The Few Will Hunt Show

Old habits die hard, and the process of change is ugly — So what do we do for change to happen? In this episode, Joey and Drew sit down with Josh Frank, also known as JT, the owner behind Consequence of Habit, a 501(c)(3) charitable organization focused on the impact of habits on mental health, success, and the environment. He shares his journey from battling alcohol addiction to founding a non-profit that helps others make meaningful changes in their lives. Josh talks about the founding of Consequence of Habit, the struggle of breaking bad habits, and the importance of having a supportive community. Tune in if you want to know how small good habits can change your life for the better.

The official podcast of Few Will Hunt, the world’s largest community of hard workers and Made in the USA apparel brand. Family-owned and operated and headquartered in Philadelphia. We’re on a mission to restore the dignity of hard work and help others live The Rules of The Few to strengthen ourselves and strengthen society. No entitlement or excuses are allowed here.

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Creators & Guests

Drew Beech
Drew Beech is an entrepreneur and cofounder of Few Will Hunt. He spent several years in the sales and marketing industry, grossing over several million dollars in sales. But his love for the entrepreneurial journey and desire to escape the rate race started with his personal training business in college. Today, Drew leads the Few Will Hunt community alongside his cousin and cofounder, Joey in their mission to restore the dignity of hard work through the highest-quality American-made apparel.
Joey Bowen
Joey Bowen is co-founder of Few Will Hunt.

What is The Few Will Hunt Show?

The official podcast of Few Will Hunt, the world’s largest community of hard workers and 100% Made in the USA apparel brand. We’re on a mission to restore the dignity of hard work and help others live The Rules of The Few to strengthen ourselves and strengthen society. No entitlement or excuses are allowed here.

Joey Bowen:

Someone that is on a similar mission in life. So it's no surprise that we decided to join forces. This is Josh Frank. You own Consequence of Habit, which is a 5013 c three charitable organization. Mhmm.

Josh Frank:

You know, when we decide we're gonna do something, you make a contract with yourself, like, hey, I'm gonna do this thing. And when we don't fall through, like, that's a vote. If you have

Joey Bowen:

high aspirations or a different vision of who you should be as compared to you are who you are now, you have to audit your circle.

Josh Frank:

You know something needs to change in your life. Don't worry about anything other than today. Yeah. And then you'd be amazed at how much all that other stuff just works itself out. It all works itself out.

Josh Frank:

If you

Joey Bowen:

have people around you that are making good choices, right, pursuing their physical and mental health through good habits. Mhmm. You're going to do the same. You need a great habit to break a bad habit. Yeah.

Joey Bowen:

You do. You know, to build a habit, you need to break a habit. Yeah. Like, that's kinda at least that's what I found in my experience.

Josh Frank:

Yeah. And you need to accept the fact that it's going to be uncomfortable. Welcome to the Fuel Hunt Show.

Joey Bowen:

What's going on, Eagles? I'm Joey, and this is the fuel hunt show. Today, Drew and I are joined by a very special guest, a friend of mine, someone that is on a similar mission in life, and with his, we'll call it profession, if you are a nonprofit, a similar mission, that we are on at Fuel Hunt. And so it's no surprise that we decided to join forces.

Josh Frank:

Yeah. Yeah.

Joey Bowen:

Right? So, this is Josh Frank. You own consequence of habit, which is a 5013 c 3, charitable organization.

Josh Frank:


Joey Bowen:

Right? It is also fuel hunt's preferred and only nonprofit partner. And I also have the honor of being on the board of Consequence Habit. So these similar missions Yeah. Yeah.

Joey Bowen:

Have, brought us together in more ways than 1.

Josh Frank:

For sure. First first of all, I would say, I appreciate you guys having me on. This has been in the in the works. I, Full transparency. I I bailed on on the last one, like, day before Okay.

Josh Frank:

Which is a jackass move. But, all good.

Joey Bowen:

All good. Yeah.

Josh Frank:

Yeah. I'm excited to dig into it and how our 2 worlds kind of, came together and and Yeah. All came around from the the the initial appearance you guys on the on the consequence of having podcast, the shirt, and Yep. Like you said, it's just the beginning, though.

Joey Bowen:

Yeah. Yeah. Just the beginning. So, so, yeah, I was gonna hit on that. Right?

Joey Bowen:

So, we were guests on your show. Yep. You have a show, an amazing show Mhmm. Where you speak to, I mean, people from all walks of life. Right?

Josh Frank:

That's that's it. Like, when we talk about habits, that's

Joey Bowen:


Josh Frank:

It's, it's all inclusive. I I joke around. It's like the most woke thing in the world. Like, every everyone has them, and they dictate your life. They literally dictate your your future and and, everything about, like, it's the one thing you can actually control about about your future.

Joey Bowen:

Mhmm. Yeah. So, on the show I've been on your show twice. Twice. Twice.

Joey Bowen:

Right? So it's only fitting that now you're back Yeah.

Josh Frank:

But In this seat.

Joey Bowen:

Instead yeah. In the other seat. So you're not here to record Mm-mm. For your show. You're here to record for us, so we appreciate it very much very much.

Joey Bowen:

So, why don't you tell us let's dive right in.

Josh Frank:

Okay. Let's do it.

Joey Bowen:

Why don't, why don't you tell us, about the beginnings of Consequence of Habit, how it started, why it started, and, then we'll go from there.

Josh Frank:

Okay. So I always wanna be clear that that, I didn't, like, crack the code on habits, like, all my good habits. That's the only way I started, COH. I actually started because of my bad habits.

Joey Bowen:


Josh Frank:

I came to crossroads in my life over 5 years ago where this one habit I had around alcohol was compromising so many different aspects of my life. So whether it's how I thought of myself as a as a father or as or as a husband, as an employee, like, just as a as a person. Right? So I had to make this decision. Right?

Josh Frank:

And I make a decision that I'm gonna do something about this. Like, it you know, people say, hey, was it was it that bad? Did you or, you know, were because we have ideas what people would drink too much look like. Sure. But the reality is a lot of people, it's just this thing that they do.

Josh Frank:

It's like this off ramp from life that they can just disappear for a short period of time. But in doing that, they they make decisions they're not super proud of. Mhmm. So I'd made a couple of those decisions and then over time, I couldn't I couldn't this facade, had like, I gotta do something about this. And and then the hardest thing about any habit, especially if it's something that you've been denying for any period of time, is is putting a line in the sand.

Josh Frank:

So I made a change, and it happened right around, the beginning. Wow. But I'd been 1 year sober in going into, COVID. Okay. And this idea of our habits, like, the things we do on a daily basis Mhmm.

Josh Frank:

And what they mean to your life. Like, literally, you know, what we put out in the world, and then what we actually do are 2 separate things. So I started just talking about habits, not specifically drinking or or drugs or Mhmm. Just all kinds. Like, so I've had professional athletes, entrepreneurs, people from the recovery world, come on and talk about their habits and and the impact that they have on their life, and that just continued to grow to grow.

Josh Frank:

About a year into that, I said, man, this is this is going great. Let's but I wanna do something more. I don't want somebody to to listen to an episode, go that was a great episode, and that's where it ends. Mhmm. So at that point, the idea of COH as as a 501c3 was was born.

Josh Frank:

I knew nothing about the nonprofit world. I don't know if I would have even had the energy to start it if I actually knew what went into it, something I'm sure you guys completely get.

Joey Bowen:

Blissful blissful ignorance. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Blissful ignorance.

Joey Bowen:


Josh Frank:

So, You did it for,

Joey Bowen:

you know, the right reasons, and you didn't really know what you were getting into. But since you did it for the right reasons, you're gonna persevere.

Josh Frank:

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You're able to stick with it a lot more than if it was somebody else's. So Yeah.

Josh Frank:

We started doing workshops, speaking events, online courses, just, where we you know, I had over a 150 interviews of people talking about habits. Like, how do we take that information, synthesize it, put it into, you know, a digestible form where people can not just, you know, listen to an episode, but can learn a new skill or at least have a better understanding awareness of what they're doing. And then and then a path forward. Like, how do we change? How because that's the hardest thing.

Josh Frank:

Like Yep. You know, none of this shit is complicated. Like, we know what we're supposed to do. Yes. But but how do we get from here to there and and make those changes?

Joey Bowen:

Closing the gap between the knowing and the doing. Exactly. You know, when I when I look at concept concept habit, like, what I see is awareness, and I see action. Yeah. You know what I mean?

Joey Bowen:

So we know what we need to do, but but a lot of times, we're not taking the actions because we're not fully aware of how the habits are affecting us or those around us. You know what I mean? And sometimes we are. We are aware, but we're not aware enough to understand the full impact. Yeah.

Joey Bowen:

You know?

Drew Beech:

Mhmm. Specifically speaking, like, the the relationship with alcohol. Like, you said, we have this vision or image of what a an alcoholic.

Josh Frank:

An alcoholic.

Drew Beech:

Bad relationship with alcohol is. And that's not necessarily always the case to have it be affecting your life. Like, me personally, I it's I I felt, like, even connected to you and just saying that because I haven't drank alcohol in over 5 years, and it wasn't like I was an alcoholic.

Joey Bowen:

I just

Drew Beech:

I like to party. Yeah. And the one night I came from a friend's wedding, and I was throwing up in the sink, and my son was asleep in his bedroom. And I was like, if my son walks out I literally was thinking to myself, like, if my son walked out and saw this version of his dad, like, what would he think of it? Like, would he be proud that I'm his father?

Drew Beech:

And I just stopped drinking that day. Yeah.

Joey Bowen:


Drew Beech:

And it wasn't like a a big come to Jesus. I just like to stop.

Joey Bowen:

I was

Drew Beech:

like, I'm done with this.

Josh Frank:

Yeah. And some people just that, like, hey, is is this worth it?

Joey Bowen:


Josh Frank:

And and and that was it. I mean, my kids played a huge part of this, and they they weren't young. Right? So that took a lot to say, hey, I got this thing and I can't stop doing, and I wanna make a change. And it, you know, and I've got a a daughter in college at the time.

Josh Frank:

Uh-huh. So, that was really that was that was a tough one because then you can't go back. Yeah. Like like a 3 year old doesn't know any different.

Joey Bowen:


Josh Frank:

But if you say, hey, I'm doing something about that. And for me, that was a 12 step. But

Joey Bowen:


Josh Frank:

For whatever, the reasoning, to put that out into the world is, yeah. It's it's scary for sure.

Joey Bowen:

Scary. Well, you're admitting you you probably spend so much time admitting that it's not affecting you. Yeah.

Josh Frank:

But when you

Joey Bowen:

take that step, you you have to admit that it is. Yeah. You know

Josh Frank:

what I mean?

Joey Bowen:

And that's the

Josh Frank:

And and then how do you ever go back Yeah. Without, like, just this cloud over you over you. Because everyone you you put it out to the world. So Yeah. Yeah.

Josh Frank:

And and that and that holds true for whatever, whatever this thing you know, like I said, for me, it was alcohol, but I'm always first you know, people are like, yeah. Well, that's not me. I go, it may not be, but

Joey Bowen:

There's something else.

Josh Frank:

There's something else. Mhmm. We all have picked our poisons. Right? Yeah.

Josh Frank:

And society's pushing down our throats every single day.

Drew Beech:

It's, like our friend, Joe DeSena, it's speaking to that point. Like, he says, like, when you sign for a Spartan race or do or anything of the of that nature, like, post about it on social media and let people know you're doing it. Yeah. It's, like, then that's gonna hold you accountable. That'll make you feel

Joey Bowen:

for sure.

Josh Frank:

Well, this community and I and we're gonna get into more, but I think that's, you know, when we decide we're gonna do something, you make a contract with yourself, like, hey, I'm gonna do this thing. And when we don't fall through, like, that's a vote. Right? Like, James Clear is like Yeah. Every action is a vote for the type of person you wanna be or you're and if you're not following through with it, but when you, you know when I drank a lot, guess what?

Josh Frank:

I hung out with people that drank a lot. Yeah. You know, and if you're trying to make a change and and you wanna be held accountable, then hang out with people where those things just aren't, you know, they're not cultured.

Joey Bowen:

I think that's one of the things to keep people chained to habits that don't serve them. Mhmm. The the the, I'm gonna say, requirement to change your circle. Yeah. You know?

Joey Bowen:

And it doesn't have to just be alcohol. It can be other things as well. You know? If you have a higher if you have high aspirations or a different vision of who you should be as compared to you are who you are now, you have to audit your circle, edit your relationships, and that change, it's it's social conflict, and nobody wants to go through that. So it's one of the hardest change.

Joey Bowen:

It keeps people chained to their bad habits.

Josh Frank:

100%. I mean, I, like, I compare it to, like, a needle that's just been in the same groove on a record. That's people go, well, what am I gonna do? Who am I gonna hang out with? Yeah.

Josh Frank:

Yeah. And and you can't, like, my advice is well, you don't you know something needs to change in your life. Don't worry about anything other than today. Yeah. And then you'd be amazed on how much all that other stuff just works itself out.

Josh Frank:

Yeah. It all works itself out.

Joey Bowen:

Yeah. One day one day at a time. Yeah. So when you so when you decided you wanted to make a change, at that exact time, did you also say, okay, and I'm going to start the podcast? No.

Joey Bowen:

Okay. No.

Josh Frank:

No. No. This is was there there's some irony. So I was I was recording a podcast for a company called Kill Cliff.

Joey Bowen:


Josh Frank:

Energy drink company, and they were fantastic. So they brought on myself and and one of my good friends, John Clegg, and said we were both doing stand up comedy, you know, at the same time. And and John is is a seal, and Kilkloof was started by a seal. Right? So they said, hey.

Josh Frank:

Would you guys host this podcast? And I I knew I knew nothing about podcasting and and, I said, sure. So we started hosting this podcast, but they were at the time, they were flying us, like, we were down they they flew us to the drinking bros podcast, and I was and I I'd just gotten sober. Yeah. So,

Joey Bowen:

The timing.

Josh Frank:

The timing was terrible.

Joey Bowen:


Josh Frank:

And I'm doing stand up, which I never thought I could do without a couple bops in me to loosen up. Any, you know, so

Joey Bowen:

When you did the drinking bro show, did everybody know that you had made that change in your life?

Josh Frank:

Uh-uh. Nobody. I mean, minus my buddy John. Nobody knew. Man, so

Joey Bowen:

So how do you handle that when you get down there?

Josh Frank:

You know, you do, like, it was that, and then they brought they they just they were just launching their CBD. Yep. So they had flown us down for a launch party down in Atlanta. And it's just Man,

Joey Bowen:

talk about being talk talk about being put through the fire immediately.

Josh Frank:

Yeah. But I was, like I was pretty fired up. Like, anyone, you know what I mean? But but don't get me wrong. I mean, to this day, I could see I could go in and and, you know, one of our biggest sponsors, f lite brewing company, I'll go into, a liquor store to buy a 6 pack and and full transparency.

Josh Frank:

Not everyone can do that, but for me that works and I but I pass those I pass some of those ones that you used to be my my my regulars and I go, I don't like, I remember you. And and I remember that feeling of that first one or 2. And and, so I still miss it. But so no. The the actual, the podcast didn't start for about a year after I got sober.

Josh Frank:

And then and then the nonprofit a year after that.

Drew Beech:

So you're representing of Kill Cliff in the For

Josh Frank:

a short period of time. Yeah. That that happened right before, COVID. And, yeah, that kind of, went up in smoke quick.

Drew Beech:

Are they still?

Joey Bowen:

Or Oh, yeah. Yeah.

Drew Beech:

We're big. We're team fit 8 over here. We have,

Josh Frank:

Oh, alright. We'll scratch that. Yeah. We're like yeah. Yeah.

Josh Frank:


Joey Bowen:

It's perfect. Okay. So then, it was it was an evolution. Right? So it was evolution.

Joey Bowen:

It was it's it started with you.

Josh Frank:

It started with me.

Joey Bowen:

Then then evolved into a platform to help others with their habit building or changes Yeah. And then into a nonprofit.

Josh Frank:

Yeah. Because it's like the more I looked into the more I explored habits, the more I I realized like it's so much more than just this thing. Right? I mean, like Jocko says, you know, discipline equals freedom. And it's the truth.

Josh Frank:

Right? But but when you start exploring your habits and you're aware of them, and I'm still like to me there's the beauty and the struggle of that, like trying to make change and then

Joey Bowen:

I'll follow that.

Josh Frank:

Up and then going back like that. There's something amazing about that.

Joey Bowen:

But I mean, any any transformation, anything that's made, whether it's a natural transformation, caterpillar to butterfly, raw material to foreign material to structure, whatever it is. There's gnashing, breaking Yeah. Bending. You know what I mean? Yeah.

Joey Bowen:

Yeah. It's ugly. It's it's ugly. And and It's

Josh Frank:

ugly. But

Joey Bowen:

This idea that change is, like, I'm gonna make a change today. It's like this smooth transition. You know?

Josh Frank:

No. And I think that's one of the, not pitfalls, but but one of the things about social media, people see somebody has already done a million steps. Right? And they're like, that person isn't even the same species as me. So I can't ever get to that.

Josh Frank:

Yeah. Without realizing, like, now it's just these, day by day. Every day. Yeah. They say, like, little hinges swing big doors.

Josh Frank:

Like, you gotta make these little changes, but but it's more than getting fit. Mhmm. Or, you know, you wake up in the morning, you journal you do whatever you're doing. When we aren't holding ourselves accountable, we're not our own referee. You're keeping score whether you want to or not.

Josh Frank:

Right? Like, so on the surface, I had all of my stuff together. Like, I had, you know, have a great job. I have an amazing family. My wife's been so insanely supportive of all this, but at 2 in the morning, I know how I feel about myself.

Josh Frank:

Yeah. Right? And I know and and and to Drew's point, I'm teaching my kids how to adult in a way that I feel like crap about. Right? Like, I I could be great over here Yeah.

Josh Frank:

But but at the same time, I'm showing them, that this is what it means to be an adult.

Joey Bowen:


Josh Frank:

And that that to me included, you know, getting home, having a cup of glass of wine, maybe a beer. And then to your point, you once you stop these things, and again, this isn't about drinking. Whatever that thing is.

Joey Bowen:


Josh Frank:

You put some distance between yourself and it. You start to really understand, like, the impact that it's had on your life one way or the other.

Joey Bowen:

Well, I you have awareness Yeah. But it's it's a heightened awareness. It's clarity. Yeah. So now you're seeing all the ripple effects.

Joey Bowen:

Like, you know they're there before Yeah.

Josh Frank:

But you're not

Joey Bowen:

kinda clouded, so

Josh Frank:

you don't

Joey Bowen:

really give you know know what I mean? I don't really care.

Josh Frank:

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Joey Bowen:

Well, I can't say that. You're clouded.

Josh Frank:

Yeah. Yeah. Right. Right.

Joey Bowen:

Once that distance enters, then you have clarity, and you're like you know? Especially, like, for me, like, my relation with alcohol is way different since we met. Indirectly has had, well, directly and indirectly has had, you and Consequence Fab, but have had an impact on, me changing my relationship with Stop, dude.

Josh Frank:

Wait. Stop. You're giving me chills, dude.

Joey Bowen:

You have. So I think, you know, pull up my little I don't have 5 years in the game. You got 5 years in

Josh Frank:

the game.

Drew Beech:

I wasn't like, I'm gonna serve. I just stopped. I was like, I'm just done.

Joey Bowen:

I'm just I'm 6

Drew Beech:


Joey Bowen:

6 months in. Right? Yeah. Yeah. But for me, since I met you, right, and and I I I got that clarity through your story and your platform, I I started to realize Yeah.

Joey Bowen:

Like, you know? And my relationship with alcohol from 2020, since around that time we met, started to change Yeah.

Drew Beech:

To the

Joey Bowen:

point where, like, I I only drank a couple times a year. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Year, I was like, you know what?

Joey Bowen:

I'm done drinking. Like, I'm not gonna you know? Or, this year, I was like, you know what? I'm done. I'm not gonna drink this entire year.

Joey Bowen:

I put it out on social media like we're talking about. Everybody was like, oh, you're sober now. This is great. I was like, wait. I just was trying to commit to a year, but now I'm sober.

Joey Bowen:

So now I'm full full in.

Drew Beech:

That's funny.

Joey Bowen:

Where I was going with it was I'm sorry. Where I was going with it was, like, you start to when you have that distance, you really start to, like, even with my kids, like, I see, like, wow. Like, the old me that would have came home after a really hard day and had like, I would have, like, 2 beers.

Josh Frank:

Right. Right. Right.

Joey Bowen:

You know what I mean? But those 2 beers would change the way that I emotionally showed up for my kids, especially in challenging situations. Now with the distance between that, I'm like, I'm never going back and never drinking. Now I'm like, wow. Kinda like you said.

Joey Bowen:

You I remember you. Yeah. Like Yeah.

Josh Frank:

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Joey Bowen:

I have flashbacks. I'm like, man, the old me and I'm still not perfect. Like, you know, I have to and stuff sometimes. The little ones. You know what I mean?

Joey Bowen:

But the old me would have was much less emotionally regulated and and would handle day to day things much differently. So that clarity is, like, so powerful. You know what I mean? So so so powerful. So powerful.

Drew Beech:

It is funny that to that point that alcohol is the only poison that

Josh Frank:


Drew Beech:

If you just reject it or just I saw that people think, like, oh, you're so are you weird? Like, is everything okay? Like Yeah. Yeah. It's really poison to our body and our our our minds, our lives.

Drew Beech:

But Yeah.

Josh Frank:

So so I come from the first responder world. I'm a veteran. And in those circles, to not do it. I remember saying, like, this dude doesn't drink. I don't trust him.

Josh Frank:

Yeah. I don't trust him. Like, what do you mean you

Joey Bowen:

don't trust him? Like, that what

Josh Frank:

the fuck? That that makes no sense.

Joey Bowen:

In even in corporate culture.

Josh Frank:

Of course. Yeah.

Joey Bowen:

Me coming up in corporate culture, and I came up fast in the corporate world, like, it was the same type of thing. Like, if we can't slug it out all day at the office, right, and then go out and have a couple drinks afterwards, like, dude, I I can't I can't trust this guy.

Drew Beech:

You're probably weird.

Joey Bowen:

You know what I mean? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Joey Bowen:

What's this guy up to? Mhmm.

Josh Frank:

Like You think he's better than me?

Joey Bowen:

Right. I had even if I had a healthy habit after I slugged it out all day at work, I'd go to the gym. Yeah. That was weird. It's like, what kind of guy would wanna come out and have a couple of drinks after we just battled all day?

Joey Bowen:

Yeah. So it's it's it's the same type of thing.

Josh Frank:

Yeah. Yeah.

Drew Beech:

When I was in that corporate culture, I remember skipping happy hour or passing on happy hour, and I would get passed.

Josh Frank:

That's like

Drew Beech:

really chill. My bosses would be so mad at me. Yeah.

Josh Frank:

What do

Drew Beech:

you mean it's gonna happen? Like, I'm gonna I'm gonna go with my family. Yeah. That has worked all day here.

Joey Bowen:

The tournament itself, happy hour. Even the tournament itself. Yeah. Yeah. Right.

Joey Bowen:

Yeah. Yeah.

Josh Frank:

But I you know, the funny thing is I've had those conversations in the moment. Like, what are you doing? Like, you're still oh, you're still on this?

Joey Bowen:

Yeah. At the

Josh Frank:

time, I'm like, bro, I'm 2 years in. Yeah. I'm I'm still on it. Right? Yeah.

Joey Bowen:


Josh Frank:

But when I did start, because I was scared to put it out there to the world, I was, like, I'm gonna take a month off or I'm gonna take 2 months off. I'm gonna do this for 90 days and be like, why? Wow. I'm just trying get fit. I wanna feel better.

Josh Frank:

But the reality is it was fucking my life up. Right? Like, it was so

Joey Bowen:

We we talked about that too, you know, privately, maybe the last time we were at HQ. I think that that's, like and I'm no expert, dude,

Josh Frank:

because I'm

Joey Bowen:

I'm, like, cold turkey guy. Like, I'm not going through a little program or anything like that. I'm just, like, cold turkey guy, so maybe I'm speaking out of school. But I feel like everybody that makes that decision goes through those waves.

Josh Frank:

You you have to.

Joey Bowen:

Right? The peep like, the people I know that are sober now, alcohol, drugs, whatever Yeah. They went through the same waves where it's like, I don't need this. I'll give it up for a month. Yeah.

Joey Bowen:

Then they prove to themselves they gave it up for a month, then they go back to it. Because they're like, oh, well, now I've mastered it. Like, I have control over

Josh Frank:


Joey Bowen:

Right. Right. The reality of it is, like, the thing that you're trying to control isn't the substance. It's there's something else that you need to exhibit control over in your life.

Josh Frank:

So and that's where I was getting to, and that's the hamster. Right? Like, so this when we talk about, the exit ramp. Right?

Joey Bowen:


Josh Frank:

dopamine that we're constantly going after.

Joey Bowen:

I love that analogy, by

Josh Frank:

the way. Yeah. That's right.

Joey Bowen:

That off ramp analogy. Yeah.

Josh Frank:

So it served to us in so many different ways. Like, I mean, I like, I would say in never in the history of time have we we've been so inundated with dopamine inducing substances, behaviors, technologies. Mhmm. And over that period of time, like, we we've learned to not feel. Right?

Josh Frank:

For to not feels become so easy. It's it's it's in my pocket. And in full transparency, I have a, like, technology addiction for me is is real. I'm not, like, I used to be really embarrassed to say it because, like, I'm, like, that's for teenagers. Like, no.

Josh Frank:

Nah. No. No. So that is a legit thing. And then it's like it's like living in Florida your entire life.

Josh Frank:

So you're used to warm weather, and then you go somewhere where it's just a little bit cold.

Joey Bowen:


Josh Frank:

Hey, you're like, this is freezing. I'm uncomfortable. That's that's how I honestly think, you know, we're the richest country in the world and we have the highest rates of anxiety, depression, addiction, preventable diseases, and suicide. Like, that's not an accident. Right?

Josh Frank:


Drew Beech:

No. So to that point, the

Joey Bowen:

fight is on.

Drew Beech:

The fact that, like you said, like, I could text anyone right now in my phone. I guarantee a response in Mhmm. 30 seconds from those.

Joey Bowen:

Yeah. Yeah.

Drew Beech:

And, we're I know me and Joey and I are both very conscious of that, and we're still bad with it. Like, I we we have each other back immediately when, realistically, we should maybe be the

Joey Bowen:

Here's the here's the double edged sword. Right? Like, it's that addiction that allows us to have the impact that we've had, all 3 of us Mhmm. You know, on the world. And and our wider team here and your wider team, a consequence of Abbott, it's that I shouldn't say addiction.

Joey Bowen:

I should say that ability. Mhmm. Right? So it's like anything. It needs to be harnessed.

Joey Bowen:

Like, a healthy habit needs to be built around it or it needs to be, you know, needs to be harnessed. Yeah. To

Drew Beech:

your point, then we got caught up on the alcohol for I mean, demonize that. Like, we just really just beat beat that beat the piss out of the hell.

Josh Frank:

Yeah. Alcohol you've I think it's it's

Joey Bowen:

very it's I will say it's very relatable to our community. Super, super relatable. I talked to so many dads. Mhmm. Like, even after I made that, like

Josh Frank:


Joey Bowen:

Well, I didn't come out and be like, hey. Look at me. Here's all the dumb shit I did over the years because I drank too much. Here's how much I love the party. I didn't even go into any of that.

Joey Bowen:

I was just kinda like, hey. This only bar I'm gonna hit. It's called a barbell. It's very cliche, but that's it. You know what I mean?

Joey Bowen:

Yeah. How many dads from the community reached out, and they were like, look. Like, I've been, for lack of a better term, like, circling, like, circling this decision. And I'm, like, look, dude. That's how you know you need to make the decision.

Josh Frank:

That that's it. When when people hit me, they're like, hey, do you think I need to to make a change? And, and I go, first of all, that's not my place to say. Yeah. But the fact that you're asking me that question should probably give you the answer that you need.

Josh Frank:

Exactly. Right? So it's it's clearly had an impact on you. You've been thinking about it. And when we can we we can make those changes and hold ourselves accountable, whether it be through refereeing ourselves or through a community, this is the part that that I missed when I first looked into this or started researching habits.

Josh Frank:

That brings a self esteem that you will never get from your social media or your drinks or whatever that reduces the need to wanna take that off ramp. Yeah. Yeah.

Joey Bowen:

Yeah. Yeah. So That's the that's the crazy thing. Right. It's like what you're the off ramp you're using.

Joey Bowen:

Right? Like, you the the turn that you're making, staying on this road is the thing that you need that will prevent you from wanting to go on the off ramp.

Josh Frank:

It's it's so counterintuitive. Yeah. Right? Like Yeah. To to feel Yeah.

Josh Frank:

To feel, I mean,

Joey Bowen:

you need a you need a great habit to break a bad habit. Yeah. You do. You know? To build a habit, you need break a habit.

Joey Bowen:

Like, that's kinda at least that's what I found in my experience.

Josh Frank:

Yeah. And you need to accept the fact that it's going to be uncomfortable. Yeah. Because things actually bring true happiness, not pleasure, like happiness. Fulfillment, purpose, happiness.

Josh Frank:

All of those things, they're going to be uncomfortable. And that's okay. But it's you gotta know that going into it. Yeah. And then you just you you gotta have to have the courage to keep doing it.

Joey Bowen:

I I'm I'll go out on a limb and say, like, you know, that that was probably one of the fuel hunt messages that maybe clued you into who we were, what we were doing, all that other stuff. You know, the the preferring of pain, basically.

Josh Frank:

That was it. So so stoicism had been a big part of my my sobriety. Mhmm. I saw I saw your shirts. I saw the skull.

Josh Frank:

I got I got it right away. I reached out and Yeah. Like, I was geeking out over our first conversation. Like, I got off and I think I went upstairs and said to my wife, I'm like, I think I was I was a bit too much, you know. Like, you you get excited.

Josh Frank:

You see somebody else and you're, like, let's do a shirt. Let's, like, whatever. Let's

Joey Bowen:

We made it we made it happen.

Josh Frank:

Yeah. These guys certainly did, man. And, Yeah. It was that was there's clear signs that you're onto something and the relationship that we've built with with fuel hunt was to me one of those clear signs. I'm like, alright.

Josh Frank:

They're heading in a direction that I really respect. The fact that we're heading the same direction and we see this kind of I hate the word synergy, but, some commonality in what we're doing. I was like, you know, I'm like,

Joey Bowen:

that's it. I, you know, we've had, we've had a lot of people put distance between what we're doing and them, which sounds so crazy to me, to even say it out loud. I think it's just because we're speaking the truth, and sometimes the truth is hard to handle.

Josh Frank:


Joey Bowen:

But you never did that, and we are very grateful Was that for you recognizing, you know, truly who we are and what we're doing.

Josh Frank:

So and, like, I've had somebody question, like, the like, hey. But because they didn't understand the meaning of a shirt.

Joey Bowen:

Right? Yeah.

Josh Frank:

And then you gotta break it down, and you go, like, well, you gotta look into it deeper. Like, it's not it's a little more cerebral than than what you're getting. And then Sure. Then they understand it.

Drew Beech:

Also goes back to the what you were saying with, like, the dopamine is everyone's taking everything at face value anymore because most people in today's society have the habit of scrolling through reels and TikToks, and they're mindlessly just this. And they only take the time to ponder or even

Joey Bowen:

It's called that.

Drew Beech:

Accept something for the first 15 seconds. So that like, you advising someone to think deeper about something Yeah. Is is uncommon advice nowadays.

Joey Bowen:

Mhmm. Because lost art of thinking. Lost art of thinking. That's why that's why I say it.

Josh Frank:

Yeah. Well, I get, like because we've always do the same thing. They're like, this thing's called consequence of habit. Like, it seems why would you do that? We all know we have to, like, have good good habits.

Josh Frank:

And then I go back to, like, the statistics. Right?

Joey Bowen:

Then why don't we?

Josh Frank:

Then why don't we? Right? If it's that simple, it's it's just like

Joey Bowen:


Josh Frank:

You the first reading we thing we did on the rise, right, was was knowledge of the bullfrog, and he ends almost every chapter with, it's simple. It's not easy Yep. But it's simple. And like that's really Mhmm. We wanna we wanna add that clarity but but so when I when we we just, you know, when I describe COH, I describe the mission of of bringing awareness to the impact our habits have on our mental health and our success, then people even if they don't understand the alcohol thing, I'm like, alright.

Josh Frank:

Pull your phone out. Yep. Put your phone out. Look at show me how much time you spent on your phone last month.

Joey Bowen:


Josh Frank:

And I compare that to, like that was my bringing the recyclables out on Sunday and hearing all the bottles clanging. And like I said, that's still something I'm struggling with. And I do think that technology, especially once we get AI, that we need a revolution Yeah. On on our bottomless need Mhmm. For dopamine and and the fact that our attention has become a commodity.

Josh Frank:

So whether in whatever format is Yep. And, yeah, we just we need people that know how to think, know how to feel, and can put put some distance between that stimulus and an action. And because because Yep. They're trying to take they're trying to make that distance smaller and smaller. So you sit there

Joey Bowen:

and That's the the goal.

Josh Frank:

It's the

Joey Bowen:

essence. And the real the

Drew Beech:

real dangers in the youth and and the kids come up nowadays because, I mean, like, I'm not the perfect parent. I try to be a good parent, but I let my kid have video games from to, like, I mean, an hour, maybe a day if that, maybe a little less, little more some days. The time in which he's off is, like, he's only thinking about getting back like, getting back home the and, like, part like, the more you ask them, like Yep. I so I took advice from a friend one time. He was just a babysitter, and she was, like, I just let my kids go be bored.

Drew Beech:

And I was, like It's a skill. That's a I was like, that's great. I was like, yeah. I was like, yeah. I was like, yeah.

Drew Beech:

I'm like, that's amazing. And so I'd like so when he comes to me, he's like like asking questions. Like, what can I do? I'm, like, go be bored, dude. Like, go figure it out.

Drew Beech:

Like Go build a fort. Exactly. And that's so lost and just being I'm I'm a young parent with, like, every other parent we associate with is older than us, but that's so lost. Mhmm. Because, like, they don't have even the energy to be actively involved.

Drew Beech:

Like, they just they let them go do iPads, video games, whatever.

Joey Bowen:

Yeah. Yeah. That's it's like, who's going to lead? What generation is going to lead us? Not just as a country, but as a people.

Josh Frank:

Yeah. Like who have lost a sense of agency.

Joey Bowen:

What what what generation is gonna lead us? You know, it's it's scary to think. You know?

Josh Frank:

We're like we're I was literally watching a video of, I think this is one SpaceX's rockets returning from space and, like, landing, you know, vertical again, and, like, slowly on, like, a pad in the ocean. Yeah. And I'm, like, we are so complex and amazing creatures, yet we're such monkeys at the same time that we can't stop doing these things that are are ruining us.

Joey Bowen:


Josh Frank:

Yes. If something's gonna have to change, otherwise, we're all gonna be wired up to virtual reality and virtual reality suits, 24 hours a day just you know, we talk we we you know, they keep talking about, like, the dangers of AI, taking overlay. It's happening.

Joey Bowen:

It's it's here. It's already it's it's here. Right. I mean, that's why it's so important that there's people like you out there blazing the trail and have been for a few years now, talking about habits and how we spend our time, who we spend our time with, the impact that that has on us and them. Yeah.

Joey Bowen:

Like, all all of those things because, you know, talking about the the off ramp and the highway or whatever, like, we need a full head of steam on that highway. Like, we we need to be blazing this trail because the technology is going to continue to outpace us. I love the analogy. You know, you're saying, like, there are you don't wanna keep it so, say, alcohol focused. Right?

Joey Bowen:

You're kinda like, hey. You know, if alcohol doesn't resonate with you on this habit building journey

Josh Frank:


Joey Bowen:

Take your phone out. That resonates with absolutely everybody. Everybody.

Josh Frank:

Yeah. Everybody. And if it's not that, then it's, you know, people are addicted to work. Yeah. Or pornography.

Josh Frank:

Or, you know, there's a there's all of these different things. And, you know, the the more we can be upfront and talk about it, without, like, this sense of of, like, you know, a lot of people feel shame over these things but but, you know, there's some of the smartest people in the world. These engineers, like, they're really good at what they do and and they understand our brains. They understand the loopholes. And and,

Joey Bowen:

Which is all common knowledge, by the way.

Josh Frank:

Yeah. I

Joey Bowen:

mean, it's you're right. Why it's important for us to understand it as well.

Josh Frank:

Understand it. Yeah.

Joey Bowen:

Because if you understand it, it can't be used against you.

Josh Frank:

Yep. It look. In in that world of alcohol, you know, there's a saying that you never woke up and said, hey, I wish I drank more last night. Right?

Joey Bowen:


Josh Frank:

We don't wanna be on our deathbed. No one's gonna say, hey, man. I wish I look at more TikTok. Mhmm. I wish I scrolled through more.

Josh Frank:

Yeah. I wish I drank more. I wish I like, it's gonna be the things that matter. Like, I wish I spent more time with the people

Drew Beech:

I love. And specifically, the little things that matter.

Joey Bowen:

The The little things. Yep. Those are

Josh Frank:

the things

Joey Bowen:

that we're, and we have

Josh Frank:

we have a a a limited amount of time. Alright? So,

Joey Bowen:

Yeah. We don't we don't know when the clock's gonna expire.

Josh Frank:

You know

Joey Bowen:

what I mean? That's the thing. So we have our time is more limited than we believe it to be.

Josh Frank:

A 100%. Percent.

Joey Bowen:

You know? And, there are just as many examples of that floating around that you can choose to take in and understand. Mhmm. But, yeah, people are people are scrolling. You know what I mean?

Joey Bowen:

Yeah. They're scrolling right by it. Yeah. It's easy to do a minute.

Josh Frank:

Easier compartmentalize it and just go, how? Just one more video or one more drink or one more, and then

Joey Bowen:


Josh Frank:

You know, 5 years down the road.

Joey Bowen:

Yep. Yeah. Yeah. Exactly. So much of I think I think it's a people don't believe in themselves.

Joey Bowen:

I think that that's Right. What it comes down to. Like, they don't believe in their own potential, and that's why they have these habits that ultimately sabotage who they could be and the life that they really wanna have. They don't believe in themselves. And that's where, you know, from our standpoint, you know, we started to feel alone for a few reasons.

Joey Bowen:

Feeling alone was a big, big part of it. And when you feel alone, you feel like your belief system is hollow. Mhmm. You know? You don't have self belief Yeah.

Joey Bowen:

Because you don't have people surrounding you, supporting you. So I to me, that's why community is so important. It's almost the antidote to not just being alone, but allowing the world and technology to completely decimate your potential. Yep. Because if you have people around you that are making good choices, right, pursuing their physical and mental health through good habits Mhmm.

Joey Bowen:

You're going to do the same.

Josh Frank:

And you're gonna build a connection. Like Yeah. So you spent a hard day on the mat. Right? You're building a connection with those people.

Josh Frank:

You don't even have to necessarily like them as as much, but when you do hard things together, like we say, it's it's building connection to a shared purpose and challenge. Mhmm.

Joey Bowen:


Josh Frank:

do things together. You feel a sense of pride about yourself and what you did, and you build connections with people, like minded people. Maybe they share their values.

Drew Beech:


Josh Frank:

And that, you know, that has a compound interest. Like, you guys have seen it. Right? These things these things will change your life. It just isn't as instantaneous as the things that make you feel good short term.

Josh Frank:

Because those things

Joey Bowen:


Josh Frank:

I used to say, well, most likely those things are, you know, the shelf life and and they're not gonna be good for you. I haven't found any other examples of it not. Right? Like, everything that makes you feel good instantaneous with this artificial not the doping is not artificial, but, you know, you put out to a world of posts, and you wait for this feedback. You're you're putting the power of how you feel about yourself out into the world.

Josh Frank:

Right? Where if you start making positive changes, you don't need like, that is coming from yourself. Right? Yes. And you're right.

Josh Frank:

The the the thought of change a lot of people don't think that they're capable of. I never thought, like, even with the alcohol, like, that was that was just what I did. Yeah. That was just what I did. I didn't know there was an I knew there's an alternative, but that that didn't feel like that I was even capable of.

Joey Bowen:

Believe it was you didn't believe it was an option for me.

Josh Frank:

It was an option. Yeah. It was my identity. Like, hey. I'm I'm this IPA guy.

Josh Frank:

I like really you know, it was my identity in a lot of ways. Yeah. You know, I tell this story. My son was he was little at the time, and they they they're talking about your parents' favorite food. Yeah.

Josh Frank:

And, again, we're gonna kick alcohol's ass here, but but my son said It

Joey Bowen:

resonates, like I said, with the community.

Josh Frank:

My son said, my my dad's favorite drink is beer. And, like, everyone laughs. Right?

Joey Bowen:


Josh Frank:

Even though I laughed, dude, that one hit. That gets me that'll choke me up even now.

Joey Bowen:

You know,

Josh Frank:

I mean, that one hit hard. So I'm, like, I, like, I wanted to be to show that you can do something different, and it's okay to say, I can't stop doing this thing. Yeah. But I'm gonna do what it takes to make a change.

Joey Bowen:

Yeah. I mean,

Josh Frank:

look at look at look at Brady. Look at Pat Brady. I mean, that guy I sat there. I I saw him train last weekend.

Joey Bowen:

But just with him Sunday.

Josh Frank:

Okay. So That's it. Yeah. I guess it wasn't weird. It was last, like, Thursday.

Josh Frank:

And it was the 4th July. It's literally 4th it was in the morning of 4th July. And, I took a video of him training. He's rolling with the dude, and his son is sitting there watching him train. Right?

Josh Frank:

And you look at that guy's life.

Joey Bowen:


Josh Frank:

Yeah. And you're talking about replacing habits. Like, he'd said something, like, a

Joey Bowen:

He's a different human. Different human. He's completely Not even the same person. No. Yeah.

Joey Bowen:

And that But he isn't.

Josh Frank:

Right. And that his son can be watching that other version of him Yeah. And and saying, hey, that's what it means to be an adult. Like, this is how you live your life. Yeah.

Josh Frank:

But instead, he sees what he sees. It's beautiful. I think that's it's absolutely beautiful.

Joey Bowen:

I I actually thought of it yesterday because I walk in to to open mat, and open mat's in one room, sparring's in the other. So Pat's sparring, comes to sparring on Sundays. So I walk in, and the first thing I see is him on the mat on all fours just, like, looking, like, Like, literally, completely emptying emptying the tank. Yeah. Looking like he could not stand up and, like, throw another punch.

Joey Bowen:

Yeah. Yeah. You know what I mean? Yeah. And he posted on, he posted something in his stories, like, later on in the day.

Joey Bowen:

Like, oh, call the ambulance or something because but talk about a guy that was arguably all in on one world. All in. All in. Fully in. You know, you say touching both sides of the habit spectrum.

Josh Frank:

Right? Yeah.

Joey Bowen:

And completely turned his life around. Yeah. You know? Yeah.

Josh Frank:

Yeah. And and Completely turned his life around. That's why I like to see

Joey Bowen:

Through the power of habit.

Josh Frank:

Through the power of habit.

Joey Bowen:


Josh Frank:

And to see him like, the fact that there's a Fuel Hunt and a COH on this shirt brings me chills. To see him fighting with a COH logo under the Fuel Hunt logo on his shorts. Yeah. Like Yeah. I'm I I like I'm literally just taking pictures of the TV and just texting my where my ego you know, I'm like, look at this.

Josh Frank:

This guy so I,

Joey Bowen:

he's he's, you know, he's he's been very vocal about why he's doing what he's doing. Sure. Like, he's not a young man.

Josh Frank:


Joey Bowen:

You know, he's he's now in bare knuckle fights, which are brutal. Right?

Josh Frank:

That's insane. But he's

Joey Bowen:

been very vocal about what he's doing and what he wants to show his son Yeah. That, you know, kinda anything's possible. But, like, no matter where his fighting career ends up, I guarantee his son is going to look back and say, you made the change from that. Yeah. Right?

Joey Bowen:

Because it's out there. Yeah. You've got it documented. He made the change from what he was to who he is now, and that's gonna be the most powerful thing. He can smash people's orbital bones in the BKFC ring over and over again.

Joey Bowen:

He could become world champ, but that change he made from who he was to who he is now is the thing that's gonna inspire us on the most, in my opinion.

Josh Frank:

Oh, I agree. Yeah. I mean, we we've got about 25 ambassadors for COH across the country.

Joey Bowen:

Mhmm. All

Josh Frank:

of them, thanks to you guys, are rocking fuel hunt. And there's some of them that are just animals. Right? Like, they they Cameron Haynes' brother is one of them. Just like and

Joey Bowen:

he go he does you

Josh Frank:

know, runs a 250 mile race in a weekend. Yeah. And then Oh, dude.

Joey Bowen:

It's amazing. Yeah. Wow.

Josh Frank:

But with that said, I'm just as impressed, like, by I I told this story on our podcast a a million times. So my wife and I will go out right by our house. There's a triathlon that runs at least once or twice a year. And I'll see these triathletes come by, and some of them clearly been triathlons been doing triathlons a long time.

Joey Bowen:


Josh Frank:

They've got everything. And then I'll see I'll see a couple people that, look they looks like they went to a big box store and bought, you know, a Huffy, and are slow. Yeah. But they are putting themselves out there. And to me, man, I I'm more way more inspired by that.

Josh Frank:

I see that, and I'm like Yeah. Man, I think it's I think it's it's do you curse upon spandex? It's, you know, like, and get on a bike, and then

Joey Bowen:

go out

Josh Frank:

in front of people like this because their goal is more important than what everyone else is thinking. Yeah.

Joey Bowen:

You know? Again, good

Josh Frank:

deals from that.

Joey Bowen:

Seriously, like, it is. Exactly. And one other thing to to point out an important thing is the guy or the gal with all the gear, you know, like, the $7,000 bike and the thing, they were once the person with the huffy.

Josh Frank:

They were the same person. They were the same per they you know?

Joey Bowen:

And that's the power of habit.

Josh Frank:

That's the power of habit.

Drew Beech:


Josh Frank:

Yeah. They may not have have had to dig themselves out from the same place.

Joey Bowen:


Josh Frank:

But it's it's those again, it's consistency, man. Like, I just I heard somebody I'm reading a book, and they're talking about you have to be you have to have the courage to change. Right? And and I've never thought of it quite like that. Like, it was always just the discipline.

Josh Frank:

Mhmm. And this getting this gets back to it being simple. Like, you have to have the courage to actually be willing to change, like, you talk about around, like, different friends, you know, you're putting out to your family members, doing all these little things where people are going to stop and look at you and go, what are you doing? Yep. Because they're used to this old version of you.

Joey Bowen:

Yeah. Exactly. It's the ownership. I mean, that's what it comes down to.

Drew Beech:

It's also interesting that we have this conversation after the, podcast with FTV, my buddy Frank

Joey Bowen:


Drew Beech:

Who he talked a lot about just getting started and putting yourself out there in business was the hardest someone of the hardest parts for him. But it's also interesting to think about his habits that he talked a lot about. So before most people are rolling over in bed, he's already done a mini workout, red light, and cold plunge before the day. Like Yeah. Before anyone even gets up.

Drew Beech:

Yeah. Yeah. And that just shows you the kind of person who's physically in amazing shape and also building a business that he's now proud of and a legacy that he's now proud of.

Joey Bowen:


Drew Beech:

Versus 90% of the people in the world who would never even think to do any of those things that I just mentioned.

Josh Frank:

Yeah. Yeah. I I mean, again, because he's he's accepted. I'm gonna do these are nonnegotiables. I'm gonna do them.

Josh Frank:

Yeah. I'm gonna be uncomfortable. Mhmm. But what's, what's more important on the other side is how I feel about myself, which builds confidence, and confidence builds more, you know, and then you're able to do, I mean, look. My you you introduced me as Josh Frank on here.

Josh Frank:

I want most people know me as JT.

Joey Bowen:


Josh Frank:

And the reason is because I was apprehensive about putting all of this out there because it was, like, you know, I I had this other life. I have my I have my professional life. I have

Joey Bowen:


Josh Frank:

Now, through, like, reflection, I've never been as proud of of anything minus my my family as I am about this. Yeah. So it's weird how these things were, like, I didn't wanna admit this. I didn't wanna put it out to the world. It it then, it then becomes, like That's

Joey Bowen:

where the courage comes in.

Josh Frank:

It's here.

Joey Bowen:

You know what I mean? And they

Josh Frank:

say, what like, the obstacle's away. What stands in the way becomes away. Yeah. You know, like, it it's, it's crazy.

Joey Bowen:

Yeah. I mean, once you you you summon up the courage and you you decide Yeah. That you're gonna make the change, you're you're essentially naked.

Josh Frank:

Oh, yeah.

Joey Bowen:

There's no more excuses. Can't hide behind anything. Yeah. People aren't gonna shield you. You're you're on you're on you're on your own to a degree.

Joey Bowen:

Yeah. Yeah. You're on your own. Like, you are taking full account full ownership of where you've been and where you're gonna go.

Josh Frank:


Joey Bowen:

You know? And that that's that's where the courage comes in.

Josh Frank:

Yeah. 100%.

Joey Bowen:

That's where the courage comes in. It precedes the discipline.

Josh Frank:

Mhmm. Yeah. Yeah.

Joey Bowen:

That's where that's where it comes in. I, like, for me with my girls, I always say that, you know, I want them confident, curious, and courageous. Those those are the three qualities I want in my girls. Yeah. Yeah.

Joey Bowen:

Because those things, I believe, lead to consistency or discipline. Mhmm. So those those three things. There are 3 things that, I try to instill in them by example and and through my words.

Josh Frank:

Yeah. Yeah. And and, Drew, I like your point. Like like, I'm not I'm not perfect. None of these things.

Josh Frank:

Mhmm. You know, through our habits, we can make ourselves feel more authentic when we follow through, and I struggle with that every single day. But To to to,

Joey Bowen:

in a way that that's how you know you're on the path.

Josh Frank:

Yeah. Right. Right. And so when I'm not feeling authentic, that always comes to the point that, like, I'm not actually following through with the things that I'm putting out in the world or or the the the contract I've made with myself. And that usually and this is this is kind of the call to action that I I say to people.

Josh Frank:

It's like, hey. What is this thing you don't wanna do anymore? And I want you to connect how you're feeling beforehand to whether you partake in that thing or not. Because all of us could, you know, you make a New Year's resolution, and you wake up, on on the first, you know, and you're great. Right?

Josh Frank:

But it's when things get hard Yeah. And you don't feel good about yourself. You don't feel about good about maybe something happened at work, and that's where we go for those things that make us feel good short term.

Joey Bowen:


Josh Frank:

Which is is is it's a snowball. Right? Yeah. That which brings shame. Now you don't feel good about yourself.

Josh Frank:

Well, you know a fix for that and then Yeah. You know, and and,

Joey Bowen:

And how quickly we forget. Yeah. We forget how we feel afterwards. Yeah.

Josh Frank:

And then how you emotionally regulate when you're not doing when you're not following through is when you start snapping at others. Yeah. You start like, I always say, like, I can tell where I am in my own head by how how much I am of a a willing participant in some traffic altercations.

Joey Bowen:

You know

Josh Frank:

what I mean?

Drew Beech:


Josh Frank:

like I'm not seeing my run, you know, like, how mad I get because I'm looking for the person who's probably feeling like I am, and we're drawn to each other just like

Joey Bowen:

It's a litmus test.

Josh Frank:

It's your

Joey Bowen:

traffic is a litmus test.

Josh Frank:

Yeah, man. You're you're exactly right. So, yeah, man. Litmus test. We're, like I said, we're we're complicated and simple all at the same time.

Joey Bowen:

Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. So we've done we've done some things together.

Joey Bowen:

We have the Habitat.

Josh Frank:

We got the Habitat.

Joey Bowen:

We have the Habitat. Also, I I should have mentioned in the beginning of the show, this is the f it bucket. So this money that you see in there is yours, so

Josh Frank:

you might

Joey Bowen:

as well take it today Okay. For not going to have a donation.

Josh Frank:

I think I I gotta donate a couple times today today.

Joey Bowen:

We I've I've been, so I hold myself accountable. I've been slacking on enforcement. You tried to enforce it earlier with Frank. I slacked on enforcement. I'm gonna I'm back on I'm back on enforcement.

Josh Frank:

Alright. Alright.

Joey Bowen:

But this cash is yours. So

Drew Beech:

No, man.

Joey Bowen:

Take it from a consequence of habit and put it to good use.

Drew Beech:

One thing, Ken, our our our esteemed friend, Ken

Joey Bowen:


Drew Beech:

Did I don't have to carry my wallet in my, back pocket when we sit here anymore because he said he would let me know it's not good for my back. You know, if you I see. Staying on balance, having your wallet in one because he saw me take it out of my pocket in

Joey Bowen:

the money. Okay.

Drew Beech:

So, yeah, I don't I I'll put a

Josh Frank:

towel in cash. Maybe you just keep your mouth. I'm just just joking.

Joey Bowen:

Exactly. Yeah.

Josh Frank:

Yeah. I'm just joking. No.

Joey Bowen:

All we have to do is prop money to provide. Yeah. Just bills.

Josh Frank:

Just bills. We take Venmo, Joe. It's, yeah. Right. Right.

Joey Bowen:


Drew Beech:

I'll just take a tally of Venmo and Venmo, JJ.

Josh Frank:

Yeah. Yeah. We'll I'll put a QR code right above that. Yeah. Yeah.

Joey Bowen:

Yeah. That's actually a good idea.

Josh Frank:

Now you, so you guys have been whether you realize it or not, have helped spread our mission, well beyond probably than you than you know. Right? Like, it's it's been a huge part of us and and so we have, we just finished you guys have logos on a truck across America.

Drew Beech:


Josh Frank:

You know, we we tried to cover 3,000 miles in the month of June. We covered just under 4,000

Joey Bowen:

as a

Josh Frank:

as a community. Nice. And then, you know, we've got a breath work, cold exposure event coming up this weekend.

Joey Bowen:


Josh Frank:

Your guys' logo will be flown there. We've got a speaking event with with Nick Lavery coming on on October 5th. Mhmm.

Joey Bowen:


Josh Frank:

guys will be represented. You represented there, last year as well. So, yeah. This partnership has been it's a perfect fit for us. And, listen, I I see guys like Tim Kennedy wearing COH on their shirt because of you guys.

Josh Frank:

Like, I see this shirt on on bedrooms. I like, it's it blows my mind the people I've seen with the COH on their on their back and and, A

Drew Beech:

lot of people have that shirt too.

Joey Bowen:

Yeah. They believe they believe in your mission just as much as they believe in ours. Like, we're perfectly suited for each other, and you know how it is. Like, when the right people team up Yeah. Impact is maximized.

Joey Bowen:

So see it. You know, my infamous, famous, infamous, this is just the beginning. Oh, yeah. Like, there's so much more that we can do for you, and, you know, we will Man. As we grow.

Josh Frank:

I'm excited. I think this is gonna age really well. We're gonna look back and and be like

Joey Bowen:

I I believe so. Yeah. I believe so. Awesome. Yes.

Joey Bowen:

I do. So you touched on, we'll bring this in for a landing. That's becoming, like, weekend. Yeah. Yeah.

Joey Bowen:


Josh Frank:

was gonna

Joey Bowen:

make a reference, but I'm gonna I won't make an answer. Sure. Because I had invited. Yeah. Yeah.

Joey Bowen:

So, bringing it for a landing. Right? You talked about some things that you have going on now. Mhmm. If you want, elaborate a bit on the, event in October with Nick.

Josh Frank:

Well, I actually left one out. I I wanna make sure I hit this. We we we have, a 10 week mastering habits course starting, August 4th. We've got, one of the the other board members is is, retired navy chief. Just an amazing he went to my living on both sides of the habit spectrum, and this guy has really dedicated his life to helping others, through mindfulness meditation.

Josh Frank:

Mhmm. So he he's developed, just I mean, I was reviewing it today. Yep. Unbelievable early the

Joey Bowen:

beginnings of it, and I was blown away.

Josh Frank:

And it's evolved, and and I'm really excited about that. So that kicks off August 4th. Nice.

Joey Bowen:

How how can folks participate in that?

Josh Frank:

So you can register right on consequence of So we're excited. Part of that evolution is, like I said, just, you know, we had the podcast, then we have the workshops. Mhmm. Now we want to expand that that, the process of training the mind into into change.

Josh Frank:

Right? Like Mhmm. Again, you can have a great one day workshop and it's fantastic and it can really spark some interest, but we want to really build this foundation and help people kinda make those changes. So that kicks off August 4th. Yeah.

Josh Frank:

October 5th, last year, we brought in Nick Lavery. Nick Lavery is is a a army green beret, lost his leg in Afghanistan, trained back up, on a prosthetic, became the first, above the knee amputee to, like, retake the test. Get back on an active STF. And it's still active. Still active.

Josh Frank:

Yep. So he he he's been on on Consequence of Habit. He his episode on Jocko is fantastic. And what I think

Joey Bowen:

is important about about people that have these amazing stories, there's one thing that to go

Josh Frank:

through these experiences, but if you can't use that experience and communicate it in a way that connects with all different people, Well, then you're you're you're missing something. And, Nick, I I said it before. I I don't care what you do for a living. You could be, you know, a parking meter person or a fellow green beret. You walk away from that, and you you, like This

Joey Bowen:

is applicable to my life. Yeah. Yeah. Like, I'm watching on the world. That's what you that's what you do so well too.

Josh Frank:

Oh, I appreciate that. Yeah. Yeah.

Joey Bowen:

It would be very I don't wanna say easy, but it would be easy for you to have a sobriety podcast or a Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You are now speaking to a much wider audience. Your impact is so much wider than what initially brought you to your journey.

Josh Frank:

Yeah. And I think we're it's it's like an onion. And, I mean, that whole thing, hasn't helped out with, like, you know, communicating that is harder when it's this broad. Like, you and I, you've actually helped me kinda try and narrow that down. But I think we're getting better at it.

Josh Frank:

And and Yeah. For sure. This is this is this has become way bigger than than me and my story. So

Joey Bowen:


Josh Frank:

Let's, like, I just want it to be something that that people can first see themselves in Yes. And then and then be curious about, maybe maybe make some changes. So

Joey Bowen:

Yeah. Yeah. So, the event in October, ticket's not on sale yet for that?

Josh Frank:

Tickets are not on sale. They'll be on on sale probably within the next week or 2.

Joey Bowen:

Oh, okay. So by the time this airs, tickets will be on Yeah. Will be on sale. And where can the community snatch those?

Josh Frank:

So the link will will be from our website. It's gonna be through Eventbrite, but

Joey Bowen:


Josh Frank:

so you can either find Eventbrite, but, if you come over to to consequence of the Hemet dot org, you're also gonna find other resources. Just, some articles written by myself or or some of the other board members. Yep. All the podcast episodes will be there, and then all of the events we have coming up will, be coming up. We've got a another a rock, up in Maine that we're gonna be doing, we've we've we've partnered with something called Pumpkin Man.

Josh Frank:

It's a big running festival. That's gonna be September 8th, I believe.

Joey Bowen:


Josh Frank:

So we we've got we've got some stuff in the works.

Joey Bowen:

Yeah. So Yeah. I mean, look, mission in action. You know what I mean? You've got you're providing people with the tools and the training, right, to make changes.

Joey Bowen:

No. Break bad habits, build better habits. Right? In person events, seminars, like, you're cooking cooking

Josh Frank:

man. Like, it's I'm sure it's like your guys' experience.

Joey Bowen:

You you

Josh Frank:

learn what works and what doesn't. Yeah. Sometimes those lessons can be painful.

Joey Bowen:

Yes. But you're part

Drew Beech:

of the

Josh Frank:

process, man.

Joey Bowen:

Yeah. Absolutely. Absolutely.

Drew Beech:

And what you think won't work does work. That's the

Josh Frank:

That's right.

Joey Bowen:

That's the

Drew Beech:

best one.

Joey Bowen:

Many times. Many times. Yeah. Yeah. So you've shouted out consequence, of a bunch of times.

Joey Bowen:

Where can, most of the community knows where to find you, but for those listening or or watching that are new to the community, where can they find you on social media?

Josh Frank:

You consequence of habit were god, man. This is where the authenticity is. Like, you find us on Instagram. We're part of the machine that like, but Yeah.

Joey Bowen:

But I I look at it as you're

Josh Frank:

It's necessary. You're You're a

Joey Bowen:

disruptor of the machine. Right.

Josh Frank:

Right. We're trying.

Joey Bowen:

You know, disruptor.

Josh Frank:

We're we're not real active on on, Facebook. Probably Instagram's probably our our where we have the most interaction.

Drew Beech:


Josh Frank:

And then you'll find me on on your guys, the Rise. So you'll you'll find me posting things on there. And then as far as the podcast goes, every major podcast platform that's out there were That's right. Represented in one way

Joey Bowen:

or the other. Nice. That's where I was

Josh Frank:


Joey Bowen:

go next. Yeah. Anything else that we didn't cover that you

Josh Frank:

wanna touch on? No. Just just I I mean, a deep appreciation for both of you guys, the entire team here. This isn't my first time being in headquarters, and usually you you guys have been carte blanche letting me record amazing stuff, episodes here. So just just big thanks to you guys and and and the whole Fuel Hunt team.

Joey Bowen:

Yeah. Right back.

Drew Beech:

Right back at you. Likewise.

Joey Bowen:

Right back at you. Our home is your home. So you're always welcome to come through just to hang or Yeah. Or to record, record the show. And I opened, I think, with the gratitude that, you know, we have for you and your belief in us.

Joey Bowen:

Sometimes it's not super popular to believe in fuel hunting or messaging because of, like, we were talking about the way people just take things for face value and don't think. But you've been by our side

Josh Frank:

Oh, yeah.

Joey Bowen:

Since we've met. So, thank you. And and again, you know, I touched on a little bit, the utmost gratitude, for you for some of the personal changes

Josh Frank:

that I've made

Joey Bowen:

in my life too.

Drew Beech:

A lot.

Josh Frank:

Yeah. Yeah.

Joey Bowen:

Anything else to add?

Drew Beech:

No. That was another good another good one. Another good one.

Joey Bowen:

Yeah. Alright. I'll leave the few with this. Always choose hard work over handouts. Always choose effort over entitlement.

Joey Bowen:

No one owns you. No one owes you. You're one of the few. Now let's hunt. Bye.