The InForm Fitness Podcast

In Episode 19 Adam discusses his biggest surprise in how the fitness industry has changed since starting InForm Fitness almost 20 years ago.  Following the IForm Fitness protocol, Adam, Mike, and Sheila share some of their individual techniques for accessing their clients' goals and motivational factors. To find an Inform Fitness location nearest you visit If you'd like to ask Adam, Mike or Sheila a question or have a comment regarding the Power of 10. Send us an email or record a voice memo on your phone and send it to  Join Inform Nation and call the show with a comment or question.  The number is 888-983-5020, Ext. 3.  To purchase Adam's book, Power of 10: The Once-a-Week Slow Motion Fitness Revolution click this link to visit Amazon: If you would like to produce a podcast of your own just like The Inform Fitness Podcast, please email Tim Edwards at  

Show Notes

In Episode 19 Adam discusses his biggest surprise in how the fitness industry has changed since starting InForm Fitness almost 20 years ago.  Following the IForm Fitness protocol, Adam, Mike, and Sheila share some of their individual techniques for accessing their clients' goals and motivational factors.

To find an Inform Fitness location nearest you visit

If you'd like to ask Adam, Mike or Sheila a question or have a comment regarding the Power of 10. Send us an email or record a voice memo on your phone and send it to 

Join Inform Nation and call the show with a comment or question.  The number is 888-983-5020, Ext. 3. 

To purchase Adam's book, Power of 10: The Once-a-Week Slow Motion Fitness Revolution click this link to visit Amazon:

019 Training Styles and Motivational Factors

people, trainer, clients, reps, fitness, workout, adam, podcast, motivation, work, mike, week, motivated, minutes, years, high intensity training, lose, failure, exercise, talking
Tim Edwards  00:00
This episode of the inform fitness podcast is brought to you by Thrive Market. Thrive Market is on a mission to make healthy living easy and affordable for everyone to receive a special discount code for 15% off of your first order, email Tim at inbound Hey inform nation thanks for joining us here once again on the inform fitness podcast. 20 minutes with New York Times bestselling author Adam Zickerman and friends brought to you by inform fitness and thrive My name is Tim Edwards of the inbound podcasting network. And joining the show, as always is Sheila melody, Mike Rogers and the founder of inform fitness. Adam Zickerman. Hey team
Adam  00:47
hey, hello
Tim Edwards  00:53
That's gonna be a running theme with every show will begin the English accent. Well, here in this podcast, we discuss high intensity slow motion strength training system that's so effective, you'll get a week's worth of exercise in just 1, 20 to 30 minute session, which is about the length of each of these podcast episodes. Now in this episode team, we want to share some of the wisdom that all of you have accrued over the many years and just talk about what it's like in the life of a personal trainer at inform fitness. This is a very non-conventional type of workout for for some. And so, I want to learn from you how things have changed over the last 20 years or so, Adam, when you began this revolution,
Adam  01:33
when I thought about what we're going to talk about for this episode. Because I was asked a question not too long ago by one of my mentors, who I've known for a long time. And he said to me, so Adam, now you're doing this almost almost 20 years, what's the biggest surprise? You remember how you thought about all this 20 years ago? And now, where you are now where the state of the industry is now? What's the biggest surprise? What surprises me the most is something that appeared so logical. And so kind of like an epiphany, aha type of moment. 20 years ago, for me, I was a little surprised, quite honestly, that it hasn't been an aha moment for the for the whole society.
Tim Edwards  02:23
Or you mentioned in previous episodes with with Doug macguff. It's like why isn't everybody talking about this?
Adam  02:29
Well, that was I think that episode we were talking specifically about the anti aging properties of Yeah, well, yeah. When that news came out, when that research came out, just one more thing that you think that's going to be the tipping point. That is what's going to get people to say, hey, but it wasn't,
Mike  02:47
you know, Adam, I keep talking about like, you're surprised that nobody or like, it hasn't become like a national a wave of like, have an epiphany for everybody, as it has been for you or me are all of us on who you know, who've been doing this and do teach it. I actually think I have the answer. I think it is. I think everybody wants results. Now in a day. I think the reality is for almost all things that are worthwhile. It just it's time to do it no matter what you're trying to do. Whenever anyone tries any new exercise regimen, they usually feel the initial gains of whatever they do a new Pilates class, a new Bikram yoga class, a new slow weight training, and their body feels like a new thing. And it's and I think they get wrapped up into it. Anyway. That's what I think I think people just aren't patient enough to let something like this settle in. And that's the reason why.
Adam  03:46
I remember when we used to drive these gas guzzling cars back in the 70s during the gas crisis I'm aging myself when I was a kid in a big car
Tim Edwards  03:55
waiting in those long lines to get gas remember 
Adam  03:58
Escalon remember that I do? I was a kid.
Mike  04:01
I don't
Adam  04:02
Yeah, I'm a little bit older than you is right before your time. Anyway, I just remember the expression being coined from that period is that every time our car passes a gas station it burps has that desire just goes with gas like crazy. And I I remember I apply that that same type of joke, if you will to, to genetically gifted individuals. Every time they walk past a dumbbell, they get bigger.
Tim Edwards  04:34
I hate those people I really do.
Adam  04:38
They don't need to do much. No. And
Mike  04:41
it I can see that that is discouraging, encouraging and discouraging for people. You know, I think about it. I mean, there's some people, you know, they they're like, how come she looks so good. You know, and they wonder, you know, like I saw this girl at the gym. She has this incredible body and I'm like running on the treadmill. I'm like, Well, did she look that way before she was on the treadmill? 
Sheila  05:05
yeah, it's hard to get people to understand that. The reasons why you want to do this not just, you know, to have this perfect body to there's so many other good reasons, and I'm constantly trying to remind people have those, you know, just your overall health and wellness. And, you know, it's like what Adam has often, you know, said, it's like brushing your teeth, you're gonna Are you gonna stop brushing your teeth, because you don't see, you know, immediate results or whatever is gonna continue to breastfeed.
Mike  05:37
I think a lot of people though, that when it comes to fitness, I think they do give up quickly, I think if they haven't, they, you know, the, you lose weight, maybe you know, how people, they do a new thing, like, whatever, like this, or running or something, and they lose, and they become very disciplined with their nutrition for two weeks, and then all of a sudden, they fall off. And next thing, you know, it's like, it's just, everybody has like, two weeks of, of motivation, and that sort of fall off, or the or they're there to stick with it. And they're, you know, unfortunately, you know, we sell packages, you know, in like, 6 12 24. So people, you know, they're invested in what they're doing, and then they have to show up for their appointments. So, I think you know, why a lot of people after they start our program, they stay with our program, whether they've lost weight or not, they realize that they definitely have gotten stronger over the course of six weeks or 12 weeks and and I think that's one of the reasons why people do stick with us after they come through our door.
Tim Edwards  06:34
So Mike, you're saying that you think it's the lack of instant gratification is why this isn't being screamed from the rooftops or, or wasn't when Adam first came upon this, this this revolution,
Mike  06:47
goals are ever people come in here with various goals all the time. And I mean, the most popular one is I want to lose 10 pounds, I want to lose 15 pounds, I want to lose 20 pounds, and that is something that, you know, we are, we are superstars at getting people to be stronger at manage, you know, getting them to reduce their chronic pain, to increase their bone density over time, and a lot of different things. You know, the list goes on and on. But, you know, with with things like fat loss, which is a is a number one priority for a lot of people who walk into any sort of fitness facility, that doesn't come without any without really having some compliance towards changing nutrition. And we sometimes, you know, we I think we're very good at encouraging and motivating and, and helping and counseling in that in that department. But it's, you know, we're not with you. We're not We're not with them. Seven days a week, you know,
Tim Edwards  07:39
I'm a testament to that, Mike, because I began his workout at the time of this recording about 50 weeks ago, I'm almost at my one year point. And, and in that cool and then in, it took me several months to finally adhere to pillar number two in Adams book power of 10, which is nutrition. I really got serious about my nutrition a few months ago really and and because of the nutrition combined with what I've done in the gym at the Toluca Lake location, I'm now down 18 pounds, because yeah, I've lost a lot of weight here in the last few months, because I finally started to combine those two getting my exercise in line solely with what I'm doing it inform fitness and then clean eating and following Adams protocol inside inside his book. So like you said, you're not working 24 hours a day, but if somebody just applies a little bit, just a few minor changes is eat clean, you will see those results. It's been pretty dramatic.
Mike  08:37
Just yesterday, I had two clients out of nowhere, without any solicitation actually tell me one of them is 61 years old just turned 61 The other one, they're both male, the other one is 53. And they both told me that they've never been stronger in their entire lives in their entire lives. Okay. Both of them, you know, have some fat to lose, you know, they don't have perfect bodies at all. But, but they told me they I mean, one of them, Golf has a priority in his life. The other one just wants to really feel strong and, and and youthful, both of them do you know, and, and that was that was one of those moments where, you know, I was thinking, you know, the gratification of being a trainer is going back to why you know what we're talking about today. What makes me excited about my job you know, is to hear that type of thing. You know, I mean, they weren't worried about me, they both want to lose a few pounds, but they were so excited about how strong they were and comparing themselves at their at their 61 and 53 years to any time in their life. Either one of them was comparing it to the time we played baseball in college and I feel stronger than I did then. You know, I mean, you know, we when we talked about yeah, sometimes like you know you don't those little you know, if you twist your elbow or something like that and when you're 21 that goes away in a day and now it lingers a little bit.
Adam  09:58
This is what I'm surprised about. We hear stories like this day in, day out. It's been covered in the press. And still, it's not accepted still, it's it's still people like, what is that technique? You do? I mean, still only like, I don't know, is it? I don't know what the statistics are. But I bet it's like, one out of 100 people, if not one out of 1000 people really know about this high intensity training thing and and forget about the high intensity training thing. One out of 1000, or some minority people even understand how profoundly important is to build and maintain muscle mass outside of just how good you may look, you know, so when we hear at 61, 71 year old people saying, I've never felt stronger, and more functional in my life, youd think, after 20 years of having people say that and feel that way, for such little time invested, by the way, you think, like everyone else be going out of business?
Tim Edwards  10:59
Well, there's no doubt that the this podcast will certainly help spread the word,
Adam  11:03
Thats why we're doing it.
Sheila  11:05
 part of it, you know, to me, it's like the people who get old, the older people, you know, not older, but you know, maybe middle aged shoulder when they really start to think, Oh, I got to start doing something, right. And then they come in, and this is a doable, you know, exercise for them. Even though it's tough, it's the time management is important to them. But I also think that as you get older, you're you have more endurance, as far as like, sticking to something, you know, I just really feel that, you know, people who are younger, they're just like, Okay, I'm just gonna do this, and then I don't really have to do this. But I think as you get older, you're just like, more inclined to just stick to something and you have more endurance than you, like Adam was talking about earlier, you know, in a few podcasts ago about how women work out harder, just something, you know, it's just like, you really have that endurance to give it your all that 20 minutes, and you consistently come in every week, you know, whereas when you're younger, you're kind of like, you know, I could take it or leave it.
Adam  12:11
You know, there's a lot of reasons why. But what you're alluding to, I think, is I just think older people are just smarter, they've been there, done that. And they've made the mistakes, and now, now they understand things with better young people. They don't realize how resilient they are and the risks that they're taking and the exercise programs that they choose. They're they're infallible, right.
Mike  12:29
Wisdom comes with experience.
Adam  12:31
wisdom comes with getting hurt. Unfortunately, a lot of times, wisdom comes from, you know, not seeing the results. But the end, they don't see the ramifications, necessarily what they're doing until later on when it's too late. You don't realize how bad getting sunburned all the time is when you're when you're 18 years old. It's when you're when it's when you're 40. Or the real, shouldn't have stayed in the sun so long. So you know, as I don't know who said this, maybe you can help me, but youth is wasted on the young. Yes.
Tim Edwards  13:00
It's in the movie. It's a Wonderful Life, right?
Adam  13:05
Was it Mark Twain? That's it? I don't know. But But whoever said, genius? Yeah, it's so so true. Mike makes a good point about this idea that people are looking for some gratification and don't see the results right away. And it's not just necessarily even fat loss. That's a big part of it. That's actually an easier kind of pivot, if you will, because then you can really blame the nutrition part on it. Don't even put the exercise, even as as responsible for that at all. So it's not even what you're doing here has nothing at home, this has nothing to do with your weight loss. Other things that that I'm trying to figure out why this hasn't become like this national sensation. And every all the other gyms and treadmills companies are going out of business. People are not turning into fitness models. And these buff specimens, not just because they're not losing the body weight, just because their muscles are not going to get beautiful and big and structured and cut the way we see on the magazines or the athletes. And again, just because that doesn't happen to you, doesn't mean something's not happening. You know, something really good isn't happening as a matter of fact, but you're just not going to look ever like that guy or girl on the magazine cover with or without Photoshop.
Tim Edwards  14:24
You know, I think it'd be interesting to go around the room and ask the three trainers here. We're looking for motivation, right, so So Mike, you mentioned that and I think you're I have to agree with you. I think the fact that the results aren't instant as maybe that's why people aren't screaming it from the rooftops like if someone were to jump on an Atkins diet or say for example, and all of a sudden they they stay away from carbs completely lose a lot of weight quickly. What do you use for motivation? How do you motivate your clients? I'm sure there are different methods of motivation to keep people stay on course, if the results take six to eight weeks,
Mike  14:59
you know it's up It
Tim Edwards  15:00
Mike  15:01
Yeah, exactly. You know, the thing is, first of all, with the people that come in our door, everyone's motivated by the fact that their this, this workout only takes like 20 minutes. All right, that's one thing. And I think that's one thing that they they want to
Adam  15:16
if thats not motivation enough Get the hell out here. 
Mike  15:19
kind of is. And the thing is, that's the motivation that gets them through doing something that's hard. It's really, really hard. And it lets them know that, hey, they can get back to what they have to do in their own life and stuff for with anything that you're successful at life. What's the process? You know, do you just sort of wing it? Or do you actually, you know, it, you know, like, if you're trying to, say, for example, if you're trying to lose fat, you have to think about what your plan is, you have to write it down at first, you have to get into a routine, you might need some accountability and some help from some friends or, or me as the trainer or someone to sort of help keep you in line. And usually, it's, it requires a lot of, I don't want to use word obsession, but you have to be highly focused on what you're doing at first, and then eventually, it becomes something that you can probably not be as regimented with, as over time, you know, where you don't have to write it down and stuff like that. So the idea of going to muscle failure, it might happen in 75 seconds, or two minutes and 17 seconds or three minutes, you know, we don't want it to be too long. But the thing is, when it's nebulous, it's very difficult for some people, and sometimes I'll have to say, hey, you know, something, give me four reps, make that clear, I want you to still 10 seconds up, 10 seconds down. But you know, last time you did it for a minute and 35 seconds, and I'm going to raise it 10 pounds. And that should get me a time that's going to be a, you know, what we want in order to show some progress for the client. So that's a little bit specific to performance to when I'm motivating someone to you know, when I want them to perform better on the machine.
Tim Edwards  16:55
So have a plan, and then you you verbally walk them through their time on the machines.
Adam  17:00
Yeah, I mean, that's interesting what you just said, because it is a very specific example of motivation, because it's a very small population of people that need to have that carrot, or that they need to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Sometimes you got to say, Yes, I'm target at the post is just some random failure rate, which is in some range, that mean, just going to failure is not enough for them. Because how long is this going to last? I need to know how many more reps I have. And no matter how many times you say it doesn't matter, just go to failure, just go until you can't go anymore. Some people are not motivated by that, or they're not, were not inspired to do that. So like Mike said, Alright, So Mike, an experienced trainer. So he knows the set of weights a certain weight. So he they he knows that if they can get four reps out there pretty much where they need, they need to be failure wise. So you say, just give me four perfect reps. Now, if it's if you set the right weight correctly, they're going to reach failure for perfect reps. So Mike got what he wanted, and client got what they wanted. And that's a motivation technique to get them to perform to a level that's very uncomfortable and very challenging. A lot of people have mental problems getting there. And that's, that's so so even though there's a very specific example, in the more general sense, what Mike's talking about is different techniques of motivating people to get to the goal. How what do certain clients need? And when you're, if you're training yourself, by the way, ask yourself, what do i What's going to motivate me to work to this level of discomfort? Do I need to have a stopwatch around my neck and just have a certain time is it amount, a certain number of reps? That kind of thing, whatever it takes that to allow you to get to that level of failure is what you should be trying to do.
Mike  18:48
You know, as in our environment, as far as the clients are concerned, I think we are very personal with our clients. In general, when we're working with clients, the nature of our sessions, it's one on one, it's a quiet environment. Without music, there's no mirrors, we're giving directions that are very, very clear verbal instructions, sometimes we have to demonstrate. But for the most part, I think the client is motivated by this unique experience, which is unlike most personal training experiences that people have if they didn't work with another personal trainer at a gym. And maybe that was a good experience. But this is a unique experience. And I think that in itself is something that really gets people. I think people are drawn to this environment when they're here. It's it's different. And they really, they realize that it's it's not the distractions are not, they're not there, they don't want to be distracted. They want to be focused, they want to get their workout and they want to leave, you know, I mean, you know, they want to go back to whatever is going on in their own life.
Tim Edwards  19:45
I agree with that personal aspect of it as somebody who's experienced this for now close to a year and I've had Sheila as my trainer who's terrific, and my latest trainer is Joe over in Toluca Lake, and Joe knows me personally and he knows what motivates me and I love playing softball. So as I'm getting close to failure. He's like we're stretching those singles and the doubles. Now the doubles and triples the triples into homeruns. And He almost hit it out last week, you're gonna hit it out this week. And he really knows what buttons to push with me, the more he gets to learn about my family and my activities, and I really enjoy that relationship with with my trainer because he's able to say what I want to hear to get me to get me to failure.
Mike  20:22
Yeah. It's funny. I have clients who forever reason you deserve to be I have a client who what he's working out, he yells it himself, he calls himself the king. I do sometimes. I mean, I can't help it, but sometimes it does. I go, you're the Prime Minister. You're our president.
Sheila  20:49
Not Donald Trump is it?
Mike  20:56
He's actually did not vote for Donald Trump. It's very interesting how
Adam  21:01
he was asking if the guy's saying I'm the king. Yeah.
Tim Edwards  21:08
You're not, you're not too far from Trump Tower.
Mike  21:11
Voted voted last door. He said, Yeah, he
Sheila  21:15
needs he needs inform fitness. He's out of shape.
Adam  21:21
Fitness, you need to clue?
Sheila  21:23
Well, for each, I, I like having that we all have that personal relationship. And I was gonna say the same thing. It's like, I get to know your client, you get to know what's going on in their life. And you kind of have to psychologically, you know, just say, hey, you know, you're gonna, you're gonna feel so much better when you get out of here, just do. And I do that to what Mike was saying, Just Just give me two more, you know, what, and just try to guide them and coach them through to get that to that muscle failure to get their dose, you know, the clients end up wanting to come in for that, you know, what I mean, they come in, even though they're not feeling that well, or they're not feeling that motivated. And they, they expect us to do that, you know, thats why they come in. 
Tim Edwards  22:11
Well, and I imagine too the motivation is different for each client. You know, sheila, like I mentioned earlier that when I first started at inform fitness, you were my trainer, and you have a very calming approach to go, Alright, you're almost there. You know, and so some people might need to be screamed at or screaming that they're the king or the prince, depending upon their performance. 
Adam  22:30
that's Tell, tell me I'm wrong.
Mike  22:32
That's a joke. But yeah, that's and that's an outlying type of situation. But for honestly, most situations, you can talk just like this when you're getting and I think when they when you say when you tap them on their shoulder gently, and you let them know that while they're going through their while they're going through the repetition that they need to, you know, bring their elbow down a little bit they're feeling that motivation they're feeling that connection, because you're attentive to everything that's going on in that moment. Absolutely. Give me 10 reps you know, it's it's a bunch of different thing and it doesn't require screaming and I feel like they're dealing with over a very intense situation when they're breathing heavily and getting to that last rep it still doesn't require and I think like communicating like this while they're in that state keeps them you know, as Adam said Yeah, focused and stoic and being able to actually perform the the
Sheila  23:25
it calms them down to their thinking.
Adam  23:28
Yeah, we literally Mike and I were just having this conversation with a client not too long ago. One of my mentors told me the same mentor by the way, you asked me the question about what surprises me in the last 20 years. He said to me a long time ago, he said a trainer that has to raise their voice above a whisper is not a very good trainer.
Sheila  23:46
Tim Edwards  23:47
I like that. I think in this situation as someone who goes through your exercise I prefer that approach not being screamed at and motivated though one time ADAM You did say to me, but you whispered it you said when Adam train you said if you don't finish this rep I'm gonna call your son and tell him what a wimp you are but he didn't say the word when he says something else.
Adam  24:06
I whispered it
Tim Edwards  24:07
you did whisper it
Adam  24:11
well, you know the motivation technique for you shaming. But going I just want to finish a thought that I had because about this whispering thing. When somebody is in the throes of their of the last rep, and they're really getting deep into intensity. It's it's I think, it's seems logical to start raising your voice and say, Come on, come on, come on and start raising the energy because their energy is like being expended so much, and I actually take the opposite tack very often, just when they are like almost in a panic mode. That's when I say them very quietly. Alright, calm down. Calm down, relax, relax, which is really ironic and they want to punch me because like, I hate they are reaching muscle failure and a leg press. Relax, like you fucking relax. Im on the leg press for crying out loud.
Mike  25:05
you know, it's oftentimes a moment when shoulder works and you know, hyperextension of the neck and their shoulders come up and stuff like that. Anyway, you kids, what do you have an opportunity to say, okay, hold it right there, try to drop your shoulders right now hold it, hold it, give me five more seconds. 3 2 1 That's like,
Sheila  25:23
when they hate, you know, when they get mad at you, you know, you're doing your job. Well,
Tim Edwards  25:29
but I'm the opposite of that. I like it when it's calm. And I need that moment I used to my breathing starts to change a little bit, and I do everything I can just to finish that rep. And I know that I fit failure. I like that calm approach. If there was yelling, it would distract me. 
Mike  25:44
But that's what I'm saying, that I think they're more focused, and they're more, they're more, they're able to retain a correction that you're that you're giving them in that type of voice, you know, and, and so I thought maybe I know it during many years. And going back to the big topic about motivation, I think that's under the umbrella of motivation is that style of talking to people, while they're going through a relatively intense and stressful thing for a short amount of time? We know it's a worthwhile stimulus, but it's, but it's, it's stressful. And and
Adam  26:19
so for those of you listening to this, don't have a trainer, especially trainer that is steeped in high intensity training, and you want to do this, what's the takeaway for you, I think it would be do this in as a relaxed environment as possible. Don't stress out about things. And, you know, in my, in my book I talk about, I do a q&a in my book, and one of the questions in my q&a is, which is the most important rep of the set? And a lot of people, you know, guess, oh, the first one, or a lot of people guess really, the last one is the most important set of the rep. And of course, it's a trick question, really? Because my answer is the one you're doing. It's kind of like a zen like approach to the whole, it'd be in the moment, you know, and not so and the whole workout should be approached that way. Don't be thinking about what you did last week, how well you're doing now, just do it. Just be in the moment, do the workout efficiently, calmly, work out hard, move on, if you have that approach, you're not going to dread, you know, put those thoughts of dreading the upcoming workout, I didn't do as well as it did last week, got it, you got to kind of meditate that stuff out of your head, let those demons out and just be in the moment and do your job. And that's probably the best advice I can give. Because, like, I have the demons in my head too, I say shit, I gotta work out now. And I have all the thoughts of the pain, you know, creep in, and I'm like, you know, block it out, do it you got to do is once a week, 20 minutes, there was a client that used to walk in, he had a mantra, it was Mike's client. He used to walk in front the door of the gym, and he'd look around and say I can do anything for 20 minutes. Let's go 
Tim Edwards  28:05
love it. I love it.
Adam  28:08
Every single there was a mantra.
Mike  28:10
All right, for 20 minutes, let's get over it.
Adam  28:13
We all have our ways of calming ourselves down. Some people might want to meditate, I have a client actually, that goes into an empty room in our office. She can. And she'll meditate for 15 20 minutes until the workout ready to start. So so the what's the common thread here? I mean, you know, relax, be in the moment.
Sheila  28:34
If you do get better at at just handling that intensity, you do get better at it, you just get okay, I can handle this. And you know, you can handle it. And then the next time it's, you know, the more you do it, the more you're like, Okay, I can do this. And then you try a little harder. And some days, yeah, you might have an off day here or there. But you know, overall, it'll just keep going forward if you just stick to it.
Tim Edwards  28:57
So we're getting a little short on time, I definitely want to ask all three of you. If you would just remind our audience how long each of you has been a trainer? And how have you changed from the time you began? As a trainer with the power of 10 and how you are now what have you learned and how have you changed? And this time, we'll start with guru. How about you, Adam?
Adam  29:17
How have I changed as a trainer? Let me count the ways. The thing that pops in my head the most because I started 20 years ago and 20 years ago when I started this I just finished reading Ken Hutchins, super slow manual, and I had been talking to some of his devotees about it. Some of the original devotees and what an intense bunch and it was either do it this way, or you're an idiot. Do this workout like this because everybody else is a fraud out there and You know, and they basically made me feel like, you know, mall made me feel like I picked up on it to be honest with you. I bought into it. And at the beginning of my career, I was a little bit of a jerk. You know, I, I think I was a born again. We don't do it this way, you're an asshole.
Tim Edwards  30:25
I did it wrong, right.
Adam  30:27
Yeah, early. I certainly did it a little bit more diplomatically than that. But basically, that was my message, you know. And thing is, as diplomatic as I was, I turned people off, I turned a lot of people off. And that will that's not I mean, if I'm, if I'm going to try to influence people, and educate people, I can't I can't be that way. And as as time went on, I was much more open and accepting of all kinds of ideas and views. And I might not still agree with a lot of modalities of exercise out there, certainly for the purposes that they purport these modalities before. But I understand a lot more about why, you know, you know, we talked in our other podcasts about intense workouts versus moderate exercise, and the virtue of both the value of both, and when I used to, I used to throw the baby out with the bathwater, so to speak. And it's not a high intensity training. It's not it's not worth doing. And I don't I don't really feel that way anymore. And I certainly don't portray that with my clients anymore.
Tim Edwards  31:33
Sheila, how about you?
Sheila  31:35
Well, I've only I got certified in 2010. So it's been about six years for me. So I'm still consider myself a newbie, to tell you the truth.
Adam  31:45
She was never a jerk.
Sheila  31:48
Because I can't be
Tim Edwards  31:49
I don't think she has it in her to be honest.
Sheila  31:51
But I could say that, how I've changed because in the beginning, you know, I think I was a little more maybe empathetic with people. And, you know, as I've been doing this workout now for about 10 or 11 years, myself, I have grown in how my experience of doing the workout. So that has affected the way that I train clients and just being around like our, our trainer here, Ann who is a very experienced trainer, she's been a trainer for like 14 years. So bringing her on board and having her uh, you know, open this place with me. And seeing how she wasn't afraid to put the weight up. You know what I mean? I used to be a little more like, gentle with people. I guess I wouldn't like just, okay, let's add 40 pounds here, you know, I'd be like, Oh, no, we can't. And I now I'm much more confident in challenging people a little more.
Adam  32:51
You're a little bit more detached in a good way, I think.
Sheila  32:54
Yeah. It's like, I know that people and then John has said this to a lot with his clients. He's like I because he has a love hate relationship with several several his clients, although they love him. They're like, Oh, are you he makes me do this. And he's like, because I know you can do it. I know, your body can do I know you can do it, you know. And so you kind of have to be that way. And I've gotten much more that way with, you know, not feeling like, you know, because people will be the first time they try this, especially women, I guess, because they're not used to lifting really heavy weights. They'll be like, Oh, this is too heavy, you know? And I'll be like, no, keep going. I used to like say, Okay, let me change this weight a little bit to start. And then No, now I go, nope. Keep going. Keep going. Tell me after three reps. If it's too, you know, after three reps, you're still going guess what you just did like over two minutes on that it's not too heavy for you. So giving them that experience of it has been a way that I've developed, you know, into a better trainer, I think.
Adam  33:57
Yeah. So in other words, you you're just not as empathetic anymore.
Sheila  34:00
Exactly. Yeah, yeah.
Adam  34:04
No, it's a good thing. I mean, like doctors have to be that way doctors, when they give injections, or they do a procedure that hurts. You know, they can't they have to be they have to do with authority. They have to just do it. And they can't go Oh, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. You know, right. Sure. Yeah, you got, you got to do it. And that's part of being professional. So Mike, on to you.
Mike  34:24
I've, I have been here for 14 years. And I it's been the best job of my entire life. I've done a lot of different things before that. So but uh, um, when I first got when I first learned about this technique, and wanted to become a trainer, I mean, I was I was just blown away by everything about it. The intensity of it, it's just I've always been attracted to intense things. But I was amazed at how you know, I had a shoulder injury 
Adam  34:54
his favorite band is the Ramones.
Tim Edwards  34:56
Good choice
Mike  34:58
One of them, but yeah, But you know, something, the thing that I've, you know, you, when you, when you become a trainer in the beginning, you know you that science is thrown at you, and you're really, really drawn into it. And it makes a lot of sense and you want to teach it and you want to get better at it. And but I gotta tell you, you know, it's, it's interesting, you know, you see new trainers now, after I've been doing this this long, and I think about how I was way back then. And it's amazing. You know, the science is the science, but there's an art form to training people and getting to really know them as people the psychology of how to how to motivate. But you know, what I think I'm most proud of, which just comes with experience and, you know, anybody who's been doing this a long time and cares about their clients, you know, you know, when you deal with a person who comes in with a rotator cuff tear, or herniated cervical disc, or a torn meniscus or something like that, I'd become, you know, I'm really, really proud of how I've been able to help people with special like medical problems and still be able to get them to train very, very hard and, and help them with their rehabilitation work with orthopedist, or their physical therapists and stuff. And it's, it's, it's interesting, because that's just something that even though like a person could get certified, they can do it become a trainer tomorrow, and they could be great things like that just take time and and to really be have intuitive answers and or directions to give to people when you're training them. And, you know, I I'm, I'm very happy to have had that experience and to know that, you know, if someone comes in the door that they're going to be taken care of, by me. And if, and if there's an inexperienced trainer, I can help them understand a little bit more about things like that as well.
Tim Edwards  36:48
Well, you can tell by listening to Mike and Sheila and Adam hires the best when it comes to who he's going to trust with power of 10 and the inform fitness locations. In closing, Adam, we've been talking about how the three of you have changed over the last 18 to 20 years or so as trainers what the industry's perception is of this type of workout over the last almost two decades. I'd like to know what you think the perception is of those of us who are coming to an inform fitness to work out how that might have changed over the last 20 years. And where would you like to see this go?
Adam  37:26
Well, I think this might be wishful thinking. And, but but I really think our vision is starting to come true where people are realizing that that less is more intensity is the king and the real stimulus for fitness and balancing that intensity with rest and recovery, I would have to say more people now are realizing that and are not taking up these long endurance type of activities. Instead, they are saving time saving their knees and starting to accept this idea that you know, maybe I can have quality over quantity and that's whether it's my competition, perpetuating these new ideas or us you know, all all boats rise with the rising tide. And you know, I'm surprised it didn't happen fast enough, but maybe the second half. Last quarter, we might we might see some kind of tipping point occur. And you know, and, and save a lot of people quite honestly so, so I'm hopeful and my fingers are crossed. And you know this podcast, with any with any luck can help with that.
Tim Edwards  38:34
Why don't you give the workout a try for yourself just like I did about a year ago. Visit For list of locations across the US. If you don't happen to live near one of the locations, jump on over to Amazon and pick up Adams book power of 10 the once a week slow motion fitness revolution. Inside you'll find some easy to follow instructions to perform this workout at just about any gym, or even at home. And back here on the podcast. Adam Mike and Sheila can answer a question or respond to a comment you might have regarding the power of 10. Just shoot us an email or record a voice memo on your phone and send it to podcast at You can also give us a call at 888-983-5020 extension three to leave your comment for questions. You might even have a suggestion on some topics we should cover here on the show or might have a guest in mind you'd like for us to interview all feedback is welcome. Thanks again for joining us here at the inform fitness podcast for Adam Mike and Sheila I'm Tim Edwards with the inbound podcasting Network.


What is The InForm Fitness Podcast?

Now listened to in 100 countries, The InForm Fitness Podcast with Adam Zickerman is a presentation of InForm Fitness Studios, specializing in safe, efficient, High Intensity strength training.
Adam discusses the latest findings in the areas of exercise, nutrition and recovery with leading experts and scientists. We aim to debunk the popular misconceptions and urban myths that are so prevalent in the fields of health and fitness and to replace those sacred cows with scientific-based, up-to-the-minute information on a variety of subjects. The topics covered include exercise protocols and techniques, nutrition, sleep, recovery, the role of genetics in the response to exercise, and much more.

019 Training Styles and Motivational Factors

people, trainer, clients, reps, fitness, workout, adam, podcast, motivation, work, mike, week, motivated, minutes, years, high intensity training, lose, failure, exercise, talking

Tim Edwards 00:00
This episode of the inform fitness podcast is brought to you by Thrive Market. Thrive Market is on a mission to make healthy living easy and affordable for everyone to receive a special discount code for 15% off of your first order, email Tim at inbound Hey inform nation thanks for joining us here once again on the inform fitness podcast. 20 minutes with New York Times bestselling author Adam Zickerman and friends brought to you by inform fitness and thrive My name is Tim Edwards of the inbound podcasting network. And joining the show, as always is Sheila melody, Mike Rogers and the founder of inform fitness. Adam Zickerman. Hey team

Adam 00:47
hey, hello

Tim Edwards 00:53
That's gonna be a running theme with every show will begin the English accent. Well, here in this podcast, we discuss high intensity slow motion strength training system that's so effective, you'll get a week's worth of exercise in just 1, 20 to 30 minute session, which is about the length of each of these podcast episodes. Now in this episode team, we want to share some of the wisdom that all of you have accrued over the many years and just talk about what it's like in the life of a personal trainer at inform fitness. This is a very non-conventional type of workout for for some. And so, I want to learn from you how things have changed over the last 20 years or so, Adam, when you began this revolution,

Adam 01:33
when I thought about what we're going to talk about for this episode. Because I was asked a question not too long ago by one of my mentors, who I've known for a long time. And he said to me, so Adam, now you're doing this almost almost 20 years, what's the biggest surprise? You remember how you thought about all this 20 years ago? And now, where you are now where the state of the industry is now? What's the biggest surprise? What surprises me the most is something that appeared so logical. And so kind of like an epiphany, aha type of moment. 20 years ago, for me, I was a little surprised, quite honestly, that it hasn't been an aha moment for the for the whole society.

Tim Edwards 02:23
Or you mentioned in previous episodes with with Doug macguff. It's like why isn't everybody talking about this?

Adam 02:29
Well, that was I think that episode we were talking specifically about the anti aging properties of Yeah, well, yeah. When that news came out, when that research came out, just one more thing that you think that's going to be the tipping point. That is what's going to get people to say, hey, but it wasn't,

Mike 02:47
you know, Adam, I keep talking about like, you're surprised that nobody or like, it hasn't become like a national a wave of like, have an epiphany for everybody, as it has been for you or me are all of us on who you know, who've been doing this and do teach it. I actually think I have the answer. I think it is. I think everybody wants results. Now in a day. I think the reality is for almost all things that are worthwhile. It just it's time to do it no matter what you're trying to do. Whenever anyone tries any new exercise regimen, they usually feel the initial gains of whatever they do a new Pilates class, a new Bikram yoga class, a new slow weight training, and their body feels like a new thing. And it's and I think they get wrapped up into it. Anyway. That's what I think I think people just aren't patient enough to let something like this settle in. And that's the reason why.

Adam 03:46
I remember when we used to drive these gas guzzling cars back in the 70s during the gas crisis I'm aging myself when I was a kid in a big car

Tim Edwards 03:55
waiting in those long lines to get gas remember

Adam 03:58
Escalon remember that I do? I was a kid.

Mike 04:01
I don't

Adam 04:02
Yeah, I'm a little bit older than you is right before your time. Anyway, I just remember the expression being coined from that period is that every time our car passes a gas station it burps has that desire just goes with gas like crazy. And I I remember I apply that that same type of joke, if you will to, to genetically gifted individuals. Every time they walk past a dumbbell, they get bigger.

Tim Edwards 04:34
I hate those people I really do.

Adam 04:38
They don't need to do much. No. And

Mike 04:41
it I can see that that is discouraging, encouraging and discouraging for people. You know, I think about it. I mean, there's some people, you know, they they're like, how come she looks so good. You know, and they wonder, you know, like I saw this girl at the gym. She has this incredible body and I'm like running on the treadmill. I'm like, Well, did she look that way before she was on the treadmill?

Sheila 05:05
yeah, it's hard to get people to understand that. The reasons why you want to do this not just, you know, to have this perfect body to there's so many other good reasons, and I'm constantly trying to remind people have those, you know, just your overall health and wellness. And, you know, it's like what Adam has often, you know, said, it's like brushing your teeth, you're gonna Are you gonna stop brushing your teeth, because you don't see, you know, immediate results or whatever is gonna continue to breastfeed.

Mike 05:37
I think a lot of people though, that when it comes to fitness, I think they do give up quickly, I think if they haven't, they, you know, the, you lose weight, maybe you know, how people, they do a new thing, like, whatever, like this, or running or something, and they lose, and they become very disciplined with their nutrition for two weeks, and then all of a sudden, they fall off. And next thing, you know, it's like, it's just, everybody has like, two weeks of, of motivation, and that sort of fall off, or the or they're there to stick with it. And they're, you know, unfortunately, you know, we sell packages, you know, in like, 6 12 24. So people, you know, they're invested in what they're doing, and then they have to show up for their appointments. So, I think you know, why a lot of people after they start our program, they stay with our program, whether they've lost weight or not, they realize that they definitely have gotten stronger over the course of six weeks or 12 weeks and and I think that's one of the reasons why people do stick with us after they come through our door.

Tim Edwards 06:34
So Mike, you're saying that you think it's the lack of instant gratification is why this isn't being screamed from the rooftops or, or wasn't when Adam first came upon this, this this revolution,

Mike 06:47
goals are ever people come in here with various goals all the time. And I mean, the most popular one is I want to lose 10 pounds, I want to lose 15 pounds, I want to lose 20 pounds, and that is something that, you know, we are, we are superstars at getting people to be stronger at manage, you know, getting them to reduce their chronic pain, to increase their bone density over time, and a lot of different things. You know, the list goes on and on. But, you know, with with things like fat loss, which is a is a number one priority for a lot of people who walk into any sort of fitness facility, that doesn't come without any without really having some compliance towards changing nutrition. And we sometimes, you know, we I think we're very good at encouraging and motivating and, and helping and counseling in that in that department. But it's, you know, we're not with you. We're not We're not with them. Seven days a week, you know,

Tim Edwards 07:39
I'm a testament to that, Mike, because I began his workout at the time of this recording about 50 weeks ago, I'm almost at my one year point. And, and in that cool and then in, it took me several months to finally adhere to pillar number two in Adams book power of 10, which is nutrition. I really got serious about my nutrition a few months ago really and and because of the nutrition combined with what I've done in the gym at the Toluca Lake location, I'm now down 18 pounds, because yeah, I've lost a lot of weight here in the last few months, because I finally started to combine those two getting my exercise in line solely with what I'm doing it inform fitness and then clean eating and following Adams protocol inside inside his book. So like you said, you're not working 24 hours a day, but if somebody just applies a little bit, just a few minor changes is eat clean, you will see those results. It's been pretty dramatic.

Mike 08:37
Just yesterday, I had two clients out of nowhere, without any solicitation actually tell me one of them is 61 years old just turned 61 The other one, they're both male, the other one is 53. And they both told me that they've never been stronger in their entire lives in their entire lives. Okay. Both of them, you know, have some fat to lose, you know, they don't have perfect bodies at all. But, but they told me they I mean, one of them, Golf has a priority in his life. The other one just wants to really feel strong and, and and youthful, both of them do you know, and, and that was that was one of those moments where, you know, I was thinking, you know, the gratification of being a trainer is going back to why you know what we're talking about today. What makes me excited about my job you know, is to hear that type of thing. You know, I mean, they weren't worried about me, they both want to lose a few pounds, but they were so excited about how strong they were and comparing themselves at their at their 61 and 53 years to any time in their life. Either one of them was comparing it to the time we played baseball in college and I feel stronger than I did then. You know, I mean, you know, we when we talked about yeah, sometimes like you know you don't those little you know, if you twist your elbow or something like that and when you're 21 that goes away in a day and now it lingers a little bit.

Adam 09:58
This is what I'm surprised about. We hear stories like this day in, day out. It's been covered in the press. And still, it's not accepted still, it's it's still people like, what is that technique? You do? I mean, still only like, I don't know, is it? I don't know what the statistics are. But I bet it's like, one out of 100 people, if not one out of 1000 people really know about this high intensity training thing and and forget about the high intensity training thing. One out of 1000, or some minority people even understand how profoundly important is to build and maintain muscle mass outside of just how good you may look, you know, so when we hear at 61, 71 year old people saying, I've never felt stronger, and more functional in my life, youd think, after 20 years of having people say that and feel that way, for such little time invested, by the way, you think, like everyone else be going out of business?

Tim Edwards 10:59
Well, there's no doubt that the this podcast will certainly help spread the word,

Adam 11:03
Thats why we're doing it.

Sheila 11:05
part of it, you know, to me, it's like the people who get old, the older people, you know, not older, but you know, maybe middle aged shoulder when they really start to think, Oh, I got to start doing something, right. And then they come in, and this is a doable, you know, exercise for them. Even though it's tough, it's the time management is important to them. But I also think that as you get older, you're you have more endurance, as far as like, sticking to something, you know, I just really feel that, you know, people who are younger, they're just like, Okay, I'm just gonna do this, and then I don't really have to do this. But I think as you get older, you're just like, more inclined to just stick to something and you have more endurance than you, like Adam was talking about earlier, you know, in a few podcasts ago about how women work out harder, just something, you know, it's just like, you really have that endurance to give it your all that 20 minutes, and you consistently come in every week, you know, whereas when you're younger, you're kind of like, you know, I could take it or leave it.

Adam 12:11
You know, there's a lot of reasons why. But what you're alluding to, I think, is I just think older people are just smarter, they've been there, done that. And they've made the mistakes, and now, now they understand things with better young people. They don't realize how resilient they are and the risks that they're taking and the exercise programs that they choose. They're they're infallible, right.

Mike 12:29
Wisdom comes with experience.

Adam 12:31
wisdom comes with getting hurt. Unfortunately, a lot of times, wisdom comes from, you know, not seeing the results. But the end, they don't see the ramifications, necessarily what they're doing until later on when it's too late. You don't realize how bad getting sunburned all the time is when you're when you're 18 years old. It's when you're when it's when you're 40. Or the real, shouldn't have stayed in the sun so long. So you know, as I don't know who said this, maybe you can help me, but youth is wasted on the young. Yes.

Tim Edwards 13:00
It's in the movie. It's a Wonderful Life, right?

Adam 13:05
Was it Mark Twain? That's it? I don't know. But But whoever said, genius? Yeah, it's so so true. Mike makes a good point about this idea that people are looking for some gratification and don't see the results right away. And it's not just necessarily even fat loss. That's a big part of it. That's actually an easier kind of pivot, if you will, because then you can really blame the nutrition part on it. Don't even put the exercise, even as as responsible for that at all. So it's not even what you're doing here has nothing at home, this has nothing to do with your weight loss. Other things that that I'm trying to figure out why this hasn't become like this national sensation. And every all the other gyms and treadmills companies are going out of business. People are not turning into fitness models. And these buff specimens, not just because they're not losing the body weight, just because their muscles are not going to get beautiful and big and structured and cut the way we see on the magazines or the athletes. And again, just because that doesn't happen to you, doesn't mean something's not happening. You know, something really good isn't happening as a matter of fact, but you're just not going to look ever like that guy or girl on the magazine cover with or without Photoshop.

Tim Edwards 14:24
You know, I think it'd be interesting to go around the room and ask the three trainers here. We're looking for motivation, right, so So Mike, you mentioned that and I think you're I have to agree with you. I think the fact that the results aren't instant as maybe that's why people aren't screaming it from the rooftops like if someone were to jump on an Atkins diet or say for example, and all of a sudden they they stay away from carbs completely lose a lot of weight quickly. What do you use for motivation? How do you motivate your clients? I'm sure there are different methods of motivation to keep people stay on course, if the results take six to eight weeks,

Mike 14:59
you know it's up It

Tim Edwards 15:00

Mike 15:01
Yeah, exactly. You know, the thing is, first of all, with the people that come in our door, everyone's motivated by the fact that their this, this workout only takes like 20 minutes. All right, that's one thing. And I think that's one thing that they they want to

Adam 15:16
if thats not motivation enough Get the hell out here.

Mike 15:19
kind of is. And the thing is, that's the motivation that gets them through doing something that's hard. It's really, really hard. And it lets them know that, hey, they can get back to what they have to do in their own life and stuff for with anything that you're successful at life. What's the process? You know, do you just sort of wing it? Or do you actually, you know, it, you know, like, if you're trying to, say, for example, if you're trying to lose fat, you have to think about what your plan is, you have to write it down at first, you have to get into a routine, you might need some accountability and some help from some friends or, or me as the trainer or someone to sort of help keep you in line. And usually, it's, it requires a lot of, I don't want to use word obsession, but you have to be highly focused on what you're doing at first, and then eventually, it becomes something that you can probably not be as regimented with, as over time, you know, where you don't have to write it down and stuff like that. So the idea of going to muscle failure, it might happen in 75 seconds, or two minutes and 17 seconds or three minutes, you know, we don't want it to be too long. But the thing is, when it's nebulous, it's very difficult for some people, and sometimes I'll have to say, hey, you know, something, give me four reps, make that clear, I want you to still 10 seconds up, 10 seconds down. But you know, last time you did it for a minute and 35 seconds, and I'm going to raise it 10 pounds. And that should get me a time that's going to be a, you know, what we want in order to show some progress for the client. So that's a little bit specific to performance to when I'm motivating someone to you know, when I want them to perform better on the machine.

Tim Edwards 16:55
So have a plan, and then you you verbally walk them through their time on the machines.

Adam 17:00
Yeah, I mean, that's interesting what you just said, because it is a very specific example of motivation, because it's a very small population of people that need to have that carrot, or that they need to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Sometimes you got to say, Yes, I'm target at the post is just some random failure rate, which is in some range, that mean, just going to failure is not enough for them. Because how long is this going to last? I need to know how many more reps I have. And no matter how many times you say it doesn't matter, just go to failure, just go until you can't go anymore. Some people are not motivated by that, or they're not, were not inspired to do that. So like Mike said, Alright, So Mike, an experienced trainer. So he knows the set of weights a certain weight. So he they he knows that if they can get four reps out there pretty much where they need, they need to be failure wise. So you say, just give me four perfect reps. Now, if it's if you set the right weight correctly, they're going to reach failure for perfect reps. So Mike got what he wanted, and client got what they wanted. And that's a motivation technique to get them to perform to a level that's very uncomfortable and very challenging. A lot of people have mental problems getting there. And that's, that's so so even though there's a very specific example, in the more general sense, what Mike's talking about is different techniques of motivating people to get to the goal. How what do certain clients need? And when you're, if you're training yourself, by the way, ask yourself, what do i What's going to motivate me to work to this level of discomfort? Do I need to have a stopwatch around my neck and just have a certain time is it amount, a certain number of reps? That kind of thing, whatever it takes that to allow you to get to that level of failure is what you should be trying to do.

Mike 18:48
You know, as in our environment, as far as the clients are concerned, I think we are very personal with our clients. In general, when we're working with clients, the nature of our sessions, it's one on one, it's a quiet environment. Without music, there's no mirrors, we're giving directions that are very, very clear verbal instructions, sometimes we have to demonstrate. But for the most part, I think the client is motivated by this unique experience, which is unlike most personal training experiences that people have if they didn't work with another personal trainer at a gym. And maybe that was a good experience. But this is a unique experience. And I think that in itself is something that really gets people. I think people are drawn to this environment when they're here. It's it's different. And they really, they realize that it's it's not the distractions are not, they're not there, they don't want to be distracted. They want to be focused, they want to get their workout and they want to leave, you know, I mean, you know, they want to go back to whatever is going on in their own life.

Tim Edwards 19:45
I agree with that personal aspect of it as somebody who's experienced this for now close to a year and I've had Sheila as my trainer who's terrific, and my latest trainer is Joe over in Toluca Lake, and Joe knows me personally and he knows what motivates me and I love playing softball. So as I'm getting close to failure. He's like we're stretching those singles and the doubles. Now the doubles and triples the triples into homeruns. And He almost hit it out last week, you're gonna hit it out this week. And he really knows what buttons to push with me, the more he gets to learn about my family and my activities, and I really enjoy that relationship with with my trainer because he's able to say what I want to hear to get me to get me to failure.

Mike 20:22
Yeah. It's funny. I have clients who forever reason you deserve to be I have a client who what he's working out, he yells it himself, he calls himself the king. I do sometimes. I mean, I can't help it, but sometimes it does. I go, you're the Prime Minister. You're our president.

Sheila 20:49
Not Donald Trump is it?

Mike 20:56
He's actually did not vote for Donald Trump. It's very interesting how

Adam 21:01
he was asking if the guy's saying I'm the king. Yeah.

Tim Edwards 21:08
You're not, you're not too far from Trump Tower.

Mike 21:11
Voted voted last door. He said, Yeah, he

Sheila 21:15
needs he needs inform fitness. He's out of shape.

Adam 21:21
Fitness, you need to clue?

Sheila 21:23
Well, for each, I, I like having that we all have that personal relationship. And I was gonna say the same thing. It's like, I get to know your client, you get to know what's going on in their life. And you kind of have to psychologically, you know, just say, hey, you know, you're gonna, you're gonna feel so much better when you get out of here, just do. And I do that to what Mike was saying, Just Just give me two more, you know, what, and just try to guide them and coach them through to get that to that muscle failure to get their dose, you know, the clients end up wanting to come in for that, you know, what I mean, they come in, even though they're not feeling that well, or they're not feeling that motivated. And they, they expect us to do that, you know, thats why they come in.

Tim Edwards 22:11
Well, and I imagine too the motivation is different for each client. You know, sheila, like I mentioned earlier that when I first started at inform fitness, you were my trainer, and you have a very calming approach to go, Alright, you're almost there. You know, and so some people might need to be screamed at or screaming that they're the king or the prince, depending upon their performance.

Adam 22:30
that's Tell, tell me I'm wrong.

Mike 22:32
That's a joke. But yeah, that's and that's an outlying type of situation. But for honestly, most situations, you can talk just like this when you're getting and I think when they when you say when you tap them on their shoulder gently, and you let them know that while they're going through their while they're going through the repetition that they need to, you know, bring their elbow down a little bit they're feeling that motivation they're feeling that connection, because you're attentive to everything that's going on in that moment. Absolutely. Give me 10 reps you know, it's it's a bunch of different thing and it doesn't require screaming and I feel like they're dealing with over a very intense situation when they're breathing heavily and getting to that last rep it still doesn't require and I think like communicating like this while they're in that state keeps them you know, as Adam said Yeah, focused and stoic and being able to actually perform the the

Sheila 23:25
it calms them down to their thinking.

Adam 23:28
Yeah, we literally Mike and I were just having this conversation with a client not too long ago. One of my mentors told me the same mentor by the way, you asked me the question about what surprises me in the last 20 years. He said to me a long time ago, he said a trainer that has to raise their voice above a whisper is not a very good trainer.

Sheila 23:46

Tim Edwards 23:47
I like that. I think in this situation as someone who goes through your exercise I prefer that approach not being screamed at and motivated though one time ADAM You did say to me, but you whispered it you said when Adam train you said if you don't finish this rep I'm gonna call your son and tell him what a wimp you are but he didn't say the word when he says something else.

Adam 24:06
I whispered it

Tim Edwards 24:07
you did whisper it

Adam 24:11
well, you know the motivation technique for you shaming. But going I just want to finish a thought that I had because about this whispering thing. When somebody is in the throes of their of the last rep, and they're really getting deep into intensity. It's it's I think, it's seems logical to start raising your voice and say, Come on, come on, come on and start raising the energy because their energy is like being expended so much, and I actually take the opposite tack very often, just when they are like almost in a panic mode. That's when I say them very quietly. Alright, calm down. Calm down, relax, relax, which is really ironic and they want to punch me because like, I hate they are reaching muscle failure and a leg press. Relax, like you fucking relax. Im on the leg press for crying out loud.

Mike 25:05
you know, it's oftentimes a moment when shoulder works and you know, hyperextension of the neck and their shoulders come up and stuff like that. Anyway, you kids, what do you have an opportunity to say, okay, hold it right there, try to drop your shoulders right now hold it, hold it, give me five more seconds. 3 2 1 That's like,

Sheila 25:23
when they hate, you know, when they get mad at you, you know, you're doing your job. Well,

Tim Edwards 25:29
but I'm the opposite of that. I like it when it's calm. And I need that moment I used to my breathing starts to change a little bit, and I do everything I can just to finish that rep. And I know that I fit failure. I like that calm approach. If there was yelling, it would distract me.

Mike 25:44
But that's what I'm saying, that I think they're more focused, and they're more, they're more, they're able to retain a correction that you're that you're giving them in that type of voice, you know, and, and so I thought maybe I know it during many years. And going back to the big topic about motivation, I think that's under the umbrella of motivation is that style of talking to people, while they're going through a relatively intense and stressful thing for a short amount of time? We know it's a worthwhile stimulus, but it's, but it's, it's stressful. And and

Adam 26:19
so for those of you listening to this, don't have a trainer, especially trainer that is steeped in high intensity training, and you want to do this, what's the takeaway for you, I think it would be do this in as a relaxed environment as possible. Don't stress out about things. And, you know, in my, in my book I talk about, I do a q&a in my book, and one of the questions in my q&a is, which is the most important rep of the set? And a lot of people, you know, guess, oh, the first one, or a lot of people guess really, the last one is the most important set of the rep. And of course, it's a trick question, really? Because my answer is the one you're doing. It's kind of like a zen like approach to the whole, it'd be in the moment, you know, and not so and the whole workout should be approached that way. Don't be thinking about what you did last week, how well you're doing now, just do it. Just be in the moment, do the workout efficiently, calmly, work out hard, move on, if you have that approach, you're not going to dread, you know, put those thoughts of dreading the upcoming workout, I didn't do as well as it did last week, got it, you got to kind of meditate that stuff out of your head, let those demons out and just be in the moment and do your job. And that's probably the best advice I can give. Because, like, I have the demons in my head too, I say shit, I gotta work out now. And I have all the thoughts of the pain, you know, creep in, and I'm like, you know, block it out, do it you got to do is once a week, 20 minutes, there was a client that used to walk in, he had a mantra, it was Mike's client. He used to walk in front the door of the gym, and he'd look around and say I can do anything for 20 minutes. Let's go

Tim Edwards 28:05
love it. I love it.

Adam 28:08
Every single there was a mantra.

Mike 28:10
All right, for 20 minutes, let's get over it.

Adam 28:13
We all have our ways of calming ourselves down. Some people might want to meditate, I have a client actually, that goes into an empty room in our office. She can. And she'll meditate for 15 20 minutes until the workout ready to start. So so the what's the common thread here? I mean, you know, relax, be in the moment.

Sheila 28:34
If you do get better at at just handling that intensity, you do get better at it, you just get okay, I can handle this. And you know, you can handle it. And then the next time it's, you know, the more you do it, the more you're like, Okay, I can do this. And then you try a little harder. And some days, yeah, you might have an off day here or there. But you know, overall, it'll just keep going forward if you just stick to it.

Tim Edwards 28:57
So we're getting a little short on time, I definitely want to ask all three of you. If you would just remind our audience how long each of you has been a trainer? And how have you changed from the time you began? As a trainer with the power of 10 and how you are now what have you learned and how have you changed? And this time, we'll start with guru. How about you, Adam?

Adam 29:17
How have I changed as a trainer? Let me count the ways. The thing that pops in my head the most because I started 20 years ago and 20 years ago when I started this I just finished reading Ken Hutchins, super slow manual, and I had been talking to some of his devotees about it. Some of the original devotees and what an intense bunch and it was either do it this way, or you're an idiot. Do this workout like this because everybody else is a fraud out there and You know, and they basically made me feel like, you know, mall made me feel like I picked up on it to be honest with you. I bought into it. And at the beginning of my career, I was a little bit of a jerk. You know, I, I think I was a born again. We don't do it this way, you're an asshole.

Tim Edwards 30:25
I did it wrong, right.

Adam 30:27
Yeah, early. I certainly did it a little bit more diplomatically than that. But basically, that was my message, you know. And thing is, as diplomatic as I was, I turned people off, I turned a lot of people off. And that will that's not I mean, if I'm, if I'm going to try to influence people, and educate people, I can't I can't be that way. And as as time went on, I was much more open and accepting of all kinds of ideas and views. And I might not still agree with a lot of modalities of exercise out there, certainly for the purposes that they purport these modalities before. But I understand a lot more about why, you know, you know, we talked in our other podcasts about intense workouts versus moderate exercise, and the virtue of both the value of both, and when I used to, I used to throw the baby out with the bathwater, so to speak. And it's not a high intensity training. It's not it's not worth doing. And I don't I don't really feel that way anymore. And I certainly don't portray that with my clients anymore.

Tim Edwards 31:33
Sheila, how about you?

Sheila 31:35
Well, I've only I got certified in 2010. So it's been about six years for me. So I'm still consider myself a newbie, to tell you the truth.

Adam 31:45
She was never a jerk.

Sheila 31:48
Because I can't be

Tim Edwards 31:49
I don't think she has it in her to be honest.

Sheila 31:51
But I could say that, how I've changed because in the beginning, you know, I think I was a little more maybe empathetic with people. And, you know, as I've been doing this workout now for about 10 or 11 years, myself, I have grown in how my experience of doing the workout. So that has affected the way that I train clients and just being around like our, our trainer here, Ann who is a very experienced trainer, she's been a trainer for like 14 years. So bringing her on board and having her uh, you know, open this place with me. And seeing how she wasn't afraid to put the weight up. You know what I mean? I used to be a little more like, gentle with people. I guess I wouldn't like just, okay, let's add 40 pounds here, you know, I'd be like, Oh, no, we can't. And I now I'm much more confident in challenging people a little more.

Adam 32:51
You're a little bit more detached in a good way, I think.

Sheila 32:54
Yeah. It's like, I know that people and then John has said this to a lot with his clients. He's like I because he has a love hate relationship with several several his clients, although they love him. They're like, Oh, are you he makes me do this. And he's like, because I know you can do it. I know, your body can do I know you can do it, you know. And so you kind of have to be that way. And I've gotten much more that way with, you know, not feeling like, you know, because people will be the first time they try this, especially women, I guess, because they're not used to lifting really heavy weights. They'll be like, Oh, this is too heavy, you know? And I'll be like, no, keep going. I used to like say, Okay, let me change this weight a little bit to start. And then No, now I go, nope. Keep going. Keep going. Tell me after three reps. If it's too, you know, after three reps, you're still going guess what you just did like over two minutes on that it's not too heavy for you. So giving them that experience of it has been a way that I've developed, you know, into a better trainer, I think.

Adam 33:57
Yeah. So in other words, you you're just not as empathetic anymore.

Sheila 34:00
Exactly. Yeah, yeah.

Adam 34:04
No, it's a good thing. I mean, like doctors have to be that way doctors, when they give injections, or they do a procedure that hurts. You know, they can't they have to be they have to do with authority. They have to just do it. And they can't go Oh, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. You know, right. Sure. Yeah, you got, you got to do it. And that's part of being professional. So Mike, on to you.

Mike 34:24
I've, I have been here for 14 years. And I it's been the best job of my entire life. I've done a lot of different things before that. So but uh, um, when I first got when I first learned about this technique, and wanted to become a trainer, I mean, I was I was just blown away by everything about it. The intensity of it, it's just I've always been attracted to intense things. But I was amazed at how you know, I had a shoulder injury

Adam 34:54
his favorite band is the Ramones.

Tim Edwards 34:56
Good choice

Mike 34:58
One of them, but yeah, But you know, something, the thing that I've, you know, you, when you, when you become a trainer in the beginning, you know you that science is thrown at you, and you're really, really drawn into it. And it makes a lot of sense and you want to teach it and you want to get better at it. And but I gotta tell you, you know, it's, it's interesting, you know, you see new trainers now, after I've been doing this this long, and I think about how I was way back then. And it's amazing. You know, the science is the science, but there's an art form to training people and getting to really know them as people the psychology of how to how to motivate. But you know, what I think I'm most proud of, which just comes with experience and, you know, anybody who's been doing this a long time and cares about their clients, you know, you know, when you deal with a person who comes in with a rotator cuff tear, or herniated cervical disc, or a torn meniscus or something like that, I'd become, you know, I'm really, really proud of how I've been able to help people with special like medical problems and still be able to get them to train very, very hard and, and help them with their rehabilitation work with orthopedist, or their physical therapists and stuff. And it's, it's, it's interesting, because that's just something that even though like a person could get certified, they can do it become a trainer tomorrow, and they could be great things like that just take time and and to really be have intuitive answers and or directions to give to people when you're training them. And, you know, I I'm, I'm very happy to have had that experience and to know that, you know, if someone comes in the door that they're going to be taken care of, by me. And if, and if there's an inexperienced trainer, I can help them understand a little bit more about things like that as well.

Tim Edwards 36:48
Well, you can tell by listening to Mike and Sheila and Adam hires the best when it comes to who he's going to trust with power of 10 and the inform fitness locations. In closing, Adam, we've been talking about how the three of you have changed over the last 18 to 20 years or so as trainers what the industry's perception is of this type of workout over the last almost two decades. I'd like to know what you think the perception is of those of us who are coming to an inform fitness to work out how that might have changed over the last 20 years. And where would you like to see this go?

Adam 37:26
Well, I think this might be wishful thinking. And, but but I really think our vision is starting to come true where people are realizing that that less is more intensity is the king and the real stimulus for fitness and balancing that intensity with rest and recovery, I would have to say more people now are realizing that and are not taking up these long endurance type of activities. Instead, they are saving time saving their knees and starting to accept this idea that you know, maybe I can have quality over quantity and that's whether it's my competition, perpetuating these new ideas or us you know, all all boats rise with the rising tide. And you know, I'm surprised it didn't happen fast enough, but maybe the second half. Last quarter, we might we might see some kind of tipping point occur. And you know, and, and save a lot of people quite honestly so, so I'm hopeful and my fingers are crossed. And you know this podcast, with any with any luck can help with that.

Tim Edwards 38:34
Why don't you give the workout a try for yourself just like I did about a year ago. Visit For list of locations across the US. If you don't happen to live near one of the locations, jump on over to Amazon and pick up Adams book power of 10 the once a week slow motion fitness revolution. Inside you'll find some easy to follow instructions to perform this workout at just about any gym, or even at home. And back here on the podcast. Adam Mike and Sheila can answer a question or respond to a comment you might have regarding the power of 10. Just shoot us an email or record a voice memo on your phone and send it to podcast at You can also give us a call at 888-983-5020 extension three to leave your comment for questions. You might even have a suggestion on some topics we should cover here on the show or might have a guest in mind you'd like for us to interview all feedback is welcome. Thanks again for joining us here at the inform fitness podcast for Adam Mike and Sheila I'm Tim Edwards with the inbound podcasting Network.

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