Noon Hour Of Madness & Mayhem

Peaches and Viktor cover everything from Taco Bell orders gone viral to the strange resurgence of dating via newspaper ads. Should you trust a Crunchwrap Supreme to satisfy your munchies? And does a headline like "Tall, Sarcastic DJ Seeks Plus One" really stand a chance in print? Spoiler: Probably not.

The duo also reviews the world’s weirdest man caves, brainstorms the ultimate lazy podcast concepts, and discusses whether TikTok-inspired podcasts are a new low or comedic gold. Oh, and Viktor casually reveals his unique decorating style—featuring a hutch filled with urns of dead cats and people. Yes, really.

Tune in for absurd tangents, snarky commentary, and practical advice like how to get yourself out of a cop car when you don’t quite fit. It’s another delightfully unhinged episode of The Noon Hour of Madness and Mayhem!

What is Noon Hour Of Madness & Mayhem?

The Noon Hour Of Madness & Mayhem can be heard live on KBEAR 101 weekdays at 12pm MST. Viktor and Peaches talk about a wide variety of topics depending on the day and you never know what to expect!

The noon hour of madness and mayhem powered by Jalisco's, the podcast. Was it last week we talked about this podcast, this podcast idea of talking about commentating on Talk Tuah? Yeah. We might have talked about that last I don't I don't know. I don't remember that, actually.

There legitimately is a podcast called Talking Talk Tuah Okay. Of 2 dudes who eloquently analyze Taktula. Eloquently? Eloquently. Yes.

Okay. I can pull up one of their, Instagram posts here. Sure. Do they use naughty language? No.

They're 2 guys with wine glasses talking about the, drama that there is on Taktula. Alright. Now I have never listened to Talk Toa. I have no idea what happens on that show. So, essentially, for the longest time, Hayley Welch, the Talk Toa girl, she was, mentioning her her boyfriend Pookie or the drama behind this guy named Pookie.

Okay. And he has finally been revealed, and a lot of people are like, don't pursue that relationship because he really didn't want anything to do with her before the fame. Now that she's famous, magically, he's hitting her up, that type of situation. The most recent guest on taqtuah is the legendary rapper Wiz Khalifa. Yeah.

I, I did see a video from taqtuah pop up where she was, ordering Taco Bell, and she looked like she was a little red eye. A little sleepy. Yeah. Like, a little relaxed. But even people were roasting her order of, like, barely any Taco Bell items.

Because when you're under that influence there, you you you really want, like, the entire menu. What did she order? She got, like, a Baja Blast and, like, a Crunchwrap Supreme, which for a tiny, tiny girl that is Hailey, that's probably a lot of food. Yeah. I mean To me, I look at that menu and say, okay.

Yeah. I usually have a number of items Right. If I go to Taco Bell. Now I don't know. She looks pretty small, but still one Crunchwrap Supreme I mean, even if you're only a little hungry, that just doesn't seem like enough.

No. It's not. No. It's definitely not. You wanna have, like, a nice burrito or something along with it.

But I'm looking at their, you you we were talking about social media on Friday. Mhmm. Now if we wanna go viral, we have to start doing our shorts like this where they have the formatting, they have the the caption right there on the screen. They're averaging a few 1,000 views. I think it's just an overall funny idea, these 2 guys talking eloquently, almost like NPR Yeah.

About the I'm kind of afraid to click on one of these and potentially derail this break here. Yeah. They might if they don't swear, she might because I have heard clips of her using naughty I mean, the clip she went viral for was not content we could air on, you know, on KBR. Right. But if if people wanna go check it out, it's talking talk to a Okay.

On Instagram or even, TikTok for the most part, I would think. Hey. You know? Might as well get the the clicks while you can. Sure.

Because once that podcast is over with, you're done. Yeah. And I know it was really popular, like, the first day, but I I don't think it's a top rated podcast anymore. It's not it's barely looked after. Like, it's it's come and gone.

It was a trendy thing for a while. It was a funny thing to make fun of if you if you're one of those, dudes just sitting there laughing your butt off. Like, that was a funny meme is that you would go on Instagram reels, and you would be like you'd see, like, a teenage guy eating popcorn, laughing, watching the brain rot that is Yeah. To talk to a podcast. I mean, there there have to be worse podcasts out there.

Right? I heard of this one called, Peach's Pit Party. Oh. Just playing. That's more so a forced I'm forced to post it because of work type of situation.

Well, Peaches, then you need up your game. You need to bring a I'm starting a podcast that I'm doing myself. I'm recording the first episode on Wednesday. Alright. I look forward to it.

Not really. No. I do. Maybe you can do talking, talk to a podcast title here. About talk to a I review their show?

You review their show? Review my show? And that The the Talking Peach's Pit Party. How about that? You know, we should do Powering through Peach's Pit Party.

Powering through Peach's Pit Party. Poop. Poop. It's the noon hour of madness and mayhem powered by Jalisco's I am Peaches. I am Victor Wilt.

So in our promo meeting today, Peaches, we got to watch some new videos that, Maddie's been working on. These are videos of me getting arrested for the most part. An entirely separate Maddie from your daughter Maddie. Yes. This is, Riverbend Maddie.

She's newer to the company, but she's doing a lot of video content for us. And, they launched a new episode of the Riverbend Awareness Project podcast about distracted driving. So lieutenant Crane and I, you were out there as well. We all got together and did a little skit where I drove the z 103 vehicle, get pulled over, and, I did my I was kinda disappointing with my acting job when I watched the video today. I wasn't acting wasted enough.

I I thought the video was good. I I was more so shocked on how I looked in the video myself just because every single time I see myself, I'm like, god. I'm what what a ugly looking Yeah. I piece of crap. You know?

When he got me out of the car and I'm walking away, I was like, man, I need to I need to hit that treadmill. That's exactly how I looked about myself. Yeah. Yeah. I saw myself and went, okay.

Like, what? No wonder nobody's talking to me. Alright. Alright. The camera adds so many pounds, So I hope Is that cheese con Monday?

No. That's peaches. That's funny because that's totally what I thought. It was like, jeez. I'm fat.

Oh, but the video, we should be, releasing that soon. It's really funny. We actually have a few of them, because we all tried out the the drunk goggles Right. And stumbled around the parking lot a little bit. You hear me in the video going, woah.

Look at this. You sound like an idiot. You can see Peaches try to get into the cop car. Yeah. She didn't put that part in there.

I noticed Maddie, like, only had me squatting down looking like I was about to lay a number 2. Maybe, you know, she didn't wanna be like, oh, you know, I'm gonna make Peaches look like he's too big to get in the cop car if I You have to. That's the whole funny part. The whole joke. Yeah.

Yeah. We'll have to tell her, you know, in that bad boys video. Put a little bit more in if Peaches not fitting in the cop car if you're listening, man. We could put an outtake at the very end of, you know Yeah. That video that I have on my phone.

Oh, yeah. Yeah. Forgot you had that too. So if you wanna see me and Peaches, get handcuffed. You wanna see lieutenant Crane slam me against a cop car.

I'm glad he didn't do that to me. I'm glad he just he I just asked if I could be put in the handcuffs because that's gonna be featured on it's it's actually featured on my Christmas card. Yes. I keep forgetting to bring that home and put it on the fridge. I'll have to bring it to my office.

Yeah. You know? Because I always walk by here. I'm like, see you later, pizza. I'm out of here.

I'm getting disrespected here because the Christmas card that I gave you is sitting on the counter has been sitting on the counter for quite some time, and then Josh said I would put he would put my Christmas card on the classy 97 door. Oh. And mine's not even on there. Well, what the heck? So I spent all this time and money on these Christmas cards just to get disrespected like that.

I should have, just lightly placed it in the garbage today, And then, like But then I would've known you're joking around. Okay. Next time, I'll I'll tear it out, peaches. I'll just tear it into peaches. I didn't give one to Jade on purpose because I'm sure he'd be like, okay.

Thanks. And then, you know, throw it away at home or something like the same with Justin and Katie. Maybe. That's why I gave one to to Maddie and also one to Star too because I know they would put it up high, in their offices. Yeah.

Yeah. I'll hang it up in the fur on the fridge Oh, there we go. For the season. For sure. Cool.

There we go. So, Victor, I joined this group. I believe it's called DIY let me see here. DIY garage bars, man caves, and more. There's, like, 800,000 people in this group.

Alright. It's a whole lot of dudes, some with a whole lot of money that have set up bars in their basements, maybe even a separate room on the 1st floor. And I'm completely jealous of a lot of these dudes, but some of these are a little excessive. Like, I don't need 6 TVs in one room to watch all the sports. I I just I don't really care for sitting down and watching a whole lot of sports.

I mean, I'll I'll see the highlights. I'll see some games that I'm interested in, but I'm not gonna spend an entire Sunday watching all the football games and going, man, these guys suck, and my belly's sticking out. You know, that type of thing. Now what's the name of this group again? I wanna see if I can get in there.

DIY garage bars, comma, man caves and more. There's a bars. There's some that I'm looking at where it looks like a typical college bar. I'm kinda jealous of some of these. Like, I would love to have a setup like this, but I wouldn't call it a man cave.

I just feel like that's outdated and weird. I wouldn't have those tin signs on the wall saying beer only, girls with no shirts on type of thing. You know, it's it's kinda like that weird babe of the day rock radio behavior. Yeah. Real cringe.

Real cringe stuff. Real cringe. Alright. I'm pulling up this page here to take a look at these dudes' man caves. Now, I mean, I do have 2 rooms that have 2 TVs in them, but it's not so I could watch both of them at once.

You know? They they just have a purpose. Mhmm. Now my, you know, man cave, I guess, as you could call it, you know, it's it's pretty cool. You've seen in my basement with the you know, I got a couch, TV That's an awesome sound.

Yeah. A pool table. You know, it's it's nothing too crazy, but it it's got a good look to it. It's fun. And, my living room's kind of a man cave too.

You know, I've got a guitar amp in there. The whole house seems like it's a man cave. Yeah. I guess the whole house, it's very dude. The studio upstairs, it's a bachelor pad is what a lot of people would say, which I feel insulted when people come over and they start saying that stuff.

Oh, this place looks like a bachelor pad. It's like, what what does that even mean? Yeah. Just means Do you want me to have live, laugh, love signs in some places? What are you talking about?

Yeah. It just means your place is unique. Doesn't look like everybody else's boring gray house with the pictures of flowers on the wall. If I go to, like, my friend's parents' house and they go, this is very middle aged white woman of you, That's a little Yeah. Insulting, isn't that?

Yeah. I've been working to make my place just weirder and weirder all the time. I, you know, I have that little it's a hutch that was my grandma's Right. To the right when you walk in the dining room. I had it full of, you know, little pieces of, like, glass dishes and things like that.

It looked very, old lady. I took all that stuff out, and now I've been filling it up with things like, dead cats. They're they're they've been cremated, but that's what they are. Dead parents. I got some someone listening and going, what?

Yeah. Victor has been stuffing in these dead cats into his grandma's hutch or whatever it's called. I've got, 2 dead people and 3 dead cats in there. So I also, added some just weird decorations from around the house, filled it out. It looks much more me now.

And, I got some new lights coming so I can RGB up the living room. Nice. And, I did see your Christmas tree that you posted on our shorts. Yeah. I posted it on, YouTube, and I did I post it on Instagram?

I think I did. I think you yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You did.

You did. Okay. So, yeah, those are my new Christmas tree hikes. I like them. They're cool.

They're very over the dial. Unique. Yeah. They're fun. My Christmas tree is up, but it's not plugged in.

I haven't really felt the need to, you know, plug it in for 2 hours every night and then unplugging it before I go to bed. I'm not gonna leave it on all night. I got kinda worried over the weekend because I was cleaning up, and I unplugged the wallflower plug in Mhmm. And started smoking out the top. Oh, no.

And I went, uh-oh. Okay. If I plug this back in and I leave, will I come back to my apartment well done or overly roasted? Yeah. It's a possibility, man.

If that was me, that thing would have probably ended up in the garbage. I'm way paranoid about fire. Right. So Yeah. It's a little I'm way more paranoid about, like, the rainstorm that we had last year with all that hail and rain out of nowhere Yeah.

Unpredicted that flooded a lot of people's homes because I'd be I was terrified coming back to seeing my place maybe flooded or anything like that. Luckily, nothing was touched. Yeah. I had to battle that flood. I was scooping buckets of water out of the window wells.

But, see, that's also made me not motivated at all to get a house with a basement and decorate that basement. Because I'm like, oh, it's just gonna get flooded here in the near future. Let me just, let me make a moat or something like that, or Yeah. Let me not decorate the basement at all and lock it up. And as many people have learned, most insurance companies don't have flood insurance.

Because they wanna, you know, make all the money they can. Yeah. They're that's what they're all about, insurance companies, making money. Biggest scams. That's you know, why if you're injured in an accident, you need to call the the advocates injury attorney.

So The advocates are definitely there for you. Yeah. They're there to make sure the insurance company pays out, but that's for accident injuries. I don't think they can really help out with the acts of nature and, house flooding, unfortunately. Yeah.

Yeah. So, Victor, I saw this in the radio prep. It had me laughing, talking about how first I don't people in Vermont, people my age, even younger, are taking out newspaper ads to, try finding that special person, the special someone to become their, significant other. A newspaper ad. A newspaper ad out of all things.

They're saying forget Tinder, forget Bumble, forget Hinge, forget all the apps out there. And there was even one guy recently that took out a billboard, and he had tons of responses. So I guess people in Vermont were like, okay. Now let's, let's use, newspaper ads, which I don't I don't know of anybody I don't know of anybody that even reads the newspaper anymore. Yeah.

I'm trying to think of the last time I picked up a newspaper. I always thought it was weird the way that it folds out, and there's, like, different parts to it. It's a weird thing. My dad used to read it when I was a kid. Yeah.

I would have liked it more, you know, magazine style Exactly. Rather than the 4 fold giant thing. Yeah. I remember as a kid, my family and I were, like, gathered on my we were gathered around my parents' room, and we would, like, open up the newspaper, the the the discounts they would have at certain businesses, and they they would circle the ones that they would wanna check out and would go to those stores and try to buy that product. Yeah.

Yeah. Not much of that anymore. That seems like a lousy way to pick up a date. A billboard, people will see. Newspaper ad?

I don't know, man. Why why not try a radio ad or something where you can get your personality out there? But We tried with liberal Jimmy. Yeah. Yeah.

We tried. But we don't hear from him anymore. No. I don't know what happened to him. He vanished.

He just disappeared. He found that special someone. I'm hoping he's, you know, happy as can be. Well, he he had a weird, a weird goal because he was lib gym, liberal gym. Yeah.

And he was trying to find a nice conservative lady. Right. And I don't think that those kind of relationships are gonna work out. But he was still into what those conservative ladies are into, like the hunting and all that outdoorsy stuff. And Well, yeah, he's an Idaho liberal.

Right. You know, like, everybody is talking in recent months like, you know, all the libs need to get out and this and that. It's like, you don't know how many liberal hunters and all this there are. I mean, lots of guys I know that are out there trudging through the mountains Yeah. Chasing elk.

I mean, they're as liberal as it gets. Definitely. Definitely. So maybe that would work out for liberal, Jim. I don't know.

But then you got all the time when you're just at home. You know? Mhmm. And then you get in those discussions. At times like, you know, this year around November come about where, you know, somehow, someway, somebody makes a snide comment and then magically, there's it goes into this whole argument.

Yeah. Thanksgiving would be the worst between those two families. Because for the most part, not it's it's rare to find somebody who thinks one way and the rest of the family thinks the other way. Mhmm. Most of them are the same.

Yeah. Most of the time, family well, because kids tend to follow their parents. Right. Exactly. And they learn from their parents.

So that's that's why a lot of people do tend to follow the same, political ideology as their parents. They're just raised on it. Yeah. Yeah. But what was the point I was gonna make here?

Totally lost track. Well, I I decided to go through chat GPT and come up with a newspaper ad for myself if it were to write me one. Alright. Headline, tall, sarcastic, slightly offbeat DJ seeks a plus one. Alright.

Alright. See, that ain't too bad. I mean, you could just post that in the Life in Idaho Falls group, and you're gonna get more action than a a newspaper ad, I would think. It would be horrible. Like, you see, the thing is that back in the day, you were considered, like, almost a loser if you met somebody online.

Right? It was kinda it was kinda considered last last resort. I don't know. I I think people just, at that point, weren't familiar with it being normal, so people thought it was weird. Sure.

I mean, I I just grew up with the whole notion. Like, meeting somebody from online's a little a little off, hence why I use Napoleon Dynamite has that joke. I'm talking to hot babes all day. You know? But Kip was talking to hot babes all day.

Shout out to Kip. Kip ended up marrying that lady. So, yeah. I I mean, it helps out the newspaper industry if people are buying ads. Yeah.

Sure. I I'm I like that. But, if you wanna have something that might work a little better, ads on KBAIR. Alright? We got lots of ladies that listen to us, dudes, and vice versa, ladies.

You looking for a dude? Throw a contact Jay Miller. We'll get that on air for you. Yeah. I mean, there's, like, ads all the time that I see of, like, oh, there's an app out there for people who are interested in metal or rock or metal, and you can share the same music taste if you match with a person on our dating app.

And I'm like, well, if both of you are listening to Kay Barrett and you don't know of each other just yet, there you go. That sound like a match made in heaven. Right. Right. So it's there's more to the article here.

Should we talk more about this? Sure. Standing in an unforgettable 6 foot 9, I'm Brendan Peach aka Peaches, your friendly neighborhood radio DJ, holding down afternoons on K Barrel 101 is what it says. Okay. You you put the word friendly in there.

You gotta do a little bit of a little bit of revisions. Gotta touch it up a bit, Peaches. So mean outside of here. You see me just, like, hurting people for no reason No. Taking jabs at people.

Oh, wait. That's not me. I'm the one who's getting jabs at all the time from you, Josh, and Jade. I know poor Peaches he's so picked on. I am all the time.

What are you talking about? I'm sitting here doing my show for the most part. Next thing you know, Josh is making some snide comment. But if I Yeah. He's a little It's a weird thing that, like, if I make comments about people, I'm the one who gets, you know, alienated because it's like the tall dude, like the big guy.

Yeah. Yeah. Going against the small, little, puny Victor over there. That's right. You're a big bully.

We're doing all the big guys. Yeah. Exactly. Picking on everybody else. Right.

It's never vice versa. No. You can't pick on a big guy. The noon hour of madness and mayhem powered by Haliscos is a production of Riverbend Media Group. For more information oh, wow.

It smelled of my spit wrong while I was still talking. That's funny. Alright. Okay. Where was I?

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