Photo Breakdown

Feeling overwhelmed by the ever-changing social media landscape? With many platforms, knowing where to focus your efforts can be game-changing for your photography business.

In this episode, I will discuss the must-know strategies for navigating social media as a photographer in 2024.

I answer the critical question on every photographer's mind: "Where should I spend my time on social media?" 

With platforms like Threads, Instagram, LinkedIn, and more vying for your attention, it’s crucial to understand where your clients are and how to focus your efforts efficiently.

Photo Breakdown does not currently have a sponsor, so I thought I would give a shoutout to partners of mine. Thank you to Spider Holster, Think Tank Photo and Imagen for your continued support.

Creators & Guests

Scott Wyden Kivowitz
Father, Photograper, Community Builder, Podcaster

What is Photo Breakdown?

Photo Breakdown is a podcast in which we explore the world of photography with a trusted guide, host Scott Wyden Kivowitz. His expertise and passion bring the industry to life as we explore the stories, trends, and ideas shaping it today. Join us as we dissect everything from incredible photographs and creative techniques to the latest gear releases and hot topics in the photography community.

In each episode, we break down what’s happening behind the scenes - whether it’s making a powerful image, a candid discussion on industry trends, or a reflection on the tools and technology changing how we make photographs. You’ll get insights, expert opinions, and a fresh perspective on what’s top of mind for photographers right now.

Anticipate short, engaging episodes brimming with ideas and inspiration. Be part of the conversation by sharing your thoughts, voice notes, and comments. Your participation is what makes our community vibrant and dynamic.

It’s more than just photography - everything that makes photography tick.

Understanding Social Media Platforms for Effective Photography Marketing

[00:00:00] It's 2024 and.

[00:00:05] You think that by now the popular social media channels. The popular social media networks. What I'll be determined. They'd all be in stone. They'd be done, right? Like you wouldn't have to worry about another one popping up another one where you might have to be active as a photographer running a business, But. And I don't know if it was the end of 2023 or beginning 2024 or whatever it was.

[00:00:30] It's almost 2025 actually.

[00:00:34] And Threads came out. So now we have to worry about Facebook. We have to worry about instagram. Which is by the same company. We have to worry about. X, Twitter or Do we? I don't even know.

[00:00:49] We have to worry about LinkedIn. We have to worry about YouTube. We have to worry about TikTok.

[00:00:54] Now there's Threads, which is also part of Facebook and Instagram. [00:01:00] And Threads came out basically when Elon Musk acquired Twitter and then rebranded as X and basically ran into the ground. So Threads is a replacement of Twitter.

[00:01:13] From a Twitter used to be. There's a lot of other social networks. There's Pinterest of course.There's some that are far less common but exist. But the question really does become where do we need to spend our time? And I think even after all these years, As social media networks have come up and then gone away, different photo specific social media networks have common gone away.

[00:01:39] look, Flickr was extremely popular back in the day. It's still as popular, but it's not as popular 500px.

[00:01:47] Before SmugMug acquired Flickr. 500px came out when Yahoo acquired Flickr as a means of replacing Flickr. 500px also went downhill after the, after a long time. [00:02:00] There's Glass. Glass is a really beautiful platform. But not growing in popularity as much as other social media networks. It has not replaced could. It's definitely a better user experience, but it has not replaced Instagram. And that's probably because. Glass is for photographers, not for the end consumer. Same thing with Flickr, same thing with 500px.

[00:02:27] So the main social media channels, where should you spend your time? Okay. Now as somebody who runs a photography business, the answer is actually quite simple. Our simpler. Than what you might think it is.where should you spend your time? On social media. While running a photography business. And the answer. Is this. The answer is this. It's where your clients are.

[00:02:55] When it comes down to, it comes down to where your clients spend their [00:03:00] time. On social media. Is where you should be spending your time on social media. For your business. Now, if that is LinkedIn. Then you should not be spending your time on Instagram for your photography business. You can spend your time on Instagram for your personal stuff. But not for your photography business.

[00:03:20] If your clients are only on Instagram. For example, if your clients are CEOs of businesses for headshots, you don't have to be on Instagram. You can make your living. By marketing with traditional marketing methods; email marketing. cold emails, cold. cold.drop cards into business mailboxes. By word of mouth, things like that. And by doing a lot of work on LinkedIn. Because all your clients are there. But if your clients are brides and grooms and moms and dads. LinkedIn may not be the place.

[00:03:59] [00:04:00] Instagram might be the place. So at the end of the day, with all this madness, should you spend your time on Threads? While our, are your clients on Threads? Do you see your clients on Threads using it on a regular day-to-day basis? If the answer is yes, then yes, you should be spending your time on Threads.

[00:04:19] If the answer is no, get off of Threads and spend your time elsewhere. Stop wasting your time where it's not needed. Stop wasting your time where it's not needed. Spend the time

[00:04:32] wherever your clients are. That is the only answer to that question. You don't have to go through a big course.

[00:04:44] and spend a lot of money to figure out. Where to spend your time on social media. I just answered it.

[00:04:52] I'm on will going on five minutes of recording this. And at this point, I'm rambling way more than I want to. The answer is that simple. I answered it in 10 [00:05:00] seconds. Spend your time where your clients are. And if you are not spending your time where your clients are,

[00:05:07] take a step back, rethink your photography business and your marketing strategies. Rethink it. Because you're wasting a lot of time. You're wasting a lot of energy. You're wasting a lot of money on the social channels you don't need to be. You don't need to be on TikTok if your clients are not spending their time on TikTok. Just saying.