Movies are fun! Movies are awesome! But movies can sometimes be very, very weird... or just plain terrible. In this intersection of fun, awesome, weird and terrible is where Matt, Luciano, Chris and Spencer live and thrive. They'll be watching the latest FACTS (Fantasy, Action, Comic, Thriller, Sci-Fi) movies available on streaming services and sharing their equally awesome, fun, weird and terrible thoughts on them. Welcome to Popcorn & Plot Holes!
Matt (00:00.783)
Bonjour! It is time for...
Luciano (00:02.158)
no. Sacre bleu!
Spencer (00:02.358)
Chris (00:02.569)
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Spencer (00:07.748)
We lost you!
Chris (00:09.789)
Matt (00:11.499)
So care for the edgy.
Spencer (00:13.88)
For folie de... le bibliothèque.
Matt (00:15.993)
Chris (00:19.465)
Chris (00:22.921)
Matt (00:22.961)
I'll have you know that Spencer and I both married to women from Montreal, so we're allowed to do this.
Spencer (00:25.764)
Oui oui mon ami!
Chris (00:29.833)
Matt (00:30.689)
And Chris lived there, so he's allowed to do it. It's just Luciano. No, no, no, no, no,
Chris (00:33.359)
Life don't get much better
Spencer (00:35.652)
You are cancelled!
Luciano (00:37.045)
I do not care!
Chris (00:39.036)
Matt (00:40.769)
Speaking about no no not for you sir. We watched the Joker falling idea and that was for all of us. No no we should not have watched this movie. Potentially it was bad who knows spoilers.
Chris (00:54.505)
Luciano (00:55.764)
Not only did you bury the lead, you killed it first, had a ceremony. Yeah, no, don't do that. That is a bad idea.
Matt (01:00.689)
Sing a song perhaps? get there. We'll get there. Luciano is obviously here with us. Chris? Chris also showed up. Spencer, first time, long time.
Luciano (01:08.289)
Chris (01:09.723)
I am. I am here.
Spencer (01:13.068)
Wee wee! Shimmapel Spencer! I couldn't miss this one. That's no matter how hard I tried.
Chris (01:13.715)
Luciano (01:14.695)
Way, way.
Matt (01:15.781)
We fucking got you buddy!
Chris (01:17.193)
Matt (01:20.291)
Yeah, you could not. Yeah, you tried hard. You really resisted. Now you're trapped in your basement again. It's fine. Yeah. So let's do this. We are honor bound to say one nice thing about this movie. If we then don't like this movie, if not, you know, it's going to be easy for us. Nice things. Spencer, what do you got?
Chris (01:20.553)
You could have, you couldn't.
Luciano (01:23.101)
Spencer (01:25.828)
I could not miss this movie at gunpoint
Chris (01:25.885)
We would have forgiven you.
Luciano (01:44.835)
Ha ha ha!
Spencer (01:46.648)
Well, let me tell you about the thing I liked about this movie. A Joker, a Joker. This movie was bad and it was boring and long and it's a Joker.
Luciano (01:58.67)
Already better musical number than the whole movie.
Matt (01:59.921)
I know exactly what he's feeling and what's happening. Well done.
Chris (02:03.283)
Spencer (02:05.412)
Luciano (02:07.01)
Yeah, it's also original music.
Chris (02:07.614)
Spencer (02:09.316)
Yeah, completely original. One thing I like about this, I forgot we start with this.
Chris (02:16.713)
That's what a movie like that's the Joker will do to you too
Matt (02:17.764)
Luciano (02:18.382)
That was, was needed 45 minutes of preparation to answer that one question.
Spencer (02:21.952)
Yeah Thing I liked about this movie it I got it. It had good cinematography. It's a good-looking movie the trailer when you watch the trailer I remember because when I watch the trailer like this looks cool and And there's a couple scenes in this movie that I remember from the trailer. I was like This was from the trailer and it was wrong Shit this is what they used to fool us
Luciano (02:29.998)
True, true.
Luciano (02:35.81)
Yeah, same.
Matt (02:43.109)
Yep. Shit.
Luciano (02:44.974)
They tricked us again!
Chris (02:49.033)
Hood... Hoodwinked!
Matt (02:51.313)
I'd like to do a realist immediately because I have a question that somewhat relates to your point of the scenery and everything looking good. So did they call Gotham New York City at one point?
Spencer (03:01.698)
Yes. The jury says when they say it's charged, they're like, due to the power of the York City state or whatever.
Chris (03:02.345)
I feel like they did.
Luciano (03:03.658)
It's New York City versus.
Matt (03:08.368)
Luciano (03:11.776)
Yeah. Yeah.
Matt (03:12.931)
Okay, so they're just not even bothering with like acting like Gotham's its own city and like entities.
Spencer (03:18.402)
I think they're saying it's a city, Gotham is a city in New York, like the Gotham Comedy Club.
Luciano (03:23.114)
Not in New York state. Yeah.
Matt (03:25.201)
okay. Yeah. Bye.
Luciano (03:27.118)
And I also, I always thought Gotham was supposed to be Chicago. So I guess not. Cause for me, metropolis was New York.
Matt (03:33.018)
No. Yeah, so the problem is, like they're like, they're like combinations.
Chris (03:33.725)
Chicago like.
Spencer (03:36.098)
Have you heard the Penguin talk? Have you heard the Penguin talk in the, you do good work, Vic, you do good work. That's a fucking New York accent.
Luciano (03:42.296)
Matt (03:45.531)
Luciano (03:45.558)
Yeah, well, yeah, all of the mobsters too, right?
Matt (03:49.083)
But they, yeah, no Chris is gonna say it, in DC, Midway is the name Chicago. The thing is, is like all those cities are like common nations, Like in theory, Metropolis is New York, Gotham is like a Boston, a bit of Boston, a bit of Chicago. Yeah, yeah.
Chris (03:49.289)
But in DC, go ahead, go ahead.
Luciano (03:57.614)
that's right. Yeah, the yeah.
Luciano (04:04.653)
Chris (04:06.121)
Chicago, New York, and
Luciano (04:07.542)
Right, And then what, coastal cities, LA? San Diego, okay.
Matt (04:12.465)
Probably more San Diego.
Spencer (04:13.664)
you know, Atlantis is Rhode Island.
Chris (04:15.549)
Air Force here. Hey!
Matt (04:18.179)
Yep, famously.
Luciano (04:19.938)
Spencer (04:20.708)
Well, we got this man, he's claimed chowder's delicious! Still New York. Yeah, chowder!
Chris (04:21.222)
and in
Matt (04:22.769)
I said CHAMP DAIR! Anyways, let's go back to... know, Luciano.
Chris (04:24.072)
Chris (04:28.368)
Luciano (04:34.304)
Okay, so, and this is gonna be a foreshadowing of how good this movie is. The one thing I liked about this movie, my favorite scene in this movie is when Sophie's taking the stand and is talking about, like giving her her testimony and she says, if I had called the police, maybe all of those people would still be alive. And it cuts to Joker and he goes,
Spencer (04:40.964)
Don't be a real good, you can't joke your way out of it.
Matt (04:41.105)
You better be a real good thing and not a fake one.
Luciano (05:04.052)
that's true. Like his reaction is so genuine. I will actually left out loud. It was like, okay, that was really funny because he's like, he's not in his own trial. He's just watching someone tell the story and he's like, yeah, that's probably true. So that was my favorite scene of this movie that should tell you some
Spencer (05:16.516)
a good point.
Spencer (05:21.56)
Your favorite scene in the movie is when they recap the last movie.
Luciano (05:24.974)
Yeah, you're not wrong.
Spencer (05:27.556)
Chris (05:27.581)
Yeah, they did that. They did that, a handful of
Matt (05:27.76)
I appreciate that. Chris, what do you got?
Chris (05:33.693)
Yeah, Southern Joker lawyer, walking in Prancing, Galavantin with that stride and that drawl. I had no idea. I thought it was just gonna be a mini bit for him, but he committed and like, was glorious. I didn't even know was something that I needed. And before and after that, I was dead inside. So yeah.
Spencer (05:34.756)
That was pretty good
Luciano (05:35.937)
Luciano (05:47.662)
Matt (05:57.649)
That's good. I like that. part you like, not the dead part.
Chris (06:01.768)
yeah, sorry. Adhering to rules.
Matt (06:06.161)
Not much about this movie was exciting to me. I know, but I'll say there's two things. One is I really appreciated that they Kool-Aid manned the courtroom to have the Joker escape. Yeah, I'm pretty certain that's in the director's cut. It is actually Kool-Aid man popping through. Yeah, he's got Joker face. Yeah. And then the other thing is
Spencer (06:08.598)
Matt, you have to say one too.
Luciano (06:11.041)
Yeah, you do.
Spencer (06:17.764)
yeah! Anarchy! Yeah! And he's like, he's a Joker fan. He's down with the system! yeah! Capitalism!
Luciano (06:28.309)
I would not be surprised.
Matt (06:35.633)
It's obviously a holdover from the first movie, but damn, Joaquin Phoenix just is a great crazy laugh. It is like the Joker laugh is so spot on. Like it makes you really think he is like the Joker and then he sings and I forget. He's fine. I don't think his portrayal of the characters is the same as the last movie. It's just the movie and that's a great segue to this movie suck balls.
Luciano (06:40.758)
Yeah. Yeah.
Spencer (06:48.494)
He's still good in this, minus the singing.
Spencer (06:58.488)
The movie!
Luciano (07:00.866)
Jesus Christ.
Matt (07:02.917)
We have many flaws and complaints about this movie. Let's start at the highest level possible.
Luciano (07:08.846)
Chris (07:12.294)
Matt (07:12.73)
What was this movie about? I'm so confused.
Spencer (07:14.116)
I'm so confused!
Luciano (07:14.4)
Yeah, so am I. I would go even further and say, what was the purpose of telling this story? What did it accomplish?
Spencer (07:27.17)
I think the script, I won't even say script, think that the plot treatment was like Joker starts in prison and then Phil scene and then Joker dies in prison. And they're like, we'll figure out the middle as we go. I do think they wanted to deconstruct the Joker. I just don't think that they could.
Luciano (07:38.741)
End's dead.
Matt (07:42.322)
Luciano (07:43.566)
I see they got the ends and they're like, well Phil saved this with something. How about songs?
Matt (07:48.913)
Spencer (07:56.566)
I don't think they had a story in mind to do that. They were just like, that's our end goal, and we're just going to put things that make that happen.
Luciano (08:03.788)
What I read was that Todd Phillips was like, he was mad that there were people that saw the Joker as a hero in the first movie or something. And so he wanted to kind of disavow people of this. And apparently he wanted it to be anticlimactic and anti-audience. He said, I wanted this to be an anti-audience movie. I'm like, what? Yeah, 100%.
Chris (08:05.032)
He's right.
Chris (08:29.907)
Mission accomplished.
Spencer (08:30.628)
You nailed it sir!
Matt (08:33.427)
That's a great way to no longer work in Hollywood.
Luciano (08:33.479)
Yeah. Yeah. I was like, I don't understand.
Chris (08:36.041)
Spencer (08:36.068)
Hey hey dummy guess what yeah people are gonna like your protagonist even when they're the villain because it's your protagonist
Matt (08:45.553)
This is one of my fundamental problems with this movie is, unlike in the first movie, Todd Phillips couldn't give a fuck that the Joker is an established character in a canon. He was so like horse-blandered to his end goal, like you said, Spencer, of like having the Joker die that he basically ignored everything. Like the Joker has rules, the Joker has structure. And this movie, Joaquin Phoenix is the Joker's dish.
Luciano (08:46.945)
Luciano (08:59.714)
Matt (09:15.717)
did whatever was convenient to drive the plot to the end goal, right? So he's like, he's on meds and he's normal and then he kicks off the meds and he does something crazy and then he flips back. The end scene where he like turns into the Joker, goes back to the prison, allegedly gets sodomized by the prison guards and then comes back to the prison the next day and is like, yeah, the court room's like, I killed my mom, I choked that guy, I did all these things. The yo-yo was like, what the fuck?
Chris (09:35.379)
Luciano (09:40.716)
No, and that came out of like absolute nowhere. Yeah.
Chris (09:41.993)
True. Correct. None, none, zero.
Spencer (09:42.404)
not earned at all.
Matt (09:43.823)
Yeah. No.
Spencer (09:47.054)
I mean, it would have made sense. And it's so obvious if you're just writing this movie that like he falls for Harley and they have this whole thing. And then she ends up leaving him because he's not what she wanted. And then he has that breakdown because he's like finally had love and then it was taken away, but she leaves because he has that breakdown, which doesn't make any sense for like.
Matt (09:59.119)
Yeah. Sure.
Luciano (09:59.267)
Luciano (10:05.376)
Yeah. And we can talk about this more later once we're done with this, but like I hated the flip of the dynamic of her manipulating him rather than the opposite, which is how it usually is with them. Like her being a psychiatrist, actual psychiatrist, not just going to grad school, but we can talk about it a little later, but I hated that. And that culmination of her going, if you're not going to be my pet plaything, I'm going to walk out. It was like,
So am I supposed to... I don't understand how I'm supposed to feel. I'm supposed to hate her and pity him? But he is what if not the biggest one of the biggest villains in comic book history. Why am I feeling sorry for this guy? I don't want to.
Spencer (10:39.906)
Yes. Yes.
Spencer (10:50.254)
Well, whole, well, think one thing you need, one thing that everybody needs to know when they go into any, either this or the last Joker movie is that top Phillips, like you said, doesn't give a fuck about Joker. And I don't think the first movie was supposed to be a Joker movie. I think it was a script he had that he turned into a Joker movie because that would get it made. It works, but it's also not really like the Joker. It's like its own version, like of a sad story of, you know,
Matt (11:08.782)
Maybe, yeah.
Luciano (11:10.36)
But it works, the first movie works.
Luciano (11:15.291)
Spencer (11:19.573)
of a man who crumbles.
Luciano (11:20.14)
Yeah, but like that is as good an origin story for the Joker as anything else. And it has some, like they touch on that in some of the comics as far as I remember. Not like there isn't a story exactly like this, but there's beats of this, right? The name itself and all that stuff, like, right? The abuse and all, like him trying to be a normal guy, trying to be like a person who's in society and gets fucked by society and they decide that everything's got to burn.
Chris (11:44.595)
stand up.
Luciano (11:50.316)
That's how we landed in the end of the last movie. I thought they were gonna pick up on that and move it along. Okay, now he's a natural villain. See, I know that would have made sense. Yeah.
Spencer (11:57.09)
where he's actually at like a crime lord no no silly man why would we get the movie we want
Matt (12:00.773)
The... The... The...
Matt (12:07.345)
Chris, you're familiar with the elsewhere line of comics in DC, right?
Chris (12:13.043)
Partially, I've been exposed.
Matt (12:13.849)
Yeah, well, yeah, so they are for the audience is not listening. It's sorry. The audience is listening for been for it. Fair enough for it and slip. Here we go. So the Outdoor Comics is a place where DC can tell stories about the characters sort of elsewhere in time or elsewhere in space, et cetera. So like, yeah, so Gotham by Gaslight is an example. There's an animated film for it.
Chris (12:20.774)
Luciano (12:21.061)
They're they're not, but okay.
Chris (12:23.485)
Gotta believe! Here comes the sick, here comes the number. Anyways.
Chris (12:35.177)
Luciano (12:36.064)
Right, like Marvel's What If, basically.
Chris (12:38.921)
Sure, yeah.
Luciano (12:41.143)
Matt (12:43.057)
And so to me this Joker the first Joker movie just felt like an elsewhere Joker by 19th Elseworld, sorry. Thank you. Yeah Joker by 1970s New York, you know That's all it felt like to me. And so when the second movie comes in I was like, you still so jokering the same story and then I see it I'm just like but why Why did you want the Joker for this?
Luciano (12:48.44)
Spencer (12:49.006)
else worlds,
Chris (12:50.845)
Worlds. Yeah.
Luciano (12:51.574)
Elseworlds, yeah, you're right, yeah, yeah.
Chris (12:56.372)
Spencer (13:04.484)
Stop joker-ing it.
Luciano (13:09.399)
Spencer (13:09.7)
I mean, makes no sense because the whole first movie is like his origin. And then when you look at it in hindsight, it was like the origin of what? The origin of a guy who just gets killed in the going to jail for the crime he commits in the first movie.
Matt (13:17.87)
Luciano (13:20.94)
No, no. Yeah, it's it's it's the origin of a guy who could have been the Joker, but ended up just immediately going to Arkham, getting fucked by everybody literally and non literally and then dying. Like it's that's
Spencer (13:35.31)
He inspired the Joker.
Matt (13:35.473)
Isn't this why, yes, isn't this why the Simpsons just used the piece of paper with the text that said Pucci died on the way back to his home planet? So we didn't have to see a movie of Pucci singing and going through an existential crisis?
Luciano (13:46.444)
Yeah. Yes.
Spencer (13:49.476)
I think that's exactly why.
Luciano (13:52.279)
Chris (13:54.026)
But it makes sense to also plus one on your earlier point, Luciano, when you're like, am I pitying him? It's because that's what happened over one and two, complete punching bag in every sense of the word. And so it's confounding, perplexing.
Luciano (14:09.942)
Yeah, and no payoff for the punching bag, right? It's like he's a punching bag in the first movie, but then in the first movie, he snaps, right? That's the whole point, which is kind of like what you're going to see. This is a villain's origin story, right?
Spencer (14:28.642)
And it's like cathartic because he finally like, like kind of stands up for himself, even though it's like, you know, he's wrong. You empathize because they've shown him his past and it's a it's a good structure and it makes a payoff.
Luciano (14:31.704)
Luciano (14:35.416)
Yeah. Yeah. And then here is like, no, just is just a punching bag. There's no payoff. There's no conclusion, like satisfactory conclusion. Cause even that whole scene where he gets killed at the end, I was like, why would the guard let him walk so far behind? And then some other dude comes in, talks to him. The guard is just fucking off. that's.
Spencer (14:56.543)
They were in on it.
Chris (14:58.986)
Matt (15:02.193)
I mean you saw the guards to let them get away like if Harley was in the hole with Joker When they when they well, that's the thing. I think they just paid off the guards like I mean You're to me. This is kind of like this is the worst analogy ever but my analogy is always like when someone breaks up with you and like they broke up with you and For like a dumb reason like you know, whatever you didn't you know, you kept not skipping on dates or something but
Luciano (15:10.51)
That's another thing. How did you get there?
Spencer (15:10.788)
What's up?
Luciano (15:15.969)
Right, yeah.
Matt (15:31.921)
you're mad because they weren't nice to your dog or something. like, you know, like the reason why you broke up isn't because they weren't nice to your dog. They broke up with you because they didn't want to date you anymore. And so like the complaints of like, they got away with things in the jail. It's just like, yeah, it's jails. People can be corrupt. It is what it is.
Luciano (15:49.44)
No, no, I know. like, my point is not like it's not that it doesn't make sense or anything, which it doesn't. But you're right. Like that's, that's like, you know, eating it like a giant bowl of shit and complaining there's a hair on it. Like it's not, that's not what I'm doing. Right. It's, it's like, even that scene that it felt like they wanted it to be this big sort of
Chris (16:03.433)
Matt (16:04.271)
Luciano (16:13.944)
Chris, not like a big sort of climactic end or anticlimactic end. And it was not, it was just like a whimper. Like, okay, this punching bag got punched bag one last time.
Spencer (16:24.644)
The ending would have made sense if this was like the third movie and the second movie was him Being like the like the king of Gotham and like doing all this shit and then have seeing him die would be like wow like what this is how it all ends like this is what it all leads to but what it just had he just all he did was shoot a guy on TV and then
Luciano (16:30.552)
Mayhem, mayhem. Yeah, yeah.
Luciano (16:38.968)
Luciano (16:45.068)
And then he spent this whole movie trying to get exonerated or like not found not guilty. He tanks himself like immediately. And then you're like, okay, so what's going to happen now? Is it going to go to the electric? Nope, nope. It's going to get chipped. All right.
Matt (17:05.787)
So Chris, let me ask you this question because I'm curious what your thoughts are on this. You are the comics representative on the crew. Like, is this a Joker you were interested in or care about or like, you know, like because this was like, this Joker in the second week was just not really interesting, not fun, not thought provoking, was just like
Chris (17:12.807)
Gay or whatever.
Matt (17:36.087)
nothingness. And so I'm wondering, are there other representations of Joker that are not the Heath Ledger version but are closer to this or just more interesting that we could have talked about?
Chris (17:47.924)
could have easily gone with Caesar Romero's Joker and we would all have won. First of all, second of all, the first joke, the first Todd Phillips Joaquin Phoenix Joker, I was interested in that one. until, and now that we're on the other side in High Tides 2020, there was a point where there was a point in this sequel where I thought we see, we would get an actual journey. I don't care. I don't care.
Matt (17:49.105)
Luciano (17:51.022)
Matt (17:52.868)
Yeah, that's true.
Matt (18:11.771)
Get there? Yeah.
Luciano (18:13.398)
I thought so too.
Chris (18:16.241)
I was here for the ride. wasn't, I went in with like as a blank slate and I was, like the trust was already earned based on Joker, the first one. So yes, I was interested and every time my mind started to formulate a potential outcome, like with the explosion in the courtroom at the end, I thought he was going to, this was going to be, okay, slow burn.
Luciano (18:26.37)
The first movie. Yeah.
Chris (18:44.337)
and now he could escape and something bigger could happen especially with all these weird... Nah, silly man, silly man.
Spencer (18:48.416)
Nah, nah, We don't do that here. We don't do that here.
Matt (18:52.495)
His dark knight, if you will.
Chris (18:54.406)
Sure, but at the same time, it's this very, very weird bait and switch that would take place. Like Harley was like, so what's next, Harley? What are you gonna do next? We're gonna build a mountain. This fucking build a mountain concept. Don't do that if you're not going to deliver or attempt. It wasn't. It's just that you, keep watching, keep watching.
Luciano (19:06.142)
Matt (19:06.741)
Luciano (19:11.34)
Well, but you know, you know why, right? You know why? But you know why that that was the thing, right? You know why that was the thing, right? Just because of the fucking song. Exactly. That was just the only reason why.
Spencer (19:17.262)
Felt that whopper.
Chris (19:18.963)
Spencer (19:21.092)
So could chew her in that song in. Yeah. Yeah.
Matt (19:27.259)
So this brings my next question then. A couple of the songs seem like they fit the movie or what was going on.
Luciano (19:35.943)
Yes, and others was like, what is this?
Matt (19:38.627)
Others like and I'm I you know, understand the musical and sometimes it's not to say what the words but as about the feelings But like I couldn't pick up on anything on some of those songs
Luciano (19:47.348)
No, I... this is why I don't like jukebox musicals. Like, I... if you're gonna make a musical, write new songs. Exactly. Right?
Spencer (19:51.798)
Yeah, you got to write some goddamn music, especially when it's a like a story musical where it's like, you're telling a story like you need. That's valuable screen time that can be used to develop characters and like create storytelling and instead it's used to like sing a song that doesn't really have anything to do. Like maybe there's some little themes that are touching on, but they're not the words aren't actually about what's happening.
Luciano (20:00.941)
Matt (20:06.981)
Spencer (20:20.31)
It's just a waste of time. it, it, it, it, I was checking out and I'm also probably the small, small demographic and Luciana might be one of them as well, who like loves DC comic books and musicals. And it, and it missed for, I love Jesus Christ superstar. I have a big Hamilton fan. Yeah. I love Phantom of the Opera. Like, you know, I like.
Chris (20:23.089)
It hurts.
Matt (20:37.359)
Yeah. Weirdos. All except this one.
Luciano (20:37.398)
Chris (20:39.079)
Which musicals though?
Chris (20:43.945)
Okay, Hamilton's good, I liked it. Yeah, yeah. In the Heights was another good one too.
Spencer (20:51.172)
I've never seen any nights but I want to. I haven't seen that either but I want to. But it's like I genuinely like I download those albums and listen to like I like musicals a lot and this movie I was just like so when I heard his musicals like okay I'm on board like this could be cool. And I was just like this is such a miss. And if I don't like it. Nobody like it.
Luciano (20:51.438)
I like Book of Mormon.
Matt (20:54.609)
definitely definitely see it
Chris (20:55.123)
I haven't seen that table yet.
Luciano (20:56.021)
It's so good.
Luciano (21:04.717)
Matt (21:08.293)
You know?
Luciano (21:08.657)
And to me it was like, it's because it starts with, you know, the whole thing with the cartoon, which we haven't even touched on, which was like the moment I saw that I was like, my God, this movie is already so fucking full of itself that I can't stand it. But let's see where it goes. And then you get the whistling of when the scenes go marching in. But we only really get songs after he meets Harley towards like the E.R. or something like that. And I was like.
Matt (21:11.355)
Chris (21:17.469)
Spencer (21:34.955)
like 40 minutes in almost.
Luciano (21:40.288)
already not liking this movie and then they started singing I'm like this is another layer of something I don't want in this movie that I already don't like because it's songs are not good like to your point Matt like what were the songs trying to like what was the point of it being as long as just because they got Lady Gaga is that why that makes no fucking sense
Spencer (21:48.888)
Just yeah.
Spencer (21:59.62)
Yeah, like when I was thinking the same thing, I'm like, there's a version of this movie that could work as a musical if it was like I said, like if the musical segments were like them being crazy and they're all like these big over the top acts where it's like full fantasy land, visually crazy, original cool music. And that's like showing his insanity. But there are like scenes of them just like sitting in the glass, like sitting across from each other through the glass, just singing.
Luciano (22:14.264)
Spencer (22:29.056)
one-on-one to each other and I'm like this this doesn't work
Luciano (22:30.497)
Matt (22:31.547)
That goes to your point earlier, maybe it during the pre-show, but like, is this singing real? Is it happening in line with the movie? Or is this singing happening separate from the movie, right?
Luciano (22:49.774)
I at one point I thought like in the beginning I was like, the songs are going to be in his head. But then at one point he says, stop singing, just talk, which is what I was thinking. And I know you were too as well, Spencer. Right. So then she was singing in actual life, life, quote unquote.
Spencer (23:00.164)
Matt (23:00.529)
Mm-hmm. Yeah.
Spencer (23:08.206)
I think like the, the, the, the goal, I don't want to speak for the movie, but I think it was like the singing was their madness. It was like their joint fantasy and like he was coming out of the madness and she was like trying to stay it. So he's like, stop singing. He's like, just be like real for a second. And she was like, nah, like I don't want to be real. And that's why she left him. She's like, you're, you, you like, we had a fantasy life and you want real. Yeah. Like he's like him saying he's not the joker is like, you're, you're like,
Luciano (23:18.615)
Luciano (23:31.97)
You wanna, you're too normal. You're too normal for me.
Spencer (23:37.566)
She says it, she's like, we have was the fantasy. And those themes and stuff, I didn't mind. It was just the execution. Like the fantasy didn't feel like crazy, a lot of it. felt like it was like them just talking and then singing an out, a song from the eighties that had nothing to do with what was going on or the seventies or wherever the fuck, or some Sinatra era stuff. I was just like, boy. That's when I started looking at my phone. Guilty as charged.
Luciano (23:44.312)
Luciano (23:54.606)
Or the 70s even. Yeah, yeah.
Luciano (24:03.714)
Chris (24:04.873)
But there's the biggest like we've identified so many problems and that's once again what that's like at the at the the that's like the crux of this movie and Todd Phillips not giving a fuck about Joker that conversation alone Joker like Use words just talk stop singing that in itself is not that's the contradiction that scene is broken. That's that's that's not Joker That's not Harley at all
Luciano (24:29.155)
Luciano (24:32.717)
And can I use that as a segue to talk about Harley, like I wanted to?
Matt (24:37.649)
No. Nah.
Chris (24:38.055)
I want you to. I want to support it, but there's one more thing, cause I cracked the code, guys.
Spencer (24:38.926)
I won't... We're not done.
Luciano (24:40.248)
Okay, I... Okay, go ahead. Okay.
Matt (24:43.419)
Yeah, we're gonna vote that down.
Chris (24:45.214)
This movie was not directed by Todd Phillips. This movie was not performed by Joaquin Phoenix or Lady Gaga. This movie was ghost directed by one Nicholas Cage as Shrek.
Spencer (24:49.774)
Go on.
Matt (25:05.358)
Ladies and gentlemen just because you didn't watch the video he had to look down that was a prepared statement to prepare the statement legally
Spencer (25:05.476)
Spencer (25:10.532)
Maybe the Joker is the craziness inside Chris.
Chris (25:10.569)
I wrote notes! I wrote my notes!
Luciano (25:17.23)
Chris, this whole thing where you stop me from doing my very logical segue...
Chris (25:18.877)
Nah man.
Chris (25:23.274)
You're free to continue. You're free to continue now.
Spencer (25:23.428)
No, no, no
Luciano (25:25.492)
was you gave us a two minute the same feeling that we got in this movie where there's a there's a height and no payback on the joke at all it was like where what's happening here
Spencer (25:32.739)
No, the...
Matt (25:34.257)
No, no, Chris evoked an emotion, which is more than this movie did.
Spencer (25:37.824)
Yeah and it also came off Chris also came off as genuinely crazy which is different than this movie.
Luciano (25:39.702)
No, this mo- this movie evoked emotions right. True, true, true, true.
Matt (25:44.965)
Ha ha ha.
Chris (25:45.619)
Really? Listen, we needed content. Your boy stepped up to the plate and I didn't bunt.
Spencer (25:54.488)
Yeah, I'm just gonna go ahead and just move on from that real quick. I do think that this movie, keep saying this, like could have worked. And I realized that it's, one, should have, this movie should have started with him as full Joker, because that's where the last movie ended, right? And it should have been, they should have, and it should have been him, it should have been the opposite of the first movie we were at.
Luciano (25:55.053)
Luciano (26:13.546)
Agreed, yes. No, but they should have. They should have.
Matt (26:14.351)
You never go full joker.
Chris (26:16.999)
Also true, cause it's not Joker.
Spencer (26:24.164)
If the ending is him admitting he's not the Joker or coming to terms with like insanity or whatever, then the whole movie should be him coming down from being the Joker. And it's like a reverse of the first movie. And it starts off all musicals and fucking wackiness and with Harley Quinn. And then slowly he, his lawyers like getting him to take meds and become sane. And then it's like the reverse of this movie. But the problem with this movie is it starts off right where he started off in the first movie, where he's like a sad sap.
Luciano (26:50.861)
Spencer (26:51.758)
fucking so like it's like nothing happened in the first movie and then he slowly becomes the Joker again but right when he becomes a Joker again he stops being the Joker because he
Chris (26:58.537)
Luciano (27:00.172)
He doesn't really fully become the Joker like he did in the first movie either.
Spencer (27:03.16)
Chris (27:03.785)
This movie is is this movie is a sham. It's a mirage Like you're gonna get you're gonna get the Joker you see all the things you can see that the hula dancing Joaquin phoenix He's doing he did the kick. He did he went to the stairs. He did the kick. He's doing is Just fire but guess what? Nothing
Spencer (27:07.896)
This movie hates the Joker.
Luciano (27:08.481)
Spencer (27:13.496)
He's doing the dance! We showed the stairs!
Luciano (27:15.438)
Luciano (27:29.667)
All of the wacky shit that he actually did was in his head. When he's singing and like bashing people's heads and all that, that was all in his head.
Spencer (27:36.046)
just for the trailer.
Luciano (27:38.103)
Chris (27:38.301)
You know? B-roll.
Luciano (27:41.334)
Yeah, really.
Chris (27:42.729)
Matt (27:43.234)
I have a new fun concept that I'd like to throw out to the group. I think we should talk about Harley Quinn for a while. No one else suggested it. Thank you. Yeah.
Chris (27:47.087)
Mmm. Mmm. You know?
Luciano (27:48.718)
what a good idea, Matthew!
Spencer (27:49.025)
That is so good. Matt, I'm gonna send you some roses for that one.
Matt (27:54.129)
appreciate that. That would be really kind of you. I don't specifically...
Spencer (27:57.656)
I just wish someone said that before the Nicholas Gage Shrek comment. Unfortunately, it didn't happen.
Matt (28:01.061)
Yeah, just.
Chris (28:02.248)
It still works.
Matt (28:04.017)
So here we are.
Chris (28:05.001)
It still works, you still get your flow.
Luciano (28:05.922)
Hey, hey, hey, y'all go fuck yourselves.
Matt (28:08.546)
it's fire. I don't know.
Chris (28:09.351)
What's happening? We were so nice to each other. Let the man, let the ho, let the man.
Spencer (28:14.264)
We live in a society.
Matt (28:14.929)
I don't know. We do live in a society. Still the greatest joker of our generation. No, but what I really want to talk about is Harley. And I don't specifically have a problem that they wanted to invert the Harley story because they inverted the Joker story and, you know, blah blah blah or whatever. But much like Joker's character, Harley is not, isn't bound by things like plot or rules or, you know, a character arc.
Luciano (28:16.128)
Here we do.
Chris (28:16.649)
Some men
Luciano (28:43.5)
Now she has no depth, right?
Matt (28:45.433)
Yeah, she's just a foil. For a character we all know and love and everybody loves because Harley Quinn, know, from the cartoon originally in other words is like a very compelling character. She was a prop to this movie.
Luciano (28:47.616)
Luciano (28:56.408)
Luciano (29:00.514)
Yeah, she was a plot device, right? At this point. Like she comes in and is like, I've been put here because, you know, I burned my parents' house down. And I was, okay, good. Like she has some problems. She doesn't have to be the Harley that is a psychiatrist and all. It doesn't have to be that way. But then we do get that because no, actually she committed herself. Actually, she went to grad school for psychiatry. Yeah. And what she's doing, like to me,
Spencer (29:22.116)
She's a yuppie from the fuckin' suburbs.
Luciano (29:29.728)
It just, the reason why it irritated me that they flipped it is not because of the flipper, because we didn't need another reason to pity the Joker. But the fact that she picked him to be a sap just because she has some sort of power trip fantasy of manipulating this guy who's like in the news and making him do what she wants him to do. And being like the rich, like daddy's girl that gets to do whatever the fuck she wants. Yeah. That was.
Spencer (29:54.83)
She wanted to get her kicks.
Luciano (29:58.25)
Like you said, that's a character that we all have that we know is a tragic character, right? She has, there's a reason why things happen with her the way that they do. And they were like, no, she's just this prop plot device just to get us to kind of kick Joker when he's already down because reasons. Like it doesn't have a purpose other than that is what I'm saying.
Matt (30:18.191)
Well, the thing I was gonna say is, as you hear you're talking about it, it isn't even a flip of the character. Because a flip of the character, Harley Quinn would have been conniving and manipulative. And this one is, sure, and this Harley is just, she's like just slightly less sad-sack than the Joker himself. Yeah.
Luciano (30:31.202)
Yeah. And would have had a reason to do so as well.
Spencer (30:40.068)
She's like a fanboy, not like the way Harley is a fan of the Joker where she's like in love with him. She was like a fanboy that wanted to like, like wanted to be close to the fame of it all. Like she was in love with the fame, but she was a clout chaser. I, yeah, yes. And I think she is supposed to be the villain of the movie.
Luciano (30:42.04)
Chris (30:42.419)
Luciano (30:48.491)
enthralled by him really.
Matt (30:48.912)
Chris (30:54.097)
Mm-hmm. The clout. You wanted the clout?
Luciano (30:59.052)
Matt (30:59.537)
Sorry, clown chasing or clout chasing? Alright, fair enough. Ooh, clown clout.
Luciano (31:01.418)
Yes, yes.
Chris (31:03.049)
Clown clout chasing.
Luciano (31:04.674)
Luciano (31:08.62)
Yeah, for sure.
Matt (31:10.049)
Yes, because she manipulates him into loving her and then drops him and that's like...
Chris (31:14.749)
which could have been some, some.
Matt (31:16.443)
Could have saved him, but instead she crushed him. I mean, fucking Todd Phillips, it's so wild that he got so mad about incels loving the Joker and seeing him as an icon, because his parallels here are just so like, uninspiring and won't actually inform any of those incels who love the first movie about anything.
Luciano (31:25.794)
Spencer (31:34.82)
No. And honestly, I feel like the incels about the first movie was such a small group compared to the, and it's when we made a billion, over a billion, there's so many people that liked the movie for what it was trying to be. It was a character study and it was interesting and people weren't like, he's so cool, we should all shoot people. People weren't thinking that. That's what the media was talking about at the time, I think, because it was a fucking talking point. Yeah, everyone thinks he's a, everyone knows what he is. He's like a,
Matt (31:41.061)
Matt (31:47.237)
Luciano (31:47.437)
Matt (31:55.429)
Luciano (31:58.516)
Even the character isn't thinking that, right?
Spencer (32:04.758)
a tragic story and it's like it turned into a monster because of society like like the fact that he was like nobody gets this I gotta do it all different this time like get like my biggest message to dovels like get your head out of your fucking ass like this the amount of pretentiousness that seeps through the screen in this like as if it's like
Luciano (32:18.734)
Out of your ass, 100%.
Luciano (32:24.59)
In the cartoon alone, the way that it plays out with it being a 50s or 40s cartoon, I'm like, this movie is already so up its own ass that I already can't stand it in the first two minutes.
Chris (32:40.254)
Beside and like the plus one to this is like fuck Todd Phillips first of all You know Fuck this man. Hey, this man. my god because We get Joker one we go into Joker two and before the shit hits the fan and it becomes Joker two broken and loving it We get there we get their introduction Joker and Harley
Luciano (32:45.614)
Yes, 100%. 100%. Yeah.
Matt (32:45.777)
Great, yeah. Plus four.
Spencer (32:46.436)
Go on.
Matt (32:52.527)
Yeah. Food is fan.
Spencer (32:54.35)
Ha ha.
Luciano (33:05.111)
Chris (33:09.469)
They begin to fall in love, in love. It seemed like they were beginning to fall in love. And honestly, I was rooting for their romance because on this topic of Incel Joker, it was humanizing him and giving him, like he said it himself, I'm not alone anymore. And for me, that was something worth rooting for, from the lens of like just humanity. And it could all turn to shit.
Luciano (33:17.26)
Spencer (33:29.827)
Yeah, like...
Luciano (33:30.124)
Luciano (33:33.838)
Chris (33:39.613)
with the right structure, but to rip that away, okay, but to rip it away and then go down the path it did is all kinds of wrong. Todd Phillips should not be allowed to work anymore, period. Fuck this man.
Luciano (33:48.814)
I genuinely thought that, you know, he was being a sad sack the whole time in prison and then he found her and he was like, now I'm not alone anymore. I generally talk to him, okay, this is going to be his motivation. He's going to break out of Arkham like he always fucking does. Right. And it's even easier to break out of Arkham then. Right.
Spencer (33:51.63)
Chris (34:07.561)
Sure, sure, see?
Matt (34:09.211)
That's because there's no Batman.
Spencer (34:11.118)
But even if you go...
Chris (34:11.517)
But with this character...
Spencer (34:16.056)
But even again, like even if you like that, that's going down with the classic Joker formula. Let's say you don't want to do that. You want to be more artsy. Just from a theme point of view, like it makes so much more sense if he falls in love with this this girl and he's never had love before and but she's tied to his insanity and they're insane together. That's what movie called Folie Deux, which is like joined madness. So it's like and but the theme is if he gives up his madness, he can not be put to death.
Luciano (34:36.718)
Joint madness, yeah.
Chris (34:38.121)
Spencer (34:46.104)
but he chooses his love of her and his insanity over living and that's your fucking climax. He's like, no, I'm gonna be the Joker for her. Yeah, like.
Matt (34:46.363)
Yeah. Sure.
Luciano (34:48.416)
Yeah, exactly.
Luciano (34:54.454)
I'm gonna stay crazy. know I can get better. Yeah, I know I can get better, but I'm gonna stay crazy because I wanna be with her. Like that would have been great.
Spencer (35:01.72)
And that's an emotional payoff.
Chris (35:02.377)
That would have been almost Yes that that could have gone that could have that could have like the raw potential human potential of that Could have in the right fucking hands. Fuck you Todd Phillips could have been Something could have been something almost great. God damn it. No fuck you Todd Phillips. I see you in the streets on site on site Todd Phillips on site
Luciano (35:05.57)
Yeah, yeah.
Spencer (35:19.161)
See ya.
Spencer (35:25.252)
No, no, hold me, me back!
Luciano (35:28.907)
It would have been on par, like on theme with the first movie, right? Where he's like, okay, he stays a tragic character because he found the one thing he never had and for him to have it, he has to not be okay. Right?
Spencer (35:36.728)
Yeah, exactly.
Chris (35:37.065)
Mm-hmm. Yep.
Spencer (35:46.232)
Yeah, exactly, it's perfect. that, again, the fact that she leaves him because he says he's sane, it doesn't work in this movie's context because why he became sane, there was no reason. Like, there's no reason why he all of sudden, other than him being abused by the guards and that, that.
Luciano (35:53.058)
Luciano (35:57.496)
Chris (36:03.539)
can't do this anymore!
Matt (36:07.643)
Fine. That's... That's normal. It's normal. Listen, I'm gonna say one thing and then segue directly away from it so you cannot comment after I say this, but this movie uses every trope in the book because Todd Phillips is too lazy to create anything on its own. He uses the Joker to give us an expectation and subvert it lazily. Everything that happens in the prison between people being able to get everywhere they want to, guards sotabuzzing a prisoner for some godforsaken fucking reason to...
Luciano (36:11.159)
Chris (36:35.463)
and killing.
Matt (36:36.481)
to killings, to stabbings where people walk off so you can get away with it to like share this choir next door, why not? Why not women next to men in a prison? These are great fucking ideas. All of it is just in service because Todd Phillips is lazy as shit. But I bring you to our first and only plot point because we need to get to that point in the episode. Hole. Well, it's a plot point in the sense that it's a tiny hole that we're going to zoom in on and it become a hole. Is that- did I save it? Did I do good? Okay, great.
Spencer (36:45.666)
Luciano (36:54.338)
Holy mean.
Luciano (37:03.832)
Sure, I'll allow it.
Matt (37:06.321)
The plot hole is the science. Sorry. My bad. It's the singing. It's another S word. It is the singing. Thank you. Dodd-Phillips did it.
Luciano (37:10.03)
It's another S word. Yeah.
Spencer (37:11.108)
Who wrote Matt's dialogue? Todd Phillips?
Chris (37:14.217)
The science, the sweet science of singing.
Luciano (37:17.495)
Chris (37:20.873)
Let the hate flow!
Matt (37:24.727)
So the singing, we've complained a lot about the outskirts of the scene, but I think the crux of the plot with the singing is it creates gaping holes in the plot that we go into the song thinking, okay, we know what's happening. And we come out of the song, we're like, what, what, what? Yeah, exactly.
Spencer (37:28.047)
Luciano (37:46.114)
The fuck? Yeah, yeah. Travolting, exactly. It's like, what, what? Yeah.
Chris (37:46.633)
Travolta... Travolta-ing?
Spencer (37:52.184)
It's like the ending of Grease where they fly away in the car all over again. It's like, wait, are they flying? Did they all die? What's happening here? Are they all high? And we don't get that answer. mean, yeah, like we talked about the scene in terms of like it not working in the movie as a structure or whatever, but like specifically as a plot hole, it doesn't make sense because there's scenes that are clearly fantasy.
Chris (37:55.976)
Chris (37:59.626)
Are they high?
Luciano (38:10.968)
Thing? Yeah.
Luciano (38:20.888)
Spencer (38:21.314)
And then there are scenes that are clearly not clearly not fantasy, but they're still singing. But things are happening that you're like that shouldn't be possible.
Luciano (38:23.712)
Matt (38:32.241)
Outside of when he goes into the choir room and it's obviously just people singing in a room in a choir. That's the only part of the movie where you know exactly where you are when the singing is taking place. But everything else Spencer says is correct. Yeah. And it's always, go ahead Spencer.
Spencer (38:37.646)
Luciano (38:42.092)
Yeah, it's a place where singing makes sense. Also. Yeah.
Spencer (38:45.956)
I think the most glaring one is when they are watching a movie together, because that happens with inmates that have killed people on live television. They get to watch movies with attractive women and minimal security. And she lights the place on fire, which at the time I was like, why are they giving the arsonist lighter and cigarette? But then maybe she committed herself, so maybe she wasn't an arsonist and that was all bullshit.
Luciano (38:55.022)
Sure, of course. With the minimal security. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Chris (38:59.88)
different with.
Luciano (39:06.251)
Nobody notices.
Chris (39:10.845)
Spencer (39:14.734)
So I'll give you a pass on that, Todd.
Chris (39:15.291)
Todd. Todd!
Luciano (39:17.735)
Spencer (39:18.712)
But, and then they just walk outside? How did they get out of the building? Did they just walk outside?
Luciano (39:24.438)
Yeah, they just walked.
Spencer (39:26.52)
That's crazy.
Chris (39:27.143)
Because of the distraction. Because it's that, like, because, like, if we're defending it.
Matt (39:29.001)
It's... No, it's because Arkham... Arkham is in an insane asylum and everybody there is just crazy, not dangerous.
Spencer (39:31.556)
There's a distraction so the doors don't lock anymore?
Chris (39:34.749)
Not anymore.
Spencer (39:39.009)
yeah, except for the people that killed people.
Luciano (39:40.108)
Yeah, that's where they're locked in individual cells.
Chris (39:43.005)
Controlled maximum security.
Matt (39:43.129)
Yeah, obviously.
Luciano (39:46.188)
No, and like the whole thing with her just going, okay, I'm going to set fire to this thing. She lights up the thing. She tosses it into the piano. She sits down and it takes forever for people to notice. And when they notice it's just like, my God, everybody out. And then they just walk out and then they start singing.
Chris (40:04.105)
It's too- the fighter's too far gone. The E-Wing is lost to us. It's lost!
Spencer (40:06.093)
No alarm.
Matt (40:10.769)
It's got
Luciano (40:11.766)
No. And then you and then you get and then you get the spotlights and the spotlights follow the music so that they know when to dodge it. And then they duck between two cars with like five guards passing by and looking them in the fucking eye and continuing and they continue. You're the one that I want. It's not that song because that song is good. But right. And. And then they get to the gate.
Spencer (40:14.259)
Chris (40:31.689)
No, no.
Spencer (40:32.21)
It could have been.
Matt (40:32.804)
Might as well be.
Luciano (40:38.986)
And then they captured them and it's only because the song ended? Is that why they got captured? Is song their magic? Is that what that is?
Spencer (40:47.266)
Like, that all, that all would be fine if it was just a scene fantasy. But then they're like, the news captures them escaping together. And then they're now they're talking about in, in the movie as a plot point, like you two tried to, saw you guys try to escape together. saw it and it's like, wait, that happened? I thought that was a fucking like dream sequence. Yeah. Like I'm like this, if they actually just walked out of there, then that's a plot hole. doesn't make any sense.
Luciano (40:56.769)
Luciano (41:04.279)
Chris (41:08.241)
dream sequence or some stuff.
Luciano (41:14.158)
And then and then you get on the like the fallout of that is my my they sent me away because they thought you were a bad influence on me But then we find out that she uncommitted herself, but then she tried to aid in a bad a fugitive You don't just walk away from that even with money
Spencer (41:30.692)
And set the plates on fire.
Matt (41:31.653)
You can't you can't recommit yourself. You can't recommit yourself the next day, right? Like come in and out as you please even if you are like, you know, they're not should be like, yeah, cool Yeah, Harley you to come on in fine. Go ahead. Bring bring Bring your lighter. Yeah
Luciano (41:33.962)
Yeah, I answered the police on fire.
Yeah, yeah.
Luciano (41:43.791)
again? It must be Tuesday. Yeah. Yeah.
Spencer (41:43.812)
You you makes you you
Chris (41:47.049)
Luciano (41:49.742)
And you're right, like she said, she is the one who set the place on fire and she tried to help him escape. And she says, I'm not trying to escape. Fuck you. Right. And like it's.
Spencer (42:00.274)
They would have known she set it on fire. There's camera. It's a prison.
Luciano (42:04.013)
Chris (42:04.489)
Matt (42:04.739)
It's the 80s, no cameras, no technology, no laws, no rules.
Spencer (42:06.734)
There's guards.
Luciano (42:07.32)
Chris (42:09.257)
The were, was only Jackie watching the movie in that room, apparently.
Luciano (42:12.822)
Jackie. Well, yeah. No, and also.
Matt (42:12.859)
Jackie. Yep.
Spencer (42:15.65)
Guys, if I go to prison for murdering six people, I wanna go to that prison. Or that one in Sweden where they have big screen TVs and video games.
Luciano (42:20.894)
Exactly, 100%. Because they just walk out. It's like a poor men's club med at this point.
Chris (42:28.361)
was gonna say that, I was gonna say, yeah, you nailed it. was gonna say dirty, but you got it, poor.
Matt (42:30.577)
That's a topical reference for you kids club, man. Don't worry about it. It's just fine.
Spencer (42:33.86)
Don't you worry.
Luciano (42:33.966)
Listen it's it's topical for the movies era
Matt (42:38.821)
That's fair.
Chris (42:38.963)
You know, if they don't get our references, fuck Todd Phillips, that's what!
Luciano (42:41.878)
Yeah, they should try being older. That's Yeah, it is.
Matt (42:44.665)
Fuck Todd Phillips, but also old school is the bomb great job
Spencer (42:49.444)
I'm trying to remember the other sequences that were like, like there were ones that, yeah, like in game cinematics. Yeah, like there's the one where he's like kills the judge and stuff. And obviously that's.
Matt (42:54.871)
in in game sequences for like better term. Yeah. Yeah.
Luciano (42:59.259)
The cutscenes?
Luciano (43:04.374)
Yeah, and they have...
Matt (43:04.399)
Right. And when Harley shoots him, it's like unless someone gets shot in the dance scene, it's real. And if they get shot, yeah, it's fake. It's fake.
Chris (43:07.027)
Spencer (43:09.272)
Luciano (43:12.672)
Yeah, and we get that the stupid veiled Sonny and Cher thing, which is like soap. It's so poorly done. They tried. They tried to veil it. Yeah. Sonny and Cher, true.
Spencer (43:19.78)
Was it veiled it's only veiled to the kids who don't know what Sonny Jare are Like that's a reference to something in the 70s. Sure
Luciano (43:29.101)
Chris (43:29.777)
It's just, it's, it's, I can't find any other word but disappointing because conceptually plus structurally, these, I look at this, I look at these numbers, musical numbers as experiments that could have worked, but it fractures so many, not here.
Luciano (43:49.656)
Well, but not with this structure, The way that the movie was set up and especially with song, again, to Matt's point in the beginning, where the songs don't make any fucking sense for the most part, right?
Matt (43:59.601)
Spencer (44:03.3)
Like it would've been cool if it was like, clearly his madness, like, imagine a scene where he's like, the lawyer's trying to keep them in reality and it's like singing and then it cuts to being like Arthur Arthur. And he's like, it's not singing that it cuts back to like, it's kind like a horror like vibe.
Luciano (44:09.09)
Luciano (44:17.751)
Matt (44:18.385)
Spencer, that's another scene where it seemed like it was real when he did the interview and he started singing during the interview. It comes across as that's actually what happened in the scene, like on TV.
Chris (44:24.637)
Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
Luciano (44:25.546)
Yes, 100%.
Yeah, when he's interviewing with the guy there, the, I don't remember his name, Patty or whatever.
Chris (44:29.897)
Chris (44:34.951)
Yeah, Patty, Steve Guggen. But like, it's a deviation once again, not even about the Joker, but it's a deviation from the potential of a character that was established in one and betrayed in number two. Like, it could have worked.
Luciano (44:45.761)
Luciano (44:53.314)
Well, they try to play it in a way that she's using the music to sort of keep him charmed almost. Yeah, but it doesn't like when they're talking over the like when she's out and he's in and they're talking and she starts singing close to you, which is one of the few ones that actually does make sense because like just, know, saying, right? But then he goes like he gets the...
Chris (45:01.066)
Spencer (45:02.178)
Like a siren.
Matt (45:02.711)
What? Jesus.
Matt (45:18.545)
Sure. Just say you love Tom Phillips.
Chris (45:18.825)
Luciano (45:22.242)
He gets all like... He gets all like mushy and she loves me, blah, But like, never gets... Again, maybe they could have done that. Like she realizes that the music has some sort of like a power, hypnotizing power over him for whatever reason. Play it up. No, it's just everything is like wishy washy in that sense.
Spencer (45:22.916)
Get off his dick!
Matt (45:46.769)
Let me ask you this then. Do you think that Todd Phillips went from making a movie where he wanted to make the audience think that he hates them to just hating the audience and
Luciano (46:01.07)
Yeah, he went from making a movie that where people go, does he hate us? To a movie that was like, he fucking hate us and we hate him back.
Matt (46:05.925)
Right. Yeah, like I know it sounds like a joke, but like I'm being semi real in the sense that like he went too far because he, he, it feels like he's actively saying, fuck you for liking this guy. Fuck you for having an interest in him.
Chris (46:12.584)
Luciano (46:15.272)
I see what you mean.
Spencer (46:18.308)
I like you actually say, fuck you. I actually, I'm not even joking. I actually think that was like a conversation when they're making the movie where they're like, what else can we do to make like these idiots who liked the first movie angry? And they're like, we got to have Joker. Well, one, we got to have him get killed. Two, we got to get him get fucking raped. And then and then at the end,
Luciano (46:20.876)
I could cross the line too far.
Luciano (46:44.014)
He has to be pathetic. Just pathetic.
Matt (46:44.774)
Spencer (46:47.268)
And then at the end they're like, you know what would piss everyone off? We just turned this whole fucking movie into a musical. And they're like, hey.
Matt (46:50.033)
And the songs don't make sense and the Joker can barely sing
Luciano (46:54.134)
Yeah. no, and it was like, a musical. So should we get like a songwriter? No, no, no, no, no. Let's pick just the most obscure songs from the 70s and 50s and 60s that we can possibly find and just jam it in there. Right?
Spencer (47:10.18)
and not catchy songs.
Matt (47:10.501)
But we gotta trick people and come to the theater. So we'll get Harley Quinn played by someone who knows how to sing. Just to make it seem like we care.
Spencer (47:18.422)
Yeah, well, we got to make that money. We got to get that cash. We like we hate the fact that people like this movie, but we took every dollar that it made right in our goddamn pockets. So, you know, we're going to we got to do that. I mean.
Luciano (47:18.765)
Luciano (47:26.102)
We like their money. And also there must have been some sort of a deal with whoever owns the rights to when the Saints go marching in because fuck me. Why was this song so much in this movie? Of course it is. Of course it is. Yeah.
Matt (47:40.459)
Bro, I bet you that's public domain.
Spencer (47:41.156)
That song's so old it's public domain. Let me ask you, there wasn't, is there, that song where he goes, the Joker is me. That's gotta be an original song.
Matt (47:52.089)
Yeah. No. If I remember correctly from a podcast I listened to, think it's a Shirley Bassey song.
Luciano (47:53.824)
I don't think it is. Yeah.
Spencer (47:55.449)
Spencer (48:00.484)
Wow, that's so uninspiring. They might as well just had him like walking with the corp being like, I'm the joker, I'm a smoker, I'm a midnight toker. It's just like, woo! And the whole jury, it's a choir.
Matt (48:06.577)
I'm a midnight dog.
Luciano (48:07.349)
Luciano (48:13.12)
Yeah, it's apparently from another musical. The Roar of Grease Paint, The Smell of the Crowd. I don't know. I've never watched that one. But it's just another song called The Exactly.
Chris (48:14.759)
Spencer (48:21.688)
Catch you title.
Chris (48:24.286)
Spencer (48:27.3)
Well, fuck you then. That was the only song where I was like, at least they wrote one song because I was like, seemed like it was actually written for the movie. But boy, was I wrong. Q fuck you, Tom Phillips, Chris.
Matt (48:32.312)
No, God no.
Luciano (48:37.453)
Matt (48:37.477)
Chris (48:40.241)
you Todd on site on site stay out the streets Todd Todd I know your name now Todd I know what you look like Todd I know what kind of car you drive Todd Todd you done son food fight
Luciano (48:44.418)
Matt (48:44.689)
I'm- I'm- Chris- Chris- CHRIS! I need a shorter one so I can just cut it and play it whenever we need it.
Spencer (48:56.196)
Does anyone else just naturally assume he... Does anyone else just naturally assume when he says, fuck Todd, he's gonna say, fuck Todd Howard? He's the guy who made Skyrim. And everyone hates on him. Because he like... Okay.
Luciano (48:56.705)
Chris (48:57.074)
A shorter one? Boo this time!
Chris (49:06.035)
Who's Todd Howard?
Matt (49:09.635)
I can see it. Well, it's it's Christmas right now, so I can't it's it's the National Lampoon's right? Todd Margot, the neighbors, when they said fuck you, Todd, I think of the neighbor Todd. Yeah. Yeah.
Chris (49:09.949)
We'll get to Skyrim. Really?
Spencer (49:16.547)
Luciano (49:17.334)
Spencer (49:20.438)
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Fuck you, Todd. What did he do? He didn't fucking do anything.
Luciano (49:21.166)
that's true. Yeah. Fuck you, Todd. Yeah.
Chris (49:22.533)
Interesting. This is new for me. I know what Todd Phillips did and didn't do. And what you are about to do is get these hands, son!
Spencer (49:29.603)
Spencer (49:34.324)
We're at a restraining order at the end of this podcast. It's not even out yet.
Chris (49:37.831)
Listen, you know.
Matt (49:40.049)
The words expressed by the people in the podcast are not a representation of the people on this podcast.
Spencer (49:44.132)
It is a parody. Everything we said is humor.
Luciano (49:45.708)
Yes, yes they are. Yes they are. It is a pair. It's just, it's just a joke, Todd. It's just a joke.
Chris (49:48.251)
On site, Todd. On site. I'ma give you a stairway to Joker. Whamma!
Matt (49:49.041)
This is all very, yeah. This is a joke, Todd.
Matt (49:58.267)
Todd, it's a joke, don't say this.
Chris (50:00.818)
You don't know anything about jokes, Todd, but I got one for ya. Knock, knock!
Spencer (50:04.758)
It's joke time. Laugh with us.
Matt (50:07.307)
Hahaha Todd, let's get back to the plot point of music and singing. So Todd hates us. let's try this. I don't know if we're gonna get anywhere with it. Given the movie, could we, how can we, can we fix this? How do we fix this? What can we do?
Chris (50:07.319)
Luciano (50:07.531)
Chris (50:10.749)
Luciano (50:18.84)
Luciano (50:23.118)
There's too many wrong things to fix it without writing the movie again.
Spencer (50:27.908)
We already fixed it, we talked about it in part one.
Chris (50:28.563)
But that's right, we've been fixing it incrementally. And that's like the infuriating aspect of it. In the right hands, because Todd put this in the hands of a ghost director, so Todd and the ghost director are to blame, but in another off tour's hands, this could have been something. We went under the hood and most people would look at shit, like what is this Jetta engine doing inside of a McLaren?
I can tell you what it is. It's potential.
Luciano (51:01.002)
I think the first thing to do is make all of the singing and all the songs and all that shit just be the madness. Don't make it happen in real life. Just leave it in his head and in her head like a joint, like you said, Spencer, fucking take the title of the movie seriously and leave it as a joint madness. That's it. That's the first thing.
Spencer (51:09.476)
Spencer (51:22.244)
And if you really want to fix it, think we just need what we're all thinking. We got to see Joker rap. And I got three words for you. Lin-Manuel Miranda. And then boom, we got ourselves a hit. My name is Joker. I come from the streets of Gotham and I got a few things to say to you.
Luciano (51:31.319)
Of course.
Matt (51:31.375)
Chris (51:43.849)
Killed my mama with the pillow and my hands, Todd Phillips, I'm gonna fuck you up.
Spencer (51:46.948)
And another thing about you Todd Phillips, you live at 125. You live on 27 Avenue Street. I know I watch you every day.
Matt (51:48.209)
Chris (51:51.401)
Todd! said knock you out! Todd!
Chris (52:00.36)
Your credit score is 747! Todd, gonna hook you up real good! Todd, wham!
Luciano (52:04.864)
I, again, all of this already better than the musical score of this movie.
Matt (52:10.513)
100 % in fact just play this over out the entire movie on a loop great time Great time
Chris (52:10.739)
Spencer (52:13.526)
Yeah, you get the album
Luciano (52:14.639)
Yeah, it will raise the rating for sure.
Chris (52:18.227)
This is
Matt (52:28.369)
Sure, yes, all those things are valid. All of them, why not? Okay, so great. The hip hop version of this might well be lit, obviously. I think maybe you just shouldn't.
Luciano (52:30.671)
All of them together, remix.
Spencer (52:31.236)
I killed Murray on a TV show because Fuck Don! Fuck Don! Every song.
Chris (52:34.793)
Grrr! Grrr! Grrr!
Luciano (52:35.092)
Chris (52:42.313)
He puts these fucks on every song.
Matt (52:55.345)
You can't, like I Spencer said it, cannot tell a dramatic movie with a musical and not use songs that evoke the dramatic emotion you want. And I think that requires writing your own songs more than it is just finding a hit or like a finding a thing that's close enough.
Spencer (53:04.632)
Yeah, I mean.
Luciano (53:07.928)
Luciano (53:12.763)
If not even a hit, just finding a song that nobody fucking knows about.
Spencer (53:17.188)
Like what's a popular, I was thinking of a popular musical that uses, like you said, a jukebox. I guess Moulin Rouge is one. I'm trying to think of a.
Luciano (53:24.278)
Yes. But Dad makes sense because they're singing it on stage.
Spencer (53:28.164)
Yeah, I know. Just imagine if like Les Mis or something, one of these famous dramatic musicals where like the big song is like they're just like breaking into, you know, a song that's like Stairway to Heaven or something, you know?
Matt (53:28.453)
Yeah, it works within, yeah.
Chris (53:33.446)
Luciano (53:41.076)
Yeah, Rocky Horror Show just picked like an Aussie song to sing in the middle. Like what the fuck?
Spencer (53:45.956)
It's like...
Chris (53:46.611)
What about... Sweeney Todd?
Matt (53:47.537)
I mean, Rocky Horror almost counts in the sense that all those songs have become like songs for the movie. Yeah.
Luciano (53:53.398)
Right, but they were written for the musical, right? Yes, they did, yeah.
Spencer (53:56.196)
It's like Les Mis. It's like in Les Mis he's like, my name is Jean Valjean and I need to say, I get knocked down and I get up again and I'm never gonna keep me down. get knocked down. You know what, think of onto something. Perfect.
Chris (53:56.829)
They understood the assignment at that time.
Matt (54:05.873)
You know what? I'd watch that movie. And also, that song matches the movie, so it actually works.
Chris (54:06.247)
Ha ha ha ha
Luciano (54:06.282)
Yeah, Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Yeah. No, just, no, just get, just get a scene where he's sad and make him go into blue by Eiffel. I'm blue. Like, yeah.
Spencer (54:20.932)
I'm so sad. Prisoner 24601 is so blue. I'm a D, I'm a D. If were green, I would die. I'm a D.
Matt (54:26.489)
I believe I will die.
Chris (54:26.761)
Yeah, you know.
Matt (54:30.745)
Luciano (54:33.92)
Exactly. It's, it's hard to like, it's, hard to get existing songs and have them match, especially if you're trying to tell some sort of a plot point or like try to convey some sort of a part of the plot through the music. You're like, we're just going to pick this radio tune that kind of fits here and sing it like it doesn't what.
Spencer (54:55.94)
She's so beautiful. She's the most beautiful girl in the world. And I love big butts and I cannot lie. All the other brothers can't deny.
Chris (54:56.467)
It's not impossible.
Luciano (55:03.028)
Yeah, exactly.
Matt (55:03.057)
Matt (55:06.833)
Chris, I want to point out here that even Highlander knew that you need unique songs written for your movie to tell the story correctly. Yeah.
Chris (55:07.443)
Get your lighters up.
Chris (55:12.381)
Luciano (55:15.948)
Yeah, they got fucking Queen to write songs for them.
Chris (55:17.106)
And they understood the assignments as well. You just got to get the right people, which is why. When Joker catches up to Harley at the top of the stairs or whatever, and they're talking and they're having a thing, and she's like, I don't want you anymore. All we had is the fantasy. And then that's the moment when Arthur could have been just like, address the camera. Nah, bruh. Nah, bruh. Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah. Nah, there's a way. There's always a way. looks at the camera. He's like.
Luciano (55:38.587)
I'm blue, double D, dub, die, die.
Spencer (55:39.854)
Chris (55:47.229)
Luciano (55:53.07)
Matt (55:55.633)
And Harley keep me in the back like wooo!
Luciano (55:58.626)
Chris (55:58.986)
And then she'd be like, what? You were just playing a game? Baby, I'm yours. Like, whatever.
Spencer (56:05.334)
And then Todd Phillips looks in the camera and says, cinema.
Luciano (56:05.688)
Yeah, no, I...
Yeah, yeah.
But to go back to your point, Matt, yes, I think they needed to be original songs. Yeah.
Matt (56:14.481)
Sure. Yeah. think if you do original songs... Spencer, your question is interesting because when you're asked, there any movies that use... in a musical setting use contemporary songs, I fucking cannot come up with anything.
Luciano (56:28.278)
I cannot think of any, at least the ones that I like.
Spencer (56:29.644)
I got Les Mis and I got one more and it doesn't really work because it's across the universe which is the Beatles musical but it's a Beatles musical and it's written the whole story is written around the songs.
Matt (56:36.879)
Yes. Again, there's a...
Chris (56:36.969)
Luciano (56:37.358)
Yeah, yeah, the songs exactly. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. This is a good musical though, that one. I forgot about that one.
Matt (56:42.277)
Yes. Yeah. And so it's yeah. I just, I Chris, I want to be standing here, but I don't think it can be done. I think it's, it's not for a dramatic story. I think you can do it for any, like an action movie or comedy, an action musical. Great. We can nail that.
Chris (56:44.401)
It can be done. It can be done.
Luciano (57:00.596)
even even tenacious d wrote music for their musical right
Chris (57:01.555)
But across the universe, sure. But across the universe is like, it's like to Spencer's point, it's a variant structured around the songs. It could be.
Matt (57:04.497)
Matt (57:12.283)
But it's different. They took the songs and wrote the movie. Yeah.
Luciano (57:12.534)
Yeah, but then the story serves the song. Yeah, yeah. No, doesn't.
Spencer (57:16.817)
The story doesn't even make sense, think. He's like, I'm gonna go work with Sergeant Pepper now. Closer!
Luciano (57:22.636)
But it's like help help is the same way It doesn't the story makes no fucking sense because it just jumps from thing to thing to thing But it's because of the like it's there for the music
Matt (57:25.659)
Matt (57:31.153)
It's like music videos all strung together.
Luciano (57:34.688)
Exactly, yeah.
Spencer (57:34.978)
Les Mis is the only one that's like a serious story and the music actually works. And I think it's kind of lightning in a bottle. And maybe it was like one of the first to do it. So maybe that's also, and they use like, no, not Les Mis, not Les Mis, Moulin Rouge. Sorry, Moulin Like Moulin Rouge did it.
Chris (57:36.135)
Luciano (57:44.438)
Wait, Lemus has original... Mular Rouge, yeah. Mular Rouge works, yeah. I agree.
Chris (57:47.786)
The reason why this part of the conversation is happening is because I feel like we're still assuming Todd Phillips is gonna direct this movie. But based on the suggestions that you've all been making, and whether they align or misalign, it's still possible with the right team. That's my position.
Matt (57:48.367)
Spencer (58:11.556)
But also, my last point on this is, in Moulin Rouge, those songs, they picked good songs with the intention of having musical numbers that people would like to listen to. The music of this movie was not designed to sound good. It's like them, Lady Gaga sings well, but they're not like catchy, fun musical numbers. like, and they're all kind of like downers and kind of like, you know, like talk singing a lot of it.
Matt (58:22.843)
Yes, that's the other thing. Nope.
Luciano (58:30.55)
No, and they're shoehorning them in too.
Matt (58:37.297)
It's neither a musical or an interesting movie about a different Joker. It fails on both counts.
Luciano (58:44.983)
Spencer (58:45.764)
Where'd you no points? May God have mercy on your soul
Luciano (58:49.11)
Yeah, and may God have mercy on your soul. Exactly. Yeah.
Matt (58:52.643)
Yes. Let's, Chris, you know what, Chris, you get the final say on this one. And then I'm going to immediately segue us into.
Chris (58:58.601)
I don't want to do it because I don't want to do it sir.
Spencer (58:59.938)
I think you have to do one short one.
Chris (59:04.527)
One what? Cause... God damn it Todd! You had one job! I was trying to hold my tongue! But Todd, look in my eyes! I don't care if this is audio alone! Listen, listen, fuck Todd. Damn it Todd, you had one job. Get a new job. You're fired Todd!
Spencer (59:05.251)
You know what.
Spencer (59:09.284)
Okay reel them back. Put them back in the bottle. You gotta put them back in the bottle.
Spencer (59:21.048)
Well done. Just gets mad again. Damnit Todd. Another thing!
Matt (59:29.969)
Let's do some fun questions and cleanse our souls of whatever this was.
Chris (59:34.249)
Matt (59:38.071)
Okay, Jackie. Brendan Gleeson's character is the head guard, as far as we can tell. Very loosely. He helps facilitate everything that happens in this movie. He might be the real villain, but he gets Joker into choir class, choir practice. And we learn pretty quickly that it's just so he can go to choir class and participate.
Chris (59:40.327)
Spencer (59:46.552)
Guard being used very loosely.
Chris (59:49.417)
He's the head murderer.
Luciano (59:58.648)
Matt (01:00:05.265)
Jackie's a prison guard, he's clearly still working on his game, but how does he finally get his big break? So he can become famous Jackie the singer guy.
Luciano (01:00:15.054)
He keeps taking inmates to sing and do it.
Chris (01:00:15.081)
Okay, so first...
Chris (01:00:19.219)
Yes, and then he created, then he works with the help of like, he hires a writer to help formalize his autobiography. Jackie, the uns, what is it? Jackie, stories, stories in the key of hope.
Luciano (01:00:32.866)
The unsung hero?
Spencer (01:00:33.22)
Luciano (01:00:37.198)
Who wrote this title, Todd Phillips?
Chris (01:00:40.561)
He did!
Spencer (01:00:42.722)
I'd read that book. Right now. No, no, too far, too far, too far.
Chris (01:00:43.721)
I'm inside his house reading his notes. That's right. And then I lift up Todd's unconscious weekend at Bernie's body. No, I didn't take it that far. I would beat him up, but I'm like, I'm saying like, he's unconscious so could use the facial scan. And then he's like, what, huh? I made a movie. And then I'll be like, sucker, I got the transcripts. Anyways.
Luciano (01:00:47.022)
Jesus Christ. Right now!
Just... Just the head. Just the head.
Spencer (01:01:10.16)
useless. I think Jackie, I agree. think Jackie's big break is going to be, you know, after all this, he's going to go on the TV shows being like I was Joker's friend on the inside, you know, but he's gonna have a clause where he's like, I'll do interviews, but I got to sing us out at the end of every interview. Because that's part of part of his deal.
Chris (01:01:11.537)
Yeah, I wasted my time.
Chris (01:01:25.885)
Patty show maybe.
Luciano (01:01:26.766)
Jerry Springer style.
Chris (01:01:33.875)
Ooh. Why do birds?
Matt (01:01:34.106)
I'm sorry.
Luciano (01:01:34.798)
No, I have to I will answer all of the questions in song format songs that already exist And I'll answer them yeah, I'll use your questions to see ya
Spencer (01:01:39.972)
Yeah, yes, I picked songs that exist and answer your questions So Jackie, what was it like being friends with Arthur? Well, it was a bitch like Get ting knocked down and get it up again Give the people what they want Yeah, thank you. Thank you. He's a bit Irish I think that's how we get it
Chris (01:01:40.009)
Chris (01:01:47.785)
We just wanna make sure.
Luciano (01:01:55.502)
Why is it always chumalum?
Matt (01:01:55.831)
Chris (01:01:59.08)
Because, sir, because, you know.
Matt (01:02:01.691)
Spencer is a recons professional. It was a little Irish in there.
Luciano (01:02:05.344)
Chris (01:02:05.384)
Matt (01:02:07.377)
yeah, ha ta ta ta!
Spencer (01:02:09.553)
I think that's how he got his big break. And then he turned it, then he went into porn.
Matt (01:02:14.521)
Yeah, he actually, no, I like, I actually like that Spencer. He went into porn and he didn't have sex on camera. He just sang over top of the scenes. Yeah. Yeah, they're experimenting with porn in the seventies and they're like, how can we get people more into this? if a man sang over top and explained exactly what they're doing?
Chris (01:02:15.773)
You know, because he burnt all the money and had to get it back. Hey, God.
Spencer (01:02:17.803)
Only- Only fans.
Luciano (01:02:25.57)
He's, he serenaded the couple. He serenaded the couple. Yeah. Yeah. It's just that.
Spencer (01:02:26.18)
Overdome, overdome of the porn. Yeah.
Spencer (01:02:36.928)
You put it in and take it out again! You put it in and then you take it out! You-
Luciano (01:02:40.071)
No, no. They show as they're singing, he just whistles when the saints go marching in.
Matt (01:02:44.305)
Spencer (01:02:46.68)
Chris (01:02:46.953)
because it's public domain by now. And he's trying to.
Luciano (01:02:49.802)
Yeah, so he doesn't have to pay. But he whistles it with an Irish accent, which is... That's how he gets his big... That's how he gets his big break. It's a plagiarism lawsuit. That's how.
Spencer (01:02:51.78)
Public domain for the porn, of course. They didn't want to pay Jumbo Wumbo who wrote the song 20 years later. Yeah, yeah. He wrote it was originally about sex and then they changed the lyrics but the stock.
Matt (01:02:53.009)
Matt (01:02:59.855)
Yeah. Jumbo Wumbo Stola from him.
Chris (01:03:05.033)
Matt (01:03:10.961)
Chris (01:03:11.977)
If you want to get on the charts Jackie, this is what we do
Luciano (01:03:12.578)
Yeah, I get knocked down, but I get up again. I can see it. I can see it.
Matt (01:03:15.835)
Yeah, it's in the porn. I get knocked out, but I get up again.
Spencer (01:03:20.202)
My dick flops down and then gets up again.
Chris (01:03:20.819)
Luciano (01:03:22.976)
Yeah, exactly.
Chris (01:03:23.421)
See? They're never gonna fluff me down.
Matt (01:03:28.411)
Probably time we leave this a lot of questioning and move to a different one.
Spencer (01:03:29.604)
I think we should go on.
Chris (01:03:31.955)
Matt (01:03:34.565)
We brought up earlier and I gotta know. Southern Lore, Southern Lawyer makes an appearance for the Joker once he takes over. But, you know, we know a little bit about Joker's, let's call it two personalities, and we're gonna give him that grace. Arthur Fleck and the Joker. I wanna know more about Southern Lawyer. I wanna know what's his history, what motivates him, where'd he grow up?
Chris (01:03:42.974)
Spencer (01:03:59.908)
Are you talking about Chancellor Chelsea III?
Luciano (01:04:04.956)
Clearly grew up in Louisiana. No question there.
Matt (01:04:05.041)
Spencer (01:04:06.884)
Chancellor Francis Chelsea the third
Matt (01:04:10.305)
no, Frank. Frank is what he said to me. Is that- are they the same person?
Chris (01:04:10.419)
Luciano (01:04:18.262)
Yeah, yeah, Frank is how his friends call him.
Matt (01:04:21.056)
okay. Then yeah, that one's better.
Spencer (01:04:22.66)
Well, he's no big city lawyer. I say I'm just a small man from a small town. And I was born in Louisiana down back in 1904. That's when you said years a little different than back when you didn't pronounce it yet, the years. This was 1972, I believe. And I say, I this chord.
Chris (01:04:26.889)
Luciano (01:04:27.073)
Chris (01:04:29.669)
Mmm. Mmm.
Luciano (01:04:37.134)
That's right, he's 85 years old.
Spencer (01:04:50.448)
is in session for illegal activities because there's no crime. Where in the law book does it say you cannot kill a man? You tell me now.
Chris (01:05:00.009)
Luciano (01:05:01.166)
Hold on, that's his backstory?
Spencer (01:05:04.772)
That's how he got into law. was just learning.
Matt (01:05:05.137)
That's... yeah.
That's what motivates him. It doesn't say in the book, you can't, you know. So yeah, doesn't supposed to say it. But he's still fighting against it.
Spencer (01:05:15.012)
can't kill a man until they showed him page one word one he's still he still doesn't believe it
Luciano (01:05:21.268)
Chris (01:05:24.275)
Quiet honor do we swear upon go go?
Matt (01:05:25.731)
It's like, it's like, it's like flat flat earthers, right? Same.
Spencer (01:05:27.844)
You show me where in the book it says you cannot kill another man and I will give you two dollars
Luciano (01:05:30.006)
Yeah, yeah.
Luciano (01:05:37.518)
You see your honor, says murder but it does not say kill. And those are two different things.
Chris (01:05:42.217)
Spencer (01:05:42.296)
The mother can be interpreted in many ways.
Chris (01:05:47.368)
I find it mildly intriguing that we swear upon the Bible when we put some on the test, the testifying stand, the witness stand, and yet we adhere to the book of the book, this book of laws that you say we must adhere to. What happened to the good book?
Luciano (01:06:00.696)
Yet. Yet.
Matt (01:06:11.493)
Ladies and gentlemen, I think some lawyer had a stroke.
Luciano (01:06:11.574)
I just, he moved, he moved, he moved from Louisiana to fucking South Africa, I guess.
Spencer (01:06:13.91)
Nana, of liar.
Chris (01:06:16.201)
And we got them crawled hands on the fire.
Spencer (01:06:21.346)
Nah, the Southern lawyer, Frank Chelsea III, believes in two things, my Lord and Savior, Christ, and the law. And where in the book does it say you cannot kill another man on national television? I rest my case.
Chris (01:06:22.512)
Chris (01:06:28.4)
Luciano (01:06:31.95)
Chris (01:06:38.575)
Notice, notice, notice that he said, which book? Tell me in the book, in the book. But he did not, he did not say, he did not say Todd Phillips is a competent director.
Luciano (01:06:40.596)
No further questions, honor.
Spencer (01:06:42.04)
Luciano (01:06:49.492)
Jesus Christ.
Spencer (01:06:49.614)
no, I, I believe his back story is he was from Louisiana who went into law. I, I, until you bring up another question, until you, until you, until you merciful fully interject to take me off this terrible bit, I will keep talking. Your honor, I object.
Matt (01:07:00.459)
we're still doing this? You actually want to answer the question?
Luciano (01:07:03.362)
He's trying to. He's trying to.
Chris (01:07:03.817)
You've been talking to me this whole time?
Matt (01:07:10.833)
It's really hard when there are three southern lawyers jabbering at each other each time.
Chris (01:07:16.947)
We're... we're... Sustained! Wait, I can't do that! I don't have the authority!
Spencer (01:07:19.876)
Sustained! Bye bye, you all!
Matt (01:07:21.047)
You cannot do that.
okay, sure. you may not. Hey Luciano, random question for you unrelated to this whatsoever. I'm sorry. That's how that works.
Chris (01:07:26.483)
May I join the sidebar? I'm hungry.
Luciano (01:07:30.602)
Chris (01:07:34.761)
Spencer (01:07:35.236)
Thank you, Your Honor. So saving me from this terrible improv.
Chris (01:07:37.417)
from saving you from yourself.
Matt (01:07:42.177)
the, our friends at Warner Brothers.
Chris (01:07:42.705)
Not terrible.
Chris (01:07:48.787)
Luciano (01:07:49.367)
Matt (01:07:51.877)
They love the idea of musicals. And even though this one flopped, I think there's lots of potential for the next one. What is the next DC musical movie?
Luciano (01:07:58.285)
Luciano (01:08:03.928)
So they're building like the DC MU, the DC musical universe. I see.
Matt (01:08:09.251)
Mm-hmm, sure. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Chris (01:08:11.389)
Dick move.
Spencer (01:08:11.94)
It's gonna be the main universe.
Luciano (01:08:14.732)
Yeah, of course. The one, the only one. This is the Westside Boys we're talking about. So that, yeah.
Spencer (01:08:17.458)
Chris (01:08:20.617)
I don't
Matt (01:08:21.473)
Ayyyy yeah of course we're gonna make it huge!
Spencer (01:08:22.404)
Think about the Apple music downloads
Luciano (01:08:24.716)
It's gonna be huge! Yeah,
Chris (01:08:26.333)
Look at all the money that we got!
Luciano (01:08:29.174)
I think the next one has to be a hit because this one flopped. So I think it will be about the very famous and very well liked Arm Fall Off Boy.
Matt (01:08:41.681)
Luciano (01:08:43.406)
and it's going to be called Arm Fall Off Boy Give Me Your Hand.
Matt (01:08:52.945)
Okay, great.
Spencer (01:08:52.994)
Music by Fallout Boy, I assume.
Luciano (01:08:55.534)
Of course, absolutely.
Matt (01:08:57.398)
so it's like how Queen...
Spencer (01:08:58.357)
I am Fallout, boy my arm fell off yesterday Now I am a hero to the world
Luciano (01:09:02.956)
Chris (01:09:06.355)
We got the real deal!
Matt (01:09:06.481)
I'm not sure you'd listen to Fall Out Boy at all.
Luciano (01:09:09.982)
Spencer (01:09:10.642)
I'm just singing about the Fallout arm boy.
Matt (01:09:14.245)
I think you're singing Link 182 and saying Fall Out Boy.
Luciano (01:09:17.428)
Yeah he is!
Spencer (01:09:19.172)
Chris (01:09:19.271)
Which is worse! I can't separate now!
Spencer (01:09:23.624)
No, no, no
Luciano (01:09:25.502)
all the, all the fall of, falling off arms.
Matt (01:09:26.299)
That's Yeah.
Chris (01:09:28.285)
Matt (01:09:30.097)
So, no, I answered my question because I was curious about the style of music, but it is... Spencer, do want to take this one? The style of music is...
Spencer (01:09:41.092)
Punk pop?
Luciano (01:09:43.414)
Yeah. Adjacent, pocket, punk pop adjacent. Yeah, I said what I said.
Matt (01:09:44.305)
You know, I'll allow that. That was pretty close. Bucky pop up, but that's it.
Spencer (01:09:47.746)
Yeah. Yeah. With a special appearance by Lin-Manuel Miranda. Fucked up!
Matt (01:09:51.724)
Chris (01:09:55.207)
As Lin-Manuel Miranda?
Luciano (01:09:57.888)
Yeah, I think that's the very next one that's the one that's gonna like really launch because everybody loves arm fall off way
Matt (01:09:59.025)
Matt (01:10:04.315)
Listen, I think this is a great plan. Unrelated, I want to hear a different opinion. Chris.
Luciano (01:10:11.63)
Chris (01:10:11.795)
Yeah, I'm ready. So this is gonna be a heist movie and we're gonna, like, the DCMU needs someone with chops and by chops, since this is the DC musical universe, it needs, no, no, it needs to be black. It needs to be spearheaded by Black Canary. And I want her to, I want her to dual, wait, no!
Spencer (01:10:12.94)
Luciano (01:10:25.144)
Matt (01:10:25.627)
Matt (01:10:30.273)
that's actually... Fuck you! Too much realism already! That's enough! That's too good! That's too good!
Spencer (01:10:31.01)
That actually works.
That's too good of an idea!
Luciano (01:10:36.526)
Yeah, it is too good actually.
Chris (01:10:37.361)
You want me to fall into the depths of Todd Phillips' despair? That's the one you want? Is that the one you want? You told, well, I can't answer that question until you give me directions.
Matt (01:10:43.163)
I'm in.
Spencer (01:10:43.652)
Is it, is it gonna be jazzy?
Luciano (01:10:47.95)
No, you're not understanding. It's gonna be a black canary movie where all the songs are gonna be sung by canaries.
Matt (01:10:50.321)
Matt (01:10:55.717)
I'm gonna, Lucy, no, no, no, no, that's terrible. You're terrible at this, awful. Chris, Chris, I'm unleashing you. God rest our souls.
Spencer (01:10:56.46)
Now we're talking.
Luciano (01:11:00.352)
Chris (01:11:05.961)
Okay, it's coming. Okay. This movie is okay. This movie is going to be It's gonna be a very white revival starring Solomon Grundy and it's a heist movie still but he's he just came out of prison and like he's trying to tempt death late this like idea of Lady Death and but Solomon can't sing Solomon can barely string two three words together So he's trying to channel this like sexy
Spencer (01:11:11.232)
boy, he's cooking.
Chris (01:11:35.688)
machismo, but all he's doing is Hulk smashing cars and shit and bailiffs and you end up with something that's not hitting the mark because we already had Luciano's armed falloff boy. You can't have hit after hit. is like the DCMU has to, well, he said that it has to be a hit and I trust him, but now.
Spencer (01:11:53.694)
That wasn't a hit though. So far we have three flops.
Matt (01:11:55.781)
Luciano (01:11:57.286)
Matt (01:11:58.481)
Chris (01:12:02.791)
After the success that the box office garnered, the DCMU needs to take another hit at the knees and learn from it because another is coming.
Spencer (01:12:10.34)
So Solomon Grundy can say a few things. can say, you know, Solomon Grundy born on a Monday, right? But you're saying it's gonna be a Barry White version. I'm born on a Sunday. Born on a Monday.
Matt (01:12:12.431)
I regret everything. No, I regret everything.
Chris (01:12:14.653)
Chris (01:12:17.993)
Born on the Sunday. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Chris (01:12:24.199)
Luciano (01:12:26.636)
Yeah, he's gonna, is he gonna?
Is it at which at which point of the movie he's going to sing lowrider?
Spencer (01:12:36.268)
I have an actual successful idea. Sorry guys. Aquaman River Dance. You're welcome.
Luciano (01:12:39.232)
Okay, sure. Good luck.
Matt (01:12:39.46)
Spencer (01:12:46.596)
It's gonna be a Celtic vibe.
Luciano (01:12:47.022)
I think you mean Aquaman ocean dance. You mean ocean dance, not river dance.
Matt (01:12:49.285)
Feels racist somehow. I can't put my finger on her.
Spencer (01:12:52.676)
No, it's not. It's white culture, so we're good. I've went through this. Don't worry. He's no longer Maori. It's not Jason Momoa. We're clear. He's a full Irish or Scottish. Whatever. What's Aquaman's name again? Curry. Yeah, shame is Curry now.
Luciano (01:12:55.976)
Luciano (01:13:02.764)
He's Irish.
Matt (01:13:04.475)
Chris (01:13:04.745)
Okay? See, now this checks out. The math is math-ing.
Luciano (01:13:06.978)
Matt (01:13:07.089)
He's clearly named Seamus, right?
Luciano (01:13:11.488)
Yeah, of course.
Chris (01:13:12.137)
From WWE lore. Which one? Arthur Curry.
Matt (01:13:13.745)
See you, miss.
Luciano (01:13:18.486)
Arthur Curry, Seamus Curry, Seamus O'Curry.
Matt (01:13:20.579)
Chris (01:13:22.297)
You've got to get the the Shamus wrestler. my god.
Spencer (01:13:23.204)
Shame is so curry. I was born under the Atlantic Sea and there we only knew one thing. How to dance.
Luciano (01:13:27.81)
Seamus O'Curry.
Luciano (01:13:37.87)
Chris (01:13:39.283)
He's perspiring y'all, he's sweating. He knows how to move his butt.
Spencer (01:13:43.748)
What is
Chris (01:13:45.993)
Luciano (01:13:45.998)
Yeah, he's playing Echo Man, of course. Shame is on Curry, yeah.
Matt (01:13:51.569)
Yeah, Conor McGregor is clearly shameless of Curry.
Chris (01:13:59.486)
He can dance and he can fight.
Matt (01:14:01.657)
That's right, yeah, exactly, can dance, he can fight, he's all out of dancing.
Luciano (01:14:03.384)
Perfect. I was skeptical Spencer, I think you nailed it.
Spencer (01:14:04.868)
Yeah, that's going to be the breakout hit.
Matt (01:14:09.679)
No notes.
Luciano (01:14:09.816)
Spencer (01:14:11.448)
We did it. We saved the DZMU.
Matt (01:14:14.501)
We did it. Moving forward in question options. Arkham is a person, an Institute, a school.
Luciano (01:14:14.712)
Ha ha!
Chris (01:14:14.781)
Gosh darn it. WB.
Spencer (01:14:25.156)
At the school?
Luciano (01:14:26.862)
Yeah, Club Med?
Chris (01:14:29.545)
A playground?
Matt (01:14:33.017)
It gave me vibes of the nun school from Sister Act.
Luciano (01:14:39.086)
Chris (01:14:39.369)
Spencer (01:14:39.812)
Another musical. It's beautiful.
Matt (01:14:41.849)
And so I wonder, good musical, well, the third one started to lose it. But what I wonder is what other words, what other things were in this Arkham universe?
Luciano (01:14:43.414)
Yeah, it is a good one.
Luciano (01:14:56.046)
Spencer (01:14:56.546)
Other than the singing ward?
Chris (01:14:59.465)
So dancing's the next one, interpretive dance.
Spencer (01:15:00.324)
in the sodomy ward.
Luciano (01:15:01.167)
For sure. For sure there's a son of a wha- No, that's where Arthur was. That's where Arthur was.
Matt (01:15:03.094)
The what?
Spencer (01:15:03.716)
I said I'm the guy
Chris (01:15:04.371)
A what? A what? No, don't repeat it! Okay, great. Woo! Woo!
Matt (01:15:06.149)
The Solomon- The Solomon Grundy World! He said Solomon Grundy, we're fine.
Luciano (01:15:09.868)
Spencer (01:15:12.814)
Brutal brutal Solomon Grundy. Raw brutal unprotected Solomon Grundy. Raw powerful and sensual to some degree Solomon Grundy. What was the question? what are the other words?
Luciano (01:15:16.046)
Luciano (01:15:25.14)
Solomon grinding.
Luciano (01:15:32.078)
Luciano (01:15:35.517)
Spencer (01:15:43.14)
There's the singing ward, that's all McGrundy ward.
Chris (01:15:49.523)
Singing, dancing, there's the culinary ward.
Spencer (01:15:52.644)
They have the movie watching ward.
Luciano (01:15:52.993)
The bird watching word, that's where Penguin is.
Spencer (01:15:58.868)
I think they have a golf course.
Chris (01:16:04.425)
But there's only 12 holes.
Spencer (01:16:05.422)
That's why it's prison.
Luciano (01:16:07.0)
Yeah, and they only have 12 guards.
Spencer (01:16:10.372)
There's only 12 holes and they're all par threes.
Luciano (01:16:12.046)
Chris (01:16:12.265)
for each hole.
Matt (01:16:16.081)
So, Solomon Grundy runs the golf course.
Chris (01:16:16.165)
I don't understand that reference, but I...
Spencer (01:16:18.083)
It's brutal. It's raw. It's unprotected. Okay, we gotta move on guys. We gotta move on.
Luciano (01:16:18.828)
Chris (01:16:32.422)
walking around with
Spencer (01:16:33.188)
It's just the policy, okay? That's what do in the Solomon Grandey wing.
Luciano (01:16:34.29)
Chris (01:16:42.643)
Spencer (01:16:43.958)
I think they have a paintball area to light up some anger.
Chris (01:16:48.841)
That's right, towel officer.
Spencer (01:16:52.43)
towels off of the...vapal everybody knows that
Luciano (01:16:53.558)
Yeah, yeah, he was just he He just he just knows it's not what happened. He just came out of the Solomon Grundy ward. That's what happened
Chris (01:16:54.793)
Why do you look like a, why does he look like a southern pastor?
Spencer (01:17:04.106)
Yeah. Is that Solomon Grunt? No, sorry. Is that Polka Dot Man? Please do.
Chris (01:17:05.235)
wasn't gonna go there. That's that. Too far,
Matt (01:17:09.143)
It is raw in there, gentlemen. Unprotected. I'm to switch questions because it's the only way to get out of here.
Luciano (01:17:09.422)
Ryan up protected.
Matt (01:17:19.643)
Harvey Dent is in this movie, I don't if you saw him. Yeah, he's the not southern talking lawyer, Yeah.
Luciano (01:17:21.719)
Is it?
Chris (01:17:25.577)
Luciano (01:17:28.054)
I didn't see Tommy Lee Jones there.
Matt (01:17:30.233)
It's fine, everybody. Harvey Dent, how is he the real villain this movie?
Luciano (01:17:35.511)
Chris (01:17:37.097)
Clear didn't pay for his parking. First of
Luciano (01:17:39.758)
Okay, wherever I thought you were gonna go with that
Spencer (01:17:41.668)
That is cold
Chris (01:17:45.395)
Listen, we got to, we got, the kid gloves are off. You know he has unpaid parking tickets.
Matt (01:17:48.443)
Chris, I just want to check here because this, fair enough.
Spencer (01:17:51.14)
That you say unprotected.
Luciano (01:17:54.766)
Yeah, we did, we did.
Spencer (01:17:55.256)
Chris (01:17:55.579)
No sir, we moved on from that segment!
Matt (01:17:59.675)
But the question I have for you Chris is you are, how many parking tickets is the equivalent of murdering five people?
Chris (01:18:06.343)
Yeah, it's two. It's true. They keep that number. The quota is that low for a reason. If the city can't collect those monies, heads are gonna roll. Literally.
Spencer (01:18:08.542)
That's a hard, that's a hard two.
Spencer (01:18:22.254)
Five! Five of them.
Matt (01:18:23.001)
Alright. Yep. Yeah, it's fair. Okay. No further questions.
Chris (01:18:25.841)
It's the ratio!
Spencer (01:18:29.06)
I think that Harvey Dent is the villain because he's trying to put a sick man to death.
Chris (01:18:29.545)
You ask and you shall receive.
Luciano (01:18:39.373)
Spencer (01:18:39.416)
And I don't know why that's funny, it's not. That's just why he is the villain.
Luciano (01:18:42.357)
It's not, at all.
Chris (01:18:47.281)
He's got dick. He's got like asshole vibes. He's got Solomon Grundy vibes the whole time on screen He's like I can't wait for this man to get fricking seed. I want to see him get punished. firepower
Matt (01:18:47.355)
See ya.
Spencer (01:18:47.428)
I'm just...
Luciano (01:18:51.958)
Whoa, whoa.
Spencer (01:19:01.026)
I he's paying off the guards.
Matt (01:19:04.699)
Sure, why not? Everybody else could pay the guards off. Prisoners could pay the guards off somehow. think a big city lawyer could do it.
Luciano (01:19:05.58)
No... Yeah... Clearly, yeah... Except if you're Ricky, if you're Ricky you just get fucking killed for no reason. The guy that gets killed.
Spencer (01:19:08.676)
Chris (01:19:14.569)
Who's Ricky?
buddy, the fanboy. Yeah.
Luciano (01:19:19.711)
The fanboy. Yeah.
Spencer (01:19:21.038)
Who's Ricky? You sound like the guards during questioning.
Luciano (01:19:24.142)
HAHAHAHA! Yeah, there was no Ricky here.
Matt (01:19:24.182)
Chris (01:19:24.979)
Spencer (01:19:28.836)
Who's Ricky?
Chris (01:19:29.235)
I got a beard, who? Yeah.
Spencer (01:19:33.324)
but yeah, I think he's a monster. and obviously he, he's got that evil inside him because he, Harvey dead famously becomes two-face. So he actually was flipping a coin.
Matt (01:19:34.513)
Okay, yeah.
Chris (01:19:49.671)
in his pants?
Spencer (01:19:50.55)
in his pants, meaning his pocket, non-sexually, on whether or not he was even gonna try at this case or not.
Matt (01:19:52.133)
Mm-hmm. Yep.
Matt (01:19:58.481)
Right. And it was... Great. Luciano, can you, you want to take a stab at this?
Chris (01:19:58.666)
Yeah. Clearly.
Spencer (01:20:02.83)
Luciano (01:20:05.853)
No, think the parking ticket story makes sense.
Spencer (01:20:13.956)
Parking is taking it alone.
Matt (01:20:14.417)
You're a coward. You're a coward. So the only way to take this is how is Harvey Jett the hero?
Spencer (01:20:20.208)
Luciano (01:20:20.334)
Well, he's clearly... he's clearly trying to put a dangerous man in prison. He's the hero of this movie. Sure, in prison and then to death.
Matt (01:20:21.147)
We got a little two-phase duality situation going on.
Chris (01:20:21.289)
What the fuck?
Spencer (01:20:27.298)
He's like, try to put him to death.
Matt (01:20:30.161)
That's right, that's...
Spencer (01:20:31.758)
those parking tickets, he got those parking tickets trying to help an old lady out of a burning building that he started in the last question.
Chris (01:20:32.489)
Prison ain't good enough.
Luciano (01:20:36.504)
Trying to save a load lady. Yeah.
Matt (01:20:43.641)
Right. Wait, Joker or Harvey Dent?
Luciano (01:20:43.66)
Chris (01:20:46.333)
He built the building?
Spencer (01:20:46.956)
No, Harvey Dent started the fire in the last question when he was the villain.
Luciano (01:20:48.652)
No, Harvey Dan set fire to the building. And then he's like, I'm going to kill this old lady. No, I'm going to park here, double park here and save her. Yeah.
Matt (01:20:52.302)
Spencer (01:20:57.378)
He flipped a coin.
Matt (01:21:00.753)
and the coring was...
Spencer (01:21:03.044)
Chris (01:21:03.849)
to parking tickets.
Matt (01:21:05.649)
Fair enough, okay, great, yeah, that makes sense. So then, Chris, why is Harvey not the hero?
Luciano (01:21:09.518)
Chris (01:21:13.363)
Harvey is the hero because someone had to let this well-learned man of the law do his job for once. Too often we see the law impeded and handicapped by ne'er-duels and the corrupt in the system. We know that judge had ulterior motives, but Harvey Dent is not going to be swayed this day. No, he came prepared.
Spencer (01:21:30.18)
Spencer (01:21:36.994)
Yeah, that judge. The judge, the judge who's like, you can wear clown, you can wear clown makeup, but don't turn this courtroom into a circus, sir.
Chris (01:21:41.682)
I'll allow it.
Luciano (01:21:45.39)
Chris (01:21:46.185)
This is the most entertainment I've seen in quite some time. Proceed, Mr. Flex.
Spencer (01:21:50.788)
Objection your honor, the prosecutor is a clown dancing. I'll allow it. Yeah, I'll allow it. God damn it Judge. Yeah, I want to see where he goes with this.
Matt (01:21:55.835)
I'll allow it.
Luciano (01:21:57.198)
I wanna see where this goes.
Chris (01:21:58.931)
You know, I thought I had diabetes, but I've been proven wrong. I've got a clear bill of health. Let's see how this unfolds, doughnut.
Matt (01:22:09.849)
And that judge grew up to be Clarence Thomas.
Spencer (01:22:11.953)
objection your honor to topical
Luciano (01:22:13.039)
Matt (01:22:17.649)
I'll allow it. Let's move on to our rankings of this movie. Spoilers are not going to be good, but how bad is the interesting question? We use the S tier ranking system, S at the top, F is the lowest. I would all like just to pause here for about five seconds. Everyone listening at home, lock in your guesses. How many F's are we going to get?
Luciano (01:22:19.852)
Chris (01:22:23.209)
Spencer (01:22:41.86)
Five? It could be five. What do you, the audience?
Matt (01:22:46.246)
It could be five, we don't know.
Matt (01:22:52.045)
Here we go. Let's kick it off. Resident Hate Meister Luciano, you can go first.
Luciano (01:22:52.662)
No, Todd Phillips is going to give one himself.
Luciano (01:23:01.294)
are we? No, we don't. we don't. No, no, we don't. No, no, no, we don't. Listen, listen. We, we, we, we already, we already had the pedophile in the last episode. I am drawing a line.
Spencer (01:23:02.03)
Call him HATLER.
Chris (01:23:05.277)
No, no, don't do it, don't do it. Spencer, don't push Luciano onto the landmine.
Chris (01:23:22.057)
Do not engage your court as you proceed to wrap your arms around Luciano and suplex him onto the landmine! We're supposed to be a team! Don't kill us all! We need the Patreon money potential!
Spencer (01:23:25.988)
I'm sorry, I'm I'm sorry Chris. I'm sorry Chris. Go on.
Luciano (01:23:36.438)
Listen, if I was that, that I'm not gonna repeat, I would have given this an A, but I'm not, so I'm giving this a fucking F. This is one of the worst movies I've ever seen in my life. I would rather watch Marbius and Madame Web back to back than ever watch this movie again. Yes, this is one of the top three worst movies I've ever watched. There's nothing to save it.
Spencer (01:23:45.188)
Spencer (01:23:54.808)
Luciano (01:24:04.416)
Even Hawking Phoenix is acting, which is great still, but it's in service. Like it's using his powers for evil. That's what this movie does. It's horrible. There was no entertainment value and I want my two hours and whatever 15 minutes back. I fucking hate you Todd Phillips. I hope you stub your toe every morning when you wake up every morning until the rest for the rest of your life. Wake up, stub your toe until or until Chris finds you, which is going to be the end of your life.
Spencer (01:24:22.308)
Spencer (01:24:28.868)
Until Chris finds you. But the joke laughed.
Matt (01:24:33.361)
It's a joke, Todd. It's a joke. Take a joke. Ha ha ha ha, Todd.
Luciano (01:24:38.549)
At this point I was called Hitler, I don't think we're joking. I think the gloves are really off now.
Matt (01:24:44.209)
Now that all was serious. Chris, what do got?
Chris (01:24:52.265)
I'm gonna bring the mic close on this motherfucker. First of all, this movie's an F. Second of all, Todd, I looked at your filmography. I don't give a fuck about the movies you made before. Todd, Road Trip, I liked it before, fucking hate it now. Starsky and the Hutch, fuck that movie, old school. You're not my boy anymore, Mr. Todd Blue. No, this is my chance now to give Todd what he rightfully deserves. Todd, you fucked this up. You had a simple motherfucking job. First movie was Fire. This movie,
Luciano (01:25:05.279)
Luciano (01:25:09.038)
Chris (01:25:21.703)
You goddamn screwed the pooch, took a shit on it, and left it on all of our doorsteps. People don't watch this movie. Furthermore, listen to this podcast and see how real motherfuckers do. The West Side Boys wanted to make money for the second movie. They tried to do it. They lost money. They made the money for the first one, but they ain't making enough money on this one. It ain't gonna be a third one. You know why? Because I'm coming for you, Todd. Figuratively. Figuratively.
Spencer (01:25:32.301)
Matt (01:25:48.25)
It's a joke.
Chris (01:25:48.297)
and I'ma give you a mama said rock you out. That's my time.
Matt (01:25:51.257)
It's a joke. It's a joke, Todd. It's a joke.
Spencer (01:25:52.964)
haha yeah i was gonna say that
Luciano (01:25:54.496)
You, that's it's okay, Chris. You can have my Hitler title. It's all yours.
Matt (01:25:58.705)
I really want our audience to take Chris's comments and well, no Todd should take over the current media assault but
Chris (01:26:01.344)
Accept it!
Chris (01:26:06.557)
with a grain of comedic salt.
Luciano (01:26:09.902)
Why with a whole a whole salt shaker not just a grain
Chris (01:26:10.599)
No, fuck him!
Matt (01:26:13.137)
The rest, no I want someone to get like a, you know, the Saints go marching in and overlay that in the back of Chris's rant. Maybe we'll do it in post, yeah. See how it feels. I'm glad you feel great, I hope. So for those of you following along at home, that's two Fs out of a potential five, apparently. Hey Gordon, it's Spencer. Spencer.
Spencer (01:26:19.844)
Chris (01:26:20.787)
We'll have to do that in post.
very cathartic for me because I yeah
Spencer (01:26:26.468)
I'm glad you got that off your chest.
Chris (01:26:35.113)
Luciano (01:26:35.404)
Spencer (01:26:39.824)
Chris (01:26:47.688)
Luciano (01:26:48.052)
Spencer (01:26:55.894)
It's you know. Honestly, this movie doesn't deserve an F in terms like like like Luciano said, like there's good cinematography, there's good acting and there are good elements, but it's so it's such a spit in the face to people who like the movie that I actually feel like this movie was made like out of spite. And for that, for that, I will give it an F because.
Luciano (01:27:13.346)
Yes, that's the problem.
Chris (01:27:13.705)
Yep. Get him. Get him.
Matt (01:27:20.291)
asking for it.
Luciano (01:27:20.312)
Matt (01:27:25.327)
Spencer (01:27:25.632)
It doesn't. I don't like. The way it makes me feel in terms of like, I just feel like like I'm being like like yelled at by a jerk for not liking his painting, you know, like, yeah, yeah, you, you only like my big piece because you're such a, you know, it's like that kid that you knew that was like, you only like the.
Luciano (01:27:31.881)
Yes, yes!
Chris (01:27:32.061)
Chris (01:27:40.265)
Luciano (01:27:40.662)
Or for liking it too much. For liking it too much.
Spencer (01:27:49.624)
You only like smells like teen spirit. You don't like they're like the Nirvana's album that never got released on the side. It's like fucking suck. You know, it's like it's just like, you know, you made the fucking movie. Don't fucking give me shit because because you feel like a sellout or whatever the fuck your problem is. Anyways, that's why it gets an F. It's just purely because of that reason. Like there are elements of the movie I do like. And I think if it tweaked, could be actually a good, very unique movie. And I like that is like trying to do something different.
Chris (01:27:58.249)
what your problem is? Yeah, you're right.
Spencer (01:28:19.48)
but it's the reason it was made different that I don't like. So for that, F U T P.
Chris (01:28:25.225)
think that he gave that like F to the power of three or four. I think we should allow that.
Luciano (01:28:31.2)
Matt (01:28:33.379)
No, I will also now review this movie. It's simple. It's an F because a movie has one job at its core. A movie should entertain me somehow. Tell me something I don't know. Show me something in a different way. Make me feel something.
Spencer (01:28:47.95)
make you
Luciano (01:28:50.656)
Other than contempt.
Matt (01:28:55.025)
Yeah, and so this movie is just like Todd Phillips literally hates me and doesn't want to teach me why I should never watch a movie ever again.
Spencer (01:29:03.556)
Luciano (01:29:09.95)
Yeah, this movie is a cautionary tale against movies. Yeah.
Matt (01:29:11.875)
And yeah, every other movie we've ever watched in this podcast has been like, well, that was a fucking choice. And that's weird, but I guess maybe it'll appeal to somebody or they just skipped things or they did something. And it was just like, I don't know who wants to watch this movie. If you were someone who watched this movie and you were an incel and you saw the power in the first movie, you're going to hate this movie. But that's like what? A small percentage. If you like the other movie.
Spencer (01:29:13.644)
Against his movies.
Luciano (01:29:37.784)
You're right.
Matt (01:29:41.435)
You're gonna hate this movie because it says you're stupid for liking that movie. So like what's the fucking point?
Spencer (01:29:45.784)
And if you didn't like that... Or you're hate it because it's still the same fucking character?
Luciano (01:29:46.286)
And if you hated the first movie, you're not gonna watch this one, probably.
Matt (01:29:54.405)
There's there's no reason to... There's nothing. And for that reason... TODD. It's an F.
Luciano (01:30:01.294)
This is our first all the way Fs. Because in the other situations, someone wasn't here. Either Chris or you, Spencer. Even Morbius didn't get all four Fs.
Spencer (01:30:04.675)
Spencer (01:30:09.625)
Spencer (01:30:15.608)
That's pretty crazy. think I Jurassic World Dominion. Maybe. that never happened. I mean, I do have one message for TP.
Matt (01:30:17.391)
It's weird.
Luciano (01:30:20.376)
That was in the previous podcast, I think. That never happened. Yeah. Other dimension.
Matt (01:30:24.005)
that ever happened.
Luciano (01:30:31.544)
toilet paper.
Spencer (01:30:32.042)
After this movie, when you get knocked down, maybe don't get back up again.
Chris (01:30:33.427)
Thank you.
Luciano (01:30:34.158)
Don't, maybe don't get up again, yes.
Matt (01:30:38.129)
Got him.
Chris (01:30:38.621)
Thank you. Stay down. we all, we're all, hey Todd, remember that scene in office space? You remember that scene in office space?
Spencer (01:30:41.198)
Just stay down.
Spencer (01:30:47.236)
Luciano (01:30:49.134)
no, no. You, you've unleashed him. Are you calling Todd Phillips, are you calling Todd Phillips a printer? Is that what you're doing? Okay. I'm here for it.
Chris (01:30:53.065)
Okay, how about
Matt (01:30:59.671)
meanwhile, back of this podcast, I'd just like to wrap this up and say happy holidays. Everybody listen to this podcast. It's going to come out when you're on your holidays and avoiding your families and listen to this and they're going to judge you harshly for that. And, as they should. secondly, we do have a movie we're going to follow up after this one. We might be off for a week or two for Christmas and holiday fun. also Hanukkah is on Christmas. So.
Luciano (01:31:14.528)
As they should.
Matt (01:31:28.303)
everything wraps up in a nice little bow for everybody. But we will be watching Carry On. It just came out on Netflix. It is, I don't know, man. Let's go with the Dean Norris vehicle.
Luciano (01:31:41.026)
the non-Todd Phillips vehicle.
Matt (01:31:43.185)
It's Taron Egerton and Jason Bateman starring in a movie that happens over the holidays at an airport. It does not die hard as far as I understand. Or sorry, die hard too. Yeah. But it could be.
Spencer (01:31:52.629)
now I'm disappointed.
Chris (01:31:52.915)
So it's not the terminal.
Spencer (01:31:58.222)
Well, now I'm interested.
Matt (01:32:00.539)
But it's probably not.
Spencer (01:32:01.548)
Now I'm disappointed again.
Luciano (01:32:03.394)
But it could be. Yeah.
Matt (01:32:03.493)
But for you Spencer, it's pretty sure it is.
Spencer (01:32:06.316)
Now I'm excited.
Matt (01:32:08.133)
Yeah, perfect.
Luciano (01:32:10.446)
What is object permanence? I don't know.
Matt (01:32:12.058)
So next time, in the New Year probably, Carry On is the name of the movie. But also, it's about Potton-Yee. You get what I'm saying, I'm not British.
Luciano (01:32:21.995)
Also carry on, yes.
Spencer (01:32:25.954)
Matt (01:32:26.449)
Peace out.