The Fanatic Life Podcast

John talks about the Up and Vanished podcast and a killer who finds out the authorities have the body while he is being interviewed. The guys also discuss Boba Fett, the upcoming Lord of the Rings series and more.

Show Notes

John talks about the Up and Vanished podcast and a killer who finds out the authorities have the body while he is being interviewed. The guys also discuss Boba Fett, the upcoming Lord of the Rings series and more.

John runs down the rabbit hole of true crime podcasts starting with Up and Vanished. He also talks about how admitted murderer Stephen McDaniel finds out in an on-camera interview with a news station that authorities had found the victim's body. At that point, his brain seems to shut down. His interrogation with authorities gets even stranger. He goes from talkative to minimal words and movement. The guys also talk about the new Boba Fett series, the upcoming Lord of the Rings from Amazon, the Willow series, and Jamie talks shortcuts in Mario Kart.

Up and Vanished Podcast Listen to Season 1

Stephen McDaniel Kills Lauren Giddings
Stephen finds out during an interview they found her body and he freaks out

Odd interrogation between Stephen and authorities

Scripted Podcast

Mario Kart


Boba Fett

Patton Oswalt improvs Boba Fett

Lord of the Rings

Oreo Cakester

Nutter Butter Cakester

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The Fanatic Life Podcast

Um, well hey hey everybody welcome back to the fanatic life podcast with John Gunter and Jamie Tipton Hope you've been having a great week. Glad to have you back with us check us out on Facebook always make sure you check out the show notes I'm going to put all the links to anything we talk about there and hopefully hopefully that'll be helpful to you as we talk about different things all over the spectrum as usual Jamie. How's it going man.

I'm good I just want to warn our listeners about clicking on unknown links from John just just be careful.

Ah, that's right? Oh I sent something to to a buddy virus Seth via facebook messenger and as soon as ah, as soon as I sent it to him it. It just sounded like something that would be a a legit threat. So I had to I had to send him a little code I think I even mentioned it on the podcast I had to send him a little hey it's for me, you know and then give him something that only I would know so he would know he's like dude I was just in here looking at this. So yeah, being skeptical people exactly.

Your birth date is.

Ah, when we were 17 We know I said some things that only he would know and appreciate. So yeah.

Remember that very cold night I Still do.

Ah I think about it often. Ah and back to the podcast Sorry about that folks with our diversion We we've known each other for years so you'd never know that's just that's just how it goes.

We we can. We can edit that out.

So anything new anything new this week that you that you've done same old same old. What.

I Have my off vacation and went back to work and started my my final semester.

Oh we are sorry Sir Oh well, That's a good thing though. Ah, you're starting an internship right? Or do you have to? okay well I did you know and.

Ah, some yeah sometime.

I would have done a lot better in college like the first time when I went in for information systems had I done something like that I was just trying to survive though you know low on hours had to take bowling and things like that you know stuffs get Gpa so you know just trying to keep my head above water. I went back from ministry it was fine. You know and and I got that but man the first time actually when I went for ministry I thought man they're not gonna let me in here because they see my see my transcripts they they know I can't do the work.

And it's it's amazing. What I oh 15 years of maturity I'll do to you.

Oh yeah, well I told a bunch of those young kids I was in class with I was like listen I got a lot of appreciation and respect for you guys I said because I I couldn't do it I wasn't near as mature as you or or something didn't have the study habits but you know we didn't We didn't necessarily have to study a whole bunch in in high school either. So. Wasn't prepared um some but but some of our classmates you know did very well that that finished lower than us you know in in school but they had ah a work ethic that took them a lot further than than I was ready to go I think I think I went into college burnt out though I did had so many things going on that.

To rat.

Needed like a year to to chill just to do nothing.

And that that's what happened to me that you're off turned into about 15

Exactly yeah ready to and that and that's part of it too. You know they say well if you don't go now you won't go and that for most people that's probably the case and you're you're getting back in it and and I've gone back and changed completely changed careers and that's not not exactly easy. But. And once you get on the other side of it. It's it's a good deal. But oh enough about our education Jamie I'm sure everybody wants to hear about that. Well I wanted to so I wanted to start off the the show today by talking about true crime now I have been I guess for a long time I will especially at night if i'm. I'm up doing something I might have something kind of as background noise and I may I may be watching like a serial killer documentary or Ted Bundy I think one of our episodes the beginning of last year was serial killers and so I'm always watching stuff like that. It's it's It's kind of like the cliche you know if they ever watch my they ever look up my my history. My viewing history on that they're thinking you know I'm the next one but all that stuff fascinates me, especially how they try to catch them or how they could or why they couldn't you know? and so lately I felt like I exhausted like my video options. And so I started I ask a friend of mine who started talking about true crime. Actually I have a couple of of friends. Both females who who had mentioned true crime and I ask 1 of them all right? Tell me where to get started and so I started on what she recommended was up and vanished so she said start with season one because. Season 1 is all about 1 particular case season 2 is ah is about 1 particular but they have updates from season 1 and then season 3 is its own thing as well and so I'm gonna I'm gonna put a link to that in the show notes as well and it's it's fantastic because. These are these are cold cases. These are things that haven't been solved in a long time and just just to kind of give you a heads up on on season 1 they they get a break in the case while this is going on this this guy who he was a filmmaker in Atlanta Georgia and he just decided to kind of investigate this and. And see if he could make a podcast he said I'm not a podcaster but I'm interested in it I kind of want to help if I can and you know see see where it goes and and so he gets on this and works on it for a long time and over the course of I think a couple of years kind of crazy twists and turns and this thing had been cold for like. I don't know 10 years something like that 101112 years and it's just um, just kind of amazing to to hear some of that and you know hindsight's twenty twenty as far as you know you see mistakes or you know come to that conclusion but I'll tell you 1 thing that was fascinating to me.

during during his podcast as he was as I was listening to to season 1 which again I highly recommend he starts talking about how and I'd seen this with like Bundy and I don't know all these all these different shows I'd watched a lot of times killers will interject themselves. Into like the investigation like it's a power thing or an ego thing or even just like I want to know what they know kind of like an anxiety thing possibly as well. And so as he was talking about that he said well here's this famous case that you know you need to you need to hear about if you haven't heard about it. Another Georgia case. Guy by the name of Stephen Mcdaniel this is this is a while back now. He he actually killed his neighbor and the the interesting thing is it's not funny I didn't mean to laugh but it's just is crazy and his perfect timing. So he is being interviewed. He has already killed his neighborhood. He's being interviewed about it so he's interjected himself in the case and as he's being interviewed. He finds out that they have found part of her body. He thought he'd made that he thought he'd gotten away with the perfect crime. You know gotten you know. Evidence gone all that good stuff and he finds out during an interview with a news station that oh yeah, by the way they have found a body and his brain completely shuts down it is it is nuts to watch I'm gonna play this audio here for a seconds about just little over a minute. I don't want you to hear this hear. How he you know? he's responding and you know trying to sounds like he's trying to be helpful kind of frames himself as a friend who's you know we've been vigilant looking and then his brain breaks The only thing we can think is that maybe she might.

Um, well he walks off and sits down. Did you hear his brain break on that I mean that's that's completely nuts you you see his face and you and you heard him say body it was it was at that moment he realized he was not getting away with this I sent this clip to you Jamie. What was your impression of it when you saw that.

Oh the just the whole interview like he he doesn't move like at all. It's just weird.

Yeah, he's ah he's a weird dude. Yeah and I think you're thinking of actually the interrogation afterward so he does this and you hear him talking so much and you hear him kind of be in real chatty and then and then the whole hey. What about this place where they found their her body and he goes body.

Um I will.

And then you know he just shuts down. He comes back actually I've linked to that clip and in the show notes that clip is like 11 or 12 minutes he just comes back and he's like bawling and but I think I just she ah such a you know? nice girl and he was having to put on a show I think he was just crying for himself though because he knew he was done at that point. But. If you look up his inter and interrogation as well and I'll I'll link to that as well. It is it is nut so he went from being all the chatty and and everything to he doesn't move I told Jamie I said watch this clip I said he looks like a I don't know looks like a scarecrow of some sort. His his vocabulary and his phrasing goes from. You know all you know, chatty and happy and I'm her friend to yes, no I don't know what you mean I didn't do anything and like I've seen her in two or three weeks last two or three weeks I mean that's it. Ah, you went from all that and you will hear like it investigators like what is wrong with you. You know we were just talking today about all these things and now you're like you're not saying anything and it so is so creepy and actually his interrogations like 2 hours I told Jamie I said just just go ahead and scroll through that real quickly. The dude like almost never moves for 2 hours he just sits there I'm so I'm just saying his brain broke at that point. That's what happened so I want to I want to just throw out there that you need to watch up and vanished you need to you need to watch these clips because they're fascinating just to see just what perfect timing that this. News station did a fantastic job I would love to learn the kind of the reason they were interviewing him if they had any idea or thought maybe he was involved or if they just happened to like hey we need to interview someone that's been helping look you know or whatever, whatever they were doing at that point if they if they had a. Any suspicion about him. That's even more ingenious than ah than just the sheer luck just to put him on camera and and just mention the body hey they found the body body. Yeah, what ah what I do now can I run while on camera. So yeah, watch ah listen to up and vanished. We'll say this I had I got it on Apple Podcast and season 1 like stopped at some point like I couldn't see like further episodes into it and so I had to switch over to Spotify and I've actually been using overcast lately I really like that one as well. So they they both showed all the episodes in an episode or in. Ah. Season one I don't know what the deal was but again up in vanished season one a great a great listen problem is if you like that kind of thing it is is is seriously a rabbit hole. It's one of those things where you got to make yourself turn it off and go to bed so you know if you're up messing around just listening.

But especially if you're driving hey go tune into that. Ah, you're not a big true crime guy. Are you? yeah.

No I am not I'm more into the what they call scripted podcasts. Um one I discovered here recently it was called ah bridgewater and ah. I don't know it's it's it's a fictional podcast. It's more like a kind of has some supernatural undertones to it without giving it all away. It's like a small town and I think of somewhere in the Northeast. Ah, but like supposedly like all these the weird stuff happens in the woods and guy's dad disappeared like early 80 s and like all of a sudden they like jump to present day and like they find some. Ah. Like he was a ah police officer. They find his badge and like doesn't look like it's aged at all, but ah, real interesting I won't go into more details because don't want to jump down that rabbit hole and give too much away if somebody wants to listen to it but ah. The main actor I don't know if you watch the show ah supernatural one of the ah ah the actor who played a castel people who watched show know who I'm talking about he's the ah the main voice actor.

I Have not sure haven't.

On the show. So you know they've actually got some fairly recognizable people that play. Ah Nathan philion. Um, who's in a whole bunch of things. Ah I think it was castle I think this was called he's he's on. Ah, new show I can't think of the name of it but he was on Firefly and some other shows he plays. He's the voice of the dad so you know it's couple of big name actors but a very interesting. You know if you're into the fiction supernatural occult type stuff I mean it's. pretty pretty pretty good listen

So it's basically an audio movie type of thing. Yeah.

Yeah, yeah, it's ah they're they're like 30 minute episodes so I'd almost say it's like an audio tv show which which you know.

Yeah, okay yeah I don't guess if I've ever listened to anything like that. But I don't know I Do we trying different things you know as as somebody especially somebody likes it and you can tell me hey here's a good one to start with? yeah um, I'm never looking any though. So.

Yeah, and I mean that's kind of before tv though I mean that's that's what radio was you know it wasn't you know all music and stuff like what we're we're used to today and talk you know talk radio and all that it was more of you had your.


Script It shows that you know you know and say gathering on the Tv and that the evenings you know families would gather around the radio and listen.

So gather around boys and girls gotta use old time old time Radio Radio voice.

On this episode of the Lone ranger.

Ah, that's right? Yeah yeah I I'll have to check that out sometime. You know after I I go through the entire you know Podcast universe of true crime. So you know might get through. It might not.

I'll I'll see you next Tuesday ten years from now.

That's exactly right? It'll be a while? Yeah, my wife's is like you know that podcast is gonna be there tomorrow right? So you know so.

And you're just like shhh.

I will say this if you have any recommendations out there send them to me bonus points if it is you know it was something like a cold case and it is now solved because this podcast that I the up in vanish podcast ah season one like I said that was a cold case that was. And been cold for a long time and it was a it was a weekly or biweekly I think every 2 weeks maybe podcast so people who were there for that had to wait two weeks to find out hey is there any more information and I think that was like 2017 2016 2017 and you know today we're we're. Ah, four almost five years away so I get to binge it and that's I don't know that's always more fun for me instead of as they as they release these episodes weekly like Ted Lasso which is ah we can talk about that sometime. But yeah. Bridgewater is what Jamie talked about and again I'll link to that as well. You you mentioned a ah movie that you liked I had never heard of it or at least I don't remember it and they have remastered it. What do you want to say about it. The movie's name is willow.

Well the the clip I sent you was from your several years back of the remastering. But no, they have a a sequel series coming out on Disney plus but a willow kind of yeah how we've. Talked about the never ending story. We've talked about dark crystal for you. Willow is kind of that for me, it was one of those fantasy movies that I don't know why I liked it but I liked it and it was like kind of. I mean I so I still like watching the trailer I'm like I kind of want to go back and watch willow. You know I hadn't watched it in a few years. You know I want I want to watch it now but stars work davis which lot of people. May not know who that is but they know who that is because he is he has played in star wars Harry Potter um he was the leprechaun in the leprechaun movies. Um I can't think of the professor's name in Harry Potter but he was the the. charms professor he he is a little person. Um, he played 1 of the ewals in star wars and I think he even actually the ah the guy who played r two d two either I think he may have passed away but he kind of took over that role as well. you know so he you know was doing r 2 d 2 but it also has Val Kilmer in it ah basically it's you know, just kind of you. You have this evil Queen and this child was born like ah it was a prophecy and the child was born that was.


End her reign of terror and it's basically them saving the day.

But now they've they've got the ah sequel series coming out. It's coming out this year I don't know if they've actually got a actual release date all I've seen is a it's a little clip where they're talking to work davis and some of the cast and it's a goodhearted you know. He's going around talking to the younger cast members. Oh what was your favorite scene from willow and they're like oh we've never seen it and he's just kind of like oh my god what's wrong with these people you know and it's so it's it's.

It's always interesting to to hear kind of what what was our thing you know that movie that maybe you saw that nobody else saw it was a favorite of yours like you said dark Crystal you know I thought everybody had seen that and and no absolutely not. They have not. But you know that was a big part of my childhood. You know, initially hiding behind the couch because I was scared to death these things were terrifying and.

And and what's funny is I don't ever remember you watching that movie as well I mean no.

I Maybe that was just between you know I didn't want you to see me scared or something you know because you kind of idolized me as this big strong guy. You know always looked up is that hot went.

No, no, no, that's a complete complete utter nonsense I was yeah well probably nonsense there as well. But yeah I don't ever remember you talking about dark Crystal you know as as kids or anything like that. Yeah, so.

Maybe there's your sister I can't Remember. Ah, ah, ah, ah, the yeah.

When you were like talking about it I'm like tar crystal it's like I don't remember John ever watching that. But.

Listen ya are missing I'm just saying you're missing out. You know if you're if you're into that kind of thing a little sci-fi type thing well with with puppets I mean that's I thought they did a great job I thought Netflix should have gotten them for a season 2 of the.

I Mean and.

You know the the prequel but they haven't and your Netflix has been kind of doing some weird stuff and a lot of stuff's been canceled that people liked and I just you know budget decisions and you've had a pandemic in there too. So I mean it's just kind of changed everything and probably not as much money to spend. But yeah, that was. Was a big deal for me but and was certainly glad to see like I said they're eating or the prequel remade.

Maybe you should ah write a a sternly worded letter to the executives of Netflix.

I could I just don't know that that'll carry much weight and hey this is John from the fanatic life podcast. Do what we have I just want to let you know sir that we have 5 listeners and they're all upset. Okay.

I Don't know if you know this but I I'm kind of a big deal.

That that's that's correct in my own mind. Oh well, there are there are a couple of things that well there's 1 other show that I'm looking forward to still still a long way away. We talked last I guess it was last year about


Amazon spending so much money on getting the the rights to the lord of the rings and that is set to that that series is is set to premiere this year september second I believe was the date and I am looking forward to that I didn't even know there was a teaser out I was doing a little research right before we came on on air and there is a little. Little bit of information you can find about the series and you kind of have to do ah a deep dive. So if you've never read the books or if you've only watched the movies you probably don't pick up on on everything you know I talked about I had have went all through I don't know if we had a podcast since I finished all of them. Finished the hobbit and lord of the rings and now I've been I've got the other books that he has like the was of the similar on and there's something else I'm trying to remember got all those on audible so I can I can listen when I'm I'm taking a trip but it's ah so so if you see a picture and you go oh. What's the big deal with this It's that's probably because of you know. So much more detail in the books but I am looking forward to that because they they had to spend a lot of money to even get those rights and I think like ah what they have to do with it I mean they they can't cheap out. They've got to do it? Well so hopefully hopefully it's ah a fantastic series that kind of. Ah, kind of helps with well with the whole series I guess even this far removed from the lord of the rings man ah to me I could I could put it in right now and watch it and you'll let's start it over. Let's start the trilogy right now now you sent me something funny this week about lord of the ring.

As string say like that meme I sent you earlier. It was ah, let's see if I can pull it up real quick. It was actually I think it was today I said it to you. It was ah basically was saying after the success of the snyder cut Peter Jackson is considering releasing the Jackson Uncut version of Lord of the rings. Which is eight and a half days long and then of course underneath it. It has a picture of a gandalph and it says don't tempt me Frodo and both of us were like yet. Not gonna lie or I was like not gonna lie I would watch it.

I yeah, oh absolutely oh absolutely well did you see? We've got a we've got mutual friend from the same hometown Aaron and her I guess her family went on a a vacation over to Europe. And she took a picture of like a castle area that was kind of the inspiration for one of the spots in lord of the rings. It always fantastic. You know you think a lot of those things are just kind of made up and you know how can anybody envision that and some of it is but. Some of it's based on real things real places and that just blows my mind because you kind of want to be immersed in that whole experience I do anyway I feel bad for the people who only watch things and want to be critical like I'm not that guy I just you know for a lot of things if I already like it. Like I like the series I'm gonna tune in and I'm gonna try to enjoy you know the ride but and that's what that's what I like to do is just kind of get immersed in it and so to see that and see some of the inspiration I've showed showed my kids some of the um, some of the behind the scenes things. On the show and I don't know I really I really like it really like everything that Peter Jackson did and if it was eight and a half days Jamie get the popcorn. Um I'm gonna watch it.

We probably need at least 2 bags.

2 bags I'll tell you me and me and my son got got one of those huge bags the other day and he said dad I but always you could put your own butter on this I said guess what son you can and we drowned that thing in that popcorn butter. Oh my goodness it was good.


But he you know I thought he's he's eight years old and he had a a pretty big size like coke and he had a whole bag of popcorn. He wanted a they have dollar hot dogs at our movie theater which is which is awesome because nothing's a dollar at to movie theater and then he got some sour patch kids. Ah, thought man this dude's gonna have to pee like like 30 times during his movie and he made it all through Spiderman no problem. We actually I let him play some games outside when when we left and it was actually wasn't until then that he had to go the bathroom. So I yeah I was proud of him proud dad moment.

That reminds me of a story wouldn't I we all went and watched. Ah yeah, the force awakens ah, the first of the sequel trilogies when it came out and like we're sitting there and.


You know it's me the wife and the kids and I could tell one of them. One of the twins he was he started leaning up in his seat and was kind of getting getting that restless and like right at the end of the movie like he looks at me and he's like I've got another bathroom. And I was like so for a second. My wife's like I got him course she could care less about star wars so she was like yeah it's you know you stay I'm gonna I got this. So oh.

Ah, well, here's here's what I think that is worse so I had already seen Avengers end gameme like at least once maybe twice when I finally got a chance we were on vacation I took I told my wife is that you've got to. Watch this before somebody spoils it for you. So I took her to a nice place in San Antonio had the had the reclining seats you know like we talked about last week you know all recliners and just super nice and it was kind of late and she literally fell asleep at the. The movie like come on. She's like it was so late. No no the adrenaline the excitement the the sound how do you fall asleep in that kind of a movie. It's not like it's a bunch of low dialogue. You know you're you're having a lot of things happen. There. So yeah, my. My wife fell asleep an endgame.

Yeah I've I think it was one of the ah the last Harry Potter movies I've had I fell asleep in it. But ah in my defense I was working 12 hour shifts overnight. And hadn't went to bed yet so you know as I was.

Oh yeah, you get a pass on that my wife was on vacation I mean come on Well I'll give her I'll give her a break because we do have kids so that's ah, that's a big deal.

As things say any any extended period of time spent with you is not really a vacation I mean somebody has to say it.

Yeah I actually now that I'm thinking of it I think our our youngest was like a year and a half and so you can only imagine what what like I mean you know you've got kids. But.

No I know.

Yeah I'm I'm sure she was a little bit tired So I'll give her a pass but I do also give her a hard time. So there you go.

I'm I'm sure she's gave you passes on several things.

Always that's how you that's how you make the dream work. You know we we did want to mention another thing both you and I have have caught up. We're all were through all 3 episodes of the new Boba fat show on Disney plus.

The book above a fat.

It called the book of boba fat is that right? Okay, what? what's your impression 3 episodes in to this show and then I'll I'll kind of share mine.

Of Well I I'm interested in it because I like the the backstory that's going on more than what's going on in the present day like you know him trying to take over job of the Huts territory and all that I'm um. I'm interested in more of the story from when he crawls out of the sarlack pit to where we see him in the mandalorean that that that story in Itself. There has got me invested in the series now kind of want to touch back on something you said? um. About the people that are like always criticizing I call those people and I mean I call them fanboys Um, because it's like there's you'll watch so many people like oh well this isn't how it happened in the books or this isn't how it happened in the comics or. This isn't canon I'm like dude just it's a movie watch it. Enjoy it for the entertainment value and if you want to talk about Canon and especially in Comic Books. What's canon in Comic books.

Just just enjoy it. Yeah.

Not canon in comic books. It's like you have so many different stories because you have so many different authors that write these books each author is going to put their own spin on a character whether you like it or not that's 1 thing but you know. Don't be criticizing because oh well, you know in the comic books his hair was red, not not gray or black or brown or whatever oh in the comic books. He was a ah martian from you know, outer space in. In the movie. He was a ah mutant or whatever come on where we're.

But but the thing is with with comic books. It is so wide open what you have is somebody will be over a run of spider-man or you know name your superhero and when that ends when that guy moves on or maybe they just end it. It starts over or it starts wherever they want to so it is this guy has the limit on on what they show in comic books but I will you made me think of something there 2 things. Ah all the time with comic books. You kind of have to be pretty deep into it to understand everything like on. Endgame when you have hawkeye going out with a a sword killing people I didn't realize at the time. Well, that's another comic book character Ronan I actually own a comic book of ronan I did not make the connection and so. You got to be pretty deep in it like the references and it just goes all over the place.

Ah, this guy right here has the first appearance around and.

Nice, well the the first appearance of boba fet or at least that idea as the series on Disney plus opens you have to look at Patton Oswalt in parks and rec. Because he's he has this if you if you're a parks and rec fan. You probably remember the episode where Pat Os walk um and Lesli nope kind of square off about an issue and they end up having this challenge where they kind of have to go off the grid and live like.

Yeah, yeah, he was like head of the historical society or something of ah pawnee or whatever.

I don't remember the the age but probably nineteen hundreds I don't know. Yeah yeah, they kept Dunkin a guy in the in the lake and I don't know they wanted to preserve it and all this good stuff. But during part of that episode Patton Oswalt stands up there and he's like filibustering this meeting. And part of this filibuster is to kind of kind of talk about like a boba fet. You know as he emerges from the sand creature I don't remember what the name of it was but sorry like yeah and that's exactly how they begin this.


And so people are like well he predicted that? Well no I think it went the other way is they just like man that's awesome. The thing was that Patton at the time was just going off the cuff right.

Yeah, that was like totally improvised like if you watch the looking for the right words here of the uncut um version. It's on Youtube. It's basically. 1 take like and he just like they just let him go like on and on and on and finally he's like and will you please say cut you know like and like everybody's like laughing applauding like. Because I mean it was just so over the top like what he was going into. Of course you know the opening scene is like spot on but then Patton Oswalt goes like off into left field. You know with like how it you know time it.

Ah, it's like a stream of consciousness in Improv and they just let him run with it. Yeah.

Yeah, yeah, but it it's it's It's a good one to watch. It's just I mean just you're like Wow this dude just went off on a tangent of total nonsense but it's great.

Okay, yeah, yeah I I appreciated that and I didn't make the connection I'm a big parks and rec fan I Just didn't remember it and then as I was as I was looking online or something I don't know if a meme came across or what but I had as soon as I saw that I was like oh yeah.

I yeah I had forgotten about it too. It's been so long since I've watched you know sat down and watch parks and wrecks you know there for a while I mean that was like season would come out on Netflix and I would binge it. You know, but yeah, it's. I'll catch an episode here and there. But yeah I like completely forgot about that and was like oh my god he did do that.

Well I'll tell you I don't know if I had covid back. Ah oh about a month or 2 and after we shut down initially at 2020 but every every day like that week I would be okay during the day but that evening. Was goingnna get a fever I was gonna get chills all that good stuff and and kind of headache and so that whole week I just watched parks and rec like I was doing deep dives into where they went to school and you know looking at looking up all these things Reshia Jones you know and her dad being the. Producer for like Michael Jackson and all of these things and I was I was deep down the rabbit hole of parks and rec. So it. It is unfortunate that I didn't remember that without having to be reminded, but it's just funny when when people can do that I would love to be in an improv situation like that. But I don't think it would be nearly as funny or cool. As well like my mind is going to boba fat like that just wouldn't happen for me. Well you wanted to as we were preparing for the show you wanted to talk about a possible moral dilemma having to do with video games.

Yes, well here lately? Ah, especially this past week that I've been on vacation when my 5 year old gets home from school.

You want to set that up for everyone.

The first thing he wants to do as soon as he walks into the house is play mario cart on my switch which okay Bud, let's go you know and I don't I don't take it easy on him. But it's not like I'm like intentionally hitting him with blue shells and red shells and all that I just drive like I'm I'm normally racing you know and course he's having a blast anyway because whether he finishes in fourth or twelfth you know in last place. He's ecstatic. You know he loves it. He loves racing. He loves getting shells and hitting people with it. It's it's an all aroundund good time and it's Mario Cart 8 for the switch that we're playing which I kind of noticed a few things that are different about this more I don't notice as many. Shortcuts in this mario cart and if there is a shortcut. It's like you've got a curve and it's like oh there's like a little mushroom you can hit and bounce and skip the curve which you know to me that's not the more the limit. But.

Yeah, okay, yeah.

Kind of got me thinking like back to the super Nintendo version. There were shortcuts in there that would like shave like 10 seconds off your lap time and it's like would you consider that cheating.

Well see I was concerned as you started that that your whole thing you were trying to justify beating your 5 year old by you taking shortcuts the adult. Ah, for now, let me tell you? Yeah ah.

Oh no no no I I don't have to take shortcuts for now for now and you know I I do ever I set him up. It's got like steer assist and it's a guy like where he can set it for. He doesn't have to hit the accelerator all the time. So you know. I give him every you know advantage I can because I like seeing him race and be happy like there's times he's been in first place there's times I'm like okay this kid if he would not get distracted on trying to like.

Wow. And.

Hit people with shells and stuff he could probably be in the top 3 or 4 you know on certain tracks but he has fun doing what he wants to do and I'm just like dude you go for it have at it. You have fun. You know he likes you know, picking his character changing the.

Right? so.

The card up you the tires he likes doing all that and then he just likes causing complete chaos Once he's in the race. But yeah, yeah, yeah.

You? Oh yeah, well I just I just say for now you don't have to you don't have to take the short cuts. It's like my 8 year old you know we started out and we were. We were very similar I was better on fortnite and. You know, like ah like a kid. He's doing deep dives on Youtube he's he's playing more and I couldn't hold a candle to him on fortnight right now. So it. It takes ah it takes a while never say never actually it's funny I saw that on a I go to pick up my kids and somebody owns a so we we drive a minivan right. My wife said she'd never have 1 well guess what? that's wrong and so I was behind was behind a ah white mini van there in the in the car line and on the back of their windshield. It says ain't no shame in my minivan game hashtag never say never ah hey.

My my wife like we were looking at new vehicles where our and she said in a minivan and she said she literally got sick to her stomach. What vehicle did we get a year later

Ah, that's right once you once you're in one and realize how how set up for families. It is man. It's it's hard to hard to drive some other things. Well, that's so back to your question is it cheating to use the shortcuts. The.

Ah, minivan.

I Think there should be a poll question too.

And we need to we need to set up some kind of poll. Yeah I don't know because the question I ask you was does everybody know about them and you know if it's yeah like ah there just comes to mind like the mario like the mario game like you can go now. On Youtube and find out. Oh there's some shortcuts that were off screen and things you'd never known back then or or for us we had to buy a magazine right? You had to buy a magazine.

Right? What taking a shortcut in a single player game is all fair that that's my opinion you're playing that game for yourself and you're having fun. You do you basically is how I do that Mario cart.


Like I I think it should be a a common courtesy like hey do you know about the shortcuts on this track if the answer is no, you don't take those shortcuts or you show that person the shortcuts.

Yeah I agree I agree you know you want to be a jerk even as competitive as all of us are I mean I know you're still edging out your 5 year old I know that for a fact, that's what happens just ah.

Me get right.

Oh without a doubt I'm like rubbing it in this face. You know I'm like yeah oh heck, no, those are like $70 controllers and I don't know you don't spi those.

Little touchdown dance spike in the controller you came in listen people who throw the controller or spike it I don't I can't relate because that's all I think about it man you know how much that costs.

And then the ones that throw it at the tv I mean if I mean if we threw our and into no controller at the Tv and I'm talking NES like

Yes, what are you doing man get some help but get some help.

We would end up with something broken like because like the controller would bounce off the Tv and give us a concussion once it hit us in the head. You know there was no break in that Tv or that controller I don't know how many times I have sped at.

But tv would yeah five inches worth of glass to get through I mean.

Ah, regular Nintendo controller you know, being younger and being mad. You know.

We we had one for years there at our house. The Tv that was the whole big console. You know the top of it was lifts up and had a record player in there and all I mean my goodness you think you think some of those ah big tube tvs were heavy. Those consoles were crazy. Now you pick up pick up on these you know Lcd led Tvs and it's and I could I could stiff wind might take this thing away. But.

Well, what was so funny when I first started in retail. The biggest Tv we carried was a thirty five Inch Tv and that Joker was heavy and like.

Oh. Ah, ah so.

When we had to change out the display. It took 2 of us which climbing up a ladder with it which surprised nobody got hurt doing that but like yeah, it. Now it's a thirty two Inch Tv is like oh you've got a thirty two Inch Tv that is so small right? I mean right.

You dead under your arm. Yeah, why are you going? You know those forty inches are pretty cheap, right? Yeah I remember buying one use and a guy helping me move it into I think it was when I lived in a trailer and we hadn't put up the porch yet. So we kind of had to. Back up to the house and you know using 2 people and that was still kind of dicey and that that was a thirty two inch you know I can't imagine the 35 and a little extra weight in there. Yeah, those were terrible and it doesn't seem like that long ago. But this has been a minute.

yeah um yeah I'm sure I mean the Tvs we grew up playing Nintendo on were like what thirteen nineteen Inch tvs

Oh yeah I think we had a 19 there at my house. Yeah, 8 yeah I'm staring at 2 2 right now that are twenty seven and one that's a 25 I think man.

My computer monitors are are bigger than that.

I've got 2 22 s you know it's like.

And that's just yeah, that's just what you're using to to sit here and and scroll the internet or do some school work on and crazy how that kind of thing changes. Yeah I bought a do you ever own a plasma I want a plasma My brother has it now I sold it to him.

No I've never owned a plasma but I know those Jokers were heavy too. Oh yeah.

They are heavy I'll tell you what is a good picture even as a like it's 7 twenty p but the I don't know if the refresh rate was high it surely it wasn't but man they had a really good picture for just a 7 twenty p tv.

I Think well I think they used a ah glass screen too and I think that helped that had something to do with it.

Okay, got you? Well they ah see that's what I'm you know if I ever get the money I would love to have one of those oled tvs where I get the 120 hertz refresh and everything because sometimes when I'm watching football. You get the artifacts on their little ghosting when they throw the ball or something and that that kind of I don't know I don't like that first. My wife is fine with it because she doesn't want to spend you know $2500 on a new Tv.

I so can say we we grew up with Antanna and analog tvs I'm like it a little bit of not gonna hurt me like I've got a sixty five Inch Tv in my man caveve and like last black friday it was on sale for like three hundred and twenty bucks and I'm like



Ah, told my wife I was like hey ah can I get this go ahead. So.

I yeah well I tell you 1 thing 1 thing I have done this year that I had done in a while. So I think is when I was in college I went and bought a surround sound system. So it was one of those pretty cheap I think it's a Phillips system. Ah, you got the you got the receiver you've got all these like six inch high you know little little speakers that go around and I had a center channel you know that was like basically double the size 2 beside it and then 2 surround and like every. Every fall that was part of you know that's my favorite time of year and you just kind of you feel like you can get get outside again and just feel like you have a little more energy but the fall for me part of that feeling was watching football with that surround sound and years ago I I got rid of it cause it was you know it was a cheap. Um, but it wasn't $200 new you know and I've just missed it and so on Facebook marketplace I found a good deal on some like very nice speakers with it with a twelve inch sub and so. We can get it so when we watch mandalorian or boafat or anything like that. It sounds like you're in the movie theater I mean it is it is Thump and I have I have the twelve inch sub turned down but you can you can put out some base you can put out a lot of things and so that's that's one of the things I have gotten recently that. And I was glad to have back because that was like I said that was part of football for me is just having that feeling and of course just coming from college where I had actually been at the stadium all the time I guess the the surround sound helped you feel like you're part of it or something but you ever gone into surround sound.

Oh yeah, I probably owned that same phillips surround sound had did it come with the Dvd player. Yeah diaper yeah, it was like the head unit was the Dvd player and yeah.

Um, oh yeah, well mine was a Dvd player. Yeah, the yeah mean.

I'm sure I I had if I didn't have the same one I had something very similar. Um, right now I'm just I'm just rocking a sound bar on mine which.

That's what we had. That's what we replaced with? well actually I still had the I still had the sub wolffer from that Phillip system. That's the only part of that system I still had.

Oh that that just kind of like that's the whole point of buying the system is for the subwol for you know.

Yeah, oh yeah to get get some base and everything. Yeah well and I think I've shared this before but our buddy Seth that was was one of my favorite things about being in his house because 1 year for probably his birthday or Christmas they're only three days apart so it doesn't matter. But he got a nice surround sound system that had bays and I mean it was awesome and we would play that and get in trouble of course, but one night I brought over ah a rain cd a thunderstorm cd that we were going to sleep to and his mom got up the next day walk downstairs and was so confused that the sun was out because she she had been listening to it rain and thunder and storm so you know what to do with that so we're ah again, we're sorry Jeanette we are sorry for that. Well we yeah. We've had a lot of fun. We've talked about a lot of different things I have not necessarily that I can think I've tried anything new this week that I would recommend other than that up and vanished podcast and that's going to be my my fan thing for the week is go and go and try something new if you're thinking about. Or if you like true crime, especially go. Do it. But if you'll try something new. Try up and vanished I'll put the Spotify link in there. So like I said ah Apple Podcast was kind of messing up didn't show all of the episodes. So I'll put that link there. But I think you can find it anywhere so up and vanished again a true crime. I jaie was there anything you wanted to to mention as a fan thing or you gonna skip a week.

Well actually I tried something new this very night. Well, it's actually it's kind of something old that they re-released. Ah do you remember the Oreo cakesters. Oh man.

Let's hear it.

No I don't.

Well basically it's like an oreo cookie but instead of cookie. It's cakes like oreo cakes they have rereleased those. Ah, let's see a little de he has have you ever had the I think they're they're called the Susie cues.

Long time ago.

That's what it is basically it's um, that's all it is really and I mean they're good. Ah, but they do have 1 ah they have a nutter butter version that's out that looks pretty good. That I would like to try. We actually had a box today at work. But ah it sold before I could get to it so cakesters c a k e s t e or s.

So It's another butter What cake I've got to look at this to see what see what it looks like okay, another another butter cakesters. No I I can't say that I've ever seen anything like that. It's interesting I do like nutter butter. You said there oreo that you treat you that you had tonight. Ah.

Yeah, that's but yeah, it's it's a it was a discontinued snack that they have brought back.

Well for some reason it thinks I'm in Sacramento that's interesting pick up not available at sacramento super center. Okay, well all right? Well you know, close enough to Sacramento. Apparently.

Well. Well, you know you are in South Texas so it's right I mean it's just like a mile down the road int it something like that.

Right? when you come into East Texas I think near Beaumont there's a sign that says like eight hundred miles over to El Paso that's how wide Texas is and I'm not far from Beaumont. So.

Right? Yeah, it's oh I've I've heard like people from overseas like talking about like. Driving through Texas or whatever and like the time it would take you to cross Texas like you would have traveled through like 8 different countries enter Europe.

Oh yeah, well, that's what you know every time somebody says well this country does this I look up their population and land size. It's like well you know if it was only you know if Arkansas was its own country or or even Texas as big as Texas is. You can focus on just Texas so don't tell me about oh well, this whole country does this? Well they only have a million people. There's there's 7000000 around Houston you know. So yeah and I was in Israel and that was kind of the case I think you could go from kind of from north to south and about. 3 hours or so I mean that's kind of like that's kind of like being in Arkansas but I mean if you if you split the state you know southwest to northeast I mean it would take you a lot longer than that.

Yeah, it I've made that trip a couple of times and it's I think it's like 6 hours then and now that's going from Derek's where grew up like up to ah right around Jonesboro.


And yeah, and there's further further northeast than that too. Yeah, so you can get up to like Corning and in that area.

Ah, the yeah. So yeah, and yeah and I know when ah when I went to Chicago it was like. I want to say I left it like 5 that morning and it was we got to Chicago 7 Eight o'clock that night. It was like a 15 hour trip and most of that was and I mean that's like. Basically two states that I drove through I drove through Arkansas well in Missouri all like a lot all you you just barely went into Missouri in into Illinois so I mean so it.

Yeah Mr. Arkansas Missouri and then the end Illinois.

Ah, not crazy. Well we are we are happy to bring you this geography lesson on the fanatic podcast next week we'll talk about.

I Mean you.

We did math last week we did geometry or geography this week ah shall we do like I was gonna say science we could. We can do so we could we can make a yeah of a bacon soda volcano or some.

No, we will not chicken. That's great. We're gonna talk about land mass good science that yeah ne tune in next week and why not we can. We can actually record this video that we're seeing and and send it out to everybody I'm sure everybody would get ah get a laugh out of that. Well it has been It has been a great time. We're all, we're pushing on an an hour again but again I want to? ah. Tell you to check your show notes that should pop up there, especially if you're on Facebook Facebook now has a thing where it will alert you if you like the page at you get an alert when whenever we drop an episode. And and when you click on that you can again see the show notes and and that should be in any podcast player that you have or can find if you can't find us in a podcast player. Let me know and I will make sure that happens but I hope you've ah hope you've had some fun this hours. We've talked about so many things. Hopefully you will found something that you like or maybe will like in the future and in the future we promise not to talk so much about math and geography if we can help it.

I Make no promises.

And he is telling the truth all right for Jamie I'm John we hope you have a great week. Go out there and try something new. We'll see you later.