and I looked back and they saw me and kinda went like, oh, no. We just ruined that dude's fishing.

Yeah. Which they did. Oh, you you can't drop a whole body in the water and expect fish to stick around. No. So back through the Yeah.

Jungle we went, getting our socks and shoes even more wet. Yeah. And I tried the 3rd spot, to fish. That water was ridiculous too. I don't know.

It wasn't a productive fishing day. So sorry. It was frustrating. And I drove a lot. I got to explore some some places.

I got to look at some places that I thought I wanted to fish. And I'm kinda like, that's not my style of fishing. That was another thing. Like, there's there's a lot of different ways you can go fishing. And a a lot of what I saw was, boy, if I had a boat Aw.

But then I'd have to drive the boat. Right. You have to take somebody's gotta paddle the boat. Right. You can't just throw a drift boat in and then go fishing.

You gotta have someone drive the boat. So but there was a bunch of places where it felt like that. So I gotta I gotta find more places to fish. I gotta I gotta go more. I gotta go more.

Okay. Take somebody with you. Okay. Not you this time? I'll take a break this time.

Okay. Emery asked us a very interesting question over the weekend. She said, what's the most awkward thing that you ever did at your friend's house? Like, the something that their family did that was sort of routine for them that if you participated in felt weird. Yeah.

I don't I know. I was trying to think of something. Yeah. Did she give an example? She said that it was always weird to go into their mom and dad's bedroom.

Oh, like if they, yeah, if if they had like, that was where the TV was or whatever. Yeah. And that's Like, we had the gaming system set up in ours. So if anybody wanted to come over and play PlayStation, that was set up in the bedroom. So that would that would be an example where we would have been a contributing factor to that awkwardness.

Yeah. I couldn't I don't think I ever went into any of my friend's parents' bedrooms. When I would looked into the door maybe. But When I was a kid, this was computers were new. And 1 of my friends, his dad worked at the site.

And so he had 1 of the very first Pentium computers. Oh. It was a big deal. See. And I remember it was set up in their bedroom, and we went and we sat there on, like, the little, like, chest thing at the foot of the bed, and we just watched it boot up.

Like, wow. This is the first time I've seen a computer go this fast. Because we had the computer labs like, I was in elementary school. Like, this was this was a fascinating thing because we had the computer labs with Oregon Trail, and we're starting to learn some word processing and typing and things, but we hadn't seen 1 at home. Like, this is the first time.

You have a computer at your house. And where was it? In their kitchen? No. It was in the bedroom.

Oh, the bedroom. Yeah. So we sat on the little thing You said that? The bed. Yeah.

I forgot. You know, and it made a big when you push the power button, it meant something. So, that was that was the only time I remember being like, yeah. I'm gonna be in a a room of the house that isn't my friend's bedroom or The bathroom. Family room, kitchen.

Dining room area or something. Yeah. For I remember going to their place, 1 time for lunch. We walked from school and went this was in mid in junior high and went to their house. And they they had just, like, leftover pizza for lunch.

And he's like, come to my house. We'll have pizza. Cool. But they had pineapple on it. You have delicious.

Don't like it. And I felt very awkward peeling it off and leaving it on the plate. So I ate what I didn't like. Did you ever I was always the first 1 awake at my friend's house, And so then it was always weird. There's always this weird, like, what do I what do I do?

You just wait. You just wait for everybody to wake up. You can't. I'm not gonna walk upstairs and go hang out with your family. That's weird.

Yeah. So that's when you start, like, kicking your friend. Like, hey. Hey. Oh, good morning.

Wait. Yeah. Hey. How long have you been up? Woke up too.

Like, what are we doing? Is it time to do something? Well, I do remember, because my friends 1 of my friends' moms worked for the school district in the lunch department, so she was in charge of, like, planning all the lunches. So they always had, like, school lunches at her house. I don't know why.

I don't know. I don't know either. So she was always asking us to go home to her house for lunch. She's like, I got lunch at home. It's the same as what's here, but it's at my house.

That makes no sense. But I do remember I don't I can't remember the details, but I remember driving there without her. She had to do something. She's like, I'll just meet you there. And I was like, that's gonna be weird.

And she was like, no. My mom is there, and I refused. I was like, I'm not gonna go inside. You did. Yeah.

I was like, oh, no. Outside? Yeah. Yeah. How strange.

Said that. And I knew her mom. We were fine, but I'm like, I'm not gonna go hang out with your mom without you there. That's weird. It's not weird.

Yeah. It was. No. You can have relationships with other people. It's fine.

You don't No. No. It's weird. I'm not doing that. That would probably be the most awkward thing you would do at a friend's house.

Just hang out with Just hang out with their parents? And be like, hey. I know they're still sleeping, but I'm I'm out here. Here I am. Can I have breakfast?

We were watching TV the other day, and there were 2 men. I think it was a boxing match or something. Yeah. Or MMA or something. Yeah.

Fighting. Mhmm. And you said they've both just recently shaved their heads. Yeah. You could tell because, it looked like their scalps hadn't seen the sun.

You can see I have seen the sun. Yeah. And so mine's tanning out, which is nice because I I use the aloe and stuff, which is good. But, like, it's it's kind of a uniform color. Yeah.

My face is not a different color than the back and top of my head. Okay. Correct? Yes. Because when you are actually bald and that area sees the light of the day, it tends to stay the same tone as the rest of your skin.

Now if you have I'm upset, and I'll tell you why. Okay. Tell my tell us why. If you have a whole head of hair and you shave it off right before a sporting event, You're trying to, like, fake the ball thing. You gotta look.

Bald is beautiful. I'm all into it. But if you're just gonna, like, shave your head so that then you can put a bunch of Vaseline on it so a boxing glove doesn't stick to it when they punch you in the face. I'm you're cheating. You're cheating the system.

You're cheating Fight with your hair. For all bald men out there. I had I had to I have to, like, deal with this every day. That's what you said. You said bald men.

What'd you say? Bald guys earned it. That's right. We earned our bald. That's right.

I didn't just shave my head all, you know, willy nilly. Why did they what's the point of them shaving their head to box? I get it for a swimmer because there's some aerodynamic benefit. But, again, that's my benefit. You don't get to enhance your performance by shaving your head.

No. You are a haired individual. Deal with it. It's too bad that I go faster than you because I'm bald. That's not you don't get to just shave your head to compete with me.

I was born this way. You get you get hair. Deal with it. How about that? Oh, I'm having it.

How about that? I just, you know, if I have to be like this and you have to be like that, that's what I'm saying. Why do they shave it for boxing? I don't know. That's what I asked.

I I don't know. I'm intimidating, but then they both did it. So they both look like freshly shaved heads with, like, dark. It's it's the palest skin Yeah. With dark black hair follicles.

It's gross. You did some plumbing. Well, can you agree with that? Like, I feel like when you say you did some plumbing, that means, like, I got really serious under a sink. No.

I had to replace some pipes, or I ran a new water line to some appliance or something. No. All I did was fix a leaky toilet. Yeah. That's that's good for me.

Well, sure. And then I got to thinking about, like so the basement bathroom Yes. Like, since we've owned the house, I feel like, is just had that, like, slow running noise. Yeah. And, and so I think what I did to the upstairs 1, I need to do to the downstairs 1, and it'll fix that.

Oh, look at us. Look at you. Yeah. Because when I when I put the new, little flapper in the 1 upstairs, I said, I wonder if that's what's going on with the 1 downstairs. And so I went and looked, and I just pushed down to see if it just wasn't seated well Yeah.

And it quit doing it. Well, wow. So it might just be that. Well, let's get a new flapper. Yeah.

Because that's all the plumbing that you did. You just replaced the flapper. Plumbing. No. I just replaced the flapper.

It because I didn't wanna do it. I could have. I just didn't want to. So I'm glad that you did. Here's what happened.

I woke up last week. Mhmm. And the tank lid Yep. Just sitting there. Was just sitting on the on the toilet.

And I went, what is going on? So I put it back up, did my business, and then I went to flush, and I went, that's why. Yeah. 1 of the kids had used the toilet. Yeah.

And it's said it was broken. Telling us that it was broken. We I think we probably were asleep. Sign. That was the something's not right sign.

Don't use this. The lid's off. But they could've they could've tried to fix it themselves. Or left a note. They didn't.

Or a Send a text. Toilet upstairs is broken. Okay. They did none of that. They just left it to find it for ourselves.

Yeah. Like a game of hide and seek. Right. Oh, here's a puzzle. What's broken?

I didn't care to wake up to find that puzzle. Yeah. Well, it was fine. And I could've, you know, just reattached the chain, but we've been dealing with, like, having to jiggle the handle for a little while. Yep.

So that's gone now. That's fixed. I don't know if you've noticed, but that's that solved that Yeah. As well. I have noticed.

All all things are good. Saying. Thank you. I appreciate it. That's not what I'm what what I mean.

I'm just saying I didn't know if you also knew that problem was resolved by fixing that. I Yes. I did. Okay. Cool.

I appreciate it a lot. Well, sometimes you just need a new flat. I know that you feel like you didn't do a lot of plumbing, but, again, those are the things of homeownership that I don't care to do, and I'm glad that you do them. I should have given you a lecture like that landlord we had. He would have given a lecture.

Yeah. He would have. It would have been like, you know, you use the handle too much. You know? Well, that's how it flushes there, buddy.

That works. So I don't know what to tell you. Listen. I'm tired of replacing flappers. It's a thing.

Like, oh, hey. The smoke alarm's beeping too. Well, you know, if you wouldn't, live here, you wouldn't hear it. Like, oh, thanks, buddy. That doesn't help at all, but thanks.

Listen to this. Have you ever been told that, gum chewing gum stays in your stomach for 7 years? Yes. I told you that a little while ago, and you said, no. It doesn't.

Have you ever been told that you shouldn't swim for 30 minutes after eating? Yes. Because you get a cramp and drown. Have you ever been told that you'll ruin your eyes if you sit too close to the TV? A lot.

These are all false. What? You've been lied to. And I was also told that turning on the dome light inside the vehicle would get you pulled over, or you would crash in something terrible, big fire, whatever. Yeah.

I don't have any information on that, but I have information on the other things. So let's start with gum. It does not stay in your stomach for 7 years. It stays there for 48 years. No.

It passes like any other ingestible food. It usually passes through your stomach within 2 hours and can be Digested. Moved to in 2 to 5 days. Alright. But what but what about watermelon seeds?

They will grow a watermelon in your stomach. No. Wrong. That is true. I heard it.

Now you shouldn't be chewing or swallowing gum. Yeah. Like, don't it's not recommended. Quit doing that. It's weird.

Don't cut me out. You eat those little Easter egg gum things and swallow them 1 by 1. Those aren't really gum. Yeah. They are.

It's weird. Chew it till the flavor's gone, which doesn't take long, and then spit it out like a regular human being. Don't tell me my business. Also, swimming for 30 minutes after eating? Yeah.

It's fine. You can do that. But my ham sandwich will give me a cramp, and I'll drown. No. Not true.

It's not true. Why? What's the science? The idea is that it's not even cramping. It's that blood flow will be diverted away from your arms and legs to help digest your food, potentially leading to an increased risk of drowning.

But there's no a comprehensive study said that that's not true. They couldn't find any proof that that was true. I'm gonna have to ask Who? Adam Savage and Jamie Hyneman. Okay.

Alright. Go ask him right now. Alright. How about ruining your eyes if you sit too close to the TV? Yeah.

You'll have some eye strain, but it's not gonna ruin your eyesight. And if your kids are sitting too close to the TV, it might be a red flag that maybe there's an underlying vision issue. Like, they need glasses. Yeah. Yeah.

So What about cracking your knuckles will give you arthritis? I don't have any information on that. About that 1 all the time too. Do you have arthritis? Because you crack your your knuckles.

You brain crack your knuckles. How often a day? 2. I don't know. I don't know.

It's not anything I think about. It's just something that happens. Count. I want you to Count. Yeah.

Oh, I won't. If I say to you, I have not seen oomph in a while, I think they're mad at me. Would you know what I was talking about? I haven't seen oomph in a while? Yep.

00MF. As in, like, the noise you make when you try to lift something heavy? No. As in the noise you make when you drop something heavy? Close.

No. I don't know what that means. It means 1 of my friends. You have a friend called Oomf? 1 of my followers.

No. I don't. 1 of my friends, 00MF1 of my friends. Yes. Or 1 of my followers.

1 of my followers. It's it's an acronym. Yes. It's an online term Uh-huh. Meaning 1 of my friends.

Pick up something ahead. Term of affection. I think there's a p in that 1. Maybe. That's possible.

So people often use this online to talk about other social media users that they interact with. Okay. So it's not necessarily 1 of your good friends. Like, if you call somebody your BFF or your BSF, I haven't heard that 1 before. The s stand for?

The s in best? No. That's That's what the Internet is saying. BSF. I that's you can't go change in BFF.

It's been BFF forever. Yeah. But what if you don't wanna be best friends forever? You just wanna be best friends for now. So it's BFF.

We're best friends. None of us are forever. It's just a that's my b f. That's boyfriend. Oh, it's too confusing.

That's why that's why they're trying to unconfuse it. They've made it worse, whoever they are. Teens, probably. It's always the teens. A lot of young people are using this oomph to talk about people without calling them out by name.

Is that right? So oomph is really making me mad. And then it you're left with like, oh, who is she talking about? I wasn't I wasn't left with that. It's 1 of those silly, you know, things that people do to keep people guessing.

I felt more so left with the why is she actually using that acronym? That's what I was left with. Can can we do a different 1? No. Oomph.

What are you gonna say? Which 1 do you come up with? Something better. I don't know. Not not oomph.

Your would you rather this or that question of the I already know what you're gonna pick to this. You do? I do. Alright. Go for it.

Would you rather eat chocolate flavored broccoli or broccoli favorite flavored chocolate? Oh. You're gonna go with the broccoli flavored chocolate because you would prefer you like broccoli, and you're not a sweet tooth kinda guy. So you're gonna pick broccoli flavored chocolate. I know it.

You know it. Just say it. I know what you're gonna pick. What? Neither.

Because I like chocolate, and I like broccoli, and I want them to taste like 1 another. I don't like broccoli, buddy. No. You don't like broccoli? If it's dipped in ranch or cheese, yes.

You don't like it by itself? Nope. Oh, I love it. I like it cooked. I prefer it cooked.

I like it broccoli all the ways. But I it's I have a hard time eating it raw. You do? Yeah. Because it it tastes like broccoli.

It's so good. I know. I know. I'll have broccoli flavored chocolate. You know why?

Because I like broccoli. I know you do. That's why I say have a big sweet tooth, and I'd rather my chocolate tastes like broccoli than my broccoli tastes like chocolate. I want chocolate flavored broccoli. That's what I'm thinking.

Yeah. I know. Because you have a sweet tooth. Yes. I do.

But you'd be eating a vegetable that just tastes like chocolate. I know. What a benefit. I I know. Well I can't believe you didn't even know that about me.

I've seen you eat broccoli. That's why it's Because I know I have to. You'll eat cauliflower raw. Is delicious. It doesn't taste like broccoli.

No. I know. But it tastes like col it's the same. That's why it's paired together. It's not the same.

See broccoli and cauliflower together. It's not the same. It's not the same. What's the difference? It comes from the same family maybe, but it's no.

It's not the same. It's like if you have no. I'm not gonna make that. Broccoli is higher in vitamin c and vitamin k. Cauliflower is higher in vitamin b 6 and what they call pant pantothenic acid.

I don't know what that 1 does. But both are great additions to your diet. Right. I only eat broccoli because I know I'm supposed to. That's it.

It's never my first choice. You like it because you like it. It's great. It is your better today than yesterday daily challenge And it is. On July 1st.

It's to cook a meal for yourself from scratch. No. Thank you. Go to the grocery store, get all the ingredients, cook, and enjoy. No.

Thank you. Yes. Thank you. Can somebody else cook it for me? Do.

I don't want to. But here's what it said. Show yourself what you're capable of. Oh, I know I'm capable. I know I can do it.

I just don't want to. And do it just because you want to. I don't. That's what it literally says. You know why?

Do it just because you want to. Because it makes a mess. Yeah? And it takes forever. And then I have to clean up the mess.

I don't want to. I don't want to. It's your better today than yesterday daily challenge. Cook a meal from scratch. What if somebody else cooks the meal from scratch?

I didn't say For me. Eat a meal someone cooked for you from scratch, did I? Did I? But doesn't that sound nicer? You were a great sous chef last night for me while I was making tandoori chicken.

It was it turned out nice. It was delicious. Excited for it for leftovers. I know. So it's not like it's a hard thing.

It's just a time consuming project. Time, and then you have to the cleanup. I like it when I do the cooking and you do the cleaning because I don't like the cleanup. I know. I like it when you cook.

Well But here's the problem. When I cook, I also have to do the cleanup. What is that about? You tell me, pal. What?

You tell me. What? How about I'll cook a meal tonight from scratch, and you do the cleanup? Or I have an idea. What is it?

You cook a meal from scratch, and I eat it. And? And then the magic kitchen cleaner shows up. I wish. Where's that person been my whole life?

Me too. Well, that I lived with that person when I was a child. There was always somebody magically cleaning the kitchen. And then I became a mom, and I went, oh, this is the magic cleaning person. Who is it?

The mom. That's it. We need 1 of those. The magic cleaning mom. You have 1 of those.

Where? You're fired. Done. Hey. That's gonna do it for the show.

Have a great rest of your Monday. Remember, you can listen on demand whenever it's convenient for you because wake up class 97 is now a podcast. True. So everything you heard on the show today, you can hear again. If you missed parts, you can listen for the first time, or you can share it with friends and family.

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Thanks. That's gonna do it for us. Have a good have a good Monday. Welcome to July. Yeah.

No kidding. We'll see you tomorrow. Bye. Thanks for listening to wake up classy 97, the podcast. If you enjoy the show, please share, subscribe, and rate the podcast.

Wake up classy 97 is hosted by Josh and Chantel Tielor and is a production of Riverbend Media Group. For more information or to contact the show, visit riverbendmediagroup.com.