Awaken Your Sacred Soul System - A Podcast, with Kate Darnell

My last mainstream teaching day.... And Why?

Show Notes

This week Kate shares how she went from her mainstream teaching job to having 'meditation pay her mortgage'.  

About 6 years ago, Kate accepted an opportunity to back herself and her desires and choose what was going to work for her and her family; to see just what she could share with the world via her meditation classes and spiritual healings.

As Kate and Silas celebrate purchasing their first home, Kate invites you to take time to celebrate and embrace the beginnings and acknowledge the evolution as we continue to master our gifts!

Here's a reminder of how you can work with Kate this year and beyond!

GRADUATE - Energetic Mastery, the mastermind we didn't know we needed! There's no behind...come bask in the golden light and anchor in ALL you’re here to share in this lifetime.

ACCELERATE - My potent 3 month 1:1 container. For the movers and the shakers – we’ll press play on ALL that you’re ready to share with the world. Let's begin in the new year?

ANNUAL PASS - Gift yourself a year of potent soul accountability. Secure a space for 2023!

SACRED SPACE - Subscribe anytime to be a part of the New Moon calls AND receive incredible Full Moon Transmissions.

SACRED SOUL SYSTEM - This incredible e-course is yours to complete at any time.

What is Awaken Your Sacred Soul System - A Podcast, with Kate Darnell ?

Join Kate Darnell this summer and beyond for interviews, high vibe energetic processes and practical ways to live spiritually from soul, with complete and utter love for YOU! Let's take a collective breath, a pause, a moment for you! We hope you enjoy this energetic, uplifting and inspiring series.

My last mainstream teaching day...
and why!

Hello Golden One,

Six years ago my soul led business was in her infancy, my youngest daughter was only one and I had started doing a casual teaching day, once a week, at a local high school.

There were a lot of reasons as to why the teaching day wasn't feeling golden BUT is was absolutely the conversation below that helped me make this particular mainstream teaching day, my last one - ever!

Head Teacher: Kate don't forget to apply for the full time teaching position that is coming up here.

Kate: Vaguely staring off in the distance hmmm...I really just love being home with my girls and I really feel like I can make something out of my meditation teachings and classes...

Headteacher: Laughing...oh Kate, you're so idealistic, you can hardly expect to pay for a mortgage with meditation classes.

The bell rang and I went off to class. That afternoon these words kept whirling around in my head...

You can't pay for a mortgage with meditation classes...

I found myself asking, who says I can't and why can't I? AND do I even want a mortgage!

As I drove away from the school and towards the regular evening meditation class that I had started hosting (I've shared the poster above!) I decided that the message couldn't be any clearer.

That this was another opportunity for me to back myself and my desires. It was another chance for me to choose what was going to work for me and my family; to see just what I could share with the world via my meditation classes and spiritual healings.

And now here we are! In a week's time, Silas and I will be proud first home owners.

This week I'm celebrating the mortgage that I can and will be paying without the security of a teaching position AND I will also be celebrating...that *THIS* is what happens when we...

Listen to the messages of what it is we truly desire and therefore GRADUATE into another level of living life [even more] golden!

Allow ourselves not to capped or deterred by other people's limiting beliefs or stories.

Take time to celebrate and embrace the beginnings and acknowledge the evolution as we continue to master our gifts!

Trusting in us and living our wholeness.

Allow and receive upgrades beyond our wildest dreams.

Speaking of TRUST, thank you to everyone who has purchased the TRUST MASTERCLASS - I have emailed the WINNER and look forward to working with them soon via a GOLDEN IMMERSION Experience!

Here's a reminder of how you can work with me this year and beyond!

GRADUATE - Energetic Mastery, the mastermind we didn't know we needed! There's no behind...come bask in the golden light and anchor in ALL you’re here to share in this lifetime.

ACCELERATE - My potent 3month 1:1 container. For the movers and the shakers – we’ll press play on ALL that you’re ready to share with the world. Let's begin in the new year?

ANNUAL PASS - Gift yourself a year of potent soul accountability. Secure a space for 2023!

SACRED SPACE - Subscribe anytime to be a part of the New Moon calls AND receive incredible Full Moon Transmissions.

SACRED SOUL SYSTEM - This incredible e-course is yours to complete at any time.

Have a beautiful week!

In Golden Light,

Love Kate xoxo