Hosted by Holly Lamb, Intuitive Cycle Mentor & Holistic Hormone Coach, this podcast is your space to reconnect with your body, honor your rhythms, and awaken your intuition. We’re ditching the outdated narratives around women’s health and embracing the power of cyclical living—because your menstrual cycle isn’t a burden, it’s your greatest tool for alignment, vitality, and self-trust.
From navigating perimenopause to syncing your lifestyle with your cycle, we’ll cover it all—nutrition, movement, mindset, and the deep wisdom of your body. This is about stepping into your most authentic, unapologetic self and living life on your terms—no f**ks given.
Welcome to the revolution 🔥
Holly Lamb (00:01.324)
Hello, and welcome to this week's episode of the No Fucks Given podcast with me, your host, Holly Lamb. This week's episode, I am going to speak all about menstruation and how it is the initiatory journey into the inner temple. So a lot of the teachings
A lot of the stuff I'm going to be talking about today is based around the teachings that I've learned through the Red School when I did my menstruality leadership program with things that I've added on since I've been deep diving into this work. And so hopefully this will give you a little bit of insight on how to honor this phase of your cycle, the deep inner winter and how you can use menstruation to
give you guidance when you're struggling. And as I'm on day three now, this is definitely something that I've been doing at the moment. So it's quite nice to talk about it now in real time. So I'm gonna break down what I learned, what I understood in a way that you can start to implement it next time that you bleed. So.
It can sometimes feel like you're getting battered by your cycle and there's so many women now experiencing menstrual cycle issues that it can feel like such an uphill battle. So this is why I want to discuss the menstrual cycle as your inbuilt spiritual practice that will help you drop into it and become more present with it.
which will let you receive guidance from higher consciousness, from your intuition, from your higher self, whatever you want to call it. So menstruation is the death and rebirth process, and it marks the start and the end of your cycle. And throughout your cycle, there will be these little breadcrumb moments that will lead you to the initiation of your inner temple.
Holly Lamb (02:13.772)
And this will lead you to experience something called the five chambers of menstruation, which is something that I will dive into each one as we go through this episode. So the breadcrumb moments are things like the crossover into your autumn when you start to face that inner critic and doing this allows you to do the shadow work required in order to move through.
So you're ready emotionally and physically prepared for menstruation. And you'll notice things like becoming more aware of the inner voice and being able to hone in on your intuition and listen to what it's saying and giving you guidance. But it's also a time to make sure that everything is in order in regards to your schedule. So if you know you're heading into your bleed,
It's a really good time to carve out a few days where you don't have any meetings, you don't have anything planned, you aren't doing any big events or speaking on stage because we definitely don't want to be in our depths of our bleed and our void and speaking on stage because it can be quite overwhelming.
Holly Lamb (03:46.456)
There may be times where that is unavoidable, but if you can try and schedule time at the time of your bleed, maybe two to three days, depending on what your schedule allows to really just go inwards and be with yourself.
Holly Lamb (04:12.544)
you will start to feel called to go inwards and you'll start to receive the knowledge and the wisdom that is going to come through when you start to bleed. So now I'm going to touch on what the five chambers of menstruation are. So these are separation, surrender, renewal, visioning, and clarity and direction.
So let's dive into each one and give you an explanation on what each one means and how you can honor each phase of the five chambers. So first is a chamber of separation. And this is your call to retreat and enter the spiritual world. It's a time to really say no to the world and say yes to you. So really strong boundaries are required at this time.
because you have to be able to hang out in the unknown, the void as it was, without looking for answers and just being. And it can be difficult to do that. And some women do find it difficult to do that, just being present and being here in the moment. But this is what the first chamber of separation calls you to do. And at this time, you can maybe feel
Detachment, like you want to spend a lot of time on your own. And if you do, that's completely normal. Feeling stillness, feeling like you're in a dream or even bliss and joy can come up and just a feeling of something greater is holding you. And perhaps at this time, old traumas or old thought patterns may start to resurface in the stillness, but
It's a time to hold no judgment. You just have to notice, just be a notice in the here and the now. And this is when I get a lot of my creative uploads rather than downloads. L says uploads and I much prefer that because it's coming from me because everything that we already know and everything that we already need to know is within us. So all these uploads start to happen. And as I'm on day three and I've moved through the five chambers, this has definitely happened while
Holly Lamb (06:36.414)
I was in separation, new ideas have come to me and now I'm starting to put those into practice. So chamber two is the chamber of surrender. So this is a time to just drop everything, drop all agendas, rest, potter about, move at your own pace and do nothing. So this was definitely me on day two. I was literally like,
nothing, I had nothing to do. had a call in the morning, but I could just be there with my camera off listening. I didn't have to interact if I didn't want to, I was just there. I was just being, I was just present and I wasn't really doing anything. I potted about yesterday, made some food and didn't do much else. And that was just lovely. And it's a time for trusting in your inner knowing. So like I said, everything you already need to know is within you, is deep within you.
You just need to know how to obtain that information. And you can do that by surrendering and just being with you and your thoughts. Sometimes you can start to feel almost like you want to detox, like you're releasing. So releasing anything negative, any negative people, things, emotions, whatever it is, it's a time to detox and release and just to let them go.
And during this time, grounding is essential so you can connect back to you. So if you can detox, release, surrender, and then ground, you're going to be deep in the depths of surrender and doing everything that you need to in order to get the most out of this chamber. So the third chamber then is the chamber of renewal. And this is where you feel like you've come back.
to yourself. You feel like you're receiving a big hug from the divine, from the divine mother, but it's still a time to rest and rest and just rest a little bit more and just be open to receive anything that comes your way. So in these first three chambers, it's very much a time of being with you, settling in, surrendering, but been open to receive anything that's coming through.
Holly Lamb (09:00.076)
So this is why I say the first two or three days of your cycle, days one to three, once you start bleeding, if you can carve out that time, this is where you can really sit deeply into these five chambers and listen to what's coming up.
But also in renewal, can feel feelings of just general love and just general belonging and a feeling that there is meaning in this crazy world that we live in, that there is more to this. And you do that by just being, just being with you. So next we move into visioning. So this is where revelations can appear and it's a time of deep introspection.
of kind of why am I here? What am I here to do? What is my purpose? So if you're someone that's struggling with maybe a purpose, you feel like you're in a bit of a void about what to do with yourself, your life, whatever it is, then tapping into the chamber of visioning can be a really powerful tool in order for you to get clarity on where you're going next. So you still ask to surrender, but you're...
embodying the true presence of here and now. So we're surrendering, we're deep introspection, but we've been present with the here and now. And at this time, you can start to experience like pure ecstasy and it just kind of pours out of you and to the other people around you. And the true vision of your purpose here at this time can appear.
to you and you just feel really, really energized. You feel like the life is coming back into you and you're ready to step into action. But we don't want to step in just yet. We're still in surrender. We're still in the slow embodiment. And this is definitely where I was yesterday. Things start coming in and my energy levels are starting to rise. And I think today that's probably, I'm still probably envisioning and I'm ready to step into the final chamber.
Holly Lamb (11:13.768)
because I'm on day three of my bleed, but the pure ecstasy and the outpouring to others around you, this has definitely been happening in my life with the women around me and the circle around me. So yes, I definitely feel like I'm probably in chamber visioning right now, ready to step into the next chamber, which is the chamber of clarity and direction. And this is where you'll receive almost a map
of the next steps you need to take in order to bring it, bring everything into a fruition that came in the chamber of separation. But remember, it's a time to pace yourself. So move at the pace of your being and not the world around you as you're still bleeding. So it's still a time of slowness and surrender, but we're just starting to kick into gear. And I think this is where I will be.
tomorrow. And you need to keep listening to your higher self as she is guiding you on this path. And it would be foolish to ignore her when she's been so helpful in guiding you through these five chambers. So yes, you may be keen to rush off and to implement all the uploads that have come to you, you're ready to put into action, but just remember to move at the pace of you.
And you'll just feel like you have a deep inner knowing, you'll have more focus and you'll feel like you want to change the world. And this is definitely where I think I will be tomorrow. I definitely feel like I'm stepping more into action today. And I'm just, but I'm still moving at the pace of me and not with the pace that the world.
likes to dictate to us. Because if we try and remember that the world is geared towards men in the 24 hour cycle, not towards women in the 28 day cycle. So they're the five chambers. Now what I've obviously discussed and gone into here is just a brief overview about how you can honor these five chambers. If you want to deep dive more into this work, then you can come and work with me.
Holly Lamb (13:35.232)
one -to -one where we can go really, really deep into the menstrual cycle because there's so many different aspects that you can implement in order to not only use it as your inbuilt spiritual practice and as your tool, your guide, your monthly health check, which is what it is. Your cycle is your monthly health check to see how you're doing, checking in with your body, but it can help.
This work can help bring your menstrual cycle back into alignment and you can also start to use it as your guide to guide you to your path and your purpose. And this is exactly what I have done for myself. Been in early menopause. I have used it as a guide to help me navigate all the challenges, connect back to myself and really tune into me.
So if that's something that interests you and you'd like more information, then you can drop me a message on Instagram, Hormone Harmony Coach, or you can email me info at hrlfitness .co .uk, but just drop me a message and we can have a chat about how this work can bring your menstrual cycle back into regularity, can help with...
any underlining issues that you have going on, because a lot of, a lot of menstrual issues, there can be other things going on. So we look at a whole lifestyle approach. And this is what I've done for myself. And this is why I know it works and why it can work for you. So like I said, reach out to me, drop me a message. And if this episode has been helpful, then please do message me and let me know.
leave a review because that really helps and subscribe if you aren't already and if you're watching on YouTube make sure to subscribe on YouTube as well and thanks so much for joining me this week and I will see you all next week.